~Hi! I'm DreamNotePrincess! I'm a fanfic writer| Twitch Affliate|Beginer Youtuber! This blog here is my randomness blog XD! My other accounts are AO3 and Youtube (both going by the same name). I also have a Ko-fi account where you can support me if you enjoy my fanfics! I hope you enjoy my blog.
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I'm cancelling stream tonight. Blame three guest being assholes to me and my co-workers. I’m glad tomorrow is my off.
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me n you are overdue for fiendish laughter or something
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I snatch this great idea from an ancient drawing of @yun-shuten from 2018 (the account has been inactive for a long time, but the original idea belongs to them).
Initially, I just wanted to make a sketch without a plot, but then I got carried away and here I am sitting in front of a comic sketch.
and I decided that this would be one of the premises for the beginning of the dead end prince au..
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mach and hat kid, older sister little sister dynamic, go!!!
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Solver Bendy Doodles
Just some Solver Bendy Doodles of Bendy being an adorable bean that will definitely kill you.
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Nothing Bad Happens- Winter At Dreamworld
Hello guys!! Here is my cute little winter fanfic for my WTDW NBH AU! I wanted to write a Christmas fanfic after my Halloween one, but November and December were a BUSY time with work, and I went on vacation with my mom (I did write a bit of this fanfic while on vacation). So instead of a Christmas fanfic I decided to write a little Winter fanfic since I didn’t get this out around Christmas.
There is a chance I might write winter style fanfics for NBH AU.
Big thanks to my beta reader @gigilefache
It was late at night, and the Dreamworld animatronics were asleep, resting before another long day at the facility.
At the entrance to Staract, four figures slowly opened the door. They quietly made their way to where Starlight slept.
The star animatronic had been levitating as he snored. “Psst…Starlight.” A voice said, alerting him. Starlight groaned, and continued to sleep.
“Starlight. Please wake up.” Another voice said.
“Lewis, I need more beauty sleep. You should know that by now.” Starlight replied in his sleep.
Suddenly the tall figure let out a loud gasp as he turned the light on. “STARLIGHT WAKE UP YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS!”
Starlight screamed in his sleep, trying to get a hold of himself before his support beam snapped off. He looked up to see Ribbondancer and the triplet animatronics; Mimic, Melody and Masquerade at his door with a big smile on their faces.
“Darlings!” Starlight shouted. “It’s early in the morning! What do you four want?!”
“You have to look outside and see this!” Mimic exclaimed.
“There’s stars falling from the sky!” Masquerade added.
“Stars?” Starlight questioned. He got his support beam moving as his friends led him to the nearest window and showed him what they were talking about.
Starlight gasped as he saw white snowflakes fall from the sky and land on the ground. “Well I’ll be…” He whispered. “Stars are falling from the sky.”
“It’s so…magical!” Melody whispered, putting his pinching claws together.
“I can’t wait for Mr. Wiatt, Mr. Lewis, and the other workers to see this!” Mimic exclaimed.
“What’s going on?” A voice groaned. Everyone turned to see Rex, rubbing his eyes as he was woken up by the triplets. “What are you guys doing up?”
“Rex, you've got to take a look at this.” Starlight said, pointing at the window.
The dragon animatronic walked towards the window in awe seeing the “stars” fall. “What is that?” He asked.
“It’s stars. Falling stars.” Mimic replied.
Rex chuckled as he joined his friends in watching the snowfall.
A moment later, LoliPop and Cheer woke up and turned to the group and went over to them. “What’s going on?” Lolli asked, groggy.
“Falling stars.” Melody replied.
LolliPop turned to the window and their eyes widened. “Wow, it looks like sugar falling from the sky!” Lolli exclaimed.
“They do!” Pop exclaimed.
“To me it looks like pixie dust.” Cheer said. “We should go outside and see it!”
“Tomorrow darlings.” Starlight said. “When the Founders wake up and open the place.”
The animatronics looked at each other and nodded in agreement, continuing to watch the snow together.
“Lewis. Lewis. Wake up.” Sara said as she tried to wake up her best friend.
Lewis groaned and turned away, “no Wiatt, I don’t want to ride a comet with you.” He replied in his sleep.
Sara groaned and looked over at the next bed, where Oliver was sleeping. She then walked over to him and tried to wake him up.
“Oliver.” Sara started, tapping her friend’s shoulder. Oliver groaned and put the blanket over him. Sara rolled her eyes and shook her best friend, “Oliver. Wake up.”
“Sara, go back to sleep. It’s early.” Oliver groaned, peeking from the blanket.
Sara looked at the clock and saw it was 6:15 am. To her, that wasn’t early for what she wanted to show her friends. “Could you at least get up and see this!” She exclaimed.
Oliver didn’t reply and just pulled the blanket closer, trying to get back to sleep.
Sara groaned, and decided it was time for desperate measures. She went between the two beds and pulled Lewis out first, then Oliver. Surprisingly, the two boys were still sleepy and didn’t notice what Sara was doing with them. The female founder then dragged the two to the window and then lifted them up.
Oliver slowly opened his eyes and he quickly woke up seeing the snow outside. He tapped Lewis on the shoulder, but due to not having his glasses on he just saw a white blur like he was staring at paper.
“Huh?” Lewis questioned.
“Oh!” Sara exclaimed as she grabbed Lewis’s glasses from the top of the drawer and handed them to her best friend. “Here you go.”
Lewis put on his glasses and a smile appeared on his face. “So that’s what you wanted to tell us darling!” He exclaimed.
Sara chuckled, “yep! First snow day of the year!” She beamed.
“Which means we won’t be busy at Dreamworld.” Oliver added.
“Good news, we can show the animatronics what snow is!” Lewis replied, telling his best friend the positive aspect of a snow day.
Oliver nodded until something came to mind. “Wait, can the animatronics handle snow?” He asked.
“We did make them waterproof, but we’ll see!” Lewis answered. He left the window and got dressed into his winter clothes.
Lewis wore a teal jacket over his regular work clothes, a blue beanie with stars on them, blue and yellow striped gloves, and a yellow scarf with stars all over them. Oliver wore a dark purple jacket over his work clothes, purple gloves and a green beanie over his head. Sara wore a hot pink jacket over her work clothes, pink earmuffs, a yellow scarf and pink gloves.
“You guys ready?” Sara asked.
“Yep!” Lewis and Oliver exclaimed at the same time. The three left their apartment and went over to Lewis’s car as he drove his friends and himself to the Dreamworld Facility. As they drove, the trio watched the snow fall as their excitement rose with how fun it would be to show the animatronics snow.
The trio made it to the facility and Lewis parked the car before he and his friends got out. As they were getting out of the car, a yell was heard.
“Sara, heads up!”
Sara looked up to see a snowball hurtling towards her, she let out a yell and ducked as the snowball hit Lewis in the face. Sara slowly looked up and saw it was Wiatt who threw the snowball, but the expression on his face was a horrified one.
For his winter wear, Wiatt wore a dark blue jacket over his uniform, his mechanic hat, dark blue gloves, and a blue and purple scarf.
“Oh shit.” Wiatt mumbled. He started to walk over to his boyfriend and brushed the snow off his face. “I’m so sorry Lewis. That was for Sara, not for you.”
Lewis glared, which made Wiatt give a sheepish smile and a chuckle. Another snowball hit the mechanic in the back of the head. Wiatt turned around and saw Sara, with her hands behind her back giving an innocent smile. He glared and was ready to throw another snowball at her, but saw the animatronics staring at them from the window.
“How long have they been staring?” Lewis asked.
“Don’t know.” Wiatt replied.
Lewis unlocked the door as he, and the other three went in. Once inside the animatronics turned to them and went over to the four talking over each other about what they witnessed.
“Woah. Woah. Woah.” Lewis started. “Slow down, darlings. What’s going on?”
“We just saw falling stars, darling!” Starlight exclaimed.
“Yeah!” Ribbondancer added. “We’ve been up ALL night as we watched the falling stars!”
“Falling stars?” Wiatt asked. He looked outside and he realized what the animatronics meant. “Oh, you're talking about the snow.”
The animatronics blinked in confusion. They looked at one another before looking back at Wiatt. “Snow?” They asked at the same time.
Wiatt nodded in reply.
Lewis, who was taking off his jacket and gloves, went on to explain what snow is. “It’s frozen rain darlings. In the winter when it’s cold enough the rain freezes and you get snow.”
“The best part of snow, is you can play in it!” Sara added, as she removed her earmuffs and jacket.
“You can!” Ribbondancer and Melody exclaimed.
Sara nodded in reply as she took off her gloves.
Ribbondancer and Melody looked at each other with a big smile on their face and ran outside to check out the snow. However, the two froze in their tracks as they realized how cold it was outside. The two animatronic shivered as they walked back in, partially covered in snow.
“T-That’s c-cold.” Melody shivered.
“V-Very cold. Colder than an ice cream sundae.” Ribbondancer replied, shivering.
Wiatt chuckled, and leaned over to his boyfriend. “I guess animatronics can’t handle the cold.”
“No they can’t darling.” Lewis replied, chuckling as well.
The door opened again, revealing to be Eric, who was bundled up in a dark green jacket, beanie, and gloves as well as a green and black stripped scarf. “Morning guys.” Eric said, shivering.
“Morning Eric.” Oliver replied.
Eric removed his scarf and went over to the lemur animatronic and put it on him. “Ribbondancer, what are you thinking?” He asked.
“Uh…snow at the moment.” Ribbondancer replied.
“Okay, but you went out without any protection! No jacket, no boots, scarf, anything! Being out in the snow without those is dangerous!” Eric exclaimed.
“Dad. Relax.” Carly said, as she waddled in.
The 13-year old girl wore a pink jacket, a pink and yellow striped scarf wrapped around her neck covering her mouth, pink gloves, and a pink hat. However, from the looks of it Eric bundled his daughter up nice and good for the winter.
“It's Ribbons' first time experiencing snow.” Carly said. She removed the scarf, as she continued to explain. “He doesn’t know the dangers of hypothermia, plus I think animatronics don’t have to worry about that.” Ribbondancer tilted his head in confusion.
Eric sighed, “Still, Ribbondancer should wear something warm if he’s going outside.” He reminded his daughter.
“True, but he should be fine. All that energy he has should warm him up.” Carly replied.
Eric smiled, as he removed his jacket and hat. He put the hat on top of Ribbondancer’s head. The lemur animatronic stuck his tongue out almost like a blep. “By the way.” Ribbondancer began, “where are the triplets and Oliver’s siblings?”
“They stayed at home to play in the snow.” Carly replied. “Dad will pick them up and bring them to the facility later.”
“Oh. I hope they're having fun!” The lemur animatronic exclaimed.
“I just hope Ben is wearing his jacket.” Oliver hoped. “Last snow day, he didn’t and was sick for an entire week.”
“He is wearing one. Don’t worry.” Carly reassured the taller founder, patting him in the back.
Lewis did some thinking and got an idea. “You know, it won’t be busy today. Why don’t we let the animatronics experience snow while they can?” He suggested.
The animatronics turned to the founder. “D-Darling, are you sure?” Starlight asked.
“Yeah Lewis, are you sure?” Eric echoed.
Lewis nodded, “yeah, I got some winter clothes in the Staract that could fit the animatronics!”
“Wait!” Mimic started.
“You mean…” Melody added.
“We can play in the snow!” Masquerade finished.
The founders nodded in reply. The triplet animatronics smiled and started to roll around the facility as they tackled and hugged each of the founders. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” They repeated in unison, as they hugged the founders so tight they couldn’t breathe.
“No…problem.” The founders choked out.
“Alright you three, let them go.” Rex said, clapping his claws. “You don’t want them to suffocate and they won’t be able to take you out for your first snow day.”
“Oops.” Melody said as he let go of Sara. “Sorry, Miss. Sara.”
Sara took a deep breath as she was able to breathe again. “You're good Mel. You're good.”
The other two let go of the other two founders as they tried to catch their breaths. Once they were able to breathe, Lewis spoke up. “Alright, I’ll grab the winter wear, Wiatt, get Starlight set up in his walking mode, and we’ll get this bloody fun snow day started!” He exclaimed.
“Yeah!” The animations cheered.
“We get to cause war and bloodshed in the snow!” Melody yelled, giving a maniac laughter. Everyone turned to him in horror. Melody stopped laughing seeing everyone stare at him. “W-What?”
“Darling, when I say bloody it’s just an expression.” Lewis explained.
“O-Oh. I didn’t know that.” Melody replied, feeling embarrassed.
“It’s alright, darling.” Lewis patted the purple changing animatronic on the head, which made him feel better. “Now, let’s get you guys ready.” Lewis then went upstairs to Staract and went to the dressing room to grab a box filled with winter wear. He went back down to the lobby and he and his friends put the winter clothes on the animatronics.
Eric helped bundle the triplet animations and Ribbondancer so that they’d be nice and warm. Carly helped Cheer and LoliPop put on their scarves and jacket, keeping it light unlike what her dad was doing.
“Ladybug, should LoliPop and Cheer put on a hat and mittens?” Eric asked, pulling out two purple mittens and a beanie with flowers on them.
“Dad, relax. They’ll be fine.” Carly reminded her dad.
“Yeah, I don’t need any extra layers.” Cheer replied. “Plus, how can I wear a hat?”
Eric looked at the hat and back at Cheer, and realized she had petals that prevent any kind of headwear except her goggles. “Hang on! I got an idea!” He exclaimed as he left to go find more hats to cover Cheer’s petals.
“Quick, run.” Carly whispered.
“On it!” Cheer replied as she dashed off to the door, where Wiatt and Starlight were.
Starlight wore a yellow jacket, a teal scarf, and two different mittens. An orange one over his blue hand, and a teal one over his yellow one.
“Are you ready, Starlight?” Wiatt asked.
Starlight nodded, “I’m ready.”
“Same here!” Cheer interrupted.
Wiatt chuckled and opened the door. He and the two animatronics closed their eyes as the cold air blew inside. They slowly opened their lids, seeing snow coming down at a faster rate.
“Perfect timing, snow is coming down good!” Wiatt commented.
Starlight was the first one to step outside, and flinched at the snow touching his feet. He lifted his right leg up and shivered. “That’s cold.”
Wiatt giggled, “it is cold.” He replied. “But your animatronic feet should get used to it.”
Starlight looked down at the snow again and slowly put his feet on it. He was surprised that it didn’t feel as cold anymore. He took a few more steps and was able to enjoy the snow up close. “Wow.” He whispered. “It feels magical.”
“That’s how snow is, darling.” Lewis said. He took his boyfriend’s hand, causing Wiatt to blush. Lewis gave a flirtatious smirk, “now let’s make it more magical, Wiatt, my love.” He then dragged Wiatt and started to dance with him.
“L-Lewis!” Wiatt yelled, as his boyfriend spined him around, before dipping him. Wiatt pouted, but Lewis landed a kiss on his nose. Wiatt gasped as his face turned a bright red and he gave a small glare as he smashed his lips onto Lewis’s, causing the two to fall to the ground. The two laughed seeing how cute and ridiculous they were acting. They looked into each other’s eyes and smiled before kissing each other again.
Starlight smiled seeing how romantic his soul brother and his brother's partner were being. Everyime he felt Lewis being happy, he too felt happy.
“Enjoying it?” Sara asked, snapping the star animatronic out of his thoughts.
“Y-Yeah.” Starlight replied. He was then interrupted by the other animatronics running outside to check out the snow up close. The animatronics laughed as they looked at the snow up close, feeling the same way Starlight felt.
“So, what fun things can we do in the snow?” Pop asked.
“A lot of things.” Sara answered.
“Like what?” Lolli asked.
Sara thought about what would be fun for the animatronics on their first snow day, and smirked when she had an idea. She scooped up some snow into her hands and formed it into a ball and threw it at Wiatt’s face.
“Ah!” Wiatt shouted, as the snowball hit him. He and Lewis looked up and saw Sara chuckle.
“That’s for this morning, Nicholson!” Sara yelled, before continuing to laugh. She was then cut off by a snowball, hitting her in the face.
“And that’s what you deserve, Covetman!” Wiatt yelled back, as he laughed. A snowball hit him in the back of the head. Wiatt turned around to see it was Lewis who threw the snowball at him. “L-Lewis, how could you?!”
“Sorry, darling, but that was for throwing it at me.” Lewis replied.
Wiatt pouted, “but it was an accident!” Another snowball then hit Wiatt in the back of the head, and he turned to see it was Oliver who threw it.
“Nice shot, Oliver!” Sara beamed.
Oliver rolled his shoulders, smiling proudly, “it’s all in the wrist,” he replied. Suddenly a snowball hit him in the back of the head, knocking him into the snow face down.
“Oliver!” Sara exclaimed. “Are you-” she was cut off as a snowball hit her in the back of the head as well. Sara looked up and saw Starlight in a throwing position, looking nervous.
“I don’t know what’s going on, but I saw Lewis do it.” Starlight said, pointing at Lewis. This caused the founder to glare at his soul brother, and throw a snowball at Starlight. “Hey! What was that for?”
“It’s a snowball fight, darling.” Lewis replied. “It’s harmless fun.” He then got hit by two snowballs by Sara and Oliver. With a glare, Lewis made another snowball and threw it at Sara. The Founder Trio threw snowballs back and forth at each other.
Wiatt ended up hit by one of the stray snowballs and threw one back at Oliver, causing him to join the snowball fight as well.
Starlight was hit by the trio’s snowballs, which caused his eyes to glow red and purple. He growled, created a snowball and threw it at Lewis, however his throw was so hard it knocked the young man back.
“Oh snap!” Starlight exclaimed, covering his mouth. He was shocked he had a good aim, and was worried he harmed him. “Lewis, are you alright?”
Lewis stuck out his left arm and gave the animatronic and thumbs up, showing him that he was indeed alright.
Starlight sighed in relief. Suddenly he felt a bunch of snowballs hit him in the back. He turned to see Ribbondancer with a handful of snowballs, and the triplet animatronics making more.
“Best part of having four arms. I can beat all of you in a snowball fight!” Ribbondancer beamed as the triplets handed him two more snowballs in his second pair of arms. The lemur animatronic started to launch snowballs at a rapid pace, as he laughed.
Everyone was pelted with snowballs as they all ran for cover by using the trees as a shield.
“Who was the designer who gave Ribbons, four arms?” Carly asked.
Sara and Oliver turned to Lewis with glares. “Oh, and it was Sara who agreed on the design, so she takes half the blame!” Lewis yelled. He was then hit with another snowball over the head. “Wow, you animatronics have good arms.”
Starlight rubbed the back of his head, giving a nervous chuckle. “Apologizes, darling.”
“We need to fight back!” Carly exclaimed, as she created a snowball, and threw it at Ribbondancer, who caught it with his other hand and threw it back at Carly, hitting the girl. She glared and growled before making a bigger snowball and throwing it at Ribbondancer.
The lemur’s eyes widened as the snowball knocked him to the ground, causing his head to fall off.
“Oh shit.” Carly whispered, covering her mouth.
It was silent for a bit as everyone looked at Ribbondancer. “I’m okay!” Ribbondancer yelled. “You really got your head in the game, Carly!”
Carly sighed in relief and ran over to Ribbondacner’s head, picking it up and handing it to his body. His body then put the head back on, spinning it before it locked in place.
“Ah…” Ribbondancer sighed. “Much better.”
“Okay, let’s pause on the snowball fight before one of you robots loses a body part we cant replace or put back.” Carly said.
“I agree,” Rex said, stepping in. “This is getting way too dangerous.”
“Awww.” The triplet animatronics sighed, dropping their snowballs.
“But, what should we play now?” Melody asked.
Everyone started to think of what would be a fun snowtime activity. Oliver snapped his fingers as an idea came to mind. “I know of a fun activity!” He exclaimed. The taller founder got up and ran to gather some snow, forming it into a ball and putting it back on the ground gently, and started to roll it until it became a bigger ball. “My siblings and I used to do this all the time.”
“What are you making?” Lolli asked.
“A snowman.” Oliver answered.
Ribbondancer’s eyes widened, interested in what a snowman is. “Oooh! Is it going to come to life?” He asked.
“Uhh…” Oliver trailed off. “I mean there’s a song about a snowman coming to life.”
“How did they come to life? By souls?”
“W-What?” The taller founder asked, confused at what the animatronic was talking about.
Sara then went over, gave a nervous chuckle, and covered Ribbondancer’s mouth. “Oh Ribbondancer, you're such a joker.” She laughed.
“I am?” Ribbondancer asked, confused. “But I wasn’t joking.”
Sara laughed nervously again as she pulled Ribbondancer by his tail and dragged him away. Oliver looked at Lewis and Wiatt confused, but the two just shrugged.
Once Sara and Ribbondancer were away from the group, the female founder glared at the lemur animatronic. “Listen, Oliver doesn’t know about the whole thing! Please don’t mention it or even hint at it.” Sara advised.
“But he’s your best friend, shouldn’t best friends tell each other everything?” Ribbondancer asked.
Sara sighed, “it’s hard to tell Oliver.” She said, looking back at her best friend. Ribbondancer then turned to the taller founder as well.
Oliver was helping LolliPop and Cheer make the two other parts of the snowman, and giving them a thumbs up that they made the head and 2nd body a perfect size.
“Don’t want to shock him, huh?”
Sara gave a chuckle, “pretty much.”
“Well…” Ribbondancer trailed off as he tried to think. “Alright, I’ll keep it hush, hush.”
Sara sighed, “thanks.”
“No problemo, Sara!”
The female founder chuckled and the two went back to the others, who were now wondering what they should make the snowman. “Ribbondancer, you're the artistic one.” Pop spoke up.
“Do you have ideas on what we should make our snow person?” Lolli asked.
Ribbondancer looked at the snowman and started to think. “Aha!” He exclaimed. Ribbondancer then ran back inside the facility, before rushing back out with all of the arts and craft supplies. He looked at the snowman again, and then looked at his crafting supplies before using them to help create the snowman. Once Ribbondancer was done, he revealed the snowman to be a snow version of himself.
The snow Ribbondancer, had a hat similar to his made out of felt, green blush cheeks, green pipe cleaner arms, and a tail made out of a construction paper chain.
“I made a Snowdancer!” Ribbondancer beamed. “Get it, because it’s a snowman Ribbondancer!”
Starlight chuckled, “I get it darling.” He said.
“It’s very cute.” Carly said.
“Want me to make more?” Ribbondancer asked.
Starlight nodded, “do me next, darling.”
“On it!”
Ribbondancer gathered more snow and started to build a Starlight snowman, or a “Snowlight” as he called it.
“Hey guys!” Eric called out. “When your done, I made hot chocolate for all of you!”
“Hot chocolate?” The triplets exclaimed, wondering what it was.
“It’s chocolate milk, but warm and sweet.” Lewis answered.
“With marshmallows.” Sara added.
The triplets and LolliPop smiled and rushed back inside to try this hot chocolate. The founders chuckled, and decided to go inside too. Lewis stopped and turned to Wiatt, Starlight, and the other animatronics who were helping with building a Snowlight.
“Are you darlings, going to come in?” Lewis asked.
“In a bit.” Wiatt replied. “I’m going to help the animatronics with the snowman building, and then we’ll come in.”
“Alright.” Lewis then went back in as Wiatt and the others continued building the Snowlight.
Once it was finished, the Snowlight was revealed to be like a regular snowman, except the head looked like a star. Ribbondancer painted yellow and blue blush cheeks, blue and yellow pompoms on the star points, a blue scarf, and yellow and blue pipe cleaner arms.
“Aww they look cute!” Ribbondancer beamed.
“They do indeed, darling!” Starlight exclaimed. “It looks like me!”
Wiatt chuckled, “it sure does.” He said.
A blow of cold air rushed through the mechanics of the animatronics, causing them to shiver. “Burrr…we should get in before we catch a cold.” Rex said.
“Y-Yeah.” Wiatt shivered. “We can play in the snow later.” The group then started to walk back and join the others inside for hot chocolate.
“Wiatt.” Starlight said.
“Yes, Star?” Wiatt asked.
“Thank you for giving us a fun snow day.”
Wiatt smiled, “no problem.”
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Gothic Sora 🦇
Get your own personalized art in my Ko-fi shop!!
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Sending this once again. I still haven’t heard from the person
I'm in NEED of HELP
I’ve been wanting to make a post about this for a while, but due to other things going on in my life plus my anxiety I haven’t. However, I feel like now is the best time to speak out about this.
In 2023 I went to Twitchcon and met with an artist who did plushie commissions. I asked for one for a plushie of Chypre from Heartcatch Pretty Cure. I paid for it and went on with my day.
Here is the person I commissioned: https://www.instagram.com/mousealchemist/
I waited patiently until after one year since I made the payment and didn't hear anything. I messaged the artist and I ended up not getting a response only an invite sent message.
ON Instagram if you DM the person your following you CAN'T DM them again UNTIL they accept the invite!!
I'm in need of help contacting this person to get updates on my plush if they can refund me or something to update me! This is the 2nd time I asked for a plush commission and heard NOTHING! The first is with someone on here and they promised to pay me back, but didn't!
All I want is for someone to DM the person or something to get their attention to accept my DM. I have the receipt saved on my email if they need it.
I'll delete this post once I get an answer or something positive comes out of it.
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