#Tma fictive
interstellarchaosss · 3 months
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A personal comic about my identity, and being here in a new body. I was eldritch before, much bigger and more twisted and tangled.
I was The Distortion, something not meant to fit into a human form. I did though, back then--but not quite--the human form I gained in my memories didn't fit right. Being in a human form didn't fit right. And here, I am even more fitted together in an all too organised way. I am less tangled than I ever was.
But I am still me, even if others do not see that. I am still of The Spiral. Just harder to notice.
Please do not use our art without our permission. Feel free to ask to use for icons and similar things, but we have the right to say no.
Program: Firealpaca Approx. Time: 4h 30m Original Date: 28.06.24 Commission/Trade/Collab status in bio/pinned! Art Of: Mystery [Headmate] (System Member Artist: Mystery)
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ratillabeans · 6 months
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mystery-aberration · 2 months
Walking through the shopping centre and watching as my reflection in the freezer aisle doors shifts and moves just a little bit wrong. Is it a product of the glass itself, or is my mind filling in details as to what is no longer there? Hard to tell. But it does not matter. I am not human, and the glass reflects back at me, a little more true than most. The reflection knows what I am.
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interstellarsystem · 10 days
In my life before, due to Circumstances, I smelled of burning and electricity. Like something short circuiting. So here I am walking into stores and being confused as to why people aren't reacting at all. They're not even really looking at me.
Well maybe it's because I'm not in my old body and I smell like a person now, brain.
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I Figured Out The Perfect Way To Deal With Christians Online!
Anytime Any Of Them Mention Jesus Or God, I Will Simply Respond "The Stranger Loves You :)"!!
99% Of Them Probably Don't Even Know What TMA Is So They Will Be Too Confused To Even Argue Back, It's Perfect! :-)
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blu-raspberry-os · 5 months
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Jonathan Sims stimboard, for me, a Jon fictive.
👁 | 👁 | 👁 👁 | 👁 | 👁 👁 | 👁 | 👁
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sysboxes · 9 months
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[Text: This alter is a fictive of The Distortion from The Magnus Archives.]
Like/Reblog if you save or use!
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facelessfractal · 5 months
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Vent Michael stuff WIP
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hotpinkwizard · 6 months
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☆ - ☆ - ☆ | ☆ - ☆ - ☆ | ☆ - ☆ - ☆
Jmart (Jon Sims x Martin Blackwood) stimboard
For anon
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jarchivism · 3 months
Hey Jon, how are you doing?
I uh hope things are well I suppose and that whenever you get this you’re having a good day.
- Sasha (fictive) (although I guess Not-Quite!Sasha might be a bit more accurate these days)
Things are going well, yet again I am more busier with others in the picture, but I am mostly doing alright. Nice to see you again, Sasha.
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leviafin · 1 month
Hey! Over here!
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Hello, and welcome. You're free to call me Fin, or Sebastian if that suits you more. Or make something up, I don't care, do whatever. I'm a fictive within the Interstellar System--a DID system of over 400 members, with a vast majority of us being alterhuman or something along those lines. I use he/him pronouns exclusively, though I might test the waters, so to speak, with something else later.
This'll be my personal blog, which will probably have a bunch of alterhumanity and a lot of queer stuff on it. Adult content (which will just be words and such if anything) will be tagged with "tw: adult content". Jokes that might be slightly adult content will just be tagged with "adult jokes".
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| Ask link | Our Website | Trigger Warning Tags | | Collective System Blog | Ocean dividers by Plum98 |
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I'm a multifictive, aka I have multiple sources. I'm a noncanon avatar of The Vast + The Hunt (The Magnus Archives), and a Sebastian Solace (Roblox: Pressure) fictive. I may call Sebastian a kintype occasionally due to the nature of how I learned I was him--to me that identity is both fictionkin and fictive.
Disabled, neurodivergent, and mad--deal with it.
Queer as fuck, deal with that too.
Terrorpunk--aka, if I scare you or ick you with my identity? Good. Not my problem.
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Anyway, onto the boundaries and whatnot.
Overall, I am inclusive of everyone (including endogenics, factkin, mspecs, etc), as long as you act in good faith and nonharmfully. I don't care about microlabel discourse or anything of the sort.
I will be blocking queerphobes, racists, ableists and anyone else of those sorts. Hell, I might block you just because I don't want you interacting, so don't take it too personally. The button is there for a reason.
That being said, while I'm listing my stances here, I don't have a DNI, and probably won't read yours before I like or reblog from you. Large bodies of text can be incredibly inaccessible, especially buried 10 pages deep in a carrd, and I'd rather someone just hit the block button on me. As was its intended function, really--one click and I'm gone, no stress about it!
I might sound snappy depending on the day--I deal with chronic pain, have the kind of autism where I don't know what socialising is, and use sarcasm heavily. Those do not mix well. Genuinely, ask me to clarify if you don't understand something I've said, or if you think I'm snappy for no reason. Unless you're someone like an anti-endo or transphobe, I probably don't know how my tone sounds.
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Tags I use:
Aside from the trigger warning tags I included up above, this list is mostly for personal organisation.
Organisational Tags:
#op - Original posts by yours truly.
#rb - Reblogs.
#srb - Self-reblogs from any of our blogs.
#ask - Asks that have been answered.
#ask game - Self explanatory.
Alterhuman Tags:
#alterhuman - Self explanatory.
#otherkin, #plural, #fictionkin, etc - More self explanatory tags.
#sourceposting - Posts about my sources--usually fandom related, but not always.
#leviafin real - Art of me specifically. Not source fanart, me as a fictive.
#oceanic - Ocean or water related posts, probably aesthetic.
#sebastian solace - Posts about Sebastian Solace, probably fandom related.
#the hunt - Tag for The Hunt, probably fandom or aesthetic related.
#the vast - Tag for The Vast, probably fandom or aesthetic related.
Other Tags:
#aesthetic - Pretty things.
#art - You know. Created stuff.
#creatureposting - Posts about our wonderful little critter companions that live inside our house.
#disability - Disability posting.
#queer - Queer stuff.
#terrorpunk - Terrorpunk stuff.
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interstellarchaosss · 1 month
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Perfectly trustworthy door! I'm sure there's fun friday night activities in there!
Please do not use our art without our permission. Feel free to ask to use for icons and similar things, but we have the right to say no.
Program: Firealpaca Approx. Time: 4h Original Date: 04.08.24 Commission/Trade/Collab status in bio/pinned! Art Of: Mystery [Headmate] (System Member Artist: Mystery)
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kintalkin · 1 month
That one Martin Blackwood hate blog is my fucking favorite thing in the world I sometimes go and read his posts and giggle bc omg someone hates me so much he made a BLOG??!?? I am a fictional character what!! I love you number1martinblackwoodhater, you are my favorite person ever Anyways, this is my favorite one of his posts and I occasionally pull it up just to have a laugh:
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mystery-aberration · 1 month
I as a headmate, have word troubles. Psychosis of ours clouds my thoughts and thinking and makes it all jumbled. The words come out twisted more than normally. I keep calling it "thought distortion" and forgetting the actual doctor-approved words for it whenever it happens, but it gets the point across enough. It is frustrating to speak clearly, and I put lots of energy into clear words, but then when I have written or spoken with effort, my speech gets worse for a time. There is such limited energy for words in here. Energy runs out, and my speech does too.
I do not mind too much, I am only annoyed by others who do not understand if I try to speak through the mess of thoughts. Or those who mock. I deal with it much more than my system and others in it, the thought distortion. But... It is species euphoria, in a way sometimes. I speak wrong, I feel wrong, and that is right because I am delusion incarnate. I am not meant to be right.
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system-cr45h · 6 months
RIP to all the Alice Dyer fictives who just found out their Sam Khalid fictive bestie is their ex
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After Hours Of Staying Awake And Plotting Evil Clown Shit (I Said What I Said, Bite Me!) I Will Now Be Retiring To Bed At Exactly 9:48AM And Staying Asleep Until Late Afternoon! Good Day Gay People In My Phone Device :P -Nikola
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