#Turkey Head
kedreeva · 8 months
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I'm so sorry, I'm absolutely losing it. I went to my neighbor's today to find out what I would need to do to care for their puppy this weekend, and This Fucking Thing appeared ajgldfkjhfg she is a turkey hen. you know, the birds who quite famously look like this
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with no feathers on their heads, or very little, mostly along the spine/top of the head... and this gal just rocks up with not only a LITTLE bit of feathering, but almost completely covered. Even her WATTLE had feathers.
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I'mc rying
i said, what the hell is going on here? and they were like
her name's Fluffy
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turtleblogatlast · 8 months
Love the thought of Leo just casually being well traveled to absurd degrees. Like one day they’re facing their new Big Bad of the year and like, Draxum or whoever says that the key to their fight is located somewhere in, like, Latvia or some place, but no one knows where to start.
Then Leo’s like “oh I know a place” and when asked how the heck he could know of one it smash cuts to Leo falling through the ceiling of said place due to a portal mishap.
Also love the idea of Leo, being as accidentally (and then later, purposefully) well traveled as he is, sometimes taking his family on outings to different places all over, maybe to some new Yokai spots he found along the way.
In these places, Leo 100% lets his bros get scammed by tourist traps.
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blueiscoool · 5 months
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The Getty Museum Return Ancient Bronze Head to Turkey
A life-sized bronze head of a young man has been removed from view by the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles and will be returned to Turkey after the institution learned it was illegally excavated.
The head had been in the antiquities collection at the Getty Villa Museum since it was acquired in 1971. But the museum said it had received new information from the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office in New York indicating it had been illegally excavated.
The California museum did not reveal what new information had come to light about the excavation, and officials in New York did not yet respond to a request for information. The head has been removed from view until it can be handed over to Turkish officials.
“In light of new information recently provided by Matthew Bogdanos and the Antiquities Trafficking Unit of the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office indicating the illegal excavation of this bronze head, we agreed that the object needed to be returned to Türkiye,” museum director Timothy Potts said in a statement.
The district attorney’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment about the details of its investigation.
The Getty Museum said that its policies are to return objects to the country of their origin or modern discovery when reliable information indicates they were stolen or illegally excavated. In 2022, the museum returned a cache of artworks to Italy after learning that they were linked to disgraced antiquities dealer Gianfranco Becchina.
The bronze head dates to somewhere between 100 B.C.E and 100 C.E. and is a separately cast component of a life-size figure, detached from the body at the upper neck. The eyes were once inlaid with an unknown material that was not preserved. Researchers have not yet identified the body of the figure. The subject of the figure also remains elusive as it was fabricated in a “highly idealized” style and has not been matched to a member of an imperial family or other named individual, the museum said, although an inscribed alpha (“A”) is visible on the interior of the neck at the bottom rear edge.
Some scholars have associated the bronze head with the archaeological site of Bubon, in the Burdur province of southwestern Turkey. Bubon was subjected to illicit excavations in the late 1960s.
Potts added that by returning the head to Turkey, the museum seeks to continue building a constructive relationship with the Turkish Ministry of Culture archaeological colleagues in the country.
In total, the Manhattan District Attorney’s antiquities trafficking unit has recovered more than 4,500 antiquities stolen from 30 countries with a value in excess of $410 million since it was launched in 2017.
By Adam Schrader.
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preventthetoast · 5 months
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one of the coolest pictures I've ever taken. a group of turkey vultures and seagulls crowding around discarded fish heads.
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camphorcapstan · 2 months
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thesparklingwriter · 11 months
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to be loved by a dragon
tags: fem!reader, implied smut?, we all know what's going on (they r at it‼️), starts wholesome and then takes a sharp turn to the left, mentions of degradation, after care, is this self-indulgent? yes. do i care? no.
word count: 0.2k
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Zhongli, who almost can’t believe that it’s you he gets to be with, who sees the looks you get as you walk through Liyue harbour and relishes in the way others admire you—regardless of how many times you tell him how perfect he is to you.
Zhongli, who watches you carefully, watching to see what you like and don’t like, to squirrel it away in a safe corner of his mind and commit to his memory—even though you’ve told him time and time again that he needn’t worry about it.
Zhongli, who rarely ever speaks to you without punctuating his sentence with a sweet name for you, a reminder to you of how much he loves and cherished you and every second he gets with you
Zhongli, who wouldn’t dream of speaking to you the way you ask him to, who questions why someone as perfect as you would want to hear such harsh words, especially from someone who loves you so dearly—despite the fact you’ve begged him to do so more times than you can count on your fingers.
Zhongli, who has his mind fine tuned to every sound you make, who silently matches his movements to your quiet whimpers, gently pushing your hair back from your face as he captures your mouth in a gentle kiss.
Zhongli, whose hips stutter when you look up at him with such love and unadulterated affection, because he doesn't believe he deserves to be looked at like that, and certainly not by you.
Zhongli, who treats you like a princess, running you a bath and brushing your hair as he quietly tells you the stories that he knows you love so dearly, and smiles blissfully when you later return the favour.
Zhongli, who doesn’t believe he’s deserving of a love as pure as yours, but spends every day proving to you that he won’t make you regret it.
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© 2023, thesparklingwriter. please do not copy, edit, repost, or translate.
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notes: drops this, runs away, buries her face in her pillow and questions all her life decisions up to this point, its not even proofread cause i can't bear to do it, no taglist because i don't plan to make a habit of this :3
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antiadvil · 1 month
babe wake up new phil migraine mention just dropped... yeah... yeah, it does suck when your head hurts every day, can confirm
transcript under cut:
Phil: I'm managing mine well. I'm kinda grateful mine just make the room spin rather than being painful every time because the painful ones are horrible. I know people have that everyday so that must suck
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sketchinfun · 17 days
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I can't believe I'm actually getting excited to do my next run/train....RunDisney did a number on me......I'm supposed to hate running, why do I like it now?????????
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slutdge · 3 months
I was brave and sent a scary email that was very scary and I am going to reply to it when I get a response even though I am so scared
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thatshowthingstarted · 11 months
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Head of an Alexander the Great, Konuralp, Turkey
Marble, 2nd Century
Alexander was one of the most famous rulers of the ancient world. Born in 356 B.C., he became the king of Macedonia, a territory north of Greece, in 336. His father, Philip II of Macedon, had already succeeded in uniting Greece under his rule.
Although not born in Greece, Alexander was enamored of Greek culture and spread it as he began a campaign of military conquests to the south and east, which culminated in his defeat of the powerful Persian Empire in a series of battles between 334 B.C. and 331 B.C.
Alexander the Great died in 323 B.C, so the statue may have been made more than 400 years after his death.
Image credit: Düzce Municipality
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a-snowpoff · 2 years
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Happy Thanksgiving!
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nashvillethotchicken · 5 months
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They need to give my bitch some volume at the root or keep the side part cus this is giving...
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blueiscoool · 4 months
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The Statue Head of Hygieia Found Stuck Between Two Rocks in Turkey
A 2100-year-old statue head of the Hygieia (Health) Goddess was found during the excavations in the ancient city of Laodikeia in Pamukkale, Denizli, southwestern Türkiye.
Laodikeia is situated in a geographical location on the south side of the Lycus River, 6 km north of Denizli. Laodikeia was the most famous and influential city in the 1st century B.C. The remains of the city are dated from this era.
The city was called ”Laodikeia on the edge of the Lycus” in ancient sources. According to other ancient sources, the city was founded by Antiochus II in 263-261 BC and named after Antiochos’ wife. The Romans made the city the center of Kybira’s conventus (Golhisar-Horzum) because of the geographical setting.
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It encompasses the largest stadium in Anatolia, two theaters, four baths, five agoras, five fountains (nymphaeums), long colonnaded streets, impressive temples, and a myriad of churches and basilicas.
Earthquakes often plagued the town, and in 494 AD, a massive quake severely crippled the city. A further earthquake between 602-610 and an increasing threat from Arab raids led to the eventual abandonment of the city.
The excavations in the ancient city of Laodikeia are under the supervision of Pamukkale University Archaeology Department lecturer Prof. Dr. Celal Şimşek continues under the presidency.
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Hygeia was the ancient Greek goddess of health. She gave her name to the philosophy of hygiene. Hygeia was a young goddess, daughter and chief attendant to Asklepios, the god of medicine. She was in charge of cleanliness and how to live a long life (preventive medicine).
In classical sculpture she was often shown holding or feeding a large snake (the symbol of Asklepion medicine) in her arms. Statues of Hygeia were erected in all the major healing centres sited in the temples of Asklepios. Her primary temples were in Epidaurus, Corinth, Cos and Pergamon.
By Leman Altuntaş.
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sleep-nurse · 17 days
have i mentioned how much i love my gurkey
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yakourinka · 2 months
that's a cop. i know a cop when i see one
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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