#Tonks x Remus
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thinking about them
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coffeelixir · 10 months
Me saying i love remadora (possibly even over wolfstar)
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From the new illustrated Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
I am in LOVE 💖
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hpseeker99 · 6 months
Tonks: Make no mistake. Not only am I party rocking, but I am also in the house tonight. Harry: But are you shuffling? Tonks: Everyday. Kingsley: What language are you two speaking??
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remadorafest · 1 year
Mark your calendars: REMADORA FEST COMING JANUARY 2024!
Though the poll results favored March, @remuslupinfest begins posting in March. It'll be best for creators to have enough time for both fests, so we're going first in January. If you are a writer/creator and plan to contribute to Remadora fest, please consider writing for Remus Lupin Fest as well! Pros include more Remus and Remadora goodness. Cons: nonexistent.
This will be the timeline for the Remadora Fest:
Prompting: opens 25 September and closes 25 October
Claiming: begins 31 October
Works due: 31 December
Posting: begins 3 January 2024
Under the cut you'll find guidelines on what the fest is looking for.
Fics must be a minimum of 1000 words. All ratings permitted. If/when there are more mature topics, content warnings are a must.
All visual art is accepted, with the exception of AI generated images. No AI artwork or writing is permitted.
All works for the fest must be new and must be able to stand alone. You can add sequels or prequels as you see fit, but the work itself must be able to stand as its own entity.
The works must be centered on Remus and Tonks's relationship. It can be told from others' perspectives but Remadora must be endgame. E.g. if you are planning to write a Remadora break-up fic, this may not be the fest for you.
This will be an anonymous fest. Works will be posted anonymously at first and author reveals will come at the end of the fest.
AUs are permitted. As long as Remadora is endgame and central to the work, you can shape the world as you see fit. (Ex: you can genderbend the characters, you can have Remus and Tonks be the same age, make it a Muggle AU, etc.)
This fest should be a welcoming space for everyone. The following will not be tolerated: bashing, harassment, bigotry, misogyny, transphobia, racism, and/or hate speech. Be kind.
If you have a question, send an ask.
We're looking forward to a smashing time! Please reblog and share!
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starandstorm · 7 days
in my head, jegulus have mariela (my oc jegulus’ daughter) relatively young, so i’m just imagining teenage mariela coming over and babysitting little teddy. she teaches him how to sign (she’s nonverbal) and he always makes his hair color match hers so he can trick everyone into believing they’re related (no one buys it). they cause Chaos, and in all honesty, mariela shouldn’t be in charge of children💀, but remus and tonks let her because she’s the only one other than the two of them who can calm teddy down and get him to sleep.
her stories about their parents are teddy’s favorite. he doesn’t always catch the endings since he drifts off and doesn’t see her sign them, but she finishes them every time.
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Day 31 of @remadoramicrofics - Make it Spooky
While Remus was washing up from Dinner, he heard the tale-tell snap of apparition. He wasn’t expecting any visitors; very few knew he owned this cabin and even fewer knew its location. Really, there were only two other people…well, he supposed now there was only one other person. Remus grabbed his wand, never straying far from it as of late, and approached the front door. One of the only…well, not advantages, but one of the only effects of his Lycanthropy that he didn’t consider a negative were his heightened senses.
Now, though, he couldn't hear anyone on the front stoop. Wand at the ready, he eased the door open but was put off by the empty mat that greeted him. His stomach twisted with unease. If it was Nymphadora, she would have immediately knocked or, more likely, walked in and announced her presence. 
He clutched his wand tighter as he closed the door and stood in the foyer for a moment, calculating his next move. He could sweep the house, just to be safe, but the intruder may expect that, giving them the upper hand. He settled on returning to the kitchen under the guise of dismissing the noise but kept his wand firmly in his hand.
As he turned around, he damn near jumped out of his skin. There, in the archway between the living room and the kitchen, Nymphadroa Tonks stood with a smirk. “Wotcher, Remus.”
Before he could process the visage before him or his own actions, he had her pinned to the wall, wand under her chin. “What did Nymphadora say to me outside the Yaxley manor?”
“That Sirius was charming,” she said easily. Her mouth ticked up in a half-smirk he’d become familiar with before adding, “and that you’d know perfectly well who I’ve fallen for, if you weren’t too busy feeling sorry for yourself to notice.”
He quickly withdrew his wand. “So sorry, I heard the –”
“Did I spook you?” She asked excitedly.
“Was it a little spooky?” she asked. “Hearing the noise but not finding anyone?”
“I suppose, you know, there is a war going on and –” she cut him off with a quick kiss pressed to his lips and he remembered just how close they were. He let one hand caress her cheek while the other settled on her hip, holding her firmly in place.
“I told Moody," she gasped as they parted, "that I’d never managed to get the drop on you, no matter how stealthy I was. He said I needed to block my pheromones and create a diversion. Said it’d still be an uphill battle, but that he’d buy lunch if I managed to do it.” She grinned up at him. “I’d say I did, how about you?”
“You went through all that trouble to…spook me?” he asked curious, finally stepping back and heading for the kitchen.
“I just wanted to prove I could do it,” she explained as she followed him, stumbling over the table leg as she sat at the small dining nook. “And see what you looked like spooked,” she added, a more devious grin on her face.
“Well, how did I look?” he asked with his own grin as he leaned against the counter and dried the dishes.
“Well, when you had me pinned up against the wall, you looked rather hot.” Remus felt his ears burn at her words. 
Remus cleared his throat. “And to what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Well, first, I had to prove I could do it,” she said, “but more importantly, I’m off tomorrow and I know that you don't have any Order Obligations, so…”
He looked at her as he rounded the table. “So, now that you’ve done it, what is your plan?” he asked lowly.
She stood up, pressing into his space, and grinned up at him. “Figure you might need a cuddle after that spook. Settle your nerves, you know?”
He laughed as he wrapped her in his arms. “Might need a cuddle?” he repeated.
“It probably got your heart racing,” she said with a resolute nod. She pressed a hand to his chest before reaching up on her tiptoes and pressing her lips to his pulse point.
He sighed and let his head tip back. She pressed up the column of his throat, nipping gently. Remus waited until she pulled him into a deep kiss before he suddenly grabbed her around the waist, hefting her up. She gasped as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Remus drew back and whispered, “Did I spook you?”
She smirked at him as she threaded her fingers into his hair and pressed their foreheads together. “Never,” she said defiantly.
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Here it is
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nerdyduckrants · 1 year
I wanna write Remadora again....
So I am....
I'm writing a new story about the first time they meet and it's my favorite kind of story, a hurt/comfort story. I also think Lupin was very intrigued by Tonks from the moment they meet - opposites attract and all!
what do we think so far??
"It's not that big of a deal," she protested. Her pale face said otherwise and both men gave her a look. Then Remus realized he had no idea who she was. "Ah, Moody," he started to say, knowing full well Alastor Moody would never bring someone into the Order headquarters without good reason. "This is Nymphadora Tonks, my partner and protege." Moody sounded proud and worried. "Don't call me Nymphadora." His partner said from the couch, where she had decided the cushions were the most comfortable things in the world and she didn't intend to get up for a very long time.
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thinking about my remadora. thinking about how remus survived horrific abuse, stayed with his parents in essex to get back on his feet, and in his attempt to heal, stumbled upon a café with a pink-haired barista who made the perfect london fog. thinking about how tonks is an aspiring artist who draws the strange, scarred man that comes into the place every day, under the impression that he’s writing a novel when he’s actually going through the motions of trauma-processing journaling recommended by his therapist.
thinking about how tonks is more connected to his past than remus thinks. how he briefly wants to run, but she proves him wrong. she breaks the cycle of violence he’s known all his life. she shows him that he is worthy of love.
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Remus : *hands Tonks a bottle
Tonks : Huh? What’s this for?
Remus : Sirius said something about you being thirsty around me.
Tonks :
Tonks : Well, its not for water
Kingsley : *chokes on water
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prospering-orchid · 2 years
Tonks - *staring intensely at remus's chest*
Remus - what's wrong?
Tonks - your shirt.
Remus(looking down at his shirt) - what of it?
Tonks - it's still on you.
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Someone Else's Life is complete! 7/7 chapters, almost 22k words, and a happily ever after for our protagonists.
Read and enjoy!
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ladiesofhpfest · 1 year
Chewing Gum by Asenora
Our third fic is here! Chewing Gum by @saintsenara!
Summary: An Auror walks into a bar, and misses a werewolf.
No, this isn't a joke. It's Nymphadora Tonks' bloody life at the minute.
What's to love: A cheeky, first and second person POV tale of Tonks missing Remus during HBP. It's intimate, like she's talking to you, and bearing her miserable but still funny soul. A particularly funny set of lines:
You know, Remus doesn’t look like he’d be all that wild in the bedroom. But he delivered the goods, if you know what I mean. Multiple deliveries, in fact.
Our girl's still got that humor, even when she's single. 😉
Thanks Asenora/saintsenara!
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remadorafest · 9 months
Today is the first official day of Remadora Fest! We'll be posting one fic a day, Monday-Friday, for the next two weeks! Today, we kick-off with a fic titled "Two Steps Forward, One Step Back." (Also: for authors, feel free to change the posting date on your fic so it's showing as most recently updated!)
All fics will remain anonymous until the fest is over - and then we'll have a big reveal! So please join us in reading our first fic of Remadora Fest 2024!
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back
Summary: After Sirius's passing through the veil, Nymphadora Tonks steps up to assist Remus Lupin with his monthly transformations at Grimmauld Place.
Rating: G
Word Count: 2727
The first thing she heard after lifting the charm was snuffling. It dawned on her that it was Remus and she wondered if he could smell her. Almost immediately, though, the noise was replaced by a sharp whine. For a second, she worried it was directed at her and debated going to the door, but stayed frozen in place as it rapidly developed into a howl. She debated casting another silencing charm but was frozen in place. 
As she sat there, tears filling her eyes, the howls changed, not easily or fluidly, but they became reminiscent of screams. Then there were screams. Terrible, blood-curdling screams that rivaled anything she had ever heard. Abruptly, all of the noise stopped.
Tonks was at the door in an instant, pounding heavily on it. She tried to lift the charms and defenses, but most of them stayed firmly in place. “Remus Lupin, let me in,” she snapped. Leave it to him to charm the door so she couldn’t open it. “If you don’t open this door, I’m blowing it off its hinges.” What was he doing in there, casting cleaning charms? She thought angrily. A more likely answer, in her mind, was that he was unconscious, perhaps gravely hurt, and she couldn’t help him.
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evesaintyves · 1 year
hi y'all i finished this lil multichapter fic
perimeter walks
15k | M | Lupin/Tonks | canon compliant | complete | a 9-chapter vignette series, set during Deathly Hallows, about the Lupin family's last days in hiding at Lupin's cottage before the end of the war | cw for character death, sex, violence, childbirth |image by me
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excerpt under the cut
Remus forgot his gloves, so by the time he was done reweaving the spiderweb of wards between the skeleton-hands of the trees and the slouching chain-link fence and the spongy rotted-out eaves of the cottage, the joints of his wand hand were so stiff he struggled with the buttons on his old corduroy coat when he got back in the house. "C'mere," Dora said, better today and sprawled over half the sofa with a bowl of chicken stew balanced on her belly. She had a long red scratch down her forearm, weeping the tiniest droplet of blood at its end. She was always scratched or bruised somewhere; it didn't even worry him anymore. He went to her with half his buttons undone and she undid the rest with a smirky curve on her lips. A little dotted line of stew drips were drying down the front of her shirt. The way he loved her in that moment was like sinking into a hot bath: capillaries dilating, his heartbeat slowing to a walk, the muscles in his neck and stomach—always knotted tight with worry these days—starting to unclench themselves. He bent at the waist to press his nose into the clean green-apple scent of her hair. It was still the pale baby-pink she'd turned it days ago, when they'd reassembled the chipped and rickety old crib Arthur had brought over, and debated what colour to paint it. She had oddly forceful opinions about colours: she could discern between shades that looked identical to him, and could put a name to every subtly-different hue of pink: dusty-rose, cerise, taffy . "The baby likes my chicken stew, does it?" Remus murmured to her scalp. He'd almost said he - Molly was certain it was going to be a boy, and the idea had stuck in Remus's mind for reasons he couldn't quite articulate. Tonks tilted her head back and softly nipped the tip of his nose with her teeth. "Well, it hasn't tried to send it back yet." "Mm. You've got a scratch on your arm." She frowned and twisted her wrist around to look. "Huh." "You don't know how you got it?" She rolled her eyes. "Pfft. I never know." She handed Remus her half-empty bowl and he took it to the kitchen and scraped it into the sink. 
if you enjoy this story please check out @broomsticks' piece, Stay, a Remadora drabble which I consider a companion to this work ❤️
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