#And tonks finds it endearing because it is so entirely Remus
Day 31 of @remadoramicrofics - Make it Spooky
While Remus was washing up from Dinner, he heard the tale-tell snap of apparition. He wasn’t expecting any visitors; very few knew he owned this cabin and even fewer knew its location. Really, there were only two other people…well, he supposed now there was only one other person. Remus grabbed his wand, never straying far from it as of late, and approached the front door. One of the only…well, not advantages, but one of the only effects of his Lycanthropy that he didn’t consider a negative were his heightened senses.
Now, though, he couldn't hear anyone on the front stoop. Wand at the ready, he eased the door open but was put off by the empty mat that greeted him. His stomach twisted with unease. If it was Nymphadora, she would have immediately knocked or, more likely, walked in and announced her presence. 
He clutched his wand tighter as he closed the door and stood in the foyer for a moment, calculating his next move. He could sweep the house, just to be safe, but the intruder may expect that, giving them the upper hand. He settled on returning to the kitchen under the guise of dismissing the noise but kept his wand firmly in his hand.
As he turned around, he damn near jumped out of his skin. There, in the archway between the living room and the kitchen, Nymphadroa Tonks stood with a smirk. “Wotcher, Remus.”
Before he could process the visage before him or his own actions, he had her pinned to the wall, wand under her chin. “What did Nymphadora say to me outside the Yaxley manor?”
“That Sirius was charming,” she said easily. Her mouth ticked up in a half-smirk he’d become familiar with before adding, “and that you’d know perfectly well who I’ve fallen for, if you weren’t too busy feeling sorry for yourself to notice.”
He quickly withdrew his wand. “So sorry, I heard the –”
“Did I spook you?” She asked excitedly.
“Was it a little spooky?” she asked. “Hearing the noise but not finding anyone?”
“I suppose, you know, there is a war going on and –” she cut him off with a quick kiss pressed to his lips and he remembered just how close they were. He let one hand caress her cheek while the other settled on her hip, holding her firmly in place.
“I told Moody," she gasped as they parted, "that I’d never managed to get the drop on you, no matter how stealthy I was. He said I needed to block my pheromones and create a diversion. Said it’d still be an uphill battle, but that he’d buy lunch if I managed to do it.” She grinned up at him. “I’d say I did, how about you?”
“You went through all that trouble to…spook me?” he asked curious, finally stepping back and heading for the kitchen.
“I just wanted to prove I could do it,” she explained as she followed him, stumbling over the table leg as she sat at the small dining nook. “And see what you looked like spooked,” she added, a more devious grin on her face.
“Well, how did I look?” he asked with his own grin as he leaned against the counter and dried the dishes.
“Well, when you had me pinned up against the wall, you looked rather hot.” Remus felt his ears burn at her words. 
Remus cleared his throat. “And to what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Well, first, I had to prove I could do it,” she said, “but more importantly, I’m off tomorrow and I know that you don't have any Order Obligations, so…”
He looked at her as he rounded the table. “So, now that you’ve done it, what is your plan?” he asked lowly.
She stood up, pressing into his space, and grinned up at him. “Figure you might need a cuddle after that spook. Settle your nerves, you know?”
He laughed as he wrapped her in his arms. “Might need a cuddle?” he repeated.
“It probably got your heart racing,” she said with a resolute nod. She pressed a hand to his chest before reaching up on her tiptoes and pressing her lips to his pulse point.
He sighed and let his head tip back. She pressed up the column of his throat, nipping gently. Remus waited until she pulled him into a deep kiss before he suddenly grabbed her around the waist, hefting her up. She gasped as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Remus drew back and whispered, “Did I spook you?”
She smirked at him as she threaded her fingers into his hair and pressed their foreheads together. “Never,” she said defiantly.
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seriouslysam8 · 10 months
I have a little mini challenge for you and you can’t veto it!
Stick the following Brumous couples with someone else other than who they’re paired with (you can’t use someone who is dead):
Harry x Ginny
Ron x Demelza (I know it’s endgame)
Sirius x Tegan AND Sirius x Marlene (you can put Sirius with any of them)
Remus x Tonks
Arthur x Molly
Andy x Ted
You made this unnecessarily hard by banning dead people. I am in my right mind to ignore this rule. 🤣🤣🤣
First up, the easy ones.
Harry/Ron: There is at least one universe in which these two are together. You cannot change my mind.
Ginny/Demelza: Again, there is one universe these two are together. There has to be a universe where you are just getting it on with your bestie. You can't change my mind.
Tonks/Sutton: She is so sunshiny that she needs a slightly grumpy man. While Sutton isn't self-deprecating like Remus, he's not happy-go-lucky either. Plus, he's older than her and she digs older men.
Andy/Hugh Slughorn: Andy and Ted are soul mates, right? So, the only way she's not with Ted is if she followed in the Black family footsteps and was a good little pureblood girl like Narcissa. Who better than a pureblood from the Sacred 28 who isn't a raging blood purist but wildly successful? IF YOU KNOW YOU KNOW. If you don't, well, then you haven't read all my stories. 😂😂😂😂
Arthur/Random Muggle Girl: I could totally see Arthur meeting some Muggle girl and falling head over heels in love with her. He'd be FASCINATED by everything. She'd find him endearing.
Now, onto the hard ones.
Sirius: He's hard in my mind. My first thought was, of course, James, because if any of them dated in that group it would be James/Sirius and NOT Sirius/Remus. But you said no one dead. I could see him getting with some random Muggle girl to stick it in his parents' faces.
Tegan: She's hard as well because her entire schtick in Brumous is that she can't move on from David and she's just a serial dater. I can't see her dating any Auror because it would remind her too much of David. Being an Auror, I could see her becoming close to some lawyers. So, I'll pair her with Magnus Shacklebolt who is only a year younger than her.
Marlene: I want to just say Charlie because if you know you know, but that seems like such a cop-out answer and we all know about hot girl Christmas on here. I could see her dating an Auror because of her family connection to Aurors. She'd know a lot of them thanks to her dad and brother. I could see her dating someone like Axel Lowe who is charismatic and friendly.
Remus: I know you said no one but seriously... no one. Remus is a major commitment-phobe. The only reason he even had a relationship with Tonks was because she was fucking in-love and wouldn't give up. She wasn't about ready to let him wallow either. So, I'm breaking the rules and saying I legit cannot see Remus with anyone except for Tonks. He'd die alone.
Molly: I think Molly would have married a pureblood, not because she's a purist or anything but just because the Prewett family is a part of the Sacred 28 and it seems like something Aunt Muriel would advocate for. I don't think it'd be any DE line, but perhaps an Abbott or Longbottom or a Macmillan.
Ted: He obviously likes the mysterious girls. I think Andromeda probably had an air of mysteriousness about her. Proper and gorgeous and tall. Yet, there was a soft side to her and she laughed in a way he never expected. So, it couldn't be anyone in Hufflepuff or even Ravenclaw. I could see him either getting with another Slytherin girl from a prominent family but not a blood purist because he reeks forbidden love or I could see him being with a Gryffindor who was fierce and fiery.
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Day 17 of @remadoramicrofics - Ghost
There were lots of ghosts that haunted Remus. The hauntings had grown significantly more frequent since he had taken on the mission at the werewolf camp. Well, he supposed that wasn’t entirely true – only one ghost seemed more determined to occupy his mind since he had arrived out here. A bubbly, pink-haired one who seemed determined to prevent him from getting any peace. Tonight, as he lay in his tent and tried to convince himself that it wasn’t that cold, the ghost played out a scene that had become one of its favorites.
Remus stood at the sink, finishing up his dishes from tea as the floo flared to life and Tonks stumbled across the hearth. “Wotcher, Remus.”
“Good evening, Nymphadora, do you have a mission tonight?”
“I’ve told you a thousand times not to –”
“I’ll have you know,” Remus cut her off as he returned his mug to the cupboard and turned to face her. “I find your name to be rather endearing.”
“I still hate it,” she said petulantly. “Are you busy tonight?”
Remus sighed. They had done this song and dance a million times. “Nymph – Tonks, I’ve told you –”
“Yeah, I know, you insist that you’re too old, too this, too that and I tell you that I don’t care and you tell me that it’s not enough. You’re leaving, though, tomorrow, so I think that we should have a send-off. You, me, drinks at the pub. No expectations, no arguments.” She stared at him and Remus wondered how many times she had rehearsed this speech.
“I’m not sure it’s a good idea; I have a cover to keep and –”
“I have a muggle pub in mind – know one would look for us there.” She stared pleadingly at him.
He sighed as he turned over. At the time, he had simply been impressed that someone remembered he was leaving, but now he wished he had told her now just to spare himself the frequent replays of the evening.
She had smiled up at him sheepishly. “Sorry,” she said after a moment.
“For what?” he had asked in confusion.
“Don’t act like you didn’t take this mission because of me,” she said, grimacing at the drink in her hand. “I chased you away to live with werewolves.”
“Nymphadora, I – it wasn’t just –” he found he didn’t have an answer. “War requires sacrifices and I knew my work for the Order could send me to…unsavory places; it had before.”
She nodded, her roots darkening, but didn’t say anything.
“You aren’t making me do anything, Tonks. I’m going to make a better place for –”
“Are you nervous?” she asked.
He sighed. “A little,” he admitted. “It’s going to be an uphill battle, for certain.”
“You’ll do good; you’re so kind there’s no way that they wouldn’t trust you.”
“I bear the unmistakable signs of having tried to live among wizards, you see, whereas they have shunned normal society and live on the margins, stealing — and sometimes killing — to eat.”
“I’d take it back, if I could,” she told him, “I don’t mean it any less, but if I had known…”
“It isn’t your fault,” he had reassured quickly. It was his.
Remus had certainly been right, but as the ghost of her smile lingered behind his eyes, he realized that their distrust in no way compared to the difficulty of missing her. He sighed as he tossed over onto his back to stare into the darkness. At least with his eyes open, he wouldn’t have to see her.
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