morrgbaby · 2 years
no movie will ever be slumber party massacre. ugh.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Booklist: Decentering Men, Feminist Dating, & Childfree Living
Books On Decentering Men/Feminist Perspectives On Dating (for the times you're in need, you know):
A Single Revolution by Shani Silver (most important rec, IMO!)
Patriarchy Stress Disorder: The Invisible Inner Barrier to Women's Happiness and Fulfillment by Valerie Rein, Ph.D
What a Time to Be Alone: The Slumflower's Guide to Why You Are Already Enough by Chidera Eggerue 
How To Get Over A Boy by Chidera Eggerue 
All the Single Ladies: Unmarried Women and the Rise of an Independent Nation by Rebecca Traister
Enjoy Your Solo By Mary Delia Allen
How to Be Single and Happy by Jennifer Taitz
Singled Out: How Singles Are Stereotyped, Stigmatized, and Ignored, and Still Live Happily Ever After by Bella DePaulo, Ph.D
On Our Best Behavior: The Seven Deadly Sins and the Price Women Pay to Be Good by Elise Loehnen 
We Are Not Born Submissive: How Patriarchy Shapes Women's Lives by Manon Garcia 
The Seven Necessary Sins for Women and Girls by Mona Eltahawy 
Down Girl: The Logic of Misogyny by Kate Manne
Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling  Men by Lundy Bancroft 
Men Who Hate Women: From Incels to Pickup Artists: The Truth about Extreme Misogyny and How it Affects Us All by Laura Bates
Fed Up: Emotional Labor, Women, and the Way Forward by Gemma Hartley  
The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love by Bell Hooks
All About Love: New Visions by Bell Hooks
Books On Childfree Living:
Women Without Kids: The Revolutionary Rise of an Unsung Sisterhood by Ruby Warrington
Childfree by Choice: The Movement Redefining Family and Creating a New Age of Independence by Amy Blackstone
Confessions of a Childfree Woman: A Life Spent Swimming Against the Mainstream by Marcia Drut-Davis 
Regretting Motherhood: A Study by Orna Donath
No One Tells You This: A Memoir by Glynnis MacNicol 
25 Over 10: A Childfree Longitudinal Study by Laura Caroll
The Baby Matrix: Why Freeing Our Minds From Outmoded Thinking About Parenthood & Reproduction Will Create a Better World  by Laura Caroll
The Baby Trap by Ellen Peck
Policing the Womb: Invisible Women and the Criminalization of Motherhood by Michele Goodwin 
Without Children: The Long History of Not Being a Mother by Peggy O'Donnell Heffington 
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marleneoftheopera · 9 months
Holiday Audio/Video Gifts!
For the holiday season, here are some audio gifts from various shows and one Phantom video! The link to them is here and the info is below the cut:
Happy holidays and I hope you are all having time for some rest!
Jon Robyns, Paige Blankson, Joe Griffiths-Brown, Kelly Glyptis, Matt Harrop, Adam Linstead, Francesca Ellis, David Kristopher Brown, Maiya Hikasa August 22, 2023; London
Tim Howar, Harriet Jones, Nadim Naaman, Lara Martins, Nicholas Garrett, Arvid Larsen, John Ellis, Valerie Cutko, Kelsi Boyden March 19, 2023; Greece
Josh Piterman, Corinne Cowling (u/s), Danny Whitehead, Katy Hanna (u/s), Ross Dawes, Kris Manuel (u/s), Sophie Caton (u/s), Paul Ettore Tabone, Georgia Ware October 17, 2019; London ​Matinee.
Jeremy Stolle (u/s), Samantha Hill, Greg Mills (u/s), Michele McConnell, Richard Poole (u/s), Tim Jerome, Ellen Harvey, Christian Sebek, Kara Klein, Scott Mikita (u/s) March 9, 2013; Broadway Matinee performance.
John Owen-Jones, Deborah Dutcher, Matthew Cammelle, Bruce Montague, Charles Shirvell, Margaret Mary Kane (u/s), Janet Murphy, Jeremy Secomb, Lucy Middleton January 5, 2002; London
Love Never Dies
Tam Mutu, Celia Graham, David Thaxton, Daniel Dowling August 25, 2011; London Tam Mutu's last performance.
Les Miserables
Christopher Jacobsen (u/s Jean Valjean), Stewart Clarke (Javert), Katie Hall (Fantine), Will Callan (Marius), Lulu-Mae Pears (Cosette), Amena El-Kindy (Eponine), Luke Kempner (Thenardier), Claire Machin (Madame Thenardier), Dejan Van der Flyert (Enjolras), Alex Shaw (Gavroche), Clohe Sullivan (Little Cosette), Tom Hext (Grantaire/Majordomo), Adam Pearce (Bishop/Claquesous), Ellie Ann Lowe (Factory Girl), Jordan Simon Pollard (u/s Foreman/Bujon), Matt Dempsey (Bamatabopis/Lesgles), Annabelle Aquino, Hazel Baldwin, Emily Olive Boyd, Ben Culleton, Matt Hayden, Sam Kipling, Anouk Van Lake, Harry Lake, Ben Oatley, Jonathan Stevens, Phoebe Williams, Ollie Wray September 28, 2023; London 15,000th show in London and the 5th show for the new company.
Sunset Boulevard
Nicole Scherzinger (Norma), Tom Francis (Joe Gillis), David Thaxton (Max von Mayerling), Grace Hodgett Young (Betty Shaefer), Ahmed Hamaad (Artie), Tyler Davis (Sheldrake), Charlotte Jaconelli (Johanna), Jon Tsouras (Cecil B. de Mille) September 28, 2023; London
Laureen Jones (I), Richard Carson (Maxim de Winter), Kara Lane (Mrs Danvers), Sara Harlington (Beatrice), Neil Moor (Giles), Piers Bate (Frank Crewley), David Breeds (Ben), Alex James Ward (Jack Favell), Shrley Jameson (Mrs Van Hopper), Nicholas Lumley (Colonel Julian) September 27, 2023; Off-West End
POTO Video
Ian Jon Bourg, Olivia Safe (u/s), Kyle Gonyea 2001; Hamburg, Germany VOB files. One of the most legendary Phantom's opposite one of the youngest Christine's!
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topguncortez · 2 years
How I Met Your Mother- J. Machado
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pairing: Javy "Coyote" Machado x Valerie "Val" Bates word count: 1.0k synopsis: the story of how Javy and Val met. Coyote & Val Masterlist | Opposites Attract Masterlist
“I am going to kill you,” Javy cursed as Jake was filling out the paperwork for him. He was sitting in a wheelchair in the waiting room of the hospital. What was supposed to be just a simple workout ended with Jake accidentally dropping a fifty pound plate on poor Javy’s foot. His foot had immediately swelled up and was now an angry purple and blue. 
“I already said I was sorry,” Jake said, “I got distracted.” 
“Clearly,” Javy rolled his eyes. Jake was expecting a call from his girlfriend who was over in Italy with her parents. He had been distracted since the day she left and Javy was counting down the days when she’d return. Javy loved Jake like a brother, he was his best friend, his wingman, but man, was he annoying when it came to missing Y/N. 
“Hey, don’t blame the lady,” Jake scolded. 
Javy chuckled and adjusted his position in the wheelchair. His butt was starting to hurt from sitting so long and waiting to be taken back, “I don’t blame her. Out of all the girls you have ever been with, I actually like Y/N. I hope you don’t screw this one up.” 
“You and me both,” Jake said, right as a nurse called out Javy’s name, “Want me to go with?” 
“Nah, I’m good,” Javy said as the nurse came and grabbed him, “Stay gold, Ponyboy.” 
“I'll never let go, Jack,” Jake smirked and gave Javy their ‘secret’ handshake before the nurse took him back. The nurse took him back to one of the exam rooms. 
“Valerie, will be in to see you soon,” The nurse explained and checked the IV in Javy’s arm, “Do you need anything?” 
“Can I get one of those warm blankets, please?” He asked and the nurse nodded, “Thank you.” 
Javy looked around the small exam room and noticed his x-rays were on display. He winced at seeing the clearly broken bones in his foot and hoped that this wasn’t going to take him out of flying for very long. He and Jake had just gotten back to Lemoore from TopGun school, and he wasn’t ready to be grounded just yet. Jake finished first in the class, and Javy finished second. They both had an opportunity to be instructors, and Javy almost did take it, but opted not to. He wasn’t ready to settle in his career yet. There were still missions to fly and places to see. 
He sighed and slunk down in his wheelchair, leaning his head back a bit and closing his eyes. He was exhausted. Usually by now on Saturday’s he was taking a nap after going to work out at the ass crack of dawn with Jake. He didn't understand why the man had to wake up at six on a Saturday to go the gym, but Jake said it was part of his routine. Javy almost dozed off as there was a knock on the door. He didn’t bother to sit up, thinking it was the nurse bringing him his warm blanket. But the second a young beautiful woman walked through the door, he was quickly pushing himself up and trying to look presentable. 
“Hello, I’m Valerie Bates, you must be Mr. Machado?” 
“I uh. . . y-yeah. I-I Javy,” He was mentally slapping himself. It was like every coherent thought had left his head. He suddenly forgot how to speak in the presence of a woman who was clearly a lot smarter than him. Valerie chuckled and sat down on a stool across from Javy. She signed into her laptop, looking over Javy’s case and pulling up his labs. 
“Well, good news is your foot is not broken, just a fracture,” Valerie said, “I think we can just fix it with a boot and rest.” She looked over at Javy and he just smiled. She raised her eyebrows like she was expecting him to say something. 
“You’re pretty,” Javy blurted. Valerie blushed and looked down at her laptop, “Oh my god, I am making a fool out of myself.” 
“It’s okay, Mr. Machado,” Valerie shook her head with a smile on her face, “It’s probably the pain meds in your body. But, I want to know your opinion on just doing a boot.”
“I’m a pilot,” Javy said, “How long will I be out if we do the boot?” 
Valerie looked at the x-ray, “I’m going to say eight to ten weeks. But, you’re young and if you do everything as I tell you, then it could be quicker.” 
Javy clenched his jaw. He thought of all the detachments, missions and possible deployments he would be overlooked because of the injury. He suddenly wanted to go through a fifty pound plate at Jake for causing this. It was as if Valerie could read his mind and moved a bit closer to him. 
“If you are worried about this affecting your career, it shouldn’t. I know eight to ten weeks sounds like a very long time, but it’ll go by pretty quickly. You need to be on total rest for the first two weeks, and then you can get back to working out and keeping yourself in flight shape.” 
Javy looked up at Valerie and noticed how beautiful her eyes were. They were like endless pools of honey with strands of gold mixed in them. She also smelled of lavender and vanilla, which reminded Javy of him of being home at his grandmother’s house. 
“You promise?” Javy asked, and Valerie smiled. 
“I promise,” She answered and then pushed herself back away from Javy, going back towards her computer, “Now, I will have the ortho tech come in and fit you for your boot, and I will have you follow up in four weeks.” She grabbed her laptop and stood up. 
“Wait, where are you going?” Javy asked, and moved as if he was going to stand up and then remembered that his foot was broken. 
Valerie furrowed her eyebrows, “I have other patients to see.” 
“But. . .” Javy was trying to think of something to say that wasn’t going to make him sound absolutely pathetic, but he could not think of a single thing except, “Will I see you again?” 
A smirk graced her lips, “In four weeks for your follow up. Have a good day, Mr. Machado.” Valerie walked towards the door and opened it but not before Javy called out. 
“It’s Coyote!” 
“Callsign?” Valerie asked. 
“Y-yeah,” Javy answered, “How did you know about-” 
“Have a nice day.” 
Javy sat there in awe as she walked out the door. He had talked to her for all of twenty minutes and was already so in over his head.
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note: Sundays are Opposite Attract Days, so send in blurb ideas, asks, requests whatever you want! :)
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vaugarde · 2 years
2, 4, 23, 27 and 50 for the oc asks!!
already answered 4!
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
it changes with the week really but rn its predictably castor LMAO. i think abt him a lot
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
first one to come to mind is bates! how she changed is kinda spoilery so ill be vague, she was originally just gonna be comic relief and not important to the prequel at all, just a side character. she's basically crucial to the backstory of the prequel now and is castor's best friend initially (i havent posted art of them yet but!! its been sketched but it got deleted bc it was on a different program but i care abt em so expect em at some point lmao) she's still got a goofy concept in being a merchant that only sells trash but gets just as violent as kecleon if you steal it, but other than that... damn girl
(valerie also sorta counts for this ig but she hasnt really changed at all in terms of Her Deal and personality. its just that she was a side character instead of a main one. she only lasted as a side character for like a day)
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
idk if it counts but goodbye to a world and sad machine by porter robinson inspired me to actually do something with starfall (idea has existed since middle school). so u could say asha and skylar technically hehe. otherwise tho idk ive never heard a song and made an entire character around it. sometimes itll influence what they do or inspire me to tweak their arc tho
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
WAH ok ok so like. once the semester is done (bc holy shit i have way too much to do rn) i may just say fuck it and start writing starfall. im really bad at the outline stage so im thinking if i just write a first draft immediately, then weigh it and do a ton of rewriting and reformatting itll just inspire me to write more and just get it done. im feeling so bad for not posting bc i wanna talk abt these guys in more detail sjdklfjsdf
if not that then im absolutely starting @bugsofpetalroot. that one is very low stakes and will mostly be decided by ask prompts i think, its very laid back slice of life besides the few story arcs i have in mind (which will wait bc i want yall to know the characters first and the first one is pretty heavy) i wanted to do it earlier but i just have wayyy too much going on and i wanna spend my free time on quick stuff like mlp designs.
i also have a pokemon soul silver nuzlocke story i really wanna do!! the run itself is done i just gotta outline and make it fit as an adaptation (tons of characters gotta get cut bc i used a rotation team oof.) hopefully that wont be as difficult tho bc its based on a pre existing setting and stuff. most of the characters are figured out. no idea when its happening tho i have pmd oc brainrot
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hxad-ovxr-hxart · 11 months
Sky's OCs List
fandoms include: marvel, marauders, hbowar, call of duty, agents of shield, peaky blinders, titans (hbo), gilmore girls, friday night lights, and top gun/mav
-Jackie Anders -Kenzie Blake -Cam Lawrence -Ali Reigns -Nika Tushenka -Lia Ross -Bridget O'Connor -JJ Jones -Mikkola Nikitovich -Jaxon Jones -Taylor Van Muyren -Lydia Parrish -Tommy McClarren
-Cassie Black -Louise Griffiths -Collin Griffiths -Hana Raimes
-Jo Mason -Talia Folley -Taylor Larson -Alaina George -Ellie Banks -Jean McCleary -Angie Martinetti -Lia Burkely
Call of Duty:
-Lucille Thatcher -Alexander Kline -Evelynn Porter -Dakota Knox -Jordan Adams -Genevieve Hollis -Lorelei Reynolds -Frederick Hollis -Kara Doyle -Gabriel Chavez
Peaky Blinders:
-Rosetta-Lennor Herridge -Amelie MacDonald -Georgie Sinclair -Reuben Sinclair
Titans (HBO):
-Louisa Van Doren -Gilbert Van Doren -Dakota Abbot -Harrison Bates
Agents of Shield:
-Bailey Kramer -Bryce Diggs -Jacob Lawson -Kayla Newmann -Jackson Porter -Valerie Diggs -Connor Newmann -Caitlyn Moore -Xander Keller
Gilmore Girls:
-Carter Allen -Juniper Foster -Tatum Lewis -Blakely Gilmore
Friday Night Lights:
-Cameron Taylor -Brianna Taylor -Addison Walker -Jay Fields
Top Gun/Mav:
-Sophia Neven -Kade Neven -Jessica Benjamin
-Carmen + Group (Rule The World) -Netelia + Family (Crimson Rivers) -Charlotte + Team (The Basics) -Maddison + Team (Vendetta)
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laughingblue12 · 2 years
Female Figures on Art Day
Female Figures on Art Day
Zora the Sea Witch, Captain of the Blue Skull Bearer Fleet of Pirates Valerie Clarke, daughter of Kyle Leopard Girl and her alter ego, Dilsey Murphy Zam, the Leaf Witch, Sylph Queen of Cornucopia Poster Girl for normalizing naturism My daughter, the Princess PoppenSparkle the Fairy Butterfly Child Blueberry Bates Maggie the Knife, Space Pirate A nudist girl who reads Mickey’s books on…
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More New OCs
Gossip Girl (2021)
1. Rebekah Autumn Ambrosia in Starring Role (x Max or x Max & Audrey & Aki)
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2. Coco Bates in Primadonna Girl
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1. Valerie Stane
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2. Maia Stane
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1. Theodore Queen (x Dick Grayson) — DC Comics
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2. Dinah Holly Queen (x Dick Grayson) — DC Comics
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3. Mercy “Echo” Bowen (x Oliver Queen) — Arrow
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4. Felicity Nashton (x Bruce Wayne) — The Batman
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5. Felicity Nygma (x Dick Grayson) — DC Comics
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6. Josette Cobblepot 2.0 (x Bruce Wayne) — The Batman
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6. Akin (x Dick Grayson) — Titans / DC Comics (TBD)
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7. Verity Atwood (x Bruce Wayne) — The Batman (might also have a titans / dc dick grayson version!)
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1. Aveline Fox (x Sherlock Holmes)
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Oct 2: Returning Home
By Meridies (meridies on ao3) CW: (Non-Explicit) sexual content, referenced death, drowning, suicide mention (breif), alcohol mention Sarah and I sat down for drinks on the second day of fall. The tavern was quiet, but the darkness was loud. I was drinking a beer, a man’s drink. Sarah had fruit juice in front of her. She had asked for something with no alcohol.
“I’m trying to be sober,” she explained. “I spent four weeks in rehab this summer, you know.”
I felt bad, then, for asking her out for drinks, but we hadn’t seen each other in months. I set my beer down and asked her how she was doing.
“Better. I think getting clean was good for me— I’m working at the library downtown now. And I’m seeing someone.”
A syrupy smile. “Charlie. You remember Charlie Davenport?”
I couldn’t remember a thing about Charlie Davenport, but Sarah was enthralled, so I asked, “Is he nice?”
“I think he wants to sleep with me,” she said. “We went swimming down by Craig’s Point last week, and he…”
But I stopped listening. Craig’s Point was the lake by the quarry. Someone had drowned there last year, and it was the town’s biggest scandal for a week until Elsie Bates was caught slipping out of William Hogg’s house in a little lacy thing during the dead of night. But the kid— Frank— was still dead, long after the town had forgotten about him.
I interrupted her. “I thought the lake was still closed off?”
“He pressured me into skinny dipping.” Sarah hadn’t heard me. “I thought I was going to sleep with him, but I’ll see him next week, so maybe…”
I remembered watching the boats haul hooks through the water until they dragged up Frank’s body. He was bloated and stiff. I wanted to feel what his skin felt like after it had absorbed all that water, but I never got close. No one touched him except for the paramedics, who told us all to back away.
Sarah waved a hand in front of my face. “Hello? Anyone home?”
“Someone died in that lake,” I said, “You shouldn’t have gone swimming there.”
She shrugged. “Honestly, I don’t really give a damn.”
Well, I did. “It’s disrespectful to his memory.”
Frank had been in my algebra class in sophomore year, a burly guy with shoulders like logs and eyes set into his face like whorls of wood. The night after his death was announced, I had stared at my ceiling in darkness and thought about how much water he must have drunk before he died. He must have been drunk on it.
“They say he killed himself,” Sarah said nonchalantly.
The thought made me nauseous. “Maybe he fell.”
“Rough way to go.” She sipped at the dregs of her drink. “See, this is the problem with staying in one place— you’re so obsessed with history. You need to learn how to let things go.”
I wondered why Sarah refused to admit to the power of the water. She had to know it, better than anyone.
Sarah grew tired of my moping and hauled me up by the arm, muttering something about history under her breath. “Exposure therapy,” she said, “We’re going swimming.”
I could hear the lapping of the lake before I saw it through the sparse trees, black as ink. The horizon stretched and faded into night mist. Sarah stripped her shoes, her jacket from her skin, and looked back at me.
“Valerie,” she said, voice a knife’s edge, “You’re not really scared, are you?”
I pulled my sweater off, unhooked my bra, and slid down my pants. Sarah was half naked, gooseflesh rising. I could see the paleness of her chest beneath the distorted water.
“Giardia,” I blurted. “Legionnaires Disease.”
“Conspiracy theories,” she teased. “Come under with me.”
I kept my mouth closed underwater. I could feel the water sliding fingers up my legs, to my thighs, to the quiet spaces inside me that had a breath of their own. Sarah struck out from the shore. She was grinning, hair damp. I took a deep breath and plunged beside her.
Two nights later I found myself with Eli, an acquaintance from many years ago who had just returned from the Peace Corps in Ukraine. We had no reason to see each other except for sex, which we had in his bed, his kitchen counter, and then on the creased sofa in front of the television. He looked up at me and said baby, you’re so good, you’re so good for me, and I thought, all men are the same.
I finished washing up in the bathroom. We drank beers together in silence while watching a sordid American drama, and then it was time to leave. No, thank you, I will drive myself home. Yes, I’m fine. I’ll see you later, I will, I promise.
I could feel the places Eli had touched me, his hands and fingers moving inside of my body. Something deep and lonely inside me ached as I drove, and without realizing, I found myself taking the left turn when the right led home— taking me to the waterside. The thing that breathed and pulsed had no voice, so I spoke for it.
“Is anyone there?”
The quarry remained silent.
“Give me a sign,” I said. “I’ll return if you do.”
Sarah told me I was obsessed with history, that I needed to learn how to let things go. But I felt my body responding to the water the same way it had responded with Eli. I thought that Frank was the first and last good man I had ever slept with, and I owed him something I could never give.
After his body was found, his parents had moved out of town. But I heard them speak about the incident only once. He was a sweet boy. Bring him home. Bring him home to us. Their house now stood empty at the corner of Fletcher Avenue and Second Street.
That night I thought about Frank, the blue of his lips. I tasted the quarry water in my teeth, felt Eli’s palms in between my legs. Baby, you’re so good. So good for me.
Frank died three summers ago; that was the summer I first had sex with a woman, her tongue underneath mine, in the bathhouse of the community pool. I slept around after Charlotte left for college. I tasted more tongues, more women, and naturally, I tasted more men.
“A girl is supposed to sleep around,” Sarah reassured me, after the first pregnancy scare. “Stick with women if you’re so concerned.”
Before looking at the result of the pregnancy test, I stared at myself in the mirror and thought about what I would name the unborn thing in my stomach. It would have been the size of a cherry at that point, and I was embarrassed to admit that I did not know who would have fathered it. But the test was negative, and I felt a sick, swooping sense of relief.
Autumn swelled and ripened into full bloom after I slept with Eli, and cold weather encroached upon the edges of town. The first rainfall happened. I cracked my windows open to breathe the sweet, thick air into my lungs. Water slipped inside my home with slim fingers, running in rivulets down my walls. When the storm ended, I saw the marks it left behind, white against dark dust.
And I dreamed about him, the night after the rainfall vanished.
He was rising, dripping, from the lake. Leathery and stiff and slick with black slime, more viscous than oil. Gills opened and closed at his neck. They were at the spot where I had wanted to be kissed once, before any man or woman had touched me. Frank stood, staring at me with filmy eyes. I stared back in silence.
He wanted something, I realized. This was the sign I had asked for a week ago. What he wanted was for me to return.
I did not tell Sarah about the afternoons I spent at the lakeside of Craig’s Point during the long month of October. Besides, she and Charlie Davenport were together more often than not. I heard about her comings and goings from other people. Eli asked to see me again; I did not answer.
I thought about Frank the more I was at the lake. We had never been particularly close; he knew my name, and I knew he was good at algebra. But he had gotten to know my body in a way no one else had— intimately, viscerally. It was the week before his body was found. He had grabbed my arm as school let out and said one word: please.
I was young, but I understood what he was asking for. I was only slightly ashamed to say that I had no qualms. He was inexperienced, and so was I, both messy and complicated. But he was a good man.
I still thought about that please from time to time. What he was really asking for, and what I had failed to give. Please, please, please.
As the sun was setting that evening, I heard a squeaking in the woods. It was high-pitched, and I followed the sound to its source. I nearly stepped right on it. Someone had skinned a squirrel alive and pinned it to the ground. The thing was still writhing. I stared half in awe, half in disgust at the twitching, red-white sinew which never should have seen sunlight.
It would have been kind to kill it, but all I could do was stare in sick misery and slowly back away. When I was by the lakeshore, I could not hear its sounds anymore. All I could hear was the water.
“Did you do that?” I asked out loud. No one responded, but I imagined that I heard Frank’s voice. Please.
“There are better ways to get my attention.” The water slithered towards me, mouth open and hungry. “I keep returning, like I said I would.”
I imagined him then beneath the surface of the water, eyelids slitted and covered with a thin film. He might have blinked at me; he might have reached a hand out to touch my skin. He might have wrapped a hand around my ankle, tugged until I followed him into the depths.
The sky was smeared with orange. When I went back to my car, the squirrel had gone silent.
Sarah wanted to have drinks with me again another night. This time she had ordered something with alcohol, peach schnapps and fruit juice. She didn’t seem concerned by the slip-up.
“Charlie and I had sex,” she proclaimed, “I’ve been meaning to tell you for ages. Where have you been?”
“Thinking,” I answered.
She reached out. “Where have you been for the last week? I went to your house but you weren’t there. It isn’t smart to leave all your windows open, you know.”
“I’ve been at the lake.” Before her expression had the chance to shift, I blurted, “Sarah, do you believe in ghosts?”
Her hand tightened around the glass. She set it down slowly, tenderly. “No,” she said, but it was a reflexive response. “I thought I saw one once, but I’ve never seen anything else like it, and I know I’ll never see him again.”
“Tell me.”
“I saw him the night I went to the hospital,” she began. “I was half dead, dying on the floor. But I opened my eyes to see a man standing over me. His skin was blacker than ink, and his eyes were white spots inside his head. I knew at once that he was death, and he was going to take me with him. He put his hand right here, right on my shoulder, and the other hand at my waist. He touched me— everywhere. And we danced, while I was dying.” Sarah turned and faced me. “I woke up in the hospital and asked about him, but no one had ever seen someone like that, and the doctor said that I must have hallucinated. But it was real. Realer than anything I’ll ever know.”
Then she laughed, high and bitter. “It’s okay if you don’t believe me. No one ever does.”
And at once, I wanted to ask her about who she really was, beneath it all. Beneath Charlie Davenport’s touch and his pick-up truck and the layers of skin she put on each day. Beneath the alcoholic drinks and the man who had danced with her while she drank herself to death and that cold, frightened look in her eyes. I wanted to peel back her skin, to see the ugly, squirming parts of her that curled away from sunlight.
“I believe you,” I said. Something in my voice must have made her believe me, too.
She rolled her glass around beneath the yellow tavern lights. “I wonder if I’ll see him the next time I’m close to death.”
“Sarah,” I said uneasily, “You should stop drinking.”
“I will,” she said, “I know I’ve got to. It’s the poison, you see. I’ve got to bleed the poison out.”
“Sarah, you’re not making any sense.”
“You and history,” she said dizzily, “You and your fear. You’ll be stuck with it forever unless you suck the venom out. I’ve got to bleed the poison from my veins. And you need to cut the rotten flesh out to heal the rest.”
Frank was waiting for me at the quarry. I was stumbling, half drunk. Sarah’s words echoed in my head. She had said it only once, yet it was burned into me.
“You’re here,” I said, “I knew you would be.”
He blinked at me. I pulled my jacket off, my shirt, every inch of clothing. It was cold, intimate. He watched me from the water. I could feel my heart beating in my chest, in my gut. It rang through me like a distant call.
“I’m here,” I said, “I’m here.”
His skin was slippery and bloated beneath my fingers, stiff to the touch, like I had imagined it would be. His fingers were webbed and translucent. When I drew my hand back, the same plasticky, taut skin was between my fingers as well.
I knew what Frank needed, what his body needed. I thought about touching my lips to the gills that pressed open and shut on the side of his neck. He needed something only I could give to him, and it was something that had been given to me many times over, slick and drenched in warmth. That writhing, slimy thing that resides in the tender part of a soul. Frank needed someone to come home to him. I would create that home.
“I’m dead,” I said. I knew it was the way to offer myself to him. “I’m rotting inside. Just like you.”
Frank’s face floated beneath me, drained and still. I stood and did not move as the swollen, slippery skin crawled up my legs, covered my thighs, and breached my body until we were both those awful dark things that crawl in the depths, serpents, reptiles, together.
Please, I thought. I could feel my own pulse ringing through the stone. The quarry breathed for me. It spoke with his voice. Cut the rotten flesh from my skin. Let me come home to you. Please.
Meridies is a 19 year old writer from California currently studying creative writing. They enjoy knitted sweaters, pumpkin carving, and swimming in potentially haunted lakes. They are very excited to be part of Snake’s Halloween Fest!
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incblackbird · 4 years
Heiya :D What are your faovurite movies and shows?
Listen... as a huge film buff, I am unable to be short about this question. So you’re getting a top 20 fav tv shows and a top 40 fav movies (and I still had a hard time, there were so many more I wanted to include) Tv Shows:
1)     Trust (from 2018 about the kidnap of John Paul Getty III): nobody seems to know this show exists and it’s SO FUCKING GOOD! Go watch it!!! 2)     Breaking Bad 3)     American Horror Story (Asylum, Freak Show and Cult) 4)��    Mindhunter 5)     Penny Dreadful 6)     Spartacus 7)     The Haunting of Hill House 8)     Vikings (up until season 4, after that it got horrible imo) 9)     Game of Thrones (for Theon) 10)  Hannibal 11)  Bates Motel 12)  Fargo 13)  Six Feet Under 14)  Kulderzipken (this is a Belgian show that I watched with my family over and over again as a kid, it’s hilarious and I love it) 15)  Misfits 16)  Wentworth 17)  The Walking Dead 18)  Shameless 19)  Stranger Things 20)  La Casa de Papel
My top 4 has been the same for ages so I don’t think it’ll change anytime soon, the rest is sorta interchangable though and yesterday and tomorrow i’d give you an entirely different list, possibly even with some different movies on there :) And yes, 28 out of 40 movies are horror movies (and many others are disturbing even if not considered horror) sue me.... 1)     A Clockwork Orange (1971, Stanley Kubrick) 2)     The Evil Dead (1981, Sam Raimi) 3)     Old Boy (2004, Park Chan Wook) 4)     Das Cabinet Des Dr. Caligari (1920, Robert Wiene) 5)     A Ghost Story (2017, David Lowery) 6)     The Man Who Laughs (1928, Paul Leni) 7)     Autumn Sonata (1978, Ingmar Bergman) 8)     Naked Lunch (1991, David Cronenberg) 9)     Carnage (2011, Roman Polanski) 10)  Saw (2004, James Wan): This is the only one on the list that I don’t actually think is a great movie objectively, but it was the movie that got me into movies and my first big obsession so it has a special place in my heart and I still think it displays a lot of creativity and I wish it could be viewed without the awful sequels in mind. 11)  Vincent (1982, Tim Burton): It’s a short film, just 6 minutes long, but it’s still my fav thing Tim Burton ever did! 12)  A Bay of Blood (1971, Mario Bava) 13)  Sleepy Hollow (1999, Tim Burton) 14)  Hereditary (2018, Ari Aster) 15)  Suspiria (1977, Dario Argento) 16)  The Skin I Live in (2011, Pedro Almodovar) 17)  The Lighthouse (2019, Robert Eggers) 18)  Piercing (2018, Nicolas Peche) 19)  Pan’s Labyrinth (2006, Guillermo Del Toro) 20)  A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2014, Ana Lily Amirpour) 21)  Enemy (2013, Denis Villeneuve) 22)  Donnie Darko (2001, Richard Kelly) 23)  The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993, Henry Selick) 24)  Vampyr (1932, Carl T. Dreyer) 25)  Hellraiser (1987, Clive Barker) 26)  Lost Highway (1997, David Lynch) 27)  Nosferatu: Phantom Der Nacht (1979, Werner Herzog): I love the original as well, but I’m a bit more crazy about this remake 28)  Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992, Francis Ford Coppola) 29)  Brazil (1985, Terry Gilliam) 30)  12 Angry Men (1957, Sidney Lumet) 31)  The Favourite (2018, Yorgos Lanthimos) 32)  Funny Games U.S. (2007, Michael Haneke) 33)  Black Sunday (1960, Mario Bava) 34)  Faust (1926, F.W. Murnau) 35)  From Dusk Till Dawn (1996, Robert Rodriguez) 36)  The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974, Tobe Hooper) 37)  Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988, Stephen Chiodo): probably the most shamelessly entertaining movie on this list! 38)  Meshes of the Afternoon (1943, Maya Deren) 39)  Valerie and her Week of Wonders (1970, Jaromil Jires) 40)  The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014, Wes Anderson) Honorable Mentions: Possum (a British horror movie from 2018 that nobody knows about but that’s super awesome), Hugo (from Scorsesse), Audition (from Takashi Miike), Paths of Glory (Kubrick’s most underrated movie imo, it’s talked about so little!) and Under the Silver Lake
 @moviestorian, @janiedean, @cafeleningrad & @like-a-word-on-a-wing now I’m really curious to know your top whatevers of movies and tv shows! :)
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
What advice/resources would you recommend for someone who is trying to decentralize her life from men (or really anybody other than herself)?
Any books/videos/advice/etc. that you have would be great!
Thanks! Your blog helps me so much xo
Hi love! I'm so glad to hear this <3. Sharing some tips/resources below. Hope this helps xx
How To Decenter Men In Your Life:
Consider the values, goals, and desired lifestyle that feel most authentic to you if social scripts/stigmas didn't apply to you
Take time to become radically honest with your desires as an individual – outside of the perception of men, your family, boss, teachers, peers, etc.
Cultivate a sense of personhood and identity established in your interests, hobbies, skillsets, learning capabilities, creativity, and desire for growth in all aspects of life
Act in your own best interests. Speak up for your needs, and advocate for yourself. Be more "selfish." Don't apologize for what you want and go after it. Act in your own best interests
Become confident in negotiating, assertive communication, and standing on your own two feet. Establish relationships in all aspects that are based on mutual benefit and equitable exchange
Unlearn your self-sacrificing & people-pleasing. Stop shrinking yourself or suppressing your needs to make others feel better or more comfortable
Validate yourself: your needs, desires, goals, dreams, preferences, and opinions. You need to choose yourself every day. Your appeal to others means nothing if you don't like the person you are or are becoming to satisfy the needs or desires of others
Consider the ways you're consciously and subconsciously confining your self-expression and belief system to fit the mold/appease the patriarchy. Actively work to deconstruct this mentality and way of being
Be honest with yourself about how men enrich your life. Not the other way around. Do they fulfill you romantically, sexually, both, or neither? There's no right or wrong answer, except the one that requires you to put on a performance rather than live in alignment with your true self
TikTok Creators:
Melanie Hamlett (LOVE her! My favorite creator/author on this topic.)
Katie Jgin
Rose Hackman
Hope Peddler
Therese Lee (@thereselee6)
Books On Decentering Men:
A Single Revolution by Shani Silver
Patriarchy Stress Disorder: The Invisible Inner Barrier to Women's Happiness and Fulfillment by Valerie Rein, Ph.D
What a Time to Be Alone: The Slumflower's Guide to Why You Are Already Enough by Chidera Eggerue 
All the Single Ladies: Unmarried Women and the Rise of an Independent Nation by Rebecca Traister
Enjoy Your Solo By Mary Delia Allen
How to Be Single and Happy by Jennifer Taitz
Singled Out: How Singles Are Stereotyped, Stigmatized, and Ignored, and Still Live Happily Ever After by Bella DePaulo, Ph.D
On Our Best Behavior: The Seven Deadly Sins and the Price Women Pay to Be Good by Elise Loehnen 
We Are Not Born Submissive: How Patriarchy Shapes Women's Lives by Manon Garcia 
The Seven Necessary Sins for Women and Girls by Mona Eltahawy 
Down Girl: The Logic of Misogyny by Kate Manne
Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling  Men by Lundy Bancroft 
Men Who Hate Women: From Incels to Pickup Artists: The Truth about Extreme Misogyny and How it Affects Us All by Laura Bates
Fed Up: Emotional Labor, Women, and the Way Forward by Gemma Hartley  
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anqelwiithhxrns · 4 years
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HEY UPPER EAST SIDERS. gossip girl here and i have the biggest news ever. one of my many sources, melanie91, send this.
spotted at grand central, bags in hand, serena van der woodsen! was it only a year ago our it girl mysteriously disappeared for a, quote, boarding school? and just as suddenly she’s back?
don’t believe me? see for yourselves. lucky for us, melanie91 sent proof. thanks for the photo, mel.
wonder what blair waldorf thinks? sure they’re bff’s, but we always thought blair’s boyfriend, nate, had a thing for serena. better lock it down with bate, b. clocks ticking.
let’s not forget the final deity that made up the holy, or should we say unholy trinity of the upper east side. we’re sure valerie davenport is thrilled to have her old party buddy back, but with her new it girl status, will princess v feel threatened?
or has our bad girl really gone good? why’d she leave? why’d she return? send me all the deets! and who am i? that’s a secret i’ll never tell. you know you love me.
                                                                       - xoxo gossip girl.
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gatheringbones · 5 years
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[Image Text] JEANNETTE FOSTER 1894-1981. Jeannette Foster has left us the markings of her life: Sex Variant Women In Literature first published in 1956 and reprinted by Diana Press in 1976; Two Women: The Poetry Of Jeannette Foster and Valerie Taylor (Chicago: Womanpress, 1976) and a translation of Renee Vivien’s A Woman Appeared To Me (Bates City, Miss: Naiad Press, 1976) As she tells us, her life long work was sparked by a mixture of curiosity, anger at an injustice and her own courage: she understood that questions about sexuality and its relation to culture had to be asked in a time when penalties for such questions were high.
In her own voice: From the Foreward to Sex Variant Women in Literature, 1956
The germ from which this book has grown was implanted nearly forty years ago when a student council voted one spring afternoon to dismiss two girls from a college dormitory unless they altered their habits. To one junior council member several features of the council session made it memorable. It was an unscheduled meeting and was convened so quietly as to render it secret. The absence of freshman and sophmore members indicated a “morals case”, for in those days the younger students were thus sheltered from evil intelligence. Most striking of all was the utter incomprehensibility of the issue at stake.... The bewildered junior was herself younger than her peers and out side the realm of books was ignorant to a degree incredible today.... why should locking themselves into their room together lay two students open to rigorous discipline? To her private humiliation everyone else seemed to know... The once perplexed junior is the present writer and what follows is a product of her extended search.
From her poem Leap Year Nights, written in 1931:
Come let us live high and gallant days together;
For life has not downed us until we say so
(And it will never down you!)
Side by side to work fiercely until we fall
And in an hour be up again and shout it:
Harder far, to be worn down slowly
Until the sun is brass and the air is bitter
And even cardinal’s call or faint honeysuckle
Can offer nothing worth the having.
But coming back is quicker with an arm
over shoulder,
And lips near whispering,
From Two Women: Poetry of Jeannette Foster and Valerie Taylor, Chicago: Womenpress, 1976. ]
from the Lesbian Herstory Archives, the December 1981 Newsletter
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museswithinx · 2 years
{ text; Valerie with the ginger hair }: it’s all the fancy new friends, you know how it goes
{ text; Valerie with the ginger hair }: see, my main girl kept worrying that all that charm would get me murdered. But I will tell my agent I want noisy, shameless neighbors so the pretty redhead keeps coming over.
{ text; Valerie with the ginger hair }: sorry, my OTHER main girl ;)
( txt ; Barlow from Salem's Lot ) : oh totally. I know all about those fancy friends. I'm moving into a castle next week, actually ( txt ; Barlow from Salem's Lot ) : Murdered? At Bates Motel? Now why would she think that. The big bald guy at the front desk cage with the prison tattoos and the shotgun seems perfectly nice. ( txt ; Barlow from Salem's Lot ) : You have other main girls? I can't believe it. The disloyalty. This pretty redhead doesn't know if she should come over anymore. Hmmm.
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parkersharthook · 5 years
i’ve got a request that i’m d y i n g for someone to write !! peter and reader are dating and he’s against tattoos/doesn’t understand why anyone would get one but reader gets a thigh tattoo anyways and she kinda freaks when peter sees it but he thinks its super sexy and badass
(Peter Parker x reader)
Warnings: uhh tattoos? Nothing else
1.5k+ words
A/n: so peter and the reader are college age and she already had the tattoo he just didn’t know and then he finds out…
“really?” You asked him with slightly furrowed brows.
Peter just shrugged, picking at the bowl of chips between the two. “yeah I don’t know… I just don’t really find them attractive.”
“huh.” Peter looked up at you.
He smiled slightly, “is that a problem?”
You shook your head, popping a few kernels into your mouth. “no no I just didn’t really expect that.”
He laughed slightly, “What you expected me to be falling head over heels with a girl covered in tattoos?”
You rolled your eyes, “no necessarily I just didn’t think you had strong opinions on them.” Peter just shrugged. You went back to reading the textbook for just a moment before you looked up at him again, “So I assume you don’t have a tattoo then?”
He shook his head fervently, “god no! I would never get a tattoo!”
You tilted your head a little bit, “really?” Peter stayed strong. “So even down the line when you have kids you wouldn’t get their names tattooed somewhere?”
“Why so I could remember my kids’ names?” You barked out a laugh as you threw some popcorn in his face.
“Why can’t you take anything seriously?” You shrieked with laughter as Peter tackled you into your pillows, tickling your sides. You writhed beneath him until he finally stopped tickling you, now just hovering over your body.
“because I’m me.”
You hummed as you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down for a sweet kiss, “good answer.”
“ugh get a room!” Peter’s best friend Ned called out causing both of you to blush. You just giggled into your boyfriend’s shoulder and called back to him.
“Technically we did, we just forgot to close the door.” Ned shook his head as he walked away from Peter’s door and shut it gently with his foot. Peter rolled off of you and laid beside your body with his head propped up on his hand. You sighed, “I should probably get going. My shift starts in twenty minutes.”
Peter whined and put more of his weight on top of you, effectively trapping you beneath him. “y/n…” He drew out his voice annoyingly causing you to roll your eyes affectionately.
“peter…” you mocked him well knowing that he hated it. You laughed silently as you watched his eyes look up at you with furrowed brows.
“You’re mean.”
You giggled and pressed a quick kiss to his nose before sliding out from underneath him, “yep.” He watched you gather your stuff around his apartment room before slipping on your shoes and heading out. You called out a goodbye to Ned and continued to walk the short walk to the campus library, the hell hole you called work.
“Valerie I am seriously freaking out!” You called as you sipped your iced coffee. You sat on a stool behind the counter, today had been a pretty slow day. Valerie looked over the stack of books she was sorting to send you a glare.
“You have nothing to worry about! He is head over heels in love with you!”
“yeah but I just found out today that he doesn’t like tattoos!”
“so?! I have three of them.” Your face fell into your hands in frustration. You looked up cautiously, your eyes wetting with unshed tears. “he’s gonna break up with me.”
Valerie sighed and put the unsorted books on the ground before making her way to you, “y/n he is not going to break up with you.”
“you don’t know that.” Your childish retort caused Valerie to roll her eyes.
“I’m surprised he hasn’t already found out.”
You shrugged slightly, pulling your hair out of your face. “Well they aren’t that obvious.”
“then just don’t tell him.”
You huffed, “then I would be living with a lie to my boyfriend. I can’t do that!”
“then tell him!” Valerie was slowly getting more and more frustrated with you.
“then he’ll break up with me.” Valerie huffed and muttered some quiet curses into the air. She spun around and shot a smile that was just a little too tight for your liking.
“Look y/n I know you feel like this is a tricky spot but it really isn’t. Either you tell him and he breaks up with you or he doesn’t. You shouldn’t be with a guy who doesn’t love all of you.”
You sighed and nodded, “you’re right. Thanks V.” She covered your hand with hers gently and gave it a small squeeze, offering you a reassuring smile.
“hey peter!” You called from his room where you were settled under a fuzzy blanket, his laptop seated nicely on your lap.
“What’s up babe?” He was currently in the kitchen making the two of you some hot chocolate.
“I have something that I need to tell you.” You knew that might not be the best way to tell him but you also knew that if you didn’t open your mouth know then you never would.
He walked into his bedroom, handing you one steaming cup and placing the other on the nightstand before hoisting himself up next you. “What’s up?”
“so you know how the other day we were talking about tattoos and you said you didn’t really like them?”
“Yeah…?” he raised a brow at you in confusion.
You sighed, your eyes looking towards the ceiling in some kind of silent prayer. “Well I was scared to tell you then but I think I have to…” The two waited with bated breath before you finally blurted it out, “I have three tattoos!”
Peter stared at you wide eyed, obviously in shock. You felt the tears come to your eyes immediately. You put the hot chocolate down on the nightstand and quickly stood from the bed, trying to collect your things as humanly possible. How embarrassing!
“y/n! y/n! y/n!” You hadn’t heard him calling your name until he was right in front of you, pulling your rigid form into his arms. “I’m not going to break up with you over this.”
You wiped at your watery eyes, “you aren’t?”
Peter let out a small laugh, pulling your hands away from your face. “No. Did you really think I was that shallow?”
You shrugged sheepishly, “well no but you were talking about how you found them unattractive and I…” You hung your head and sighed, “I jumped to conclusions. I’m sorry.”
Peter pressed a tender kiss to the top of your head, wiping away a few stray tears. “Don’t worry about it. I promise you I love you for you.”
You smiled up at him and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips, “I love you too Peter.”
The two of you sat down on the edge of his bed, still holding hands. He looked to you with a certain glimmer in his eye, “will you show them to me?”
You looked up at him surprised, “you want me to show them to you?” He nodded with a smile. “uh… yeah sure of course.”
You pulled your hair off of your left shoulder and twisted your body slightly. You pointed to the skin behind your ear. Peter peered down to see a small bee inked into your skin, “a bee?”
You smiled with a small laugh, “yeah. You know how my grandmother practically raised me, well she loved bees. I don’t really know why but she loved them. She could talk about them for hours, she even tried beekeeping once.” The two of you shared a laugh, “So when she died I got that in her honor.”
He pressed a small kiss to it causing you to shiver, “I think it’s beautiful.” His deep voice in your ear sent shockwaves of pleasure straight to your core and you suddenly had trouble thinking. “What are the others?”
“um… there’s um two on the bottom of my feet.” You stammered out. You pulled off your socks and quickly pulled up one leg to show him.
“X’s?” He looked to you in confusion, “what do those mean?”
“it’s an old sailor thing.” You explained with a fond smile, “It’s supposed to ward off sharks.”
“does it work?”
You laughed and shrugged, “I’m not sure but I want to say yes. I got them for my dad. He was a huge sailor, basically an old sea dog, and he always wanted cool sailor tattoos but he died before got any.”
“Do you get those for him?”
You nodded, “Yeah. He was actually with me when I got them. He was in a wheelchair, already really sick. I took him to the tattoo parlor with me and he watched me get them. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so happy.” You looked to your fingers as the bittersweet memories flooded your brain. You cautiously met Peter’s eyes, “you don’t hate them do you?”
He scoffed, “are you kidding? I always thought you were the sexiest and most badass girl to ever walk this planet but this only proves it.”
You chuckled, wiping away some new tears. “really? A bee and two x’s? that’s what shows that I’m sexy and a badass.”
Peter leaned in and pressed a passionate kiss to your lips, “one hundred percent.”
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just0nemorepage · 5 years
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July Just One More Page BPC 📚 // Day 4 ➜ #Resist.
↳ I don’t own nearly enough books that would make up a good photo for this prompt... so I made a nice, long recommendation post for my fellow dissenters out of the highest rated books on my Goodreads list.
Happy reading, and stay pissed off my friends. ✊
(P.S. If there’s anything I should add, let me know! And alternatively - if there’s anything I should REMOVE, PLEASE let me know!)
We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Fascism: A Warning by Madeleine K. Albright
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander
Brazen: Rebel Ladies Who Rocked the World by Pénélope Bagieu
Everyday Sexism by Laura Bates
Women & Power: A Manifesto by Mary Beard
Choice: True Stories of Birth, Contraception, Infertility, Adoption, Single Parenthood, and Abortion edited by Karen E. Bender & Nina de Gramont
Sexism in America: Alive, Well, and Ruining Our Future by Barbara J. Berg
Gender Outlaws: The Next Generation by Kate Bornstein & S. Bear Bergman
The Obesity Myth: Why America's Obsession with Weight is Hazardous to Your Health by Paul Campos
Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg by Irin Carmon 
Rage Becomes Her: The Power of Women's Anger by Soraya Chemaly 
Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates 
White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo
Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge
Yes Means Yes!: Visions of Female Sexual Power and A World Without Rape by Jaclyn Friedman & Jessica Valenti
Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture edited by Roxane Gay
Feminasty: The Complicated Woman's Guide to Surviving the Patriarchy Without Drinking Herself to Death by Erin Gibson
In the Country We Love: My Family Divided by Diane Guerrero 
Asking for It: The Alarming Rise of Rape Culture and What We Can Do about It by Kate Harding 
Bygone Badass Broads: 52 Forgotten Women Who Changed the World by Mackenzi Lee
How Not to Get Shot: And Other Advice From White People by D.L. Hughley & Doug Moe
Together We Rise: Behind the Scenes at the Protest Heard Around the World by The Women's March Organizers 
Here We Are: Feminism for the Real World edited by Kelly Jensen
What We Do Now: Standing Up For Your Values in Trump's America edited by Dennis Johnson & Valerie Merians
When They Call You a Terrorist: A Black Lives Matter Memoir by Patrisse Khan-Cullors & Asha Bandele
Lessons from the Fat-O-Sphere: Quit Dieting and Declare a Truce with Your Body by Kate Harding & Marianne Kirby
They Can't Kill Us All: Ferguson, Baltimore, and a New Era in America’s Racial Justice Movement by Wesley Lowery
So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo
Blood at the Root: A Racial Cleansing in America by Patrick Phillips
Pro: Reclaiming Abortion Rights by Katha Pollitt
Our Stories, Our Voices: 21 YA Authors Get Real About Injustice, Empowerment, and Growing Up Female in America edited by Amy Reed 
Nasty Women edited by 404 Ink
You Can't Touch My Hair: And Other Things I Still Have to Explain by Phoebe Robinson 
Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity by Julia Serano 
Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race by Margot Lee Shetterly 
On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder 
The Trump Survival Guide: Everything You Need to Know About Living Through What You Hoped Would Never Happen by Gene Stone 
The Purity Myth: How America's Obsession with Virginity is Hurting Young Women by Jessica Valenti 
He's a Stud, She's a Slut, and 49 Other Double Standards Every Woman Should Know by Jessica Valenti 
The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf 
I Am Malala: The Story of the Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban by Malala Yousafzai
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