noctusfury · 6 months
What Would Have Happened if Stoick Slew Dagur? (Riders of Berk)
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Hello, fellow Furians! Welcome to another HTTYD article! Today, we'll dive into the what-if scenario that could've happened in the Riders of Berk episode "Twinsanity".
In this scene, Stoick was clearly about to end the Berserker Dynasty right then and there, until DreamWorks Hiccup and the Gang came along and interrupted it with their fake "Dragon Raid" forcing the Berserkers to retreat.
Thus, the question is this: What would've happened if he had succeeded or failed in doing so had he NOT been interrupted?
Obviously, of course, there would've been war between Berk and Berserk. Reason for this is that there would be witnesses who'd see Stoick strike Dagur down from behind. There are four Berserk Guards who are with Dagur (as seen below).
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There's a risk of the one who's not encumbered with a task — and is closest in proximity to Dagur — intercepting Stoick's strike. However, when Stoick closes the distance with Dagur, the other guards, along with Dagur himself, are far too preoccupied with Barf and Belch to notice Stoick's actions. So it's possible that Stoick could easily succeed in assassinating Dagur.
However, it's what happens afterward that's important. The guards would've seen Stoick slay their chieftain and will want to exact vengeance. Of course, as we know, the moment Stoick slays Dagur, Hiccup and the Gang come in with their fake dragon raid on the Berserkers. There might be a 5-10% chance that Stoick, depending on the timing and the Berserker's POV, might get away with it if the Berserkers immediately focus from Barf and Belch to the other dragons without noticing Dagur's fall. But I doubt that Dagur would go down without a fight or without making any sound, hence why the percentage is so low.
So we will continue with the assumption that the Berserkers saw Stoick slay their chieftain. Stoick and the others would have to deal with them, or else they'll report this to the armada waiting near Berk's docks.
Of course, if Berk fails to cover their assassination up, they'll immediately have to deal with an entire armada of angry Berserkers. Even if the Berkians are battle-hardened and every person who can hold a weapon is recruited and the dragons join in the fight, and even if the majority of the Berserkers haven't seen many battles or wars, it can't be denied that the Berserkers have been well-trained and are, of course, Berserkers. It'll still be a very difficult fight. There will be severe casualties on both sides. In the end, though, Berk will probably pull through this with a victory in the end. But at what cost? It'd be a conflict that could've been easily avoided, and Berk suffered losses that it can ill afford to take when they're still fighting with the Outcasts — with little gains to show for it. And there's no guarantee that the conflict will even end there.
So, in summary, if Stoick wasn't interrupted and succeeded in ending Dagur, he'll need to get rid of the guards as well. This will be pretty easy since they have the dragons, and they can easily make it look like a dragon raid killed them and hopefully Berk can relax and keep an alliance with Berk, while Berserk is reeling from their chief's death and busy running around killing as many dragons as they can. And — even better — Berk could masquerade this as something that Alvin, an Outcast, did and can better solidify Berserk's involvement in Berk's war against the Outcasts.
So yeah, so long as the Berserkers don't look too closely at the bodies, the Berkians would have a pretty good chance at getting away with it.
What do you guys think? What would've happened had Stoick went with his plan? Do you think that Berk would've been able to get away with it? Or would it end up sinking in defeat, with Alvin taking advantage of the chaos? Tell me your thoughts!
Thank you for reading! I hope you found this article intriguing and I'll see you in the next article.
Long Live the Night!
— Noctus Fury
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hermesserpent-stuff · 7 months
okay so was watching Twinsanity with someone the other day and my brain was like
what was Stoick's long-term plan??
Dagur would have found out eventually. The treaty was an annual thing. was the plan to hide every year? Was he going to hide the dragons from other tribes or traders? if so how? if not, WHAT iS THe PlAn.
also, it is terribly sad for an 18-year-old who just had a father go missing and just had to take power of his tribe with all eyes on him, waiting for him to slip, to go to one of the few allies of that tribe and have them straight up lie to his face.
makes me wonder, how it would have been if Berk had just been honest from the get go and part of the negotiations involved how berserkers had to treat dragons while dagur negotiated for training lessons. (And hiccup is forced to train a dragon with him because yes plz)
Like I know dagur was a wilder card back then, but his rttde redemption lets me dream, okay? Lets just pretend you agree that his extreme loudness and violence was born of needing to appear tough to maintain his position.
Im sorry im a dagur stan.
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goofyartisan · 1 month
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Drawing characters from Crash Twinsanity until the 20th Anniversary: Day 7 - Farmer Ernest
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bladeix · 1 year
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Victor and moritz
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fiercethebanditart · 10 months
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Crash Bandicoot + Rusty Walrus Models (2014)
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mmarggsstuff · 1 year
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ashleybenlove · 8 months
Dagur has the audacity to be rude and ask where Hiccup's leg is.
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rhadinesthes · 2 years
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I also found this ad for TwinSanity on the previous page.
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farads · 2 years
Something that's been bothering me for a while is the Heather - Oswald disappearance timeline and how little it makes sense based on what characters have said and what was written in Oswald's letter to Dagur. But I think I've come up with something that kinda works?
For the timeline we have:
ROB episode: Twinsanity - the treaty signing with the Berserkers is annual, Stoick etc were confused that Dagur was now chief meaning that the most recently they've seen Oswald was one year before the events of ROB
this means that Heather is 13/14 when he goes missing as is the rest of the gang.
HOWEVER it is stated that Heather was set adrift as a child and early enough that she has almost no recollection of her life in the Berserker tribe. Her memories also show the hands of a child who is - at most - eight years old and very likely younger than that.
This leaves a >7 year gap between when Heather was set adrift and when Oswald disappeared.
If this had been addressed in searching for Oswald and chicken it would've worked out fine but in Oswald's letter to Dagur he mentions he hopes Dagur takes good care of her.
At this point heather has been missing for 7+ years and Oswald should know that so why does he imply otherwise? Especially with no mention of her going missing?
The only way I can think of this working logically is if Oswald had some kind of memory loss. There are several possibilities (early onset dementia, various forms of trauma induced amnesia, etc) personally I think dementia fits the best for reasons I'll explain below.
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if we look at the cave drawings he does of Dagur and Heather, they both look really young. Especially for heather it's clear it's how they looked several years prior to ROB. Which would make sense, if he's forgotten some or all of the past few years, he would remember his kids looking younger (especially Dagur) and he wouldn't know Heather has been set adrift (especially if she was older (5-6) when she went missing) or that Dagur very clearly hasn't taken care of her.
Memory loss may also explain why his journal was so disjointed and hard to follow.
Afaik some memory loss conditions like dementia (especially the beginning stages) have both moments of lucidity (when he could write the letters but still 'living in the past' ie before Heather was lost) and confusion/ideas that no-one else can understand (when the nonsense/dangerous journal entries were written) it's also very likely that at some point he DID have specific questions he wanted to answer that eventually got clouded mentally and made his work incomprehensible.
As for how his journal somehow made its way into Dagur and Heather's hands instead of being shipwrecked with him. He may have seen the island from a distance and drawn the Bewilderbeast skull and then returned home (maybe was running late to something - like a treaty signing - and couldn't stop) and left his journal with the Berserkers, then at some time later, decided to go and explore the island without telling anyone (dementia patients are known to wander off) and shipwrecked. He very well could've tried to leave and the Sentinels stopped him (wrecked his ship) because he hadn't proven himself yet. Only then did he decide to make the most of it and help the sentinels fight off the grim gnashers.
As for his death there are plenty of possibilities because living isolated means that even is something minor goes wrong it can kill you. Disease, old age or injury could have caused it and even if they were usually minor, because nobody was able to care for him, whatever it was became fatal.
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botebot-10 · 10 months
These two games inspired me to become a gamedev!
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tbone-works · 1 year
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noctusfury · 6 months
Here's a link to my recent HTTYD article called [What Would've Happened Had Stoick Slain Dagur?]. It was a very fun topic to discuss about the what-if scenario of Stoick not having been interrupted in slaying Dagur in order to save Barf & Belch, which, of course, had the potential in risking all-out war with the Berserkers.
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bonythesquirrel · 1 day
Happy 20th Anniversary Crash Twinsanity
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bootleg-grandpa · 1 day
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Uh..my hand slipped, sorry- didn't mean to make it angsty at the end
Anyway, smol twins meet smol twins- a twinsanity, a tetra-twin, a 2+2
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madhogthymaster · 5 months
Be Confidently Wrong! | Twinsanity | Hosted by @DevarArcvarron and Dantan
The twins take over!
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fiercethebanditart · 2 years
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Crash Bandicoot + Rusty Walrus Models
(Made in 2014)
Crash (c) Activision
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