Whisper Carefully
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RP Blog for Outlast OCs El and Ellen Decree, a pair of twins hired to infiltrate Murkoff and gather evidence Against the corporation. Will do mulitshipping, aus, crossovers and nsfw, both smut and in other ways such as gore, but will make sure to tag appropriately.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
The new blog should be avalible under secretkeeping-twins shortly.
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I’m going to be archiving this blog and making a new one under the same URL
I feel like I really need a fresh start for this blog cause it’s been dead for a while. I’ll make a post when the new blog is up and running.
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Ellen blinked. he...they didn’t tell her that he was starting to break from his delusions. That...oh God. She felt a wave of disgust wash over her as well as her heart breaking. The ruse was over. Though she knew it was wrong...she couldn’t help that she enjoyed it. She couldn’t help the tears that welled up in her eyes.
“Ethan...” She swallowed.
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“Yer right. I’m...not yer wife. I’m sorry.”
"Why are ya p-pushing me away?" - Ellen
emotional starters
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Ethan looks down at the woman, the betrayal and sadness obvious on his face. A minute ago, he had been holding his wife, his sweet Nora, but…this wasn’t her. Not anymore. It must have been another hallucination. The doctors needed to up his dosage, but he knows they wouldn’t. He was much more useful to their studies while off his meds… “…Because you’re not my wife…” He says softly. 
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random sentence starters
random sentences for any / multiple scenario(s). change around as you see fit.
“ who do you think you are? “
“ wait , did you just say you love me? “
“ please just … leave me alone. “
“ i’m so happy! “
“ is this a gift for me? “
“ hey! i’ve got something for you! wait right here! “
“ i love you. “
“ shut up! shut the fuck up! “
“ who told you that?! i didn’t say that! “
“ w — what? “
“ … i’m sorry. “
“ what? ME have a crush on YOU? whaaaaaat?! haha! what? pfft … shut up! “
“ bitch , guess what? “
“ oh my god … “
“ fuck you to fucking hell! “
“ man … go to hell. “
“ what did you just send me? “
“ what did you just say? “
“ they’re totally checking you out right now. “
“ jealous?! i’m not jealous! “
“ are you jealous? “
“ wow … you’re hot when you’re angry. “
“ wow … your smile is breathtaking. “
“ you’re so stupid. “
“ okay! that’s it! put your dukes up! “
“ you don’t want me. “
“ question , you’re not dating anyone , are you? “
“ let me take you out on a date. “
“ i swear to god i’m going to scream at the top of my lungs. “
“ no! don’t tickle me! “
“ i’m not good for you , trust me. “
“ no offense but i’m out of your league. “
“ so , how does it feel to know me? a blessing , isn’t it? “
“ … why does this card say ‘ happy 3rd birthday ‘? “
“ so what will it be tonight? “
“ please , let me listen to celine dion in the dark in peace. “
“ i don’t love you. “
“ you don’t love me. “
“ … is there something you want? “
“ you know , you’re really cute. “
“ god , just let me fucking love you , you idiot! “
“ shh … don’t cry. “
“ i just feel like everything is falling apart. “
“ hello darkness my old friend … “
“ so … do i get a goodnight kiss? “
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Hey Chihuahua, buy my ass a beer - Andrew
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“Fuck off Andrew.”
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            feel free to change pronouns / wording !
❝ ain’t no one coming t’ help us. ❞
❝ crazy motherfucker. ❞
❝ i want you t’ understand the reality of this situation. ❞
❝ you can feel it, can’t you ? ❞
❝ step forward and keep your hands where i can see ‘em. ❞
❝ god will not let you take me. ❞
❝ sometimes the best thing t’ do, is t’ walk away. ❞
❝ no one is coming t’ save you. ❞
❝ there’s some fresh clothes there. ❞
❝ be careful out there. ❞
❝ help ! i’m bleedin’ out ! ❞ 
❝ what if i told you you could be free from sin ? ❞
❝ you’ve been given a gift. now it remains to be seen whether you choose to embrace it, or to cast it aside. ❞
❝ they want you to be strong. ❞
❝ the lord giveth and the lord taketh. ❞
❝ a nobody from nowhere with nothing. ❞
❝ i’m not angry, but i’m disappointed. ❞
❝ we all need guidance in times like these. ❞
❝ this is the world ? this ?! ❞
❝ i did not ask for this. i was chosen. ❞
❝ i can save you. ❞
❝ i was blind. but now i see. ❞
❝ god is watching us. ❞
❝ it’s your fault. ❞
❝ was it worth it ? ❞ 
❝ we never should’ve been here in the first place. ❞
❝ drive ! drive ! drive! ❞
❝ you’re all i have left now. ❞
❝ we must atone. ❞
❝ i wasn’t scared i was … clear. ❞
❝ cut it out like a cancer and display it, for all to see. ❞
❝ you won’t regret this, i promise. ❞
❝ i know your sin. ❞
❝ your actions have consequences. ❞
❝ say yes. ❞
❝ this world is on the brink. you can feel it in your bones. ❞
❝ train, hunt, kill, sacrifice. ❞
❝ if it were up to me you would’ve been dead a long time ago. ❞
❝ sacrifice the weak. ❞
❝ you must have faith. ❞
❝ gives me a serious hard on. ❞
❝ you got that uh, badass ninja shit goin’ on like you might kill me any second i dig it. ❞
❝ shit man i been prayin’ on this all day man. ❞
❝ fucking global warming. ❞
❝ duct tape fixes everything. except marriages. and a broken home. ❞
❝ i dig y’. you kids still sayin’ that ? ❞
❝ you just cannot go around this world expecting perfection. ❞ 
❝ vaya con dios, asshole. ❞
❝ i hate small talk. ❞
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Ace shrugged.  
“You could say that.  Time’s kinda hard to tell, with it looking like night most of the time, but it’s not as bad as it seems.”  
Ace opted to keep his hold on the medkit, nodding his head to the stairs.  
“Same as always, really.  Find generators and fix them up, and get the hell out before the Killer ruins that plan.  Everything else, you just come up with on the spot.  At least, I do.”  
He calmly started walking up the stairs, glancing over his shoulder to see if they were following him. 
“...Not as bad as it seems? We’re bein’ hunted down ta be put on hooks! How???” El seemed at a total loss for words in bafflement.
Ellen simply patted her brother’s back before moving to follow Ace. “Can we stick with ya? It’s easier ta fix the generators tagether...”
Worried Glances (RP with silveredtounge-fox)
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He growled, a grimace forming beneath his fixed smile.
He threw the survivor to the ground and stood on top of him with one foot.
“Mind your own business.” He spat out, as he slammed the edge of the sheet metal blade into the chest of the smaller man, ripping the cleaver out as quickly as it sunk in, then moved to pick the man back up.
“Don’t disappoint me, Evan. Do your job.”
El felt the air get pushed out of him when his back hit the ground, wheezing when the foot was on his chest. He cried out at the feeling of metal tearing through his skin and muscle, tears streaming down his face.
“I-I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”
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Open Starter (FC5 Verse)
“Ya know what I find myself thinkin’ some days? ‘I shoulda never left Alabama.’ Ya know how bad somethin’ gotta be, fer someone ta think that? Look at this place, this view! It’s gorgeous! The people are friendly. I should never wanna be in Ala-fuckin’-bama instead of here. That’s how fucked this is.”
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Eddie’s fists unclenched. He stood and drew closer to his “wife.” With shaky hands he brushed her tears from her cheeks.
“You have no need to be sorry.” Eddie murmured. “My heart breaks for you, darling, that you cannot have that one thing which makes a woman happier than anything on Earth.” He sighed heavily. “You’ve done nothing wrong. You’ve just been dealt a bad hand.”
Eddie swallowed a lump. He had to be the strong one. But it took everything he had to not join her weeping.
He’d never get to plant his seed and watch it grow her belly round. He’d never get to see new life crown from her opening and come screaming into the world. He’d never get to eat the umbilical cord.
But he still wanted a family.
“How do you feel about… Alternate … methods?” Eddie asked with a wobble in his voice.
Ellen blinked, honestly surprised by his reaction. She...didn’t expect him to be so...understanding. So gentle. She swallows a bit, reaching up to gently hold his hands. “...Th-thank ya fer understandin’. I...knew how b-badly ya wanted I was real nervous....” She was honestly touched by this. He...really was a sweet man deep down. He was just so damaged...poor thing.
She blinked, “What d’ya mean d-darling? Like adoption?” 
"Eddie, d-darlin'...I gotta tell ya something...."
Eddie looked up from spray painting Tupperware without proper ventilation or a mask. He was quite dizzy. “What’s on your mind darling?”
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Eddie’s arms lay limp. He stared dead ahead. Not moving nor speaking for a few minutes. Arguably in a catatonic state, however brief. His hands curled into fists.
“No… No you… You’re just … We just…” He couldn’t form a complete sentence in his head or aloud.
“I’m sorry Eddie...” She repeated. “...I honestly wish things were d-different, b-but...they aren’t.” Tears dripped down her cheeks now as she spoke. “I’m sorry d-disappoint ya. I’m just...I’m sorry.”
"Eddie, d-darlin'...I gotta tell ya something...."
Eddie looked up from spray painting Tupperware without proper ventilation or a mask. He was quite dizzy. “What’s on your mind darling?”
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Eddie was sure that could only mean one thing.
His eyes became gleaming and childlike. One wouldn’t think they were staring a murderer in the face right then.
“You’re … We’re pregnant?!”
Eddie tried to stand but couldn’t manage it. He barreled into some boxes.
She winced at his suggestion. Oh fuck... She swallowed, moving to help him steady himself, gently guiding him to a chair before having him sit down. She’s silent for a moment, face somber and honestly painful.
“...No. I...” She swallows again. “...I’ve b-been scared ta tell ya this b-but...I’m infertile. I...I can’t have children...” Her voice broke, a few tears welling up. Even though she was a bit glad she couldn’t get pregnant with his children, the fact she couldn’t at all...was always upsetting to her. 
“I’m...I’m s-so sorry....”
"Eddie, d-darlin'...I gotta tell ya something...."
Eddie looked up from spray painting Tupperware without proper ventilation or a mask. He was quite dizzy. “What’s on your mind darling?”
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“Uhm....d-d’ya wanna sit d-down? It’s...very serious...”
"Eddie, d-darlin'...I gotta tell ya something...."
Eddie looked up from spray painting Tupperware without proper ventilation or a mask. He was quite dizzy. “What’s on your mind darling?”
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RP with cxrruptcd
“So, from what I’m gettin’ is that this shit has been goin’ on fer fuckin decades?” El ran a hand through his hair, staring at the ground. “....I dunno if I’m just too damn tired but I literally cannot wrap my head around that...fuckin’ Hell.” He huffed, head resting back against the tree they sat under. “...How the fuck was this allowed ta happen? I just...Holy Hell. Cause this area is rather remote?? But...fuckin’....the cult is well known in the area. Hell, the fuckin’ bloggers who got killed...” He sighs. “...I shoulda stayed in Alabama.��
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RP with fcllenfxith
“Ma’am? Ya alright??” El asked, worry apparent in his eyes and in his furrowed brow. “Ya ain’t hurt?” She seemed to be covered in blood, but he couldn’t be sure if it was her’s or not. “I-I got a med kit with me, uhm.” He fumbled a bit as he tried to pull it out of his bag. He was exhausted, and it was apparent from his jerky movements and fumbling and the bags under his eyes. “I ain’t no doctor, but I can patch ya up well enough till we get ta one!”
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Like this for a Far Cry 5 starter from El!
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