#Tough Times
study-diaries · 7 months
Things I do instead of studying...
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Think about studying
Worry about not studying
Lay in bed doing nothing
Chat with friends
Have slight mental breakdowns because of studying
Wondering why i don't have time to study
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macrolit · 1 year
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We should always remember this. 
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polluteme · 2 years
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coffeeman777 · 9 days
Dr. James White on anxiety:
"Anxiety. Worry. I will confess, it is a besetting sin. I am not sure why. Maybe I picked it up from my parents, not because they expressed it to me, but because I was astute enough to recognize how difficult their lives were. How little we had, and how hard they worked just to get by.
"Yes, it is a sin. In fact, think about this: our Lord invested a pretty hefty section of the Sermon on the Mount in warning us about the foolishness of the sin of worry (Matthew 6:25-34). He concludes that section, “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” And Paul echoed his Lord’s command, “Be anxious for nothing” (Phil. 4:6). There are few topics more cut and dried: anxiety is not to be a part of the Christian’s daily experience.
"But…it is, at least for some of us. Not just the anxiety of the regular pressures of life, but in this present day, the anxiety of the direction of the entire world, embracing the rebellion of the day like a virus of the mind, rushing toward self-destruction, or, at least it seems so to us.
"The root of anxiety is distrust: we have “small faith” in God, little faith in His promises, or even His ability to carry out those promises! Do we have example after example in Scripture and in church history of those before us pressing on in faith, trusting God, and finding Him faithful? Of course! But oh how the pressure of the moment can make us forgetful and anxious! In my own life I have seen God’s faithfulness over and over and over again. Amazing, isn’t it, that we can experience God’s faithfulness and in such a short time fall into doubt and distrust? Why do our memories focus on the negative, and do not dwell on the positive? [Suggestion: because we do not cultivate, or, at least I do not cultivate nearly enough, the Christian virtue of thanksgiving. Spending time each day giving true, heart-felt thanks to God for all He has done for us is, I know, the greatest antidote for anxiety].
"I know we will all face reasons for anxiety today. For me, I will surely seek to keep my Lord’s words in mind, and pray for the peace which passes all understanding, which He can provide in abundance."
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flesheatingh0st · 2 years
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greensolsikke · 10 months
I'm afraid to wash em together - they might touch and charge 40$ for it 😨🤣
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ae-cha08 · 3 months
God acknowledges that we may experience seasons of great abundance or great loss. We can experience great joy or great pain. But the beautiful thing of all is this:
None of these seasons or experiences is wasted; God can use everything we experience and make it beautiful. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)
No matter what season you're in; whether it is lack or abundance, remember that God is with you. He loves you and everything you experience is meant to grow you closer to Him.
Cling tight to Him, whatever your season. There is a time for everything.
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positivelypositive · 1 year
...all you can do is lay low and let things happen as they do.
that's okay. it doesn't make you weak or lazy. it's simply a way to cope because in those times, even letting yourself exist can seem too tiring.
let yourself be. it's enough. you're enough ✨
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jilychallenge · 9 months
January Jily Challenge
Theme: Love in tough times...
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I like you and you like me, easy as one, two, three... except for when it isn't. When times get tough, where does that leave us? How do you choose between a rock and a hard place? How deep is your love? Will the heart truly go on... After all the fluff of December, January is here for all the angst (or if you prefer, all the angst to fluff. We love both so in the end... it IS your party!) To sign up:
please reblog this post by the 31 of December tagging with what you'd like to make (for example #one-shot, #writing, #art, #drawing, #mood board, #playlist etc. You can be as vague as or specific as you like)
At the beginning of the month, we will assign you a partner and you will receive your prompt (here or on JilyChallenge Discord). Keep an eye on this blog or Discord and please check your messages on Tumblr.
Each creator makes their own creation, collabs are encouraged but not the aim of this challenge.
(optional) please follow the jilychallenge Tumblrblog for updates.
(optional) join the Jily Challenge on Discord (send an ask for an invite) for beta help, chatting and mental support.
when posting: 
creators should try to post their entries by the end of the month (What to do when you miss the deadline?)
please tag your partner and the jilychallenge in your post (including the theme and your prompt, if possible)
we will reblog all entries tagged #jilychallenge
if you post your art or story on ao3, please add it to the collection of Jily Challenges 2024
If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to send us a message or ask! If you have an idea for a theme for an upcoming month we'd love to hear it!
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brandyschillace · 3 months
“Some Advice on How to Cope in These Tough Times”
Great cartoon from Tom Gauld of @myjetpack… circa 2012 and still highly relevant
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(Found on https://www.theguardian.com/books/cartoon/2012/jul/20/cartoonist-worldview-tom-gauld)
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waitingforlostsouls · 1 month
We Know What Happened
People like perfect victims, But we know there's no such thing. Society likes pretty pictures, And this is only shades of ugly. But we know what happened, We don't believe their lies. We know what happened— You and I. And they'll try to say it didn't, Because they don't want to face their shame. They've caused a lot of hurt, But they're too weak to take the blame. You don't need to take it on, It's not yours to claim. They'll pick it up one day when they're ready, But right now, we know it's just the same. We know what happened— You and me. But I'll tell you something To make you think: We know what happened, and life was our witness, And maybe it's really crap right now, But it has much to offer as far as richness. You don't need to scream at night, Begging for the truth. I know you want it, Know it wants you. But what's meant to be will be, And life must have its balance. Right now it's off kilter, But don't show it any malice. Dirty little secrets have their way of coming to light, So take your break to rest now, Know you don't have to endlessly fight.
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scorpsik · 5 months
Tough times
This is my black belt. After 34 years I am hanging it up. I'm very proud to have got over 100 of my students to black belt and beyond in that time, + stopping has been a hard decision.
I feel very sad that my students will lose their club, but financially, we can't keep it on. It will be a big lifestyle change to stop, but this thing I loved began to feel like an abusive relationship. My instructor is all about the money and not the students. I can't reconcile what feels like ripping people off. He wants big clubs bringing in money, not little village ones. I cannot be that person and still sleep at night.
Teaching is the only thing I've ever felt that I was any good at
I tell my students tomorrow. Stopping is the right thing - my principles are important. Its the only thing I've ever been good at. I've been 'Sensei' for 30 years and am feeling a little lost now. I don't quite know who I am without that. If anyone can help with that, please do.
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
it's gonna be so difficult to hate Alan. how am I supposed to be neutral about him 😩 its hard being a First K. stan these days.
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floating-ocean · 6 months
Imagine being on someone's mind...
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ae-cha08 · 17 days
Sometimes God will let us be uncomfortable for a dark, difficult period so He can bless us later on. He’ll close a door, which we don’t like, but later on He’ll open a bigger door. God is not as concerned about our comfort as He is about our purpose.
There are times when He will shake things up to force us to change. His goal is not to make our life miserable; He’s pushing us into our purpose. ✨️
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serenityquest · 6 months
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