Tales Of Arcadia Secret Santa
107 posts
Secret Santa 2020 Sign Ups Are Now Open!! If you have any questions, feel free to message me any time of the year. Modded by @keepin-it-crispy and @taggerbug (icon image by Lighterstike, header image by Earth-ambassador-jim)
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toa-secret-santa · 4 years ago
Sweet Aftermath
Hi @forthegloryofdragons! I’m your Secret Santa for the @toa-secret-santa event! 😊 At this point it probably looks more like a New Year present, but Merry Christmas anyway and I hope you spent nice festivities!
Here we go with some Jlaire and our favorite punk wizard! ❤❤
Summary: Peace is momentary in their lives but when they get it, they enjoy it as much as they can. Dessert is always welcomed.
Also on the AO3
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toa-secret-santa · 4 years ago
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Surprise, @just-somebody-who-likes-cartoons, I was your makeup Secret Santa for @toa-secret-santa!!!
You asked for Krel working in Hex Tech with Zoe, so here I deliver it to you! :D
I��ve never ever drawn Zoe or Krel before so this was totally a fun learning experience for me, so I hope I did them justice and I really do hope you enjoy your gift!!! <3 <3 <3
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toa-secret-santa · 4 years ago
Didn’t get your gift?
Hello!! With the selected posting days over, everyone who hasn’t gotten a message from a mod about a late gift should have received theirs. If you have not received your gift, please contact a mod as soon as possible! We will figure it out and make sure you get one. Alternatively, if you know you haven’t posted your gift and require a little more time, please let a mod know so we can contact the recipient and let them know their gift is coming. Thank you all so much for making this a fun year!
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toa-secret-santa · 4 years ago
I got dates mixed up.
I'm your Secret Santa! I tried to include the beans, hopefully it's to your liking! I JUST REALIZED JIMS FACE IS TO SMALL. GABAJKSHSBBSBSIIXJSBDJ😭😭😭
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toa-secret-santa · 4 years ago
A Time to Rest
Merry Christmas @crimisahunter! I was your Secret Santa for @toa-secret-santa. Since you requested the kids getting a break and hanging out I figured a movie night would be perfect for them.
Douxie is just finishing putting the last of the ornaments in a box when a swirling black void appears in his living room. The wizard grins as his student sticks her head through and looks around.
“Are you ready for us to come over?” Claire asks when she spots him.
“Yeah, it’s a little messy but…” Douxie trails off with a shrug.
Claire gives an amused snort at that. Her white forelock falls overs her eyes and she absently tucks it out of the way.
“Please I’ve been living with trolls and we’re all teenagers…” She pauses with a thoughtful frown. “Well I’m not sure about Krel… Akiridians do live longer than humans so I wouldn’t be surprised if he is older than we think…” The frown disappears and she shrugs “Oh well. Everyone will be over shortly.”
With that she vanishes into the portal.
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toa-secret-santa · 4 years ago
@lucysnowe I'm your Secret Santa!
I hope you enjoy some very sleepy Trollhunters 😁
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toa-secret-santa · 4 years ago
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Heya @squabasaurus !! I'm your secret santa!! I am soooo sorry this is heckin late,, , , Its a lil messy but I hope you enjoy!! You asked for jlaire and here they are, , ,
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toa-secret-santa · 4 years ago
Sorry it's a little late but I hope you like this little Fluff piece with Walter, Barbara and their half-troll son
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toa-secret-santa · 4 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Trolljegeren | TrollHunter (2010), Tales of Arcadia (Cartoons) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Barbara Lake/Walter Strickler | Stricklander, Jim Lake Jr./Claire Nuñez Characters: Barbara Lake, Walter Strickler | Stricklander, Jim Lake Jr. (Tales of Arcadia), Claire Nuñez, NotEnrique (Tales of Arcadia), Toby Domzalski Additional Tags: Christmas Fluff, Family, aftermath of season 1, takes place between end of Trollhunter and start of Wizards Summary:
In the wake of the Gum-Gums’ defeat, Barbara is just happy to have her Half-troll son over for the holidays. And despite doubts and worries, all can be overcome or worked through with family.
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toa-secret-santa · 4 years ago
This is my Secret Santa for @ask-the-ashs! Hope you enjoy!
Ashley had never seen one before. It was so small and tiny, even for a troll. The hard, pinkish skin was detailed with intricate carvings that the creature seemed to have been born with. It had deep, blue eyes that looked around in wonder, and when they caught on the Trollhunter a tiny smile crept across its face. Reaching out one rough hand, the baby troll beckoned to her by waving his fingers. 
Ashley almost passed out from excitement. Brushing some of her black hair away from her face, she pressed her own hand into the troll’s palm, and smiled as it laughed. Claire held it in her arms, trying to hide how much she struggled holding her child. Jim stood next to her, his blue stone skin reflecting no sunlight. 
“Claire, let me hold her.” Jim insisted. 
“No. I can, she isn’t that heavy.” Claire replied, the strain evident in her voice. The couple had been arguing for the past ten minutes, making everyone else a bit annoyed. But Ashley was too focused on their child to care. She let the baby crab her finger and prod it and grasp it in her own hand, making the Trollhunter giggle. 
“What did you name her?” Ashley asked, looking up at Claire, who’s face was turning a few different shades of red. “Beatrice.” Jim answered for her, taking the baby from Claire swiftly. “Tris for short.” Claire reached out with her hands to take her child back, but then sighed and dropped her arms reluctantly. 
Tris clapped and laughed, displaying her tiny fangs that stuck up form the bottom of her mouth, not yet big enough to reach her bottom lip. “Hey, how about we go for some lunch? I’m starving.” Toby asked. He had his hands in his pockets and wore a denim jacket that was painted red, orange, and yellow. 
“I don’t know, Tris hasn’t really every been in direct sunlight before. It might burn her.” Claire fretted, letting Beatrice play with her fingers. Ashley hesitated for a moment. What if they could just get an umbrella? 
“Uhm- I have an umbrella at my house… why not just use that?” She suggested. Jim looked at her, before nodding. 
“You’re right, that would probably work. Hey, Krel? Could you go get the one we have hanging on our coat rack?” The tall Akiridion shrugged and wandered off, leaving Aja, Douxie, Toby, Jim, Claire, and Ashley in the living room of Jim’s house. 
Krel came back and handed Claire the umbrella, leaving to stand by Doux. Aja cave her brother a playful poke with one of her four arms and Krel’s cheeks turned a shade darker blue, then he swatted her away. They murmured a few things to each other, Krel’s face turning even bluer as Aja pointed slyly at Douxie, who wasn’t paying attention.
Ashley didn’t think much of it as Jim led their whole group to the door, letting Claire open it and step outside first, letting Him take the umbrella and hold it above Tris. Ashley let everyone else go before her, taking one last glance inwards as she closed the door with a click.
( Sorry this is so short I’m going to the Bahamas for Christmas and I had to finish it at home. Also, I didn’t have a lot of time to figure out what Ashley’s personality was, but I went along with what I found. It takes place in an AU where everyone is older and Ashley is the Trollhunter after Jim. I hope you liked it!)
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toa-secret-santa · 4 years ago
ToA Secret Santa
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Hii @earth-ambassador-jim I'm your secret Santa! I'm sorry for cutting it so close, I hope you're happy with it! The prompt was Toby, Claire and Jim by a fireplace.
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toa-secret-santa · 4 years ago
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Surprise @inhonoredglory, I was your secret santa for @toa-secret-santa!!! I decided to draw some ~magic Douxie~ and I really do hope you like it  ^-^ !!!
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toa-secret-santa · 4 years ago
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Hey @ask-madam-ruby​ I am your @toa-secret-santa​ I hope you love your gift!!! (your main blog is not working for me)
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toa-secret-santa · 4 years ago
Didn’t get your gift?
Hello!! With the selected posting days over, everyone who hasn’t gotten a message from a mod about a late gift should have received theirs. If you have not received your gift, please contact a mod as soon as possible! We will figure it out and make sure you get one. Alternatively, if you know you haven’t posted your gift and require a little more time, please let a mod know so we can contact the recipient and let them know their gift is coming. Thank you all so much for making this a fun year!
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toa-secret-santa · 4 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Tales of Arcadia (Cartoons) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Gunmar (Tales of Arcadia)/Reader Characters: Reader, Gunmar (Tales of Arcadia), Minor Characters, Minor Original Characters - Character, Background & Cameo Characters Additional Tags: Reader-Insert, wizard reader, Female Reader, Gray-Aromantic Gunmar, Gray-Aromantic Character, Interspecies Relationship(s), Interspecies Romance, Series: Wizards (Tales of Arcadia), Pre-Canon, Camelot (Tales of Arcadia), Going by Trollhunters canon Gunmar is OOC, He doesn’t act like he wants to eat people, I forget if he wanted to eat people in Wizards, tales of arcadia secret santa 2020, Love Confessions, Angst with a Happy Ending, Gift Fic, POV Second Person Summary:
You are a wizard whose magic has been discovered by the people of your village. You are offered refuge by a Gumm-Gumm you meet in the Wild Wood.
Hi, @theragingtransfan! I’m your Secret Santa for the @toa-secret-santa​. Here is the Gunmar/Reader fic you requested; I hope you like it!
If you have an AO3, please tell me and I will gift this fic to you on there.
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toa-secret-santa · 4 years ago
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Merry Christmas @aethling ! I was your Secret Santa for the @toa-secret-santa exchange! You requested some Douxie and Troll Jim being bros/bonding, so I hope you enioy what I came up with! Hope you had fantastic holidays and thanks to the mods in the TOA Secret Santa for organizing this!
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toa-secret-santa · 4 years ago
Here again for the @toa-secret-santa of this year! So happy to participate again, I love these events! 😍😍 Hello @spellcasterdouxie, I’m your secret santa! Merry Christmas and festivities, hope you like my present! ❤
Summary: In which being stuck in New York to protect a magical being and save the world in the process is no excuse for not celebrating Christmas with your friends.
Also on AO3
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