#US stuff
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tiggymalvern · 3 days ago
The US is a country in which pharmacists and medical staff at hospitals are told they can deny people medical care because their own personal religious beliefs are more important than providing healthcare. Can we be surprised that we end up with medical staff who believe in bullshit? And when medical staff believe bullshit, how can we expect better of the general population?
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craycray-wolf · 2 months ago
The following is a screenshot of the announcement, PLEASE READ
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Someone also shared on the server the following prompts:
"I urge you to recount the election and investigate election interference. Bomb threats have been called into multiple polling locations. Domestic terrorists have burned ballot boxes. Ballots are being discarded. An investigation and recount for this election is urgently needed."
" I am a concerned citizen, and I need you to hear me. I urge you to recount the ballots from this election and investigate election interference. Bomb threats have been called into multiple polling locations, causing some to close early. Domestic terrorists have burned ballot boxes. An unprecedented number of ballots have been rejected and require curing. There have been reports of polling officers allowing voter intimidation in and outside of polling places across the country. And an estimated 20 million mail in ballots are unaccounted for. A thorough investigation and recount for this election is urgently needed. Please take action, all votes cast should be heard. Thank you. "
"As of the 6th of November 2024, there have been at least 32 fake bomb threats called into democrat leaning polling locations, which ended up in many polls to have been closed for at least an hour. Many people have reported that ballots were not counted for suspicious reasons such as signature invalidation which is information that vote counters do not have access to. These events have occurred in swing states such as Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Georgia, for instance. This is very coincidental and is unfairly in favor of candidate Donald Trump's favor after months of suggesting electoral foul play. A recount of the votes is not enough. Launch an investigation on tampering, interference, and fraud." "
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schattendumonde · 21 days ago
If they didn't want us to lionize him, why did the NYPD parade him around like Jesus Christ before nailing him to the cross?
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dreamerinsilico · 24 days ago
The report published by the Roosevelt Institute argues: “These apps encourage nurses to work for less pay, fail to provide certainty about scheduling and the amount or nature of work, take little to no accountability for worker safety, and can threaten patient wellbeing by placing nurses in unfamiliar clinical environments with no onboarding or facility training.”
Just, you know, yet another way in which American healthcare is currently a horrorshow. This is something to make noise about to providers - a lot of us may not be in a position to take our business elsewhere over it, but they shouldn't get to fly under the radar.
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tiggymalvern · 18 hours ago
Of course there are two Americas. An ordinary citizen committing Trump's crimes would have been jailed years ago - as some of his followers have been. He should not just have been jailed for the insurrection. He should have been jailed for the blatant fraud that was 'Trump University'. He should have been jailed for the years of tax evasion. He has managed not to be convicted and jailed for so many things because he was famous, and because he had enough money to pay lawyers to delay for years. People attemptig to pursue him for his crimes have eventually been forced to settle, because they ran out of money to pay their lawyers while Trump did not. Settlement does not mean a conviction, therefore Trump can carry on doing exactly the same things over and over.
Trump was able to evade conviction for insurrection and election fraud because the people in charge of those investigations were scared of him and his followers. Trump should have been arrested the day Biden was inaugurated and Trump was no longer President. But he wasn't. The Department of Justice and the state of Georgia spent years trying to put together an absolutely watertight case against him before they even dared arrest him because they feared the consequences. Because they spent years instead of arresting him on day one, he was able to run again for President and then claim Presidential immunity AGAIN and thumb his nose at the entire system.
Legal cases should not be litigated for years. Lawyers should not be able to delay and delay until one side runs out of money. Rich people should not be left going about their privileged lives having committed multiple crimes that ordinary people would have been jailed for.
But they do and this cannot be news to anyone. I'm not sure how you legislate the speed at which the law moves, because I'm not a lawyer, but I know it needs to be done.
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The system proves two Americas.
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tiggymalvern · 2 months ago
Trump will have a red Senate and almost certainly a red Congress. The next two years will see a lot of really shitty laws passed.
In some cases, whether to enforce those laws or turn a blind eye will come down to individuals. When the law is wrong, breaking the law is the right thing to do.
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queerpunktomatoes · 12 days ago
Rest in peace, Jimmy
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loki-zen · 1 year ago
feel like US-dominated World Anglophone Culture At Large has an image of doctors as way more inclined-toward-the-interventionist than I find to be true.
And idk how much of this is just people being Wrong (see: there is an abiding image of libraries as ‘strict’ when public libraries are frequently among the least strict public spaces you can be in, and university/hospital libraries are laxer than that even)..
…and how much is actually true, bc Humans Follow Incentives and Organisations Follow Incentives to Create Incentives and y’know for-profit medicine is a crime against humanity etc
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mootmuse · 9 months ago
the downside of subscribing to a substack telling me about US trans news: i now know about US trans news
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scarefox · 1 year ago
Ob ich das mal meinen Eltern schicken sollte, wenn sie wieder Scheiße über LGBTq reden 🤔
Wir sind SPRACHLOS!!! Reaktion auf: Wie CDU & AfD den Hass nach Deutschland bringen
(Transphobie-Welle aus Amerika in Deutschland)
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pumpkingeorge · 2 years ago
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sonicenvy · 2 years ago
thinking about how one of those crappy things that you have to do when you work at any wide open public space or school or whatever in America is that annual active shooter drill or active shooter training. It's one of those things that honestly so fucking depressing about living in this country, that you have to constantly be prepared for the possibility that some nutjob with guns will randomly decide to attack your workplace or your school. Like ... is this a thing in other countries?? idk. But it sucks that not only are such individuals out there, but that in this country those bastards have ready and easy access to military grade guns.
The worst part is that over half of americans are in favor of stronger gun control and 81% of Dems/lean dems are in favor of stronger gun control. We want to improve gun control in this country, but the current laws are not in our favor.
So, for now, all you can think, in the back of your mind is will it come to me? when will it come to my community? There was a mass shooting 20 miles from where I live last year, and that day, while the shooter was still at large, all I could think about was will it come to us?
I think one of the top things I hate about living in this country is literally this specter of tragedy that we all have to live in. Schools, parks, parades, shops, movie theaters, clubs, and many more public places are all tainted with it. It happens nearly every day across our country. Guns are the leading cause of death for CHILDREN in this country -- in 2020 alone over 1000 children died by firearms in America. I fucking hate this so much. I honestly feel as though the NRA is a national terrorist organization for championing guns and easy gun ownership. Thousands of people in this country needlessly die because of firearms.
If you live in a country that doesn't suffer from massive, needless, tragic gun violence, I don't think you can understand. The fact that so many of these tragedies happen across this country that they blur together in our collective memory is horrific and, frankly, traumatizing for so many Americans. You just have to sit with the quiet background memory that it can come to you at any time. It is so common that employers like mine have their staff do drills or training for the possibility of an incident -- they're like clockwork, like a fire drill or a tornado drill.
I don't know where I was going with this post beyond being angry about the state of affairs over this issue in my country. Every time I have to watch those active shooter training videos for my job, it just makes me angry and sad. It's not fair that we have to live with this, that we have to sit with this, and it makes me furious when people from other countries (especially smarmy europeans) make fun of this whenever a shooting is so big that it reaches the international news. The things that I saw that some smarmy europeans say in the aftermath of Uvalde made me see red. CHILDREN died.
once again, the actual, main, central political theme of this blog is that the GOP and the NRA should rot in hell.
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tiggymalvern · 3 months ago
Their product is 'We give you permission not to die. Sometimes. Except when we say you should.'
That is a very strange thing to normalise companies selling...
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dreamerinsilico · 3 months ago
my coworker, hacking and coughing, visibly unwell and also miserable:
me: um, should you be here?
coworker: I used my only sick day yesterday, I just started so I don't have any more
coworker: it's not covid though
me: YOU'RE STILL SICK and also not doing anything in the lab, go work from home or "work from home," FFS
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tiggymalvern · 5 months ago
A white cop (now ex-cop) who pleads guilty to raping a 13 year old girl gets a sentence of 20 days. The same week, a Black woman who pleads guilty to killing the man who sex trafficked her gets a sentence of 11 years.
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