#ToA Secret Santa 2020
thequeenofworms · 4 years
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Surprise, @just-somebody-who-likes-cartoons, I was your makeup Secret Santa for @toa-secret-santa!!!
You asked for Krel working in Hex Tech with Zoe, so here I deliver it to you! :D
I’ve never ever drawn Zoe or Krel before so this was totally a fun learning experience for me, so I hope I did them justice and I really do hope you enjoy your gift!!! <3 <3 <3
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inhonoredglory · 4 years
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🎄 𝕸𝖊𝖗𝖗𝖞 𝕮𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖒𝖆𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕳𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖞 𝕳𝖔𝖑𝖎𝖉𝖆𝖞𝖘! 🎄
This is my Secret Santa gift for @rattycakes263. I hope you have the best one, dear!! I picked a fluffy Douxie for ya.
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mitamicah · 4 years
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Hi @wowanothergotdamnedartist - I am your ToA Secret Santa this year :D 
Merry Christmas 💙💙
I wondered wether the Tarrons would spend their Christmas together, maybe Aja would take a little break to visit her little brother to join in on the Earthly traditions - it is the time for families to gather after all ^V^ 
I hope you like it and have a merry time this season 🌲
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aethling · 4 years
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Happy Holidays @luescris ! i was your secret santa. hope your winter is full of love and light! accompany fic under cut :)
The color of the door leached onto Jim’s first, hovered over it. He could see his old face in the reflection of the shiny paint. His face. Apparently, he had a scar over his right brow. That was new. But he same brilliant blue eyes. Haunted. Lively. And no longer those of a child. They hadn’t been for a long while now.
He couldn’t imagine what his mother would be like once that door was opened. Would she still be the same mom? He wasn’t the same him anymore. Older, mature, broken. Would she be just as happy as ever? Did she even miss him?  Sure she called him every day for the first week he was gone but she slowly drifted away, and now a call from his mother was a rare thing. She would always begin her calls with an apology. She was busy raising a gaggle of changeling familiars, she was busy rebuilding her relationship with Walt, and she was happy. He wanted her to be happy, it’s not like she needed him to be happy, but at the same time, he wanted her to miss him. He missed her. Some sick part of him wanted her life to be joyless without him. He supposed that made him a bad person, a bad son. He’d been a bad son a lot lately.
He couldn’t bring himself to knock. He was just standing here, alone at the door, trying to gather any courage he had left to just knock on that door. Fighting trolls? There’s nothing to it. Sacrificing himself for the greater good? Easy like pie. Coming home to his mother’s loving arms? Somehow the most frightening thing he’s done all week.
She loved him. He was still her little baby boy. She would most likely be overjoyed at his return. He wouldn’t put it past her to fawn over him all day. Cancel all her plans and spend the day with him. She’d try her best and make Jim his favourite meal. It wouldn’t be good, but at least his mother made it for him. Deya, he missed food. Barabara would greet him like he’d been gone for years and not a few months. As soon as the door was opened, he would be smothered in her motherly embrace. Barbara might not even let go for hours. And he didn’t want her too. He couldn’t wait to hear her scream laugh and smell the perfume in her hair. But then she would ask questions.
What was he even supposed to say to her. What was he even supposed to say to himself. He was having a hard time with this. Everything he’d worked for was gone. His career was over. He couldn’t protect his people anymore. Where was he supposed to go from here. He was weak, and he had nothing to show for his efforts. Nothing but a few loyal friends and a new blood-stained and borrowed sword. It wasn’t even balanced in his hand. Danger was eminent. The threat to the entire world, reality as they knew it, never left. And Jimbo was knocked back to level one again.
He could feel Excalibur’s weight on his shoulders. It might as well had been a feather, compared to the weight he already carried. Young Atlas, always with the world on his back, slowing crushing him minute by grueling minute. He was going to get scoliosis at this rate. But he couldn’t stand it if anyone else would have to do it. It was his burden. He had to keep them safe.
He wondered how Strickler would take his return. He still wasn’t happy about that bastard moving in with his mother, but he supposed he would be civil to his less-than respected father figure. Strickler knew more than anyone of his pain. To be both man and troll. To be forced one way of the other. And Strickler knew what it was like to love Barbara. Jim would tolerate Strickler, if only because they both loved his mother.
The question he knew they would immediately ask, and one he couldn’t avoid any longer, would be how. And how indeed. No one was quite sure what happened to be honest. One moment he was a statue fit for a palace’s garden and the next he was alive in Claire’s weeping arms. All they knew is that she somehow did it. Somehow Claire, his beautiful magical love of his life, brought him back in her sorrow and desperation. Her magic was in his veins. His magic was in his veins. He was still a troll, in a sense, a creature of pure magic, spellbound. Jim wished Claire was by his side now, it would make this all easier. Her presence makes everything easier. She’d squeeze his hand and everything would be alright. She was just comfort incarnate for him at this point.
He still hadn’t completely comprehended that he legitimately died earlier this morning. Or that he was human now. Or that he was back to square one. When did his life fall apart. He knew that he’d get through this, he was a warrior, he always did, but he couldn’t see a path as to how. His future was shrouded in fog, like those nightmares he used to have. Jim could only hope that it wouldn’t end as badly. He could only hope he’d be able to keep protecting the ones he loves. He’d fight tooth and nail for it.
So he did it. He took his fist and he knocked on that door. For an agonizing few moments, he had no answer. He considered they might not even be home. But then, he could hear footsteps get closer and closer and closer until the barrier between him and his mother was ripped away from his sight. She stood before him, disheveled, with a sprig out hair standing straight up and her glasses crooked, but there she was. She looked him up and down, and her eyebrows knit into an expression of confusion for a split second before she threw her arms around her son.
There was no need for explanation, Barbara accepted that her son was back and was going to make sure no one would take him away from her again. She was weeping, and Jim felt her tears on his shoulder. He squeezed her tighter, closer to him. He was flesh now after all, he could hold humans as tight as he wanted to. Barbara’s knees were giving out, and Jim followed her down to kneel, not breaking their embrace. She laced her fingers through the back of her son’s hair. It was longer than she remembered. This boy in her arms was different, but still her Jim. Her son had returned to her, just like he had promised. She tried to say something but all that came out was a desperately sobbed “J-im. You’re—ho-home.”
“Yeah, Mom, I’m home,” He kissed the top of his mother’s head. “I’m home.”
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purplerose244 · 4 years
Sweet Aftermath
Hi @forthegloryofdragons! I’m your Secret Santa for the @toa-secret-santa event! 😊 At this point it probably looks more like a New Year present, but Merry Christmas anyway and I hope you spent nice festivities!
Here we go with some Jlaire and our favorite punk wizard! ❤❤
Summary: Peace is momentary in their lives but when they get it, they enjoy it as much as they can. Dessert is always welcomed.
Also on the AO3
“Jim!” In the blink of an eye Claire was at his side, holding his hand before he could even process the idea of having a look himself. “You dummy, cut the strawberries, not your finger!” Granted that there wasn’t even any traces onto the actual cutting board – it was one drop at max, his girlfriend could be such a mama sometimes –, maybe it would had reached him some kind of prideful chef wound at being scolded for something this basilar.
It didn’t. All Jim could feel at the moment was the slightest pinch at the top of his finger, where the littlest red bubble was forming. It hurt. In a completely ignorable, absolutely meaningless way. But it hurt. It hadn’t hurt this little in a while now.
He couldn’t help smiling a little, even while Claire was already opening the cupboard to get the med kit. He had forgotten this type of common, after being the Trollhunter had become his everyday.
It was nice. And destabilizing. And a little freaky.
Then again, what wasn’t in his life?
While the little med kit was brought onto the counter of the kitchen and the cutting noises interrupted, the cheerful chatters coming from the living room brought his mind back. The party had been completely random, it had started with his mom wanting to know everything about what happened since they had last seen each other – well, she said that after the both of them managed to talk, with the messes of tears they had become with the both of them human again –, and it was continuing with plenty of people and food around.
Food gently cooked by the best chef of the Lakes’ house… not much of a competition really. But hearing his mom from the other room, chatting and gasping and laughing again, was enough to forget the bowl of popcorn on the table that she still somehow managed to mess up.
Jim breathed in, and then breathed out. Everything felt so new, yet exactly the same.
“Skin’s fragile. I forgot.”
“Well put it on a memo, it’s pretty important if you ask me. A mental memo…” The witch stopped midway, as she was pulling the plastic off the band aid. “I wonder if there’s a way to make that? A magical note stuck into your brain so you don’t forget it? I should ask Teach.” At last, the little medication was applied, At least none of the little red fruits got dirty. Yet Claire still wasn’t letting go of his hand, and when Jim looked up, there were those big brown eyes in front of which he could do absolutely nothing. “I’m serious, okay? Don’t get hurt, or at least try not to get hurt. I really think you had enough for a while.” She probably wanted to sound ironic.
It came out sad. Of course it did. And a lie as an assurance would had been pointless, the former Trollhunter would had made every single choice of his life all over again, to ensure the safety of those he loved. But maybe out of egoism, he would had not dragged them all in like this, knowing how much they were going to suffer for his sake. He wanted his friends near, yet not nearby. Did it make sense? Who knew? Maybe it didn’t have to.
Claire held onto both of his hands, looking up at him, lips curved in a little hopeful smile. And that put an end on any thought. It didn’t matter after all. As a human, as a half-troll, as a full troll, the sight right before his eyes had not changed. And he didn’t want it to change.
Jim sighed softly, nodding with a smile.
“I’ll do my best.” Claire sighed softly.
“Please do.” She leaned and kissed his cheek, and oh, magically there was absolutely no more pain into his entire body. A witch indeed, eheh. “What do you need the strawberries for?”
“Decoration mostly, but there’s so much chocolate in this that you need something fruity to make it less strong.” Right on cue the timer went off. He quickly stopped the noise and hurried to the fridge, taking out the cream that seemed perfectly chilled and ready to use. “Also should I say, strawberries and chocolate? Mucho romantico.” He shot a wink towards his girlfriend, who made that fond eyeroll from whenever he attempted to speak Spanish.
“Whatever, charmer. Get it over with, I’ve been smelling amazing stuff all evening and I’m really tempted to paralyze you with a spell and have it all myself.” Well if that wasn’t one of the sweetest compliments for his cuisine he had ever received. “How can I help?”
“Get me the sponge cake, it’s near the window.” Jim gave the cream a further whip to make sure it was airy and homogenous, before pulling out a spoon from the drawer – reminding himself last minute that he couldn’t and probably shouldn’t munch it anymore. “Alright, now for the tester…” He could had taken it himself of course, his sense of taste was back to human-like. Yet it was still hard to accept it, like his mind wasn’t fully into the all magical transformation that brought him back. He just needed a bit more of time, maybe. “Mrs. Nunez? If you could be so kind?”
“Oh well, if I really have to…” Claire smirked, putting the baking tray in front of her boyfriend with the sponge cake all rested and ready for the use. Then she leaned forward, taking the spoon into her mouth. She licked her lip. “Mm, oh yeah.”
“So it’s good?” She arched an eyebrow at him. “What? Let me brag a little, I’m good!”
“What if I still prefer guacamole over this?”
“Claire, you make amazing guacamole, but you also make a major bowl of it with, like, three tortillas. That kind of love is a little hard to match, even for my chef skills.” He got an elbow, because clearly some people couldn’t handle the harsh truth. “Just tell me if I should add something or mix it some more.” If it wasn’t perfect, it wasn’t going into the cake.
She knew that. She knew it, and she grinned widely, putting a hand over his cheek with a very evident intention into her eyes. With the sudden realization Jim had to claw onto the bowl with both hands to prevent any catastrophes like letting it drop accidentally, because kissing Claire was that mind-blowing – and it took him quite a bit to make this cream, thank you very much. A chocolate kiss that got him such jelly knees he was considering just letting himself go with the unconsciousness, it would had been the sweetest knockout of all of his Trollhunter life. This girl had gotten so much more confident since they first started to hang out. She was as gentle as a lady, and as vigorous as a warrior.
His Claire. His amazing, beautiful Claire.
She pulled away first, perfectly in control of the situation, smiling softly at him. The aftermath was possibly even better, knowing that this was real and it happened and it was going to happen again. Somehow he still could hardly believe his luck.
Claire bit her lip, staring with those big impossible eyes.
“Too sweet, maybe?” Jim shook his head with a grin.
“Nope, absolutely perfect.” Did that come out corny? Smoothness wasn’t exactly a skill of his, hopefully he didn’t ruin- and Claire was kissing him again, never mind, he loved life.
“Okay mates, quick update, we’re out of snacks in the other room and since I lost rock paper scissors I got sent here also to sneak on the dessert, and if you’re wondering how I lost let me remind you that Binky got four aaaaaarrrrm…” He loved life a little less with their good old – apparently very old – master wizard coming into the kitchen uninvited. That sheepish little grin was kinda funny though. “So, you mess with the timeline once, and you acquire the magical ability of having a terrible timing. Noted.”
Jim pouted. Claire laughed. Jim laughed. That was just how it was, also his girlfriend suddenly had that malicious look into her eyes that told him he wasn’t going to dislike the next following minutes – and he knew she had that look before she became a shadowmancer so… destiny?
“You’re actually right on cue, these dirty dishes are dying to meet you.”
“Uh… how badly are they dying?” And now the witch was glaring, the wizard immediately raised his hands for surrender. “Can’t blame one for trying.”
“Try and ruin another moment between me and my boyfriend, you’d wish I was only blaming you. You got out with little.” That was probably true and that was probably a given, hence why a second later Douxie was over the sink, pouring down the water and reaching for the soap. Claire gave him a firm nod. “Alright, what do we got?” She turned to the counter, gathering a few snacks onto another tray. “Okay, all kinds of chips, cold popcorn from the microwave Barbara made oww, socks, so many socks, a few burritos Krel’s friend brought…” Given the discovery that aliens were real, having an extraterrestrial as a taco seller so responsible for the burrito that had gotten Gatto that nasty stomachache somehow even made sense. “This should do for a while. Be right back.” She gave him a peck on the cheek and went to the living room.
Again, human’s skin was sensible. Jim hadn’t realized it made a difference before, he had been sturdy, strong as a half-troll. And so hardly soft and easy to please. It was still a little complicated listing off what was good and what was bad of his current situation. But one thing for sure, he loved how Claire’s kisses were sweeter than ever.
A snort. Apparently he had been staring at the door for a while, and Douxie was holding back his laughter with little success. So the former Trollhunter grinned back, giving him a shoulder while putting down the cream onto the squared sponge cake.
“Shut up and do the dishes.”
“Roger that.” The wizard stopped the water as the sink was full, getting to work. A minute of silence was filled solely by the tinkling of dishes and the dripping of water. A nice moment of normality. It had been a while after all. “You know, I gotta say.” Douxie wasn’t looking, yet there was definitely fondness into his eyes. “Spending 900 years adventuring and protecting the world, I’ve seen a lot of things. But a witch learning how to control dark magic in order to save her human-half-full-troll-hunter boyfriend? That one I’ve been missing.” He was fast at cleaning, swift and careful. He must had done it quite a lot at the restaurant he used to work in.
Jim sighed, nodding softly, his eyes lingering on how nicely the chocolate smelled and look. He carefully pushed the remaining onto one side, smoothing the surface.
“I’m so lucky to have her.”
“She’s also lucky to have you. You’re pretty great, and brave. To the point where it gets scary. And worrying. A lot.” Douxie laughed a little awkwardly, clearing his voice. “Not that I can talk, really.” Right, the two of them got so close to their demises for the sake of others.
They were similar. Very similar. Jim couldn’t help smiling.
“We really need to stop trying to die.” The wizard cracked a real laugh.
“Got that right.” Another moment of peace followed, and to this mindless noise Jim was starting to get used to again. “What are you making anyway?”
“Bouche de Noel.” Wow, exactly the same frown as Claire, was it a wizard thing? The confused judging eyebrow? “Yes, you don’t have to tell me, it’s a Christmas dessert. Yes, you don’t have to tell me, it’s disgustingly anachronistic. And no, you really don’t have to tell me, because I’m not trying to pull a Christmas on July thing. You got a British accent, not an Australian one, I wouldn’t even have a stretch to work on here.” Another little laugh. “I’ve been postponed it since forever not knowing if I had the bakery skills, but now that I got functioning tastebuds back I’m all in for it.”
With the cream down, he finally went over the cake, rolling it carefully to form the base of his dessert. It had chilled perfectly and had maintained the form, it looked just like the one in the picture where he got the recipe from. The thrill of making something with his own hands. Another absolutely pointless fun of just a human. It felt great.
Douxie gave it a peak, whistling.
“That looks and smells possibly even better than the mince pies from Camelot. For what’s worth I’m very glad we’re getting Christmas today!”
“Right, because you never know what might… uhm…” Jim swallowed, his throat suddenly very dry. From the wizard’s widened eyes, it looked like he couldn’t take that back even if he wanted to. “… today feels so nice. My friends are all here, my mom is here, my girlfriend is here. It hasn’t happened in a while, and I guess I realized how rare this is. We’re not even at the end of summer and we got three different apocalypses, so I thought of… not having too many regrets?” Now that it was coming out it felt very stupid. And insecure. Which wasn’t exactly weird coming from him, but at this point? A fight more a fight less? What was the difference?
He didn’t want to know what it was. He got too close already.
The master wizard breathed in and out, extremely deeply, the washing work momentarily forgotten. He picked a towel from the counter, slowly passed it through his fingers, then let it down. Only to bring one hand onto the former Trollhunter’s shoulder.
“You’ll make a fruitcake, at the real Christmas. A Panettone, or a strawberry cake maybe?” He was smiling, with that renovated determination that had gotten him ever since he came back from beyond the grave. “So you better invite me, and all the others. We’ll have another party just like this one, all together. Every single one of us.” That sounded like a promise. And this guy, this wizard was always ready to give everything for his promises.
So Jim nodded. It was barely a confirmation that everything was going to be okay. But the effort, that alone, was worth at least hoping for. They were all in this together.
Luckily for the guitarist there wasn’t much to clean up besides the bowl and various plates – for now at least, he was half sure Claire was taking this long just to pile up other stuff –, but he stayed to watch the trunk taking form. Two cuts for the shape. Ganache all over. Without worries.
Without problems. He was here. Right here, safe and alive… oh.
“I didn’t thank you, huh.”
Douxie blinked, taken back.
“… there were, like, five dishes. Doesn’t really compare with my shift at Benoi-”
“For saving my life.” Another sequence of batted eyelashes, and it was almost too easy imagining what were going to be his next words. Today Jim felt completely in charge of the situation, finally. “And I’m not talking about the whole turning back into a human thing, neither about the Arcane Order, even though that’s also worth mentioning.” Having Nari around was mildly unusual for that, but she was adorable enough to forget about it. “Claire told me about you guys at Camelot. About trying to find a way back to our time, saving everyone, saving me… the dungeon break was your idea. I wouldn’t have escaped if it wasn’t for that.”
Douxie seemed to have problems grasping this, or simply accept it. He turned his eyes back to the sink, almost as he wished there was still something to make himself busy with.
“It was nothing.” This time it was Jim who snorted.
“You messed up a timeline for one single half-troll, that’s a bit of something. I mean… I doubt Merlin would’ve done it.” That was probably uncalled for. But despite knowing how much those two wizards were close, it didn’t erase what that old man had done to him in the past.
There was no hatred into those amber eyes though. Just thoughtfulness.
“… I knew it was risky. But I also knew that too much depended on you.” The wizard managed a sad smile. “If that wasn’t a mistake, because Merlin didn’t believe in them, then I guess I really wanted to believe in the unexpected possibility that you were going to create… I didn’t want to leave a single friend behind.” He scratched the back of his head, shrugging a little. “Also my wallet couldn’t bare losing a tipper like you.” Sarcasm had to be some kind of special power of those who had been playing with life for too long.
Maybe that was also what made them so similar. Maybe that was also why, in some way or another, they had managed to survive. Jim smiled, bringing an arm onto his shoulders.
“Thank you, Douxie.” The wizard looked at him in bewilderment. And then, slowly, he lightened up, clenching his hold onto his shoulder. Giving him the feeling that maybe, just maybe, there hadn’t been many satisfactions for him lately. And this one came right on time.
“I did fix something after all.” He smiled too. “You’re very welcome, my friend.”
“So NotEnrique bet and won all the socks at Monopoli and I don’t know why I didn’t see it coming, that brother of mine will be the death of- aww, look at you.” Claire smiled at them, putting down the empty tray. “Having a little moment?” When he had taken that little detour for school at the beginning of this adventure, he definitely didn’t expect that one day he was going to be found by his girlfriend preparing a dessert for a bunch of mythical creatures and humans, while sharing a bro gesture with Merlin’s apprentice.
Did he ever say that his life was weird? Because boy oh boy it was.
Douxie took all his time to gave him one last pat and then turned to the girl, this time him being the one to showcase the little menacing grin – he never did dark magic before right… right?
“Indeed we were, guess who ruined it and will join me at cleaning dishes?”
“… well played Casperan. And that’s the only reason why I’m agreeing.” Claire huffed humorously, getting the dishes she just brought in onto the sink. “How’s the cake?”
“Almost done, just need to cover it and decorate it.”
“Good, because Toby got to his praising of your culinary skills, with plenty of more details now that he got all confident about making that one movie. So I’m pretty sure there will be a riot unless they get cake.” She breathed out, picking up a sponge only to look intensely at how her boyfriend was putting down the chocolate bark of the Bouche. It used to bring him such crazy butterflies in his stomach he could had passed out just by the knowledge alone. Now he couldn’t think of a life without those eyes on him. “We really need to do this more often. Just… this.” No silence felt more eloquent than the one that followed. It barely needed a nod from the two of them, while the dessert was finally put altogether with the covering and a smoothing for the surface.
Jim picked up a fork and started passing it over the covering, creating traces that made the trunk look somehow real. He moved the tool steadily, enjoying this, enjoying every moment of this peaceful time of them. Then he turned to the strawberries, all arranged nicely onto the cutting board, and he smiled a little.
He picked up a knife and one of the fruits.
“Let’s see…” He engraved it, creating little petals getting smaller towards the center, and placed it onto the cake. “Roses for my love.” Claire giggled, lancing her arms around his neck from behind. Then Jim picked up another strawberry, cutting it in thin pieces, then placing them onto the surface to form a note with a long tail, the only notion he had about music – at least not including that one piano kinda-serenate to Senor Uhl for not repeating the year. “And a note for my friend.” He completed with a few leaves of mint all over. “I think we’re ready now.”
Today Douxie looked so easy to please. Or maybe he really did spend a long time without being recognized for much. Because his amber eyes were shining, and it looked like he was holding back a much wider smile.
“Were you always this mushy, or was it Claire that has changed you?”
“Don’t know, don’t care, don’t ever want to find out.” Jim picked up the dish with the Bouche on it. “This is all I want.” The witch tightened her grasp – never mind, butterflies still lived.
She showed her tongue to the wizard.
“Jealous that I got the sweetest guy ever?”
“Nah, I have a punk rock soul, I’m immune to pure cheesy lovey-dovey situations.” Douxie grinned, looking fondly at them. “But if I can say it…” He lingered onto them, perhaps a little troubled. And somehow it was clear, he was pondering about the future, it was a thing that he couldn’t help doing apparently. Despite that, his eyes were sincere, and this determination still as solid as before. “Yeah, the both of you have great taste in people.”
They were going to have more parties like this. For sure.
With Claire right next to him, Douxie opening the door, and the number of smiling familiar faces waiting for him, Jim managed to push away the thought of tomorrow, with everything that was most likely still going to come for them. Here, now, they were happy and alive. It was enough.
So he snickered, showing up the cake to his cheering family.
“Merry Christmas, everyone!”
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scribblefoxx · 4 years
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my @toa-secret-santa gift for @monrageo who asked for douxie and archie cuddling! this is my first time doing a real drawing of doux so i had some fun with it, hope you like it ;D
i also included the desaturated version because i wasn’t a huge fan of how the colors came out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Happy Holidays!
Here is my ToA Secret Santa gift for @vanillapie-80 ! You requested an AU in which Jim stays in his “beast” form at the end of Wizards. Hope you enjoy!
Read it on Ao3 or here under the cut!
Life Again
Summary: In which Jim remains as a full-bodied troll at the end of Wizards. A talk between himself, Blinky, and Aaarrrgghh to see about helping him adjust.
When the spell- or curse -had finally broken, Jim hadn’t imagined that he’d suddenly come back to with Claire sobbing gently in his arms and find himself almost entirely unrecognizable. He knew that pressing the shard into his chest had turned him into something else but he could never have imagined what the result was. He’d thought that, well, he’d made the choice to sacrifice himself. He hadn’t thought much past that. And standing here now, in the heavy shade of the woods beyond the yard of his home, Jim has never felt less like a self he knows. 
He remained as a full-bodied troll, the only truly recognizable part of him being his eyes. His eyes that, in the reflection of this old car mirror he’d found discarded in the woods, look full of a flightful fear. A look that is familiar, and yet new. 
“Master Jim, care for some undergarments?” 
He shifts, heavy arms clacking against his stone legs. His eyes track to the shorter troll emerging from behind some trees, carrying a large basket in front of him with all arms. “Thanks, Blink.” The troll nods and hands the basket over and takes a seat beside Jim. 
“You know we’re here to help, Jim. We just want what’s best for you.” Blinky’s many eyes look up at him, full of a gentle and honest kindness that makes his stony chest feel warm. 
“It’s...it’s been tough. Mom is really worried, I didn’t even get to see her before I turned into...into this,” he says with a slight growl. “And Claire thought I...you know. Ugh. Everything is so confusing.” 
“Please understand, this new troll form is nothing to be ashamed of. You are a beautiful, strong troll and...well, you will always be Master Jim to us. Amulet or no.” Blinky pats his leg with his small hand. “And we are here to help you through any trials and tribulations you might face.” 
“Blinky right,” comes the familiar voice of a tall, green and gray troll. “We here to help Jim.” 
Jim allows himself a small, toothy smile at that. Aaarrrgghh seats himself heavily beside Jim and plucks a couple of socks from the basket. “These had better not be Mom’s…”
“Aaarrrgghh and I have spoken and have decided that tomorrow, we will go down to Old Trollmarket and find you a few things any troll should have. Have you considered a kilt? I know for a fact that the textiles survived rather untouched,” Blinky suggests. Jim nods along, eyes tracing the carvings on his arms. Maybe he could get used to this, ever so slowly. 
“Yeah. I think I would like that.” Jim pauses for a moment, uncertainly meeting Blinky’s eyes. “Do you think...there might be some of those buckles? Like the one Draal had?” He recalls the ornate gold buckle, an ensign of some sort the mighty troll had worn. He’s vaguely aware that it had been like a family crest, and Jim quietly hopes to honor Draal for as long as possible. And now that he thinks about some, continuing on is possibly the best way to do so. 
Blinky smiles softly back. “I think there just might be.” 
Aaarrrgghh pats Jim’s shoulder and Jim for a moment eyes the earring in Aaarrrgghh’s ear, a few ideas sparking in his mind. “Do you two think...that maybe you’d teach me more about troll culture?” 
Blinky gives a hearty laugh. “Master Jim, were you never listening to my lessons?” It’s a kind and gentle tease. “But yes. Of course we will, anything you want to know at all. You’re one of us. And you have been since the start, you’ve always had the courage of the biggest, most powerful Trollhunters there ever were. Perhaps one day you’ll tell stories to the whelps of your grand adventures. By Deya’s Grace! That reminds me that I must begin working on the next Brief Recapitulation...” 
“Courage. Jim very brave, save all his friends and more. Done well,” Aaarrrgghh says, and his voice conveys a heavy sense of truth and meaning behind his choppy speech. 
“Well, thank you,” Jim says with a slight chuckle. “I do my best to.” 
“Jim! It’s dinnertime, and the sun has set!” The voice that carries across the yard is his mother’s, just the same as it had always been, as though her son had not returned to her in a form that was vastly different from anything he’d ever expected to be. She seems so unbothered by it all, and it is a great reassurance to Jim. 
In fact, he really can’t think of anyone who isn’t taking his new permanent form well. Arcadia is accepting by now, and for that Jim can’t be more grateful. Douxie had offered to search for possible ways to change him back, somehow, but Jim has had enough transformations for a lifetime. Perhaps this form he will be able to come to terms with. And without the amulet, he’s lacking additional armor. But he feels plenty strong enough to continue protecting his friends and family as he’s been doing so since he picked up the mantle of Trollhunter. Amulet or not, he’ll never be finished watching over them. It feels right. 
Maybe it’s the end of an era. But that ending only means that another, fresh start has begun. 
“Come, let’s not keep your mother waiting,” the many-eyed troll insists, attempting to tug the much larger Jim to his feet with all four of his arms. 
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” Jim replies, shaking his head and picking himself up tenderly, careful to keep his balance. Maybe things are going to be alright. What’s another adjustment in his life? Those around him are here to support him, and they’re making it known in their own ways.
Aaarrrgghh grins, lifting the now-empty basket and continuing on. Blinky’s hand stays on Jim’s much larger one for a moment longer, each one of his six, warm eyes fixed on him. 
“And Jim?”
“Yeah, Blink?” 
“You are still my magnificent son.”
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nightrosebud · 4 years
So my @toa-secret-santa was for @arcadia-trash who just asked for “Barbara and Strickler,” so I went with a whole bunch of fluff. I hope you enjoy and Happy Holiday!
"It was the night before Christmas, and all through the ward, not a patient was stirring; seriously, I'm so bored."
Barbara felt her lips twitch, but she tried not to smile as she finished the chart in front of her. When done, she closed the folder and glared at the nurse leaning on the counter next to her. "Stop that," she growled. "Talk like that will summon a ten-car pile-up, and I would like to get home before midnight, thank you very much."
Nurse Choen sighed and readjusted his headband. He had lamented that he couldn't wear his ugly sweater with a lit dreidel on it, so he had snuck in a cheap headband with a light-up menorah instead. The little blubs on it twinkled on and off, like each one was being lit separately. When Barbara pointed out that the headband was not allowed because of the dress code, he had just grinned bigger and started singing Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel at the top of his lungs. "Sorry, Doc," he said with a bashful grin. "I guess when I signed up for this shift, I figured we would be busy with the holidays." He gestured at the empty hallway. "I didn't think we would only have two patients and no emergencies. I like staying busy."
"Well, have you stocked the rooms?"
"Put away patient files?"
"Made sure the medicine is in order?"
"Oh yeah, and stole some good stuff for me," he joked. Barbara glared at him, and he put up his hands in the universal sign of surrender. "I kid, I kid. So why did you sign up for tonight, doc? Trying to get away from all the kiddos at home?"
"Actually, no," she confessed. She leaned on the counter and looked down the hallway. They only had one patient who had drunk too much at the office Christmas party and came in complaining that he couldn't stop throwing up and one man who had a heart attack two days ago while shoveling some surprise snow from his driveway. Both were asleep and quiet at this late hour. 
"We had a lot of back-to-back adoptions in the last few weeks, so Walt and I decided to wait until after the holidays to bring out more babies from the cradle stone." Most of the people working at the hospital knew about the babies she and Walt were taking care of, so Cohen just nodded in understanding. "Since Jim is older and was spending the night at a friend's house anyway, I figured I would come in and give someone else a chance to spend the night with their families."
"Well, we only have an hour, then we both will be free at midnight," he said. Barbara smacked his arm, and he jumped. "Ow! What was that for? I hope you know that I can go to HR for assault."
"Stop saying stuff like that!" Barbara hissed but then laughed. "You're going to cause an accident. Or the end of the world."
"Oh yeah, don't want evil trolls coming out of the ground and wrecking downtown. Or giant aliens walking around and wrecking downtown. Or evil magic users flying around and wrecking downtown. Or Titans rising up and wrecking downtown." Cohen paused and cocked his head to the side. "What do the bad guys have against the buildings downtown?"
Barbara smirked. "I think Jim has asked that question himself a few times over the last year."
"You know," Choen said with a grin, "When I left New York, I thought I had left the magical creatures behind."
"What do you mean?" Barbara asked.
"Haven't you heard? There are gargoyles in New York."
"Ah," Barbara said, wondering if she should force the nurse in front of her to take a drug test. "How about you recheck the supplies?"
One hour later, the next shift of one doctor and two nurses showed up to relieve them, finding Doctor Lake and Nurse Choen having the quietest race of rolling office chairs they could manage.
"Good to see that the hospital was left in good hands," Doctor Roberts joked as the two of them crossed the finish line made of gauze, Barbara in the lead.
They handed off the patient charts, all two of them, and they said their goodnights and goodbyes. Choen escorted Barbara outside, and they paused at the doors, watching some snow drift down. "Ah, now this," Choen said with a smile, adjusting his coat and blinking headband, "this I missed."
Barbara hummed in agreement, and they spent some time just enjoying the quiet. Suddenly Barbara heard a sound, the sound of bells, and she swore they were coming closer. Before she could ask Choen if he heard it too, something rounded the corner and rapidly came towards them down the deserted street.
It was a sleigh, the kind of sleigh you found on vintage Christmas cards, red with gold details and golden bells. Only, instead of a horse or reindeer pulling it, Aaarrrgghh!! was in front, running as fast as he could on all fours, mad grin on his face. Behind him, Barbara could make out two figures in the sleigh, but in the dark and snow, she couldn't tell who it was. They were laughing, though, as Aaarrrgghh!! turned into the parking lot and skidded to a halt in front of Barbara.
One of the figures stood up and placed a foot on the front of the sleigh. "Ho! Ho! Ho!" it cried, and Barbara could finally make out Toby, smile stretching from ear to ear. "Happy Chanukah! Wait! No! Kleb! That's not what I should say. Meeerrryyy Christmas!" Darci was next to him, and she put a hand over to her mouth and giggled.
"Toby?!" Barbara asked. "What are you doing here?" The smile on her face died when she had a terrible thought. "Where's Jim? Is he alright?"
"Oh, he's fine, Doctor L," Tody said as he hopped down from the sleigh. He walked over to the other side, giving Aaarrrgghh!! a pat on the arm as he passed the troll. Toby had had some growth spurts in the last year and a half since Jim found the amulet, and he was finally taller than Darci, who was still his girlfriend. He bowed and reached out a hand. "My lady," he said in a slightly deeper voice, and Darci took his hand and jumped down from the sleigh, smile on her face. "We're here to take your car home while Aaarrrgghh!! is taking you to your Christmas gift."
"My car?" Barbara asked perplexed. "What about a Christmas gift? Is it from Jim?"
"Not Jim," Darci explained but didn't elaborate on who else would send a troll-drawn sleigh to pick up Barbara.
"Come on, Doc," said a voice from the sleigh, "we need to get a move on before it gets too late." And NotEnrique stood up in the sleigh's seat so Barbara could see him. He was wearing a suit, and a fat cigar hung from his leering mouth.
Barbara felt her stomach drop, but she was being pushed into the sleigh by Toby and Darci. "Um, I don't know about this," she said as she sat down. Everyone else was smiling at her, though, as Darci made sure a blanket covered her legs.
"No sweat, Doctor L, you are in good hands with Aaarrrgghh!!," Toby said, and Aaarrrgghh!! looked over his shoulder to give her a grin, but Barbara didn't know how to explain that it wasn't the hulking troll that gave her pause.
"Well, you have to make sure you tell me what this is all about next time I see you, Doc," Choen said. He lifted a hand and waved. "Happy Chanukah, everybody!"
"Chag Urim Sameach, dude!" Toby said with a grin. "Love the headband!"
As Choen walked to his car, and NotEnrique grabbed the reins attached to Aaarrrgghh!!, Barbara reluctantly gave her keys to the teens. "You two be safe in the snow," she said. Toby tossed the keys into the air, and Darci grabbed them before he could catch them. He gave her a hurt look.
"Don't worry, Doctor Lake, we will be careful," she said, stepping back. 
"Have a nice night!" she said as the couple waved.
"Okay, hang on Doc, Aaarrrgghh!! here is a little fast on the corners," NotEnrique told her, chewing on the cigar.
"And why do you have that?" she asked.
"My payment for my work this evening," he explained, taking the cigar out and wiggling it. "The big guy here is working for socks, I believe."
"Mmmm, socks," Aaarrrgghh!! rumbled.
"Well, just don't light it while I'm behind you, please," Barbara asked.
"Light it? Doc, I plan on eating it," he said with a grin, and with that, he snapped the reins and Aaarrrgghh!! was pulling them away from the hospital.
They flew down the dark, deserted streets, Barbara's face starting to hurt from the cold. The lights wrapped around streetlights and trees twinkled, and the giant Christmas tree in the town's square lit up the whole block. Aaarrrgghh!! kept his pace, but suddenly NotEnrique yelled. "Oi! You missed our turn!"
"Oops," Aaarrrgghh!! rumbled, and he made a u-turn in the middle of the street, making Barbara and NotEnrique cry out as they were almost tossed out of the sleigh. Aaarrrgghh!! straightened himself out and started running towards the museum.
Two figures waited outside for them, and as they got closer, Barbara recognized Claire and Zoe. The two young women gave her large grins as Aaarrrgghh!! slid to a stop in front of them. "Merry Christmas, Barbara!" Claire cried.
"Merry Christmas!" Barbara answered back. NotEnrique helped her out of the sleigh, and she rubbed her hands to warm them. "Are you the one who set this up?"
"Nope," Claire said with a grin. "We are your glam squad!"
"Glam squad?" Barbara asked, but the two girls just smiled.
"Have fun, Doc!" NotEnrique cried out, and he grabbed the reins. "Come on, big guy, let's go get some eggnog spiked with glug." And the others waved to them as Aaarrrgghh!! galloped off.
Claire and Zoe guided Barbara into the museum and then into the bathroom. Claire handed Barbara a garment bag. "Tonight's affair has a dress code that doesn't include scrubs, I'm afraid."
Barbara gave the bag a look, but she went into a stall without comment. A few moments later, she laughed. "What's up?" Claire asked her.
"Oh, nothing," Barbara said with a giggle. "I just realized who planned this whole thing."
"How so?" asked Zoe.
Barbara stepped out a minute later. She was wearing a flowing, floor-length sapphire-blue dress, the empire-style waist accenting her bare shoulders. It was covered in crystals that twinkled as she took a turn. "Only Walt would pick something like this for me." Claire clapped as both girls laughed.
Zoe made a motion with her hand, and a pillow started to float in the air. Barbara hesitated but then sat down and put her full weight on the pillow, happy when she didn't fall to the floor. The girls began to tug her hair out of its bun and helped her to style it. "What do you say, Doctor L?" Zoe said with a grin, gesturing to her own pink hair. "Want to try a new color?" 
"No thanks," Barbara said with a grin. "I think I'm too old for the bright colors."
"Aw, no, you're not," Claire said as she pinned crystal hairpins onto Barbara's hair.
When finished, the girls escorted Barbara deeper into the museum and to the large room in the middle of the building. Jim messed with three table settings on a small table set up with a white tablecloth. Douixe was nearby, his hands glowing blue as candles floated and lit up around the room. Walt himself was in the middle of the room, supervising. He was wearing a green suit, tailored to fit his slim frame. Barbara slowly walked up to him and hugged him from behind. He turned his head to give her a tusk-filled smile. "Hello, darling," he said.
"Hello," she said back. "What in the world do you have planned?"
"Your Christmas gift," he replied with a grin.
"Dinner in the museum? Benoit's would have been easier."
"But Benoit's wouldn't have the rest of your gift for you."
Jim looked up from the table and grinned. "Hey, mom. How was the sleigh ride?"
"Terrifying," she confessed as Walt pulled out a chair and she sat down. "Did I throw everything off schedule by going in for a shift?"
"It pushed the evening's plans back, but all parties were able to adjust," Walt said as he also took a seat.
Jim grabbed the silver dome in front of Barbara, and with a flourish, he uncovered her plate. "Steak au Poivre with mashed garlic potatoes." He grabbed the silver dome in front of Walter and revealed a dish for him. "Raw steak with motor oil," Jim said, in a flatter tone. "Let it be known once again: I'm happy to have human taste buds."
Barbara pointed to the final setting. "Who else is joining us?"
"Me," said a voice behind her, and Barbara turned to see Nomura walking into the room. She also wore a suit, but unlike Walt's, it was jet black.
"You're late," Walt growled.
"Fashionably late," Nomura said with a grin, uncovering her plate. "Believe me, I wouldn't miss one of Little Gynt's meals."
Jim smiled and then leaned down to kiss Barbara on the forehead. "Have fun, mom. I hope you like your gift."
"You're not staying?" she asked.
"We are going back to Toby's and watching Christmas movies until we pass out," Douxie explained. "And don't worry, Doctor, Zoe and I are acting as chaperones."
"Strickler. Good luck," Jim said cryptically.
"Thank you, Young Atlas," Walt said while sipping on water.
Jim and Claire linked arms while Douxie threw his arm around Zoe's shoulder. The young adults waved as they left. "Merry Christmas!" Claire and Jim cried while Zoe and Doxie bellowed, "Happy Yule!"
"So," Barbara asked while she cut into her steak, "what exactly do you two have planned for tonight?"
"Well, Strickler and I have been talking, and we think you need a partner who would appreciate you more," Nomura said. She took a bite of her own raw steak and hummed at the taste. She used the fork to point at herself. "Mainly, me."
Walt rumbled at the other changeling. "Nomura, as curator of the Arcadia museum, was essential in setting up tonight's event." He glared at Nomura as she grinned at him. "Otherwise, she wouldn't be here."
Barbara laughed. "Let me guess, Jim's cooking was your payment for this evening?"
"Yep," Nomura confirmed as she took another bite. "Being turned into a half-troll really helped that boy to be a better cook, for both humans and trolls."
"Well, dig in then," Barbara said with a smile. "I wanna see what you two have planned for me."
When done with their meal, Walt helped Barbara out of her seat, and they wandered to another part of the museum, Walt and Barbara linking arms while Nomura followed behind them. Before they turned a corner, Walt stopped her and looked at her. "Do you trust me?" he asked.
"I do," she said with a little trepidation, but she laughed when Walt gently covered her eyes and started to guide her around the corner. "Don't want to ruin your surprise, just yet," he explained.
They walked for a few moments, Barbara holding onto Walt's cold hands as they slowly moved forward, and then Walt had her stop. 
"I hope you like it," he whispered in her ear, and then he lifted his hands, and Barbara gasped.
Barbara had heard about the exhibition coming to Arcadia, centered on the works of Impressionism artists. She had pointed it out to Walt, proclaiming her excitement at such an extensive collection coming to their small town. Usually, she would have to travel to San Francisco to see a show like this in person. But now, Barbara looked around, and she recognized the works of Monet, Manet, Cézanne, and Degas. All the artists she idolized but had never had the chance to see in person. She held her hands to her mouth and wandered around, both changelings watching her with small smiles on their faces.
"Oh, this is..." she started but stop as she felt overwhelmed by emotion. "This is beautiful." She looked at Walt. "But we could have come here later. Why the secrecy?"
"Well, then you would have to suffer as small children and uneducated heathens roaming around and obstructing the view," Walt said with a smile. "This way, you can enjoy everything without interruption."
Barbara looked around, identifying as many as the works as she could. "La Japonaise. Monet's first wife Camille Doncieux modeling a red kimono." She rushed over to another piece. "Manet's Gare Saint-Lazare. Oh, I didn't know how small this was; I thought it was huge." She slowly made her way to another painting, eyes lingering on the young woman with the sleeping dog in her lap. She gasped when she recognized the third piece. "Degas' La Classe de Danse, featuring Degas' friend Jules Perrot, a ballet master of the Paris Opera." She rushed up to the next piece. "Cézanne's Pyramid of Skulls, one of his last pieces. Oh, look at the detail."
Barbara spent the next 30 minutes wandering around, looking at the paintings and studying each one. Sometimes she would give the changelings a detail or fact about the works, even if she thought they already knew it. They followed her around, smiles on their faces as they watched her enthusiasm at seeing the art in the flesh.
"Oh, thank you, Walt, Nomura," she said after she finished looking around. "This is a really wonderful Christmas gift."
"We aren't done yet," Walt said. He took her arm and started to lead her to another wing. "You see, the museum wanted to feature a local artist with the exhibit. And Nomura and I felt we knew the right person who would fit the bill."
"Who?" Babara asked but gasped as they rounded a corner.
There, on display, was the majority of her work. Goodbye, Walt, Eye of the Storm, her piece figuring goblins, Vendel staring out at the viewer, Jim in his Daylight armor, Blinky in his cubic glory, Walt holding one of the babies. Even the painting that featured the kids after their fight with the Titans: aliens, wizards, and humans all together passed out in a large pile in her living room. Something that she had made to celebrate their victory while also showing them at their most vulnerable. She looked around in wonder at all her work hanging on the museum walls, like she was a proper artist.
"I can't think of anyone who would be more deserving to be featured in the show," Nomura said as Barbara gaped at the walls.
"Oh," Barbara breathed. "Oh, I don't know, guys. There has to be someone else more worthy than me. I'm not an artist."
"A better artist than most," Walt said with a growl. He gestured to Goodbye, Walt. "I wouldn't want anyone else capturing my likeness."
She laughed but then wandered from one painting to the next, trying to see them with new eyes. Were they as good as the others in the next room? She couldn't say. But seeing them on the walls on full display made her heart soar in a way she couldn't recall feeling before.
She paused in front of Goodbye, Walt, studying the piece with a smile on her face. She felt Walt next to her, and she turned to smile at him. "Do you like it?" he asked in a low voice.
"Yes," she said, grinning so hard her face hurt. "It is an excellent surprise, Walt."
"Well, there is one last thing," he said, and he cleared his throat and sent a pointed glare at Nomura. She grinned but then left the room with no comment. Walt turned back to Barbara and gave her a shy smile. "Barbara, I have a question for you."
"What is it?" she asked.
"This last year and a half, well... I mean to say, I have lived a long time..." he started to say.
"I will figure out how old you are, Walt," she said with a grin.
"What I'm trying to say is," he growled but paused again and pulled at his collar. "Bloody hell, I didn't imagine it would be this difficult."
"Walt," she said, taking his hands. "It's okay. What are you trying to say?"
He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, gently taking his hands back. "This last year and a half has been the best period of my life. And I can say that with no irony. You are teaching me to be a better person, and I know it is not easy for you or myself, but you make it worthwhile."
He fidgeted with his lapels and then reached into his jacket. "I would like to continue, growing, learning, with you, as long as you would have me. What I'm trying to say is Barbara, is that I want to be with you, officially." He paused and cleared his throat. "And now I made it sound like a business transaction."
She laughed but stopped when he brought a small item out of his jacket. It was a black jewelry box, and he opened it, revealing a gold ring with a green stone. She gasped and covered her mouth as he dropped to one knee. "Doctor Barbara Lake," he asked, barely above a whisper, "marry me?"
She suddenly hugged him so quickly that he almost toppled over. But he caught himself and returned the hug. "Yes," she whispered, trying to answer around the lump in her throat. She leaned back so he could see her face. "Yes, Waltolomew Stricklander, I will marry you."
He stood up and kissed her, crushing her until she couldn't breathe. When they broke the kiss, he reached into the box and put the ring on her finger. She moved it around, trying to identify the stone. "What is this made of?" she asked.
"A piece of my living stone," he explained. He placed a hand over his heart. "Nomura craved it out, so you will always have a part of me."
"Oh Walt, that is.... so weird," she said with a laugh. "But it's so beautiful, thank you." She started to tug on Walt's suit. "Can you show me where?"
"Hey now, no funny business in the museum," Nomura joked as she walked around the corner.
Barbara laughed and felt her cheeks warm in a blush. "Thank you Nomura, for helping with tonight."
Nomura shrugged. "You do deserve to be part of the exhibit, Barbara. We are pleased to feature your work." She crossed her arms and gestured at Goodbye, Walt. "Too bad your best work will inflate this one's ego."
Walt grumbled, but it didn't seem threatening because he was grinning ear to ear. "Well, darling," he said, turning to look at Barbara, "it's late. Are you ready to go home?"
"Yes, I think I am," she said, linking her arm with his.
They headed to the front of the museum, where Walt's car was waiting for them. Nomura handed the keys back to Walt but didn't let go of them. "Just remember Barbara," she purred with a grin. "You are always welcomed to kick this one out, and we could elope."
"To Las Vegas?"
"Of course," Nomura said as Walt finally tugged the keys out of her hand.
"I think I will be happy being Mrs. Strickler but thank you."
Walt looked shocked. "You would take my last name?"
"Nope, still going to be Doctor Lake."
"Figures," he sighed as Barbara laughed at him. She reached up and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
The couple waved and said goodnight, and Walt rushed Barbara to the waiting car. Walt got in and started their ride home. Barbara carefully threaded her fingers with his free hand as she watched the snow coming down outside her window.
"Merry Christmas, Walter Strickler."
"Merry Christmas, Doctor Lake."
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So, my TOA secret Santa was @sykidrawss, who gave me the prompt of ‘something that takes place in the future.’
Being a Gunmar Stan, I decided to hurt them. So here’s a little angst, hurt/comfort Jlairby.
Warning: MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH, Intrusive Thoughts, Grieving.
Merry Christmas, @sykidrawss
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Happy Holidays @theelfmaiden! I'm your gifter for the 2021 @officialtolkiensecretsanta!
Here's a portrait of the lovely Galadriel, my favorite elf maiden. I hope you like it, it was very fun to make :)
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percy--jackass · 4 years
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“Getting the kid will be easy, and we could even stop to get some cool, alien merch in the city!” Percy insisted. “Come on, it’ll just take a few hours at most. And we have to get her, Nico, her mother disappeared on New Year’s Eve- New Year’s!” He’d then pouted and gave his boyfriend the puppy eyes he knew could get him to do just about everything.
And Nico, who’d known how it felt to be small and all alone during winter, wasn’t about to let another kid go through that. “Okay,” He sighed. “Let’s go get the kid.” How hard could it be, anyway?
As it turns out, very very hard.
Or in which Nico ends up injured on the parking lot of a UFO-shaped McDonald’s, with a kid on one side and a couple of ducks on the other one.
This is my other piece for the Percico Secret Santa 2020 event organized by @percicoeventsdeck, for the fun @catsickle  who asked for established, older Percico, accidental child adquisition, or duck! Percy. I, of course, had to combine all three, and got carried away like always. You can read it here!
Hope you enjoy!
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toa-secret-santa · 4 years
Secret Santa Sign Ups Are Open!!
ToA secret santa 2020 sign ups are now open! To sign up, please fill out this form.
Sign ups end on Friday, November 20th at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time. The forms will be locked after that. Assignments will be handed out in late November and gifts posted in the days around the 25th of December. Please follow this blog for more information and updates as we get closer to time. Thank you!
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aevykcreates · 4 years
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It’s time for the 2020 Art Recap! And what a busy year this has been. 
January: Starting my stylized HTTYD groups. 
February: After several months of pre-work, I started working on the illustrations for my first published book, Zem.
March: As the world was falling down, the hype for TOA Wizards came back to stay.
April: This year has many different drawings and styles and there was a lot of experimentation.
May: I did some requests and unknowingly predicted Douxie’s personality.
June: This was a hard month for me, but I still managed to do some art.
July: Back to my costume and character design roots while getting ready for Wizards.
August: A small art block due to the unbearable summer heat but really wanting to do some fanart.
September: A 10 pages comic that was a great experience... with a not so great reception.
October: Started working on Daylight December.
November: Doing the last Daylight December prompts in the most creative way possible.
December: A little TOA Secret Santa drawing in the middle of another art block.
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yellowmagicalgirl · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Tales of Arcadia (Cartoons) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Gunmar (Tales of Arcadia)/Reader Characters: Reader, Gunmar (Tales of Arcadia), Minor Characters, Minor Original Characters - Character, Background & Cameo Characters Additional Tags: Reader-Insert, wizard reader, Female Reader, Gray-Aromantic Gunmar, Gray-Aromantic Character, Interspecies Relationship(s), Interspecies Romance, Series: Wizards (Tales of Arcadia), Pre-Canon, Camelot (Tales of Arcadia), Going by Trollhunters canon Gunmar is OOC, He doesn't act like he wants to eat people, I forget if he wanted to eat people in Wizards, tales of arcadia secret santa 2020, Love Confessions, Angst with a Happy Ending, Gift Fic, POV Second Person Summary:
You are a wizard whose magic has been discovered by the people of your village. You are offered refuge by a Gumm-Gumm you meet in the Wild Wood.
Hi, @theragingtransfan! I’m your Secret Santa for the @toa-secret-santa​. Here is the Gunmar/Reader fic you requested; I hope you like it!
If you have an AO3, please tell me and I will gift this fic to you on there.
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For @daylightisminetoconsume​ I’m your secret Santa! Happy Holidays! @toa-secret-santa
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ToA Secret Santa Exchange 2020
Surprise, @yellowmagicalgirl! I’m your Secret Santa for the @toa-secret-santa exchange! :D
I hope you like this fic I wrote for you. Enjoy!
Read it here!
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