#Tserreidnich hxh
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jykeebil · 2 years ago
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tserreidnich x theta in yakut national costumes. amazing commission for amazing @/frau_butterfly (twitter). i loved doing this drawing <3
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moretheta · 4 months ago
and i mean if we're looking at family resemblence...
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listen i don't think they got it from their dad's side
Do you guys think we will also have a Tserri is actually Duazul's son reveal or is it a bit too easy? Anyways he looks so much like Camilla
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imagobin · 5 months ago
HxH Poster Day 26: Ging Freecs!
Here he is, dad of the year!
Don't like him as a person, but his character is rather fun, seriously who wants to throw hands so fast just because he's being called out?
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The right side is fully complete!!
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Coming up next, Theta and Tserreidnich!
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basedkikuenjoyer · 6 months ago
The Succession Contest Poll
Surely this has been done but I think it's a nice bit of fun before we dive back into another leg of HxH. Simple poll, who'd you bet on in the Kakin Succession Contest as of Chapter 400? No easy way out for results, you're betting house money so take a stand:
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zobae · 4 months ago
HxH Chapter 407
I need to learn japanese immediately to get the intricacies of the dialogue.
I'm going off Voracious Drake's blog as well since they tend to go deeper into why certain things are translated certain ways and potential double-meanings.
The whole 'child' and 'parent' double-meaning with 'dealer' and 'player' is amazing. Togashi loves his games and I love the allegory he is choosing with the way parents have fundamental advantages over their children in their relationship. Having Morena be the one to spell it out is so great with her whole illegitimate child thing and her wanting to destory the world. Volksen asking why Morena is so angry during Morena's explanation is amazing. I feel like the answer is right in front of her. She's upset because of the way society is setup to disadvantage certain people from birth, apropos of nothing that they have done or could have changed. Now, Morena is using those power dynamics to fulfill her own goals of burning it all down.
Togashi also continues his own streak of self-orientalising Japan by poking fun at its linguistic traits. This is also a part that I wish I could read Japanese to see what the original text says regarding double-negatives and how they're treated. Morena choosing to be her own subject is great after all that talk about how not doing so could be seen as sign of empathy or hospitality. Despite her front, Morena is, as Volksen rightly sees through, fucking pissed. This panel also goes so hard in this translation:
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The double-meaning of her saying how she will answer negative questions while also stating that she is beholden to no one. Morena isn't a subject of the king, of Tserreidnich or even of the 'rules' that govern how the Mafia is run. She is her own subject.
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absyyynth · 4 months ago
hi hello hxh fans y'all have had a decade to learn how to say tserreidnich's name can we drop the "terror sandwich" thing
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count-alucard-tepes · 3 years ago
Predictions for Hunter x Hunter Part 1
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So I've been thinking about what would happen in hxh after reading the manga (even though it ain't finished yet) so I'm gonna post what my thoughts are on what to come for the Succession arc as well as the future for the main characters.
So between the princes, honestly I think that the succession war will be stopped by some dramatic event and that it won't be determined who would be King. I think the current king will continue to reign despite having lost a few kids already. This will bring even more friction between the princes and their father.
The main princes who actually want the crown namely Benjamin, Camilla and Tserreidnich are going to try to fight their father for the crown be it any way possible.
Halkenberg is going to leave the Kakin empire completely and break all ties.
Personal thoughts on who should be king....honestly, none of elder siblings, they're all batshit crazy especially Tserreidnich, I really don't like this guy at all. And the rest of the princes' don't seem interested as well as being on the very young side.
I swear the entire Kakin empire is the epitome of '...absolute power corrupts absolutely...' .
Tserreidnich was looking for Melody, now you might think she's defenseless and what not but we don't know her true abilities yet so I wouldn't underestimate her and I also believe he has the song she's looking for so it would be both beneficial to her and Kurapika to get closer to him.
The phantom troupe being on the ship was a little surprising to me but I love them so it's great to see them. I think Hisoka is already on the ship and disguised as some or some storyline along this. He's definitely on the ship...he might even be pretending to be Illumi to be honest.
The phantom troupe is already being trimmed down, Kurapika starting the hunt and now Hisoka....its very likely most of them will be killed of in this arc. At this point, Kurapika needs his revenge and Hisoka is dead set on hunting them. Its inevitable.
I kinda wonder if Gon and Killua are going to be in this arc...I'm trying to think of what would bring them there unless its Ging wanting Gon to join the exploration of the Dark continent. I think they might be at the check point where Morel will be transporting the people to the Dark continent.
Also I really want to see the main characters nen beasts soon....we got a taste with the Princes but hot damn, it would be nice to see everyone's soon.
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thelovelyghostwriter · 3 years ago
List of KuraNeon and HxH (in general) Artists
Here is a list of KuraNeon artists, or fanarts if they are occasional drawings of someone’s fanart. I also followed people who draws HxH. I followed mostly East Asian artists because the Japanese and Koren fandom especially loves Kuraneon. The links will either be from Devianart, Pixiv, Tumblr, Instagram or Twitter. 
Here we go: 
Kuraneo pixiv hashtag
sysycb93 [mature warning]
Kuraneon Fujisaki
Kuraneon having four kids [drawn by a huge reader/supporter of my works]
Cautionworks [mature warning]
Tip: You may also find more art if you use the Japanese and Korean tag for Kuraneon on twitter.
Did not draw Kuraneon but draws HxH stuff: 
meume_h [mostly Hisomachi]
Niuya [official animator, the one that drew the very hot Kurapika art]
まーがりん@バター [mostly Hisomachi]
kurohisoaru [Hisomachi]
K•G [mostly Killua/Gon]
분겨 [Killua and Gon]
南楠娅 [mostly Kurapika, YYH and other stuff]
神崎 [mostly Spiders]
m4s_hits [mostly Kurapika stuff and is a muti-shipper I think]
@maria-aooo [Hisomachi, Tserriednich/Theta]
invisibleninja12 [Hisomachi and other stuff]
Myara [Hisomachi]
@izabella-scott [Tserriednich/Theta, Pitou/Kite] 
@s2ei [Neon, Machi]
Please note: 
The purpose of this post is to share links to fanworks/artists who I like and for others who want to see more hxh fanworks. 
Some artist have a “do not repost” instruction on their bio or pinned tweet in English. Please respect their wishes. If you really wanna share, share the link of the tweets of their drawings/profiles. 
Also, the HxH general artists may or may not be multi-shippers or ship a particular ship that I missed out. Please respect their ships. Keep the whole “anti vs proship” and “fiction affects reality” bullshit in the English fandom. Those things don’t really exist in non-English fandoms. If you do not like it, simply don’t follow and ignore the drawings.
The artists who drew Kuraneon might also be a Chrollo/Neon shipper. 
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noodelak · 6 years ago
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I’ll keep you safe my prince.
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dyingroses · 6 years ago
That's NEN of your business!
Me on the Black Whale
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hamliet · 6 years ago
What are your thoughts on recent HxH chapter?
Tserriednich is an increasingly terrifying villain, and he’s awesome. Like, I hate him, he’s straight-up bad, but he’s a good character.
I’ll break down my thoughts by topic:
This is me when Tserriednich asked for Melody to be invited :
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But I’m actually not worried about Melody so much as I am worried for Fugetsu. Fugetsu is with Kacho’s nen beast right now, an embodiment of a lie, and I’m concerned about how that would interact with Tserriednich’s nen beast, if it would at all. I do worry Tserriednich will kill Fugetsu regardless, though.
Why did I get attached. I find her foiling with Keeny interesting: like Keeny, she was willing to kill herself to accomplish something in this war, but in contrast to Keeny, her goal is to kill her charge whereas Keeny’s was to save Fugetsu and Kacho. Keeny is dead though; Theta is still alive and I hope she accomplishes something before her likely inevitable demise.
Our favorite evil dick continues to be a creep, but also foils his father here in that both of them recently faced assassination attempts at the point of guns from people they trusted, but were saved by their nen beast. @aspoonofsugar wrote a terrific meta on their basic foiling yesterday here.
Teserriednich’s nen beast’s ability
I’m intrigued by Tserriednich’s nen beast’s ability. It reminds me of Kurapika’s in a twisted sense, in that Kurapika’s dowsing chain detects lies, and so does the nen beast.
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Kurapika’s judgement chain passes judgement on the Spiders, and Tserriednich’s nen beast judges those that lie to the prince. It’s not an exact parallel, but it doesn’t have to be a foil.
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Basically, I am increasingly intrigued by the foiling between Kurapika and Tserriednich, Chrollo and Tserriednich, Kurapika and Morena, and Morena and Chrollo, and of course Chrollo and Kurapika. A nice foiling quadrilateral that seems to be setting Tserriednich up as Kurapika and Oito’s archenemy this arc (and Morena seems to be set up as Chrollo’s potentially more so than Hisoka). I can’t wait for them to start interacting directly.
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letstalkhxh · 8 years ago
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God bless @caliteen and the hxh discord for being an endless stream of inspiration
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thelovelyghostwriter · 4 years ago
Ok but... I'm going nuts but... Am I the only one that sees Tserreidnich and Theta and it reminds me of Hannibal and Clarice?
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I can't be the only one, right? I saw this art where Theta was in the Silence of the Lambs poster.
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thelovelyghostwriter · 4 years ago
My HxH ships
Disclaimer: These are my thoughts on my ships to share with my Tumblr friends. If you’re some stranger who disagrees with it and it evokes negative emotions on you, kindly exit. I know the internet has a bunch of trolls/idiots that has a habit of harassing people because the ship is “wrong” or it doesn’t suit them. Well, honestly, I don’t really care if you agree with them because I don’t know you personally? And this is fictional so it’s not something to be taken personally or even seriously. Don’t confuse my personal values with what I like with the ships.
I can’t believe I even need to make a disclaimer on this because a bunch of people don’t know how to be civilized once they are anonymous on a social media platform. I will just block lol; BYEEE.
HxH I love:
Defintion - Actively ships them, willing to make fanfics of them if possible
1. Kurapika x Neon
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This ship is so underrated it hurts. They may not be similar in terms of personality and views of the dead: Neon focuses more on the living and the present (that’s why she doesn’t have sympathy for the dead and tells Chrollo her fortunes are for the living), while Kurapika focuses on the past and mourns for the dead (his mourning for his clan). But I think both of them are very similar in terms of loneliness. Neon doesn’t have friends and lacks affections from her father; Kurapika is lonely because all of his clan members are dead.
I know the common barrier is Neon’s hobby for flesh collecting, but I think this difference is what makes it more complicated and interesting for me. Especially when Kurapika has been in many seasons under the Nostrade Family... it makes me wonder what kind of interactions they had since it was all Killua and Gon on-screen.
2. Hisoka x Machi
I actually had always liked Hisoka with Machi together. Hisoka seems to really like her and enjoys her company. Machi may seem irritated by him but I think she’s more of a tsundere? She still decides to patch him after the fight against Chrollo, and their relationship got a bit more complicated after the Hisoka vs Chrollo fight.
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3. Tserreidnich x Theta
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Okay, I LOVE this ship. This is right out love-hate kind of relationship. It lowkey reminds me of Clarice/Hannibal and I find this ship so fascinating? I don’t see a lot of fanfics of them unfortunately. So Legacy by Alltagsabenteuer is a blessing from heaven because it’s the only TsexTheta tag in AO3.
So far I haven’t found anyone else who loves this ship, so please identify yourself if you do.
I’m starting to think I like those complicated love-hate dynamics....
HxH ships I like:
Definition of like - Actively ships them, may make fanfics of them or not. But doesn’t think of them 24/7.
1. Pokkle x Ponzu
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This was like, a ship that never really sailed because Togashi decided to kill them both. I think this ship had potential and I’m hoping they find happiness in the afterlife.
2. Chrollo x Neon
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I actually really liked how they vibe together during this one scene (although Chrollo targetted to meet her for her fortune-telling abilities). I am a KuraNeon shipper but I like the idea of Chrollo being a 3rd party because I think it fits so well? Chrollo and Kurapika are enemies and I had always found it fascinating how both of them got entangled with the same woman.  Also, people be like “Neon is 16″ uhhh... Hunterpedia states she’s born in 1982, along with Kurapika and Milluki. She’s the same age as Kurapika and Milluki; and Kurapika is widely accepted as 19 now; and it does tally if you see the Hunter x Hunter timeline (although there has been several discrepancies and dubious canonity when it comes to the Official Hunter x Hunter database and the HxH manga timeline). I’m not sure why people falsely remember Neon as a year younger than Kurapika and use it as a common argument to not support Chrollo/Neon when people have no problems (except for some) when it comes to shipping Kurapika with Chrollo.
So... Chrollo be that Mr. Steal Yo Girl and Kurapika’s posessive reaction to it will be astronomical.
I am also hella gonna support the upcoming #kuroneoweek2021 in May! @kuroneoweek
So you bet there will be more fanfics of KuroNeo from me!
HxH ships I support:
Definition of support: Does not actively ship them, but definitely likes the idea of them
1. Killua x Canary
I love how Canary tries her best for Killua and she does care about him. I realised that Killua seems to have an issue with older women (e.g. Bisky, Elevator girl), but I think for girls who are about his age, he’s okay with them. There is a misconception that he can’t communicate with women well (probably because he has issues with his mother), but I think that’s just for old ladies - Canary is cool with him.
2. Hisoka x Illumi
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It drives me nuts how these two have matching outfits. I know that they have a more of a give-and-take transactional relationships rather than purely friends, but this is fab best friendship goals. My friend loves this ship and I absolutely support it.
3. Retz (with either Gon or Killua)
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The unreasonable hate on Retz is insane because “she’s ruining KilluGon”. I think it’s really refreshing to see Killua and Gon hang out with another girl their age. You can see that Gon is really sweet towards her. Killua is more suspicious of her for a good reason but he never hated her. Remember that Killua is not used to interacting with people due to his family background. In fact, as @u-named mentioned, Killua and Retz shares similarities in terms of wanting to be free from their family.
4. Alluka x Gon
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I would love to see a fanfic where Gon starts to woo Alluka and Killua will be that overprotective brother, knowing that his best friend is a player. Alluka/Nanika healed Gon anyway, so she’s technically his saving angel.
5. Ging x Gon’s unnamed mom
Okay, this is a bit weird cause we don’t know who Gon’s mom is... (and screw that Pregnancy Stone theory, I just think it’s weird how Ging mentioned Gon’s mom in the tape if he never had a mom lmao; is he gonna say “which you don’t have” like ???).
I actually like fanfics that explores Ging’s life before Gon and various interpretations of who Gon’s mom is.
What Lies Beyond by Thatsoneperson is one of the best fanfics I’ve read when it comes to Ging’s life before Gon. The ending was really heartbreaking and I had always loved the “Gon’s mom was from the DC” theory because Yusuke’s ancestral father came from the Demon World and there were hints of Gon’s dark aura throughout CA and Election arc.
Somehow in my headcanon, I had always envisioned Gon’s mom to resemble Usagi from Sailor Moon but with Gon’s hair colour. Gon also has certain personality traits that are very different from Ging and I believe that came from his mother.
6. Meruem x Komugi
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One of the most unexpected, beautiful, saddest, semi-canon pairings in the entire series. It highkey reminds me of Beauty and the Beast. It was beautiful how Meruem, a Chimera Ant that was supposed to be destined to rule the world above humans, became gradually attached to a blind human girl.
7. Killua x Machi
This is fucking weird; because of the age gap but I like to think Killua meets her again one day when he grows up, and they had some sort of flirtation because he needs to be on par with Gon when it comes to dating women.
There was actually a cute fic about that called A Series of Pick Up Lines by Yandere Shoujo where Killua was trying to use pick up lines on a woman because he wanted to try it out after knowing that Gon dated women prior and just so happens to bump into Machi.
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thelovelyghostwriter · 4 years ago
The Number 4 in HxH
Okay so... It’s Kurapika’s birthday today (4th April). HAPPY BIRTHDAY PIKA BOI! I love you so much. 
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Okay, now that is out of the way, let me talk about something that kinda bothered me a bit? 
So as some of ya’all know, I’m from a country where majority of the people are Chinese. In Chinese cultures, the number four is unlucky because in Chinese, 四 (four) and 死 (dead) is pronounced as (si). I believe that in Japanese it’s similar - pronounced as shi (the characters are the same as the Chinese characters). 
This is significant because the Chinese tends to avoid number four, even going by trying to avoid buying an apartment that is on level four. I won’t even be surprised if in some countries, the level is skipped (just like how level 13 in the Philippines may be skipped in some buildings). I did a quick check on Wikipedia and it states that certain buildings/hospitals in Japan do not have the level number four. Which is perfectly understandable. 
I hate the number four too. Deadasss every damn day that adds up to four (4, 13, 22 and 31) is bad for me. 8 is the lucky number in Chinese and I’m born on the 8th so hell yeah lucky 888.
So guess who is born on the 4th day of the 4th month? Kurapika. The other three protagonists are born on days where it has a festival/celebration. I’m not sure about Kurapika’s one, I came across the Tumblr where they dug up an info where his birthday coincides with an event that the ethnic minority in Japan commemorates the day of the dead (or something like that). 
Anyway, that’s not why I wanted to talk about it. That’s another discussion for the day. It’s the number four in hxh. It might be a coincidence but 04/04 is considered unlucky in Japan; and that also extends to a child being born on this unlucky day. 
Now, since that has gotten out of the way, who do you think also has an association with the number four? 
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Tserreidnich is the 4th Prince. Even his surname is Hui Guo Rou - a Chinese dish (honestly if you know the language, the surname sounds funny. It always makes me hungry). If you look into the hxh map, it’s actually just our own map jumbled up. The Kakin Empire is in the Azian continent that is synonymous with our part-Asian + European continent, as stated on Hunterpedia. 
Anyway, yeah, he’s the 4th Prince and he’s bad news. So I guess it’s unlucky. 
Another one that is often associated with number four is: 
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For Hisoka, I’m not very sure if the number “44″ counts. 
And as for his spider number, it could be the unlucky number four, but I also think it has something to do with him being a traitor among the Spiders. 
In the YorkNew City arc, Uvo mentioned that there is a “Judas” among them. I’ve recently dug up some info about Chrollo and the Spiders, and several comments actually pointed out that Chrollo and the Phantom Troupe are 13 members; and that Chrollo does have some sort of Christian allegory - him with the St. Peter’s Cross, the fact that Jesus Christ has 12 disciples, and Uvo straight up mentioned Judas. 
I went to see a painting I knew (I’m not very well-versed in Catholicism even though it’s my family’s religion so it’s just a speculation). 
In the Last Supper, the fourth head from the left is Judas: 
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So I’m thinking maybe that might be the reason why Hisoka’s number tattoo is four (and less of the fact that it is unlucky). I’m pretty doubtful about this because why not count it from the right then? Maybe from the left it’s number four and coupled by the fact that it is unlucky, Togashi decided to just... go with that number. 
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NAH. I’M JOKING. This might be a coincidence but it’s fun to think about it. 
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hamliet · 3 years ago
Hello! I just reread the succession war arc and as I was looking for HXH meta I found some of your awesome posts! I just had a quick question about Halkenburg and Tser. Do you think these two are going to be the main antagonists? When rereading this time around Halkenburg's arc seemed a lot more ominous than I remembered. I'm not sure he's the hero we all thought he'd be imo. Also do you think there will be a clear winner? Zhang Lei seems more and more like he might win imo.
Hi!! The second question is easier for me to answer than the first: I don’t think there will be a clear winner--I think HxH rarely if ever builds to the expected, spelled out climax. My guess is more that some, including Woble, will leave the boat. If by some chance only one is left alive, it would be Woble. 
I do think Halkenburg will step up as an antagonist, but I also think Tserreidnich is the ultimate villain of the arc due to the intense build-up... we’ll see! I just hope it comes back :’’’D 
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