#Ukraine advances
tomorrowusa · 1 month
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These are not good times for Putin fans. They want us to believe in the overpowering might of old Vlad. Things just haven't been working out that way. J.D. Vance is probably crying on his couch.
Putin is again revealing the incompetence of his army as well as the barrenness of his strategy. A big army is not necessarily a good army. Afghanistan had a relatively large army as the Taliban took over.
Kursk offensive embarrasses Putin to Washington’s delight
Putin can read English. If he manages to get around his own online censors, this is a sampling of what he may see...
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I think today is Day 904 of Putin's 3-Day "Special Operation" in Ukraine. So much for Russia's overpowering invincibility. 🤡 😆
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starafterdeath · 1 month
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Is this, like, russia being oppressively oppressed by the US who supply Ukraine with weapons?
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figureskatingcostumes · 6 months
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Milana Siniavskite in the Advanced Novice competition of the 2021 Victor Petrenko Cup.
(Source: ufsf.com.ua)
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taiwantalk · 14 days
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The "Zelenskyy is using green screen and is not on Kyiv" conspiration theories are just getting more and more dumb and crazy...
The first Kremlin idiots acutally (and they are serious about this) now say that they believe that Ze isn't real at all. That he was a projection / hologramm / green screen figure all the time. That he's not a real person.
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jewvian · 1 year
Oh Ukraine!! Here we fucking go!!!
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denial2xx · 2 years
I’d rather have trump in office than Biden who instead of worrying about his country in shambles he’s over Ukraine instead funding their military and war, while raising conflicts with Russia, basically on the brink of a power war aka WWIII but 🤷🏻‍♂️
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weepingfireflies · 11 months
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People & countries mentioned in the thread:
DR Congo - M23, Cobalt
Darfur, Sudan - International Criminal Court, CNN, BBC (Overview); Twitter Explanation on Sudan
Tigray - Human Rights Watch (Ethnic Cleansing Report)
the Sámi people - IWGIA, Euronews
Hawai'i - IWGIA
Syria - Amnesty International
Kashmir- Amnesty Summary (PDF), Wikipedia (Jammu and Kashmir), Human Rights Watch (2022)
Iran - Human Rights Watch, Morality Police (Mahsa/Jina Amini - Al Jazeera, Wikipedia)
Uyghurs - Uyghur Human Rights Project (UHRP) Q&A, Wikipedia, Al Jazeera, UN Report
Tibetans - SaveTibet.org, United Nations
Yazidi people - Wikipedia, United Nations
West Papua - Free West Papua, Genocide Watch
Yemen - Human Rights Watch (Saudi border guards kill migrants), Carrd
Sri Lanka (Tamils) - Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch
Afghans in Pakistan - Al Jazeera, NPR
Ongoing Edits: more from the notes / me
Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh/Azerbaijan (Artsakh) - Global Conflict Tracker ("Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict"), Council on Foreign Relations, Human Rights Watch (Azerbaijan overview), Armenian Food Bank
Baháʼís in Iran - Bahá'í International Community, Amnesty, Wikipedia, Minority Rights Group International
Kafala System in the Middle East - Council on Foreign Relations, Migrant Rights
Rohingya - Human Rights Watch, UNHCR, Al Jazeera, UNICEF
Montagnards (Vietnam Highlands) - World Without Genocide, Montagnard Human Rights Organization (MHRO), VOA News
Ukraine - Human Rights Watch (April 2022), Support Ukraine Now (SUN), Ukraine Website, Schools & Education (HRW), Dnieper River advancement (Nov. 15, 2023 - Ap News)
Reblogs with Links / From Others
Indigenous Ppl of Canada, Cambodia, Mexico, Colombia
Armenia Reblog 1, Armenia Reblog 2
Armenia, Ukraine, Central African Republic, Indigenous Americans, Black ppl (US)
Rohingya (Myanmar)
More Hawai'i Links from @sageisnazty - Ka Lahui Hawaii, Nation of Hawai'i on Soverignty, Rejected Apology Resolution
From @rodeodeparis: Assyrian Policy Institute, Free Yezidi
From @is-this-a-cool-url: North American Manipur Tribal Association (NAMTA)
From @dougielombax & compiled by @azhdakha: Assyrians & Yazidis
West Sahara conflict
Last Updated: Feb. 19th, 2024 (If I missed smth before this, feel free to @ me to add it)
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gudguy1a · 4 months
REPUBLICAN GOP - Think! You will be responsible for American lives lost in Ukraine.
Why? Because you are not thinking Strategically for the future or Tactically for ‘RIGHT NOW!’ Tactically, we (NATO, including America) must help Ukraine stop Russia from advancing further into Ukraine and taking over more territory. As Russia continues pouring in more Conscripts (who do not want to be there), Russia is “ALSO” planting more land mines to attempt to stop/slow any Ukraine advances…
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tomorrowusa · 10 months
Trump's style of projection mirrors that of his sponsor Vladimir Putin. Accuse your opponents of things which you yourself are resoundingly guilty of.
It's important to call out Trump's lies and not to assume that they are too outlandish to be believed. We know that people will believe anything.
Jen Psaki reminded viewers of what Joe Biden did as Putin was preparing to invade Ukraine in February of 2022. Biden anticipated the lies which Putin was about to use to justify the attack on Ukraine. In an unusual move, Biden declassified US military intelligence on Russia's war preparations and revealed various items which undercut Putin's planned excuses.
We need to undercut Trump's unhinged bullshit ahead of time whenever possible.
You don't win by only playing defense. Keeping Trump constantly on the defensive is largely the same as keeping him from winning. And do not fear repetition; repetition is your friend – just ask any successful advertising executive.
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nikalove681 · 10 months
God bless Israel I know this is a tough time I wish I could do more and please remember the lovely Ukraine these places cross my mind constantly every chance I get I pray for them and so much more that is going on but war and scammings, kidnapping are my mains right now I pray for these humans to come together and use their minds for good in Jesus name, Amen
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niveditaabaidya · 1 year
New Land Growth Making Advances Harder. #ukraine #bakhmut #britain #kher...
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wilwheaton · 1 month
Hey man, I could use a few talking points to help convince a friend that Musk is horrible. I'm reading 'Think Again' by Adam Grant (good read btws) and he says to help convince people to come to your viewpoint that it can be good to have 2 or 3 strong points instead of 10 mixed points. The counter argument I get from people about Musk being good is that he did spacex and tesla, and without him we'd be decades behind. Maybe, but I don't have good ammo. Please help as I get too angry tobe critical
Well, listen, the fascism, the transphobia, the chaos, and the unwavering support for autocrats all over the planet really ought to be enough to outweigh anything else, if you ask me. It sounds like you know some people who got excited about the companies he threw money at, and they are having a tough time updating their feelings due to current events. Or maybe they share his values and don't want to admit that.
But I'll try to offer some simple facts.
He did not do engineering with Tesla or SpaceX or even PayPal. He is a fraud. He walked into these existing businesses, where people had done actual work and engineering, threw some of his Apartheid money at them, and took credit for their work. He claims, over and over again, to be a founder of these companies, and that's just straight up a lie that is easily disproved.
He literally did nothing except throw money at people and take credit for their work. Look at every Tesla up to the (chokes back laughter) Cybertruck. Those Teslas look like cars, because they were designed by engineers. Look at the Cybertruck. When you stop laughing at what a joke it is, know this: that's what happens when Elon Musk is in charge. It's like a ten year-old with some crayons drew it on a menu at Denny's.
All of the things his weird fans claim he made possible, are things that would have happened, and were in the process of happening, without him. He literally did nothing to advance the technologies or engineering. In fact, SpaceX whistleblowers have told reporters how they had to keep Musk occupied with bullshit, so they could do the real work without him fucking it up all the time with his incompetence.
But even if he were telling the truth, even if the myth were fact, it would not outweigh the damage, the pain, the chaos, and the suffering he has inflicted on millions and millions of people, all over the world with his lies, his spread of misinformation, and his incitement of angry incels.
Also, don't forget, when Ukraine was trying to defend itself, he turned off Starlink access when they could have decisively ended Russia's aggression. A lot of people have suffered and died as a direct consequence of that action, which he took to support his buddy and fellow autocrat, Vladimir Putin.
That's more information than I think your friends will be willing to hear. Studies indicate that people who are heavily invested in the myth of a person will fight hard to hold onto the myth, and reject truth and facts, because it's so jarring to them. Musk has built a cult of personality, and maybe your friends are stuck to it.
I'd gently encourage your friends to consider one key fact: he has lied about his entire origin story, he has lied about his contributions to Tesla and SpaceX. He lies about everything, except when he posts on Twitter like a 12 year-old edgelord, because that's who he is, emotionally.
Finally, and this is for you, specifically: if your friends insist on supporting a fascist, a racist, a misogynist, or a bigot, because they think rockets are cool, maybe it's time to look for new friends.
I hope this helps.
And fuck Elon Musk.
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taiwantalk · 11 months
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odi-et-amo85 · 1 year
Nos I would’ve appreciated a commentator who could explain to me who all those influential people are projected onto my screen. 🤔
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allengreenfield · 2 years
'World's Toughest Fighter': Russian Su-35 Fighter Destroys Ukrainian Military Targets With High-Precision Missiles - MoD
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