#Trump is unwell
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rejectingrepublicans · 8 months
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“Sources told the nonprofit news outlet NOTUS that Trump rambled like a “drunk uncle”
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sher-ee · 3 months
A 5 minute word salad. Took no questions. Sycophants applauded.
Cult weirdos.
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Wait if q!max is really dead then that means all of Trumpet's family is gone. Trumpet died, Dan died, and now Max.
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Low support needs Adhd/autism havers are all defenders of the neurodivergent community until Donald Trump says something stupid and then they turn around and say the most awful ableist shit that Donald Trump himself will never see nor hear nor care about. But your so-called allies will. And the violence will hit them, not Trump.
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scottguy · 17 days
Article: Cognitive Decline? Trump Appears to Forget Who He’s Running Against
Cognitive Decline? Trump Appears to Forget Who He’s Running Against
Trump keeps referring to "Biden" as his opponent often using Biden's name or "his" as the pronoun of the person he is running against.
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bybruce · 10 days
Is Trump Lying or Just Losing It? | Robert Reich
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webntrmpt · 2 months
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meanya · 3 months
I got through about 10 minutes of the presidential debate before I was too nauseous to watch anymore
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rejectingrepublicans · 8 months
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wilwheaton · 4 days
Once again, Donald Trump proved on camera for the world to see that he is clearly unwell. The corporate media has a responsibility to warn voters about the danger Trump poses to our country. They should be calling out his unhinged lies at a constant.
Delusional Trump Believes Imaginary Crowd Was at Debate
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sher-ee · 4 months
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Oh for Fuck’s sake. People have lost their god damn minds.
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cipheramnesia · 7 days
At first you might think it's unbelievable that a country with so many guns could fail to kill one slow old ex-president twice, but you have to understand that death by gun violence in the USA is very contextual. Like if you actually wanted to get trump shot all you need to do is have him pull over to the side of the road and try to surrender to any police officer and trust me, those guys will empty their entire clip, especially if he looks confused or unwell.
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vacuously-true · 6 months
Tbh I'm getting really really tired of the "Trump and Biden are mentally unfit to be president, look at all these videos of them mixing up words and stuttering and mispronouncing stuff!" thing. Actually the whole "they're too old so they're unfit because they're unwell!" thing sucks imo. Maybe they're too old and so they can't be invested in what the future of the country needs, maybe they're too old and they're out of touch with what young people need, that's an age-related argument I'll listen to, although I think policy would be much much more important to talk about.
But the health/sanity stuff? Especially based around the way they speak? Or walk? Shut up. People with physical and neuro disabilities are not inherently incompetent. Trump slurs words and people say that's evidence he can't be president. We could have an amazing president with the worst stutter you've ever heard because that doesn't have shit to do with 95% of the job of governing. We could have an amazing president who can't walk and/or uses a wheelchair. FDR regularly used a wheelchair! Biden trips up the stairs and y'all are like haha he's so old he can't be president because he's bad at walking, do you hear yourselves?
I think this is one of those things where like Trump and Biden don't hear you making fun of their vocal/ambulatory oddities but aaaaaaall your friends with the same experiences do hear you, and you're telling on yourself regarding how you actually feel about disabled people. Think about this stuff!
If you're gonna criticize them, as you should, pick something meaningful. Don't harp on morally neutral things they and many many many other people can't control about their bodies. Come ooooooon
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