#Transcribe Audio and Video
itmlab · 11 months
How to Transcribe Audio and Video Attachments in Gmail? - ITMlab
Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to transcribe audio and video attachments in Gmail:
Log in to your Gmail account using your username and password. Open the email with an attachment. Click Attachments in the menu on the left side of your screen. Select the audio or video file from the list of attachments and click Download. Open your browser and navigate to https://transcribeit.com/.
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Locate the email that contains the audio or video attachment you want to transcribe. Click Attachments in the menu on the left side of your screen. Select the audio or video file from the list of attachments and click Download. Open your browser and navigate to https://transcribeit.com/ Click Sign Up.
Open the email by clicking on it. If you don’t see an attachment, click on the link in the email to open. Click Attachments in the menu on the left side of your screen. Select the audio or video file from the list of attachments and click Download. Open your browser and navigate to https://transcribeit.com/ Locate the email that contains the audio or video attachment you want to transcribe. Click Attachments in the menu on the left side of your screen.
Find the attachment within the email. It may be listed as an audio or video file, such as .mp3 or .mp4. Click On the file and select “Open in” from the dropdown menu. Select “Quicktime Player” and click Open. This will open the audio or video file in QuickTime Player on your computer. Click on the play button to listen to it while you transcribe it using TranscribeIT.
Download the attachment to your computer by clicking on the download button or link provided. Open the attachment in QuickTime Player and click on File > Export. Select “Export for Transcription” from the dropdown menu and click Next. Choose a file location on your computer where you want to save the file that will be created by TranscribeIT.
Once the file is downloaded, open it using a media player software installed on your computer. Many people use QuickTime Player, which comes preinstalled on Mac OS X and Windows. Other popular options include VLC media player and iTunes.If the file is an audio recording, you can use any software that allows you to play music files such as these programs.
Play the audio or video file to ensure it is working properly and that you can hear or see the content. The file may be corrupted. If the file is a video, try playing it in VLC media player or QuickTime Player. If it’s an audio recording, try playing it in iTunes or another music player program.
While playing the file, listen or watch closely and type out the content being transcribed into a text document or any word processing software. If the file is a video, you can use the VLC media player to play the file. This program allows you to select an area in the video and pause it so that you can type out what is being said on screen. For example, if there is a TV show playing on your computer and you want to transcribe one episode into text format, simply open up VLC media player and choose File > Open File from the menu bar at the top of your screen. Then browse through your computer’s hard drive until you find.
Pause or replay the audio or video as needed to accurately capture all the words and phrases. Once you are done, simply click the red “X” in the top-right corner of your screen to close VLC. From there, open up a text editor such as Notepad and paste in what you have typed out from VLC media player. You can then save it as a document file so that you can access it later on if needed.
Keep transcribing the content until you have completed the whole audio or video file. If you are looking for a more efficient way to transcribe your audio and video files, then check out our transcription services.
Review and edit the transcribed text to ensure accuracy and clarity. Once you have completed your transcription, check it over and make sure to review it for any errors. You can do this by comparing the transcribed text with the original audio or video file. If there are any differences between what you have written and what was said, then go back and fix them up so that they match up perfectly.
For more visit: How to Transcribe Audio and Video Attachments in Gmail? - ITMlab
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formleadsfunction · 13 days
Balence/Brnucci stellar combustor arc fancam dot mp3, except I had to make a video out of it because tumblr wouldn't let me upload an audio file, presumably because it didn't appreciate my song choice
this means I had to fight with both audacity which doesn't like me very much AND a video editing software I downloaded specifically for this, please appreciate this
song: Baptized by Fire by Spinnerette | lyrics
transcript under the cut
Austin (as Jesset): You won’t even say the names of the people we lose.
Ali (as Broun): I just wanna get out. All I wanna do is go. [exhausted laugh] I don’t—care about the people here—
[song starts]
Austin (as Gucci): Why do you act like you care about me?
Ali (as Brnine): [muttering] Oh my god.
Austin (as Gucci): ‘Cause you don’t.
Ali (as Brnine): How can you say that?
Austin (as Gucci): You like the patronage. You’ve always liked the patronage.
Ali (as Broun): I don’t... wanna see another sunset ever again.
Ali (as Brnine): I’m gonna do it.
Austin (as Gucci): [muffled] No. [laughs humorlessly] Brnine.
Ali (as Brnine): We’re gonna do it.
Austin (as Gucci): No.
Ali (as Brnine): I’m gonna do it.
Austin (as Gucci): No. No.
Ali (as Brnine): I’m gonna turn the sun back on—
Austin (as Gucci): You’re gonna turn—
Ali (as Brnine): —and it’s gonna be okay, and they’re not gonna come kill you—
Austin (as Gucci): You’re gonna go turn on the sun.
Ali (as Brnine): Yeah, and people are gonna look at the sky, and know that we can do that.
Austin (as Gucci): You’re gonna go capture the Stellar Combustor.
Ali (as Brnine): Yeah. I’m gonna turn it off.
Austin (as Gucci): We can’t stop you from doing this. I can’t talk you down.
Ali (as Brnine): No.
Ali (as Brnine): Should I have ever left home?
[a beat of silence for the lyrics: Sailing into the sun / I’ll be baptized there]
Austin (as Gucci): You know, they used to put people in these bombs. The, the, the Rapid Evening. This group that used to be part of Stel Kesh, they were like, um—they were like space police? And they would put two people wherever they thought there might be so much trouble that they’d have to blow the whole thing up. And there’d be someone who was holding the detonator, and there’d be somebody else who was the bomb. They had roles, they were in contact, they had intense trust. One person was there to get as much information as they could about what the situation was. One person was there to take action on the ground when they could help keep things from needing to be exploded. Primary and Satellite.
And, I, it’s stupid, but—[laughs softly] when I first started learning about this place, I got it in my head that you and me were like a Primary and a Satellite, the person who could like, be on the ground and get things done, and the person who could see everything. [seething] And I’d excised the bomb from the equation. But here we are, and you’re gonna go climb into the bomb.
Ali (as Brnine): I don’t doubt that you care about me. That’s why I don’t ask.
Austin (as Gucci): [strained, soft] I’m going to hold my breath. Like I always do with you.
[a beat of silence for the lyrics: I’ll be sailing on / I’m gone, I’m gone / I’ll be sailing on / I’m going into the sun]
Austin (narrating): And you hear it from Phrygian, the Stellar Combustor as a thing has been shut down in the Divine Principality.
Ali (as Brnine): We have to… we have to let them know that we’re the ones who bloodied their noses.
Austin (as Gucci): Twice.
Ali (as Brnine): Yeah.
Austin (as Gucci): Bloodied their noses? You cut off their heads.
Austin (narrating): The knife goes in.
Austin (as Gucci): I didn’t know we could cut their heads off.
[a beat of silence for the lyrics: Compass needle breaks / Like the heart I gave to you]
Ali (as Brnine): It’s been five years. And… I’ve spent my time feeling bad about it. [holding back tears] I think if Valence saw me now, part of them would be proud of me, and I’m happy enough with that.
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meddwlyngymraeg · 2 months
If anyone wants any listening practise or to just appreciate some cool Welsh rap, Sage Todz is on IG dropping bars (with transcripts) so have fun! Also Todz is so cool.
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rjalker · 20 days
tumblr won't let me directly upload the video so here you go. It's also on the Internet Archive. Also, all the frames are there too, so you can edit them and make a continuation or your own version.
this is the version that's not actually accurate to the book. I wasn't even supposed to be making an animation but I got carried away.
the volume is a bit quieter than it should be since I forgot I have to have the microphone right in front of me.
[Video description start: A short video animation based on Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions, with built in subtitles and a voiceover from a single person, showing the narrator of the book, drawn as an orange and gold square, interacting with the King of Lineland.
At the top of the screen is a long grey rectangle, with two black lines representing Linelanders on either side, each with a white eye on their points. At the bottom of the screen is a box labeled, "The King's View", which starts out filled in with light grey, marching the eye on the smaller line across from the king.
The line on the right is longer to represent the King, and the Square stands below him on the screen, demanding, "Hey, Woman! What's wth this weird line you're all standing in?".
The two lines visible think to themselves in parenthesis, "(I thought I heard something...)" "(Huh?)".
The narrator demands again, "Woman! Why do you ignore me? Answer my question!".
The King wonders to himself, "(What is that weird sound??)".
The narrator snaps, "Answer me when I speak to you, woman!".
The King things, "(Okay I know I heard something that time!)".
"Ugh! Unbelievable!" the narrator says in anger, "I'll show her to ignore me!" He moves forward and puts his face in front of the King's, saying, with sarcastic annoyance, "Excuse me!".
At the bottom of the screen, the box showing the King's view is now the same gold as the narrator's outline.
The Linelanders exclaim, "Woah," and "Agh!".
The narrator demands, "What are you all doing standing in a line like this, woman? I've asked three times!".
The King responds, "I'm not a woman! I'm the King! And where the crap did you come from?".
The narrator says, "I'm sorry for mistaking you for a woman, Your Majesty, but you didn't answer my question. Why are you all standing in a line like this?".
"Nevermind that," the King says, "Where did you come from?".
The narrator replies, condescendingly, "From the side, obviously.".
The king replies, "You didn't come from the side, you're not my neighbor!".
"Not in front of you, I came from your other side. Your South side.". The Narrator says.
"South? What does that mean?" the King asks.
"You know, South! You're facing East, I came from your South.".
The king says, "I'm facing East and West. You didn't come from the West.".
"South doesn't mean West, it means South.".
"Then what does South mean?".
"What do you mean you don't know what South means? Just turn and look!"
"Turn? What does this mean?".
"You don't even know what turning is?? Okay, look, watch, I'll demonstrate which way South is.". The narrator moves over to the side, closer to the center of the screen, saying, "Let me move over first so I don't hit you by accident.". When he is in the center of the screen, so that his sides won't hit the king he says, "Okay, are you watching?".
"Yes..." the King says skeptically.
The narrator moves forward a little, towards the top of the screen, saying, "I Nove north...". Then he starts to move backward, saying, "And...I move South." As he says this, he moves backwards out of Lineland entirely. The box at the bottom turns grey again as the narrator is no longer in the King's line of sight. The narrator says, "See?".
The King demands, "See what? you've disappeared!".
The narrator says, "I moved South. You saw, didn't you?".
The king replies, "You didn't move at all! You're using some kind of trick to hide! You are a liar!"
The narrator pushes himself back into Lineland to say, "I'm not a liar! You're just too One Dimensional to see all of me at once!".
The kind exclaims, "Of course I'm One Dimensional, there is only One Dimension!".
"No, there's two!". the narrator says.
"Then prove it!" says the King.
"I already did!".
"You didn't do anything! Stop talking nonsense or leave my Kingdom!".
"Make me why don't you!" the narrator shouts back.
The King shouts, "Maybe I will! Men! Charge!"
The King and his neighbor behin to rush towards the narrator, with other lines followin them. The narrator says quietly just a moment before being hit, "Oh crap.".
The screen goes black, the voicover says, "Boom", and two white stars slowly expand and then contract again to show the narrator being hit by the Linelanders.
When the stars fade, we see the narrator asleep in his bed, which is a purple cushion with arms wrapped around him to cover all but one of his points.
An exclamation mark appears over his head as he wakes up in alarm, then bursts out of bed, shouting, "Aagh!" in shock.
Then he spins in place, saying, "Huh? Wha?" then he subsides, sinking down sligtly towards the bed again, saying, "...huh...I guess it was just a dream..."
He sinks back into the bed and pulls one of the blanket sections over him, saying, "I'm going back to bed..." then pulls the other blanket half over, saying, "That was weird...".
The video ends. End of video description.]
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piovascosimo · 1 year
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int: did you always recognize the potential in each other, i always think that is kind of one of the key parts of a friendship, when you can recognize different strengths in each other that you admire? damon: he was basically one of the only people who would like, fuck with me, - to use a... i'd have not really used that sort of word - yeah, i was just a real oddball of a sort. bullied a lot, for doing things slightly differently and graham was much more sort of conventional, in the context that his parents lived just behind the school, he actually lived there, he'd gone to primary school there, which makes a big difference when you go to secondary school, when you just come out of nowhere into that, and all of these sort of relationships were kind of formed already. and the first summer i got to essex for some reason, i did that one year at primary school there, and i did this thing the 1st or 2nd day that i was there, i kind of ate a ladybird at break and then it was like, 'oi! new boy, eat another ladybird!'. that was the beginning of it, things might have been very different if i hadn't eaten that ladybird, i imagine. i've never eaten a ladybird since... i was just showing off, i had a problem, i used to show off a lot, it jarred with people, understandably. because i came from leytonstone, i was an urban kid i wasn't a country kid. ...and i had a violin, my dad drove a lada. int: right. but graham saw these as strengths, i think, and thought 'this is my kind of guy...'
damon: we just got on brilliantly, you know, best friends. for the whole time we were in school. and there was this portakabin outside the music and art block, and we were allowed to go in there and play, it had a piano and keyboard, and graham had a saxophone and drums, we used to play music.
damon talking to the tape notes podcast.
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qdappers · 1 year
quackitys excitement that he could possibly get a kiss from foolish and the lil response of "not yet"
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immortaltale · 1 year
pep: jurgen! klopp: they told me the last, the last question and then [inaudible] ten minutes pep: how's- how's your family? klopp: see you in six days pep: where's your family? [inaudible] pep: they have quality klopp: i told, i told- pep: we are rich people *laughs* klopp: i know, i know, i told her don't do it but she was against united, she was in the crowd pep: okay klopp: and got an elbow pep: yeah klopp: and now she wanted to go there pep: oh yeah klopp: but then the security, huh, and another guy *laughs* pep: bodyguard? klopp: yeah yeah yeah
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sneakyboymerlin · 2 years
Happy Holidays from Merlin and Arthur!
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engagemythrusters · 9 months
[Video description: an instagram reel of a video call between two women and a man. The two women are from Israel. Only one woman does the talking. What they say is being captioned over the video between them (though not entirely accurate). Audio transcription: Woman: People in Gaza need to die! Man, serious: Is that seriously what you think? Woman: I am--I am kill two people Palestinia. Man: I don't believe you did that. Woman: I am in the army. In Israel. Man: Are you actually in the army? Woman: Yes! I--I am in the army, and I (mimics shooting someone, miming with finger guns) boom boom! Two people! Man: Two Palestinians? Woman, emphatic: Yes. Man: And you're happy about it? Woman, excitedly: Yes! Of course! I want to kill more, more more more! Man: The world's going to see your actions. End video description.]
If anyone knows these people, please feel free to expound on that!
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cinderpaw11 · 7 months
Okay I'm finally getting around to posting the chatot time stuff! Enjoy the chaos! And thanks Zop for working with my team to make these possible ⚡
{bzzrt} of course! {bzzrt}
[a series of. Very blurry pictures. About a third of them have half of a Pokemon's face in them, way too close to the camera. There are actually a couple of gems in the photo dump, however. One shot is of Rian in the light of the window, spreading their wings as a chatot. Another has Toto and Baby sleeping on a bean bag while chatot-form Rian perches on Baby's head, looking down at them curiously. There is exactly one high quality selfie, taken by Lily somewhere outside of their apartment, but it's somewhat ruined by Ember's snout inelegantly protruding behind her. There are several photos that are clearly an attempt at a selfie, featuring Finny, but the angle is incredibly unflattering (or extremely funny, depending on who you ask). The last one a group photo, taken by Zop, with everyone crowded under a tree at the local park.]
[a short video showing chatot-form Rian testing out their new ability to whistle. Blimp is whistling a harmony, floating beside them. The song sounds familiar - it's probably a meme.]
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thislovintime · 2 years
Audio from Peter’s interview with NPR.
Peter Tork at a Chicago radio station on October 26, 1983. Photos by Paul Natkin/Getty Images.
Q: “Where have you been doing most of your performing?” Peter Tork: “The New York area these days, mostly. I went to southern Canada, southern Ontario to do a few shows, I’ve been to Boston, I’ve been upstate New York, and I did Pittsburgh a couple, about a year ago, I guess. You know, I operate out of New York basically because you can’t operate out of L.A. You cannot make a living as an entertainer operating out of L.A. Not that I make such a great living operating as an entertainer out of New York, but at least there’s a sense of whatever level I’m on, I can go to the next level and operate on that level for a while. In L.A., you either have to make it or you die. That’s it: you’re either making it or you’re dead. And once somebody has been to the top and come away, you don’t, as far as I see, get much of a second chance in L.A. I tried to knock around as a character, comic character actor for a while, and I got people to... ‘Hi, you know, it’s good to see ya,’ and they laughed at my jokes, and then they never invited me back.” - Peter Tork, NPR, June 3, 1983
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velveteen-vampire · 1 year
the closed captions of your youtube video are not the place to revise your script
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madseance · 2 years
The West Wing, "Take This Sabbath Day"
[ID: A scene in the Oval Office, in the evening; the room is softly lit by wall sconces and ambient light through the windows behind the desk. President Bartlet (Martin Sheen), dressed casually in a sweater and slacks, is sitting at his desk in a relaxed posture, a memo pad propped up on his knee. Standing in front of the desk is Toby Ziegler (Richard Schiff), also casually dressed, hands in his pockets. Both their postures and facial expressions are non-confrontational; Bartlet listens attentively while Toby speaks. Toby intermittently fiddles with something on the desk, but makes eye contact particularly when he comes to a point. At the end of the scene, after Toby says "It should be," the two men regard each other in thoughtful silence until the end of the clip. END ID]
BARTLET: What do you need?
TOBY: I had a strange experience this weekend. One of the PDs on the Cruz case, I guess trying the things you do when you're desperate... he went and spoke to my rabbi.
BARTLET: Jewish law doesn't prohibit—
TOBY: I know.
BARTLET: The commandment does not say, "Thou shalt not kill." It says, "Thou shalt not murder."
TOBY: I know. But the fact is that even 2000 years ago, the rabbis of the Talmud couldn't… stomach it. I mean, they weren't about to rewrite the Torah, but they came up with another way. They came up with legal restrictions which make our criminal justice system look... They made it impossible for the state… to punish someone by killing them.
BARTLET: We make it very hard to kill anybody in this country, Toby.
TOBY: It should be impossible.
BARLET: But it's not.
TOBY: But it should be.
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rjalker · 16 days
okay. lets try this again.
[ID: A short video animation titled, "Flatland animation: Up, up, and away!". The title card shows a light green circle partly below a grey line, with a smaller black line on the right side, and a longer black line on the left side. The voiceover for the animation says, "Key for the animation: The narrator, shoving forward", for the longer black line, "the wall," for the shorter line, and "The Sphere, partly trapped below Flatland." The labels are all on the screen as well. The voice-over accidentally reads the words "trapped partly" backwards in the narration.
The animation begins, with the longer black like for the narrator shouting, "Help! Help! Murderer! Thief! Help!" while he has the sphere pinned under the wall.
The Sphere struggles to free themselves, exclaiming, "Let - Let me go!"
The narrator continues to shout, "Help help help!"
The Sphere says, "Let me go, or I'll have to take you with me!"
The narrator responds, "Never! You'll pay for what you've done!"
"Very well then, you give me no choice!" the Sphere says. They lower themselves further below Flatland for a moment, and then surge upward diagonally, lifting the narrator by his edge and carrying him up into the sky and out of frame.
A few moments later another line enters the room, calling, "Raymond? Raymond where are you?" She comes into the room, then turns around, asking herself, "Where did he go…?" before leaving again.
When she is gone, the camera begins to move upwards, with the grey line and wall lowering towards the bottom of the screen. The once pure white background becomes very light grey, then pale purple, then keeps increasing in darkness and saturation until it is a deep, royal purple.
A pale green circle appears at the top of the screen as the camera continues to rise, along with a pale green square.
The camera begins to rotate above the two shapes while still moving upward, the circle always staying the same shape, but the square growing narrower and narrower until he is once again a black line.
Below them, a grey plane spreads out, until we are directly above all of them, looking down on the Sphere and square as they look down at Flatland, which is covered in rows of pentagonal houses, with a larger building with tiny people in the form of pixels streaming out.
The Sphere asks, "Now do you believe me?"
The narrator says simply, "Oh.".
The video ends. End ID.]
also on the Internet Archive, where you can download and watch the video, or download the frames, which you can then edit your own versions of the characters into to make your own animation :)
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reinemichele · 7 months
Translation here
You’ll turn around and look at me someday Even though you love some other woman My sinful wish: Love, love me do No, no, no The cold, blue silence Keeps watch over our forbidden romance My feelings for you continue to grow. They fly to your night Ah… If you were to pant against my chest My dreams, my reality, my illusions Would all come true. Fly to your night I feel it so strongly it hurts No matter how many tears I shed I like you more than anybody else. Love, love me do No, no, no (We're just lying here; you care for someone else Love me, love me do 'Cause I can tell you're playing with me You're the one who's telling me There's nothing you can do, you can do Goodbye; wait and see Wait and see, sooner or later You will find my love is Something you really can't live without)
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ecango-blog · 8 months
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Navigate the landscape of transcription tools with care! When choosing the right tool for your needs, consider factors like accuracy, ease of use, and customization options. The key to seamless transcription lies in thoughtful consideration. For a top-notch solution, explore the capabilities of Ecango at the forefront of transcription excellence. #TranscriptionTools #Consideration #Ecango
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