#US-Mexico border wall
perseuspixl · 7 months
Every single time Republicans try to use the border issue, remind them that they killed the bipartisan border bill to help Trump.
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maidofmetal · 16 days
sorry I don't think it's funny when u refer to undocumented immigrants as illegals like I get ur just making a joke but uhh fuck off with that racist nonsense 🙄
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Ron DeSantis Says He'll End Birthright Citizenship As President | Miami Herald
Gov. Ron DeSantis on Monday unveiled a sweeping plan to overhaul the nation’s immigration system and ramp up border enforcement, vowing to “repel the invasion” at the U.S. southern border, end birthright citizenship and to use the “levers at our disposal” to ensure cooperation from Mexico.
The plan, which was unveiled during a campaign trip to the border town of Eagle Pass, Texas, ushered in the beginning of a new, policy-focused phase of DeSantis’ presidential bid that his campaign has billed as a more direct effort to challenge President Joe Biden.
But the rollout also doubled as an attempt to criticize former President Donald Trump, the heavy frontrunner for the GOP’s 2024 White House nomination whose political brand was built in large part on his hardline – and often inflammatory – rhetoric on immigration and border security.
“The reason why I’m really motivated to bring this issue to a conclusion is because I have listened to people in DC for years and years and years,” DeSantis told supporters on Monday. “Republicans and Democrats always chirping about this and never actually bringing the issue to a conclusion, never actually getting the job done.”
DeSantis pledged to end “catch and release” – the policy that allows migrants to be released into the U.S. while they await their asylum hearing – reimpose the so-called “Remain in Mexico” policy and finish Trump’s long-promised, though still incomplete, border wall.
And DeSantis vowed to charge forward on his own whenever possible.
“When we go in on day one we’re gonna marshal every bit of authority that we have, will work with Congress when we need to, we’ll take executive action when we can, and it will be a day one priority, and you’re gonna see a big change very, very quickly,” DeSantis said.
DeSantis’s proposals went even further, calling for the end of birthright citizenship, cut hundreds of millions of dollars in funding to so-called “sanctuary jurisdictions” that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration law and deputize state and local governments to enforce immigration law.
“I think the states have a role to play,” DeSantis said. “I can tell you, as a President, we are fully going to deputize all state and local governments to be able to enforce immigration law, you will be able to have that authority.”
As Governor, DeSantis has signed legislation that requires all Florida law enforcement officials that operate a county detention center to participate in a federal immigration program, known as the 287(g), designed to identify undocumented immigrants in county jail after they are arrested. Officers are deputized to work under the supervision of ICE and the training is paid for by Florida taxpayers.
The program is among a series of state actions DeSantis has taken as Governor to have a role in enforcing federal immigration law. Some of the actions have been done with the help of the Republican-led Legislature, but others have been done through executive orders and emergency rules.
In his first term, DeSantis has spent at least $1.6 million to send state law enforcement officers to Texas to help secure the border, cracked down on Florida migrant shelters that care for migrant kids, asked the Florida Supreme Court to impanel a statewide grand jury to investigate immigration-related crimes and launched a strike force that mirrors a broader partisan effort promoted by national Republican groups.
Most prominently, DeSantis created a state-funded program that has allowed him to relocate migrants from Texas to other parts of the country, including Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts and Sacramento, California. The program has led to several lawsuits, including from migrants who say they were tricked into getting on the planes to Martha’s Vineyard, and a criminal investigation by the Bexar County sheriff in Texas.
Addressing supporters in Texas on Monday, DeSantis pledged that, if elected President, he would look to enact at the federal level a version of a sweeping immigration bill Florida lawmakers passed last month that requires businesses with more than 25 employees to use E-Verify, a federal electronic system, to check the immigration status of new hires. The state law he signed exempts independent contractors and those who hire people to do house work, such as housekeepers, maids and gardeners.
Among his other proposals: raising pay for Border Patrol agents, restricting visas of countries that don’t accept deportees and defunding nongovernmental organizations and other groups “engaged in facilitating illegal alien processing, human smuggling, and encouraging mass migration.”
DeSantis also used the policy announcement to pivot to foreign policy, saying that as President of the United States he would use all the “levers at our disposal” to “ensure better behavior” from Mexico.
“I think there is a lot of leverage we have over Mexico that a lot of Presidents have not been willing to use,” he said. “I think that they think that somehow that will be bad politically. I don’t think so at all. I think you’ve got to do it.”
While DeSantis did not provide too many specifics on his plans, he seemed to agree with a supporter in the crowd who suggested that Mexico is committing an “act of war” because they are not doing enough to stop migrants from coming into the country.
“I think we should act,” DeSantis said. “I view taking action that is very forward-facing in terms of that because it’s violating our sovereignty and it’s killing Americans.”
DeSantis added that when he is President, he would give Texas law enforcement the authority to deport individuals.
“As President, under Article II of the Constitution, you have a responsibility and a duty to protect the country, and we are going to do that and we are going to do that robustly,” DeSantis said.
Little more than a month into his 2024 presidential campaign, DeSantis has struggled to close a yawning polling gap with Trump. The Governor’s policy announcement on Monday – the first major rollout of his White House bid – seized on an issue that Republicans, particularly Trump, have used for years to energize their conservative voter base.
Yet DeSantis still faces tough competition on the immigration front, most notably from Trump, who has sought to elevate the issue in his own presidential bid. Speaking at the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s annual conference in Washington, D.C. over the weekend, Trump pledged to “carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history” and finish building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.
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Back in 2017 I signed up for one of the Cards Against Humanity sillies and did their Cards Against Humanity Saves America. Basically they were like fuck Tr*mp and his border wall and used the funds from the campaign to buy land and to make all 150,000 contributors part owners of said land across the US/Mexico border.
It was fun and silly and I got a little certificate.
Today I got an email that Elon Musk illegally annexed that land for SpaceX and that CAH are suing him over it. So possibly I’ll get like $100 if they manage to win a lawsuit and stick it to Musk. It’s like even more bang for my original buck.
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tearsofrefugees · 1 month
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thoughtlessarse · 2 months
Bodycam footage of a migrant woman’s death in an encounter with US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) on March 21, 2024, was released on July 17 after being suppressed for five months. The footage, viewable here, shows the woman stranded for an excruciating 24 minutes atop the 30-foot-tall wall which runs along the California-Mexico border, calling out for help, and her subsequent death after plummeting from the top of the wall. The victim was identified afterwards as 24-year old Petronila Elizabeth Poma Perez, a Guatemalan national. In the same month, 10 people, including children, were seriously injured while attempting to cross the San Diego border wall in what was described as a “mass casualty” event. The taller 30-foot segment of the wall was installed under the Trump administration in 2019, leading to an immediate and lasting increase in the number of falling deaths along the border, with local hospitals seeing a five-fold increase in falling injuries along the wall. Many are left with spinal injuries and permanent disfiguring injuries. More women than men were admitted to local hospital UCSD Health with injuries sustained scaling the border wall in 2023. According to a doctor at the hospital, Dr. Alexander Tenorio, these injuries were not seen before the 30-foot wall was installed. The US-Mexico border is the deadliest land crossing in the world, according to the International Organization for Migration, which documented 686 deaths or disappearances in 2022. Many more deaths are certain to have gone uncounted, with those seeking to get into the US dying in extreme desert heat in inaccessible areas or drowning in waterways like the Rio Grande, which makes the border between Texas and Mexico, and the All-American Canal which runs parallel to the California-Mexico border. Despite it being over two weeks since the release of the video of Perez’s death, most of the corporate news only reported on the release in the past few days. According to a press release from the CBP on the incident, migrants were spotted at 10:27 p.m. with agents reporting via service radio that “multiple individuals were approaching the secondary International Border Fence approximately 2.7 miles west of the Otay Mesa Port of Entry and were carrying a ladder. At this location, the secondary International Border Fence is approximately 30 feet tall and is constructed of vertical metal bollards. The north side of the secondary fence has an electrical conduit running across the top of the fence, which facilitates the use of an electric gate nearby.” In the radio transmission, one CBP agent could be heard referring to migrants not as persons, but as “bodies”: “I got one body running through the truck lot. First body just went behind dirt mounds … Bodies are east of the dirt mounds, heading north.”
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makingcontact · 4 months
Borders: What are they good for?
White text reading “Borders: What are they good for?” superimposed on top of a greyscale background showing the jagged border between two sides of a sand dune. Credit: Original photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash. Digitally altered by Lucy Kang. What are borders, and why do we have them? And how is violent border enforcement at the US-Mexico border connected to Israel’s brutal assault on Gaza?…
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wariomolly · 5 months
hello! I am in need of an interviewee for my Peoples of the Southwest class. If you/your family has been affected by the US-Mexico border wall please reach out to me. Interviews can be anonymous and must be done before april 30th. can be done however you are most comfortable (tumblr DM, text, email, phone, zoom)
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mariannewilliamson1 · 9 months
LOVE AT THE BORDER | 2024 Democratic Presidential Candidate Marianne Wil...
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perseuspixl · 1 month
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mexicodailypost · 1 year
‘I felt backstabbed’: Biden’s US-Mexico border wall plans elicit condemnation
Area residents thought their land was safe after Trump’s wall plans were foiled, only to discover Biden’s plans to build more Nayda Alvarez and her family love to spend time outdoors on their sprawling property along the Rio Grande in south Texas, fishing the river and barbecuing. Under the previous administration, Alvarez fought against plans for Donald Trump’s “wall” along the US-Mexico…
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o-the-mts · 1 year
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fairuzfan · 10 days
Been thinking about that one Syrian researcher who found out that the US was using tech+methods from Israel for the "border wall" with Mexico under the basis of Israeli war tech being "battle tested". Not to mention ICE literally hosting torture camps for immigrants... Kamala harris literally encourages and advocates for an apartheid wall in the US+torture camps and dem voters don't really care to view that as a serious domestic issue.
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tearsofrefugees · 2 months
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