They Still Say I'm A Dreamer
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They say before you start a war, you better know what you're fighting for~ Aoi Sakazaki, Indie Yugioh GX/ARC-V OC
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
getyouraoion · 3 years ago
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Storming Wynn
“Once per turn, you can Tribute 1 WIND monster (except this card) to Special Summon 1 WIND monster from your hand. The monster Special Summoned by this effect is destroyed if ‘Storming Wynn’ is removed from your side of the field.”
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getyouraoion · 3 years ago
Yu-Gi-Oh RP masterlist!
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Reblog this post and add in the tags
your URL
if you’re a single muse or a multimuse
if they’re canon or an OC
your muse’s name, and from where they come from
EXAMPLE: scrunklyrpblog, single muse, canon, Scrunkly the Mighty ( pokemon mystery dungeon )
to be added in the list!
NOTE: if you have a multimuse blog, feel free to write as many muses as you have; if you have a fandomless OC, specificy that you just have a specific verse or their “title” – and remember to reblog the fandomless masterlist too!
feel free to specify if your muse is canon divergent too!
Character list in series and alphabetical order can be found HERE!
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getyouraoion · 3 years ago
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Amaze Attraction Wonder Wheel
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getyouraoion · 4 years ago
Part of the Yu-GiOh! RPC?
Hello! Brand-new Masterlist here! Please fill out in the tags
If you’re a canon or original character
Singlemuse blog or multimuse blog!
And your muse(s) name(s)!
Link to Masterlist
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getyouraoion · 4 years ago
❰❰ Aoi ❱❱
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Green and red hair. White jacket, thin frame… And a smile that never failed to make Aoi stop still, green-blue eyes widening in surprise. He’d vanished so suddenly and for so long, she’d thought the worst - What if he’d gotten hurt? In trouble? Needed help? He’d been nowhere on the island she could find, and now… Now he was standing there like he’d never left, a sight that had her feet moving before she could stop herself, strides quickening into a jog in his direction without another thought.
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“—Oh, hey! It’s you!”
That probably wasn’t the most elegant of greetings, but it’d seemed like forever since Yuya had last seen the approaching girl. Disappearing to help solve the world’s mysteries hadn’t exactly helped his case of staying in touch, but at least she hadn’t seemed to forget him! Especially when Yuya wasn’t sure if he would’ve ever ended up in a position to meet up with Aoi again.
“I almost forgot that this was the dimension you stayed in. It’s been so long since I’ve been here,” Yuya would start, “Things are still okay here and everything, aren’t they?”
It really wasn’t, no, but at the very least, she wasn’t about to let it stop her from breaking into a broad smile just from the mere sound of his voice. If she could hear him, then he was real - Real and there, and not some kind of figment of her imagination just because she’d-
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“Missed y’,” Aoi breathed the moment she was close enough to him, smile morphing into a grin bright enough to rival the sun. She’d thought for so long she‘d been catching glimpses of him, or seen him somewhere around the island; with how suddenly he’d vanished, he couldn’t have gone anywhere else, and she’d spent so long searching, to no avail. Long enough that she hoped he wouldn’t mind he hand reaching out for a tug of his jacket - She... Wasn’t imagining him, right? “...Yeah - Y’ real, right?”
That had been a stupid question and she knew it just a second too late, cheeks flushing pink.
“I mean- Y-Yeah - Where’d y’ even g’? Y’ missed a buncha things, Yuya-!”
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getyouraoion · 4 years ago
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getyouraoion · 4 years ago
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Green and red hair. White jacket, thin frame... And a smile that never failed to make Aoi stop still, green-blue eyes widening in surprise. He’d vanished so suddenly and for so long, she’d thought the worst - What if he’d gotten hurt? In trouble? Needed help? He’d been nowhere on the island she could find, and now... Now he was standing there like he’d never left, a sight that had her feet moving before she could stop herself, strides quickening into a jog in his direction without another thought.
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getyouraoion · 4 years ago
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getyouraoion · 4 years ago
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Familiar-Possessed - Eria
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getyouraoion · 4 years ago
Greek God inspired asks
Zeus: How does my muse feel about thunderstorms? Do they want to be a parent?
Hades: Does my muse have a false reputation? What is their relationship with their siblings?
Poseidon: Does my muse know how to swim? Do they know how to ride a horse?
Apollo: Does my muse like poetry? What kind of music do they listen to?
Artemis: Do animals like my muse? Do they like nature?
Hera: How is their relationship with their parents? Do they see themselves getting married?
Ares: Are they quick to anger? In a fight do they let their emotions control them?
Aphrodite: Are they comfortable with their sexuality? Do they love only one person at a time or multiple?
Athena: Has my muse ever had run ins with the law? Do they feel like they have been treated fairly?
Persephone: Does my muse have a green thumb? How does their parents view their love life.
Hephaestus: Are they known for a skill? How important is their appearance to them?
Hermes: What is their communication style? Are they a prankster?
Demeter: How hard do they fight to get things back? Do they think they’ll be a good parent?
Hestia: Do they do a good job maintaining their home? Are they known for being mild mannered?
Dionysus: What sort of vices do they indulge in? Are they an outsider in their family?
Gaia: How often do they dream? Do they eat well rounded, nourishing meals?
Nike: Would they want to be immortal, why or why not? Are they athletic?
Selene: Do they have any children? Do they believe in true love?
Helios: Do they pay attention to what is going on around them? What is their daily routine like?
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getyouraoion · 4 years ago
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getyouraoion · 4 years ago
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[Image Description: Tag reading “almost-enemies to almost-friends to almost-lovers then back to almost-enemies then finally to lovers”]
The AO3 Tag of the Day is: Commitment issues
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getyouraoion · 4 years ago
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I think, a year months later, Aoi’s redo is done! The only thing remaining is to tidy up her new relationships page a bit, which involves adding links, actually rewriting the relationships there, and add in a few missing icons, but for the most part, things should be complete! <3
Of big notes to this rehaul:
-I’ve removed a few verses (Rose Of Fate, Wings Made To Fly...) and condensed others for a smaller verse list. My main partners for some have left, be it the fandom or tumblr as a whole, and thus aren’t available to continue things, while in other cases I simply had way more verses than I actually needed and could easily combine them into others (i.e. 1 post canon verse for GX rather than three).
-Shipping is closed. That’s not to say it can’t be reopened in the future, but as it’s not a priority to me or Aoi and ships take a great deal of plotting and building up before they happen with her, shipping is and will stay closed until one possibly builds up there again. Ships I already have/those remaining are unaffected by this rule change.
-Everything has been rewritten. This includes rules, so please give things a looking over! <3
-Aoi isn’t an idiot and I will stress this from this point forward. I don’t care if your muse’s first impression is that she’s stupid. I don’t care if your first impression is the same; that’s reasonable! But if we’re not talking/plotting ooc and you’re not giving me or Aoi a chance to show you otherwise, and/or treating Aoi poorly on the basis she’s ‘just stupid’, I can and will drop threads. A big part of the reason I lost interest in writing her was people deciding on two replies that she’s nothing but an idiot and treating her like trash, and insisting to me she was ‘nothing but a moron’, all while ignoring any attempts to explain why or trying to not be. Her friends and even I affectionately call her stupid, but Aoi has reasons for how she acts. Allow time to get to know my muse past a first impression.
-Aoi now has a The World Ends With You verse, but this is by request only.
I’m pretty sure that should be everything at this point, though I’m probably missing something. XD Replies to kept threads will be coming in the next few days, but please keep in mind Aoi will remain on slow activity for the foreseeable future, too! As much as I love her and want to get back into things here, I still run multiple blogs and deal with a lot offline; it’s going to be a long time before she’s super active again, but this is a start! <3 And of course, if anyone has questions or needs clarification my ask box is always open!
Here’s to a new beginning <3
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getyouraoion · 4 years ago
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Tag drop pt 2~
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getyouraoion · 4 years ago
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Tag Drop pt 1! <3
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getyouraoion · 5 years ago
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getyouraoion · 5 years ago
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