#While also having received humanities cruelty disregard and even want to push the boundaries to hurt hurt hurt
mushroom-for-art · 1 year
I don't know what came over me but uh, don't mess with Axels family and probably don't read this tbh it's nasty
Grunts moved quickly packing up boxes and supplies with clumsy inefficiency as a superior admin barked orders for them to hurry up and get everything taken down and shipped 10 minutes ago. They needed to get out of there quickly if they were hoping to survive.
"Stop fucking about! Get those boxes moved now, go go go! We haven't the time for you to be a pansy!" the Admin snarled at a stumbling grunt who had just dropped a small stack of boxes they'd been moving, they skittered past the doors of the main entrance, their neck snapping at the speed and velocity of the doors blasting inwards and becoming lodged into walls saving them from what was going to occur.
Time slowed as the Mewtwo floated into the room gliding in eerie silence as his tail swayed.
"Where, is my family. " His voice was more of a growl in his throat as he spoke and projected the words outwards, the snarl echoed painfully inside of the skulls of those present causing many to double over in sheer agony at the psychic voice probing their minds and tearing into their thoughts.
Limbs locked the Admin couldn't grab any of the Pokeballs secured to her belt and she felt psychic energy burning into her as the mewtwo zeroed in on her, she sneered at him past the pain inside her skull.
"I won't be intimidated by you. You won't find them if you kill me."
Her body was lifted slightly from the floor and floated up to his eye level slowly as he loomed in front of her his expression dark and unreadable, his eyes bore through her laced with unspoken threats and an awareness of control and power.
"If that is the knowledge you want to put your faith into." he lifted arms to the side casually his hand doing a flourish, "just know," his fingers moved closing into a fist before his arm flicked forward as though throwing something, bones slammed into a wall breaking on impact as the sound of tearing flesh and muscle registered to the admins ears, a grunts body stood for a second completely torn open from the inside outwards before their boneless husk slumped with a sickening slap of blood, brains smeared slowly down the walls from where the skull has smashed open on impact.
"You won't be granted the same quickness or relief."
Eyes staring on in horror the mewtwo produced a sharp quill from his inner wrist pulling it out from his flesh, he held it in his fingers twirling it before pointing it to another nearby grunt who let out a soft hiss as the quill cut a small line in their cheek. They started to hyperventilate before the toxins even took hold, the blood seeping from the cut became putrid and contaminated turning into yellow pus as the surrounding skin turned to shades of blue and purple and ultimately darkening to a deathly black.
The psychic restrains let up on the grunt who stumbled quickly, they tried to speak spraying spit as their tongue swelled causing them to hack and cough struggling for breath as it started to block off their airway, they were in hysterics crying and choking, dying flesh wetly slid from their muscles and bones sloshing on the floor beneath them filling the room with the horrid stench of death. Their gurgled quiet screaming and choking as their tongue rotted out from their mouth had fear soaking into the Admins very core as the grunt fell down onto their side. For a moment she thought dead but their wheezing told her they hadn't received that mercy yet.
The mewtwo had not broken their gaze from watching her even as his tail swayed behind him, she watched the fur shifting intertwining around itself morphing into a pointed shape like a syringe, there was an audible hissing of steam as see through organic pipes grew out and back into the mewtwos tail flesh. With a flash that nearly burned her irises, red hot flowing liquid pumped through the structures, almost like Kyurems biological tubes as they changed their form the way they pumped energy. Tail stabbed forward past her shoulder into the last grunt behind her, and he hollered in agony immediately.
She couldn't turn her head to see, but she could feel it was hot suddenly as there was another hiss with the mewtwos tail returning to its original state, screaming never ending behind her and the smell of burning flesh and flooring. She could barely swallow as she stared forward a horrid red hue illuminating the mewtwo from behind her as he looked at her but his expression was still dark.
"They were sent to another facility! In Unova! We only wanted the Haunter! The Gengar was just in the way!" She barely recognised her own voice for the terror in it.
"I know."
She found her breathing difficult as she stared at him.
"I was one of the most powerful pure creatures to ever bless this planet, and I am now a bastardized chimera of that purity that violated the boundaries of limits set by Arceus." His expression was almost a deranged grin.
"Do you really believe your thoughts are your own and private? That I couldn't rip out that information, why do you think your head hurts so much." His teeth gleamed in the unnaturally hot red fading light behind her.
"Why are, why are you still here then?! Wasting time! That family of yours must not be so precious-" Her voice choked as her lungs were squeezed in a way that forced all the breath from her, her vision blackening at the edges as her compressed lungs fought to gain any air, if this was how she went then she'd accept that. Unfortunately the air forces back into her lungs brought her back from the cusps of unconsciousness.
"You don't get to die that easily, don't presume about the importance of my family when I know what you did to my daughter and mate. I've seen through your eyes what you did to her. How you tormented my love in the process." His spoken words were venomous as he stared down at her in pure hatred, she was faintly aware of the weakening wheeze on the floor near her.
His hands came up casually and she felt like her aura was being pulled out of her body like her soul was being separated before witnessing the projected double helix swirling around before her.
"They say mew are the ancestor of everything, classes as the genetics pokemon, so very fitting" his finger idly touched over a strand of dna and she felt her skin begin to crawl from uncomfortable to painfully as it seperated from her muscles as though the connective tissues were dissolving, before he flicked his finger over the strand again and her skin stopped trying to peel from her body though it still hung just a bit looser than it did before.
"When me and my brother were younger, not in full control of our powers we used to play this game with other pokemon." another idle adjustment, the backs of her eyeballs burnt as her eyes weeped her ears ringing loudly painfully in a way that blossomed pain across her whole temple in a brain splitting migraine.
"We'd fly past and," his fingers moved adjusting changing her dna structure, she hitched a quiet scream as her muscles spasmed in her arm breaking her forearm bones as her fingers twitched against her control, the bones in her fingers began to deform subtly but quickly deforming her fingers and cracking through the skin, "of course we were only little and we could only change phenotype expressions making fur scales and that different colors, or grow faster, straighten curl." he let out a sigh.
"In hindsight, what cruel little bastards we were, mini gods tampering with things that they really had no right to for our own amusement, of course we meant no harm and didn't intend harm but I do sometimes wonder." Her vision went black as the genetics in control of her sight were altered, blood vessels popped and blood mixed with her tears streaming down her face. She could feel her organs moving, growing shifting inside her as well as he altered her biology casually in a way that shattered her concept of pain, leaving her with only searing burning nerves.
"I was pretty blind to the cruelty of mews when I was one, maybe I wouldn't have ended up like this were my brother kinder, but I see now how rotten we can be but we still had our naivety at least that kept our innocence, the disconnect from mortals that we couldn't properly sympathize to or understand." Her spine popped bones growing out from her skin but she could still feel everything as more muscles broke in spasms.
"I don't have the excuse of innocence or naivety anymore, I can see with mortal eyes everything I do and the effect it has, and how wonderfully ironic that in place of that innocent evil the rot of humanity has replaced it, giving rise to the ability and enjoyment of hurting others and how to make it worse. I am the worst of humans and the worst of mew." He looked at her almost gently with a smile that mocked her as her bloody eyes met his, blood dribbled from her cracked lips.
His eyes roamed her for a second as he fiddled with the very core of her person altering her genetics irreversibly.
"Did you know that there's a lot of uncategorized pokemon that exist purely inside others?" his finger hovered over her stomach "it's fascinating actually the organisms that have specialized in your gut, and they're so intertwined with you that no one realized they're there. Why don't we let you be the first to say hello?" psychic energy glowed from his hand and she felt the breath leave her again as she almost wretched.
Something inside her began to writhe, she could feel hundreds, maybe thousands of squirming legs pushing on her stomach and small intestines and a sickly burning pain that would've had her double over did the psychic energy not keep her restrained. He lowered her body slowly and her legs flopped uselessly like a ragdoll as he slumped her down on her legs unnaturally. She couldn't move still.
A piece of glass levitated to him and he put it in her hand, "here, since you did tell me eventually I'll give you this mercy to end this suffering." he closed her hand around the glass shard as her arm remained held out for his psychic ability. He turned leaving her there, the grunt finally still but bloated and missing chunks of flesh that lay gruesomely on the floor.
His psychic restraint released and the admin raised her hand quickly to thrust the shard into her throat. Her fingers went numb and the shard slipped smashing by her feet as her arm slumped body collapsing to the side, she could breathe but only barely and she could move her eyes but nothing else.
"Guess you didn't act fast enough." the mewtwo had stopped at the busted doorway just to look back and mock her, "ah well, ever heard of parasitic Beedrill? I'm sure you'll make a very comfortable flesh womb meal combo, you'll get to enjoy feeling them grow inside you while unable to speak or tell anyone. Maybe they'll die inside you and the sepsis will take you out or maybe they'll adapt to keep you alive even after you should die, after all your insides will have been their comfortable little home for so long they won't want to part with it. You'll be their hive their playground protection from the real world in your chest cavity nuzzling into your ribs. Congratulations Admin. This could be the rest of your life." his smirk was simple as he flew away with force that caused the trees to bend and sway.
The admin lay there stomach twisting in knots, eyes in a panic darting around at the sight of the corpses around her as the horrors crept into her mind of what would happen, her thoughts spiraling into gibberish as the hours passed decaying her only ability to even try to communicate as her eyes flicked around in circles, death burning into her vision and the stench crawling over and seeping into her skin and senses permanently.
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nobodyfamousposts · 6 years
Missing Interlude - Plagg
So remember when I said that the Missing Interlude was just a one time thing?
Yeah...my muse disagreed.
Contrary to popular opinion, Plagg was not simply the lazy and foolish kwami that most people believed him to be. Sure, part of that may be his fault, as he wasn’t about to go out of his way to correct people’s assumptions about him if he didn’t need to. After all, if people think he’s lackadaisical and silly, they tend to not expect much from him, which worked doubly in his favor in either convincing people to leave him alone or allow him the element of surprise if they wouldn’t. After all, most people generally didn’t worry whether he was plotting to kill them if they thought he was simply sleeping most of the time.
Plagg…admittedly hadn’t had many good wielders in the past. Fu referred to them as owners, but the very thought of the title grated at him something fierce. By their very nature, cats weren’t ‘owned’. They would stay with people. Go to those who fed them or treated them well. But they claimed their humans, not the other way around.
Even if that weren’t the case, most of his wielders had been…not the best of people. He joked about Hawk Moth and didn’t take his akumas seriously because honestly, how could he? It was ultimately the equivalent of a child playing with toys in comparison to some of the things he had been forced to do. He pitied Nooroo for his current unfortunate situation, certainly. The butterfly kwami was gentle by nature and while he wouldn’t wish such misuse on any of his brethren, Nooroo was especially sensitive. But it still said something that he found himself envying him more.
Cartoonish characters who made people burst into song or controlled birds were always preferable over serial killers, war mongers, and so-called ‘visionaries’ that saw fit to topple an entire nation to rebuild it to fit their ideals.
Atlantis was a joke. The Leaning Tower was an accident. The dinosaurs…well, those jerks actually had it coming. But still, each incident was almost minimal compared to the acts caused by some of the people he had been unfortunate enough to be discovered by over the millennia. It was part of why he played up his destructive and cat-like tendencies for the monks when he’d finally been retrieved, if only in hopes that they’d seal him up so he’d be left alone for a few centuries and just not have to deal with any of it.
There was a part of him that questioned Fu’s wisdom in sending him of all the kwamis out to face Hawk Moth. Especially when his power was one of the two that the villain was specifically after.
Ladybug made sense. Tikki was practically built for purifying, healing people, and undoing damage. Like a cosmic reset-button that allowed the akuma battles to be a temporary disruption of the norm rather than a literal matter of life and death. And sure, Tikki was always willing to be useful.
But Plagg had wanted to sleep. He had wanted to be left alone. He wanted to NOT be reminded of things he really REALLY wanted to forget. And he couldn’t even have that.
Cheese was a nice distraction from these darker thoughts—as well as part of the reason he demanded it so often since he knew he had a chosen who could manage it. Yet strangely enough, his chosen had also started to become a good distraction in his own way. An annoying one at times, sure. But a good one. It was why he even put up with listening to the kid waxing poetic about Ladybug. That plus the realization that the Ladybug he was crazy about was actually his little girlfriend who was secretly just as crazy about him?
Gold. Pure gold. It was like a movie that practically wrote itself!
At this point, he was honestly just waiting for the day the two finally had the big reveal for themselves just so he could imprint their expressions in his mind for the next century. Maybe even millennium. His only wish was that he would have a camera when it happened that he could show the rest of the kwamis.
Plus he knew Tikki would love it, even if she would lecture him for it.
Adrien was a good kid. He regretted not being able to trust him fully because he was at least somewhat certain that the boy wouldn’t follow in those ever darkened footsteps of his predecessors, but…
He sighed internally.
Plagg liked Adrien, he really did. But Adrien was young and immature in a lot of ways. Sure, he was a hero now. But would he stay that way? The future was always left to be determined. There had been a lot of Black Cats before Adrien Agreste. Too many that had gotten his hopes up only to let him down in the end.
Maybe that was why he worried so much for his current holder. The way that Adrien opened up to him so quickly and easily was less a testament of their bond and more indicative of his desperation just to have someone he could talk to.
Plagg couldn’t help but pity the kid. It was also why he didn’t try to fight the way the kid started to grow on him, either. Even despite the puns. And the lovesickness. And his at times stupidly over the top gestures and complete disregard for his own well being that Plagg was going to break him out of mark his words!
Adrien still had a lot of growing to do, and for all that Plagg let his impulses get the better of him, he was also surprisingly patient—in this case patient enough to help Adrien grow and give any sort of nudge the boy may need to do so. Because he knew the boy had potential.
The problem was the numerous stumbling blocks that were getting in the way.
There was his father—and stars, how Plagg despised that man. Always watching but never there. The undeserving focus of a completely one-sided relationship. If Adrien’s passivity and other “quirks” were signs, the fact that the nightmare Sandboy conjured for Adrien was a cage was practically glowing neon.
There were also the other girls who kept clinging to him, giving his boy the impression that he was not allowed to have personal boundaries. That not making other people upset mattered more than making himself heard when they did something to make him uncomfortable.
There was the overfilled schedule that stole away the precious little time Adrien would have to find himself and just enjoy life before it was over all too quickly. Humans were such short-lived creatures, after all…
There were the regular akuma battles. And Hawk Moth. The constant danger they and Paris as a whole were constantly in.
And then there was this latest upset…Marinette’s “disappearance”.
It was…strange. He honestly didn’t know what to think.
Plagg had known that Marinette was Ladybug since Dark Owl. He’d gotten a good long laugh out of it, too. Later. Much later. Couldn’t let Adrien in on the joke too soon, after all.
Watching those two dance around each other became a whole new form of entertainment that it took everything he had at times to not burst out into uncontrollable fits of laughter.
It also had the other side effect of making him want to bang his head against a wall most days because his current wielder was so oblivious it was downright painful at times. It hurt when he watched the kid be so blind to how much she adored him. And then there were the instances where she all but TOLD him—gaah! He was starting to understand why humans loved romantic tripe so much. It wasn’t the ooey-gooey kiss-fests, it was the anticipation of when the people involved would finally get their heads straight so they could bonk lips the right way.
And wasn’t it just hilarious that both his kid and Tikki’s were pretty much their own rivals? Even their own worst enemies in keeping them from getting together? Well, hilarious and frustrating. It really depended on the day and the antics involved.
Of course, the other problem was that the antics involved had started to be other people.
Chloe was one thing. Adrien wasn’t interested but they were at least friends. Whatever feelings of affection she had could be tapered off and tempered with time. She would likely even try to support Adrien more if she knew. And the girl had…at least somewhat started to grow up. Ladybug was a surprisingly big help with that, given how much her civilian self was often on the receiving end of the other girl’s cruelty.
Kagami was…interesting. But really little better in the long run. Less antagonistic, sure. Not nearly as harsh or cruel. But she was just as aggressive and controlling, from her demands for a duel with Adrien and insistence on winning when they first met to talking over Adrien at the ice rink. He would grant that she at least respected him and didn’t infringe on his personal space, but she still saw his passivity for what it was and took it upon herself to step in on his behalf—or what she thought was his behalf at any rate. Adrien already had enough of that in his life. What he needed wasn’t someone to make his decisions for him, it was someone who would encourage him to make his own.
That was why he had been rooting for Marinette. Even if she hadn’t turned out to be Tikki’s newest bug, she would be good for him. She had dreams about him, certainly, but any of her plans seemed to at least involve taking his kid’s feelings into account. Whatever lengths she went to in order to get his attention were less about pushing him to go her way and more about just trying to push for a chance to go the same way together. It was endearing. A little cringy at times, but overall endearing. And it had seemed they were finally making progress after the Heroes Day incident. 
But then there was Lila…
Oh, he had a few choice words for Adrien after the whole Volpina incident. Blindly following the new hero over his own partner? Overlooking how downright impractical it was for her to take out a meteor that literally NOBODY saw coming before it reached the earth and was closing in on the city? Ignoring his partner’s very valid suspicions and writing her off as jealous for not wanting to trust a supposed ‘hero’ they only just met? FLIRTING WITH HER?!
Ladybug’s behavior towards Lila may have been harsh, but Adrien damn well KNEW better than to immediately take her word at face value. He’s been around socialites and the power-hungry ‘elite’ for Tikki’s sake! Best friends with Ladybug? Fox Miraculous? Descendant of the Fox user? Adrien actually KNEW Ladybug and about the Miraculous! How was he actually BUYING any of that? How did he not clue in that Lila was the reason his book was missing? And the way he looked so disappointed when Ladybug revealed the truth—to the point of being more upset with Ladybug for outing the girl rather than the girl for lying in the first place?
This kid was too kind and trusting for his own good. And it was probably going to be the death of Plagg just from the sheer stress of it all. Honestly, he could feel his fur thinning out because of it.
It seemed like it was a short lived problem since the girl left soon after. But then she came back. And worse than ever, being akumatized at least twice more since then. One of which involved putting Adrien in an enchanted sleep that Plagg only just got to avoid kissing him out of. The other which involved witnessing Adrien…disappearing in a way that Plagg was still having to try very VERY hard not to think about at risk of revisiting other less than pleasant memories thankyouverymuch!
It made one thing clear: Lila wasn’t just a pest. She was a threat. One he really wanted to see gone.
So it was really no surprise that Plagg wasn’t happy about his kid choosing the ‘moral high road’ in this situation, since the poor idiot didn’t understand what the high road was even supposed to be. It was so easy for him to say, especially since Adrien wasn’t the one really being affected by the lies.
No, it was clearly Marinette being affected, and she was also the one Lila seemed to have it out for since she, at least, was willing to call the other girl out on her lies. Adrien thought that staying quiet and keeping his head down was the best option because for him, that’s how any conflict was resolved. It was a bad habit that Plagg had been hoping to break him out of, but that progress was slow going. His passivity was too strong and only bolstered by his relentless optimism and belief in others as well as the way that others would tend to push him down.
Plagg sighed. The kid just didn’t get it. This class of serial liar and manipulator couldn’t be dealt with by letting her continue unopposed.
So he understood at least why the Ladybug girl had been so upset. And he even sympathized with her, he truly did. But she was the sort of person to meet a challenge head on, and if an attempt failed, she simply looked for another way to deal with it. She didn’t bow her head. She didn’t turn tail and run away. And though there was conflict and it was having an effect on her, things were hardly so bad as to warrant an extreme reaction.
Like say, having her civilian self “disappear”.
If he hadn’t known she was Ladybug, he would be confused. But with that knowledge of her identity…he was only more confused. He didn’t understand why she was pretending to be missing.
Had something happened?
Was she in danger?
Did someone discover her identity?
Sure, maybe being Ladybug full time might be more productive, but given how protective she was over her civilian life, he couldn’t see her simply giving it up if she didn’t have to.
He didn’t buy for a minute that she would simply pull a vanishing act for the hell of it, even if her classmates were being mind-numbingly stupid. He knew he’d said before that these people were blind, but to just automatically accept all those tales was sheer lunacy! They certainly deserved some sort of reprimand, but not by making them think their friend might be dead! And even if they did, she would never do it to them.
The girl took her role as Ladybug seriously. Other than a few missteps, she treated the title with all the caution and importance that it warranted. He’d met her in person as himself, and even had the chance to work with her. He could understand why Tikki felt it justifiable to reveal Fu to her. And as much as he wanted to think well of his kid, he couldn’t deny that of the two of them, she was the better suited for handling the secret and bearing the responsibility that came with it.
So what happened?
When he first discovered she was still out and about as Ladybug after hearing that initial report, he wanted to forcefully end the transformation and confront her outright. He even considered slipping away when Adrien was busy and tracking her down to get some answers. Because Plagg may be patient, but he really needed an explanation for this.
He stopped, feeling that tingling energy of a Cataclysm waiting to happen and realizing that he was getting worked up again. He took a breath and forced himself to calm.
Observe first, Plagg reminded himself. Stalk your target. Watch. Wait. Gather information before making a move. Something had to have happened to warrant such a drastic change. He needed to find out what was going on.
And if she was doing this for giggles?
They would be having words.
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