#Tyler could’ve been cool but he was so eh I’m sorry
strawberri-draws · 2 years
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Wednesday doodle 🪦🥀🌙
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geeky-writes · 5 years
The Phoenix Project - Story Preview
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Superfamily, Alternate Universe
Clearing his throat, Steve squeezed Sam’s shoulder as he raised his glass in the air, nodding at Sam, Carol, and Bucky to do the same.
“To Riley,” he said, clear and true.
“To Riley,” the rest said simultaneously before all four of them downed the contents of their glasses. Steve grimaced as the sharp liquor burned its way down his throat, fighting against the urge to cough. He wasn't that much of a drinker, especially of the hard stuff, as Bucky liked to call it, but out of respect for Sam he hadn't protested when Sam had ordered five rounds of what had been Riley’s favourite brand of whisky.
“So, have you been out to see the kid yet?” Carol asked once she set her glass down, waving the waitress over for another. “How old is he now?”
“Yeah, I just saw him yesterday when I brought Riley’s stuff out to Erin. I think he’s six months now? Something like that. Looks just like Riley too, poor kid.”
“Mmm. And how’s Erin doing?”
Sam gave a shrug, downing his second glass of whisky so fast the waitress barely had a chance to set it down.
“Eh, you know how it is. The kid keeps her pretty busy, probably helps keep her mind off of things, ya know? Keeps her from dwelling on it.”
“Yeah, that’s what Maria always says too,” said Carol. “She calls Monica her anchor all the time, says she would've been lost without her.”
“Yeah, I guess I can see that.” Sam let out a heavy sigh, shaking his head. “I dunno, it all just kinda sucks though.”
“Yeah, it does,” agreed Bucky. “Kinda almost makes me wanna take a shot at them every once in a while. Let them see what it’s like for a change.”
“Yeah, but that’s the same kind of thinking that got us into this whole damn mess in the first place,” said Sam. “It’s not a matter of who shot first anymore, it’s all about who keeps shooting.”
“Yeah, well, tell that to Riley’s wife and kid,” Bucky snapped, slamming his glass down onto the table so hard that Carol jumped. “At some point you just gotta either say stop, or fight back. This whole constant patrolling thing is just a massive waste of resources.”
“Well, isn't that what this newfangled thing we're starting tomorrow is supposed to address?” asked Sam. “The next phase, or some shit like that?”
Carol scowled, shooting Steve a questioning look. “Yeah, I guess so. You okay there, Cap?”
“Oh, yeah,” replied Steve, plastering on a smile he had no doubt that Carol could see right through. “Just a bit tired, you know? I was at Ma’s house all last weekend trying to help her out. Her arthritis has gotten pretty bad lately, so I’ve been trying to fix up some stuff around her house to help make things easier on her.”
“Yeah, well, tell her I said hi next time you talk to her, okay?” said Carol as she glanced at the timepiece fastened around her wrist. “I’m already late to meet James.”
“Will do.”
“Yeah, I think I’m gonna get going too, Steve,” said Sam, nudging him in the arm. “I got some stuff to go over before we start that fancy new class tomorrow.”
“I’ll go with you,” said Bucky as he rapidly downed his third glass of whisky. “See ya tomorrow, Steve.”
“Sounds good,” said Steve. “See you guys then.”
As soon as he was alone Steve dropped his chin to his chest, gripping his head between his hands. He had been trying to hide it from his friends, but Riley’s sudden death seven days ago had thrown him for a pretty big loop, one that he hadn’t yet managed to shake. It had been just another routine mission, scouting the skies above Langara in the new X-301 aircrafts with Sam and Riley, something they had all done too many times to count, when, while testing out the banking arc, Riley had pulled back just a split-second too late, ending up just a hair over the hardline DMZ.
And the very moment the tip of his wing tripped that invisible barrier, the enemy’s automated anti-aircraft defence system kicked in and he was immediately taken out, the resulting fireball so blinding that Steve almost flew head-on into Sam before he was able to recover.
Steve shuddered as he recalled the searing heat of that fireball, and the shock that he’d felt at seeing someone he’d spent nearly every single day with for the last three years suddenly vanish, and being completely and utterly helpless to stop it.
It was like Sam had said; that they had been up there just to watch.
And now there was yet another Langaran test-pilot widow, and yet another Langaran child growing up without a father.
Just like he had.
It took him a few more seconds to realise that none of the others had bothered to leave any credits behind for their drinks, something that brought a slight smile to Steve’s face as he dug into his back pocket, peeling off the required number of bills and laying them on the table. He’d get them all back the next time.
In fact, if his memory was correct, and it always was, Bucky had managed to skip out on paying the last three times, something Steve would be sure to pass along to Sam once he saw him again.
Getting to his feet, Steve grabbed his worn brown leather jacket and slung it over his shoulder, checking his timepiece on his way out the door. It was only 1600, and since he’d already completed his aircraft double-check and filed his mission report for the day, that meant he had plenty of time to make one of his hospital visits before he returned to the barracks for dinner.
Outside the sun was shining, the autumn air crisp and cool as Steve mounted his motorcycle and took off in the direction of the base hospital, smiling as he felt the breeze whipping across his face and through his hair. He never bothered with a helmet, something he knew drove his ma mad with worry, but he had always rather enjoyed living a bit dangerously, and since he had been driving motorcycles even longer than he’d been flying aircraft, Steve figured he didn't need to worry about a helmet.
Especially since he had driven out to that hospital so many times he likely could’ve done it in his sleep.
“Hey, Sharon,” Steve said as he arrived on the paediatric floor, smiling fondly at the pretty, blonde-haired nurse sitting at the nurses’ station. “How’re you doing today?”
“Hey, Captain!” Sharon replied, shooting Steve a quick smile. “It’s always good to see you. How’s it going over on the flight deck?”
A stab of pain pierced Steve’s heart, one that he pointedly ignored. He didn't feel like talking about Riley’s death yet again.
“Oh, you know,” he said quickly. “Patrols and more patrols. I’m starting a new class tomorrow though, so maybe things’ll get switched up a bit.”
“Oh. Well, that sounds like fun,” said Sharon. “So, you here to see someone?”
Steve gave a nod. “Yeah, thought I’d stop by and see what Tyler’s been up to. Is he still here?”
“Actually, he’s not,” answered Sharon. “He finally turned a corner about three days ago and was just discharged earlier this morning. The doctors expect him to make a full recovery.”
“Aw, that’s wonderful!” Steve exclaimed, even as he felt a pang of regret. He had really enjoyed getting to know Tyler.
“I’m just sorry that I didn't get to say goodbye to him.”
“Yeah, especially with the nasty type of pneumonia that he had,” Sharon said with wide eyes. “Kids really are resilient, you know?”
“Yeah, they sure seem to be,” said Steve. “Is that why you love working with them so much? ‘Cause they’re resilient?”
“Oh gods yes,” Sharon said, nodding swiftly. “That, and they don't complain about stuff nearly as much as adults do.” She gave her keyboard a tap and grabbed another chart off the counter, one that was so thick that its binding was starting to fray. “There is another kid who just came in early this morning, though, and I’d wager that he would really appreciate some company. Especially from a hotshot pilot like yourself.”
“Oh? What’s his name?”
“Peter,” said Sharon. She tucked the chart to her chest and leaned forward, lowering her voice. “He’s got a pretty bad heart, poor kid, and when he came in this morning… well… if I ever have to see another kid’s face that awful shade of blue ever again, it’ll be way too soon.”
Steve winced, crossing his arms across his front. “How bad is he?”
“Pretty bad.” Sharon huffed out a sharp breath as she bit her bottom lip, lowering her voice even further. “I’m not really allowed to talk about his family, but… let’s just say that he needs a pretty expensive operation, but there’s a lot of mitigating circumstances out there that are muddying the waters. It just sucks because he doesn’t deserve any of it, you know? And yet he’s still the one that’s suffering for it.”
Anger welled up inside Steve’s gut, so strongly that it almost frightened him. He hadn't even met the child and yet already felt very protective of him. “Okay, but you're not saying that his parents—that they’re—?”
“Oh no, that’s not it at all,” Sharon assured him. “I don't think I’ve ever seen a more overprotective father than this kid’s dad. I mean, the only reason he’s not in there with him right now is because he was afraid that he’d get fired. It’s just… well… you know our government, right? I mean, you're around part of it every day, so…”
“Just the military part,” said Steve. “I don't really know much about what goes on in the civilian aspect.”
“Well… like I said. It all just pretty much sucks.” Sharon tilted her head, giving Steve a warm smile. “I’m sure he’ll perk up once he sees you, though. He’s a real sweetie, but he’s pretty down at the moment.”
“Well, then it’s a good thing I’m here,” Steve said. He tapped his palm on the counter, returning Sharon’s smile. “Thanks, Sharon.”
“Sure thing.”
Stepping down the hallway, Steve paused just outside the door to Peter’s room, his mind swirling with what Sharon’s cryptic words could possibly mean. What sort of mitigating circumstances could exist that would be murky enough to prevent a child from getting a potentially life-saving surgery, especially if he was as bad off as Sharon made it sound?
And she had only mentioned the boy’s father, so did that mean he didn't have a mom? Or that the mom wasn't involved?
Ultimately Steve knew it really wasn't any of his business, but yet he couldn’t help but wonder.
Inhaling a deep breath, Steve gently knocked on the door.
“Come in?” a small voice responded, weak and timid.
Stepping inside the room, Steve was greeted by a young boy, maybe ten or eleven years old, with probably the biggest and sweetest brown eyes that he had ever seen, partially hidden by a mop of brown curls that hung across his forehead. The boy’s skin was ghostly pale, nearly as white as the various bandages covering the three separate intravenous tubes, but he smiled kindly as Steve approached him, letting out a weak, wet cough as he raised his hand to wave hello.
“Hello,” he said, tilting his head as his eyes narrowed. “I’m Peter.”
“Hello Peter,” said Steve, attempting a smile. This boy was far, far sicker than Tyler had ever been, and Steve wasn’t quite sure he was comfortable with that yet. “My name is Steve.”
“Hi Steve,” said Peter. “You're not another doctor?”
“No, I’m not,” answered Steve. “I’m actually a pilot with the Langaran Air Corps.”
“Oh,” Peter said, eyeing Steve suspiciously. “Okay, so then why are you here?”
The prologue for The Phoenix Project will post on Monday, March 23rd, with new chapters posting weekly until the story concludes 😊
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nikatyler · 5 years
Since you’ve mentioned having mixed feelings about Miracle’s storyline as well as Miracle and Adam, I was wondering if you could go into more detail about how you feel about them? Sorry if that’s a weird question I’m just always interested on how feelings change over time. Plus you always have such interesting things to say about your characters.
Sure thing! I hope this rambling won’t be too confusing. I’ve rewritten it like three times already because I just don’t know where to start. There’s so much to talk about, so many personal influences and whatnot, and I don’t know how to go about it without revealing too much personal stuff while also making my point clear...you know what I mean? But this is my final try, I don’t want you to wait any longer...even though I probably should’ve done that because my head isn’t in the right place today. You know how yesterday I said I wasn’t freaking out about uni at all? Yeah, I spoke too soon.
It’s under the cut because I talked too much, but here’s a TL;DR: Basically other ships just inspire me more, Miracle and Adam are bland compared to them. Also, Miracle’s storyline has some moments I’m not proud of.
I guess I don’t like them as much anymore because they don’t really have anything to offer. They’re a cute, happy, perfect couple, but that’s kind of it? I’m not saying good, happy couples are bad irl, it’s just that when I’m reading something and that’s the only thing I can say about a ship, then it’s not a ship I enjoy as much as others. I think Miracle and Adam might be too perfect. Even the best couples get into arguments sometimes, but they never had to face anything like that.
Let’s look at my other ships, the ones I claim are my favourites. I’ll give you a few examples of what they offer other than “we’re cute and happy”. Might contain spoilers but eh, as always, when will I get around posting these stories anyway?
Tyler and Sharon: They both carry these insecurities and secrets they don’t tell anyone about, only each other. Tyler might seem very confident and whatnot and often makes fun of his siblings, but deep inside, he thinks that they’re all so much better than him. He also has this mindset of “if I’m not good at music, then I failed at everything”. I won’t go into detail about Sharon’s secrets because that’s something I would really like to reveal when the time is right but…let’s just say that there’s a lot beneath this “we’re a badass couple oh and we also joke around each other a lot and sometimes it looks like we hate each other but nope, we’re actually madly in love”. I also love how equal they are in their relationship, like screw the traditional roles, we can do whatever the hell we want in our household. And like I mentioned, there’s this whole music thing, their relationship is very impacted by that. Last but not least, I just love the chemistry and dynamics that they have, this playfulness, sarcasm and sass. They’re just fun for me to write about.
Ross and Caleb: Okay, I will admit, they do fall a little bit under the “cute and happy” category now, but what I love about them is their long history and how their relationship developed over the years. There’s been quite a few changes and ups and downs. They started off as very unlikely friends, where actually, at first the friendship was kinda one-sided and Caleb was just like “okay, whatever, I’ll play videogames with you”. Over time, they grew closer, then they grew apart during Ross’s worst years…and so on. I feel like I get into this every other week in an ask, so I won’t repeat it again, I’m sorry :D
Caleb and Rachel: (other Caleb. original Caleb. my Caleb. redhead Caleb.) Again, seemingly just another “cute and happy” ship, but I think it works in their case because of this irony, I guess you could say. Caleb actually doesn’t want much, he just wishes for a happy boring life with a happy little family where nothing extraordinary happens, but he got the exact opposite. At one point his life was totally awful (divorce with Angel, he found out he couldn’t have children, was fired, and I mean, even the alien abduction kinda sucked, let’s be honest), then things changed again (birth of Miracle) and now he’s learning to live with all that because there’s no way he’s getting that boring life he wished for. And then there’s this whole fact that he’s kind of grumpy and sad and always sees the worst, but then he meets Rachel, who is always smiling, and she shows him how to be happier too. They’re not complete opposites though, they both share many interests. And yes, they do fight sometimes. Remember when they found out Rachel was pregnant and Caleb didn’t want to believe it?
Zoey and Isaac: My two nerds I hardly ever talk about but they own my entire heart. The progress of their relationship is one of my favourite things in this Golden Days story that I’m writing. They become close friends in ts3 universe, help each other heal, then the whole parallel universe mess happens, Zoey is thrown into the ts4 universe (I’m trying to really simplify it here because this whole post is getting too long and we’re not even halfway through), finds this universe’s version of Isaac too and so on. He knows the things she’s gone through, he’s always there for her, she’s there for him too because he has his problems too. They’re dealing with a lot.
I could talk about Josie and Lucian too but it’s too early for that and who knows, maybe eventually I’ll find out they’re not actually one of my most favourite ships.
And I know what you might be thinking - “but Miracle and Adam had a story too! They struggled too! ” Yeah, they had and yeah, there were struggles. But after that, they turned/I turned them into your generic happy cute couple. It’s partially because of the mess that gen 5 was, there just wasn’t space for any more interesting development.
I think one reason why I don’t like them as much anymore is Miracle’s storyline as a whole. I don’t connect to it as much as I did when I wrote it. It was really influenced by how I was feeling back then and I just didn’t know any better. Without getting too personal and sad, if I wrote it today, some things would be vastly different.
Yeah, Adam was a nice guy who turned out to be dating a mean girl, that’s kind of a cliche but whatever. Sometimes I enjoy cliches in a way. I would be cool with that, even though it’s dumb and, well, a cliche.
The thing that bothers me the most is the mixed message about insecurities. So yeah, Miracle doesn’t think she’s pretty, she thinks everyone would hate her if they knew she was half-alien (because that’s how it was for her at school before) and has low self-esteem because of that. And yes, there are people who are terrible to her because of that. But her friends and the people who matter (her family, Adam, Billie and Ed) would never give a damn about it, first and foremost they like her for who she is - a nice, kind, humble person. Then everyone finds out she’s half-alien, Adam then comforts her and tells her it doesn’t matter and that he actually loves her and she finally starts believing that okay, maybe it really doesn’t matter, maybe I’m pretty even though I’m not like the others.
At this point, if she had remained that way and just learned to love herself that way, that would’ve been fantastic and a great message. It’s also something I myself have learned in the past months. I don’t want to sound cheesy but yes, I found a way to love myself even though I’m not the definition of beauty standard in the slightest. (I know it’s not quite the same thing, but my relationship with myself was a big influence for Miracle’s storyline, so that’s why I used it as an example here.)
But no, I made it so that she still goes and finally changes into a fully human form. So yeah, people don’t mind her being half-alien, but still, let’s get rid of that aspect, it’ll be easier or something. A non-story reason why I did this is simply because I once found out what she would look like without the alien eyes and liked it a lot and wanted her to look like that in the legacy, which…I guess again contradicts this whole “you’re beautiful no matter what” message. I don’t know. It’s hard for me to talk about these things.
I kinda hate the fact that she only started believing in herself after a guy she loved told her to. Like…okay, I’m not saying it doesn’t happen in real life, but wouldn’t it be so much more satisfying if she realized that on her own? She would get so much stronger. What actually happened in the story didn’t get rid of her insecurities, in my opinion, she just hid them for years (until one day, she understood there are things in life that matter more than what she looks like - see Regan’s story in gen 6). 
There was also this damsel in distress aspect of her story at that point where Esme and god-knows-what-his-name-was find out who she is, threaten to beat her up (which is something I’m not proud of writing, that was too much and surely I could’ve done something else about it), suddenly Adam storms in and beats the guy up instead (which, let’s be real, is very much out of his character, but hey this damsel needed a knight to save her I guess - god, this bothers me so much).
Alright, so that happens, they move out of the dorm into their own house with Billie and Ed (that’s another relationship I have issues with, but that’s a story for another day)…and they turn into this exact happy perfect couple that doesn’t really inspire me to write anything about, except for maybe late night nightmare and comforting short stories. There’s not really anything else. Adam lowkey didn’t have a personality, Miracle is just a good girl who now doesn’t have to deal with what used to haunt her, and every interesting thing I could start a story about is gone. There are not even any good opposites about them, nothing in their personalities that would clash and make for interesting conflicts.
Wow, this was long and I’m getting lost in it. I didn’t think it would be so hard to talk about it, but it was hard. In my head, I know exactly how I feel about them, but then putting it down is difficult. Still, thank you for asking, it was interesting for me to go back to them.
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jayascorner · 5 years
you can’t take my place
tyler joseph x reader
(the title isn’t a joke lol)
piper thompson. the basketball legend. well, at least up to the third quarter of the year.
she had been known school wide for the best basketball player on the varsity team, for a girl. she’s even better than some of the guys. the spotlight was always on her. and sometimes....people were jealous. whenever she got the ball everyone would cheer for her, knowing her name.
this was all until tyler joseph came along. then the saltiness came upon piper. ever since he came, she’s hated tyler’s guts. not just because he’s a basketball player, but also because he took her place being wickedly talented at it. that just made her so infuriated. she didn’t even bother to talk to him about it or even become basketball buddies with him. they could have been, but she judged the book by its cover.
and oh was she wrong about him
“hey piper! you playin’ basketball tonight?” a guy asks. piper is currently at her locker, finally closing it for the day.
“wow! somebody remembers i play basketball.” she scoffs.
“so...are you?” he asks once more.
“yeah. how’d you know?”
he gives her a look like she was stupid or something. “uhh because you’re wearing a jersey.”
she looks down at her feet. “oh. that.”
you see what i mean? it’s like she doesn’t exist in the world of basketball anymore. all because of that dumb tyler guy.
“yo tyler! good luck at the game! OH RIGHT!! YOU DON’T NEED LUCK!” another guy shouts from across the hall, as tyler just smirks triumphantly.
piper hears that from her locker and totally just gapes at him. he glances at her, but thinks nothing of it and walks away.
it’s kinda rare for both varsity girls and boys to play on the same day. that usually doesn’t happen.
but you know what that means? she can watch him and see if he really is that good. and you never know, he might see her.
but anyways, this is a total nightmare for piper.
her spotlight.
going to another guy.
but maybe....
she can confront him!!!
“hey mom!” she calls out as she comes in her house. it’s common for her to walk home, rather than taking the bus or driving. she is an athlete, after all, and it’s best for her to do the most beneficial things for her body.
she comes in the kitchen to see her mom making dinner. “hi honey. how was school today?”
piper sighs. “just as usual.” she says while putting her backpack down. “i just wish that stupid guy would leave the school.” she mutters
her mom looks up in shock. “WHO’S STUPID?”
“oh just this dude named tyler. he’s new to the school, but totally just took my spot. like nobody pays attention to me anymore. it’s like i don’t exist.” she complains, leaning against the counter.
“okay now we don’t call people stupid. and how did he take your spot?”
“apparently he’s really good at basketball. once everybody saw his talent, they left me back in the dust. i feel like they all forgot i even play basketball.”
“aww i’m sorry sweetie. sometimes life can be hard. just try to tough it out. or maybe you can talk to him. you never know, y’all could become friends.”
piper scoffs. “i doubt it. he’s playing tonight anyways.”
“then talk to him! i’m sure you have a lot in common!” she claps her hands once.
“but mommmmm. i don’t want to.” she whines.
“what? is he good looking or something?”
piper stops to think about that. she never pays attention to his looks. but she could say, he’s definitely not bad looking.
“i mean, kind of. i don’t know. but i’m not very fond of him so don’t get any ideas.” she walks over to the table to do homework at.
“how do you not like him? you haven’t even met him yet.”
she just frowns in response.
“oh. you’re salty.”
piper nods in response.
her mom sighs. “you know, you don’t need to be mad at him for any reason. he didn’t do anything. the best way to change your mind is to actually get to know him. anyways, dinners ready. if you want some.”
“i probably shouldn’t. i have a game in 30 minutes, i’ll eat after.” she says.
“alright.” her mom says.
after a few minutes, she is ready to go. but she still has some time to do homework, so that happens. and of course, she doesn’t finish all of it.
“you really need to wear those slides?” her mom asks.
piper looks down at her new f/c slides and frowns innocently. “yes. they keep my basketball shoes from getting dirty. you know we can’t walk on anything other than a court with those.”
“you could just bring another pair of shoes.”
“but with slides it’s easier because you can just slip them on. why are you so against me wearing these?”
“i’m not against them. i just don’t like them.” she says while putting her own shoes on.
“well i like them. so i’m gonna wear them.” piper smiles joyously. her mom mutters a ‘whatever’ and they leave.
~time skip~brought to you by jish and ty kissing each other’s shoulders (ik ik you could’ve read that wrong)
it’s far into the varsity girls game, aka piper’s game. she notices tyler on one of the top benches of the bleachers, but sadly tyler doesn’t notice her.
wait a sec...SADLY??
...what just happened?
there comes a time where they get a foul and piper has to shoot a free throw. of course she’s gonna make at least one of them. she always does. mostly she makes both. everyone is murmuring her name since they can’t distract the player. at least they remembers she’s a good player.
and of course ya gotta hear those dumb cheerleaders chanting. “hey you! at the free throw line. miss it, miss it!” AS LOUD AS THEY FREAKING CAN!
it’s totally rude to say that but i mean, it’s the other school.
and all piper can hear was her own voice in her head telling her how to shoot the ball. because for some reason, she would always think of the steps to shoot the perfect basket. it’s like those cliché moments in movies if you know what i’m saying.
of course she makes the first one, to her luck, getting her team another point.
by the time she shoots the second one, everybody cheers in excitement. nobody is surprised though. piper looks over to where tyler is sitting. he is clapping and seems pretty impressed.
tyler’s pov
do y’all know what’s boring? waiting for a basketball game, when you don’t have much friends to talk to.
but ever since i saw that girl make more that one three pointers and make both free throws, i started paying attention. it wasn’t as boring.
i believe her name is...pipe? wait- no. why would someone name their kid pipe? maybe it’s pie... pier?? no.. none of those are actual names. maybe...piper? that’s an actual name.
if that’s her name, it’s really pretty. but dude! she is wickedly talented at basketball! i could never. i’m quaking.
sometimes i see her in school, but she doesn’t look to be very fond of me. it seems as if she doesn’t like me or something. all the people i meet like me, well i mean they like me as a person. they all think i’m the best at basketball, when honestly, i think this piper girl is better than me.
i’ve also noticed that she’s really supportive of her team. most team members are supportive, but not like her. i think that’s really nice.
okay now i just wanna talk to her.
maybe she’ll stay for my game.
...eh probably not.
but just maybe!
oh yeah that’s right....
i’m singing the national anthem....
i really don’t know if people actually think i’m a good singer. i just came to this school like 2 weeks ago, and a lot has happened since then. first, they just let me on the basketball team for some reason. and let me remind you, that was way after tryouts were held.
and then, they just ask me to sing the national anthem. i sang like ONCE, and they were like ‘dudeee! you gotta sing for everyone. forget the instrumental track, we want you!’
seriously, i don’t get how everyone loves me all the sudden. oh except pipe. oh- i mean piper. man, i’m really bad with names. i’m still not entirely sure if that’s her actual name. anyways, the only time i saw her acknowledge me was like today, and she seemed completely offended by me. what did i do wrong, you ask? i don’t know what the heck i did wrong. i haven’t even spoken to her. i want to though. she looks pretty sick.
“tyler! come on!” the new coach (which happens to be my dad) yells. i notice that the girls’ game is almost over. my team is warming up, and i’m still on the benches! what is wrong with me...
i run over to my teammates and start warming up with them.
“bro what were you doing?”
i shrug. “just watching the game.”
“dude why? the girls are wimps!” one of them chimes in.
“no, not if one of them is a frikin’ beast at the sport. besides, they have one of the best coaches. i mean, besides my dad.” i say
“yeah.” i said.
“but she’s not as good as you.”
i shake my head. “have you seen how many three pointers she’s made today?”
they all laugh. “yeah right man! girls don’t make three pointers!”
“gosh y’all are so sexist! she made at least 5. and that’s really good for a girl.” i say, starting to grow a bit annoyed at my mostly sexist teammates.
“oh whatever.” one says, while all of them scoff.
“tyler you’re up! go!” my dad said, as i realized that our game was just about to start. and yes, i’m singing the national anthem. not that i’m scared of singing in front of people, i’m okay with it, but i’m not the best with attention per say.
as i make it to my designated spot where the microphone is, i meet up with another dude that’s singing with me. i know he has a much deeper voice than me, so he’ll sing the low harmony. wait a sec...i already know this, we rehearsed it already.
i scan the crowd in hopes to see if piper might still be here, and to my surprise, she is in fact, still here. she’s on the very right of the bleachers, in the middle section.
it’s like she’s standing out to me, i don’t know how.
i have a higher vocal range than the average man. it just comes naturally. when the time comes, i open my mouth and the words start flowing out of my mouth to the music.
piper’s POV
we end up winning our game (hehe thanks to me). i asked my mom if i can stay for the boys game. don’t ask why. she said yes, so here i am waiting on the bleachers.
tyler joseph runs up to the mic with another dude that’s taller than him. “now will you all rise as we sing the national anthem.” the announcer says. everybody stands up, including me, and the boys start singing.
now i didn’t know that tyler could be a basketball champ, and a singer. because dang, he has a voice. this really reminds me of high school musical. he is a literal troy bolton!
and maybe you can be gabriella...
what? no! for one, i can’t sing, and two, gabriella didn’t play basketball in the movies.
ugh fine. worth a shot though.
yeah, a bad shot.
now let’s see if this guy is any good.
time skip :D
okay so yes, i can see what everybody is talking about. this dude it good as heck. man, you should have seen how much three pointer shots he got. there were a lot. seriously i need to talk to him, my mind changed. this guy sparks my interest, if you know what i mean.
right as i’m leaving the brown haired boy comes to me.
“um...can i help you?” i ask.
“are you piper?” he asks.
oh wow, how does he already know about me? do people still know who i am? did i not get kicked out of the spotlight?
“yes, and i’m assuming you’re tyler?”
“yeah, i just wanted to say good job tonight, it was pretty impressive.” he complements you.
“thanks, but i’m not nearly as good as you.” i say, and of course it’s true.
he flashes a smile at me, which is actually very charming. “thanks. but really, you should see yourself. you killed it.”
“but really, i could say the same about you.” i state, mimicking him.
“nah. anyways, it was pretty sick seeing you tonight.”
“yeah, see you later.” i say as i awkwardly walk away.
he’s nice, isn’t he?
hey guys! here i am with another post! i hope you liked it :)
and also, pls like and comment what you think!! i’d love some feedback!
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blightfics · 6 years
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Previous Chapter: A Test of Strength
Next Chapter: More Coming Soon!
Disclaimer:  Pokémon is a property of Game Freak and Nintendo, while Endless  Summer is a property of Pixelberry. I do not claim any rights here.
Author’s Note: If the “Keep reading” doesn’t work, go here for the full post. Special thanks to @princessstellaris for helping me pick the perfect music recommended for this chapter and @mechaspirit for some scenes. You guys rock!
@xo-endlessmayhem-xo, @zekei-sentry, @mysteli, @choicesyouplayandmore, @brightpinkpeppercorn, @sceptilemasterr, @scgdoeswhat, @endlessly-searching-for-you
Recommended Music: Road Trip! (Choices)
It’s the second annual La Huerta River Race event and Quinn, the first place winner last year is speaking at the stage, alongside Meg, last year’s second place winner. Jake and Taylor spot their daughter, Kaitlyn, and the other kids.
Taylor: Hey, look who it is!
Jake: Li’l marshmallow!
The family run into each other, exchanging loving embraces. The others walk towards them with smiles.
Blight: Lookin’ slick, Flyboy.
Jake looks up and grins at Blight’s compliment.
Jake: Could say the same for you, Goggles.
The two men approach each other and high five. Jake whispers to Blight’s ear.
Jake: So, how is he?
Blight: He’s doing great. Just a few more getting used to his prosthetic limbs and--
Taylor: What are you guys whispering about?
Jake and Blight suddenly jump and look at Taylor with a nervous grin.
Jake: Nothing!
Blight: Yeah! We were just... talking about... umm...
Jake: Psyducks!
Blight: That’s right, Psyducks!
The two men quickly laugh to cut the tension and suspicion. 
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Everyone looks at them with unamused looks. Taylor lightly smacks Jake’s head.
Taylor: Geez, even without Tyler here, you always have someone to joke around with.
Jake: Ow!
Meanwhile, Vishakha and Elesis mock Blight.
Elesis: I rarely see you like this, Blight.
Vishakha: You’re so lame, Jester.
Blight: Hey!
After a few laughs and reconnecting, everyone walks to the crowd. Suddenly, a woman calls out to Mika.
Woman: Mika, my dear!
Mika turns to see her mother, holding a Pokémon egg.
Mika: Mom!
Mika rushes to hug her mother while Kaitlyn follows behind her. 
Kaitlyn: Hello, Mrs. Dinh.
Mika’s Mother: Hello, Kaitlyn.
After they pull apart, Mika’s mother hands her daughter the Pokémon egg.
Mika’s Mother: Here you go, dear. Make sure you take care of it like it’s your own child.
Mika: Thanks, Mom.
The two share an embrace again and Mika’s mother plants a kiss on the girl’s forehead. They exchange “I love you’s” and “goodbyes” before parting ways. Kaitlyn's family approach Mika.
Kaitlyn: Soo, whatchu got there, Mika?
Mika: Oh, it’s a Pokémon egg.
Jake: I think Mikadzuki’s got a Togepi egg there.
(Note: Jake calls Mika, “Mikadzuki” because it is the Japanese word for “Crescent Moon”. Mika wears a crescent moon choker and she has a strand of hair that’s shaped like a crescent moon.)
Taylor: Oh, so you’re planning on using a Togepi evolution line for the Grand Festival.
Mika: Mhm!
Kaitlyn: That’s awesome!
After the four share smiles, they reunite with the others and listen to the rules of the River Race event.
Quinn: Now, the rules of the race are simple; reach the finish line first before your opponents do. The finish line is located at the riverside of Mansingh Town.
Taari: Oh! That’s where our next gym battle is!
Reginald: Then I guess we should participate in this race. Not only is it fun, but it’s also a way for us to reach my mother’s town fast.
Kaitlyn: Yep!
Meg continues the explanation of the rules.
Meg: However, you must NOT knock your opponent out of their surfboards. Only the obstacles are allowed to do that. Speaking of which, the race’s obstacles include, rock formations, small and harmless whirpools, and Carvanhas that only get hostile if you get too close.
Taari: Welp... shi--
Reginald: Language.
Quinn: The first three to reach the finish line will each receive a Pokémon egg.
Kaitlyn: Sweet!
Quinn: First place winner gets a Dratini Egg. Second place winner gets a Chikorita Egg. And Third place winner gets a Tynamo Egg.
Meg: Alright, racers. Please decide on which Pokémon to use and sign up on that booth over there.
Those who are interested in joining the race make their way to the sign up booth. Taari, Reginald, Kaitlyn and Mika do the same. Vishakha, Elesis and Meg are at the stage, exchanging hugs.
Meg: Miss ya, Sistas!
Elesis: Miss ya too!
Vishakha: Yeet!
Recommended Music: Legends of the Past
Meanwhile, Taylor and the other adults gather around to discuss something important.
Taylor: So, Blight... Jake says that you’ve been helping him find my brother, Tyler?
Blight: That’s right. According to my scans so far, he’s been last seen up in the mountains, near Prisma City.
Jake: That’s where Michelle lives.
Quinn: What do you think has he been doing these past months?
Blight: I don’t know but based on his the places he’s been going to... I think he’s...
Taylor: He’s what?
Blight: ...Looking for Vaanu’s other fragments, Palkia and Dialga.
There is a sudden silence between the group. Quinn clutches her chest after hearing what her husband has been doing ever since she lost him.
Quinn: ....Tyler....
Jake: So, Boy Scout’s been looking for answers to the questions we’ve been asking since he and Princess got back her five years ago?
Blight: I guess so...
Taylor scoffs.
Taylor: Well, that still doesn’t excuse him from leaving us! He should’ve told us about his plan. We could’ve covered more ground together! Instead, he did it alone because he’s so hung up on the loss of--
Taylor notices Quinn starting to break into tears.
Taylor: Oh no, Quinn. I’m sorry. I... didn’t mean to...
Taylor gives Quinn a gentle hug while Blight looks at Jake.
Blight: Loss?
Jake: Yup...
Jake clears his throat.
Jake: You see, Goggles... seven and a half months ago... Tyler and Quinn lost their son, Brandon Kelly.
A weight is pulled in Blight’s heart as he hears the sad news. He is also struck by the idea that he might lose his niece, his daughter-figure, Vishakha. He quickly turns to Quinn.
Blight: Quinn, I... I’m sorry...
Quinn shakes her head and wipes her tears.
Quinn: It’s... okay, guys... Just...
She looks at Blight.
Quinn: Promise me that you’ll find him...
Blight gives a reluctant look before nodding.
Blight: I will. I promise.
Jake shared the same expression Blight has. 
Recommended Music: Mantine Surf (Pokémon)
Soon after, the tension is cut by the kids and the Aryndelle sisters approaching the adults.
Meg: Yo! Everything’s all set and everyone is signed up.
Jake gets between the adults and the kids to hide Quinn’s sadness.
Jake: Nice! Now, let’s get this show on the road, Megatron!
Meg: “Megatron”?
Jake: What?! It’s the best I can come up with your name!
Meg and the kids chuckle while Jake groans and leads them to the Grand La Huerta River. Blight and Taylor lead a slowly recovering Quinn to the stage as they watch the racers get ready. Taari, Reginald, Kaitlyn, Mika and the other racers change into their swimwear and call out their ride partners.
Kaitlyn: I’m counting on you, Empoleon!
Reginald: Come out, Croconaw!
Taari: Let’s go, Wartortle!
Mika: I choose you, Blastoise!
The three kids look at Mika’s Blastoise.
Mika: ....What?
Taari: Cool! Your Wartortle evolved! I can’t wait for mine to evolve too!
Reginald: I guess the girls have the evolutionary advantage here.
Kaitlyn: Yeet!
Jake stands on the stage and announces the beginning of the race.
Jake: Alright, racers. Get ready!!
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The racers properly leash their Pokémon and mount their surfboards.
Jake: On your mark!... Get set!...
The kids squint their eyes while their Pokémon prepare themselves.
Jake: SURF’S UP!!
All the racers’s Pokémon dash past the starting line as they surf on the river. At the start of the race, Mika and Kaitlyn are competing in first place, while Taari and Reginald are right behind them.
Kaitlyn: Heh! Just like contest, eh?
Mika: You know it!
Taari: We need to catch up, Reggie!
Reginald: Agreed!
Taari and Reginald grin as they give their commands to their partners.
Taari: Use Aqua Jet!
Reginald: Use Aqua Jet!
Wartortle hides inside his shell and fires jets of water behind him from out of his shell holes to give Taari a boost. Croconaw surround himself with water as he does the same for Reginald. The two then pass Kaitlyn and Mika, accidentally splashing them with water.
Kailtyn: Hey!
Mika: Rude!
The boys snicker and high five. 
Kaitlyn: Empoleon, use Bubble Beam!
Mika: Use Water Gun, Blastoise!
Empoleon fires a barrage bullet-like bubbles towards Taari while Blastoise fires a stream of water towards Reginald. The boys end up getting splashed with water but they remain on their boards.
Taari: Hey! No hitting the racers!
Reginald: Yeah! That’s against the rules!
Kaitlyn: It said that there’s no KNOCKING OUT!
Mika: Yeah! You started it!
The kids’ aggressive playstyle backfires as surrounding Carvanhas are agitated by their actions. The Savage Pokémon jump up from the river and ambush their agitators.
Taari: AAAHH!!
Kaitlyn: AAAHH!!
Reginald: AAAHH!!
Mika: AAAHH!!
The other slow-and-steady racers pass the kids.
Kaitlyn: Damn it! We gotta take back our lead.
Taari: Yeah!
Reginald: Truce for now?!
Mika: Yep!
The four compose themselves and work together to catch up to the other racers. Meanwhile, on the stage, Blight, Vishakha and Elesis say their goodbyes to the others.
Elesis: Right, we should probably head to Prisma City to prepare the Masquerade Ball.
Vishakha: Yep. Take care, Sis!
Meg: You too, Sista!
Blight looks at Jake, Taylor and Quinn.
Blight: You take care too, you guys.
Jake: No prob, Goggles.
They all exchange hugs before parting ways. Jake, Taylor, Quinn and Meg focus on the river race while Blight, Vishakha and Elesis make their way to Prisma City. 
Recommended Music: Brink
A few minutes pass and Blight looks up and sees a familiar object.
Blight: Hey, isn’t that..?
His two nieces follow his gaze.
Vishakha: The orange and blue comet!
Elesis: What is that supposed to be anyway?
Blight: I dunno, but... I think this is the first time it’s passing by Earth since it’s never been seen before until now.
The three shrug off the comet and continue on their way. Meanwhile back at the river race, a loud boom is suddenly heard.
Jake: What was that?!
Two large figures pass by the stage. Jake and the others recognize them.
Taylor: Is that...?!
Jake: No way!
Quinn: It’s.... Tyler!
Meg: And Palkia?!
The three spot Tyler flying over the river, on his Charizard, while chasing Palkia.
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Tyler and Palkia eventually fly over the racers. The kids notice them.
Taari: Woah! Is that...?!
Kaitlyn: Uncle Tyler?!
Reginald: And the legendary Palkia?!
Mika: What’s going on?!
Due to Palkia’s presence and it being cornered by Tyler, spacial disturbances start to appear around the area.
Recommended Music: Fight or Flight (It Lives)
Dangerous waves start to form on the river and the whirlpools start to get bigger.
Racer 1: Oh no!
Racer 2: Everyone get clear!
But it’s not yet over. Dark purple eyes start to gleam from beneath the river.
Reginald: The Carvanhas! Don’t tell me...
Taari: They’re being corrupted!
Kaitlyn: Hell no! I don’t want this to end up like It Lives Beneath!
Mika: Too late for that!
Taylor, Jake, Quinn and Meg take notice of the situation.
Quinn: The racers! 
Meg: They’re in danger!
Jake: We gotta go help them.
Taylor: Come on!
The four rush towards the endangered racers. Meanwhile, Tyler is still chasing Palkia.
Tyler: Charizard, use Fire Blast!
Charizard attempts to breathe a  大-shaped flame towards Palkia. But before he could do it, another Fire Blast is fired towards them. Tyler and Charizard notices this and avoid it just in time.
Tyler: What the?!
Suddenly, two silhouettes leap from the forest. It’s revealed to be the Flame Vigilante and his Mega Blaziken.
Flame Vigilante: I found you, Tyler! YOU BASTARD!!
Tyler: Tch! You again!
Palkia turns to the two trainers with its eyes gleaming. It’s prepared to fight this time. Tyler and the Flame Vigilante prepare for a three-way battle.
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The River Race was going great but suddenly the once-missing Tyler appears, along with Palkia. Then he clashes against it and the Flame Vigilante. But the racers are also in danger! What will be the outcome of the battle and the race? FIND OUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER OF POKÉMON AUTUMN VERSION: RISE FROM FALL!
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vrmbles12 · 8 years
Total Drama First Generation Cast Ranking
My Choice- I’m just using seasons 1-3. I haven’t re-watched 5 since it aired, but I don’t think it affected these standings. Ridonculous Race didn’t affect these either
1- Duncan- Duncan has been my love since episode one. So he was definitely getting a top three spot. We got so much characterization from him though, making the merge every season. Of course characterization is how I like you or not. Plus I just loved his bad boy but secretly good side, it was a fun line to see throughout the seasons.
2- Noah- I love his sarcasm. He’s been my favorite for about five years or so, whenever I started becoming really sarcastic.
3- Lindsay- Honestly, I’ve been re-watching and really love Lindsay. I wanted to bump her up higher, but I love the other two as well but for longer. Though just saying that Lindsay could honestly have made a contest for number 1 (Sorry Noah you were either 2 or 3), if I hadn’t loved Duncan since episode 1. Her TDI elimination deserves it’s own spot.
4- Heather- If you asked me to make this in 2008, now way would Heather have been anywhere but the bottom. Season 3 though with the introduction of Al made it so you wanted Heather to win, at least for me to win. As I rewatch the first season, I do have to respect her playing the game for all the times except for Lindsay’s elimination, because as Duncan said “that’s cold”. I do like her manipulation tactics in the game.
5- Gwen- Gwen I always felt was the sane character of TDI when she was first introduced. Which to childhood me, was not what i thought of for goths. I thought of them as scary (like everyone’s reaction to Ennui and Crimson’s outfits in the air guitar challenge from RR). She just seemed like an honest, relateable character.
6- Al- Al is like Justin 2.0. I felt like Justin disappointed me as a villain (more in his section), but Al improved. Al was able to take his looks and his words to turn himself into a threat. He also knew how to play the game as well as Heather, if not better. He made me start to cheer for Heather, something I used to think impossible. At the same time, I was cheering for him. What can I say, he did his job good.
7- Owen- I loved Owen as the comedic relief. Though sometimes I thought the fart jokes were over used, he provided some other great examples, like Mr. Coconut (The real number one of this list. I forgot to add him and renumbering is too much work). Like Gwen, he seemed like a relateable guy that you might hang out with in real life. I mean I love Duncan, but he’s not the kind you’d hang out with. Owen you would. I also loved to see him in all of the alliances or friendships he had.
8- Cody- I loved Cody season three. He turned into someone I came to love that I was rather indifferent towards earlier. After Duncan got eliminated, I wanted him to be the winner. He’s just a fun, awkward, dork, and who doesn’t love someone like that?
9- Izzy- Can’t deny that Izzy was whack. That’s what made it fun to watch her. She started off as slightly crazy, and even season one had her as on hte RCMP list. I also really love how she was able to cheat the system to come back in season two by competing as E-Scope, not Izzy. My only problem was that you knew she was always going to be eliminated and come back, after the first season. She was never a competitor that I felt you honestly would think would win. She was fun to watch, but because of that fact, it limits her.
10- Leshawna- I loved Leshawna and Heather’s fights, mostly in season one. I felt like that was where they were the strongest. Throwing her off the cliff was great.
11- Geoff- Geoff was a bro, and not like the douchy frat-boy bro. He was the relateable one that you could probably be friends with. I don’t like him as much as the ones above, but he’s nice and relatable, so he’s got to be higher up.
12- Harold- Harold was someone I grew to like over re-runs. I used to like Courtney, so he was disliked for quite a while for eliminating her. I actually like that now, not because of my stance on Courtney. I liked that because it made Harold seem like he could have actually been a threat to others in the competition with doing that. Sadly he gets eliminated the next episode and doesn’t get a chance to act similar to this again. I would’ve loved to see a new direction of him to be an evil dork, but it wasn’t done.
13- Courtney- I know some people will hate this, but Courtney is my middle. She’s not here because I’m indifferent towards her. She’s here because sometimes I like her, like most of TDI, and other times she would get on my last nerve. I’d think about it for the week after the episode. She’s a character that I want to like when I see season one, but in the other seasons I start to lose that interest. So 13 was halfway since she’s either liked or my bottom.
14- DJ- DJ is a fine character. I liked seeing him in the guys’ alliance. Though I did get confused why he’d help or be okay with pulling pranks on Harold then later turned into the ultimate sweetheart. Like it almost seemed out of character, but it’s how it started. It could’ve worked if he saw Momma and she told him she was disappointed with him, thus why he turned more soft. But it sometimes seemed like that edge of him was gone. I mean you can pull a prank but be an over all nice person, but the 2&3 seasons didn’t want that to be for DJ.
15- Sierra- Sierra was an alright character. I mean I understand her obsession with tv characters, but sometimes it got annoying. Since she only appeared in episodes with Cody, we didn’t get much to see her without that. Yeah she’s a X generation basket weaver, but that’s not personality. I know 5 dealt with that more, but I’m not including that here. She’s also middle because she only got one season of the original three to develop her. If she had more, she might have moved positions.
16- Tyler- I loved him with Lindsay, or the time before when he tried to flirt with her. Dumb jock who was a comedic relief when he got the pain. I just felt like he got sent home so early in season 1, and didn’t compete in 2 that it limited his character. He got to grow in 4, but he didn’t get enough.
17-  Bridgette- Bridgette I used to really like when I first watched the series, mostly in the time of season one. I lost that attraction as time went on and never gained it back. I don’t hate Bridgette, I’m just not necessarily a fan of hers. She’s nice, but eh, I don’t feel her.
18- Trent- I used to love Trent, especially season one. Well until that Heather kiss. Yes Heather kisses him, but he melds in, no rejection. Had he pushed her away I would’ve liked him longer. I loved that ship as a child. Also season two I didn’t like the whole number nine thing. I think it would’ve been cool if it was executed better. You first see Trent’s obsession and he’s eliminated the next episode later. I felt like it was thrown in last second as a reason to get rid of him. Good idea, execution not so much. Also the fact that he wasn’t cool with Gwen and Duncan being friends. Like yeah I know that was a jump from last season, but that was only two days after the last special. Clearly you would’ve all been at playa des losers, and seen it grow. (You the longest since you were the first eliminated out of the three). Like there wasn’t really much space for them to hide and start anything without you or the cameras. Plus in a house of 22 teens, no one would’ve seen anything (Looking to Tyler at season 3). Had Trent stayed calm like season 1, I would’ve liked him more. 
19- Zeke- Zeke I don’t necessarily like. As himself he’s pretty neutral. Yeah I didn’t appreciate the sexist comment, but you do see him realize his mistake by the episode between seasons 1 and 2. He can agree to not be sexist to be part of a team. So he does get growth. Obviously he’s always eliminated first episode so not much characterization is given to him so he can’t be high. I just liked the transformation he got as a fun thing to watch. It brought in fun to the series. 
20- Beth- I don’t really have anything for or against Beth. She’s not my favorite but is in no way a bad character. She’s here because everyone else I like more (well except when I don’t for Courtney), and basically everyone below I dislike. Just need some neutral ground here. She’s the bottom here for the ones I’m fine with but don’t hate because I’ve just never got into liking her. Not like dislike form of not liking, I just don’t necessarily care for her one way or another.
21- Eva- Eva actually seems like she could have been a fun character to watch. Never someone I’d probably like, but her anger was fun to watch. Only problem was she basically never appeared in the series, and all she was only ever angry. Katie and Sadie could be dumb but have a fight, but Eva didn’t get the chance. She had potential and didn’t annoy me so she’s up here.
22- Katie- Katie and Sadie are two characters that pretty much equally annoy me. They were tolerable for like the two seconds they were introduced or whatever but not really otherwise. Katie is ranked higher only because from one of the later episodes when she calls Sadie too fat for the bus, it made me laugh. Just gave me one line to like her more so she’s just so slightly higher.
23- Justin- I just never felt anything with Justin except annoyance. I mean season one he doesn’t speak and is a theme song and was tolerable for not lasting long, but season 2 I just remember being annoyed by him. He was someone I was open to liking, but it came off to annoy me. Only because of Katie’s one line making me laugh, thus a moment of not annoyance is why she’s higher.
24- Sadie- Sadie along with Katie, are just frankly annoying and irritating. Sadie had more screen time and failed to impress me in any way, shape, or form.
25- Blaineley- Blaineley’s here because she wasn’t on the show that long. She’s appeared in ten episodes on the series and only spoken in six. Only two of these was she a contestant. I live in America, where we never saw the aftermaths (You had to know they were online and I didn’t. Never saw in reference to being on tv.) So her speaking lines for me were shorter. I just felt like with Celebrity Manhunt she was boring, and I only got two more speaking episodes from her. She didn’t wow me with her words enough to be higher because she didn’t have much of a character, though more than Justin in TDI.
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