#anyways wenclair solos
strawberri-draws · 2 years
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Wednesday doodle 🪦🥀🌙
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streaminn · 1 year
tell more about this new streamer au u've mentioned bc im very interested
So it starts with an game
You can vc and shit this game too and it was very very popular. You could choose whether to be a normie or an outcast, there were several jobs that one can take and quests with challenges.
Overall a really fun game bc you can either play with friends and build a land with them or play solo and try to complete everything
Think of uh, genshin! But you can customize and level up your character + it being constantly multi-player unless you go to your own private land that you can buy or get from quests
you can also unlock elusive powers as an outcast if you complete certain quests as well.
It was called, Jericho Online bc I can't think of a better name rn 😅
So it starts with Pugsley who starts badgering to thirteen year old Wednesday to join him in playing the game
Wednesday joins begrudingly, tired of all his incessant whining and also because the words of player killing caught her attention
Enid, whos been playing with pugsley is interested immedietely when the two log in. Going !? And circling the newcomer
Wednesday immedietely plays chase and that's the start of a new friendship, with Enid going !?!!!! And Wednesday pulling out her starter knife bc she's supposed to kill this monster
Enid's character is obviously a werewolf, one of the most famous race type in Jericho but there's a catch
Due to high demand, the devs has given a roll of chance to anyone who plays this race. Bc of this you could be an alpha, beta or cursed
Alpha's usually have a better chance to land a critical hit (aka better crit rate in their base form)
Beta is normal, your stats don't change.
Cursed are left unable to shift, which is an ability that all werewolves have where their crit dmg and crit rate is multiplied by two during full moons (which actually follows the irl moon cycle and there are usually combat events/bosses around then who drop really good loot)
This ability is really really good when you have the right artifacts and is part of the reason why so much people choose werewolves
Enid unfortunately, is a cursed and so she sulks with her amazing artifacts with the knowledge that it could be better if she just shifts
Continuing! Wednesday chose to be a psychic and ends up with the sub ability to summon ink creatures at her will. Aka be a beast tamer of some sort
The catch is, she has to kill the creature and subdue it first before she can acquire them into her slots. She is only allowed five creatures in battle so she has to choose carefully aswell
Being a beast tamer is pretty fun but it's lowkey like playing Pokémon so not alot of people liked to use it
Anyways abilities over
Wenclair plus pugsley go have fun, they start raiding dungeons, doing quests together until pugsley drops out from uninterest like a few months in
Enid understands, Wednesday doesn't care and so Wenclair continue their journey of beating absolute ass in this game because wednesday is competitive and Enid is happy to be there
They grind for the absolute best of artifacts and spend so much time on better weapons, it's almost like they're addicted
And honestly? Wednesday was having fun. There was a joy in being able to calculate how well you can do if you wear this goblet that raises your elemental dmg or if you lvl up this skill to a certain lvl you can beat absolutely everyone
(and maybe, planting lil carrots infront of Enid's house isnt so bad)
Enid while competitive, was having fun decorating her lil land far from Jericho. It was like a lil hobbit hole, with greens and vines and dim lighting because wednesday can never stand the bright lights that were originally hung up and vehemently refused to visit if they were there
"you're like a vampire!" Enid says in the in game comm
Wednesday tsks "a vampire who isn't afraid to pk you, Sinclair."
"you're so mean Willa," sinclair, Enid's username, whines.
Willa, Wednesday's own in game username, just hurls her dagger at the sulking blond.
"Wha- HEY!"
So they play and play and omy?
They get married?
Interesting, so it seems that in the second year anniversary of Jericho (when Wenclair are fourteen) the devs decided to have a lil romance for the lonely people and give the ability to marry
Why are Wenclair married? Well, obviously for the benefits. You get 3x the xp when doing quests, challenges and missions together, not to mention that the probability of getting better artifacts and quality quests skyrocket by 5 percent
Like sure you have to share land and divorcing means losing half your gold but it's fine!!
It's with the status of married does Wenclair stumble across a secret quest
The tale of Crackstone
By the third year (Wenclair are now 15) of playing and finishing of the tale, Enid's status as cursed shifts to bludhound.
They celebrate, theyre having fun and theyre practically a married couple. Wednesday insists to go to a dungeon and Enid wants to do a world quest instead
The two settle these disputes with any challenges. They're kids, theyre having fun and if Wednesday looks forward to spending time with Sinclair so much that she bought a pc for herself then that's for her to know.
It's been three years and theyre practically inseparable! The two playing everyday just to spend as much as time together
Until Enid mentions that she won't be so active in a few days.
Why? Willa asks in chat. Are you getting kidnapped?
Course not!! Sinclair replies. Why do you always think I'm being kidnaped??
^n E ways imma be movin so I'll be bz :( can't play much bc we Goin out a state
Wednesday pauses then she squints, there's a feeling in her gut.
Ok, is willa's simple answer. Get online when you come back, we still need to investigate Crackstone's crypt.
Kk! Sinclair cheerily replies. Bye bye Willa, cya in a few dayyysssss
Sinclair has logged out the world.
Wednesday tilts her head a tad and there's a crease on her brow as she sits in her chair. She continues playing, making sure to check over the crops one more time before turning in for the night.
Crackstone's crypt is left uninvestigated for years
Sinclair inbox: 99+ unread messages!
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spicywhumper · 1 year
🍯 What’s your comfort ratio? Are you a comfort person? Why or why not?
Writing: it depends if it's a oneshot or a multichapter. I tend to lean towards the hurt part when writing oneshots, I think it's because I have more fun writing pain in short bursts (são doses homeopáticas de dor e sofrimento). Meanwhile, I lean more towards comfort. That's because I assume most of the people invested in reading my stuff in general don't like whump – I mean, my whump works are kinda ignored (ok, most of my stuff isn't being read anyways).
Reading: it depends a lot of which fandom I'm reading. Or character, actually. I'm 100% for comfort when I read shippy stuff, 100% for hurt when it's no-shippy stuff. I don't know, I just like when it's fluffy romance and painful solo characters. Of course there's always that few shippy fanfics with some whump that is delicious Wenclair I'm looking at you.
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