#Trump Felons
stuffromymind · 4 months
Public Service Notice For You Who Have a Trump Cultist In Your Life.
The next time your MAGAt friend or relative starts talking about, "The Biden Crime Family", or how, "Trump is the only honest one in Washington!", or, "Only Donald Trump can drain the swamp and SAVE 'MURIKA!" ?
Show them this LOVELY Fact-Slap from Robert Reich, and the list of Conald's fellow criminals below, and then,
Most Importantly:
M-a-k-e them explain their Fux Noise addict response to the reality of Conald Trump and his cabal.
If they won't answer?
"I guess you're as scared to testify about the facts like Conald was at his fraud case in New York, huh?
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Bonus Fact Slaps:
Follow up with this list of criminals in Trump's administration and orbit and have them explain each of these, (Don't forget to point out that "Law & Order" Conald pardoned many of them who therefore, by definition, have admitted their guilt.)
Trump has MANY of "The Best" people including a pedophile.
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jdsquared · 2 months
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Walz is a former school teacher, served in the army, and was very pro-active in getting progressive stuff passed in his legislature. Besides codifying abortion/IVF rights, see this list of his accomplishments. A solid pick.
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sher-ee · 23 days
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Arlington National Cemetery is not there for political campaign ads. Most people don’t go there for that and don’t want to see that when they do. Trump put out a TikTok video and dozens of campaign videos and photos.
His staff got into an altercation with an official at Arlington National Cemetery so they could take this ridiculous grinning thumbs up photo literally on the graves of dead soldiers.
When are his supporters going to get it? This man is a fraud.
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my-midlife-crisis · 1 month
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mckitterick · 1 month
McSweeney's: doing the lord's work
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full listing here on the McSweeney's website: X
free .pdf version (it's really that long): X
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geezerwench · 3 months
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tRump vs Biden
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Warn everyone you know about Project 2025. Educate as many as you can. We will lose all our rights. Many of us will be deported, persecuted, jailed, and executed.
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rejectingrepublicans · 3 months
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myvoteismyvoice · 2 months
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roguekhajiit · 2 months
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republikkkanorcs · 3 months
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sher-ee · 3 months
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A debate platform to spin lies without any fact checking. Brilliant CNN.
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my-midlife-crisis · 1 month
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captainpirateface · 2 months
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glenritzville · 2 months
He's Atrocious!
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Need I Say More?
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