#U.S. elections
liberaljane · 2 years
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When you vote, you’re not just voting for a candidate - you’re also voting for a child’s education, policing and public safety, affordable housing and rent, public transit and more 🚌 #Roevember Your vote matters. 💓 Many election outcomes are razor-thin, and your ballot can decide who makes the laws that impact your life and your community. Don't forget to vote, and if possible, vote early!
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billyrussoapologist · 3 months
I consider myself to be politically moderate. I don’t like to jump immediately on either side of anything. I’m always willing to hear out both sides of any argument, and I extensively research all political points (through legit sources, not social media). I’ve been really struggling with the upcoming election because both options are just awful. But today I made up my mind.
I’ve been reading Project 2025 and it is extremely radical, I’d call it cult-like. It claims to be a plan to hand freedom back to American citizens, but talks about things like destroying the government hierarchy, banning certain words in schools (all relating to gender and diversity), banning books, and, of course, criminalizing women’s rights to health and safety in every state. This last issue is one that is particularly important to me, so I’ve included some quotes below, just to give anyone who might not know about this an idea of what Project 2025 is aiming for. But I encourage everyone to do their own research. This sounds funny coming from me, but please don’t get your information from strangers on social media. It can be a great jumping off point, but please fact check everything by going directly to the source (in this case, Project 2025), or researching through a credible source.
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nando161mando · 3 months
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US Elections: Two Parties, One Charade!
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tanadrin · 3 days
How does registering to vote/voting work of you are a US citizen who lives permanently abroad? Im looking to move to canada for grad school and maybe beyond but I thought without residence i just wouldnt be able to vote
You can certainly vote in federal elections (congress and president); you can do this by requesting what is basically a postcard ballot, by email or snail mail, which you then mail in (where to depends on the state you last lived in). There are guides about how to do this online; this page from travel.state.gov is probably a good place to start.
Whether you can vote in state races depends on particular state rules.
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Here's the deal about voting tomorrow, friends:
Do it. Just freaking vote.
I know that everything feels like an uphill battle, and that it doesn't even feel like we're close to winning, but that's by design.
The "conservatives" spent decades getting their people in place to get rid of Roe, to Gerrymander districts to hell and back because that's the only way they win, to make it harder for people of color to vote, to put themselves in the position to threaten LGBTQ youth and families. To make it okay to threaten Jews on national television. Decades.
And it happened because the hard-line conservatives all freaking vote.
So, we have to, too. We've gotta show up at the polls for the local Board of Education, because that's what keeps "Don't Say Gay" bills out of our schools. 
We've gotta show up to vote for local District Attorneys, because they can decide whether to prosecute you for your miscarriage.
And for the love of every other person on this planet, show up to vote tomorrow, because if we lose the majority, we lose every bit of progress we have made in the last 20 years. 
(And please don't come at me about how the majority hasn't helped us, what we have now is not a majority that let's is do a damned thing until we get rid of the filibuster, and y'all damn well know it.)
Just fucking vote.
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fashionlandscapeblog · 3 months
all the shit you say will happen under trump is already happening under biden... and will STILL happen if biden gets elected...
Very true, but where you go wrong is in assuming it won't get MUCH worse under a new Trump presidential term. Ever heard of project 2025?
Project 2025 recommends abolishing the Department of Education
Funding for climate research would be cut
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) would be reformed according to conservative principles.
Cut funding for Medicare and Medicaid and urges the government to explicitly reject abortion as health care.
The Project states that life begins at conception and seeks to eliminate coverage of emergency contraception under the Affordable Care Act and enforce the Comstock Act to prosecute those who send and receive contraceptives and abortion pills nationwide.
The Project seeks to infuse the government with elements of Christianity.
Remove legal protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity
Terminating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs and affirmative actionby having the DOJ prosecute "anti-white racism."
The Project recommends the arrest, detention, and deportation of undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. by using the military to capture and place them in internment camps.
The Insurrection Act of 1807 would be used to allow the military to engage in domestic policing and capturing undocumented immigrants.
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stone-cold-groove · 22 days
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MAD magazine - October 1968.
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ararebreedstory · 4 months
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But if I had to pick...
Palpatine, hands down. He hates everyone equally, whereas Voldy is just racist.
Palps for all his faults also created jobs and maintained economic stability for the most part, linking countless worlds and maintaining galactic trade. Voldemort's biggest concern was public education reform, and it failed so miserably it didn't even last a year.
True Palpatine is a weird religious fanatic, but his religion teaches that it can only have two members at a time, and I can't help but respect that. I wish more religions were like that.
"Sorry, you can't convert, we're full. Come back next week."
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dicapiito · 5 months
Dumbfuck leftists: Joe Biden is a meanie! >:(
Meanwhile Trump and the GOP plan:
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pythiaswine · 7 months
"i dont want to vote trump or biden bc they both suck" VOTE THIRD PARTY THEN!! If we don't all do it, it reinforces the idea that our votes don't matter. if you vote for one over the other, they think they can get away w the two party system. if you don't vote at all, they won't even know the difference because they'll still have a winner and no third-party contenders. if you want the electoral college gone, VOTE THIRD PARTY! they won't listen until we make them. this is called political efficacy. stop believing it's hopeless bc that is how they have the power to keep making decisions that the people don't agree with.
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Call me crazy but i think if a politician actively funds, supports, and arms an a literal genocide, it is an absolute moral imperative that said politician loses the next election.
Theoretically, forcing politicians to lose elections is the only way we legally have to hold them accountable for being unhinged maniacs.
The argument "well the other guy would do even MORE genocide" does not hold water because even if he might do more genocide, he hasn't done any genocide yet, which makes him, in fact, the lesser of the two evils.
Nothing the republicans are threatening in project 2025 is nearly as evil as an actual literal Genocide.
I think this is an issue where it is ok to be a single issue voter, or at least a single issue abstainer.
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ascii-bunny · 8 months
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taratarotgreene · 4 months
Donald Trump Astrology, Jail or no
Donald Trump’s fate is set to be decided May 29 or May 30 on the hush money trial. If today, on the Mars Chiron Conjunction at 22 Aries,which represents defensive, aggressive wars, toxic masculine energy, transiting his 9th house of laws, politics, education, truth. Mars and Chiron square Saturn-karma and Venus-money and women in Cancer in Trump’s 11H of networks and social media. Mars Chiron…
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 2 years
At the time of posting this (00:48 GMT, Saturday, 19 November, 2022), the election results for the United States House of Representatives stands at:
218 Republican,
212 Democrat,
5 Not Yet Decided.
It sucks that the Republicans will officially control the House agenda, come January, because they’ll have the majority.
But I can’t help gleefully imagining their angst if the final 5 House seats all go to the Democrats, and they hold the majority by just one vote. I don’t think they’d have as much power as they were hoping for.
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thoughtsafter3am · 2 years
And like clockwork, the clock hit 7PM on Election Day and I’m already nauseous as I doom scroll looking for races to be called.
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gwydionmisha · 2 years
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