#V; Gambling Apocalypse
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hancocksbestgirl · 5 months ago
The Raider and the Bear, Part 1/3
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Porter Gage, despite feeling totally alienated from the other Raiders at Nuka World, spending his days and nights alone with his own thoughts, still wants what's best for the place. That's why when he has the opportunity to replace Overboss Colter with a new Overboss, he jumps at it; gambling everything he's built so far on the quiet, mysterious, bearheaded woman who easily defeats The Gauntlet.
The new Overboss is already working out better than Gage's wildest fantasies when it comes to Nuka World itself. Then, as he learns more about her, he comes up with a few new fantasies he'd like to see come true.
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Category: F/M
Fandom: Fallout 4
Word Count: This chapter, 8k. Entire work, 22k.
Relationships: Porter Gage/Female Nuka-World Overboss, Overboss Colter & Porter Gage
Characters: Porter Gage, Original Fallout 4 Character(s), Female Nuka-World Overboss (Fallout), Mason (Fallout 4), Overboss Colter (Fallout)
Additional Tags and Warnings Under the Cut
Canon-Typical Violence, Canon-Typical Behavior, Not Canon Compliant, Brief Mention of Past Abuse, Brief Mention of Past Harassment, Brief Mention of Animal Cruelty, Post-Apocalypse, Alternate History, Romance, Fluff and Angst, Pining, Awkwardness, Awkward Conversations, Awkward Crush, Raiders (Fallout), Nuka-World Amusement Park (Fallout), Fallout 4: Nuka-World DLC, Hurt, Morally Ambiguous Character, Original Character(s), Coworkers to Lovers, Love Confessions, Sharing a Bed, Service Kink, Panty Kink, Cussing, Submission, Non-Sexual Submission, Injury, Secret Crush, Masturbation, Fantasizing, Face-Sitting, P in V Sex, Oral Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Frottage
The new Overboss had arrived wearing one of the most insane outfits that Porter Gage had ever seen.
And he knew Mason.
Even before she had started the gauntlet, Gage knew there was something about the woman, something that would work for his purposes. It had started in the transit centre, when she’d deftly teased the information she wanted out of Harvey - then stabbed him with her bayonet, not even sparing a bullet from her heavy rifle. Then, in the gauntlet she’d been slow, thoughtful.
The Raiders around him, watching at Cola Cars, had found her boring, complaining and throwing things as she worked methodically through the traps. Gage, on the other hand, had been thrilled with every thoughtful step. His heart had pounded as she refused to set off a single trap, disarming them with one skilled hand while keeping her oddly-dressed head up and scanning.
The pounding of his heart had turned to hammering as she’d hid behind whatever makeshift cover she could find, studiously obliterating turret after turret, most before they even had a chance to fire. From what Gage could see, the new Overboss could shoot through corners and around walls.
She couldn’t really, that wasn’t possible. But still… it had kinda seemed that way. The performance wasn’t quick, nor bloody - but it still took his breath away.
By the time she’d reached the locker room, the staging area before going up against Overboss Colter, Gage was so excited he could barely hear himself think over the thundering of blood in his ears.
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getyouraoion · 7 years ago
It’d been a long time since she’d been truly, completely afraid. Not simple spooks, like from a ghost story or someone sneaking up on her, but scared down to her core. So much so, she didn’t dare move.
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Straight-faced and fighting to hold back any emotion save stubborn irritation and anger from her expression, Aoi let her green-blue gaze travel over her new ‘roommate’ - or rather, she honestly hoped he wasn’t, having absolutely no interest in sharing a crappy ‘hotel’ room with a man only known as ‘Hell Kaiser’. He was terrifying and cold-looking on his own, just adding to the overwhelming air of oppression this place held.
“...Y’ n’ gonna break m’,” she finally announced, fingers slowly curling into the sheets beneath her. The only two chairs in the room were on the other side of the room, past him; it made sense they’d just drop her on the bed rather than get too close to him. She didn’t even want to be as close to him as she was, though she had no doubt they’d locked the door behind them after dropping her there. “Whatever they want y’ t’ d’... Don’t bother. Y’ won’t win.”
“Such a nice-lookin’ kid... Cousin, huh?”
Aoi paled; would fighting back too hard force them to make good on their threats? Was it worth it to even fight Kaiser? “What is this place, anyway?”
Somewhere she needed to escape from, and fast.
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modestmuses-a · 4 years ago
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@bystcrdust​ said: “« you are missing a golden opportunity to sever my arm while i’m preoccupied with overconfident blather. » //five time >:)”
homestuck? in MY 2020? (aranea) | accepting
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“Trust me, I’m not missing anything,” he says.  “If I wanted your arm severed, it’d be severed, but I’m feeling generous today, given the circumstances.”  As much of a pest as she can be, it is (unfortunately) not worth mortally wounding her over.
“You really have nothing better to do than pick fights you can’t win.  Don’t most kids your age have—I don’t know—hobbies?  Even alien kids?”
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cyberstyled · 7 years ago
Right it’s headcanon time - I’ve had this thought pinging around in my head all day >.> 
(for this AU) Ryo brought his Cyber Dragon deck to the Underground, with the intention of using them there, too, but never really had the heart to field them. Something just felt... Wrong, about doing it. 
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itsallmadonnasfault · 3 years ago
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I think most NFTs are inherently stupid: They’re a high-stakes gamble at best and a get-poor-quick tactic for the crypto-addicted at worst. Couple that with the fact that the NFT market has plunged from its gaudy beginnings, and you’ve got a surefire strategy for attracting the shame nun to your front door. Given such dire circumstances, it’s unclear why Madonna, in “peak Boomer” behavior, would choose this particular moment to launch three NFTs featuring 3D models of her naked vagina.Yet, I am here to defend our material girl’s non-material vag art, because who’s to say Madonna’s cooch won’t be the thing to save us all in the end? Won’t be me, and it definitely shouldn’t be the perennially online incels who consider dunking on “aging” women to be a competitive sport.
The NFTs are provocative, sure, but most brilliant art is. One features the naked Madge holding up a robotic centipede on her arm. The second shows a giant tree branching out of her vagina. And the third has her sitting atop an abandoned tank while birthing a kaleidoscope of butterflies—lights flicker behind her as buildings tumble to the ground in what can only be described as the one true prophecy of how our world will end. The apocalypse is upon us and here’s Madonna—tits up, nips out, and red lipstick on.“I’m doing what women have been doing since the beginning of time, which is giving birth,” the pop icon said of the piece in an Instagram video. “But on a more existential level, I’m giving birth to art and creativity and we would be lost without both.” Madonna: America’s beloved chanteuse, purveyor of time going by so slowly, and, apparently, the world’s next Jean-Paul Sartre.
To back up for a moment, for those of you who aren’t deeply in touch with the non-fungible token community (I wish this for absolutely none of you), the 63-year-old icon announced on Tuesday that she had collaborated with digital artist Beeple to create three pieces of NFT artwork entitled “Mother of Creation,” with the proceeds going to charities National Bail Out, V-Day, and Voices of Children. The auction ends Friday and the current highest bid for one of the pieces is over $29,000.
But given that our society hates women, and really hates aging women, a bunch of keyboard warriors took it upon themselves to pillage the internet and let it be known that they really REALLY hate famous, aging women. The backlash ranged from calling Madonna “cringe” and screaming “no one asked for this” to pronouncing she’d gotten “really desperate for attention in her old age.” The New York Post’s resident pearl-clutcher even called the NFTs “porn” and said they were her “latest filthy attention grab.” Meanwhile, a Crypto Twitter member griped that mother nature should “not wear make-up” and have “fake tits and hair.”Sadly, for a particular breed of men, women existing nude online, whether in this universe or the meta one, should only take place when in service to their needs. And often, they just don’t need a woman over 25.
The truth is that whether Madonna was wearing granny panties and a wool sweater, or if her 3D body showed even a singular wrinkle in her labia, she would still get pilfered as an attention-seeking whore, because men can’t stand women who understand the innate power of their bodies. Not to mention that women—especially older women, and namely, rich, powerful, and famous women—promoting their birthing bodies as the center of the universe (WHICH THEY ARE) often serves as an affront to the confidence of men who require women to stay docile, thin, constricted, and pliant. Madonna is none of those things. She is mother earth, mother of the virgins, and mother of rock and roll. Those who can’t see that her graphically exquisite vagina will probably save humanity from itself can take a swan dive into the Styx River, where Hades and the underworld await them.
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eightiesfinalgirl · 4 years ago
okay I'm calling it, hotel oblivion is going to be styled like an old Las Vegas hotel. Neon lights out in the desert with horses and cars parked together, a huge ass casino great for fighting.
Access to alcohol and gambling sounds detrimental to klaus and allison, who have both been shown to have addictive personalities. They are charming as well, which im positive will come in handy with getting out of the hotel. LET THEM MOURN DAVE AND CLAIRE! please let s3 be centric to them somewhat.
luther will most likely have the easiest time there, considering his time with jack ruby in the club and being used to isolation, revels in any human contact despite the circumstances.
diego will analyze everything and be heartbroken over the loss of both lila and patch, but seeing his somewhat fondness of vanya in s2 we better see them training her powers together.
vanya, you gotta big storm coming. her finally getting her powers plus memories back in what? two months? give her the violin and destroy shit all while having bonding time with diego and coming to terms with you know, almost killing allison and then causing the apocalypse.
e v i l f i v e. let him go apeshit because no one fucking listens to him.
ben is a sparrow. well fuck.
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believerindaydreams · 3 years ago
Today in (non) Commonwealth adventures: with the help of his friends Boone has been mostly cheesing a very good quest mod, Secret of Huntress Manor, that gives me a reason to swim around Maine for totally new reasons. V nice and big mod, hits all the right notes for a Lovecraft horror (which, I mean, I love you DiMA but your Synth colony is too cosy to be Lovecraft. Or will be by the time I finish building a nice settlement...once I get there...anyway. Some astonishingly good dialogue for a mod, fully Beth quality (lol) and a few genuine surprises. It's not often I burn three Stealth Boys in one fight.
Anyway had forgotten how indispensable Aquaboy is up north. It turns a rad source into your best way to hide from fog.
Then took a break for the Mojave again. I kinda dislike the rad storm weather that the modders put in, but it does look v v good so. And there are radiation arches in all three settlements now, a couple of top notch stores now, so. I still don't have gambling money, what with replacing all my settler's guns with decent 10mm pistols instead of those nasty pipe things...and purified water and a snack and a bottle of booze...a welcome package makes the whole "now you'll do whatever I assign you" thing less weird.
Though I did install a mod that lets settlers shop and now I have to wait in lines. Amazingly inefficient and yet I did this on purpose.
Deacon got a Molotov cocktail and has now had it taken away again. I am resuming the Railroad storyline to make him happy and also so I'm not knee deep in off world squid when Cass' new Brahmin cage catches something. Cowgirl apocalypse etc.
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radramblog · 4 years ago
Radiohead Retrospective Part 4: We’ve got heads on sticks
Your name is Thom Yorke. You’ve just released what is considered one of the best albums of the 90s, if not of all time, and you’ve achieved a level of fame that at least one band member considers akin to the Beatles. Through the release of OK Computer, you’ve proven that even if people are pretty much over Oasis at this point, British rock bands still rule the airwaves. You’re also stressed the fuck out over just about all of this, and having a very hard time accustoming to the life of a celebrity- let alone the usual mental health issues.
What will you do?
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Apparently, the answer was to write the fourth album to be as far away from the previous few as possible, seeking influence from IDM groups like Aphex Twin, jazz stuff, and just some bizarro instruments and experimentation and leaving a lot of the “rock” stuff behind. The primary genre listed for Kid A is usually Electronica or Ambient, with various off-kilter rock subgenres lagging behind, crying “you’re still gonna do guitars and stuff, right?”
Well…not as much anymore. But this era of Radiohead, this career-suicidal swerve, still proved monumentally successful, and showed that the band still had it, and that sometimes artistic risks do pay dividends.
A side note: I usually link music videos for the tracks I discuss as part of each post, as you’ll have seen in previous parts of this series. Kid A, however, doesn’t have any singles, and it sure doesn’t have any music videos. So…maybe just listen yourself. I’m probably in over my head here anyway.
I think the first 5 notes of Everything In Its Right Place are some of the most iconic in all of music.
Some personal background- Kid A was the first Radiohead I ever listened to. A particular cool and good mate of mine was a fan in high school, but I’d never listened to them at all, and I trusted his opinion musically, so I went to buy one of their CDs the next time I was at the shop. And for whatever reason, the cheapest one was Kid A at 10 bucks, and I didn’t want to gamble more than that, so that’s the one I got.
So the opening notes of Everything In Its Right Place were the first Radiohead I ever heard. And considering how much I obsessed over this band, in high school and beyond, it’s no surprise that this song is one of my favourites.
Not only did this song introduce me to Radiohead, it was effectively a gateway track for electronic music in general. This was the early 10s, and the majority of what I knew as electronic stuff was the EDM that was drowning the airwaves at the time. I hated that stuff out of principle, because being a hipster like that was definitely a personality. I don’t think I would ever have gotten into Vaporwave, into IDM, or into any electronic music the way I eventually would were it not for Everything In Its Right Place.
Now that I’ve spent 250 words talking about myself and not the actual song, we should probably stop that. Everything In Its Right Place is defined by this steady build of layering vocals and effects onto the relatively calm synth line, distorted vocals and word salad lyrics and manipulated noises growing and getting more chaotic before it just stops- the vocals fade out, the effects drop, and you’re left with the synth line- except it’s been slowly changing itself the whole time, and you don’t realise because you’ve been distracted by everything else at the same time.
It’s worth noting (and I don’t know if this was the case with OK Computer, because I don’t have an original copy of that one) that this was an album without liner notes, without the lyrics in the cover booklet. But at least in this case, the lyrics don’t matter as much as the v i b e. At least, that’s what I think.
On the topic of unintelligible lyrics, Kid A has a title track! I believe literally two Radiohead albums do this, the other being The Bends (though Hail to the Thief and In Rainbows do appear as lyrics). The song itself is an ambient, quiet piece that feels something like a twisted nursery tune- incredibly affected vocals, a syncopated (?) percussion, and a synth (I think???) that…I don’t know how to describe it, but it feels nursery-rhyme-y. If you’ve heard this song a few times, or you know what to listen for, you can piece together the lyrics somewhat- and they are, frankly, kind of unsettling. What is standing in the shadows at the end of your bed, can it please leave? And imagery of the Pied Piper is always either extremely silly or extremely unnerving, with this clearly leaning towards the latter. There’s a lot going on here- especially for a track most probably wouldn’t listen to outside the context of the full album. I know I generally don’t- not the kind of thing I generally am in the mood for.
 We’re at 850+ words, and we’re only up to The National Anthem? Fuuuuck. Well, anyone who wasn’t on board the IDM train can at least appreciate this one more, it’s got an actual bassline. A killer one, at that, that drives the whole track. Well, you know, that and the B R A S S. Seriously, it sounds like they invited a marching band to this bad boy. The combination ends up sounding mostly like controlled chaos, a jazz band traffic jam wound together by that B A S S. But the bass can’t hold it forever, and eventually that shit breaks free and just, it just honks all over the place.
I’m frustratingly running out of things to say about this song I really like, as opposed to the other songs I really liked. Unfortunately, ya boi forgot to take his neurotypicalification pills today, and so I’m getting very distracted. Hopefully, that slightly unhinged nature suits the album somewhat.
The next song, How To Disappear Completely, is a Big Mood with a fun story attached. The main lyrics- I’m not here, this isn’t happening- were allegedly something none other than Michael Stipe from R.E.M. told Thom to help him deal with that massive stage fright that came with Getting Big. Fun trivia aside, this song is gorgeous, luscious with massive strings, an acoustic bend, aethereal vocals, and a background drone running through the thing that makes sure your hair is always a little on end through the thing. It’s a song whose lyrics are an attempt to escape anxiety, whose instrumentation serves more to reinforce it- a calm, melodic piece that builds into nervous swells and threatening strings. A song about fighting your fear, and losing.
Fuck me it’s a bit depressing isn’t it. It’s potentially the most emotionally revealing song the album has- a lot of the lyricism on other tracks is more metaphorical, or subtle, but the meaning in How To Disappear Completely is evident even just from the title. You get lost in the strings and they go from calming, to imposing, to downright menacing (and then back again) in the song’s final minute.
Treefingers, on the other hand, has a lot less to say, and by that I mean it’s an instrumental. A very atmospheric, ambient one, and thereby one I don’t have a lot to say about. I’m not sure I’m particularly good at commenting on regular music, but this kinda thing is a whole different animal. I have no idea how to interact with discussing this. I like it? I will say, that one note right at the end, that echoes for a bit, the one piece of clarity in this muddled, reverbed sphere, feels especially poignant, for reasons I cannot describe.
We go from ambient instrumental to arguable the most rock-song-like track on this album, Optimistic, certified banger that it is. Some might argue that it doesn’t fit here, but like, did they even hear the lyrics? The bridge? It more that deserves its place on one of the best albums around. The little way the guitar scales up during the chorus is excellent, the proggy drums and riffs are glorious, it’s just a very good rock song.
Also this is the first song with the lyric “dinosaurs roaming the earth”, which, aside from being a bit of a non-sequitur, would return two albums later. And I’m really looking forward to that one.
In Limbo is a song I kind of always forget exists until I hear it again. It’s antimemetic, the way the song goes slipping from my mind until I hear those opening notes again. I’m going to be honest, it’s probably because it’s also the most mid song on the album. Far from bad, but it isn’t doing anything that How to Disappear Completely or Optimistic aren’t doing better. If I had to remove any track from this album, it might be this one?
Watch me get fucking lynched from the fandom for that one, if I ever post this to r/Radiohead or whatever. Which I might, though as much as I’d like more people to read my things I’m also extremely anxious about the potential response. Like the album I’m discussing today, I’m terrified of fame.
Incidentally, In Limbo is also the shortest track on the album (Treefingers beats it by 11 seconds), though this isn’t initially obvious online at least, because people keep messing with Motion Picture Soundtrack. But we’re not there yet, hang on.
We go from the forgettable (to me) In Limbo to the utterly mesmerizing Idioteque. Anxious but danceable, confusing but emotive, messy but tightly controlled. I love this fucking song to death. The reason I got the particular Radiohead poster that I did was because it has lyrics from this on it.
I’ve heard that lyrics for this album were largely pulled from a hat, and nowhere is that more clear than here (or maybe Everything In Its Right Place). Despite this, there’s a pretty clear theme in them, a continuation of some of the themes of this and the last albums. A condemnation of wealth and cowardice in the face of ecological disaster. In the form of an apocalypse disco.
What a lot of people don’t know about this track is that it actually samples an extremely old electronic music piece- one written in 1973, on a particularly old computer. The track, mild und leise, is a very interesting track considering its age- I’m reminded of Selected Ambient Works by Aphex Twin- not so much musically, but about how that reason was as influential as it was because it was the first time songs had sounded like that, because it was the first time songs could sound like that- I suppose it’s somewhat similar in that way, if older. These pieces and their composers inexorably linked by the allure of technology, and how that could be used to define new eras in music history- in Radiohead’s case, it certainly defined the next few albums in their lifespan.
Jesus mild und leise is long, it’s still going as I write this. I need to get back to Kid A, man!
Idioteque leads directly into Morning Bell, admittedly another less memorable song. Largely percussion lead, plenty of falsetto, and with a very unsubtle theme if you listen to the lyrics. I recall seeing someone saying that “cut the kids in half” was a really surprising and spooky line, and, yeah, sure, it sort of is, but it’s only particularly bad if you don’t pay attention for the rest of it. It’s about divorce, dude, it’s not subtle.
Or apparently not, according to one interview, but Thom said the interpretation isn’t invalid, so haha still winning baybeeeee.
I think the only part of this I really can’t do without is the outro, because the last minute and a half of this song is really cool. The mumbled lyrics go really well with the rising percussion and eerie effects that end the track.
Our final song is Motion Picture Soundtrack, or, Exit Music (for Walt Disney’s Depression Nap). This and Street Spirit I think are what really cement Radiohead’s reputation for brutal closers, both of them being tragic but hauntingly beautiful in different ways. In this case, it’s the instrumentation- glittering harps attempting the echo 50s Disney. There’s actually a version of this song from the OK Computer era with extremely different instrumentation, piano rather than organ, and no harps (and a third verse that is utterly brutal). Regardless, this is the song they chose to close the apocalypse that Kid A is on- the final lyric being “I will see you in the next life”, as the glittering echoes into the night. Poignant and tragic, but a little hopeful- the next life hopefully won’t have the struggles and pain of this one.
And then, of course, there’s the hidden track. Nicknamed Genchildren by some (that’s just the username of the dude who uploaded it to Napster back in the day), officially known as Untitled, and the true closer to the album. With Spotify slapping it right at the end of Motion Picture Soundtrack, it’s not clear the true nature of this song- it’s actually hidden on the original album, after several minutes of silence, just long enough that you’ve forgotten you left the player running (or you’re still crying from Motion Picture Soundtrack). I don’t think there’s a real word for what this sounds like other than heavenly, and incredibly brief piece I’ve heard compared to the pearly gates. After all, if we end on “I will see you in the next life”, then what can this be but that?
 Thus closes Kid A, a gorgeous and powerful album, yet an insane swerve for any rock band to pull, not just Radiohead. A bold strategy, and yet it paid off for them- Kid A would not only be massively influential, it was also massively successful both critically and commercially- but not to the standard of OK Computer before it. But they obviously weren’t trying to do OK Computer part 2, just as that album was deliberately not The Bends part 2.
Kid A would pretty much get a Part 2, though, less than a year later. And it’s that album we’ll be discussing next week, obviously. Until then.
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gynoidwren · 5 years ago
For a few days, I could like feel myself grab onto something that I knew would fix everything if I could just hold onto it. It was like suddenly everything changed, and I was so happy. I was so much better! I was like a completely different person. But now it feels like it’s starting to slip again. I guess I’m not quite as good at this as I thought. And like I’ll keep trying, I’m not giving up, but idk where to go from here. It’s all so complicated.
Honestly it’s easy to see how helping ppl can so easily give you a giant ego, or make you pity ppl. And obvs. I knew it would be b/c like this is why I am, but it’s...a v. depressing time to be trying to change the world. Especially here. I don’t think I’ve ever hated this city so much, it’s just so completely poisoned by apathy. Fucking gentrification. And then god, when you make this shit your life, you become such a workaholic. I don’t know how to just sit around and watch a movie anymore. I can never put down my phone, even when it’s doing nothing, like I’m just always waiting for a response to something. Every setback makes you feel like you’re letting everyone down. And there’s a lot of setbacks. I’m so scared to talk about my life, it always feels like a gamble. Living in this incredibly hostile post-apocalypse hellworld means that everything is always so dangerous, and every risk you take like reverberates into everyone around you. My confidence is like bouncing up and down.
There are so many weird pitfalls on the road to becoming a good person that I never expected.
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thewincestgospel · 5 years ago
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Adam deserved better….
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but that last episode was pretty damn good so with that in mind how about a list of stories that feature baby boy Adam Milligan Winchester
Boston's Saints by   NaughtyPastryChef  Sam and Dean Winchester are a little rude, a little crude and would rip the world apart to save each other. A Wincest retelling of the movie Boondock Saints.        
The Brother Kings  by keep_waking_up   There were stories about them.  The Brother Kings of Winchester.    
Brother Mine by etrix John was out on a hunt when the call came: Kate Milligan was dead, and John was named in her will as the guardian of her son—his son—Adam. Pissed but knowing his duty, Dean pulled Sam out school during exam week, and they went to Windom in the thick of the Minnesota winter. 7-yr-old Adam was a lot like Sammy at that age, but Dean wasn't ready to accept him as another Winchester. Then the boy's life was threatened and all bets were off.
Dean Winchester vs. the World  In order to date his brother, Dean Winchester has to defeat Sam's seven evil exes. Inspired by Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.
Flowers in the Impala by Evandar Kate wants them to be a family - really, she does - but there's something wrong with John's boys. 
Gamble on a Little Sorrow  by  nigeltde   Adam wakes up in hospital after the events of Jump the Shark, his mother dead, his face cut up, and his right arm gone from the elbow. His life destroyed and out of his depth, he joins his new half-brothers on the road to the apocalypse. They introduce him to Ellen and Jo, and Bobby; they teach him how to shoot, and lie, and be a Winchester. But Sam and Dean are dealing with their own demons, and the cost of war is heavy.       
It's a Long, Long Road by  Twisted-Slinky   Pre-series AU. Dean's sleeping off a hunt when he gets a call from a kid claiming to be his half brother. The weirdest part? It's true. He's already had one brother leave him, and Dean doesn't want to chance another rejection from his own blood, but for some reason, he can't simply forget Adam Milligan exists, even if he knows it would probably be safer for both of them.      
Keep This Secret  by ellerkay Sam and Dean travel to the fairy realm hoping to make a deal to get Adam released from the Cage. The price: their shared secret.                
Living Like a Fucking Happy Family by Eipos John killed the Yellow-Eyed Demon. The Winchester's mission is done. So John brings his boys to Kate and Adam to try and have a normal family.However, Sam and Dean don't know how to live normally. They've been on the run all their lives. They know how to kill a monster in fifty different ways. They don't know how they're supposed to let John and Kate take care of them. They don't know how to stop looking over their shoulder.But they have each other and that's not going to change.
The Middle Child by  morrezela   In a world where all three Winchester brothers made it out of that building without becoming angel suits, Sam has to adjust to his new role in Dean’s life and Adam’s obsession with his sex life.
Pendulum's Resolve  by  bluebells  Adam doesn't want to upset the delicate balance between his brothers, but said brothers have stubbornness issues.
Shell Game by rivkat   Sam and Adam Winchester know when they’re being conned. Problem is, this new guy Dean Milligan seems to really be their half-brother. Adam is unamused, Sam is unfazed, and Dean is inappropriate.            
SkyFall V.1 by SilasSolarius   Summary: AU! Post Season 7. After failing save Castiel from the leviathans, the boys find themselves awakening in the past, in the time before Dean made the deal and their father is still alive. Can the handle juggling the knowledge of the impending apocalypse, their horrible future, and Sam's broken mind, all the while hiding their more than brotherly relationship from their suspicious father.                                    
We Make Our Own Future by Eilonwy_the_white   In an A/B/O universe where there are two genders (male/female) and three designations, life could be better for an om. Federal and state laws are restrictive, making life for an unmated omega all but impossible to navigate. Sam Campbell and Dean Winchester meet when Dean is enrolled with his younger brother, Adam, in a boarding school that trains alphas to be hunters. Adam and Dean's father, John, is a transient hunter while Sam's grandfather is a powerful official with the Federal Department of Hunters, but despite their differences the three young boys become friends. When Dean presents unexpectedly as an omega and is expelled, his friendship with Sam is fundamentally changed. Dean goes on to be a hunter and Sam goes off to college, returning to the life after a few years.Now all grown up and active hunters themselves, Sam and Dean hate each other. Or do they...? One night, a hotel room, and a Lord of the Rings drinking game are about to change everything.
the world will end in fire  by: a.lakewood Sam and Adam fall into a clandestine relationship, and the strain of the job and the secret eventually takes its toll on them. Then Dean finds out.            
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siyoos · 5 years ago
9, 20, 26 & 35 😌
9. What concept would you like to see?
uhm anything that will give them more swords but also, Vampires
20. Let’s say you are forced to choose a title track that gets erased from existence so that the rest can stay, which one do you pick? i’m sorry
don’t be sorry this is easy, Fly High ghdfjkghsdfg (but only bc i didn’t like the mv)
26. Pick 3 members for your zombie apocalypse squad
jiu (she’ll find food always, very important for survival)
siyeon (howling might scare away zombies, might get us killed it’s a gamble)
yoohyeon (i’m biased so, she might have played a zombie shooter idk)
35. Version E, V, I or L of The Tree Of Language?
this is probably the hardest question, gonna go with V
Dreamcatcher Asks
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getyouraoion · 7 years ago
Headcanons - Aoi’s Deck (ARC-V)
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~Picture Heavy~
Though there’s a far larger selection of cards to choose from in ARC-V, Aoi’s deck theme remains the same: Charmers. It’s still largely the same deck she uses in her GX/Mainverse, but has several cards replaced or removed, or added more current equivalents, like adding a Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier and Apprentice Illusion Magician. Because ARC-V has fields that can be chosen for duels, she lacks the field spell of her GX decks here, instead replacing it (eventually) with two Pendulum monsters (Dragodies, the Empowered Warrior and Dark Doriado). Element Dragon is added after the end of the war, on Yuya’s suggestion:
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In the Wings Made To Fly verse, her deck has mainly one large change: The re-addition of Elemental Hero Neos Alius and Absolute Zero. Despite being highly against her home dimension of Fusion and their ways, Absolute Zero holds special meaning for her as a gift from one of her boyfriends, and is thus the only fusion monster she’ll use... Albeit still rarely. Even here, he’s seen mostly in tags with Jaden, not so much alone unless she has no choice. Eria is a part of her side deck solely because she still uses her before giving her to Jaden, and even then still has access to her if needed:
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Because the Gambling Appocalyse verse is set in the ARC-V era, it’s deck is added here, too. With her charmers stolen from her and under the threat of ‘obey of lose your loved ones’, Aoi built an Ice Barrier deck from provided cards before being thrown to Ryo in the Underground Circuit. This deck largely focuses on synchro summoning, though if she can XYZ summon her Snowdust Giant, even better. As a primarialy water deck, she relies heavily on either Ryo covering for her as her tag partner, or the swarming tactic the monsters have to overwhelm before they can hit back:
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collectorscorner · 5 years ago
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CC Blogger - New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : Wednesday - 12/04/19 Complete list of items shipping to the stores, some items may be limited in availability. If you see anything you want to purchase on the list and are not a subscription member at Collectors Corner, just contact us and let us know if you want an item held at the stores. email - [email protected] Subscription Membership & Free Membership Card : Collectors Corner's No Obligation (FREE) Membership Card or FREE (In Store) & ONLINE Subscription Membership saves you 10% Off ALL Bagged & Boarded Comic Book Back Issues, Board Games, Graphic Novels, Manga & Special Orders. Plus Never miss a comic again! Computerized and organized + you can add and cancel titles on your subscription list from home on your own time, or in the store when you pick up your comics at : Maryland's Coolest Stores! 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Main St. Bel Air, MD 21014 www.collectorscornermd.com NEW ARRIVALS : WEDNESDAY - 12/04/19 ACTION LAB ENTERTAINMENT Adventure Finders The Edge Of Empire #4, $$3.99 Miraculous Tales Of Ladybug And Cat Noir Season Two Volume 9 Double Trouble TP, $$8.99 Princeless The Raven Pirate Princess Volume 7 Date Night TP, $$14.99 AFTERSHOCK COMICS Animosity #25, $$3.99 Dark Ark After The Flood #2 (Cover A Juan Doe), $$3.99 Dark Ark Volume 1 Arc One HC, $$49.99 Mary Shelley Monster Hunter Volume 1 TP (not verified by Diamond), $$14.99 Midnight Vista #4, $$3.99 Rough Riders Lock Stock And Barrel The Complete Collection HC, $$49.99 ALTERNA COMICS Eden TP, $$14.95 AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY PRODUCTIONS Pellucidar Wings Of Death #3 (Cover A Roy Allen Martinez), $$3.99 ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONS Archie #709 (Cover A Elsa Charretier), $$3.99 Archie #709 (Cover B Paulina Ganucheau), $$3.99 Archie #709 (Cover C Sweeney Boo & Paulina Ganucheau, $$3.99 Archie Vs Predator 2 #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Robert Hack), $$3.99 Archie Vs Predator 2 #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Matthew Dow Smith), $$3.99 Archie Vs Predator 2 #4 (Of 5)(Cover C Bill Golliher), $$3.99 Archie Vs Predator 2 #4 (Of 5)(Cover D David Mack), $$3.99 Archie Vs Predator 2 #4 (Of 5)(Cover E Tim Seeley), $$3.99 Archie Vs Predator 2 #4 (Of 5)(Cover F Andrew Pepoy), $$3.99 B & V Friends Jumbo Comics Digest #276, $$7.99 Vampironica New Blood #1 (Cover A Audrey Mok), $$3.99 Vampironica New Blood #1 (Cover B Laura Braga), $$3.99 Vampironica New Blood #1 (Cover C Rebekah Isaacs), $$3.99 Vampironica New Blood #1 (Cover D Greg Smallwood), $$3.99 Vampironica New Blood #1 (Cover E Wilfredo Torres), $$3.99 BOOM! 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Westeros And Essos Puzzle, $AR Aggretsuko Con Exclusive Deluxe Gift Set, $AR Angry Aggretsuko Figural Mug, $AR Batman Dark Knight Symbol T-Shirt LG, $AR Batman Dark Knight Symbol T-Shirt MED, $AR Batman Dark Knight Symbol T-Shirt SM, $AR Batman Dark Knight Symbol T-Shirt XL, $AR Batman Dark Knight Symbol T-Shirt XXL, $AR Batman Super Powers Maquette Variant, $AR Batman Wired T-Shirt LG, $AR Batman Wired T-Shirt MED, $AR Batman Wired T-Shirt SM, $AR Batman Wired T-Shirt XL, $AR Batman Wired T-Shirt XXL, $AR Bleach And Naruto Shippuden 6 Inch Deluxe Action Figure Assortment, $AR Borderlands 3 Claptrap Cable Guy, $AR Call Of Duty 4 Captain Price Cable Guy, $AR Call Of Duty 4 Ghost Cable Guy, $AR Classic Godzilla Mini Figure 24 Piece Blind Bag Display, $AR Conan Serpent War #1 Poster, $AR Corgi Zip Around Lunchbox, $AR DC TV Heroes Titans Constantine Incantation Convention Exclusive 3 Inch Figure, $AR DC TV Titans Arrow And Canary Convention Exclusive 3 Inch Figure 2 Pack, $AR Disney Aladdin Genie Lamp Sculpted Ceramic Teapot, $AR Disney Jim Shore Bambi Thumper And Blossom 4 Inch Figure, $AR Disney Jim Shore Winnie The Pooh And Piglet 3.8 Inch Figure, $AR Disney Nightmare Before Christmas Poster T-Shirt LG, $AR Disney Nightmare Before Christmas Poster T-Shirt MED, $AR Disney Nightmare Before Christmas Poster T-Shirt SM, $AR Disney Nightmare Before Christmas Poster T-Shirt XL, $AR Disney Nightmare Before Christmas Poster T-Shirt XXL, $AR Disney Pirate Pete Previews Exclusive T-Shirt LG, $AR Disney Pirate Pete Previews Exclusive T-Shirt MED, $AR Disney Pirate Pete Previews Exclusive T-Shirt SM, $AR Disney Pirate Pete Previews Exclusive T-Shirt XL, $AR Disney Pirate Pete Previews Exclusive T-Shirt XXL, $AR Disney Showcase Tiana And Naveen As Frogs Figure, $AR Doctor Who 13 Is My Lucky Number 11 Ounce Mug, $AR Doctor Who Kawaii Titans The Thirteenth Doctor Kerblam Edition Convention Exclusive 3 Inch Figure, $AR Doctor Who Thirteenth Doctor TARDIS Figural Cookie Jar, $AR Dragon Ball Android 18 Figure-Rise Model Ket (New Package Version), $AR Eternals #1 Facsimile Edition Poster, $AR Excellence Spencer T-Shirt MED, $AR FiGPiN Mini Toy Story 4 Buzz Lightyear Pin, $AR FiGPiN Mini Toy Story 4 Woody Pin, $AR Fluffy House My Home Cat Mini Series 12 Piece Blind Mystery Box, $AR Fluffy House Series 2 My Home Cat, $AR Friday The 13th Camp Crystal Lake Counselor Fanny Pack, $AR Friday The 13th Image Capture Canvas Tote, $AR Gremlins Image Capture Canvas Tote, $AR Guardians Of The Galaxy Groot PVC Figural Coin Bank, $AR Gudetama Sushi Plate Set, $AR Gundam Build Divers 04 Gundam Justice Knight 1/144 HGBD Model Kit, $AR Gundam Hathaways Flash 229 Penelope HGUC 1/144 Model Kit, $AR Harry Potter Marauders Map 11 Ounce Mug 2 Pack Set, $AR Harry Potter Trunk Backpack W/Removable Fanny Pack, $AR Horror Freddy 3D Soft Touch PVC Magnet, $AR Horror Jason 3D Soft Touch PVC Magnet, $AR Incoming #1 Poster, $AR Injustice 2 Supergirl Previews Exclusive 1/18 Scale Figure, $AR It Chapter 2 Gallery Pennywise PVC Figure, $AR Legend Of Zelda Precurved Trucker Cap, $AR Little Battlers Experience 10 Pandora LBX Model Kit, $AR Little Nessies PVC Figurines Blind Mystery Box, $AR Magic The Gathering Con Exclusive Lanyard With Pin Set, $AR Marvel Avengers Endgame Hulk Cable Guy XL, $AR Marvel Avengers Endgame Iron Man Cable Guy, $AR Marvel Black Panther Cable Guy, $AR Marvel Captain America Shield 13.5in Wood Wall Clock, $AR Marvel Carnage Mini Bust, $AR Marvel Deadpool Cable Guy, $AR Marvel Graphic Comic Box Annihilation, $AR Marvel Heroes Fantastic Four Fantasticar T-Shirt LG, $AR Marvel Heroes Fantastic Four Fantasticar T-Shirt MED, $AR Marvel Heroes Fantastic Four Fantasticar T-Shirt SM, $AR Marvel Heroes Fantastic Four Fantasticar T-Shirt XL, $AR Marvel Heroes Fantastic Four Fantasticar T-Shirt XXL, $AR Marvel Heroes Silver Surfer Guide To The Galaxy T-Shirt LG, $AR Marvel Heroes Silver Surfer Guide To The Galaxy T-Shirt MED, $AR Marvel Heroes Silver Surfer Guide To The Galaxy T-Shirt XL, $AR Marvel Heroes Silver Surfer Guide To The Galaxy T-Shirt XXL, $AR Marvel Miles Morales Spider-Man Cable Guy, $AR Marvel Spider-Man Web Shaped Deco Wall Clock, $AR Masters Of The Universe Con Exclusive Bag Clip 3 Piece Set, $AR Mortal Kombat Scorpion/Sub-Zero 7 Inch Action Figure Assortment, $AR Munchkin Disney Ducktales Card Game, $AR Murder Falcon Eat Metal Pin, $AR My Hero Academia All Might Beret, $AR Mystery Minis Five Nights At Freddy's Pizza Simulator 12 Piece Blind Mystery Box, $AR Naruto Shippuden 4 Inch Poseable Actio Figure Assortment S2, $AR Nightmare Before Christmas Jack Skellington Figural Coaster 4 Piece Set, $AR Nightmare Before Christmas Jack Skellington Figural Storage Jar, $AR Nightmare On Elm Street Dream Warriors Poster Snapback, $AR Nightmare On Elm Street Poster Canvas Tote, $AR Nintendo 2-1/2 Inch Figure Deluxe Underwater Playset, $AR Nintendo 2-1/2 Inch Figure Underwater Playset, $AR One Piece Stampede Roronoa Zoro Ichiban Figure, $AR One Piece Stampede Sanji Ichiban Figure, $AR One Piece Stampede Tony Tony Chopper Ichiban Figure, $AR One Piece Stampede Usopp Ichiban Figure, $AR POP Animation Dragon Ball Z Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta Previews Exclusive Vinyl Figure, $AR POP Games Pikachu Vinyl Figure, $AR POP Marvel 80th Deadpool First Appearance Vinyl Figure, $AR POP Movies Jumanji Alan Parrish Vinyl Figure, $AR POP Movies Mister Rogers Vinyl Figure, $AR POP Movies Scary Stories Jangly Man Vinyl Figure, $AR POP NBA Dallas Mavericks Kristaps Prozingis Vinyl Figure, $AR POP NBA Dallas Mavericks Luka Doncic Vinyl Figure, $AR POP NBA Indiana Pacers Victor Oladipo Vinyl Figure, $AR POP NFL 49ers Nick Bosa Home Jersey Vinyl Figure, $AR POP Town Harry Potter Hagrid's Hut With Fang Vinyl Figure, $AR POP TV Walking Dead Alpha With Mask Vinyl Figure, $AR POP TV Walking Dead Michonne Vinyl Figure, $AR Shining Twins Image Capture Canvas Tote, $AR Sonic The Hedgehog Knuckles Cable Guy, $AR Sonic The Hedgehog Sonic Cable Guy, $AR Spider-Ham #1 By Will Robson Poster, $AR Spyro The Dragon Cable Guy XL, $AR Star Wars Boba Fett Embroidered Snapback Cap With Sound Chip, $AR Star Wars Comic Kanji 20 Ounce Mug, $AR Star Wars Darth Vader Cable Guy, $AR Star Wars E9 Droid Runners Dark Royal 940 Snap Back Cap, $AR Star Wars E9 Rebel Training Storm Gray 3930 Flexfit Cap, $AR Star Wars E9 Starfield Black Knit Cap, $AR Star Wars Kylo Ren And Trooper Con Exclusive Bag Clip 2 Piece Set, $AR Star Wars Planet Killer Retro Business Travel Tumbler, $AR Star Wars Porg All Over Print Travel Tumbler, $AR Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Clear Vehicle Bandai Spirits Model Set, $AR Star Wars Rise Of Skywalker Bump-N-Go D-O Plush, $AR Star Wars Stormtrooper Cable Guy, $AR Superman Metropolis Gym T-Shirt LG, $AR Superman Metropolis Gym T-Shirt MED, $AR Superman Metropolis Gym T-Shirt SM, $AR Superman Metropolis Gym T-Shirt XL, $AR Superman Metropolis Gym T-Shirt XXL, $AR Symbiote Spider-Man #1 Poster, $AR Telltale's The Walking Dead Disco Broccoli Pin, $AR Transformers Skywarp Furai Model Kit, $AR Umbrella Academy Composition Notebook, $AR Unicorn With Rainbow Hair Figural Mug With Lid, $AR Venom #21 By Clayton Crain Poster, $AR Walking Dead Rick's Sheriff Badge Pin, $AR Walking Dead RV Pin, $AR
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sweusource · 6 years ago
Many people have asked for that, so I decided to do a list with the essential novels and comics of the EU/Legends. This is my personal opinion and I have a very bad memory too so I guess, I haven’t included many others, so if you think there’s a book or any other EU content that should be on this list too, please, just let me know and I’ll put them on this list.
Obviously, I haven’t read all the books of the EU and tbh I’m not a fan of anything related to Rise of the Empire era, prequels, and The Clone Wars. All my favorite content is from Rebellion Era and post-ROTJ.
Anyway, here it’s my list of the most important novels and comics of the EU.
The EU books are divided into different eras.
Before the Republic Era - 37,000 BBY to 25,000 BBY
Old Republic Era - 5000 BBY (years before the Battle of Yavin to 1000 BBY)
Rise of the Empire Era - 1000 BBY to 22 BBY
Clone Wars Era - 22 BBY to 19 BBY
Imperial Era - 19 BBY to 0 BBY
Rebellion Era - 0 BBY to 4 ABY (4 years after the Battle of Yavin)
New Republic Era - 5.5 ABY to 22 ABY
New Jedi Order Era - 24.5 ABY to 36 ABY
Legacy Era - 40 ABY to 139 ABY
Dawn of the Jedi: Into The Void   
Dawn of the Jedi 
Force Storm
The Prisoner of Bogan
Force War
Tales of the Jedi
The Golden Age of the Sith
The Fall of the Sith Empire
Ulic Qel-Droma and the Beast Wars of Onderon
The Saga of Nomi Sunrider
The Freedon Nadd Uprising
Dark Lords of the Sith
The Sith War
 Knights of The Old Republic (Comics)
Days of Fear
Nights of Anger
Daze of Hate
Knights of Suffering
Prophet Motive
Faithful Execution
Dueling Ambitions
The Reaping
The Old Republic Novels
Fatal Alliance
Knight Errant
Darth Bane Trilogy
Path of Destruction 
Rule of Two
Dynasty of Evil 
Legacy of the Jedi 
Part 1 (chapter 1 onward) takes place during 89 BBY. 
Part 2, "Dooku and Qui-Gon Jinn" (chapter 7 onward) takes place during 76 BBY. 
Part 3 "Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi" (chapter 14 onward) takes place during 44 BBY. 
Part 4 "Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker" (chapter 20 onward) takes place during 22 BBY
Darth Plagueis 
 Jedi: The Dark Side
Jedi Apprentice
The Rising Force
The Dark Rival
The Hidden Past
The Mark of the Crown
The Defenders of the Dead
The Uncertain Path
The Captive Temple
The Day of Reckoning
The Fight for Truth
The Shattered Peace
The Deadly Hunter
The Evil Experiment
The Dangerous Rescue
The Ties That Bind
The Death of Hope
The Call to Vengeance
The Only Witness
The Threat Within
Secrets of the Jedi
The Rise and Fall of Darth Vader
Cloak of Deception
Episode I: The Phantom Menace (Novelization)
Prelude to Rebellion
Vow of Justice
Emissaries to Malastare
Infinity's End
The Hunt for Aurra Sing
The Stark Hyperspace War
The Devaronian Version
Rite of Passage
Honor and Duty
The New Face of War
The Battle of Jabiim
Show of Force
Dreadnaughts of Rendili
Siege of Saleucami
Into the Unknown
Hidden Enemy
Jedi Quest
Path to Truth
The Way of the Apprentice
The Trail of the Jedi
The Dangerous Games
The Master of Disguise
The School of Fear
The Shadow Trap
The Moment of Truth
The Changing of the Guard
The False Peace
The Final Showdown
Outbound Flight 
The Approaching Storm
Episode II Attack of the Clones (Novelization)
The Cestus Deception
Jedi Trial
Episode III Revenge of the Sith  (Novelization)
Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader
The Cestus Deception
Darth Vader and the Lost Command
Coruscant Nights
Mace Windu
Shaak Ti 
Aayla Secura  
Count Dooku 
Darth Vader and the Ninth Assassin
Jedi Twilight
Street of Shadows
Patterns of Force
 The Last of the Jedi
The Desperate Mission
Dark Warning
Death on Naboo
A Tangled Web
Return of the Dark Side
Secret Weapon
Against the Empire
Master of Deception
The Last Jedi 
Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows
A New Hope: The Life of Luke Skywalker
Rebel Dawn
Death Star
The Han Solo Adventures
Han Solo at Stars' End
Han Solo's Revenge
Han Solo and the Lost Legacy
Dark Forces (Novellas)  
Soldier for the Empire
Rebel Agent
Jedi Knight
Han Solo Trilogy
The Paradise Snare 
The Hutt Gambit
Rebel Dawn
The Lando Calrissian Adventures
Lando Calrissian and the Mindharp of Sharu
Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon
Lando Calrissian and the Starcave of ThonBoka
Episode IV: A New Hope  (Novelization)
The Fight for Justice
Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina
Rebel Force 
Choices of One
Empire and Rebellion
Razor's Edge
Honor Among Thieves
Splinter of the Mind's Eye (The first Expanded Universe novel)
Episode V The Empire Strikes Back (Novelization)
Shadows of the Empire 
Mara Jade. By The Emperor’s Hand
Mara Jade: A Night on the Town
Tales from Jabba's Palace
Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (Novelization)
The Truce at Bakura
Jedi Prince
The Glove of Darth Vader
The Lost City of the Jedi
Zorba the Hutt's Revenge
Mission from Mount Yoda
Queen of the Empire
Prophets of the Dark Side
Tales from the New Republic
Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor 
X-Wing (Different eras and timelines) (from 6.5 ABY to 44  ABY)
Rogue Squadron
Wedge's Gamble
The Krytos Trap
The Bacta War
Wraith Squadron
Iron Fist
Solo Command
Isard's Revenge
Starfighters of Adumar
Mercy Kill
The Courtship of Princess Leia
Tatooine Ghost 
The Thrawn Trilogy (Novels and Comics)
Heir to the Empire
Dark Force Rising 
The Last Command
Dark Empire 
Vol I
Vol II
Empire’s End 
The Jedi Academy Trilogy 
Jedi Search
Dark Apprentice
Champions of the Force
I, Jedi
Children of the Jedi
Planet of Twilight 
The Crystal Star
The Black Fleet Crisis Trilogy 
Before the Storm
Shield of Lies
Tyrant’s Test
The New Rebellion
The Corellian Trilogy 
Ambush at Corellia
Assault at Selonia
Showdown at Centerpoint
The Hand of Thrawn Duology
Specter of the Past
Vision of the Future
Judge's Call (Short Story)
Junior Jedi Knights
The Golden Globe
Lyric's World
Anakin's Quest
Vader's Fortress
Kenobi's Blade
Survivor’s Quest
Young Jedi Knights
The Rise of the Shadow Academy
Heirs of the Force 
Shadow Academy
The Lost Ones
Darkest Knight
Jedi Under Siege
The Fall of the Diversity Alliance
Shards of Alderaan
Diversity Alliance
Delusions of Grandeur
Jedi Bounty
The Emperor's Plague
Under Black Sun
Return to Ord Mantell
Trouble on Cloud City
Crisis at Crystal Reef
The New Jedi Order (NJO)
Vector Prime
Dark Tide Duology (Onslaught and Ruin)
Agents of Chaos Duology (Hero's Trial and Jedi Eclipse)
Balance Point 
Edge of Victory Duology (Conquest and Rebirth)
Star by Star
Dark Journey
Enemy Lines Duology (Rebel Dream and Rebel Stand)
Destiny's Way
Force Heretic Trilogy (Remnant, Refugee and Reunion)
The Final Prophecy
The Unifying Force 
Dark Nest
The Joiner King
The Unseen Queen
The Swarm War
Legacy Of The Force
Fate Of The Jedi
Legacy (Comics) (50 Issues/10 Volumes)
Book I
Book II
Book III
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totallyjazzed · 2 years ago
In wake of the ONE spoilers I decided to write a little something about Fayinn, my D&D Character / Fanwalker
For context, at the end of our Ravnica D&D Campaign one of the PCs accidentally brought back something infected with Phyrexian Oil to Ravnica, and the decision post-canon was that she accidentally a Phyrexian apocalypse on Ravnica almost directly after the end of the War of the Spark.
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The creature that was once Acting Guildmaster Fayinn of the Izzet League turned a sphere over in her hand, shaking it around and watching the bluish-white electric ball bouncing off the sides. She scratched her head, running a sleek metal hand through the tangled web of copper wire that could loosely be called her hair. 
She walked over to the window of “her” office and looked over at the courtyard. Chaos was unfolding between all four of her mechanical eyes, business as usual then. 
She moved her attention back to the sphere, she knew what it was, she knew what it contained, she even knew how to open it, but she couldn’t. It could cause far too much damage to the already-struggling infrastructure of the plane. As far as she could tell, nobody outside of Ravnica knew that she and her cohort were here, and they’d be unlikely to find out.
Planeswalkers did not visit Ravnica, not by choice, not since the War, and other Phyrexians? Hah, forget it! They were alone here, no relief was coming, the only thing they could do was spread perfection or die trying.
Fayinn had handed herself over willingly, but not before throwing a wrench in the works of her “successor”, a four-armed four-eyed research machine that also occasionally went by her name. She had managed to extract her own planeswalker spark and seal it within the crystalline orb that now vexed her, this had made her vulnerable to phyresis while at the same time ensuring she could never be fully claimed by it. The fact that an incompleat individual came up with such a clever plan irritated the new Fayinn, and if her porcelain face could move it would scowl.
Opening the sphere would free her spark, yes, but what would that *mean*? Would it return to her the ability to traverse the planes, would it restore her incompleat soul to the perfect body it did not deserve? Would it find a new host, a Ravnican citizen that it could extract from the warzone to call for aid from the rest of the multiverse? Fayinn hadn’t known, so Fayinn didn’t know. It had been a gamble, one that could only pay off if she opened the sphere.
It had to be a trick. There had to be some way that she knew what would happen without passing on that knowledge to her current self. This pathetic, ignorant fleshling was trying to trick her own perfected mind from beyond the grave and she would not accept it! She punched the wall out of frustration, breaking off some of the brickwork, such a display of emotion would be heresy in the motherland, but being one of only two compleat Guildmasters had its perks.
There was a timid knock on the door. “Enter”, she said in monotone, and an intern entered, hunched over in fear. His name was Aladam, and he had been one of her subordinates during the War. Such a pathetic creature wasn’t worth compleating, but she kept him around for his unwavering loyalty in the face of abject terror. “Speak”, she said, regarding him as she might regard an interesting-looking tree.
“The-there’s been a b-b-b-breakthrough in S-spark research, Guildmaster”, the intern snivelled, “They say the S-s-s-s-spark r-rejects all b-bodies that aren’t its own, a-a-and that a spark without a host will die v-v-very quickly”. She considered the information, dismissing him with a wave of her hand, he scuttled away before she could change her mind.
She gripped the sphere tightly, cracks forming on its surface. The research had made sense, while the spark had not originally been her own, Fayinn had made a wish. Despite the foundations, this was certainly *not* Fayinn’s body any more. She would not claim the power she desired, which was unfortunate, but the opening of the sphere would extinguish Fayinn of the Izzet for good, leaving only Fayinn of Phyrexia in her place.
The sphere cracked and shattered in her hand, the glass littering the floor with red and blue shards while the lazotep bindings buckled, the spark floated up into the air, in front of Fayinn’s face. It floated listlessly in the air, unsure of what to do, but then stopped and approached her. She did not move, all of the rules of sparks told her that it would fizzle and die no matter what it did from now on.
But Fayinn had made a wish.
The spark shot into Fayinn, passing through the metal of her torso and into her system. She felt something she thought she’d never feel again. Pain.
Fayinn screamed a metallic scream, every joint crying out in perfect agony, before collapsing to the floor in a smouldering metal heap.
Aladam poked his head through the doorway and looked at her as she picked herself up off the ground, chuckling to herself. The chuckle gave way to a cackle, then to a heavily modulated laugh, maniacal enough to terrify even the strongest of wills, but Aladam did not run, he did not move, he just looked at the machine. The machine looked back at him. If her face could move it would be grinning ear-to-ear.
“It’s good to have you back, Boss”
She walked over to him, snatching a steaming-hot mug of coffee from his hands and pouring it over her porcelain face, letting the liquid seep into the metallic joints and circuitry she hadn’t had time to fully adjust to.
“It’s good to *be* back”
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bearlywatchable-blog · 6 years ago
by Maverick B. Updated: Jan. 11, 2019
#1 - GLASS
Glass has bang or bust potential, and from all the birdies fluttering around, critics seem to think it’ll be the latter. I have unfounded high hopes for this, as it’s an interesting take on a new universe of superheroes/thrillers. Let’s coin it the Shyamalaniverse. Easy to say and spell, so that should catch on quickly.
Yes, Mr. M. Night has definitely disappointed us before (Re: The Last Airbender & Lady In The Water), he seems to be making the right moves here.
This continuation proves that Unbreakable was ahead of it’s time, and thankfully Bruce Willis hasn’t yet aged out of the character. Casting the genius of James McAvoy solidified that tertiary role as compelling and intriguing. Even if somehow the movie is a bust, Shyamalamadingdong has already qualified that by hinting the movie isn’t the movie represented in the theatrical trailers. That leads me to believe the 3 central characters, which pivotal aren’t what we will be watching for.
Enter: Casey Cooke. If that’s not a superhero secret identity name - well I guess I’m outsmarting myself. No more comments on this as theories can be just as bad as spoilers.
Leave it to the Marvel Universe to release super fucking awesome minority character titles, right before the decade long saga blockbuster finales. Black Panther was an almost perfect Marvel movie, sadly over shadowed by the high anticipated Infinity War (Avengers 3-A). Now that they are closing out this intense storyline in Endgame (Avengers 3-B) a month after Captain Marvel is released, another minority superhero title will overshadowed by the majority of movie goers + critics. Yes, all signs point to Endgame being the film of this century, but I’m much more excited to see a female lead with such wicked awesome (MCU) power potential.
Sure - If Adam Warlock is just a diversion, Captain Marvel could play a huge role in Endgame, which would be so wonderful in my opinion. However, anyone who knows anything about the Infinity Gauntlet Saga, would be hard pressed to say that C.M. will seamlessly integrate into that storyline. This is actually why I’m more excited for Captain Marvel than Endgame. If it stands alone, it will be the foundation of the next saga of Marvel Movies (Phase 4). If it plays as a prequel to the final Avengers movie, then she will have a huge role in restoring the order of the Universe v. Thanos (Ya know, because she can time travel, among her many other super cool abilities). Both scenarios are fucking badass and exciting to me.
P.S. Brie Larson is gonna fucking kill it. You haters can go fuck yourselves.
//rant - Apocalypse (2016) was so bad I actually forgot it existed. Now that I have been reminded by many friends of the shit that FOX put out there- I was poised to move this down on my list. But then I went back and watched First Class (2011) & Days Of Future Past (2014), and it gave me hope again. AND THEN I watched The Last Stand (2006) again, and realized I’m obviously a masochist.
Bryan Singer is a mad man with no baseline. He, possibly, could have lucked into making one good X-Men movie on the coat tails of Matthew Vaughn, subsequently losing steam with Apocalypse. And now I’m down in the rabbit hole of the thought process; “Well Simon Kinberg wrote Days of Future Past, which was solid - and has been producing the the show Legion, which is phenomenal… and Bryan Singer is off this project so all signs point to this being more in the DOFP And First Class caliber”… meanwhile all I can do is think about Sansa Sta… I mean… Sophie Turner’s eyes and charisma… and then justify Apocalypse as a Phoenix timeline primer… which then spins me back to how bad The Last Stand was. How did that not ruin Hugh Jackman’s career? I presume Halle Berry, Kelsey Grammer, Anna Paquin, Rebecca Romijn and Famke Janssen all died in post production depression from that movie. Fucking Patrick Stewart was still knighted 4 years after that, which was probably only by the grace of Ian McKellen and sheer will & power of the Star Fleet.
*head explodes* - rant//
Okay- maybe I’m just really in love with Sophie Turner and want definitively nothing more than for her to kill it! Yeah, that sounds less psychotic. I think…
#4 - Avengers: ENDGAME
Do I really have to explain this one? If you’ve been living under a rock for a decade here you go:
Iron Man (2008) spawned a wonderful series of movies that became the Civil Wars/Infinity Gauntlet Saga. And now’s it’s almost over. So - like… go watch them all and then come back to this list. NOW!
PS. You can skip Captain America: Winter Soldier. It’s a little important to the timeline… but only if you really care to waste two hours of your life.
#5 - Shazam
If you’re not excited for this, then your inner child is dead. This movie, in the same vain as Aquaman, will be the good kind of bad. Which is the best we could hope for with this type of Comic based movie. Think more “Great American Hero” than Shazam reboot.
AND the planned release of DC’s “Captain Marvel” (what Shazam was called previously) is just a giant “fuck you” to the MCU. So you can assume they have recruited the greatest comic book nerd minds and put them in god mode for the production of this. Or they just picked up a screenwriter and director from a street corner and give them 30 million dollars in a gigantic gamble that is certainly not gonna be a disaster.
#6 - Joker
Here’s how the equation works for the modern time Cinematic Jokers.
Jack Nicholson = Terrible Joker Heath Ledger = Amazing Joker Jared Leto = Amazingly Terrible Joker Joaquin Phoenix = Terribly Amazing Joker?
Ya dig?
#7 - SPAWN [Delayed?]
It’s not a hard story to tell. Boy meets devil. Devil punks boy. Boy feels punk’d so he tries to murder the Devil. Just like Ross and Rachel, it’s that whole “will they, won’t they” game, and it’s a beautiful train wreck.
You’re right, that’s really not a good synopsis of Spawn. This is a can’t miss though. Three simple words: Jamie Foxx, brah!
What I really mean is, if it ever gets made, this will be a great movie.
Homecoming really nailed it for me, and this Spider’s contribution to the Avengers movies was great. I have no reason to put this so far down on the list except I’m really done with the same story over and over again, and they haven’t really promised me anything fresh for this movie. That being said, as long as Tobey Maguire doesn’t breathe near this film, and Marc Webb is never allowed near a Marvel movie again, this franchise has been revived and will continue to rock!
PS. Tobey Maguire is the dumbest way to spell either of those names. I know it’s not his fault, but he really had options - especially in hollywood - to fix this a long time ago. *sigh*
This is the unofficial sum of the movies/videos/short films/youtube rants/whatever that will be put out there for the public to view that will be better than the final 3 films on this list.
Calling it right now, it’s going fail so hard that people are going to walk out of the theater. If it doesn’t, I’ll vow to destroy the thing most precious to me. (currently that’s my Uber Eats App)
FUCK… THIS… SHIT… How did they get funding for another one. I blame Will Smith for letting this continue. FUCK THIS SHIT!
Why? I’m not even going to waste my time with this one either. FUCK THIS SHIT x2!
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