#Trixie Collins
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joleneghoul · 9 months ago
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Team Gold-Star INC from my still unfinished Time Masters/BG cartoon lineup. But this whole group is finished and has been for awhile so felt like just sharing.
Maybe one day I'll finish and post the actual Time Masters from this concept lol!
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boobilby · 7 months ago
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Some traditional some digital, the last one was drawn with my finger </3
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sing-me-under · 4 months ago
I have unintentionally developed this whole post-Vol 2/pre-flashpoint timeline for Booster Gold and his little time travel family. There are three major components:
Rip Hunter is not around anymore. He’s not dead, obviously, but it’s reached a point in their personal timelines where they’re meant to separate. Rip can’t mentor the younger version of his dad forever nor should he. Booster has learned everything he needs to know from Rip, and now it’s time to part ways and make their own choices without the future influencing them. While Booster does occasionally come across younger and less experienced versions of Rip Hunter, all future Rips have effectively disappeared. Now separated, Booster sets up his own base elsewhere.
Booster and Michelle raise Rani in Neo-Gotham. Specifically the early 22nd century. This is Neo-Gotham at the end of Terry’s Batman career. It is more or less implied that sometime in the 22nd century, a nuclear war breaks out and gives way to the next dark ages. You can’t leave traces/ripples if they’re wiped from existence. Booster is still active in the 21st century by virtue of being an established hero there, but once keeping up appearances is over, he returns to the 22nd. Michelle stays in the 22nd century and just lives her life there.
Booster’s mystery future wife is Trixie Collins. After reuniting at some nebulous future date and going through a whole crisis together, Trixie can’t go back to her (unfulfilling) life, so Booster moves her to the 22nd century. At some point, she and Booster decide to act on the chemistry from their early years, and Rip is unintentionally conceived. Booster decides to retire from the 21st century hero scene, and they get married. But pretty early on, they realize that they’re not really romantically interested in each other. It’s partly acknowledgement of comphet society and that they’re both decidedly on the far side of the Kinsey Scale and also Booster is more or less too traumatized to truly emotionally connect to another person anymore. Booster and Trixie are still on good terms, so they stay married (and eventually come to consider each other best friends). And by virtue of being married, Trixie ends up getting more involved in Booster’s time cop thing and starts handling his logistics. They make a great team.
So from here, my brain came up with the following scenario:
Rani wants to become a superhero.
Rani-centric story idea under the cut. This one really got away from me.
The 22nd century is absolutely not a good time to get into heroics, and Rani knows that. That’s exactly why Booster chose it.
Rani has her own super power set, but it's not combat oriented. But there is this desire baked into her soul, so she takes a page (a whole chapter, really) from Booster Gold’s book. She steals a power suit and a time sphere and… doesn’t quite succeed as planned.
Instead of 1990s Metropolis, Rani finds herself in mid-21st century Gotham, the height of the legacy generation of heroes. Much to Rani's annoyance, Booster asked Nightwing and a not-quite-yet-retired Batman to keep an eye on her. It's mostly to prevent anyone else from solidly putting together that "Gold Star" is the infamous Booster Gold's daughter. Having the Bats' backing also means Rani isn't just plopped into the world with no legal records or emergency contacts.
Rani's story is mostly hijinks and heroics.
She's a D-list hero who frequently finds herself teaming up with other heroes, but she struggles to connect with any teams.
She keeps running into Legionnaires investigating some sort of intricate time travel plot and finds herself fighting alongside them to save the world. Unlike the 21st century heroes, Rani does connect with the 31st century heroes.
Sometimes, Rani also gets caught up in the Carter family business and gets swept away on a few time traveling adventurers with characters like Gold Beetle, a younger Rip Hunter (and Jack Soo), and even her baby brother, Junior.
In her downtime, Rani works part-time and does a few odd jobs here and there. Her saving grace is that she doesn't have to pay rent since she "inherited" Booster's townhouse.
Specific plot points include:
Booster's old JLI teammates immediately recognizing that Rani is Booster's daughter. They are equal parts glad that he's out there somewhere just living well instead of dead in a ditch, forgotten, and also hurt that Booster never introduced his family to them and that they had to find out from his teenage daughter.
In Time Masters: Vanishing Point #5, Booster warps their home to the end of time in order to lose the time assassins that had been chasing them. Time pirates also got to Rani in order to get the location of Vanishing Point from her, but she doesn't know it since Booster (with Trixie and Junior) abandoned the 22nd century shortly after Rani left. While the Carters frequently visit Rani, Rani doesn't have the means to visit them.
Rani overcomes her avoidance of the 31st century in order to save the world. While there, she becomes an official reserve member of the Legion. She returns to the 21st century anyway, not yet ready to give up on it.
Give me the Booster Gold: Convergence plot line, and Rani has to deal with the aftermath.. or maybe just ignore the whole Convergence thing and straight up rip off the time cancer subplot. Booster is bouncing through time uncontrollably, and Rani , Michelle, and an older Rip are chasing him down until they end up in the 90s (Rani finally gets a glimpse of the 90s and is disappointed) and find Booster in Ted's lab. Rani takes the place of N52 Booster in this. Everyone goes to Vanishing Point, and Booster transforms into Waverider. That has some wildly angsty potential.
The time cancer plot ends with Waverider returning everyone to their intended times. There's no universe-shattering crisis this time, so it's more like Waverider just isn't fully in-tune with his powers yet and fixed the anomalies by instinct rather than intent. It does mean that Rani finds herself in the 31st century and needs to be rescued from a dead planet and her own panic attack by the Legion.
Rani, fully attached to the Legion of Superheroes, officially-officially joins their group and decides to permanently stay in the 31st century as a hero.
Other notes:
There are also some implications that Booster may be nudging events in certain directions to keep the flow of time steady. Unbeknowst to Rani, Booster pre-programmed a different year and location for her to land in and disguised it as a glitch. He may or may have also arranged for some run-ins between her and some Legionnaires.
There’s a little hint at an abandoned Rani-centric plot thread towards the end of Vol 2. My guess is that there was supposed to be a 31st century arc for Booster Gold where he'd earn the trust and friendship of Braniac 5. I'm also guessing that Rani, who is shown to be a literal super genius, is more important than initially believed. She was probably supposed to be returned to the 31st century to fullfil some sort of essential role and subsequently not be adopted by the Carters because DC is allergic to happy parent-child relationships. I will be ignoring this guess.
Rani still has PTSD from Daxam's destruction and suffers from anxiety in her day-to-day. While she should have been returned to her intended place in the 31st century, she was too distressed by 1) being unadopted by Booster and 2) being in the time Daxam was destroyed and Emerald Empress is lose. Altogether, it was decided that Rani would stay with Booster and Michelle (and Rip as well, at the time). Either way, Rani refused to step foot in the 31st century, so Booster only ever brought his son of the two to visit Brainiac. Rani's knowledge of the Legion is restricted to what Booster and Junior have told her.
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jerrythebug · 8 months ago
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Michelle and Trixie should've [REDACTED] I think. Booster could die mad about it.
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flashfuture · 7 months ago
It's been 48 years and Booster Gold has still not got with Trixie Collins which means Booster's inherent gayness is getting in the way of Rip being born
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wiihtigo · 9 months ago
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they dont even have dental
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garlic-sauc3 · 1 year ago
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Booster Gold Vol. 1 #25
this specific panel in bg86 #25 I think is really good symbolically describing the relationship between booster and trixie if you really break it down, and I've been thinking about it since I've seen it
throughout the series, booster and trixie have developed a relationship, where trixie is shown pining for booster. they get close, and booster even opens up to her about his name and where hes from. they get close, and they care about each other.
in the last issue of the series, when booster goes back to heroing but has gone broke and lost BGI anyway, and decides to live with the JLI. he stops by to say goodbye to trixie, as he goes on to a new life.
before he leaves, he tells her that she was the one good thing and they kiss. one panel, before a shot of outside the windows before he leaves, where he says he needs to find some place he wants to be.
the panel doesnt dwell on the kiss, it's a shot of trixie from behind, where it's clearly a kiss. the pose and everything, but their faces are obscured and their bodies are on the second third of the panel. A lamp is in the foreground of the panel.
almost any other panel of a kiss tends to be a close up of the kiss
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Dazzler Vol. 1 #6
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Daredevil Vol. 1 #168
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Birds of Prey: Wolves Vol. 1 #1
in all of these the focal point is the kiss, focusing on where their lips meet, or will meet. you can see both their faces, and you can feel the romance
but the kiss between booster and trixie isnt about the romance, it's not them finally getting together and into a relationship. it's a goodbye. departing from one part of their life to another, both knowing they probably wont see each other again. they both cared for each other, but now they must leave.
I love this panel because it symbolizes the way the feel for each other. it's a departure, an ending of a relationship instead of a beginning of one. but they still made an impact on each other. its almost closure.
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sl-walker · 5 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Booster Gold Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Michael Carter/Theresa Collins Characters: Michael Carter, Theresa Collins Additional Tags: Introspection, Guilt | Regret, [Booster Gold Vol. 2 - 2007-2011], Post-Crisis, +Modern Age (1986-Present), Bi-Weekly Challenge #4: Autumn Summary:
When the choices you make can echo backwards, even though they shouldn't be able to, everything gets more complicated.
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nichecomicstournament · 1 year ago
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propaganda under the readmore
John Butcher: guy literally started as two written stories in a publication I didn't even know existed until I tried reading all his appearances. I think the only reason I know he existed is because I got like the last issue of his miniseries in a box of comics from an estate sale my aunt went to when I was in high school. I have only found one other issue of anything this guys been in on a whim literally 3 days ago while digging through a $.50 at my childhood comic shop. Like technically he exists in the nu52 iteration of Green Arrow but like they butchered his character so much it's not even really him. I firmly believe I am the only person that knows about this character besides the people who had to watch me weep while I read his miniseries.
Theresa “Trixie” Collins: She was Booster Gold’s receptionist and love interest (lol) back in the early days, but what I love so much about her is how weird she is. Her first scene is her making a business man apologize to her cat (that she adopts I guess?? But they stay in Booster Gold’s high rise office building?) or she will cancel his meeting. You can just tell that Dan Jurgens had a great time writing her. She has like 30 appearances ever.
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beehoneycomb · 10 months ago
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It's the first time I've done something like this! I'm a little anxious haha
This is Trixie Collins, she appears in the 1980 Booster Gold comics! She is divine, she should appear more
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What other forgotten female DC character would you like to see here?
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stackthedeck · 5 months ago
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minie-mastermind · 1 year ago
Earth 3 Gold Star
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Trixie Collins was the Secretary for Blackguard Inc. The small corporation ran by the Crime Syndicate member Black Beetle. Working public relations for a literal super villain didn't leave much time for anything but work, but that only meant she had more opportunities to endear herself to the boss. She knew about people being made and given powers in the Crime Syndicate, she saw him as her meal ticket to real power. He's so her as a girl in over her head and was just going to toy with her while he watched her sink or swim. After a while a relationship did form and after she saved his life she did get made after using the event as blackmail. She was given a power suit that was once used by Stalwart Richard Hertz who worked for the The 101, after multiple modifications by Jack Soo she dawned it and became Black Beatle's sidekick Black Guardian. Overtime and effort on her part to rise in the ranks of the crime syndicate she ended up running a club in Cetropolis under Ultraman, officially separating herself from black beetle due to his international and temporal adventures keeping him away from the company months at a time.
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The second Black Guardian Michelle Carter the sister of Michael Jon Carter the Black Beatles. She had been one of the remaining Blackstar in the future, her brother's actions leaving a black spot on the family's legacy and her own. The Blackstars gave her an opportunity to capture her brother, most time travel attempts were suicide thanks to Rip Hunter the time shredder. So she knew she may not survive, but still volunteered to have a chance at vengeance against her brother. Gifted the Black Guardian armor from her present to try and infiltrate Black Beatle's organization in the past and to give her enough firepower to defeat him. She travelled back, surviving a confrontation with Rip Hunter through sheer luck that did not carry on through to fighting her brother. After her loss Trixie Collins was halted silently from moving up any further in the ranks due to the risk of her being replaced and them infiltrated. She joined the modern day Justice Underground along with the 101 remnants using her future technology to aid their fight. Fully expecting them to return the favor one day to bring down her brother.
(As a final note, Blackguard Inc. was not only made for money but also to annoying and undercut his counter part in the Crime Syndicate Scarlet Scarab's company Kord Industries. Primarily they manufacture bullets, kevlar vest & a cereal called Beetle Bites that led to multiple sponsorships and a few silenced lawsuits.)
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comicsiswild · 2 years ago
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Booster Gold (1986) #5
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daigah · 1 year ago
thoughts and opinions on Trixie Collins?
I really like her ! She's so sweet and a very charming character, I really enjoyed reading her in bg 86. She deserves financial compensation for the amount of shit she's been through being Booster's secretary
Her friendship with Booster is also very endearing to me, they really care about each other a lot. In that same vein I hope we get more Trixie content with the b&g restoration stuff... nice to see a mention of her in booster Christmas story (keep forgetting shes called Terri tho 😭)
Also my favourite Trixie scene ever. Shes a lesbian cat lady in my heart
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timelesstonistorm · 3 months ago
i can get attached to any female civilian side character in a superhero comic
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a-nice-egg-offering · 1 year ago
Just so we’re clear I am very pro real person shipping and I sincerely hope that if I am ever famous that everyone is shipping me with every single person I ever interact with
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