#tyler joseph x origional character
jayascorner · 5 years
you can’t take my place
tyler joseph x reader
(the title isn’t a joke lol)
piper thompson. the basketball legend. well, at least up to the third quarter of the year.
she had been known school wide for the best basketball player on the varsity team, for a girl. she’s even better than some of the guys. the spotlight was always on her. and sometimes....people were jealous. whenever she got the ball everyone would cheer for her, knowing her name.
this was all until tyler joseph came along. then the saltiness came upon piper. ever since he came, she’s hated tyler’s guts. not just because he’s a basketball player, but also because he took her place being wickedly talented at it. that just made her so infuriated. she didn’t even bother to talk to him about it or even become basketball buddies with him. they could have been, but she judged the book by its cover.
and oh was she wrong about him
“hey piper! you playin’ basketball tonight?” a guy asks. piper is currently at her locker, finally closing it for the day.
“wow! somebody remembers i play basketball.” she scoffs.
“so...are you?” he asks once more.
“yeah. how’d you know?”
he gives her a look like she was stupid or something. “uhh because you’re wearing a jersey.”
she looks down at her feet. “oh. that.”
you see what i mean? it’s like she doesn’t exist in the world of basketball anymore. all because of that dumb tyler guy.
“yo tyler! good luck at the game! OH RIGHT!! YOU DON’T NEED LUCK!” another guy shouts from across the hall, as tyler just smirks triumphantly.
piper hears that from her locker and totally just gapes at him. he glances at her, but thinks nothing of it and walks away.
it’s kinda rare for both varsity girls and boys to play on the same day. that usually doesn’t happen.
but you know what that means? she can watch him and see if he really is that good. and you never know, he might see her.
but anyways, this is a total nightmare for piper.
her spotlight.
going to another guy.
but maybe....
she can confront him!!!
“hey mom!” she calls out as she comes in her house. it’s common for her to walk home, rather than taking the bus or driving. she is an athlete, after all, and it’s best for her to do the most beneficial things for her body.
she comes in the kitchen to see her mom making dinner. “hi honey. how was school today?”
piper sighs. “just as usual.” she says while putting her backpack down. “i just wish that stupid guy would leave the school.” she mutters
her mom looks up in shock. “WHO’S STUPID?”
“oh just this dude named tyler. he’s new to the school, but totally just took my spot. like nobody pays attention to me anymore. it’s like i don’t exist.” she complains, leaning against the counter.
“okay now we don’t call people stupid. and how did he take your spot?”
“apparently he’s really good at basketball. once everybody saw his talent, they left me back in the dust. i feel like they all forgot i even play basketball.”
“aww i’m sorry sweetie. sometimes life can be hard. just try to tough it out. or maybe you can talk to him. you never know, y’all could become friends.”
piper scoffs. “i doubt it. he’s playing tonight anyways.”
“then talk to him! i’m sure you have a lot in common!” she claps her hands once.
“but mommmmm. i don’t want to.” she whines.
“what? is he good looking or something?”
piper stops to think about that. she never pays attention to his looks. but she could say, he’s definitely not bad looking.
“i mean, kind of. i don’t know. but i’m not very fond of him so don’t get any ideas.” she walks over to the table to do homework at.
“how do you not like him? you haven’t even met him yet.”
she just frowns in response.
“oh. you’re salty.”
piper nods in response.
her mom sighs. “you know, you don’t need to be mad at him for any reason. he didn’t do anything. the best way to change your mind is to actually get to know him. anyways, dinners ready. if you want some.”
“i probably shouldn’t. i have a game in 30 minutes, i’ll eat after.” she says.
“alright.” her mom says.
after a few minutes, she is ready to go. but she still has some time to do homework, so that happens. and of course, she doesn’t finish all of it.
“you really need to wear those slides?” her mom asks.
piper looks down at her new f/c slides and frowns innocently. “yes. they keep my basketball shoes from getting dirty. you know we can’t walk on anything other than a court with those.”
“you could just bring another pair of shoes.”
“but with slides it’s easier because you can just slip them on. why are you so against me wearing these?”
“i’m not against them. i just don’t like them.” she says while putting her own shoes on.
“well i like them. so i’m gonna wear them.” piper smiles joyously. her mom mutters a ‘whatever’ and they leave.
~time skip~brought to you by jish and ty kissing each other’s shoulders (ik ik you could’ve read that wrong)
it’s far into the varsity girls game, aka piper’s game. she notices tyler on one of the top benches of the bleachers, but sadly tyler doesn’t notice her.
wait a sec...SADLY??
...what just happened?
there comes a time where they get a foul and piper has to shoot a free throw. of course she’s gonna make at least one of them. she always does. mostly she makes both. everyone is murmuring her name since they can’t distract the player. at least they remembers she’s a good player.
and of course ya gotta hear those dumb cheerleaders chanting. “hey you! at the free throw line. miss it, miss it!” AS LOUD AS THEY FREAKING CAN!
it’s totally rude to say that but i mean, it’s the other school.
and all piper can hear was her own voice in her head telling her how to shoot the ball. because for some reason, she would always think of the steps to shoot the perfect basket. it’s like those cliché moments in movies if you know what i’m saying.
of course she makes the first one, to her luck, getting her team another point.
by the time she shoots the second one, everybody cheers in excitement. nobody is surprised though. piper looks over to where tyler is sitting. he is clapping and seems pretty impressed.
tyler’s pov
do y’all know what’s boring? waiting for a basketball game, when you don’t have much friends to talk to.
but ever since i saw that girl make more that one three pointers and make both free throws, i started paying attention. it wasn’t as boring.
i believe her name is...pipe? wait- no. why would someone name their kid pipe? maybe it’s pie... pier?? no.. none of those are actual names. maybe...piper? that’s an actual name.
if that’s her name, it’s really pretty. but dude! she is wickedly talented at basketball! i could never. i’m quaking.
sometimes i see her in school, but she doesn’t look to be very fond of me. it seems as if she doesn’t like me or something. all the people i meet like me, well i mean they like me as a person. they all think i’m the best at basketball, when honestly, i think this piper girl is better than me.
i’ve also noticed that she’s really supportive of her team. most team members are supportive, but not like her. i think that’s really nice.
okay now i just wanna talk to her.
maybe she’ll stay for my game.
...eh probably not.
but just maybe!
oh yeah that’s right....
i’m singing the national anthem....
i really don’t know if people actually think i’m a good singer. i just came to this school like 2 weeks ago, and a lot has happened since then. first, they just let me on the basketball team for some reason. and let me remind you, that was way after tryouts were held.
and then, they just ask me to sing the national anthem. i sang like ONCE, and they were like ‘dudeee! you gotta sing for everyone. forget the instrumental track, we want you!’
seriously, i don’t get how everyone loves me all the sudden. oh except pipe. oh- i mean piper. man, i’m really bad with names. i’m still not entirely sure if that’s her actual name. anyways, the only time i saw her acknowledge me was like today, and she seemed completely offended by me. what did i do wrong, you ask? i don’t know what the heck i did wrong. i haven’t even spoken to her. i want to though. she looks pretty sick.
“tyler! come on!” the new coach (which happens to be my dad) yells. i notice that the girls’ game is almost over. my team is warming up, and i’m still on the benches! what is wrong with me...
i run over to my teammates and start warming up with them.
“bro what were you doing?”
i shrug. “just watching the game.”
“dude why? the girls are wimps!” one of them chimes in.
“no, not if one of them is a frikin’ beast at the sport. besides, they have one of the best coaches. i mean, besides my dad.” i say
“yeah.” i said.
“but she’s not as good as you.”
i shake my head. “have you seen how many three pointers she’s made today?”
they all laugh. “yeah right man! girls don’t make three pointers!”
“gosh y’all are so sexist! she made at least 5. and that’s really good for a girl.” i say, starting to grow a bit annoyed at my mostly sexist teammates.
“oh whatever.” one says, while all of them scoff.
“tyler you’re up! go!” my dad said, as i realized that our game was just about to start. and yes, i’m singing the national anthem. not that i’m scared of singing in front of people, i’m okay with it, but i’m not the best with attention per say.
as i make it to my designated spot where the microphone is, i meet up with another dude that’s singing with me. i know he has a much deeper voice than me, so he’ll sing the low harmony. wait a sec...i already know this, we rehearsed it already.
i scan the crowd in hopes to see if piper might still be here, and to my surprise, she is in fact, still here. she’s on the very right of the bleachers, in the middle section.
it’s like she’s standing out to me, i don’t know how.
i have a higher vocal range than the average man. it just comes naturally. when the time comes, i open my mouth and the words start flowing out of my mouth to the music.
piper’s POV
we end up winning our game (hehe thanks to me). i asked my mom if i can stay for the boys game. don’t ask why. she said yes, so here i am waiting on the bleachers.
tyler joseph runs up to the mic with another dude that’s taller than him. “now will you all rise as we sing the national anthem.” the announcer says. everybody stands up, including me, and the boys start singing.
now i didn’t know that tyler could be a basketball champ, and a singer. because dang, he has a voice. this really reminds me of high school musical. he is a literal troy bolton!
and maybe you can be gabriella...
what? no! for one, i can’t sing, and two, gabriella didn’t play basketball in the movies.
ugh fine. worth a shot though.
yeah, a bad shot.
now let’s see if this guy is any good.
time skip :D
okay so yes, i can see what everybody is talking about. this dude it good as heck. man, you should have seen how much three pointer shots he got. there were a lot. seriously i need to talk to him, my mind changed. this guy sparks my interest, if you know what i mean.
right as i’m leaving the brown haired boy comes to me.
“um...can i help you?” i ask.
“are you piper?” he asks.
oh wow, how does he already know about me? do people still know who i am? did i not get kicked out of the spotlight?
“yes, and i’m assuming you’re tyler?”
“yeah, i just wanted to say good job tonight, it was pretty impressive.” he complements you.
“thanks, but i’m not nearly as good as you.” i say, and of course it’s true.
he flashes a smile at me, which is actually very charming. “thanks. but really, you should see yourself. you killed it.”
“but really, i could say the same about you.” i state, mimicking him.
“nah. anyways, it was pretty sick seeing you tonight.”
“yeah, see you later.” i say as i awkwardly walk away.
he’s nice, isn’t he?
hey guys! here i am with another post! i hope you liked it :)
and also, pls like and comment what you think!! i’d love some feedback!
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