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reportwire · 2 years
NASA says spacecraft crash changed an asteroid's orbit in test to protect Earth from future threats
NASA says spacecraft crash changed an asteroid’s orbit in test to protect Earth from future threats
NASA says spacecraft crash changed an asteroid’s orbit in test to protect Earth from future threats Source link
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ndostairlyrium · 1 year
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Eighth Art Fight attack goes to @herearedragons of their precious child Neilar Lavellan 💛
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sleepyjim · 11 months
i had a nap for a little bit and i dreamt i was back in the hospital and i was roommates with some kid who was sitting like that one like smoking werewolf meme and he looked at me and said 'last time i was here i jorked it crazy style' Amd then i woke up
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reasonsforhope · 6 months
"For the first time in almost 60 years, a state has formally overturned a so-called “right to work” law, clearing the way for workers to organize new union locals, collectively bargain, and make their voices heard at election time.
This week, Michigan finalized the process of eliminating a decade-old “right to work” law, which began with the shift in control of the state legislature from anti-union Republicans to pro-union Democrats following the 2022 election. “This moment has been decades in the making,” declared Michigan AFL-CIO President Ron Bieber. “By standing up and taking their power back, at the ballot box and in the workplace, workers have made it clear Michigan is and always will be the beating heart of the modern American labor movement.”
[Note: The article doesn't actually explain it, so anyway, "right to work" laws are powerful and deceptively named pieces of anti-union legislation. What right to work laws do is ban "union shops," or companies where every worker that benefits from a union is required to pay dues to the union. Right-to-work laws really undermine the leverage and especially the funding of unions, by letting non-union members receive most of the benefits of a union without helping sustain them. Sources: x, x, x, x]
In addition to formally scrapping the anti-labor law on Tuesday [February 13, 2024], Michigan also restored prevailing-wage protections for construction workers, expanded collective bargaining rights for public school employees, and restored organizing rights for graduate student research assistants at the state’s public colleges and universities. But even amid all of these wins for labor, it was the overturning of the “right to work” law that caught the attention of unions nationwide...
Now, the tide has begun to turn—beginning in a state with a rich labor history. And that’s got the attention of union activists and working-class people nationwide...
At a time when the labor movement is showing renewed vigor—and notching a string of high-profile victories, including last year’s successful strike by the United Auto Workers union against the Big Three carmakers, the historic UPS contract victory by the Teamsters, the SAG-AFTRA strike win in a struggle over abuses of AI technology in particular and the future of work in general, and the explosion of grassroots union organizing at workplaces across the country—the overturning of Michigan’s “right to work” law and the implementation of a sweeping pro-union agenda provides tangible evidence of how much has changed in recent years for workers and their unions...
By the mid-2010s, 27 states had “right to work” laws on the books.
But then, as a new generation of workers embraced “Fight for 15” organizing to raise wages, and campaigns to sign up workers at Starbucks and Amazon began to take off, the corporate-sponsored crusade to enact “right to work” measures stalled. New Hampshire’s legislature blocked a proposed “right to work” law in 2017 (and again in 2021), despite the fact that the measure was promoted by Republican Governor Chris Sununu. And in 2018, Missouri voters rejected a “right to work” referendum by a 67-33 margin.
Preventing anti-union legislation from being enacted and implemented is one thing, however. Actually overturning an existing law is something else altogether.
But that’s what happened in Michigan after 2022 voting saw the reelection of Governor Gretchen Whitmer, a labor ally, and—thanks to the overturning of gerrymandered legislative district maps that had favored the GOP—the election of Democratic majorities in the state House and state Senate. For the first time in four decades, the Democrats controlled all the major levers of power in Michigan, and they used them to implement a sweeping pro-labor agenda. That was a significant shift for Michigan, to be sure. But it was also an indication of what could be done in other states across the Great Lakes region, and nationwide.
“Michigan Democrats took full control of the state government for the first time in 40 years. They used that power to repeal the state’s ‘right to work’ law,” explained a delighted former US secretary of labor Robert Reich, who added, “This is why we have to show up for our state and local elections.”"
-via The Nation, February 16, 2024
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Top 3.5% of Massachusetts. Best of the best I guess
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firstpersonnarrator · 2 years
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1984, not 1967
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informedinvestors · 2 years
Cathie Wood Predicts Inflation Will See "Major Downside Surprises" Incom...
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seiwas · 9 months
two-part something (shouto x reader)
wc: 1.3k
contains: christmas, holiday parties, santa, mid-20's pro-hero!shouto x assistant!reader
full fic sequel: three-part honesty
a/n: just a lil writing exercise on shouto! first time writing him hehe
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shouto’s late to his agency’s holiday party tonight. 
he breathes out, warmth floating as white puffs from his lips. the heating system on his office floor has been turned off, subtext directed solely to him: whoever’s here today, at this time, shouldn’t be.
his fingers move deftly around his waist, routinary—utility belt unbuckling as he reaches his desk. 
the venue for tonight is on one of the lower floors—a function room where briefings and press conferences are normally held. the number of attendees has grown compared to last year’s, sidekicks doubling and staff tripling; expected, given the agency’s projected growth next quarter. 
this is the agency’s third move since humble days in a rented studio unit (one shouto stubbornly and adamantly paid for fully, on his own), but one thing’s invariably stayed the same—
shouto’s office has always existed in its own space, whether tucked in a corner or spread out over an entire floor.
and wherever that space is, so are you. 
he settles in his seat, leather creaking as he twists to stretch his back. it’s been a long night, being dispatched earlier for an emergency downtown. his hand reaches for the folder on his desk, fingers swiping to release the yellow paper clip on the far left corner—evidence of your presence. 
since being hired as his assistant five years ago, you’ve devised a system for shouto that he now deems essential to keeping his entire agency afloat. his own urgency for paperwork hinges on the color of your paper clips (blue for next month, green for next week, yellow for tomorrow, and red for now).  
he should listen to you; the details of this evening’s take-down can be set aside for tomorrow—tomorrow, when everyone’s allowed to clock-in midday for the sake of tonight’s festivities. knowing you though, you’ll still show up early, if only to go over his desk, ensuring to swap that yellow paper clip for red. 
if he finishes this now, you won’t need to ensure anything; in all the years you’ve been his first and only assistant–a perfect match for how much of a workaholic he is–you might actually opt to sleep in for once. 
besides, it’s more productive if he gets it over with; crimes and mishaps never take breaks to party, after all—even during the holidays. 
that’s what he’ll tell you, at least. 
the party’s more for everyone else than him, anyway. 
he clicks his pen, letting out another puff of warm air as he spreads the document in front of him: 
page 1: basic information. identification details, time markers, a summary of the take-down. 
page 2: breakdown of events. scene-by-scene, additional comments, a two-beat knock on his door. 
then comes your voice, soft, unsure—
—before you step inside, heels clicking against the natural stone finish of his office floor. 
he looks up, wide-eyed, piercing gray and blue. 
your gaze flits to the papers in front of him, eyebrows scrunching before you sigh. there’s an all-too-familiar smile on your face, a quiet chuckle brought about by how characteristic it is of him to be in this situation right now. 
“sir, that report is tagged yellow.” 
he shifts, looking at your paper clip; without a word, the leather of his seat crinkles again. it’s like this with shouto sometimes, you’ve come to learn: a non-response is a response on its own.
when his eyes meet yours, you shiver. 
goosebumps litter the sides of your arms, the decision to forego your blazer leaving yourself exposed to the chill of tonight’s office air. you try to hide it, but some things are impossible to keep from shouto. 
of course he notices your jaw quivering. 
“are you cold?” he stands up immediately, already moving halfway out from behind his desk.
“i’m okay, sir,” you stop him just as quickly, hands motioning for him to stay where he is.
two beats of silence find him tilting his head, gaze as intense as it’s always been pointed towards you. 
“pardon, sir?” you step closer, leaning forward. 
“call me shouto.” 
the red fabric in your hand almost slips from your hold. 
this isn’t the first time shouto’s insisted on you using his name—he offered it up the moment he hired you, and the day you searched store after store for his thrifted leather chair during the agency’s second move; he’s suggested it plenty over the years, a casual reminder that it’s no big deal—if the world can call him shouto, so should you. 
pro-hero shouto, top three in the charts. 
pro-hero shouto, late to his agency’s holiday party because of paperwork—his tendency to be a workaholic. 
pro-hero shouto, asking you to call him shouto, but not in the way the world does. 
his eyes don’t leave yours as you blink, swallowing down your feelings (inappropriate, you tell yourself). 
“shouto.” you repeat. 
he nods slightly, a small, imperceptible lift to the corners of his lips. there’s an awkward pause as he looks down to the papers on his desk then up at you again.
“the party,” you clear your throat, smoothing out the fabric between your fingers, “you’re running late to your own party, si–shouto.” 
he tilts his head again, confused, “is this party not for everyone else?” 
you blink—he’s got you there. 
“i guess that’s true,” you sigh, chuckling. a pause, “that report is still yellow, though.” 
blue and gray land on white, bond papers spread out on his desk. he could argue with you, but where has that ever gotten him? you’ve kept him in check for years—it’s how he’s managed to stay on top of things. 
he looks down at his jumpsuit, the same shade of blue since he was 15. not much has changed with the design of his hero suit, just an overall sleeker design fit to match his age. the utility belt still exists, albeit more compact and less clunky; a similar modification was done to the straps that run down the sides of his chest. 
if anything, the biggest change is how the suit has molded around him—shoulders more defined, arms large enough for the fabric to cling onto it. shouto’s build has always been lean, but the areas of defined muscle stick out more evidently now that he’s older, much taller and wider.  
“i don’t have a costume.” he pouts.
you grin, stepping closer to his desk, hips digging into the edge. the red santa hat unfurls from your hands as you wave it in front of him—a perfect match to the shades of his hair. 
he blinks before you catch it, the slight curve of his lips as he leans forward, dipping his head low enough for you to reach the top of it. you tiptoe just a bit when you open up the hat to place it over his head.
you’re gentle with your touch, fingers running through the strands of his hair lightly; you tuck them neatly underneath the fluffy white rim of the santa hat. 
(it’s warmer near him, you notice—his quirk regulating a circumference of heat around himself that extends to you right now, you know. but you’re confident you’d still feel your own version of it–on your cheeks, down your neck–even if he weren’t). 
the hat sits perfectly atop his head, much like anything else that’s on him. when you lean back, moving away to take a better look, you notice it—
midnight blue, the backdrop on shouto’s floor-to-ceiling windows, littered with speckles of white—the first snowfall, and one you stand in awe of.
—gasping at the sight. 
you’re still so near when your eyes light up, zeroing in on the view behind him. you can’t help it, that smile on your face, bright and pretty, he thinks; it’s a short moment, but he feels it, a two-part ‘ba-dump’ that resounds in his heartbeat. 
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a/n: they thrift the chair bc it's real leather so buying a new one is just no-no + he texts natsuo otw home after the party that he feels a bit funny! (it's just his feelings 😭)
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miltonthecatherder · 3 months
Defenders of Wildlife is on strike today and tomorrow for Unfair Labor Practices (ULP), including withholding salary increases and improved benefits for union staff and refusing to bargain in good faith. This has been going on for over two years! The union, Defenders United, is encouraging anyone to write to Defenders of Wildlife leadership to urge them to end the strike by restoring salary raises and access to benefits and bargaining with Defenders United in good faith.
There’s a link below to write President and CEO Jamie Clark and Board of Directors Chair Mark Caylor to urge them to accept the union’s demands to end the strike, along with links to the union’s Twitter and website for more information and updates. If you don’t want to write a letter yourself, there’s one prefilled for you to sign. If you do write something, please be professional and respectful. Nothing will be accomplished through harsh or disrespectful language. Remember, the goal is to get Defenders leadership to accept the demands and you catch more flies with honey than vinegar!
People in the D.C. area may also join the picket virtually or in person at the Defenders of Wildlife office in Washington, D.C. (address: 1130 17th Street NW. Be careful! It’s really hot outside!). If you can donate to Defenders of Wildlife, you can donate and put “Union Staff” in the honoree name field. More information about the strike and how to support the union is available at their website.
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nelkcats · 2 years
Death sentence
We are sorry Phantom, but we need to see by yourselves if you are a threat or not, we will be visiting you tomorrow at 4:40 pm
-Justice League
Danny was unsure about his feelings, apparently the government contacted the JL to eliminate him because he was "dangerous", but Martian Manhunter, knowing the government was not always the best, convinced them, so the League leave a message to Vlad instead.
Vlad didn't want to fight with him, he published the note in Amity newspaper. Now, that was kinda...bad, not for him, but for the rest of Amity Park. It was like being sentenced to death.
While Danny freaked out the entire city was having a meeting, they didn't want the Justice League there, not near Phantom or Fenton, he was a kid, the league have a history ignoring calls and kidnapping child heroes to be part of their "society", and train them "properly". Their kid was already death, they were not going to take risks.
Amity Parkers also know they will start to choose between him as they choose between their "personas", like Phantom and Fenton were different, and yeah, the inhabitants of Amity Park can't judge, it take a while to figure out he was the same but by that point he already saved their lifes and they were already attached to him.
If the League finds out the kid was a halfa they will choose a favorites; "Phantom" being better fighter than "the civil identity Fenton", "Fenton" being intelligent "when he is not at hero work", and to be honest they understand, when a person acts different is normal to separate between the two personalities.
They will obligate him to separate himself, like the "hero" and the "civilian" needed to act different or some stupid thing like that.
But Fenton Phantom was not a personality to separate, they were the same and the small city remembered all the fights, all the favoritism, remembered when Fenton was left out because of his better "half", remembered when they needed to buy the kid an apartment far from his parents cause it taked a while for them to separate "His cute guy Dann-o" and " The Ghost scum"
And the city remembered the sobs, the adults remember leaning out their window at night and hearing the uncontrollable wailing of the ghost, allowing himself to be the scared teenager he always was.
That day, they made a promise, to accept him, all of him, he never needed to be separated in two again, he was not destined to, he was the representation of equilibrium between life and death for god sake. The kid already hidden from them for two years, two years of scars and fighting alone, and they will never repeat that error.
The Justice League have no right to break their promise. And they will never let them ruin another kid, not an Amity Parker.
So, what happened next was just natural; the next day Mr. Lancer called Sam and Tucker, told them to guide Danny to the Ghost Zone for a while, maybe entertain him with his ghost friends, they accepted.
"Team Phantom" was still active (with Dani and Val help) but they had more support than ever, and they trusted their city, all basically united by the guy who literally spends his after life protecting them.
The thing is, it was almost stupid what happened in the past, Danny was sleep deprived, his fight with Pariah ended well but the suit suck too much energy for him, that connected with his lack of sleep ended in a transformation In the middle of town, where everyone could see it.
It took a while to accept the reality, that a boy had fought with the king of the dead for a city that hated him. They even pretended to have no idea about the revelation, acting like they didn't know for another couple of weeks; Although the news spread and gossip was not lacking.
Sam and Tucker expected the other shoe to drop, but they ended surprised when the city called a reunion (since when the totally of the city reunited?), they acted like Danny bodyguards, but what they didn't expected was the Fentons unable to look at them and leave the room.
The people who stayed offered an apology (but Val wanted an explanation) and an apartment (¿the city collected money to give him an apartment far from his home? Danny wasn't sure if he was happy or heartbroken)
When the Justice League arrived the Red Huntress was waiting for them, her weapon pointing the "heroes" who frowned at the sight of the "hero" holding wepons.
"Sorry, ¿is Phantom haunt here?" Martian Manhunter asked cordially, the girl nodded "¿can we talk with him?"
"¿Why not?¿is he dangerous?¿is he hiding from us? It's okay, we can capture him if that's the case" Flash assured, hoping that would take away the tense atmosphere, the meta ghost was probably the villain of the city or something, so that made the red suit girl the hero.
"We can also give you proper training so you can stop using wepons" Wonder Woman also offered.
"First of all, that's none of your business, you don't go to Star City and ask Green arrow to stop using arrows cause you don't like them, I don't care about your training" the girl answers, obviously annoyed "second, we don't want you here, not near him"
The Martian frowned "Sorry ¿we?"
"We" the girl pointed at the city, all the city was watching them, but contrary to normal meetings they were watching them with resentment.
"Eh, ¿why? Maybe this is all a misunderstanding..." Superman was trying not to look at the people, even the kids on the street seemed to stop what they were doing just to look at them with pure hate in their eyes "can we see the major?".
"I'm here" Vlad appeared behind the girl and greeted them "I see you already meet the Red Huntress"
"Yes, ¿Do you know where Phantom is? We send a note yesterday" Batman asked, the reason of the meeting was not there after all.
"Yes, I remember, the Death Sentence you left on my door cause of the U.S government ¿right?"
"¿Death sentence? That's not-"
"Oh, but it is, you left your precious note in my office, overnight, asking us to hand you over to our local hero for you to search and see if he's a threat, ¿am I wrong?" Vlad was having fun teasing these heroes.
"Sir, we need you to understand, according to the U.S government Phantom is a dangerous individual, maybe he can even destroy your city" Superman tried
"According to the U.S government we don't exist, ¿or did you forget that information on purpose?" the huntress mocked
"I remember, but it was for your safety, the government was trying to contain the threat-"
"The Goverment this, the government that, you see superheroes, we are not ruled by the government anymore, this is a free city, since we were contained here, we produce everything on your own, food, energy, we owe nothing to the government and much less to you"
"¡But we can help you! We can get ride of your meta infestation and-" Flash was trying to mediate
"¿Meta infestation? ¿That's what they told you?, oh poor heroes, getting here with the grown information" the major laughed "Look, I will make myself clear, we have a ghost infestation, Amity Park is now a death city and we prefer it this way"
"And what about Phantom?" Martian Manhunter asked worried.
Vlad sighed "You can visit him, he likes space, however" he pointed at the other heroes "they can't, we don't need the Goverment help, we don't need your help, we are alive because of that boy and we don't want YOUR team near him, Phantom is an Amity Parker and it will stay that way" the major walked away.
"Look, ¿Martian Manhunter? You are a good guy I get it, but we don't want all of you here, the only hero we want is Phantom and we don't need your ideologies or training near him, he is OURS, so please, get out of the city while we are still being nice" Red Hunter stated.
"¿What if you need help?" Batman asked
"We needed help two years ago, the boy you want to take saved us when you decided not to take our pleas, and as such, we won't take yours" the girl said "Amity Park can take care of it's own as always, go save a city that need you"
And with that said she flew away, leaving them at the entrance of the city, the angry shouts and mutters of the citizens saying that they wanted them away in the background.
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tornado1992 · 8 months
The world does not deserve some things.
It doesn’t deserve destruction, hate or cruelty.
Sonic has known this for quite a while, being some sort of fighter for nature or a so called “protector” of it by a lot of people, he’s not so sure about that though.
Just as the world can be beautiful it can become dreadful, the world gives origin to everything in it, and that everything is part of the world itself.
The people that live in it are the part that shows the contrast the most clearly, just as some inhabitants are kind, take care of each other and enjoy the wonders it has to offer, there was a few of them that seemed to spite everything that wasn’t like them, everything they didn’t like, and everything that wasn’t theirs. Sonic knows that, he’s been fighting that enough time to be named a protector.
All things considered, to him the world still meant kindness, endless opportunities, adventure… and it meant freedom.
Then it meant something else.
Between all his fighting and running, he met and befriended a lot of the ones that called him a hero before he could even process the title, some of them energetic, some hotheaded, and some unbothered, they reminded him that even if there was despair or tragedy, the world he knew and loved was still there.
At least it was there to him.
Getting to know all the world meant getting almost as much deception and anger as happiness, every new place meant new sceneries, new ways, and new people, and he wouldn’t want it any other way. Even if it meant taking all the damage himself, getting to know everything personally was better than blindly trusting anything he was told, he knew it was worth it; he confirmed it when he went through one of the worst parts to find the absolute best one.
The place wasn’t even bad looking, the nature growing harmoniously beside the artificial work, it gave a peaceful kind of vibe, the people seemed kind and respectful, kids playing and chasing each other while adults looked out for them from afar, even welcoming him with open arms not caring if he was a stranger, “a united and caring community”, no sight of conflict or cruelty came to view, they didn’t seemed to have any hate in them. Only kind words and even warm chilli dogs greeted him. He thought this was the kind of place he would fight for.
That thought lasted less than an hour.
It really doesn’t take much longer than 10 minutes to completely change your perspective of a so called perfect community when after thirty minutes of an apparent peaceful environment you notice the sick looking child they suddenly chase down the woods so he doesn’t “steal their food and gives them bad fortune”. Sonic gives them a full minute of doubt, doubt to himself as what he’s hearing and seeing, because that can’t be right, because it must be a mistake. What reason could there be for a kid to “give bad luck”? Why would a kid need to “steal” food? And why would he be called a “curse”?
Some villager takes a long four minutes to explain the reason for all that, falling down to “that mutant was born with two tails”.
Sonic spends the next five minutes looking for the kid, and restraining himself from committing several crimes.
He had to focus, ending a full village’s whole career can wait, what cannot wait is the fox kit that just ran away from a group of kids leaving a trail of blood behind him. Even in the thick forest tundra it’s easy to see the big droplets of blood on the tree branches, the ground, and the tiny bush that kept trembling.
That’s where he found him.
A fox kit, didn’t looked any older than two, but by what he heard he could even be four. He looked way too tiny to be around four.
Big baby blue eyes greet him, a glassy sight, sorrow, confusion and sadness behind them.
The moment the fox noticed the speedster he tried to run, but the bush was too thick around him, and his back was facing a big tree log, he was trapped, the kid flinched every time he moved towards him, whined whenever Sonic rose to stand, and even started silently tearing up while curling around his tiny bruised body when he tried to reach for him. This kid thought Sonic wanted to hurt him.
How much does a kid has to suffer for his first reaction to some one approaching him being to cry, tremble and try to protect themselves?
Sonic can’t decide what enrages him more, the matted brown fur that surely must mean a long time without proper care for it, the bruised skinny body that trembled every few seconds as if it couldn’t stand by itself, the obviously recent bleeding nose that made the fox kit whimper every time he breathed, or the so clear loud sound of an empty stomach.
This was the result of long period of abuse and neglect, and by the way the kid hugged his twin tails while crying, Sonic would even call it torture.
Sonic couldn’t help him without getting close to him, but the kit wouldn’t let him near him without flinching. Putting the kid through more distress was not an option, but leaving him alone wasn’t one either, and the kid needed help, so he stayed. Sitting beside the trembling bush, taking watch in case some of those hollow hearted villagers came back while thinking of a way of helping the kid.
This is not the kind of help Sonic is used to offer, but he cannot just leave the kit alone. Even if he didn’t know anything about taking care of younger kids, even if his first aid kit was almost empty in his plane far away from him, even if the fox cried at the very sight of him, Sonic won’t leave him alone.
He doesn’t remember feeling like this before. Frustrating, he remembers some adults calling it, a feeling of helplessness, anger, and even sadness that consumes one self through the impossibility of effective action, in his case, the impossibility of helping.
And so he found himself, frustrated, sitting on the forest ground while rubbing his eyes with his hand, who knew, frustration is stressful; he kept at that for a few long minutes, until he felt a slight touch in his back. Finding those big blue eyes when he turned his head, a tiny gloveless paw patting him gently, careful with his quills but yet touching them, trying to comfort him.
This kid could barely stand, was obviously scared, at the verge of tears, and hurting from the beating the other kids gave him; and he was trying to make Sonic feel better.
It was clear now, they didn’t seemed to have any hate in them because they put all the cruelty and hatred in a kid, an innocent, tiny, and so kind hearted kid. The same village that greeted Sonic with kind words and offered him warm food was willing to let a literal toddler starve, if he wasn’t killed by the village’s youngest inhabitants first. All over something that wasn’t even bad, it wasn’t even his fault.
That won’t do.
Looking less distressed than before but still trembling wasn’t an ideal state to approach the twin tailed kit, but again, the kid needed help, the most urgent now being probably first aid, but Sonic sadly knew that the thing that would calm down the kid more would be something to eat.
Sonic offered him a smile, an attempt to soothe him, standing as slowly as he could not to scare the kid, and running as fast as his legs allowed him to return with four chili dogs was the game plan, managing to startle the kid a little bit with his rushed return, with the most difficult part of the plan being convincing the kid that the food was for him, that he could eat, that it wouldn’t hurt him, that Sonic wouldn’t hurt him.
Words might be useful to communicate that, but they just might, this kid was obviously casted away from society, who knew since when, he might not even understand him, well, if he used words that is, for now he hopes his smile would do (that and him eating a chili dog himself so the kit would know it’s safe).
It took a while, but it seemed like the fox’s empty stomach finally convinced him to eat, his hands trembling as he grabbed the supper, eyes getting a different kind of teary as he took his first bite, his twin tails wagging as he devoured his second chili dog.
Sonic wasn’t much of a baby person, sure they were cute and all he didn’t saw the big deal, all babies were the same. But seeing this little kid, a hurt toddler, starting to smile and wet his eyes over something as simple as warm food.. while a part of him was burning with rage, another part of him couldn’t help but think that he wanted to see this kid truly smile.
He wonders how could anyone see this kid with anything but love.
So he stayed around him, always with a smile, but even bandages, chili dogs, and big smiles couldn’t help much with the kids perspective of the word, much less the perception of himself.
The only world the fox knew before Sonic was a merciless one, rejection, hate and cruelty being its main traits, with bad people who would hunt him down, hit him and hurt him because he was the bad one, just for existing in the same time and place as all of them, but not being the same as them. He believed he really was the bad one for some time.
Sonic wouldn’t allow that for any longer, so he took the best part of the world with him and never planned to return it.
His life wasn’t the ideal deal for a toddler, he couldn’t give him a traditional family structure, a roof over his head, or a warm bed, but he also didn’t trusted anyone else to take care of him, he didn’t trusted the world to take care of him. So he would take the job himself, this kid wouldn’t go a day without warm food, he would never lack shelter, and as long as Sonic was around, he would always protect him.
But Sonic still was a hero.
Sonic fought and ran, ran and fought, and when the running and fighting from him alone seemed like not enough, the kit didn’t even doubted risking his own life to help him.
After a life of suffering, as little and scared as he was, at barely four years old, he still wanted to protect the world that wronged him.
The world doesn’t deserve this kid.
But it was the world itself that gave Sonic the title of protector, guardian, and hero; he knows there are things worth fighting for, far more than the things that wouldn’t deserve any kind of protection.
He won’t deny the title, ever.
Because even if some day everything around him comes down, everyone gets mad and bad, and his own hope is questioned, he’ll still have a reason to fight.
After all, this kid is his world.
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extranenas · 2 months
well the Olympics just ended, but what do you think about a kylian mbappe scenario where he's dating someone who is an athlete who is competing in the Olympics
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miss let down
pairing: kylian mbappe x fem!reader
genre: angst to fluff
plot: you always wanted to be the greatest- the girl who always wanted to be the best of the best- but when you finally get to prove yourself to the world in track- you failed miserably in your eyes…
extra: again for the sake of the story, reader was born in the us just so we have an idea of like what team she is and such (citizen ship wise yk actual ethnicity not specified) lowkey i had to make up some french players for the storyline😭😭😭
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august 3rd 2024 would be the death of you. the biggest day in your entire life and what you worked up to for… 4 years…? spending that time for a good 10 seconds of your life that meant too much.
something that would determine if you really what you thought you were.
you were going against huge names- your teammate sha’carri richardson who was the fastest woman in the world and the famous jamaican runners who were known for dominating that iconic red and white track.
and then there was just you- a girl who managed to pass through the trials and made the 2024 olympic team. crazy thing how the biggest celebrator of your accomplishment was your boyfriend though.
throwing a small party for you and everything because of making the team while usually its you celebrating him cause of well… hes probably becoming the best right now winning soccers biggest trophy at only 18, getting into probably one of the biggest- if not the hugest club in the world, and breaking records on records.
and you were over here competing against his national teams track team before finals on his countries on soil (which you hope he didnt take too personally)
you dont even really remember how you two met cause it was such a blur. it went by so fast!
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“everyone knows that track is so much easier than football ky. its like… common knowledge! i mean come on- they just run around in circles for like… 20 seconds or whatever.”
“dont say that man… i mean if you tried it would you actually… complete it?”
“then why- ok dude.”
a then 19 year old kylian got up from the pitch he sat on. they currently were preparing for the upcoming world cup the year following and of course, an ambitious kylian wanted to touch that golden trophy.
he walked around the pitch and saw the players he seen every day just talking or laying down after a day of rough practice in that summer heat france was known for- other than pastries and such. he soon stopped by and went onto his phone in which one of his younger friends went up to him and did what kylian did.
“did you hear? about that united states team being in france right now.”
“what, what for?”
“some track tour or whatever- look.”
he soon shoved the phone in kylians hand which showed the news headline saying what he said.
“where are they training?”
“here dude!”
“what? here? they cant find somewhere else or…”
“no. theyre gonna be on the whole other side though so im guessing its fine man. i dont know.”
kylians eyebrow raised- sharing a centre with a track team? that doesnt make much sense.
the day came where the track runners finally arrived and got to the field where they started condition. of course those two being the curious men they were- decided they wanted to go see the team. they constantly bickered on whether or not they should go- even with the reminder if they did and they got caught snooping- 250 push ups would be needed for about 2 days.
and they still went.
they saw the team and were somewhat disappointed on what they saw.
“wheres all the running? this is bullshit dude! i thought they would like- i dont know run cause theyre apparently the best or whatever… those damn americ-“
kylian immediately stopped him and went quiet.
“i hear someone man. shut up real quick.”
they nodded and turned around to see a girl in the track uniform standing and looking at them.
“who are you guys?”
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that day was probably one of the greatest ever for kylian- meeting the love of his life cause he got caught snooping. now he watched her grow into a professional and is now running on the track to win a gold medal.
he sat in the crowd with a shirt of her face on it with a huge smile- waiting for the signal so the girls could start running
finally it rung out- and all you saw was 11 girls blasting off and running for their damn life for a 100m race. one of them being immediately spotted cause of her hair kylian helped choose out before she left.
she ran for her life- going ahead of nieta before running behind again- soon regaining speed and going back up.
8 seconds past by until 9 hit… then 10. finally someone hit first. and it wasnt ___… she still ran and got 3rd place. stopping as she crossed the finish line with a frown as tears welled up in her eyes.
‘bronze? i got bronze?’
kylian noticed- immediately keeping it in mind.
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she walked out of the stadium after receiving that bronze medal- headphones in with a defeated look before getting tackled by kylian.
“amour! you did so good!”
“stop ky… im tired.”
“but its true! you did great- i mean bronze at your first olympics? who else can do that?”
“carri’ got silver on hers kylian! its her first too! i wanted gold not bronze- i worked too hard for just bronze!”
kylians face fell as he got quiet, immediately hugging her.
“you still did great amour- i don’t understand why you feel other wise. i get losing is hard but its inevitable! you need loses to win ___ trust me.”
“yea you say that cause you lost the world cup two years ago even though you won it already.”
“youre missing the point here.”
“look all im saying is that you shouldnt be so hard on yourself cause you didnt get what you exactly wanted- you still ran- you still placed- be proud ___! you worked too hard for this.”
she looked at him with a small smile, finally taking in her win.
“do you want to wear it then?”
“yes- definitely.”
she laughed as she placed the medal around his neck- finding solace in this situation.
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arcobalengo · 7 months
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🔴"La situazione intorno a quest'uomo è un esempio della meschinità, delle bugie e dei doppi standard di Washington, Londra e Bruxelles.
⚫️Assange ha pubblicato documenti sulle uccisioni di civili in Iraq da parte di soldati USA e documenti che provano il coinvolgimento degli Stati Uniti in colpi di stato e nell'istigazione alle guerre. Ha raccontato al mondo delle torture nella prigione americana di Guantanamo Bay e del fatto che la National Security Agency degli Stati Uniti ascoltava le conversazioni telefoniche di capi di Stato, tra cui Merkel e Sarkozy.
⚡️Se le rivelazioni di Assange avessero riguardato la Russia o la Cina, piuttosto che gli Stati Uniti, sarebbe stato etichettato come un "combattente per la verità e la libertà". Ma ha denunciato i crimini di Washington. E l'egemone mondiale non tollera queste cose al suo indirizzo, distruggendo tutti i dissidenti.
⚫️Per più di 12 anni Assange è stato tenuto in condizioni di assenza di libertà e di tortura: prima nell'edificio dell'Ambasciata Ecuadoriana in Gran Bretagna, poi tra le mura di un carcere di massima sicurezza.
🔴Pensateci: 12 anni di detenzione senza prove di colpevolezza. È a dir poco scandaloso.
⚫️In questo periodo, la sua salute è peggiorata drasticamente: dopo aver subito un micro-ictus, Assange non è in grado di difendersi nemmeno in videoconferenza.
⚫️Nonostante ciò, Biden sta facendo di tutto per far estradare il fondatore di WikiLeaks negli Stati Uniti, dove rischia fino a 175 anni di carcere. Vuole ucciderlo davanti al mondo intero.
⚫️Nel 2016, le Nazioni Unite hanno riconosciuto la detenzione di Assange come illegale. La sua estradizione sarebbe una grave violazione della Convenzione Europea dei Diritti Umani, compreso il diritto alla libertà di parola.
🔴Se la deportazione di Assange negli Stati Uniti avverrà, i Paesi che la sostengono cesseranno di esistere come Stati legali."
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tumbleosity · 6 months
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Group photos of all the plushies I plan on selling I’ve made in the last 2 years. ( some bats are 3 years)
Beezeeart Bats
Round Bats
Clown pattern ( these two are not fully finished yet)
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g5mlp · 4 months
Update: It looks like this was all possible misinformation given to Matthieu by an unreliable source.
There's been quite a bit of new information revealed today regarding My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale and My Little Pony: Make Your Mark.
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Earlier today, a video was posted on X of Hitch's previous French voice actor, Matthieu Meunier, speaking at a United Voice Artists conference. There, he spoke about how he was told that Hasbro had allegedly begun replacing voice actors with AI due to budget cuts. The dubs for TYT were affected by this decision, which was confirmed again by the Belgian voice actress Nathalie Stas in an interview on the radio station RTBF.
We don't know which dubs aside from French also use AI though, as there are a handful of dubs who do still use real voice actors.
Another thing to note was that a second season for My Little Pony: Make Your Mark was actually planned to be released by May 2024, but Cort Lane, one of the executive producers for MYM, apparently chose to cancel it. Allegedly, this was because Hasbro insisted AI to be used on the show, which he disapproved of. 
Thanks to Lily at Equestria Daily for the translations. Please note that all of this information is speculation, and we do not have proper confirmation aside from this.
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