#Tw biological manipulation
mushroom-for-art · 1 year
I don't know what came over me but uh, don't mess with Axels family and probably don't read this tbh it's nasty
Grunts moved quickly packing up boxes and supplies with clumsy inefficiency as a superior admin barked orders for them to hurry up and get everything taken down and shipped 10 minutes ago. They needed to get out of there quickly if they were hoping to survive.
"Stop fucking about! Get those boxes moved now, go go go! We haven't the time for you to be a pansy!" the Admin snarled at a stumbling grunt who had just dropped a small stack of boxes they'd been moving, they skittered past the doors of the main entrance, their neck snapping at the speed and velocity of the doors blasting inwards and becoming lodged into walls saving them from what was going to occur.
Time slowed as the Mewtwo floated into the room gliding in eerie silence as his tail swayed.
"Where, is my family. " His voice was more of a growl in his throat as he spoke and projected the words outwards, the snarl echoed painfully inside of the skulls of those present causing many to double over in sheer agony at the psychic voice probing their minds and tearing into their thoughts.
Limbs locked the Admin couldn't grab any of the Pokeballs secured to her belt and she felt psychic energy burning into her as the mewtwo zeroed in on her, she sneered at him past the pain inside her skull.
"I won't be intimidated by you. You won't find them if you kill me."
Her body was lifted slightly from the floor and floated up to his eye level slowly as he loomed in front of her his expression dark and unreadable, his eyes bore through her laced with unspoken threats and an awareness of control and power.
"If that is the knowledge you want to put your faith into." he lifted arms to the side casually his hand doing a flourish, "just know," his fingers moved closing into a fist before his arm flicked forward as though throwing something, bones slammed into a wall breaking on impact as the sound of tearing flesh and muscle registered to the admins ears, a grunts body stood for a second completely torn open from the inside outwards before their boneless husk slumped with a sickening slap of blood, brains smeared slowly down the walls from where the skull has smashed open on impact.
"You won't be granted the same quickness or relief."
Eyes staring on in horror the mewtwo produced a sharp quill from his inner wrist pulling it out from his flesh, he held it in his fingers twirling it before pointing it to another nearby grunt who let out a soft hiss as the quill cut a small line in their cheek. They started to hyperventilate before the toxins even took hold, the blood seeping from the cut became putrid and contaminated turning into yellow pus as the surrounding skin turned to shades of blue and purple and ultimately darkening to a deathly black.
The psychic restrains let up on the grunt who stumbled quickly, they tried to speak spraying spit as their tongue swelled causing them to hack and cough struggling for breath as it started to block off their airway, they were in hysterics crying and choking, dying flesh wetly slid from their muscles and bones sloshing on the floor beneath them filling the room with the horrid stench of death. Their gurgled quiet screaming and choking as their tongue rotted out from their mouth had fear soaking into the Admins very core as the grunt fell down onto their side. For a moment she thought dead but their wheezing told her they hadn't received that mercy yet.
The mewtwo had not broken their gaze from watching her even as his tail swayed behind him, she watched the fur shifting intertwining around itself morphing into a pointed shape like a syringe, there was an audible hissing of steam as see through organic pipes grew out and back into the mewtwos tail flesh. With a flash that nearly burned her irises, red hot flowing liquid pumped through the structures, almost like Kyurems biological tubes as they changed their form the way they pumped energy. Tail stabbed forward past her shoulder into the last grunt behind her, and he hollered in agony immediately.
She couldn't turn her head to see, but she could feel it was hot suddenly as there was another hiss with the mewtwos tail returning to its original state, screaming never ending behind her and the smell of burning flesh and flooring. She could barely swallow as she stared forward a horrid red hue illuminating the mewtwo from behind her as he looked at her but his expression was still dark.
"They were sent to another facility! In Unova! We only wanted the Haunter! The Gengar was just in the way!" She barely recognised her own voice for the terror in it.
"I know."
She found her breathing difficult as she stared at him.
"I was one of the most powerful pure creatures to ever bless this planet, and I am now a bastardized chimera of that purity that violated the boundaries of limits set by Arceus." His expression was almost a deranged grin.
"Do you really believe your thoughts are your own and private? That I couldn't rip out that information, why do you think your head hurts so much." His teeth gleamed in the unnaturally hot red fading light behind her.
"Why are, why are you still here then?! Wasting time! That family of yours must not be so precious-" Her voice choked as her lungs were squeezed in a way that forced all the breath from her, her vision blackening at the edges as her compressed lungs fought to gain any air, if this was how she went then she'd accept that. Unfortunately the air forces back into her lungs brought her back from the cusps of unconsciousness.
"You don't get to die that easily, don't presume about the importance of my family when I know what you did to my daughter and mate. I've seen through your eyes what you did to her. How you tormented my love in the process." His spoken words were venomous as he stared down at her in pure hatred, she was faintly aware of the weakening wheeze on the floor near her.
His hands came up casually and she felt like her aura was being pulled out of her body like her soul was being separated before witnessing the projected double helix swirling around before her.
"They say mew are the ancestor of everything, classes as the genetics pokemon, so very fitting" his finger idly touched over a strand of dna and she felt her skin begin to crawl from uncomfortable to painfully as it seperated from her muscles as though the connective tissues were dissolving, before he flicked his finger over the strand again and her skin stopped trying to peel from her body though it still hung just a bit looser than it did before.
"When me and my brother were younger, not in full control of our powers we used to play this game with other pokemon." another idle adjustment, the backs of her eyeballs burnt as her eyes weeped her ears ringing loudly painfully in a way that blossomed pain across her whole temple in a brain splitting migraine.
"We'd fly past and," his fingers moved adjusting changing her dna structure, she hitched a quiet scream as her muscles spasmed in her arm breaking her forearm bones as her fingers twitched against her control, the bones in her fingers began to deform subtly but quickly deforming her fingers and cracking through the skin, "of course we were only little and we could only change phenotype expressions making fur scales and that different colors, or grow faster, straighten curl." he let out a sigh.
"In hindsight, what cruel little bastards we were, mini gods tampering with things that they really had no right to for our own amusement, of course we meant no harm and didn't intend harm but I do sometimes wonder." Her vision went black as the genetics in control of her sight were altered, blood vessels popped and blood mixed with her tears streaming down her face. She could feel her organs moving, growing shifting inside her as well as he altered her biology casually in a way that shattered her concept of pain, leaving her with only searing burning nerves.
"I was pretty blind to the cruelty of mews when I was one, maybe I wouldn't have ended up like this were my brother kinder, but I see now how rotten we can be but we still had our naivety at least that kept our innocence, the disconnect from mortals that we couldn't properly sympathize to or understand." Her spine popped bones growing out from her skin but she could still feel everything as more muscles broke in spasms.
"I don't have the excuse of innocence or naivety anymore, I can see with mortal eyes everything I do and the effect it has, and how wonderfully ironic that in place of that innocent evil the rot of humanity has replaced it, giving rise to the ability and enjoyment of hurting others and how to make it worse. I am the worst of humans and the worst of mew." He looked at her almost gently with a smile that mocked her as her bloody eyes met his, blood dribbled from her cracked lips.
His eyes roamed her for a second as he fiddled with the very core of her person altering her genetics irreversibly.
"Did you know that there's a lot of uncategorized pokemon that exist purely inside others?" his finger hovered over her stomach "it's fascinating actually the organisms that have specialized in your gut, and they're so intertwined with you that no one realized they're there. Why don't we let you be the first to say hello?" psychic energy glowed from his hand and she felt the breath leave her again as she almost wretched.
Something inside her began to writhe, she could feel hundreds, maybe thousands of squirming legs pushing on her stomach and small intestines and a sickly burning pain that would've had her double over did the psychic energy not keep her restrained. He lowered her body slowly and her legs flopped uselessly like a ragdoll as he slumped her down on her legs unnaturally. She couldn't move still.
A piece of glass levitated to him and he put it in her hand, "here, since you did tell me eventually I'll give you this mercy to end this suffering." he closed her hand around the glass shard as her arm remained held out for his psychic ability. He turned leaving her there, the grunt finally still but bloated and missing chunks of flesh that lay gruesomely on the floor.
His psychic restraint released and the admin raised her hand quickly to thrust the shard into her throat. Her fingers went numb and the shard slipped smashing by her feet as her arm slumped body collapsing to the side, she could breathe but only barely and she could move her eyes but nothing else.
"Guess you didn't act fast enough." the mewtwo had stopped at the busted doorway just to look back and mock her, "ah well, ever heard of parasitic Beedrill? I'm sure you'll make a very comfortable flesh womb meal combo, you'll get to enjoy feeling them grow inside you while unable to speak or tell anyone. Maybe they'll die inside you and the sepsis will take you out or maybe they'll adapt to keep you alive even after you should die, after all your insides will have been their comfortable little home for so long they won't want to part with it. You'll be their hive their playground protection from the real world in your chest cavity nuzzling into your ribs. Congratulations Admin. This could be the rest of your life." his smirk was simple as he flew away with force that caused the trees to bend and sway.
The admin lay there stomach twisting in knots, eyes in a panic darting around at the sight of the corpses around her as the horrors crept into her mind of what would happen, her thoughts spiraling into gibberish as the hours passed decaying her only ability to even try to communicate as her eyes flicked around in circles, death burning into her vision and the stench crawling over and seeping into her skin and senses permanently.
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vain-creature · 4 months
Question: what do narcissists do when we are not looking?
All the answers: watch porn, cheat on you, scheme, masturbate, engage in addictions, plan how to discard you etc
There was like one sensible answer from a pwNPD that talked about self-loathing but beside that... cesspool
When I am alone I just play video games, cook/eat, browse my social medias, watch videos/movies, listen to music/podcasts, read books or study
These narc abuse people really think that all we do is hurt them or plan how to hurt them
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naeverse · 4 months
Tangled in his Webs
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Art generated by: Niji • Journey Request from: @migueloharacumslut Ask: And I have a request I forgot rather I submitted or not. Mad scientist Miguel x therapist reader Miguel gets put in a psych ward because he got caught experimenting on people and himself trying to turned them in to spider people. He’s been in the psych ward for five years and he needs to be cleared to go back in the world. That’s where the reader comes in to clear him only he manipulates her into thinking he is sane. During their session Miguel becomes obsessed with the reader and little does he know she is obsessed with him too. At night she touched herself to the thought of him. When Miguel get out he finds her. Make the sex nastyyy, hard and rough little choking wouldn’t hurt either. Please and thank you ! 😊 A/N: I really loved this idea and enjoyed writing Scientist Miguel so much. Might write him more lol, but thank you @migueloharacumslut for the idea. Also this is the first part and a second one will be following this one, hope you enjoy!
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💉staring: Scientist!Miguel O’Hara x Fem!Therapist Reader
      🩵preview:  “I imagine I must seem like a puzzle that’s meant to be solved by you, don’t I, dear?” He asked, his gaze never letting up and keeping its intensity. Due to his closeness, you almost missed his inquiry, but upon detecting it, it surprised you. Hastily, you shook your head, dismissing his ideology and rejecting his notion. “N-No, I wouldn’t exactly describe you in that way, Dr. O’Hara.” You swiftly replied. 
“You wouldn’t?” He asked, his voice low and slow. “So, how would you describe me, Doctor?” 
🔬summary:  As an evaluation therapist at Nueva York’s Sanctuary for Mental Healing, you are assigned a new patient—one who is complex, captivating, and dangerously drawing you in more than you ever expected.
⚗️tw/cw (Just for this part): Big Dick Miguel, Bondage, Fingering, Masturbation, Psychopathy, Restraints, Sadism, Size Difference, Restraints
🔭Pet names: Cariño (Darling), Querida (Dear)
     🩵Rating: 18+ explicit I SMUT I
 🥼Word Count: 7.7k 
**This fanfiction is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to real-life individuals or events is purely coincidental. It does not intend to diagnose or represent any real mental health conditions. Thank you for understanding, and I hope you enjoy the story.**
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Your eyes fluttered open, consciousness slowly returning. You felt a dull ache and soreness in your throat, accompanied by a pervasive feeling of weakness throughout your body. Blinking against the harsh fluorescent lights overhead and adjusting to the suffocating sterile scent of antiseptic, you noticed that you were lying on your back against a hard, cold surface.
With furrowed eyebrows, you attempted to sit up, only to be thwarted back by the metal restraints tightly bound around your wrists and ankles.
‘What the heck!?’ 
You thought, panic and fear beginning to grip you. Your eyes darted down to discover yourself clad only in your undergarments—a delicate white, laced satin set—leaving you exposed to the chilling breeze that consistently swept through the well-lit space.
You couldn't remember how you got here; your groggy mind unable to piece together the events that led to your presence upon the metal table. The faint hum of machinery echoed from far away, punctuated by distant murmurs that made your heart drop.
With dazed eyes, you looked around your surroundings to be met with the overbearing shade of a bright white that covered the walls of what looked to be a lab of some sorts. Countertops were lined with an array of perfectly arranged scientific instruments, machines, and beakers.
Shelves held neatly labeled containers, each housing an assortment of chemicals and biological specimens. Despite being well-lit, there were little to no windows present, intensifying the feeling of isolation within the controlled environment. 
The place seemed devoid of humanity, replaced by a location where experimentation and analysis were handled freely without compassion or warmth.
But one thing about the lab really stood out to you: two jars sitting upon the shelves—one full of bloody red eyes and the other with abnormally sharp canines.
The sight almost made you vomit, hastily turning to look away. Your heart and breath were picking up, fear clawing at your being. Although how morbid the otherworldly body parts were, they triggered something in your head.
The more you thought upon it, awareness seeped in like an unwelcome guest; slowly, you began to remember.
The mental facility...
Red eyes...
The flowers...
Sharp canines...
Black glasses...
His release...
The wine...
Then darkness...
The memories came rushing back so quickly that you weren’t able to keep up, until it all came back to...
A wave of regret and stupidity overwhelmed you. Never in your life had you felt so worthless.
You should have known...
You should have fucking known...
‘He wasn’t well. He wasn’t fine. You were wrong, so wrong-’
“Good… You are awake.”
The bone-chilling voice of your captor filled the room, sending a familiar chill down your back. With trembling lips, you turned your head to see the backside of a massive male entering the room. His coffee-brown locks styled neatly upon his head, a white lab coat adorning his huge build along with black dress pants and oxfords.
The scientist wore clean attire, perfect for working in the lab, but his outfit was beyond your concern. 
You knew who he was, but you didn’t want to believe it.
You gulped, watching him slap on a pair of white latex gloves upon his large, calloused palms before beginning to inspect the scientific tools that sat upon the nearby counter.
"And here I thought you would have been excited to see me again..." he said in a husky voice, responding to your silence—his Latino accent unmistakable, along with a hint of amusement found in his tone. You felt like an idiot for falling for him, for becoming so fascinated with a madman like him...
But you were still in denial.
You weren’t going to believe it was him until you saw his face...
“T-T-Turn around…” You said hoarsely, the pain in your throat distant underneath the layers of fear and anxiety coursing through your body. At your demand, the large scientist laughed. “Turn around?” He asked slowly, silence following his inquiry, making your body run cold.
Suddenly, he spun around, slamming his palms onto the metal table you laid upon. The abruptness and loud noise made you jump, and a gasp erupted from your lips. His eyes stared directly into yours, holding the same madness that you believed he had cured when you initially met him. But, like before, it wasn’t the insanity in his gaze that made your heart drop to the pit of your stomach...
It was his eyes... 
His teeth...
The scientist’s crimson eyes looked down at you, taking in your discolored skin and half-lidded eyes that were still under a drowsy spell. “I turned around now, are you happy?” He asked with a playful smirk. “Do you recognize me now, dear?” 
Your eyes widened, the look upon your face enough to show the mad scientist that you did, in fact, remember who he was— but you were too speechless to respond, causing the male to chuckle.
“Do I need to give you any more proof that it is I?”
His snickering seemed to reverberate off the walls of your mind as the fluorescent lights of his lab bounced off his razor sharp canines.
With trembling lips and dilated pupils, you looked over his face, your heart breaking more and more because…
It was, indeed, him...
The mad scientist... 
The sexy patient... 
Dr. Miguel O’Hara…
The man you fell for…
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White, close-toed wedges clicked upon the mental facility's aged linoleum tiles, the floor's once-bright patterns now a faded, discolored mosaic covered with scuff marks and indistinct stains that revealed the struggles of all who shuffled through the dimly lit corridor. The mental facility, unintentionally, gave off an eerie atmosphere with walls clad in faded, peeling paint and ceilings with bright, flickering fluorescent lights that cast irregular shadows along the cold institutional floor, further giving anyone who traversed the halls the creeps.
You, a therapist meant to evaluate patients for release, were given a new challenge—a patient that held a sadistic background coupled with a remarkable intellect that made many wonders how he found himself inside 'Nueva York’s Sanctuary for Mental Healing.'
Dr. Miguel O’Hara was your new patient's name, an intelligent scientist who became a little twisted after his discovery of gene splicing. In his pursuit of advancing the human race, he became obsessed with the idea and creation of spider-human hybrids. After many experimentations of creating what is referred to as mutates, he was unsuccessful. Before he could continue with his study, he was arrested and sentenced to seven years here at the institution where it seems he’d made progress.
Whilst you walked towards his cell, taking the seemingly endless halls of the asylum, you looked over his file. Inside were documents containing his personal information, such as full name, date of birth, emergency contact, and next of kin. In the brown folder were also his medical history, psychiatric assessment, diagnostic evaluations, and much more information collected during his time at the institution; however, there were four pieces of his folder that piqued your interest:
Observation logs, Treatment plan, Risk assessment, and lastly, incident reports.
You studied each of the documents to discover the important details that needed to be surveyed before seeing the scientist in person.
Miguel O’Hara - Mental Health File
Patient Information:
Full name: Miguel O’Hara
Date of Birth: 10/13/2070
Appointed into: Nueva York’s Sanctuary for Mental Healing
Admission Date: 11/10/2099
Emergency Contact: N/A
Next Of Kin: N/A
**The patient has explicitly communicated a desire for their next of kin not to be associated with their mental health treatment, and no detailed information about family members was recorded to respect the patient’s privacy.**
Primary Diagnosis: Psychopathy
Secondary Diagnosis: Antisocial Personality Disorder
Treatment Team:
Primary Therapist: Dr. Jessica Owens, Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Psychiatrist: Dr. Peter B. Parker, MD
Nursing Staff: Nurse Mary Jane Watson, RN
Treatment Plan: 
Fluoxetine (Prozac) 
Dosage: 20 mg daily
Purpose: Miguel O’Hara is prescribed Fluoxetine to address symptoms of irritability that derives from his disorder of Antisocial Personality. 
Lorazepam (Ativan)
Dosage: 0.5 mg as needed (PRN) for anxiety
Purpose: Miguel O’Hara is given Lorazepam on an as-needed basis to manage anxiety-related symptoms or impulsivity.
**Its used closely monitored due to the risk of misuse**
Lamotrigine (Lamictal) 
Dosage: Gradual titration starting at 25 mg, with adjustments based on response. 
Purpose: Miguel O’Hara’s treatment plan included Lamotrigine to help stabilize mood swings or emotional dysregulation. 
Incident reports 
Date: 2/3/2100
Incident: Verbal altercation with another patient during group therapy 
Action Taken: Immediate de-escalation and one-on-one session with Dr. Peter B. Parker. 
Date: 6/21/2100
Incident: Refusal to take prescribed medication 
Action Taken: Nursing staff provided additional support and education 
Date: 10/3/2100
Incident: Refused to attend scheduled group therapy and became verbally aggressive towards staff members
Action Taken: Security staff was called to ensure the safety of other patients and staff. Miguel was later engaged in a one-on-one session to explore the reasons behind his resistance to group participation. 
Date: 1/4/2101
Incident: 2nd occurence of refusal to take prescribed medication 
Action Taken: Nursing staff provided additional support and education and therapeutic engagement by Dr. Jessica Owens to address any fears or misconceptions related to his prescribed medications. 
Date: 4/18/2101
Incident: Observed by Nurse Mary Jane Watson of the patient hoarding various items in his room, including non-permissible objects. 
Action taken: Staff conducted a room check, confiscated unauthorized items, and discussed appropriate belongings with Miguel. A follow-up session with his therapist, Dr. Jessica Owens was scheduled to explore any underlying concern. 
Date: 3/21/2102
Incident:  Engaged in a physical altercation with another patient during a recreational activity 
Action taken: Immediate intervention by staff to separate the individuals involved. Both parties were assessed for injuries, and a report was filed. Increased monitoring and a review of Miguel’s treatment plan were conducted to address potential triggers for aggressive behavior
Risk Assessments: 
Current Risk level: Moderate 
Factors: History of aggression, resistance to treatment, potential for manipulative behavior 
Interventions: Increased monitoring, ongoing assessment for potential triggers 
Observation Logs: 
Date/Time: 8/16/2102, 2:30 PM
Observation: Miguel exhibited signs of increased irritability during the group mindfulness session. Requested to leave the session prematurely. 
Staff comments: Noted Miguel’s discomfort during mindfulness exercises. Alternative relaxation techniques were explored for future sessions. 
Date/Time: 12/2/2103, 10:00 AM
Observation: Miguel was observed engaging in a one-on-one conversation with staff during morning indoor activities. Discussed personal interests and aspirations. 
Staff comments: Encouraged Miguel’s open communication. Noted his ability to articulate personal interest, fostering a sense of connection with staff. 
Date/Time: 2/15/2104, 6:45 PM 
Observations: Spends most of his time in the facility’s library, engrossed in reading.
Staff Comments: Positive use of leisure time observed. Reading contributed to a sense of routine and engagement. 
Date/Time: 6/23/2104, 8:30 PM 
Observations: Attended the evening group therapy, contributing to discussions on coping strategies. Demonstrated empathy towards a fellow patient sharing personal challenges.
Staff Comments: Noted Miguel’s willingness to engage in group discussions and support peers. Positive progress in developing empathy and interpersonal skills. 
**Miguel O’Hara has exhibited excellent improvement and staff believes he can be released in 2105, instead of 2107.**
You closed his folder, taking a look at the photo that decorated the front. Like many patients at Nueva York’s Sanctuary for Mental Healing (NYS-MH), Miguel O’Hara didn’t look like a dangerous individual; he was actually quite handsome—with dark, wavy locks that framed his olive, chiseled face and amber eyes shielded by a pair of black eyeglasses; Dr. O’Hara wasn’t a bad-looking guy.
To ponder upon the atrocities, he could have committed for the sake of science was baffling as you gazed at the photo. The more you inspected the image, the happier you became at the fact he was doing better - better enough to be released back into society.
It was why you were here, anyway…
You tucked the folder under your arm and continued your walk towards his room, passing steel doors that lined the corridor, each secured with heavy bolts and reinforced locks to keep the patients contained and prevent them from harming themselves or others. Occasionally, muffled echoes of distant cries and disjointed whispers seeped through the cracks, adding to the unsettling symphony of the troubled minds that dwelled within.
You've walked these halls many times, but there was something about today that really made your skin crawl. So, it was relieving when you finally found Miguel O’Hara’s room, number 209.
Two guards stood on either side of his door, present only for emergencies. With a deep breath and slight adjustments to the white top, black blazer, and bodycon skirt that covered you, you gave each of them a nod and unlocked his door with a key, entering Miguel’s room…
Upon stepping inside, you instantly took notice of the soft, muted tones of blues and greens dominating the color palette, bringing a sense of serenity to the room. The patient's sleeping area contained the normal necessities—a comfortable bed with crisp, clean linens and a modest seating area. The furniture was arranged in an open and uncluttered manner, with personal touches here and there by the patient himself or for safety precautions. 
For his adoration for reading and science, a small shelf was placed inside his room, displaying a few books and a potted plant, offering familiarity to the scientist.
Your eyes shifted to the large, muscular male who sat upon his bed, dressed in a white t-shirt, gray sweatpants, and slip-on shoes. His massive backside faced you as it seemed he was engrossed in writing, his huge hand moving gracefully upon the page he was working on.
You cast a glance at the camera positioned in the corner of the ceiling in his room, placed there for monitoring and to ensure the patient, and others remain safe. After making sure the camera blinks red twice, showing its activity, you approach him with light steps.
"Miguel O’Hara?" you called out to him in a soft voice, not wishing to disrupt him. All of his movements came to a halt, his body rigid as his large hand placed the pen he was using into the open journal before slowly closing it. You watched him set the book down beside him on the bed, wondering if the handsome male you saw on the photo would be the same seated before you.
It seemed you were watching with batted breath for him to turn around and when he did, the sight of him shocked you and made your heart skip a beat.
You knew from his photo, the male would be gorgeous—so attractive that if he weren't your patient, you'd probably gush over him from afar. But it wasn't his attractiveness that made your breath hitch.
He looked completely different.
He looked…
With a cold expression, you stared back at a pair of crimson eyes covered with black eyeglasses, a small smile spreading across his tanned lips, revealing a set of sharp canines. “You must be the therapist that is to evaluate me. Right, Querida?” He inquired with a hum, his deep voice holding a Latino accent. 
You gulped at the intensity of his abnormal scarlet orbs, subconsciously clenching his brown folder in your hands and giving him a nod. “Y-Yes, I am,” you replied, stepping back to give the large male room to stand, and when he did…
He was like a giant…
The bed creaked at his ascent as his massive being towered over you, your head tilting up to maintain eye contact. Choking back how intimidated you were, you gestured over to the small seating area of two white cushioned chairs and a table in the corner of his room. “L-Let’s sit over here to talk,” you proposed, and for a moment, he just stood there, gazing down at you like a mere ant before his tight-lipped smile returned.
With an approving grunt, he stepped in front of you; with his powerful, long legs, it took him little to no time to reach the comfort area and settle down into the white chair, the seat creaking under his heavy weight. You followed behind him, moving to sit across from your new patient and shifting into a comfortable position.
When your eyes met the male's, his crimson eyes were already staring at you, lingering upon your body in a way that made you feel like a microbe under a telescope. You gave him a polite smile, shaking off the unsettling feeling that always rose within you when speaking with the patients. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Dr. Miguel O’Hara. My name is Dr. Y/LN, and as you’ve been informed, I am the therapist here to evaluate you for your release.” You explained sweetly, watching every part of the patient, who remained completely motionless, simply continuing to stare back at you with an expression devoid of all emotion.
“It’s nice to see a new face, doctor. It can get rather boring here,” he uttered, using his middle finger to push his black eyeglasses up the bridge of his broad nose.
You placed his folder down upon the table, turning it to not reveal his photo on the front; you've learned from past experiences that the sight tended to worry them. Bringing your legs to cross over each other, you clasped your hands, placing them on your lap. “Boring?” you asked with furrowed brows. “Why don’t we speak about your time here first, Dr. O’Hara? Is that okay with you?” The inquiry left your lips in a soothing tone, one that calmed most patients upon hearing it; but with this patient, you couldn’t quite tell—he hid his emotions too well.
“Well, maybe not boring…repetitive is a better word,” he corrected himself. “But, dear, I’m fine with speaking of my time here.” He replied with a smile, placing his hands upon the armrests and widening his stance. Your eyes drifted to run along his inviting toned thighs adorned by a pair of gray sweatpants that did little to conceal the curves of the muscles underneath. 
You also took notice of his posture; taking a mental note of openness from the patient before you asked your question, “Well then, may I ask how you are doing during morning activities? It's stated that you prefer Creative Arts Therapy in the mornings, correct?”
He nodded, his sharp canines peeking out from between his lips as he spoke. “Indeed, mostly during Creative Arts Therapy, I write,” he explained in a deep voice. “I’ve grown to learn that to better settle my thoughts is to put them on paper.”
“And that is an excellent form of therapy that you’ve discovered for yourself, Dr. O’Hara. May I ask, what exactly do you write?” You asked, trying to ignore the faint sight of madness in his crimson orbs. “I write down my thoughts, ideas, and aspirations,” he simply said. 
You hummed, giving him a smile. “How about future plans? Do you write about those?” At your question, he snickered, giving you a wry, dismissive head shake. “I…don’t write much on that,” he replied. “I’ll hate to get my hopes up,” he added in an amused, yet somewhat disheartened tone.
“Get your hopes up?” you inquired, eyebrows creasing in confusion. “May you elaborate, Dr. O’Hara?” The male nodded, his large fingers stroking the armrest of his chair in a deep caress. “I do not wish to anticipate that I will be released early,” his caresses of the chair never ceasing, and his eyes trained on his moving fingers.
You studied him, taking in his deflated voice and how he spoke in a slow manner. Your gaze shifted to take in the intricate motion his fingers moved upon the armrest as there were multiple reasons a patient would do such a thing.
He could be nervous, frustrated, impatient, or simply doing it to comfort himself. Recalling his mannerisms from previously, you could cross out your thought of him being nervous; the way the scientist carried himself was in a way of confidence that couldn’t be faked, so it left you with the last three—frustration, impatience, or comfort.
Without further observation, you couldn’t pinpoint his reasoning for his odd gesture, instead giving him a soft grin and replying to his previous words of anticipation. “I understand your concerns about getting your hopes up, especially considering that you were rewarded with an early release date based on your wonderful behavior as of late,” you sympathized, “So it’s completely normal to feel cautious about expectations,” you said, taking in the abnormally muscular male before you. 
“But let’s explore these feelings, shall we? Let’s say you are released in the next two weeks; what would your life look like, Dr. O’Hara?” you asked, deeply intrigued by his answer.
A moment of silence filled the room after your inquiry, the doctor continuing to make intricate patterns upon the armrest with his finger before his red eyes returned back to you. A nervous chuckle rumbled from his chest—the sound restoring life back into the room. “Ahh, I always get stumped on that question. It's another reason I haven’t written much about it in my journal.”
You nodded, placing your hands upon your legs. “Well, let’s start small,” you proposed with a grin. “You seem to have taken a liking to the hobby of writing while staying here at NYS-MH. Would you like to expand on that?” Miguel gave you a thoughtful hum, his pointer finger continuing to glide against the armrest of his chair. 
“I’ve…always wanted to write a book.” Your eyes snapped from his fingers to rest upon his chiseled face, surprise and amazement present upon your facial features at his desire. “Oh really? And what would that book be about?”
“Genetics, of course.” He chuckled, the mention of his past interest that caused his descent into madness making your heart skip a beat. Your eyes narrowed, the amazement fading from your being. You leaned back into your chair, keeping your composure.
“Are you still interested in Genetics, Dr. O’Hara?” Your inquiry being met with a nod from the patient, one that he didn’t hesitate on responding with. “I’ve worked in the field for almost my entire life and I’m exceptionally good at it.” He explained with a voice of knowledge in a low, deep whisper. “So why would I abandon my hard-earned skills and education?” 
His reasoning on his maintained attachment to the field was an excellent one, but like many things, it could be a trigger; causing the once cured doctor to revert back to his old ways of sadism and horrendous acts for the sake of science. This potential trigger would not only bring harm to everyone once more but erase the hard work that Miguel had achieved at the mental institution to fix. 
You cleared your throat before speaking. “I…understand your desire to write a book about Genetics. It’s an intriguing subject.” You said, preparing yourself to ask a question that would surely strike the doctor. “But considering the circumstance of your past experiments and the impact they had, how do you plan to approach the topic responsibly?” You asked, watching his reaction closely in anticipation. 
After your question it seemed as if everything stopped—froze even… 
You gazed at Miguel taking in his tanned face that stared back at you. His crimson eyes were empty behind his black frames and his posture was completely still in his seat. 
You��ll think he was a statue…
“Dr. O’Hara?” You called out to him which seemed to snap him from his thoughts. His red eyes slowly shifted to you, his tanned lips pulling into a small smile. 
“Responsibility, my dear therapist, is such a heavy word…” He said with a smirk. “But I wish to ask, what compelled you to work with the mental? It’s a challenging profession for those with weaker minds.” Miguel said, casting an odd aura upon the room with his every word. “I should know…many say they are for the discovery of science and when the time presents itself, they get cold feet.” He stated, his finger ceasing its movement upon the armrest. 
It wasn't unusual for a patient to desire to ask you a question, but the way he gazed at you with his intense eyes and how his gravelly voice caused a shiver to run down your spine made you hesitant, which the patient seemed to have noticed. “I only ask since you handle your job so beautifully.” He complimented, his eyes taking in your seated position. “I only wish to know what led you here before me.” The words left the patient’s lips in an ominous manner, however, upon saying such a thing his olive face held a smile that could melt anyone’s heart.
His fanged grin, oddly, sent a wave of warmth through your being and caused you to forget your reply to his question. You shifted in your seat, trying to keep your composure and recall your departed answer. “W-well, I…umm… entered this field by the simple fact of being interested in psychology a-and the way the mind works.” You replied once you found the words, unable to hide the stammering of your voice due to how unnerving everything was becoming. Miguel nodded slowly, running his tongue along the tip of his fang, the action drawing your attention. 
“Your interest in the subject of the mind is rather…fascinating.” Abruptly, he leaned up in his seat, resting his elbows upon his knees and invading your personal space. Your heart skipped a beat at his suddenness and at being able to see just how abnormal and captivating his scarlet eyes and sharp fangs were; it caused goosebumps to rise upon your skin at the mere sight. 
“I imagine I must seem like a puzzle that’s meant to be solved by you, don’t I, dear?” He asked, his gaze never letting up and keeping its intensity. Due to his closeness, you almost missed his inquiry, but upon detecting it, it surprised you. Hastily, you shook your head, dismissing his ideology and rejecting his notion. “N-No, I wouldn’t exactly describe you in that way, Dr. O’Hara.” You swiftly replied. 
“You wouldn’t?” He asked, his voice low and slow. “So, how would you describe me, Doctor?” He grinned, the fluorescent lights of his room bouncing off his sharp fangs as his eyes were filled with a hint of amusement, though it was impossible to ignore how it seemed he was toying with you. 
“I…see individuals, like you, as people who have become lost in the darkness and just need assistance in finding the light once more.” You stated, his eyebrow raising and a chuckle escaping him at your answer. “A bold claim…” He said, his eyes tracing your figure and lingering upon how tightly you were now grasping your skirt.  
“For a little thing like you…” 
Miguel muttered imperceptibly that you almost didn't hear him. “E-Excuse me?” You asked in shock and with furrowed eyebrows causing the patient to snicker, shaking his head. “Just that your view is a unique way of thinking and a…intriguing one, in fact.” He said, leaning back in his chair and adopting a relaxed position once more. 
“It’s really fascinating how intellectual you are, doctor.” He grinned. “Few possess the ability to navigate the labyrinth of thoughts of the mental. I applaud you on that.” Miguel praised, returning back to running his palm along the white armrest whilst giving you his undivided attention. 
In your gut, you knew his recalling of the statement said previously was false, you were certain he said something that was out of the norm. 
But could you have mistaken? 
You took in his face, taking note of how he gazed at you. The scientist was attractive, and normally during your job you were able to ignore that appealing quality and complete the task at hand, but right now, it seems impossible. 
The way his red eyes ran along your body like he was undressing you, made you blush. You couldn’t explain it, but you were stuck between your desires and your sense of reason. 
You were aware of Miguel’s sadistic mannerisms and how there could be a chance he wasn’t fully well as he lets on, it was why you were here, but the longer you spoke with him, the more the task at hand was leaving you. 
However, you couldn’t shake the feeling of unease he gave you at times. 
“M-May I ask how have you been feeling lately? Any changes?” You asked, changing the topic and settling your eyes upon Miguel once more to see him smirking. “It’s all been the same, doctor.” He began. “We have group therapies on Wednesday, daily morning activities and indoor activities…” He said, wetting his lips with the swipe of his tongue, the sight causing the tips of your ears to burn red. 
Sometime while he was speaking, you shamefully zoned out to taking in how sexy he looked. 
His white shirt tightly hugged his body, giving one a view of his hardened nipples, defined pecs, and washboard abs. Every curve of muscle was accentuated under the white fabric that teased anyone who saw. The muscles of his legs pressed against his gray sweatpants, and your eyes widened slightly at being able to make out the enormity that rested against his thigh.  The sight causing you to bite your lip…
The sexy patient called out to you, snapping you from your trance. “Y-Yes!?” You inquired, clearing your throat and taking a more assertive and relaxed position to try and dismiss your previous lack of professionalism. Miguel snickered. “It seemed you were off somewhere else…and here I thought that was my job.” He joked, causing you to chuckle nervously. 
“M-My apologies. You may continue.” You replied, wishing to proceed as if none of that happened. Miguel smirked, his crimson eyes roaming along your body before his finger began to tap upon the armrest.
“In my leisure, I write in my journal, read, or tend to my plant.” He finished, keeping it short and gesturing to the bookshelf in the room that held a pot of beautiful flowers. You smiled seeing how the black flowers bloomed upon the shelf. 
“May I ask, what is it that you write in your journal?” You asked, looking back at him to see his eyebrows furrowed. “It wouldn’t be ethical if I asked what you write in your diary, would it, doctor?” He inquired, causing you to instantly become regretful of your words. You casted him an apologetic look. “M-My apologies, I didn’t mean to intrude.” 
“No…it’s fine. Your fascination is interesting…” He trailed off, a tap of his finger following your words. You glanced back over at his plant once more, the flower really captivating you. “The plant is family to the Calla Lilies.” Miguel answered before you could even ask, looking over at you as you continued to inspect the plant from your seat. “Hmm…I’ve never seen a plant like this.” 
“Because this plant, in particular, is very rare.” He explained. “Native to South Africa, Escape, is a very rare find.” Miguel said with a fanged grin. “It’s why I made it mandatory that it was brought with me when I was assigned at NYS-MH.” 
You stared in awe at the abnormally black flower. This was your first time seeing a plant of pitch blackness that hadn’t already withered away, but Miguel’s next words grabbed your attention. 
“But one day while tending to my flowers, I hit an…epiphany of sorts.”  Miguel told you, causing you to cock your head in puzzlement. 
His words intrigued you…
“May I ask what epiphany you reached, Dr. O’Hara?” At your question, Miguel gave you a look of appreciation and sincerity. “I understand that upon my arrival, I wasn’t…in the best state of mind.” He said with a sigh. “But after being here, I feel like I’m ready.” 
“Ready for what?” You asked, bringing a small smile to his lips. “I…believe I’m ready to see the world again.” He answered, giving you a genuine look of certainty. 
His realization filled you with gratification. You reached for his brown folder, believing he had, indeed, improved. The first major step for the patient was seeing that they were initially unwell, which the patient had achieved. 
“I’m greatly pleased with your recognition of this epiphany of yours, Dr. O’Hara.” You said, holding his folder in your hands. “But I believe you are ready to answer some more serious questions.” You said, glancing up at him. “Are you ready?” You asked, seeking permission of his state of mind before proceeding. 
With a nod from Miguel, you opened his folder, pulling out a few of his documents to begin asking more serious questions regarding them. “I’ve noticed in your next of kin that you asked for them to not be aware of your mental treatment.” You began, looking up at Miguel to see him already gazing back at you, his crimson orbs trained on you. The sight made your heart flutter. “M-May I ask how you would cope on the outside without your familial relations knowing of t-the treatments and necessary tools you've learned whilst being here?” At your inquiry, Miguel’s face hardened, his crimson eyes darkening.
“Well, you see, my dear therapist, family can be a bit…overwhelming.” He uttered, tapping his finger against the armrest once more like a metronome; his eye contact never breaking. “I’ve decided to take a more independent route for now.” He explained in a deep, slow voice. “But friends, colleagues—people who don't burden me with unnecessary questions about the past are who I seek.” He said, his voice holding a hint of coldness as his jaw clenched. 
“Because, it’s important to focus on the present and the future, rather than the past, don’t you think…
You gulped, his words seeming to have you in a vice. It was as if he had some kind of control over you, all of the rules and regulations you learned whilst being an evaluation therapist at NYS-MH faded from your mind. You couldn’t figure out what you found so enticing about him. 
Was it the way he looked or behaved? How he seemed to speak with such intellect in a tone of voice that could lull one to sleep?   
You were puzzled…
But you were certain something was happening, and it was greatly affecting you and your ability to think clearly. 
You hesitantly nodded, clenching his folder and feeling your cheeks redden once again.  “T-That is correct.” You agreed, not believing what you were saying. “I would understand your desire to look past your previous mistakes and move forward.” You uttered, trying to keep your attention on the patient. 
“Indeed…Mistakes.” He smirked, a small chuckle passing his lips, his finger seeming to tap against the armchair after your words. Your eyes looked from his hand and to his face, studying how his coffee-brown locks blowned gently in the breeze from the vent overhead, and to his defined cheekbones and broad nose that made him even more captivating… 
 “Have any more questions for me, doctor?” 
You jumped at his inqury, noticing you were just staring at him. 
What the hell was wrong with you?!
A little disheveled, you fumbled through the folder for the next pages of information you sought, picking up his documents on his treatment plan of medications and his incident reports. “Umm…I-I wanted to ask about your medications.” You began, wetting your lips and holding the papers up to hide behind them. “T-There were two occurrences where you refused to take your medication. M-may I ask why you refused?” You asked, peeking around the paper to see the patient adjust his black eyeglasses upon his face along with the repeated thudding of his finger upon the chair. 
“I must ask, how would you feel if someone took away your identity?” 
“W-what?!” You asked in surprise, lowering the pages hastily. A laugh rumbled from his broad chest, giving you a clear view of his otherworldly fangs that made the pit of your stomach twist into knots. “You heard me, doctor.” He stated in a manner that was to be amusing but only made one disturbed. 
“What if someone was trying to force you to be someone else? Someone you are not?” He asked, causing you to chew your inner cheek and ponder his question. “I…I guess I wouldn’t like that.” 
“Indeed…” He replied. “Any creature would despise the fact of forced transformation of oneself. It’s the reason you cannot simply change a savage tiger to being a tamed kitten in your home.” The dark-haired male explained. “It’s because a tiger would always cling to its savage ways, it's what keeps them alive—it’s what they enjoy.”  
“That’s…a great analogy, Dr. O’Hara.” 
“Why thank you, dear.” Miguel replied with a smirk before his old expression shifted to hold furrowed eyebrows and a frown—a set of facial features that instantly tugged at your heart. “But…the true reason I refused my medication was because…” He heaved a deep sigh, biting his lip. “The depressants make me sleepy and tired all the time, and…the idea of having to depend on medicine to stabilize my irritability and emotions is rather disheartening to me.” He said in a sorrowful voice. “I refused them because I believe I can be better without them.” 
You listened closely to his words, taking note of his concerns and feeling rather empathetic. “In all honesty, how would you explain your current mental health condition?” You asked, placing your compassionate eyes upon him. 
He gave you a heartfelt smile, one that made your heart soar. “Like I said previously, I feel better, Doctor.” Miguel said in genuinely. “I’ve seen the errors in my ways and am deeply disgusted by what I’ve done to innocent individuals…t-too myself.” He said, looking away at the ground in shame. 
“I wish to return back into society and start anew.” He replied. “Be the man that I’ve wanted to be—not some madman who allowed his idea to get too out of hand that led to the deaths of innocence.” Miguel professed to you with an emotional and hearty voice. 
You nodded slowly as you noticed his scarlet eyes flicker down to your hands that held the brown folder. “Doctor…
May I?” 
Dr. O’Hara asked, extending his large, calloused hand to you, seeking your palm. Your eyes widened, thickly gulping and looking back up to meet his red orbs that seemed to suck you in—enticing you to take it. 
Physical connection with patients were strictly forbidden, but the sadden look of desperation upon his face led you to take his hand. You placed the brown folder upon the table before resting your hand in his large palm, and instantly yours looked to have shrunken in size. With a fluttering heart and belly, you met his eyes and instantly melted under his crimson eyes. 
“Please, Cariño. I assure you, I’ll be on my best behavior.”  
The patient affirmed, giving your hand an affectionate squeeze, following his heartfelt promise. Your breath caught in your throat at his genuine gaze and words. 
From his evaluation, you couldn’t help but agree that he was ready…
He didn’t utter a word of sadism or show signs of insanity, revealing his first diagnosis of Psychopathy was treated or can be suppressed. He exhibited signs of sympathy for his victims, and also didn’t become angry at triggering questions, displaying that his second diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder was also cured or treated. 
Like he said…
Dr. Miguel O’Hara was ready. 
You gave him a small smile, placing your free hand atop of his as Miguel’s eyes shifted down to your kind gesture and back onto your face. “Okay…I believe you.” You said, caressing his knuckles with your thumb. “I’ll be sure to send in your evaluation report that you are good to go.” You told him, but as an evaluation therapist you weren’t supposed to say, but you couldn’t stop the words from spilling from your mouth. 
Giving him a departed smile, you released his hands and collected your things. His touch still burned into your skin and left you yearning for more of him. 
You felt his abnormal eyes on you as you went to the door. Suddenly, upon putting your hand on the doorknob, a cold shiver ran down your back—one that instantly made you come to a halt. Your eyebrows furrowed at the unsettling sensation, causing you to bite your lip in nervousness.
“And Miguel…” You called out to him, using his name and looking over your shoulder at the dark-haired male. His tanned, chiseled face held an expression of hidden joy and interest as he turned towards you, his attention captured by your call whilst he remained seated in his chair
You clenched the folder tightly, hastily shifting your gaze to meet his scarlet eyes—the previous feeling of discomfort and unease vanishing.
“I-I hope you keep your word.” You said in a voice full of reverence. Miguel returned your words with a reassuring smirk, his sharp canines poking from over his bottom lip. 
“You have my word, Doctor.  I’ll be on my best behavior.” 
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After turning in Dr. Miguel O'Hara’s evaluation report and going home, the scientist was still on your mind.
The way the doctor looked at you with his beautiful red eyes from behind his black spectacles, with a gaze of interest, to the fanged smiles and smirks he gave you—merely thinking about it made your cheeks redden.
You bit your lip, feeling a need to cure this desire for him, but you decided to push it away. You couldn’t feel this way about him…
You couldn’t…
But you did…
You lay under the blankets of your bed, tossing and turning as every time you closed your eyes to sleep, he would fill your mind. 
Especially the glimpse you got of his package. 
How his massive member was accentuated underneath the gray fabric of his sweatpants, revealing how thick and long he was. 
The remembrance made you drool… 
It had been forever since you’d touched yourself. Being a therapist at a mental facility was a rather time-consuming job, and you weren’t really interested in the many men who tried to get your attention.
Until him… 
Why did it have to be him of all people? 
It was a guilty pleasure, that was for sure—to have fallen so hard for this doctor, your patient who had many wounds that still needed healing.
But oddly, his wounds only pulled you in even more…
You bit your lip, allowing your hands to begin roaming along your body, imagining they were his calloused ones—remembering how his large hands practically engulfed yours when holding his hand, and how rough they felt.
Oh, how good it would feel if they were the ones touching you. 
Giving your clothed breasts a squeeze through your shirt, you moaned softly. Despite his past of being sadistic and cruel to others, you imagined him being gentle with you—caressing your body and touching you in a way that stole your breath every time. You arched your back as your thumb barely flicked over your pebbled nipples, drawing a whimper from your lips.
Your panties were heavily drenched in your juices due to your core's insistent pleas for stimulation and touch. Finally satisfying yourself, with a sharp tug, you pulled your panties down, freeing your pulsating pussy. 
You breathed a sigh of relief, hastily getting into a comfortable position on your back and allowing your legs to fall apart. With closed eyes, you allowed thoughts of Dr. O'Hara to guide your movements. 
His massive hand ran along your abdomen, teasing you with his skilled fingertips and trailing lower. A gasp escaped your lips as your fingers brushed softly along your throbbing bud and soppy folds, spreading your juices along the sensitive area.
You imagined Dr. O'Hara above you, his red eyes gleaming in the moonlight as he smirked down at you, pressing his large middle finger into your entrance. You moaned, feeling his finger filling your tight walls. 
Whimpers escaped your lips at how good his finger felt inside of you, your back arching in desire for more of him. His smirk broadened at your eagerness, as he slowly drew his finger out to the tip before pushing back in, quickly finding a rhythm and keeping at it with each thrust.
Your toes curled, burying your face in your inner elbow as you continued to finger your wet pussy, wishing Dr. O'Hara was here, but imagining would have to do. It wasnt long before a heat began to pool in your lower belly, your breathing picking up. 
"Taking my fingers so well, dear," Dr. O'Hara whispered into your ear, gently nipping along your lobe and throat, his fangs grazing your skin. You whined into your arm, his fingers picking up speed and hooking just right inside your pussy, bringing you to your blissful end. 
With a loud cry, your thighs trembled horribly as your juices spilled in hot spurts, soaking your hand and the sheets underneath. 
Your eyes fluttered close, trying to overcome the buzz that overwhelmed your body after your release. It took a moment, but when you caught your breath and your vision settled, you withdrew your fingers from your pussy, casting your eyes upon them to see that they, not Dr. O'Hara's, were covered in your juices. You exhaled in disappointment. 
Despite how good it felt imagining it was him, you couldn't help wanting Dr. O'Hara in the physical…
"I imagine I must seem like a puzzle that’s meant to be solved by you, don’t I, dear?" 
As you lay there, still tinglinh from your pleasurable moment, his words filled your head, leaving you to ponder his question once more. 
Did you believe him to be a puzzle that only you could solve? In the moment, you said no, but deep down, you wanted nothing more than to thoroughly fix him.
Like many patients upon being released, they still faced numerous challenges, including reentering society, finding a job, and avoiding triggers, after departing from NYS-MH.
He was going to need help, and with all your heart, you wanted to be there for him. 
And you were going to. 
No matter what…
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A/N: I hope you all enjoyed the first part of 'Tangled in his Webs.' 😆I really enjoyed writing Miguel in this persona as it was different and honestly fun, especially with him being a darker character. It was rather new for me writing in this manner, despite some challenges here and there, I'm overall proud of the outcome and I hope you are too!
@migueloharacumslut, thanks so much for the request, and I hope you are even more happier that it's to be more than one part, lol. But once again, thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed!
Make sure to like, comment, reblog, and follow! If you'd like to add a request to the kink series, Entangled Desire, or have an idea in general, just message me or submit an ask. I hope you all have a wonderful day and stay safe! 💙💙
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@oscarissac2099 @powerful-niya @szapizzapanda @mcmiracles @mreowmoreww @thedeva @jadeloverxd @lazyotakuofficial @migueloharacumslut @nattywatty @homewreckingwreck @kinkybandages @prazinos @huniedeux @impossiblebagelcowboyfreak @anniee-mr @crimin4llyins4ne @lynxslokley @rice-wife @oharasfilipinawife @migueloharastruelove @rodriash002 @e1f-boi @user3732094737 @truth-dare-spin-bottles @taleiak @alurafairy
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angel-of-the-moons · 11 months
Miguel x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: Angst, self-image issues, mentions of childhood trauma, addiction, our mans has had it rough as fuck™
A/N: Brought on by this post from @tarjapearce and the comments i made (I'm sorry i am a ho for some angst sometimes) I'm merging ATSV stuff with comic stuffs because NO WAY IS HIS MOVIE DESIGN LIKE THAT ON PURPOSE WITHOUT IT POSSIBLY COMING UP IN FUTURE MOVIES ASDFGHJKL
Taglist: @tojishugetiddies
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You came home and it was quiet. Quiet and dark; and already you knew something was up. You left Miguel sleeping so you could attend to some meetings and paperwork at your office, and pick up a few groceries.
Miguel had been acting strange the past few days. You'd asked him if it had something to do with work and he simply shrugged the question aside, like it was a small chip on one of his broad shoulders.
You'd asked him what was bothering him again, and he simply stared at the carpet, muttering something you didn't quite catch, and he went straight to bed.
You were so worried you'd even texted Gabriel on your walk home:
Hey, Gabe...
Heyyyy! If it ain't my favorite brother's girlfriend!
You couldn't help but roll your eyes with a soft snort. You only have one brother, Gabe.
No no, chica, I meant that you're my favorite of any girlfriends he's ever had. 😂
Gabe that sounds a little... Bad. 😬
Does it? Woops! Anyways, what's up? My big dumb, brick-house brother do something to make you mad?
No, Gabe... He's acting weird. Has been for the past few days, and he won't open up to me. I'm worried.
You could see the chat bubble pop up over and over again with '...' signifying that he was in the process of texting. With how many times it popped up and went away you were expecting a bible scripture's length of a text wall.
But what you got instead made your heart sink.
He saw our mom. She... She brought up Tyler.
Oh, god. You knew that Miguel and Conchata had a rocky relationship. Miguel had told you why. It was so bad, even just recalling everything, that you felt Miguel's pain like it was your own.
You also knew that Miguel's biological father, Tyler Stone, was the one that manipulated him, that used him, got him addicted to Rapture and almost killed him...
But it wasn't even the real dose of Rapture. It was simulated. Just another manipulation tactic. It was overhearing that conversation that Miguel found out the truth of his heritage, and you could tell that nugget of knowledge permanently chipped his sense of identity.
Even moreso when he confessed to you about Gabriela--
Your phone pinged.
They fought. It was... It was ugly. I... I didn't know about Tyler. God, chica, I didn't know. Dad was...
You felt your heart flop, knowing poor Gabriel was shielded by Miguel for so long so he didn't have to suffer like he did at the hands of their gaslighting and manipulative mother, his sadistic sperm donor... Miguel wanted nothing more than to protect Gabriel from that pain.
Your fingers flew fast on the little keyboard, a few spelling errors here and there;
God, Gabri im sory you had to fidn out that way
I know. It figures Miguel would have told you, before me, tho. He loves you.
He loves you too, Gabri. God, more than you know. He loves you.
I know. He was trying to keep me safe and out of Mom's drama.
No offense, Gabri, but if I ever see that woman I'm rearranging her face with a shovel.
OMG. I mean... After the things she said to Miggy, I... Kind of want her to at least feel consequences of her actions, y'know?
Oh, she will. Don't worry. Thanks for telling me this, Gabri.
Go cuddle my big brother and tell him I love him, k? Let me know how he's doing.
OMW home now, I'll text you when he's feeling better.
KK, see ya.
Yeah. You knew for sure Miguel was still heartbroken when you came home after that.
You put the groceries away, a somber expression on your face as a million thoughts went through your head.
God, of course Conchata had to come see Gabriel at the same time Miguel was there. You wouldn't be surprised if either she could have tabs kept on him, just to... to try and lord her power over him somehow, like he was still that scared little boy, holding onto his baby brother, being his shield and buffer from their parents' fights.
That bitch had to have had a hand in Tyler using him the way that he did, that she had to have known about--
Your mind was knocked away from those dark thoughts when you heard glass shatter.
You dropped the bag of apples onto the ground, the fruits tumbling out and rolling across the floor as you made a mad dash to your bedroom.
Noting Miguel wasn't in there, you turned to the adjoining bathroom door, seeing faint light come down from below, small wafts of steam rolling out.
"Miguel?" You frantically called out, knocking on the door and leaning your ear against the smooth metal.
You could hear shuffling and the tinkling of glass shards, as well as the shower running; but no verbal reply.
You knocked on the door again, hurried and a little too hard, your fingers hovering over the control panel.
Before you could push a button, the door slid open.
Miguel was in nothing but a pair of boxers, leaning over your bathroom sink, his hands gripping the marble countertops, threatening to crack the material. Beads of water rolled down his muscular, tanned skin; droplets of water dripped from the ends of his thick, wavy chocolate locks, the natural curls more apparent thanks to the water.
That's when you noticed it. Your bathroom mirror, shattered into a hundred pieces, scattering the counter, floor, and in the sink.
Bright, scarlet droplets were on the floor, steadily building into small puddle from his right hand, his knuckles split, shards of the reflective material sticking out of it.
"I'll pay for it." His voice croaked out, unable to lift his eyes to meet your horrified gaze. "I just--"
"Oh, god! Miggy!" You breathed, reaching out, taking a step towards him, only to wince and hiss when the pieces of broken mirror stabbed the soft, delicate soles of your feet.
You gritted your teeth as the glass crunched, but you grabbed Miguel.
Instantly it was like a switch flipped inside of him, Miguel's head snapped up and he looked down at you, seeing the bloody footprints you now left on your tile.
He looked terrified at what he was seeing. How you just ignored the shards in your body in favor of frantically digging around one of the cabinets for your first aid kit.
"Bebita... I..." Miguel choked out.
When you found it, you killed the shower and stepped into the glass once again, pulling him into your room, and onto your bed, your feet leaving bloody prints as you walked, like macabre rose petals being left in your wake. Miguel had a large enough stride that he was careful to avoid getting any in his feet, but the smell of your blood permeated the air, it made him sick to his stomach. Not with disgust.
With guilt.
Of course, you checked him over first, plucking out the shards of glass from his knuckles and cleaning the cuts out with wound wash, ignoring the blood welling up onto the tile floor of your bedroom from.
You carefully roll his hand as you try to wrap the gauze around his knuckles. "Miggy, can you hold your--"
"I'm sorry." He interrupts.
You looked up at him, and only then do you see his face. Framed in his wet curls, his face was shadowed and haunted, his eyes dark and as tumultuous in a maelstrom of anxiety and fear.
You bring your hand to his cheek, caressing one of his sharp cheekbones with your thumb. "Baby, it's okay. It's just a mirror, I can--"
He shook his head, as if your touch to his face burned him like a hot iron.
He leaned over, grabbing your legs and pulling your feet into his lap so he can assess the damage, and return the favor of cleaning and dressing them.
"You're hurt because of me." He whispered sadly, dabbing the blood away.
"I'm hurt because of the glass, honey." You tell him gently, letting him apply the "honey" to the cuts in your feet, sealing them.
His massive hands encapsulated your ankles, his thumbs rubbing small circles as the rough pads caressed your skin. Like you were made of the delicate gossamer of a butterfly's wing.
He sits like that, not meeting your eyes. And god, did that hurt you so badly. You knew how important eye contact was with Miguel, he almost always went out of his way to keep eye contact when he was conversing with someone. Having him avoid your eyes... hurt.
Because you knew he was hurting.
"Miggy." You breathed. "Talk to me."
You move your feet from his lap and scoot closer to him, moving your face until he locked eyes with you again, and you could see the pain and the tears fill his own as he looked at you; his full, pouty lips trembling in an effort to hold his emotions at bay.
His shoulders dropped low, and Miguel leans forward until he was practically bent in half, clinging to you, burying his face in your chest as he fisted your shirt in his hands.
You rubbed his shoulder with one hand, biting your lip as he softly cried into your blouse, your other hand combing through his messy wet hair.
You stayed like that, for what felt like hours. You weren't sure how long it was exactly, with the blackout curtains drawn and the lights off. The only light that dimly illuminated the room was from your bathroom, and the open door.
He finally calmed enough to speak, to explain why he shattered the mirror.
"...I look like him." Miguel said, his heart in his voice, his soul stripped down and naked with raw pain.
"God, I look like him. That... that cabrón." He hissed, tugging your shirt in his fists.
"I look like that bastard that... that made me into this." The self-contempt in his voice broke your heart.
You kiss the top of his head, murmuring against him. "No, you don't, baby."
"Yes, I do!" He snapped, pulling himself away from you and throwing himself to his feet. He paced like an angry tiger in a cage, waiting to swat at whatever keeper dared enter his enclosure. He didn't notice that he was stepping into the sticky, dried blood trails you left.
"I have his--his face. His fucking face--" He said, gripping his hair in his hands, tugging as he started to hyperventilate. "My fucking nose, my fucking cheeks, my fucking lips--they're all him! I'm not allowed to be me, every time I look in the mirror I see him! I can't ever get away from him! He's a part of me, he always will be! I fucking look like him!"
You get to your feet, ignoring the throbbing in your soles as you dared to reach out, to touch the pacing tiger.
Your hands smooth up his back, gently, softly; then back down until they wrapped around his mid-section.
You feel him, how tense he is, how his muscles flex at your touch almost like he's bracing himself for some kind of blow that simply will never come from you.
You rest your cheek against his back, feeling how hot his skin was burning.
"Baby. You don't look like him. You aren't him, and you never will be." You whisper.
You plant kisses wherever you could reach, not letting him go, feeling his body shake with each shuddering breath as your soft lips made contact.
"More importantly, Tyler will never be you."
You cut him off. "Listen to me... Did Tyler figure out multi-dimensional travel, build a strike force of super-powered people from across the multiverse? Does Tyler, almost every day, work to keep dozens--no, hundreds--of universes safe from monsters?"
He didn't answer.
"And did Tyler Stone protect your baby brother from your mother all these years?"
No answer.
"You are Miguel-goddamn-O'Hara." You tell him. "I love you, with trauma, quirks and all. I love your little scritch-scratches you make, the way your bottom lip pokes out when you pout, your crooked teeth when you smile. I love your ridiculously large body, I love how you hug me. I love the little snores you make when you fall asleep at your desk, how you crinkle your nose when you're about to sneeze.."
You feel his hands slowly rise to touch your arms where they're almost-locked around his larger frame.
"I love how sweet and gentle you are. I love hearing you curse to yourself when you shock yourself with your soldering gun... I love listening to you bicker with Lyla, or complain about one of the other Spiders bugging you." You place more kisses after each sentence; hoping each one plants a seed of love beneath his skin, to bloom into a garden that he can admire and love, not hate for the very skin he was born with out of illegitimacy and infidelity.
"Tyler Stone is not you. He never will be. He will never be as good as you." You sigh against his skin, feeling the goosebumps form in the cold of your room, now that the adrenaline of his anxiety was beginning to fade, and his body became aware of the water that was slowly drying and cooling his skin.
"I love you, Miguel O'Hara. You and no-one else. Don't ever think for a second that you don't have your own identity because of your genes."
He slowly turns in your grasp, looking down at you with raw, unclothed emotion as his hand touches your cheek.
"You're more than that. You're you, and I wouldn't have you any other way." You say, your tone set and jaw tight; every word you spoke carrying a hefty weight of seriousness and honesty.
He smiles, almost sadly as you feel the rough pads of his thumb against your cheek, the little talon there poking you but not breaking the skin.
"...I..." He said, his voice stiff as he swallows the lump in his throat.
"I really will pay for your mirror, you know."
You grin up at him and turn your face so you can kiss the palm of his hand.
"I know you will, Miggy."
"But I am curious... I felt like you were going to keep going with the affirmations." He said, raising an eyebrow slowly.
"Well, the last one..."
"The last one?" Miguel tilted his head down at you quizzically.
You grin at him again, your teeth showing and eyes creasing as you barely manage to reach around him, swatting his ass playfully.
"I also love the fact you have the nicest ass I've ever seen on a man."
He couldn't contain the snort that came out of him, and he reached up to cover his whole face with his other hand.
You giggle as you step around him, giving a playful swat to his ass once again as you walk by.
"C'mon, Miguel O'Hara. You got a broken mirror to clean up."
His shoulders lifted as he watched you, his eyes softer than you've ever seen as he smiled.
Yeah. You were right.
He was Miguel O'Hara.
And he was certainly going to pay you back for the smacks to his ass.
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animeyanderelover · 2 months
I am so glad your requests are finally open :D
Is it possible for me to ask for yandere Meruem+royal guards (like you did at some point, if not just please ignore this!) with a darling who is on her period??
Tyy for reading my request and you are always free to ignore this one!!
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional mindset, clinginess, overprotective behavior, some Nsfw, blood kink, breeding kink, dub-con, manipulation, mentions of pregnancy, isolation, afab reader
Tags: @jamayah @chxxz @shenryu-sama @maggiequinn59 @leveyani @cynniical
Darling on her period
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👑🐈🎻💥Some brief questions will undoubtedly be raised, whether you bring up the topic of your menstruation and your need for hygiene products before your week begins or when it happens. After all the biology of Chimera Ants is very different than the one from a biological woman. Everything will be swiftly taken care of though as soon as you have explained yourself. Shaiapouf and Meruem are the ones who inform themselves the quickest about everything involving a period and it is the butterfly who arranges everything so that you receive what you need even before Meruem can order any of his servants to do so. Neferpitou prefers seeking you out themselves and questioning you about how a period exactly works instead of picking up a book. Youpi, who has no human genes in him is the one who would probably be the one who understands the least about your condition but with all the commotion going on around him he picks up enough to get a decent idea of what your body goes through once a month.
👑🐈🎻💥Whether you plan to tell anyone about when exactly your period starts or not is nothing you hold any control over. Not only do they sense the change, they even smell it. So when you have four pairs of eyes looking at you even more oddly than what you are used to don’t wonder why. It is Shaiapouf who makes the most drama the first time it happens as he initially believes that you have gotten hurt, his words causing Pitou to active their Nen ability in case you need medical assistance whilst even Youpi steps closer, the worry of the butterfly seemingly infectious. It’s Meruem who tells all of them sternly off with only a few words before he questions you what’s going on. The first time you have your menstruation whilst captured as their darling is the time they’re the most attentive to see how you’re feeling and how you can help. They remain that attentive to you even when you don’t have your period but whenever your bloody week arrives all of them are more overbearing than normally though all of them have different ways to treat you on your week.
👑Meruem keeps you more to himself than normally when you are on your period as the scent of your blood clings even more to you when you are menstruating. One reason for that is so that you don’t wander off and the scent of your period attracts other Chimera Ants lurking around the palace. The other reason is that he finds himself sexually more aroused when you’re on your days and wants you with him so that you’re available any time he needs to have your body. Your period is after all an indicator that you aren’t pregnant yet, something Meruem strives to change sooner or later as his biology as the king of the Chimera Ants demands of him to set heirs into the world to see it through that his kind thrives. When he isn’t in a sexual mood he sees it through that you receive everything you need. As your period tends to make you more sensitive and emotional Meruem somehow seems to be more irritated as well, especially towards his servants if they are even one milisecond too late when you ask for something, especially if you are in pain.
🐈​Neferpitou is the most playful one from the servants, even more so when you are on your period. They understand pretty soon that you tend to suffer from cramps or just feel very uncomfortable and sensitive in general when you have your monthly bleeding so they do their best to make you focus on something else. Pitou lets you touch their ears and their tail if you want to, resting their head in your lap as you do so or searches for other things that the two of you can do in the time where the both of you are alone. They bring new card games and board games with them to distract you from any pain or discomfort you may feel and they lose on purpose in order to avoid making you sad since you tend to be more easily frustrated when bleeding and in pain. When they hear from Shaiapouf that apparently an orgasm helps with cramps they even offer to make you cum around their fingers or their tongue if you are in extreme pain though they won't force you if you instead ask for pills instead. Neferpitou is most likely still a tad bit disappointed.
🎻​Shaiapouf is the most attentive one during your period, far exceeding everyone else to the point where it is too much. As the obsessive freak he is for his darling he marks down every day they are bleeding and then calculates when they are most likely to experience their menstruation again. A few days before it happens he is already hovering around you more, asking you if he can do anything for you. He doesn't let you take any medication against the cramps when he is the one attending to you as he believes that you don't need them when he is the one serving you. He prepares you your snacks and meals, plays the violin for you, makes sure that you drink enough throughout the day and spends every minute coddling you, especially when you are in pain and he brings you a hot-watter bottle. There is a strong urge to wrap you up in his wings and cuddle with you when you are laying in bed whilst suffering from your cramps and he may just act on that urge from time to time. He's also the first one who finds out that an orgasm helps with the blood flow and reduces the cramps and as the loyal servant he is he insists and succeeds in convincing you to let him assist you in any way he can.
💥Youpi is the breath of fresh air, the calmest one from all of them. In between his King and the other two servants he is the one who gives you the most space though he is still always lingering close to you in case something should happen or you should need something. As his obsession usually shows itself more when you are in danger he is the most normal one which is ironic considering that he is the least human from all of them. As there is no one he can kill and rip apart when you are suffering from cramps he finds himself initially struggling as he doesn't know how he can help until you tell him of the pain killers which he from that day on then promptly provides and keeps stored somewhere when he is the only one looking after you for a moment. If you need any comfort, especially when you are in pain he usually lets you sit in his lap whilst keeping one of his big hands over your womb and rubbing it in hopes of helping you with the pain until the pain killers do their work.
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 years
Hi! I love your work and was wondering what you thought of platonic/romanitc yandere batfamily with a reader who's like five hargreeves???
My first request! Although I have not watched Umbrella Academy I’ll try my best to fulfill your wishes Anon (via research and several clips of this man-child). Advanced apologies for any inconsistencies.
Honestly seeing all these clips makes me want to watch the show itself so I’ll be doing that after posting this fic.
TW/CW: Yandere themes of violence, creepiness, overprotectiveness, manipulation. Uh mention of Tim and Damian creaming in their suits-
current status: unedited
In this version of events there is no Reginald Hargreeves and siblings (thus no Umbrella Academy as a whole) instead you were plucked from your biological mother by Bruce himself and adopted as a Wayne.
You were the youngest sibling, often called “Five” as a nickname.
Having dangerous abilities such as well- the power to manipulate space and time. Bruce was incredibly strict with his training and rules, but he knew not to push you too far. He has learnt from his experiences with your brothers.
Because of that you grew up pretty egotistical, sassy and cynical — not to mention pretty spoiled.
You’d often dangle your powers over Damian, who had become your rival throughout the years.
He, in turn, would slap you back with the fact that you’re adopted.
And boy did it take a lot of convincing from your father to not go back in time and smother the damn demon-spawn with a pillow when he was still a baby.
Otherwise your relationship with them is very much a typical sibling’s one. With the exception of their overprotectiveness that is real bad (You were surprised to see Damian in the mix as well. Was your brother a masochist of some sort?) and due to your powers and everyone’s overall occupations, a lot more violent.
They will try to sabotage any and all relationships you have whether it’s romantic or platonic.
But, jokes on them, you can just go back in time and stop anything bad from happening.
Really, you can’t help but laugh at their shenanigans.
Like whenever you see Dick disguised as a waiter trying to drug your date but it somehow ends up with him on the floor frothing at the mouth.
Or during this one time Jason tried shooting a friend of yours but found himself with a bullet up his ass instead. That is if you were feeling a little more sadistic than usual, you mostly switch his guns out for staplers.
You made sure to help him patch up though. As much as they were cockblockers, they were still family.
In conclusion, as much as the Batfam are capable superheroes/vigilantes I’m pretty sure they can’t really beat a trained space-time manipulator.
Bruce created a monster and he ain’t stopping it himself anytime soon.
“[Y/N] Wayne. You have to stop throwing your older brother around.” Bruce scolds you for the nth time this week. Though you knew better than any one else within the mansion you were in that is far as he’ll go with his actions.
“If this is about Tim— he was looking through my search history again, and my gallery, and not to mention every damn file I have on my computer—“
“Look, I was just checking up on you—“ Tim’s voice comes from the intercomms. Only to be cut off by a gasp.
From your brief blink in-and-out of existence, Bruce just knows it’s you slamming the poor boy’s face on a keyboard or something.
“I wonder if it’s too late to get unadopted.”
“Where’d you go?”
“The future. It’s shit by the way.”
You, much like the original Five Hargreeves, are a 50 something year-old person stuck in a young adult’s body as a result of fucking up the space time continuum too much.
You have the same origins as well, being born from a butcher who had shown no signs of pregnancy and being adopted by Reginald Hargreeves.
Let’s say you and your siblings were well known but after you disappeared, they all mysteriously died if not vanish like you as well.
You had close ties with the Teen Titans and were planning to join them after you’d master your powers of time manipulation. However that unfortunately didn’t happen.
In any case, you meet up with one of the only heroes you knew years ago and that happened to be Batman and his sidekick, Robin.
Except… it seemed that Batman was way older and Robin had already been replaced three times. The Robin you were friends now calls him Nightwing.
You bring news of the apocalypse and ask them to aid you in searching for your siblings.
Unbeknownst to you, Dick had been searching for you all over since your disappearance. It had partly been the reason why he chose to become his own independent hero so he already had a lead on where to look.
You meet the rest of the Batfam, who grow to enjoy your sassy, witty personality.
To Bruce, you were like a reminder of things before the trauma he’s had to face with his sons. In addition to that, you were roughly the same age mentally so having another “grown up” with him, albeit one that’s more chaotic, was definitely helpful.
To Jason, you were exciting. He’s seen people with powers before but none that seemed so elegant yet ruthless. You were mesmerizing in battle but your softer sides where you’d remind him of the life he has ahead of him and to take care, was even more captivating.
To Damian and Tim, you took a more obvious parental approach. Which was odd coming from someone close to their age in appearance. Unlike Jason who enjoys more of your soft side they enjoy the side of you that’s uncaring of those in your way.
And when they see you covered in blood after a heated fight? Absolutely gorgeous.
(They may or may not be creaming in their suits)
Now in the case of dear old Dickey, who has been helping you out investigating your disappearance. You two grew a lot closer. Even more so than before.
To him you were gone for almost 2 decades and to you it was twice that time. Still time didn’t stop you two from reconnecting quickly.
He takes the first step in asking you out. His brothers and father aren’t exactly discreet when it comes to their feelings so he (very reluctantly) lets them have a piece of you by moving back to Gotham for good.
In this timeline, Dolores (the mannequin) exists cause yes. So they don’t really have any real competition to fight with.
They are some times where Damian, Jason, and Dick want to destroy the thing for being so precious to you though.
In any case, like I said in the Platonic timeline. Not many things can go against Time/Space manipulation so if they want to take away your abilities or overpower it’s going to be a hard task to go through.
They much rather manipulate and/or coax you to not use it against their desires.
In time, you’ll be the perfect darling and partner in heroism for the batfam 💜
Hope you liked this Anon and thank you for requesting!
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ukranianacearo · 6 months
"Mother", a strong word
Part 1 Part 3
Word count: 558
Mentions of Innocent zero's original name
TW: mention of [Y/N]
Pairing: romantically none, but reader had to marry Innocent zero
Tag: @makima1345
Genre: fluff I guess
Author's note: It's preferably to read part 1 first, because most of the lore is already explained there and I'm not a parrot to repeat it all over again. Someone wanted a part 2 so here it is😭 probably will write mash x reader fanfic soon, (probably gn or fem) and reader will have the same powers as here and a similar background, I think
The room was in complete silence. Which was awkward. You were sitting in the nursery's bed, your back against the headboard of the bed. Mash, who just came in, was standing in front of the bed's feet. Never you would think that it would be so awkward to talk to your own son, but here you are.
- "Um, hello, Mash. I'm [Y/N], your biological mother. You can call me whatever you're comfortable with. Also, sorry for letting Cyril, I mean, Innocent zero hunt you down for sport and almost kill you and your loved ones. Please, sit down. " - Saying that you patted the chair next to the bed you're sitting on.
- "M'kay." - This was getting really awkward. You didn't know what to say, but still tried to act calm. - "Why did you join him in the first place?" - You didn't expect such a question from him. Although, maybe you did. It wasn't too surprising after all.
- "To secure my own survival." - Your answer was in a soft voice, just like a mother's one should be. Mash was silent for a few moments, seemingly thinking about your answer. Then, he replied.
- "Didn't you have another choice? I heard people liked you back then." - You laughed lightheartedly at his words; he really didn't know as much as you thought. At first, you thought that Wahlberg or someone else told him about your persona, about how you are such a bad, lying, manipulative witch. But even if someone did, Mash seemed unbothered.
- "Silly, they didn't like me as a person. They liked what they say, what I gave them, what I showed them; they liked the happy and positive mage not the torn out lack magic who all can do is steal magic and throw punches. Innocent zero knew me, the actor, and not the character of the play. While he didn't plan to reveal it, enjoying the show too much, he also wouldn't try to help me in a dire situation unless I helped him." - You said calmly with a soft smile. He seemed to process the information, but there was some sort of lag in his brain halfway through. Before you could explain it again in simpler terms, someone barged into the room. It was a young boy, the same age as Mash, with pink hair and pink dull eyes. You knew it was Domina from the pink necklace, very similar to your own necklaces in design, around his neck. Domina looked agitated, as if he just run a marathon; he looked distressed and as if looking for something. When he finally spotted you sitting on the bed with Mash by your sight he had a complicated expression on his face. It revealed relief, doubt, nervousness, excitement and much more. He started slowly walking towards the bed you were sitting on and Mash seemed calm at his appearance.
- "Oh, hi Domina." - Mash said casually as he looked at Domina who stood already next to the bed, probably on the verge of tears as you looked at him with soft eyes and a smile, just like a mother should. It was the first time he felt so loved even without knowing the person personally well. You guys really had a whole bunch to talk about...
I'm sorry it's so short compared to the first part, but I just couldn't wrap my head about how would Mash react😔 maybe, I'll do headcanons, like, post-""Mother", a strong word" but idk. Hope you enjoyed and take care of yourself! <3
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wonwhilebeingyoung · 2 months
Kyoto Jujutsu High School Headcanons based on the interview with Gege Akutami:
Potential traitors and their reasons to side with Kenjaku (Putting aside Mechamaru, obviously… and thee Aoi Todo, gege said himself he will never do it, respect my man Todo!)
TW: MAJOR SPOILERS FOR ANIME ONLYs, don’t read this if you don’t wanna get spoiled ‼️
Reason: Wants to be the head of the clan and get his mother to live with him so he can protect her and give her an easy life.
- I feel like he’s easy to manipulate if he hadn’t had that talk with Itadori during the baseball game. Kenjaku might make a deal about killing Noritoshi’s biological father and make him the head of the clan in a faster way. I think, he will have some second thoughts about it because his classmates/friends will be involved in the scheme but he will push those feelings for them aside and prioritize his mother. But soon, he’ll probably regret it (not his father getting killed, cause he does not gaf, but betraying his friends) when he found out his mom has another family and home where she’s happy at and doesn’t need his protection after all.
Reason: Lives a poor life and has two younger brothers to sustain.
- It’s gonna be hard cause Miwa my girl is too sweet and kind but… like Noritoshi, Miwa is also easy to manipulate, but will have some second thoughts… although she will hold it for longer time but i feel like she’ll finally do it out of desperation to sustain her family when she can’t rise up the ranks as a jujutsu sorcerer. I feel like her breaking point would involve about her younger brothers getting mistreated for being poor (based in the jujutsu phantom parade). The deal with kenny would come off as… get her into a high ranking position as a jujutsu sorcerer or just give her loads of cash, but yes maybe she’ll regret later on for betraying her friends.
Reason(s): Forced to become a Jujutsu Sorcerer by her own sister & probably(?) will try to persuade her sister into quitting in jujutsu sorcery.
- I have a vision Mai has the strong potential to be a traitor because well, she was literally forced into a life she didn’t want. She was abandoned by her sister, broke the promise and not only that, she was pressured by her family that she needs to be better than Maki. I feel like she’ll side with him out of anger and pettiness towards Maki and it’ll happen if Kenny ever met Mai before she enrolled to Kyoto Jujutsu High. I know for a fact Mai didn’t deeply hate Maki, but she just felt betrayed by her cause of the broken promise. Mai still loves her sister obviously, she’s just too prideful to show it, so she acts strong into letting Maki think that she’s fine without her. Also, don’t forget, not only Maki wanted to become a sorcerer to prove her family wrong and spite them, she did it to give Mai a home where she can feel safe. What if Mai does this in reverse where she will be the one whose gonna protect Maki and make her quit into becoming a Jujutsu sorcerer, but then again, knowing half of Maki’s goal which is to become strong and spite her fam, it will likely cause conflict cause not only Mai is a spy for a curse user, Maki is gonna feel like she’s being brought down by Mai and she’s going to hate herself for making her sister go to the wrong path.
Reason: Will do it for Mai.
- I haven’t thought about it throughly what will be Momo’s reason… but i think she will do it for Mai cause she definitely cares for her, she literally knows how Mai was mistreated by her own family and how much it affected Mai for being abandoned by her own sister. Based on the second light novel, Momo really dedicated her role as a senior and friend to her juniors. So, i think she will do it for the sake of Mai’s happiness and comfort.
Reason(s): Eliminate Yuuji Itadori and Satoru Gojo.
- This man’s face and motives says it all. Stuck up traditionalist (yep) but had some redemption later on during Gojo vs Sukuna sure. But if it was before that, his reasons with siding with kenny is to kill Sukuna’s Vessel and Gojo Satoru. For Gojo, the old fart probably thought that Kenny in Geto’s body is still the real Geto out for revenge against Gojo (that old btch doesn’t know Geto and Gojo’s relationship i fear). He might think they’re on the same side to bring Gojo down but Kenny’s too smart not to fuck up against thee GOJO SATORU, cause that’s gonna be sukuna’s job. Of course, it’ll also be hard for Kenny cause that wasn’t part of HIS plan… he’ll probably find some way to debunk killing his son and Sukuna :3 this sounds messy but it the only reasons i could think of for this old fart.
Reason: … Money, Duh.
- I put Mei Mei here cause i think she sometimes teaches in Kyoto hence her close ally with Todo or just promotes the sorcerers in general. Mei Mei is a freelance sorcerer, so no zero doubts she will do it for the cash *kaching* 💰 kenny will just pay a higher amount than Gojo and that’s it. Besides, i think she has the greatest asset to be spy, her Cursed technique duh, so yeah most likely she will do it.
Reason: I have no idea.
- YALL!! I’m sorry, I literally cannot see this woman becoming a traitor tbh, she respects herself too much and has high morals. What y’all think Gojo trusted her more than Mei Mei in finding the traitor when he could just bribe Mei Mei into doing it (i don’t ship gojohime im sorry, Utahime’s too good for him… she deserves someone better *shoko).
Reason: I also have no idea.
- If y’all don’t remember him, he’s the blonde first year who thought Todo and Yuuji are actually related, the one who accompanied Todo to save Yuuji from Mahito, the one who got Nobara’s corpse and said to Yuuji it cannot be guaranteed that he’ll effectively heal Nobara (… ha ha, Gege when i catch you Gege). I’m sorry but this dude was introduced so late and we don’t have enough info of him? He’s just a healer who’s willing to help and has the personality and design of a butler. So yeah, idk.
Note: This sounds so messy and might be ooc to other’s point if view, but i got so shocked when Gege addded that information— so, it’s just my insights and headcanons.. i’m sorry ‼️ also, yes kenny is kenjaku’s nickname tee-hee :3
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dehydration-stati0n · 2 years
Yandere!WhiteBeard Pirates x Reader HCs
If you have another member you want me to add, please feel free to ask! These were just the ones I could think of off the top of my head :)
Rules Word Count: 1.4k Spoilers: None TW: Yandere Themes, slight non-con?, abuse
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The ‘overprotective and overbearing parent’ trope
He’s the one who most likely got you roped into him and his sons’ obsessed grasp
convincing you with promises of a loving family and protection from anyone who would ever want to harm you.
He doesn't have any punishments for you and prefers to leave it up to the others (Marco and Ace)
He would refuse to let you leave the ship under any circumstance, and if he does allow you to leave, he makes sure you're within someone's sight
Unlike the others, he doesn't see you in a romantic light, he sees you as one of his children
He recognizes that he likes you in a different way than he feels about the rest of his sons, but he just kinda chalks it up to you being weaker and way more defenseless than the rest of them.
It's how he justifies his possessiveness over you too. You just need more attention because you can't protect yourself
He'll have your biological family killed, whether you were close to them or not
Why would you need them when you're real families right here?
He has everything he could ever want right within his grasp, and he'd gladly give you it all as well, as long as you obey them
Play along and you might even find being with them enjoyable
As intimidating as Whitebeard can be about where you go and who you're with, he’s a fairly laid-back guy
Do whatever you want whenever you want. The main thing is that you're not leaving the crew in any way.
Stay within sight of someone and you’ll be fine.
Whitebeard got you on board, but he’s who convinced you to stay
he’ll tell you that you have a sickness of some kind and he just so happens to have the cure, although, it’ll take some time to fully take effect so stay a while! Relax! He and the rest of the crew got you covered :)
I imagine him being very easy to talk too
He'll snitch on you if he catches you or you tell him about doing something out of line tho
He's ridiculously manipulative
He'll guilt trip you for literally anything
"We've given you all this and you're just going to leave? Don't you think you're being selfish, yoi?
Marco is really clingy and likes to hold you in some way.
Usually, he’ll wrap his arms around you or hold your hand.
Not afraid to chain or tie you up to keep you still
he also isn't afraid to break a bone in order to get you to stay, although it's more of a last resort for him
Very regular checkups that are definitely not meant to allude to anything sexual at all, it just always seems to happen to go there coincidentally
Works with Thatch a lot to drug your food
He honestly just loves taking care of you. It makes him so happy when he can fill some sort of caretaker role.
He's the most violent, either to you or others
He has a bit of a jealous temper when it comes to you and sometimes his emotions just get a little out of control
He'll apologize after, surely you understand why he did it.
He just wants your full, undivided attention, and why would you want to pay attention to anything that's not himself?
He’ll probably put a tattoo on you. Whether that be the crew's symbol or some other sign.
He likes that you have that permanent mark on you to show your gratitude and devotion to your new, loving family
Ace can be violent and jealous, but he’s also extremely oblivious?
Like he notices everything and nothing at all
He'd notice someone flirting with you but then wouldn't realize you're trying to leave if he found you halfway out the window with all of your stuff
It's 50/50 whether he catches onto something or not and you have to pray that he doesn't notice
You’ll have little burn marks all over you from when he’s gotten out of control. Thatch hates them and always scolds Ace for doing so. Marco doesn't mind since it lets him spend more time with you in the infirmary.
Your only scapegoat for him is his sporadic sleep habits
If you catch him while he's asleep, you can have a solid 10 minutes by yourself.
He likes throwing little parties for you on the ship, he really does want you to feel comfortable and safe with them and this is how he goes about it
It's always a lot of fun and he makes sure that he's near you so you don't feel nervous or awkward.
the sanest?? Least self-aware??
he’s also gonna be the nicest
Unlike Marco, he will not tell Whitebeard about anything 'bad' you did
Refuses to hurt you in any way, it makes his skin crawl just thinking about him causing you pain
He'll even cook for you! Anything you want. Just tell him and he'll do his best to make it perfect :)
Sometimes he'll drug your food so he can admire your sleeping form
He loves taking care of you while you're asleep
He'll bring you a blanket as your head rests on the kitchen table then he'll sit right next to you and watch, occasionally brushing strands of hair out of your face. Sometimes he might even gently style it for you.
He follows you around like a lost dog
Wouldn’t be opposed to you putting a leash on him
He’d honestly do anything you asked of him, even if it meant killing one of the others
He's suffocatingly clingy and always just seems to be nearby. You can rarely leave his sights.
He absolutely adores the size difference between you two and will constantly hold you in his much larger arms
Every once in a while he'll ask if you want to sit in the kitchen with him while he cooks. He likes to talk to you and especially likes it when you ramble on about anything to him
It's great cause you could rant about how you hate being on the ship and would apologize, laugh it off, and not tell anyone
You'll most likely end up being closest with him due to how friendly and peaceful he is to you
Izo is very loyal and loving until you disobey one of them in some way
He gets almost emotionless when he's mad and it's terrifying if you're on the receiving end of it
He loves showing you off, especially if you're wearing things he gifted you
Those gifts always consist of jewelry he found or bought. No price is too much if it's for you after all.
He expects you to wear at least a couple of gems at any time. If you don't he gets a little upset and insecure.
"Do you not like it, my love? I can get you something better if you'd like. You can even come with me if you'd prefer."
Some of the jewelry he gives you has little trackers so that they could better find you if you ever managed to escape.
He’d buy you kimonos and stuff too
Really likes to introduce you to his Wano culture and also just loves seeing you in more traditional outfits
He's a samurai and as such, he'll act as a sort of bodyguard for you
You can be the respectable ruler and he'll be your fearless protector
Like Thatch, he also would refuse to harm you, but he has no problem getting Ace or Marco to do it for him
He has zero tolerance for others in public and if he thinks their getting too close or sees them as a threat in any way, he'll kill them right there in front of you
He'd do pretty much anything if it meant you were safe
His loyalty lies with you above anyone else and even though he'll get the others to punish you for your actions, he wouldn't punish you for speaking your thoughts on the entire situation. If anything, he's touched you trust him.
He's very strict about that code of his. He will only ever have you punished for your actions and NOT your thoughts.
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since yves is like mega old and has lived through two possibly three centuries is there a chance he might outlive reader? he pretty much watches reader wither away with age until they’re taken by death meanwhile yves stays looking youthful the whole time. or does he slowly change reader’s biology overtime to become more like his, never aging and always full of young energy. i feel like it’s something he might do but also be hesitant on as being alive for such a time can have a mental toll on someone and that’s probably something he doesn’t want reader to go through. but i doubt he wants to live without reader as well.
Another Anon Asked: So what's gonna happen when Yves's s/o grows older and notices that he's not aging? Will he still keep his story a secret?
Tw: dementia, prolonged existence despite suffering, mentions of euthanasia
His database should contain the information on whether you have the prerequisites to potentially live as old as him and not have your mind deteriorate into nothingness. He would know if you're the right person to divulge his secrets to, or manipulate in such a way that you will never notice him staying youthful even after four to five decades, Yves would know if living longer than the average human lifespan is something that you would want, even if you didn't or did want it now.
And he knows, death is almost always the most merciful option on a human's soul. He remembered what it was like. He knows how it is like to be himself, and it isn't a blissful way to live at all. Most likely, Yves will have you learn how to walk on a four-legged walker, talk to you every day despite having the same exact conversation a mere hour ago, cleaning you up when you couldn't do it yourself anymore, ensuring your diaper isn't giving you a rash and spoonfeeding you each liquid meal for hours.
Don't think he isn't hurting under that stoic facade. The nerves in your eyes and skin aren't functional enough to feel the tears drip down while he sings to you. Your ears aren't picking up the small, but extremely unusual wavers and chokes in his soothing voice. Your mind couldn't register the amount of time passed being in Yves's arms as he cradled you, not once did you wonder when he found the time to eat, drink, or sleep.
Like you, Yves ages. But not quite the same as how you do. His control over his own emotions will falter, his logic will fail, and become more and more outrageously human.
Yes, he knows euthanasia is the most cogent and logical course of action. It is the most humane; putting you out of your misery and letting you rest in peace forever. But Yves can't. Even when you wake up struggling and screaming in terror, imprisoned in your own biological hell as you try to make heads or tails of your situation. However, your mind is too far gone to achieve such a simple task of understanding you are safe, you are home. Yves just can't bring himself to give you that mercy, he is too selfish to.
There was only so much he could do, and he did everything he could to delay the inevitable. Curse the world for not finding a cure to this wretched disease, curse the world for not putting enough effort into researching this calamity, curse your biology for tormenting you like this, curse himself for not preparing for this sooner, but that doesn't change anything. Yves doesn't know what he hasn't discovered yet and time is so precious, so unrenewable.
Very few things in this realm terrify Yves. Your confused and fear-stricken face as you tell him over and over again that you don't know where you are, scares him. It truly does, but he cannot show it. He made this decision against his own judgment, after all. The least he could do is to be brave and assure you that you are loved and cared for no matter what. He finds it endearing that you think he is facing the same circumstance as yours, giving him words of support, albeit incoherently, as you wipe away his tears of sorrow. You thought that he was also as lost and disorientated. In many ways, yes, Yves is also lost.
Even when you're demented, he still can predict that you were going to do that. It's the same as always, the only difference is that he cannot cure it. He cannot bend realities out of this one, because he is unable to bend your reality. Yves can only provide forecasts of it.
He is torn. Yves is directly hurting you by not letting you die, but he can't let go. He promised though, that you will not turn into an everlasting lowlife like him, but he couldn't bear to shorten your lifespan when he knows you could live past a hundred with the right care, attention, and equipment.
Yves maintains his sanity by turning to his beliefs, he has to; for your sake and his. He gently rocks back and forth, hushing you to sleep as he tenderly brushes strands of grey and white away.
Yves pressed a kiss on your forehead, whispering ardent apologies and remorse into your ear. You're far too unconscious, far too gone to register them, but Yves does it anyway, evidencing the decline of his rationality.
Yves prays and begs fervently that you will find it in your heart to forgive him one day. That is all he asks of you.
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deldotpng · 2 months
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⊹ Kafka lore dump ⊹
Basic info Name: Kafka Chen Gender: female Age: 22 Height: 170cm Affiliation: Cleaners Occupation: Cleaner
 Kafka is quite phlegmatic, good at keeping her head cool and thinking on her feet. You can call her a workaholic: she treats her work conscientiously and expects the same from other janitors, having a strong dislike for irresponsibility. She’s more street smart rather than book smart.
 Despite appearing to be a complete introvert, Kafka likes being around other people, even though she listens more than she speaks. She is empathetic enough and cares about the well-being of her colleagues, but rarely expresses it (doesn't feel the need to let them know). 
 The harsh past she went through has damaged Kafka’s mental health and led to her developing sadistic tendencies, which, however, show up quite rarely. It usually gets the better of Kafka when she is in the middle of a tough battle and is all fired up; you can catch a glimpse of a grin on her face. Kafka isn't really aware that she enjoys the chaos of violence, thinking the excitement she feels simply comes from a natural rush of adrenaline, which is only half true.   She has anger outbursts from time to time but tries to repress them.
Is not a tactile person, she only allows physical touch from her partner and few close friends (+ kid janitors).
 Kafka likes reliable, self-sufficient individuals, who respect other people's boundaries and don't jump into conclusions. She likes people with a good sense of humor (very bad at making jokes herself).
tw: drug use and s/h mention ahead
 Kafka doesn’t remember the faces of her biological parents. She lived on the streets her entire life until she joined the Cleaners. She was affiliated with one of many teen gangs who didn't have a home and earned a living by getting hired for shady tasks of all kinds (info collecting, raiding, blackmailing, drug dealing etc). 
 Kafka grew up as a very closeted person, cautious and distrustful. She had to protect herself solely with her fists.
 She had a long-term addiction to drugs, which subsequently led to an overdose. She was admitted to the hospital, and during her stay she took a liking to the doctor who looked after her. They both became close enough for Kafka to open up a little, making a genuine human connection for the first time in her life. So when Kafka later learned that the woman was brutally killed by a trash beast that burst into town, she was completely devastated by the loss of who she saw as her parental figure. After being discharged from the hospital Kafka stole a tuning fork that once belonged to the doctor to have something to remember her by.
 The item became her jinki when Kafka was cornered by a group of trash beasts. It released its power which she used to crush the monsters into pieces. After learning to wield her newly obtained weapon, she decided to patrol through her hometown and clean out any threats. Soon, she was noticed and approached by the Cleaners who made Kafka an offer to join their forces, which she accepted right away.
 Kafka's jinki (a.k.a. "Hammerhead") is a medical tuning fork. Its awakened form is a giant sledgehammer equipped with chains. Once transformed, the inscription “128Hz” engraved on it changes to “777Hz”.
 Beside the obvious way of using the hammer (i.e. shattering things into pieces), it is also used to damage the subject from within/disorient it by sending very strong mechanical waves (manipulation of vibrations). 
 If Kafka has to fight a human and not a trash beast, she usually tries to use her weapon carefully, in mind to only reach her opponent indirectly, concerned that she might get carried away with the battle and simply murder her enemy with the impact of her blows.
 Kafka is married to her colleague Arak Chen (@dyfavorable's oc) whom she was close friends with before they started dating. They often work as a duo. 
Kafka looks up to Semiu, who is her mentor but also a close friend. They like to gossip and discuss novels together in their free time.
 Has a poor relationship with the Hell Guards, because she used to be the cause of their headache along with the other street kids. Kafka tries to avoid Kyoko whenever she appears at Cleaners' doors.
 Kafka visits Dr. Stilza quite often, since Alice is a former colleague of her late parental figure. Kafka is on good terms with Stilza's grandchildren as well. According to August he and Kafka are practically best friends (not true).
had a history of resorting to self-harm, which continued until she was in a better environment and found a purpose in life. Has scars on her upper arms and forearms.
very strong physically, which is required to operate such a massive weapon as hers;
in her younger years she had very long hair, which she cut off in a meltdown one day when a man was harassing her and patted her hair. For this reason, she doesn't like to have her hair touched;
Kafka has a very keen ear;
she loves extra sour candies and lollipops;
she has a low voice and a very pretty laugh;
Kafka is very shy in relationships, any romantic gestures make her flustered and anxious;
Rudo confused her with a guy when he met her for the first time.
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animeyanderelover · 1 month
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Tw: Yandere themes, possessive relationship, obsession, delusional mindset, clinginess, manipulation, strictness, threats, blackmailing
S/o is like Power from Csm
Fujioka Haruhi
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👑​Haruhi differs from the rest of the Host Club, not only because she is the only biologically female host but also because she didn't grow up in a wealthy environment. She's far more down to earth and honest which is why she is able to show the most leniency to her darling. Her concern for your hygiene and overall behavior stems less from her expectation how a woman should behave and act in school and more from how she believes everyone regardless of gender should act. She doesn't want you to shower with the finest soap and dress up in the most expensive clothes as she didn't dress up properly either when she initially entered the school due to her circumstances but Haruhi still thinks that there should be a minimum that you should at least fulfill and she won't ask of you to go beyond that. She is very blunt though with this small request of hers as she doesn't tiptoe her way around this conversation with you. Responsible and practical as she is she will showcase a lot of patience as she tries to help as well as teach you on how to behave at least a bit more respectful in public as well as teach you how to take better care of your hygiene.
Suoh Tamaki
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🌹​Tamaki is crying tears because of you more than just once. He is used to the refined ladies swooning over him an using his princely charm to persuade every woman's heart yet all of his advances fly straight over your head as you couldn't care less, something that hurts his pride. His expectations and wishes for an overall betterment of your life and behavior are higher than those of Haruhi though he wouldn't want you to change your entire personality as he finds some characteristics of yours weirdly charming. Unfortunately his father happens to be the chairman of Ouran Academy and so he knows of the many complaints other parents and students submit to him due to your intolerable behavior and he doubts that his father would allow him to take you as his partner. So as the passionate and stubborn man that he is he decides to teach you himself all with the excuse that it will benefit you greatly. In reality his main motive is that he needs you to fit in better so that no one will have great complaints about him loving you, proving that he is also on a more egotistical side just as you are. Tamaki is clingy and confrontational about it all, at times almost as selfish and self-motivated as you are.
Ootori Kyouya
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💴​Kyouya normally claims that he only helps people if it benefits him yet there are no material advantages to be gained as he dedicates his forced help to you as his main motivation is his expectant obsession. He has the highest expectations from all hosts and is partially almost repulsed that from all ladies it is you who caught his eyes. His father would never allow him to marry you and Kyouya himself can't sit still as long as you are as vulgar and gross in appearance as well as behavior. He's diligent and calculating, has an entire schedule for you where he plans to teach you on how to be a better person. He constantly makes notes on your behavior and methods how to have you behave in a more lady-like manner and uses your self-motivated behavior against you to bribe you to tag along with his ideas and wishes even if this doesn't work all of the time. It is quite hard to blackmail you and find an efficient way to have you listen more and whilst it is probably quite tasteless to others Kyouya knows that this is one of the best methods to keep you in line as you are mainly driven by your own desire and emotions. He'll give you more freedom once you stop behaving like a savage.
Haninozuka Mitsukuni
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🍯​His childish appearance normally results in the women in the Host Club babying him and gushing over his cuteness yet none of that works on you as you rudely tell him off or ignore him and Honey has actually broken down in tears a couple of times due to it as he is a sensitive soul. He's very carefully tried to see if he could guilt-trip you with his tears one time only to arrive at the conclusion that you are not a very sentimental soul when you ignored him. All of his approachs that would usually work on women don't work on you and he spends a good day pouting about it, deeply upset as he stuffs cake in his face to deal with the frustration. Despite his dimwitted looks at times Honey isn't naive though so when he realises that you are driven by greed he tries a different approach by enticing you with all the cakes that he consumes and he isn't surprised to see that it works well with you devouring all the sweets he offers you. Now that he has managed to find a way to keep you by his side he struggles though to get further with you as you are childish without any trace of maturity that he possesses and don't respond to his advices, your words only hurting him even if he tries to remain optimistic.
Morinozuka Takashi
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💪​Mori may not be the most talkative individual but that doesn't take away from his concern in regards to you. He has spent a lot of time simply observing you as you are commonly refered to as the black skeep of this academy who puts shame on their traditions and values and as much as he feels protective of you and adores you he can't defend you in this regard. You lack the bare minimum of politeness and do whatever you want without any regard to anyone else and constantly lie to bring yourself out of troubles and he has been the biggest victim of it. Mori often accompanies you in hopes of preventing you from breaking things or disrespecting and angering others and whenever you got in troubles you always pushed all the blame on him without even giving it any thought. You're lucky that Mori is as patient as he is as probably no one else would have been able to deal with you for as long as he did. He's not only extremely patient but also very persistent in his constant attempts to teach you how to behave better. Sometimes though he does get a tad bit more intimidating and uses his strong body built against you to scare you off if you manage to push him around a bit too much.
Hitachiin Hikaru
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🩵​Hikaru proves to be one who perhaps finds himself struggling the most with his darling. Having grown up being co-dependent on his twin brother he often finds himself struggling with others and this is especially bad due to behavior. You end up hurting Hikaru's feelings more than once as you pay zero attention to him or simply ignore his attempts to get closer to you, your attention fickle as you show interest in other things even when he is trying to have a conversation with you. This often ends with Hikaru angrily stormig away, unable to deal with the pain you inflicted on him by acting as if a mere object is more interesting than he is. As someone who tends to be jealous as it is this only increases this tendency of his as it not only is limited to people anymore but also to objects that fascinate you and catch your attention. Alongside with this increase of jealousy his nervousness also spikes up a good bit as he starts feeling terrified to approach you again, afraid to be hurt once more which is slowly but surely taking a toll on his own self-confidence. In an attempt to get through you though he starts indulging you in your superficiality by buying you all sorts of useless trinkets.
Hitachiin Kaoru
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🧡​Kaoru may keep up the mischievous and playful charade when him and Hikaru are together yet despite being the younger twin he is far more level-headed than his older brother is. This doesn't mean that he can expertly handle you but at least he shows a degree of self-control unlike his older brother and doesn't run away when it gets too much. It's still very difficult to deal with you, especially since you are the opposite of what Ouran Academy expects of its female students and whilst Kaoru also doesn't expect nor want you to be the lady of all ladies it would be nice to see you behaving a bit more properly since sometimes you do gross him out with your behavior as well as lack of body hygiene. He doesn't try to be as shallow as his older brother though and attempts to gain your attention and at least a fraction of your obedience by indulging you in your greedy and selfish superficiality but instead attempts to do it the harder way by convincing you to try to be a bit more proper. He is no idealistic fool though. As soon as Kaoru realises that mere nice words don't seem to work on you he will resort to other methods to get you to force listening to his advices a bit more.
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My thoughts on El's father...(Rant!)
TW - major spoilers
I hate him!
He's the fucking worst! Not only as a father but he's monster. I don't care if he's grieving the loss of his wife, he's also responsible for what happen to El.
El's mom, Cecelia (beautiful name btw) was r*ped by a monster and that's how El was born. No one knew this fact. I understand Cecelia having conflicted feelings for El. On one hand, she does seems to care about El but there was also a small amount of hatred because of how he was born. From El's point of view, his mom looked at him like he was like a caterpillar, which she hates.
Cecelia could no longer suffer the pain and killed herself after writing a suicide note that revealed everything. Hugh, El's dad and Cecelia's husband, was affected mentally and blamed it all on El after knowing all the truth. First of all, you're telling me, you loved and cared for El all this time, and the moment you realised that he was not your flesh and blood, you don't love him anymore? Are you telling me all the love you gave him before was only because you thought he was your actual son? If El can love you, who is not his biological father, even after knowing everything then why can't you love him back? Like you lost your wife, he too lost his mother. Now the only one he can rely on is you!
Also how is this all El's fault? He's 8 or 9 years old. What the hell did he do? How is this all his fault? It's not like he told that monster from heaven to go and SA Cecelia, so that he can come to earth, right? Use your brain you dumb bitch!
And not yet! I haven't even got to the worse part yet. After this, Hugh goes into complete depression, and his mental state was not good. He even wanted El out of his sight or otherwise, he would have panic attacks because El's face reminded him was his wife's death. Whatever! Fuck you anyways!
While this was happening, that mf Jeffery...yeah, Jeffery, everyone's fav character...Yayy! He manipulates the now defenseless 9 year old El so that he and the maids could SA him as much as they liked....
Just how much of a monster you have to be to do this to a child? That too a child who YOU watched growing up. I just really want to know what was going in their minds when they were doing such things.
This nightmare was happening everyday and one day, the doctor was visiting the mansion for Hugh's treatment, got a whiff of this and he was like "Oh, you can SA a beautiful looking child and you won't face any consequences? Plss let me in!"
Yeah! The doctor! A doctor, who's job is to save people, now wants to gang with these monsters to destroy what is left of El. I literally wanna skin these people alive, chop them and feed them to the dogs.
Of course El kills the doctor by stabbing him with the scissors, because he's mentally broken at this point. Jeffery and the maid, just entirely brainwashed and manipulated him into thinking that what they're doing to him is an act of love and they love him unlike his father and mother. El thought that if he killed the doctor, maybe then Hugh will be happy and smile at him. He goes to see his father and his father killed himself. Good! Otherwise I would have killed him myself! His father told him that he knew what Jeffery and the maids were doing to him but he decided to let it happen because he wanted El to feel the same pain as he does. This statement, made my blood BOIL! This fucking selfish ASSHOLE!! Just how can you watch a child's innocence being stolen and take the side of these monsters? Even if he's not your biological child, he's still a child! A human being that has feelings!! Just how can you? A parent should be protecting their children. Even if you're not a parent, as a human being, don't you think you should protect that child? I'm sorry, I'm being so emotional! It just hurts me more when I see a parent doing this.
You know, when I was child, my grandma used to tell me that in hell, people are thrown into a large boiling cooking pots filled with oil and are roasted by Yamaraj (god of death in Hinduism) for their sins. I'm not a religious person, but I feel like that's one of the best punishment suited for monsters who attack children.
I...just...hate him more than Liam's dad.
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anti-endo-help · 2 months
tw for ramcoa? (specifically mind control?) mention and abuse
we were wondering if you could help us out here and I hope I’m just being paranoid and wrong
We’re a system and we just remembered recently something we went through and we aren’t sure if it’s just the usual gaslighting and manipulation or if it falls under mind control
just to sum it up, when were 5-6, there was someone who had convinced us that we were related and that their biological family was actually our biological family, and that our current family actually adopted us.
they continued to use this against us and reinforced it a lot. They would force us into bullying our only friend, taking the blame for everything they’ve done leading us to get in trouble, make us do other things we didn’t want, etc typically by using things such as “do [blank] to prove you really care about your real family” or “we’re real family, meaning you’d do anything for me” etc (not word for word obviously, but relatively what was said)
this is where the dissociation started for us and we became dependent on that person (and I’m sure where our co-dependency comes from) to be used as a tool for them. They even often got their friends involved in this, leading to a group manipulating us into this delusion to be used. We were forced into believing we were this person’s sibling and that we had a “fake life” (leading to the start of our struggle of sense of self and not being able to grasp who we were)
we’ve read on mind control, but it’s still confusing to us and we just aren’t sure if this counts or not 
hi. please see a professional about this.
this is very serious, and very concerning. I am not a professional and can't really tell you what this is or how to deal with it, so please seek some kind of person who is able to assist better than I can.
as a ramcoa system, I am sorry for what you went through.
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[ID: STOP! this blog is a strictly anti-endo space! pro-endos and endo neutrals, shoo! shoo shoo!]
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abbatoirablaze · 2 months
Behind Closed Doors, Chapter 15
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings:  severe childhood trauma TW, angst, instances of a child releasing their anger/trauma, manipulation.
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“No fucking way…” Sebastian groaned, “you’ve got to be kidding me!”
“What is it, Seb-“
But you had stopped speaking as soon as you saw your ex, already with a small group of people crowding around him and asking for photos and autographs.  You felt your jaw dropping ever so slightly as Chris played the gracious celebrity, posing with adoring fans. 
“Ohhh, mommy…daddy said a bad word!” your four-year-old told you, eyes wide as he held onto his father’s hand.”
You took a deep breath as your two-year-old giggled on your hip. 
“Holy shit.”
“Shayla’s going to be so pissed when she sees him in the crowd,” Sebastian frowned, giving you a sympathetic look, “Honey-“
“But Johnny’s going to be ecstatic…”
“Do you think he showed up to prove a point?”
“And what point would that be, Seb?” you asked, sparing your husband a glance, “that he can be a father once every six years?”
“He has been doing better lately,” he shrugged, “I mean…from what you’ve been telling me about how Scott got him to go to that outpatient retreat…”
“He had to do that to keep his movie deals,” you groaned, “that wasn’t for the twins…no, putting real effort in is you showing up all the time…”
“Maybe we should give him a chance.”
You watched as Chris finished up with his autographs, before making his way over to you and Sebastian.  Pulling off his shades, he gave you a happy smile and pulled you into a hug. 
“Come on, honey…let the world think we make this function!” he muttered into your ear. 
You gave him a fake smile as he pulled away, “oh, Chris…how nice of you to show up when your children graduate kindergarten?  Should I expect you again when they graduate from high school and college?”
“She’s so funny!” he said dryly as he pulled Sebastian into a hug, “I can see why you put a ring on her finger, Stan…”
“Yeah,” Sebastian frowned, “the situation is hilarious…glad you could make it, Chris.  Johnny’s been looking forward to this all month.”
“And what about my girl?” he asked as he took off his shades, “Where’s my little Shayla Christiana Evans?”
“The kids are back stage, Chris,” you reminded him, “remember, I told you to meet up at the house earlier if you wanted to see them beforehand?”
“Flight was late,” he shrugged, “but hey.  I’m here.  Flew all the way in from Prague…in the middle of filming for something called Snowpiercer…but I told the director that I had to take some time to fly back because my kids were graduating kindergarten.”
“Really?” you asked in an amused tone, “because I just spoke to Scar the other day and she told me that you guys had to get back together for some reshoots for The Avengers film…”
He waved you off casually, “that’s not til next week.  No, I flew in early for the twins.  So…where we sitting for this thing?  I’m thinking front and center.  Let my little Johnny boy know that daddy’s here for him and his sister.”
“Come on, (Y/N), our kids are graduating kindergarten,” he teased, “enjoy the moment.”
“He’s right baby,” Sebastian said, trying to encourage you to live in the moment, “the twins will only graduate kindergarten once…this is a good day.  Let’s embody that.”
“You’re right,” you sighed, softening as you let him talk some sense into you.  He picked up Jack and balanced him on his hip, before wrapping his free hand around your waist, “let’s get some seats before everyone takes the good ones.”
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“Daddy I sleepy!”
“You should use proper English, Shayla,” Chris pointed out from his spot on the couch as Johnny proceeded to show Chris every single piece of art he made for him over the past year.  Sebastian frowned as Shayla snuggled deeper into his own chest in an attempt to hide from her biological father.  Chris’ eyes met his, “I-I could put you in bed if you-“
“Want daddy!” she whimpered softly, wrapping her little arms even more around him.
“Shayla…” you warned softly, “we’ve talked about this.  Chris is your biological daddy, and-“
“Jack-Jack and Jeffy call daddy theirs….”
“It’s fine,” Chris said dismissively, “I get it.  Sebastian’s here more than I a-“
“Daddy you’re not looking!” Johnny said firmly, cutting his father off as he held another painting in his face, “I made this one of you and me and we’re flying.”
“It’s really good buddy!” Chris offered, giving him a smile and a pat on the shoulder, “I can’t believe mommy let you keep all these.  I would have loved to get them in the mail.”
“He wanted to show you in person, Chris!”
“Speaking of in-person,” he smiled, turning his attention back to you, “I was thinking about how I wanted to take the twins for the summer.”
“Chris, we-“
“I’ve been doing a lot better,” he promised, “I did the rehab and I’ve even interviewed nannies for the kids for when I’m shooting.  They have their passports right?  I’m still in Prague for Snowpiercer!”
“Chris, we’ve talked about this…” you warned softly.
“Don’t wanna go!” Shayla whimpered from Sebastian’s chest. 
“Momma I wanna go with daddy!” Johnny exclaimed excitedly.
“Maybe this is a conversation that we have when the kids aren’t around, Chris…” Sebastian warned.
“Or maybe this is a conversation that I have with the mother of my children, about my kids,” he argued, his own tone firm as he shot his friend a look, “how about you worry about your own kids.  You have two of your own, don’t you?”
“I think that me taking the twins for the summer could give you and your husband a little break…”
“Momma, I go!” Johnny grinned, running between you and Chris, “I go with daddy!”
“Aww, buddy,” you frowned, giving him a sad look before shaking your head, “me and your daddy should really talk about this before-“
Chris leaned back, a smile on his face as he crossed his arms, “I don’t know, Johnny.  It sounds like mommy doesn’t want you to come with me.”
You gave Chris an angry look before smoothing down Johnny’s hair, “Baby it’s not that simple…daddy is-“
“Daddy, make momma say yes.”
“Sorry buddy…I can’t make mommy change her mind.”
You glared at your ex, knowing what game he was playing. 
“I go with daddy!”
“NO!” he yelled, running back to Chris and hopping into his arms, “I GO WITH DADDY!”
“Daddy can’t take you!”
You could see the tears in his eyes.
The warbling of his lip as he turned towards his father.
But Chris just had that sickening smirk on his face that made your stomach turn, “sorry buddy.  Mommy said no.  Guess you can’t come with me.”
Your heart broke as your son turned to you, “I HATE YOU MOMMY!”
It felt like you were punched in the stomach.  The air in your lungs left, and you felt like you were gasping. 
Johny, your baby boy had never said that to you. 
You knew that he idolized Chris, but you never knew just how much he had truly preferred the man who was never there over you.  Shayla, who was half-asleep in Sebastian’s arms woke up when she heard her twin brother scream and run off up the stairs towards his room.
She looked at you, and in an instant she was crawling out of Sebastian’s arms and towards yours. 
“No cry momma!” she whimpered softly, reaching up to push the tears off your cheeks.
“What the hell was that, Chris?” Sebastian growled, standing up from his spot on the couch.
“I’m trying to be a part of my son’s life.  It’s obvious that (Y/N) has poisoned Shayla against me, but-“
“(Y/N) does nothing but try to get you involved in Johnny and Shayla’s life, and she is the one that is stuck picking up the pieces when you let Johnny down!” he growled, “Every fucking time, Chris.  Shayla knows you don’t give a damn about them and latched on to me because I’m here.  I care, but you-“
“Don’t speak about my kids, Stan.” Chris warned, his tone dangerously low.
“Momma, no cry!” Shayla repeated.
“Someone has to,” Sebastian hissed, pushing Chris as he stood from his spot on the sectional, “Someone has to be there…to be a father for them.  Because while you-“
But before Chris could argue any more, Shayla had run across the sectional, and her little hands started to punch and thrash against Chris’ side, “Go WAY.  GO AWAY!”
“Shayla-“ Chris gasped, surprised at how his little girl was hitting him and trying to push him away from Sebastian, “baby girl I-“
“LEAVE US ALONE!” she screamed, tears falling down her cheeks as she continued to pound away at his side, all of the rage in her little body finally coming to the surface, “YOU NOT MY DADDY!  YOU HURT MOMMY! YOU HURT SHAYLA AND JOHNNY!  GO WAY!”
“Baby girl-“
“YOU HURT ME, DADDY!” she sobbed, finally stopping her assault as she fell back onto the couch and sobbed.  Sebastian’s heart broke as he watched the little girl who he’d all but raised expressed all of her pain towards her biological daughter.  He was quick to pick her up into his arms and she buried her head into his neck, sobbing as she clung to him, “why he hurt me, daddy?  Why he no want Shayla and Johnny?  Why he hurt mommy?”
“I think you should leave, Chris!” Sebastian sighed, tears welling up in his own eyes as he wondered how he would fix it. 
Chapter 16
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mayisgoingnuts · 2 months
The boy who never wins — A post with Theodor's story (PT 2)
TW: Manipulation, emotional dependency, child death, unhealthy jealousy.
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Taglist: @merwynsartblog @clownazon @dismissivedestroyer @jonesy-squish
Long post!
[PART 1]
Atticus wouldn't just show what he's been doing of course, he needed his trust and a lot of patience. Once "old enough", a while after Theodor reached 10 years old, the cult was finally revealed. Despite not supporting it, the boy couldn't get mad at the man, he admired and loved him way too much for that. However, he'd need to stop being that "little guy" to stay, after all, he needed to be useful aswell. The leader decided to try and make the situation easier by sacrificing both Ambrose and Finn infront of him. It didn't worked right away, but he did felt a feeling of relief and safety to know that they'll never meet again. But it was just the beginning.
To make him immune to any future events, Atticus told Theodor to visit him at every single sacrifice and ritual they did, no matter how gruesome it was. He assured that it was important for him to grow up, and that he'd always stay by his side. The meetings were only over once Theodor began to watch the killing with a blank, unamused face.
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With the first part of the plan being done, the only thing left was to make Theodor useful, and be more than just a random boy he found. He wanted the boy to replace his own son, and even if he's conscious enough to know that it's impossible, he wanted to atleast be close to his own kid's powers, seeing that Theodor was basically on the palm of his hand.
Atticus told almost everything to Theodor himself: How they couldn't stay together 'til the end if he wasn't powerful, because it'd force him to come back to his family, and leave the kid behind. He told him to use this chance to prove himself strong, and he took the chance. Theodor submitted to the request, making part of a ritual that Atticus wasn't even sure that it wouldn't kill him — But he had hope, he had potential.
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Luckily, no death happened. A huge star wound appeared on his chest thanks to it, but aside from that, it looked like things went just like he wanted... but not exactly. No matter how hard they tried: this wasn't Atticus' biological child. He'd never had the same powers, and much less be just as useful. Effort doesn't make up for natural talent here, and Atticus confessed it.
Atticus was honest and said that he'd still need his family, and it made Theodor furious. He didn't wanted to share Atticus just like he didn't wanted to share his mother, his family was everything to him and he wanted to have something good for once. The man corrected saying that it wasn't a 'goodbye' just yet, they can definitely continue to be together, he could still be his father, but that they'd have to go get "Skid" one day regardless.
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Theodor wasn't so alone anymore, he met two boys who were actually really nice to him, but the fear of having no one was still very strong no matter the denial. It made him angry that, no matter how many things happened, there was atleast ONE thing to ruin it — In this case, Skid and his mother, but mainly Skid. He hated him, and still does.
Theodor is now currently known in the cult as Atticus' son, even though they're not actually related. Almost all members, if not all of them, know about him thanks to his rudeness and arrogance, being heavily disliked but respected no matter what. Theodor has no idea when "the day they'll get Atticus' son" will come.
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As for his "normal life", he's still taking care of his mother (refusing to involve her in the cult) and hanging out with his friends, but avoiding anyone else outside that circle. Even though he never actually harmed someone so seriously, he is very capable to do so, which would've happened with Roy if Atticus did not stopped him.
Deeply, he only wanted to have something good without a nuisance coming out of nowhere.
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