#Tim almost gets stabbed when he goes up to Damian and says ‘not the only blood son anymore huh?’
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jotaroslooseeyebrowhair · 2 years ago
Dp x Dc prompt (I need to number these)
You know what? Fuck it. Danny is Superbat’s illegitimate cloned son. The Drs Fenton saw both Superman and Batman and figured they were both ghosts, and what better way to learn about ghost than a controlled environment? They tried to just clone one of each but none of the clones worked, until Jack accidentally put Superman’s DNA in the vessel containing Batman’s DNA, and there! A successful clone! The Drs wanted to see how a ghost would live in a human-raised environment so they named the little guy Danny and raised him as their own son.
Turns out, because of the ectoplasm in the air from the weapons and the thin vail between the infinite realms and the human plane, the kryptonian DNA laid dormant. Even though Danny got Clark’s bright blue eyes, his fluffy deep blue hair that looked black except in sunlight, (where Danny felt happier and stronger) Danny got Bruce’s face shape and height.
What really kickstarted the kryptonian powers? The lab accident. Danny got some of the basic minor ghost powers, but ALL of his kryptonian powers came into the light at the same time, so they were “probably just other ghost powers!” And brushed under the rug.
Now as for how they meet and figure out that Danny is the clone? That’s up to you, I like the idea of a vivisection, “you were never truly our son anyway” etc. Danny runs to Gotham/metropolis because something his real parents feels so familiar, the cities are calling out to him and he just needs somewhere to lay low and heal for a while, until he runs into one of his donors/siblings. Another way? Danny gets summoned as the ghost king for the JL for some problem, except he gets summoned as his “human” counterpart. The absolute similarity between Clark and Bruce makes them ask for a DNA sample (as well as whatever problem they need fixing) and after a long conversation of no, we are not an evil organization, they get the blood and while it is corrupted, it’s very obvious that this kid is the clone of Bruce and Clark. Shared custody anyone?
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tiny-space-platypus · 7 months ago
Never really fit back in
aside part 1
(Stories that I just can't get out of my head but don't forget in main plot)
Damian and Danny act like feral fucking cats thrown into an enclosed room together. The others have learned quickly that the boys CAN NOT be left in a room alone together or they'll both end up bloody and bruised. Well Danny will end up blood and Damian will end up bruised. But! If someone else is in the room they are the sweetest brothers to each other. Laughing, jokingly, hell Damian smiles, but once they're alone all hell breaks loose.
It's worse than when Damian used to try and kill Tim. At least then he at least tried to be sneaky about it but with Danny? No, Damian will walk up to Danny and just stab him for no other reason than he can and Danny, Danny just laughs and takes the blade saying something like "it's in me so it's mine now" then going to throw Damian in a choke hold.
At first the family was worried and confused because why the fuck are they so aggressive towards each other?? Yeah the bats all stalked Danny, yeah the bats were almost about to destroy the Masters and Fentons but that's supposedly water under the bridge now. Danny said he wasn't mad at least, he just wanted to spend time with his brother again. SO WHY WE'RE THEY ALWAYS TRYING TO KILL EACH OTHER??
Dick was the first to see this happen. Dick was with the boys, Danny and him making stupid jokes, Damian groaning, and they'd laugh. Then he left to grab snacks. Only to run back when he heard something crash, in the 5 minutes he was gone, Danny was impaled with a sword, with multiple batarangs sticking out of him! One was even in his eye!! Damian wasn't looking any better, black eye, split lip, bloody nose, and beaten to hell while Danny held him by the throat dangling him above the ground. Dick screamed and went to pull the boys away from each other which Danny allowed easily. When he asked WHY?? the boys only shrugged. Then began to argue about who kept the sword. Danny says it was in him so he should keep it and Damian saying it's his sword. Dick looked at the both of them and sighed taking the weapons for himself much to the protest of the boys. Now he had a head ache and a long conversation to have later.
Bruce almost had a stroke when he was told about it. He nearly fainted when he did see it for himself. HIS BOYS FOUGHT LIKE THEY WERE GOING TO KILL EACH OTHER. So now they couldn't be left alone together someone always had to make sure they didn't kill each other during their visits. Which is fine the Master's Manor was much more suited for their fights anyways hell maybe they could have their mother come watch them fight. It's been a long time since Danny has seen their mother after all.
The reason: That's the only way they know how to act together. They trained together when they were small and it's still just habit. Plus now that Damian knows none of his weapons can really kill Danny he goes all out to stay sharp, to Danny this is just ghost bonding. Ghosts do love fighting after all. Maybe one day he'll actually go full strength on Damian just for fun, just to see how his weaker, still mostly mortal brother will react. After all none of the bats have ever fought him in his ghost form.
Damian and Danny being left alone for 5 minutes:
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brucewaynehater101 · 9 months ago
Oh he does not dare to even look in their direction. He is ashamed and horrified at the fact they have seen what he is under his magic. He can't even bring himself to turn his head in their direction.
Meanwhile for the Bats who were there, the transformation was horrifying for another reason. Tim was screaming and writhing on the floor while sobbing. Anytime new limbs came out there was loud cracking like breaking bones. They don't know that it was actually the Jorogomo version of Tim's spider joints popping after not being used for a long time. They don't know that the screaming pain was caused by only the sound and not the transformation itself. They think that a transformation between his true form and his human one is *agony* for Tim. They think it was never shown because being forced to switch forms is like torture for him. He wasn't hiding his other form out of malicious intent, it was to save himself the *agony* of being forced to change.
When Tim tries to sit up, the button is pressed again and Tim screams again as it feels like a hundred knives being stabbed into his body all over. This time when it stops, he goes limp and unconscious. The poacher simply laughs and says, "the second dose almost never fails to knock em out. Alright boys, get this one put with the others, I already have a buyer in mind who just *loves* little spiders." The poacher is cut off by Jason finally getting out of his binds and going straight after the man.
Eventually all the Bats are free and and bad guys are taken out. They are now faced with a new problem. Tim is still unconscious and they absolutely can not leave him here. In the end, Bruce carries Tim's upper half while Jason carries the lower half while Damian keeps the path clear. Then the Batmobile gets there, the only way to fit them all is Bruce in the driver's seat, the passenger seat laid down with Tim's torso stretched out on it, and his bothers in the back seat with his lower spider body crushing their laps as they pray he doesn't wake up.
When he does in the cave and they ask him questions about it, Tim replies with a vague, "my mother is the same kind of creature as me. Not my father. Besides, it's not like I could have shown you Even if I wanted to. After all, all of you have made your opinions on apiders *very* clear. That they're disgusting and ugly and not welcome in the manor." He refuses to meet their eyes, especially since the whole family is there now, even Alfred. Tim won't look at them as he gets to his feet and heads for the exit of the cave and says, "I know how to get back to drake Manor. You won't see me again, don't worry."
As for making things with yarn, he absolutely does. Constantly, all the time. Though he uses his own silk instead of yarn and doesn't tell anyone that it's his silk even when they ask what it's made of, he just smiles and says that it's a special type of yarn he found.
Thank you for adding on!
Poor Tim trying to convince himself it's alright as he also tries to convince the Bats that it's alright and he knows the way out. I bet Alfred also feels an immense amount of guilt.
The making stuff with his silk is super cool! I'm curious how it feels and whether there's any special properties to the stuff he makes (he can make human/animal "puppets" so how does clothes or blankets or stuffed animals with his yarn affect people).
Some questions I had: does Jack "die" after Tim's mom dies, does he stay in the comma, or does he somehow wake up? Who else knew about Tim? How did his other form affect the BruceQuest?
Who in the batfam didn't have any negative feelings about spiders prior to Tim's reveal?
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hintofelation99 · 4 years ago
Tam: You're all insane.
Jason, rolling his eyes: Don't be so dramatic, we're fine!
Tam looking skeptical: Really? What are your go to solutions?
Jason: Murd- non-fatal maiming.
Bruce, looking exasperated: Did you almost say murder?
Jason: The key word there is almost Brucie.
Bruce, unimpressed: That is not very reassuring Jason.
Dick: Don't be so judgemental Bruce, he's doing amazing! I'm very proud of you Jaybird.
Jason: Thank you Dickiebird! Besides Brucie, you're the one who taught me that violence is always the answer.
Bruce: I did not teach you-
Bruce: Okay, maybe I encouraged violence, but violence is not my go to solution. My go to solution is to carefully analyze the situation and developed a well-informed solution.
Steph: You're just avoiding the question! Your go to solution can not be to research a good solution!
Cass: She's right.
Dick: Yeah, no your go to solution is to adopt a child and beat up a clown.
Jason: Then get the kid killed by the clown.
Duke, whispering: Damn...
Roy, rolling his eyes: Don't be a drama king. We can have awkward trauma guilt trips later Jaybird. For now we need to focus on Tam's genius inquiry. Bruce adopts then beats up clowns and Jay maims the scum of the earth, how about you Dickie?
Jason: Me? A drama king? Never. And this is none of your business, why are you even here?
Roy: To watch the world burn. Now don't distract Dick from the question at hand.
Dick, rolling his eyes: I just talk it out, no big deal!
Tim: No you don't, you beat people up, fight with B, then act all bossy.
Dick: ...well that was unnecessary.
Tim: It was very necessary.
Jason: I think it can be narrowed down to 'fight with B and act bossy,' which honestly Timbo, is better than your go to.
Tim rolling his eyes: What's my go to?
Steph: A twenty step plan that ends in mass destruction. Same as Babs.
Babs: No no no. My solution is gather all available information. Then mass destruction. And honestly Steph, you should be grateful for that, it's saved your ass many times, considering your solution is basically just 'poke it with a stick and see if it kills me'.
Steph: I'm pretty sure that's also Cass' solution, and she's doing great!
Cass: No.
Tim: Cass is right, she doesn't have a go to solution. She is the go to solution.
Tam: That is... terrifying?
Cass just smiles.
Roy: Okay, but Cass being terrifying is normal, c'mon lets hear about one of the other poorly adjusted children.
Jason: The amount of entertainment you get from the conversation is very concerning.
Roy: Shhhh, babe. We aren't talking about my shitty mental state, we're talking about your families shitty mental state. Now, how does Damian deal with stuff?
Tim: Damian, tries to kill the problem.
Damian: Tt. That is not my solution of choice for every problem.
Tim: You literally tried to kill me when you thought I was a problem.
Damian: That is completely different.
Dick: I mean- I wouldn't say you try to kill everything, but you definitely try to stab everything
Roy: Ok, ok. We have Bruce who's Mr. Adopt-a-kid n' hit the clown. Dick, who's solution is 'it's not a phase dad' and 'I'm oldest listen to me'. Babs who basically just ruins her enemies lives. Then there's Jay, who just hits assholes. And Timmy who puts Lex Luthor to shame. Steph just goes for it and hopes she doesn't die. And Cass who is the solution. And Stabby McStabster who Stabs people. Who else?
Tam: Duke?
Duke: I think, compared to everyone else, my solutions are normal.
Jason: You lead a gang and... oh my god.
Duke: What?
Jason: You have the same solution as Bruce!
Duke: What? No I don't!
Jason: You got some kids to help you beat up the mentally ill! You're Bruce!
Tim: Holy shit Duke, he's right.
Steph: Oh my god! Everyone thinks you're well adjusted but really you're just a mini McBroodster!
Bruce: Stephanie, do not call me McBroodster. Duke, you solutions are generally respectable.
Dick: He's only saying that because they're his solutions.
Jason: Didn't the Joker try to repeat B's trauma origin with you?
Duke: Oh my god.
Bruce: Boys stop making-
Duke, looking horrified: I'M YOU!
Bruce: Why are you upset about that? I handle things very well?
Jason: Haha Duke's gonna be a moody asshole when he grows up!
Duke looks horrified.
Dick, pulling Duke into a hug: Don't worry Duke, we can get through this together.
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marauderundercover · 3 years ago
Taking Chances Ch. 13: To the Death (Death)
Their last few days in Gotham went by smoothly. No rogue attacks, no akuma tacks. The only negative was Mr. Wayne refusing to allow her on patrol again because she was “injured” and “could have died.” Gotham has been nice for the most part and was full of surprises, but Marinette was relieved when the plane landed in Paris. The entire trip moved to the back of her mind, almost like a dream. Like it hadn’t really happened. Until Hawkmoth sent out his next akuma.
Taking in a shaky breath, Marinette blinks back tears. Everything was suddenly real. Hawkmoth might win.
She despised akumas with weapons. Specifically, the lethal weapons. Creative weapons or blasters she could handle. No problem. Legitimate swords or guns? Not so much. Instead she was left with a feeling of dread and uncertainty.
Pushing forward, she’s just about to call her lucky charm when she feels it. Choking slightly on the blood- why is there blood- she looks down at the sword sticking out of her chest. Oh. That’s why there’s blood. Blood. She coughs, wincing as she watches the blood pour out of her mouth. Huh. That’s not right. She almost hears Chat screaming. But why? Why does he sound so upset? Why- Oh. OH. She’s dying. She realizes this with a start as the world around her darkens and she begins to sway. She’s dying, and Hawkmoth is going to get her Miraculous. Hawkmoth is going to win. Oh, no- please-
“Chat.” She manages to say, watching as he runs towards her and scoops her up, carrying her out of the way of cameras and prying eyes. A place she can stay. A place where Hawkmoth won’t take her Miraculous. He won’t. He can’t. She frowns, black spots covering her vision, but not enough to hide his tears.
“Take them. Save them.” She manages to say, shaky hands reaching for her earrings. His lips move, so she knows he’s saying something. She wishes she could hear it. Wishes she’d thought of this possibility. She thinks Chat will win. But it’ll be so hard. She should’ve wrote a will. Should’ve planned ahead. Should’ve been more like her father. She blinks at Chat- Adrien- and realizes he’s still talking. She hopes it’s not important, that maybe he could tell her later. Her thoughts continue to jumble, just like her vision. Shifting into one incoherent mess. Words become shapes, pain dulls until she’s numb. Until she can’t feel it. Until she closes her eyes and lets the darkness carry her away.
Immediately after finding out about his Parisian daughter, Bruce Wayne had installed the akuma alert system in the Batcave. And on his phone. He wanted to be absolutely certain that he would know what was happening when, and maybe even find some way to help. Do something. Stop the emotional terrorist that had taken over his daughter’s childhood.
Sitting in his study, he takes a swig of coffee, thankful for a relaxing Saturday. He wanted to avoid WE, stay as far away as possible. They’d been bombarding him with questions about Marinette and the (true) rumor that started when her class first arrived in Gotham. Wanted to know if it was true, what they could say, what the official statement was. He wasn’t sure. He wanted Marinette to be able to make that decision. But it wasn’t something you could just ask after only a week of knowing each other.
A shrill ring breaks him out of his thoughts and he glances at his phone. That’s odd, he thinks, looking at the screen. Until he reads closer and realizes why it looks different. The Parisian news stations, who had never seemed too distressed by attacks before, were urging people to hide. Not just shelter in place. But hide. Making up his mind quickly, Bruce makes his way to the Bat Cave. Sure he couldn’t jump over to Paris to assist his daughter in battle, but he had to know that she was safe. He had to know Marinette would be okay. Miraculous cure or not. Walking into the cave, he’s unsurprised to see Tim already there, the news feed pulled up on the largest screen.
“It’s not looking good B. Casualties have already passed fifteen hundred. LB and Chat both look exhausted and the fight just started.” Tim informs him, frowning into his unnecessarily large cup of coffee. Bruce simply nods, trying to ignore the sudden tension in his jaw.
“How’s she holding up?” Dick asks, arms crossed as he walks in, Damian trailing in behind him.
“She’s giving ‘em hell but she also took a coupla good hits.” Jason says, watching his phone as he walks in through another entrance. Bruce’ chest feels warm at the obvious concern and care his sons have for their sister. He had no doubt that Cass (who had returned to Hong Kong before Marinette returned to Paris) was also watching the stream. Although not necessary, it was still nice of them to check. To care. As the fight goes on though, Bruce becomes antsy. The cameras are too far away to pick up the conversation between the heroes and the akuma, but it doesn’t look good. Marinette looks anxious, nervous, almost frenzied. All emotions he’d never seen on her (as Ladybug).
“Call your lucky charm.” Damian hisses, glaring up at the screen. Bruce silently agrees. As odd as the power was, it hadn’t failed her yet. There’s no- his blood freezes. The world shuts down as he tries to remember how to breathe. To remember that it’s okay to breathe. Because standing in front of the akuma is his daughter. With a sword protruding from her chest. The entire cave is silent, everyone waiting. Trying to process. The sword is pulled back and Bruce watches, sick to his stomach as blood falls out her mouth. As she sputters, more blood falling out. The dazed look on her face as she sways on her feet, not quite seeing her surroundings breaks his heart. She stumbles, her legs giving out, and he stares, unable to look away as Chat Noir manages to grab her and swing away.
“She did not even dodge! She could have-”
“She’s not- she’s okay, right?”
“Is she-?” Bruce is barely able to hear the chaos around him. Barely able to focus on the video in front of him. He lets out a shuddering breath, turning his complete focus to watch for her to come back. Surely someone would heal her. The Miraculous cure could heal her. It had to. He desperately watches the screen, waiting for her spotted costume to come back. She had to come back. He sees spots, but squints. Something’s wrong with the spotted costume swinging towards the fight. The colors are right, but the flash of blonde hair and distinct male figure- it’s not...it’s not her. Not Marinette.
“It appears Mr. Bug is on the scene. Ladybug is down. I repeat, Ladybug is down.” The news anchor reports, a distraught look on her face. But the look on her face is nothing in comparison to the agony that shoots through Bruce. How? Why isn’t she up? Why would Adrien use her Miraculous? Why not heal her now, let her finish her battle? Unless...could she not be healed? Was the Miraculous cure unable to bring the Ladybug holder back? No. No, he couldn’t think that. Couldn’t accept that. She had to be okay. He couldn’t lose a child. Not again. Never again.
“The Cure will save her.” Damian says stiffly, tugging Bruce from his thoughts. He looks over to his youngest, torn by how young Damian suddenly looks. How broken he looks, staring at the screen in front of them. Braving a glance at his other sons, Bruce suddenly feels sick. His phone rings suddenly, and Bruce jumps, hoping the name- but no. It’s Cass, requesting a facetime. He answers, giving his daughter (is Marinette okay? Will she be okay? What if he loses her right after finding her?) a quizzical look.
“Little sister is okay, right?” She signs furiously, a frown on her face. Bruce grits his teeth, trying hard to push down the emotions threatening to overwhelm him.
“I’m not sure.” He answers, leaving his tone flat and without emotion. He couldn’t break. Not right now, not when his children looked so scared. Not when they all looked horrified. He couldn’t afford to be scared or horrified too. He had to hold it together. Even if he was screaming on the inside. Screaming and begging and pleading with whatever powers there were. Pleading for his daughter’s life. For her to wake up. For the Cure to work on her. He watches and waits. Wincing as Adrien is thrown around even more than usual. His hands twitch, wanting to do something, anything to help. Bruce finally stands, ready to put on his suit and just take the damn Zeta tubes to Paris. Who gives a damn about Hawkmoth, his daughter needs him. He’s just about to walk away when he sees it. The pure white butterfly flying out of Mr. Bug’s yoyo. Bruce inhales sharply, watching the wave of light and tiny ladybugs sweep across the city. He watches as Adrien slides the victim a card before swinging away. Watches as he doesn’t reappear. The camera zooms in to the area he’d flown off to, but there was nothing. Zooming back out, the camera focuses back on the news anchor.
“And that’s another akuma, taken down by our brave heroes. Back to you, Jean Marc.” She says with a tense smile. And the footage cuts out. It’s no more. No one moves. No one speaks. Everyone just stares at the blank screen. The screen where they’d watched Marinette be stabbed. Where they’d seen a sword go through her chest. Bruce clenches his jaw, trying desperately to stop himself from crying.
“I’ll be back.” He says gruffly, leaving his seat to go and put on his suit. There was no way she was gone. He wouldn’t accept it. So, he was going to go to Paris. He’d find her and wrap her up in some goddamned bubble wrap and make sure that his daughter didn’t get stabbed again. God, she has to be okay. His thoughts are frantic as he moves swiftly towards his suit, his thoughts only of getting to Paris. Getting to Paris, and finding Marinette. A sudden flash of light brightens the cave and Bruce instantly gets into a fighting position, watching the light turn into a circle. A portal, right in the middle of the Bat Cave. His breath catches as he watches two figures fall through the portal. Adrien, obviously still in spots. And the girl next to him….he frowns, not quite recognizing her.
“Kaalki, dismount.” The girl says, a soft light flashing over her. Bruce freezes, eyes scanning his daughter as she smiles awkwardly. Glancing over her, reminding himself that she’s there. She’s alive. He crosses to her in three large steps and drops to his knees in front of her so that they’re on eye level.
“Never do that again.” He begs, voice breaking slightly as he wraps his arms around her, pulling her close. She’s alive. She’s okay. She’s alive.
Marinette buries her face in her father’s shoulder, tightening her hold on him. He was the only parent that knew she was Ladybug. The only one who would be affected by seeing her stabbed on live tv. Coming to see him directly after the battle was all she could think of when she woke up. She knew she had to see her dad and her brothers. Reassure them that she was still there.
“I’m so sorry Dad.” She chokes out, tears running down her face as she remembers the pain of being stabbed in the chest. The way her vision went dark. The way the blood felt as she choked on it. She squeezes her eyes shut, breathing shakily as she holds onto him for dear life, barely registering when more warmth surrounds her. She doesn’t have to open her eyes to know what it is. Her brothers, all hugging her. Surrounding her, making sure she’s there. She sighs in relief, glad that they’re all there. Glad that she’s able to hug them again.
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echoalyssa · 4 years ago
Phantom | Dick Grayson
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Authors Note: There’s some light language in this, but thats about all!
“Phantom to Nightwing, entering dead zone now. Start the clock and come in if I’m late. I love you.”
You now had an hour inside the base, unable to contact anyone. You were collecting intel and because you were the stealthiest and smallest, (Damian was too young for this particular mission) Bruce had sent you in.
Your boyfriend, Dick Grayson had wanted to come with you but Bruce had rejected the idea because two people was more risky than one.
Dick had been livid, it was more risky for your life for you to go alone. He was your partner even though you were all a team. Ever since childhood, the two of you fought together and somewhat seemed to share the same mind.
You push a vine our of your dace. Your black masks shows the digital map of the quietest places to step. Your hood is pulled up to disguise your features and skin tone that obviously didn't fit in with the darkness of the air around you.
You had left your mottled cloak behind, opting to only have to worry about your body and where you place it. 
Joker was extremely active underground lately, he’d evolved and Bruce had only your mission as a lead. 
Your mask displays your one hour timer on the left hand side of your vision. Fifty minutes to get into the compound and back to safety.
The compound comes into view, a flat stone building that just didn’t fit in with the forest that surrounded it. You creep forward, staying in the shadows and hugging the walls of the building until you reach the only vent.
The stone was practically flat but years of training allowed you to look your gloved fingers into a crevice and wedge a booted foot into the building.
You begin climbing, scaling upwards twenty feet. The screws of the vent are all different and you have to pull away from the wall, your body straining so you can unscrew the bottom two.
You’re small enough that you can pry the vent open enough that you can squeeze yourself in. Forty minutes your clock reads. You were going too slow. You crawl forward on your elbows, you trek forward, you should have asked for two hours. Shit.
You hit the record button on your wrist panel and pull the microphone out.
It’s a tiny one but the quality is amazing. You’re peering through a small vent above a research lab now and you thread the microphone and it’s wire through the vent. The audio feeds into your ear piece and also saves to the hard drive in your panel.
You’re holding your breath, only breathing when you have to to minimize any chance of getting caught.
“We need to move in now! He’s only getting more recruits and it’s only a matter of time before they find us again.” Says a voice.
“If they haven’t already! I say we try the new weapon on some unsuspecting crowd of bystanders now. Then they’ll be too busy trying to save those silly citizens to deal with us.”
“Yes but is it ready..?”
“It needs to be tested again and we need to find a more powerful energy source eventually.”
And then the joker walks into view of the vent. He’s holding a blueprint and he spreads it on one of the tables. It’s the paint schematic for the weapon because of course, the joker being the joker meant that everything needed to be green, purple, and white.
You raise a hand to your mask and tap twice. It takes a screenshot of your view of the blueprint and sends it to the bat hard drive.
“Did you have any luck with batons inner circle? Would anyone snitch?”
“A couple...” the speaker listens. It’s valuable intel and now Bruce would be able to feed false information to the rats.
You begin to tap their names away into the panel and then attempt to wirelessly hack into the mainframes. The firewall were strong and plentiful but eventually they all fall victim to you. Sixteen minutes your timer reads. Shit. The data downloading from their computers and into your drive is only halfway done.
It won’t be very detailed. Just minuscule bits of information because you couldn't connect physically to the computers. It’s a line of script here and there that didn't make much sense to you because you weren't super tech-y. Though every line counted and that you knew. Several addresses also pop up.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, your panel signals that the download is complete. Seven minutes reads the timer. Double shit.
You scramble backwards knowing that you’ve done all that you can. Somehow managing to turn yourself around in the small space. You’re almost at the vent when you foot clangs against the side of the vent.
You freeze, no alarms go off, but then again why would they? The timer is still ticking and you continue on, sliding out of the vent. You fumble with the screws, attempting to get them back in in case your cover hadn't already been blown. You then plant your feet, push off and flip down to the ground. You land nimbly in a rolling crouch and then pop to your feet and take off, sprinting for the tree line.
They come from the shadows. Dozens of them. All focused in on you.
You suck in a breath and draw your longswords.
“Bring it on Goonies!” You call and they surge forward all at once. Some with guns, electric batons, and swords.
You stalk forward, meeting them in the middle. You begin slashing immediately at arms, legs, torsos, anywhere that wasn’t too lethal. You weren't a killer.
Except there were just so many, the sword in your left hand falls from your grip and you pull out a disc, throwing it into the incomers. It explodes, blinding some and wounding others. 
You yank s taser out from your belt and stab it into an attackers neck while blocking an attack with your sword. And then it happens. A baton smacks into the back of your head and you stumble forward, dizzy. A blade slashes your thigh, splitting skin and muscle. A cry comes fro, your lips and you lash out desperately with your one remaining longsword. You're able to down the foe who had slashed you.
Two more take his place and then a dagger rips through your abdomen from behind. You scream, falling to your knees. Just as it gets put through your thigh, followed by your shoulder. You land in the grass face first and the world goes dark, sound fading out.
‘Dick.’ Is your last thought.
Dick is staring at the timer that is displayed by his make. 00:00:05. 00:00:04. 00:00:03. 00:00:02. 00:00:01. And the dreaded number... 00:00:00. It blares red and he stares at the forest, fists clenched. Where was she?
Tim steps forward and places a hand on his shoulder. “Give her five minutes okay? She’s smart. You know how these missions sometimes go overtime. She’s got this.”
“We never should have sent her in alone. It was too risky. Damn it!”
His fist rockets into a tree. He considers going after Bruce, giving him a piece of his mind. Then decides that it isn’t worth it and begins to prepare to go in after his love.
He makes sure to grab the miniature cauterizer and some other emergency medical supplies, stuffing them into the pouches on his belt.
“Wait, Nightwing, we’ll go together. We need a plan!” Damian calls.
His heart is pounding out of his chest and he can’t breathe. ‘What if he was too late? What if she was already gone?’
He doesn’t want to wait for a plan, time was ticking. He pushes past his adoptive brother.
“Dick wait!” Jason calls trying to grab his arm. But he keeps going, breaking for the trees to find her.
Jason and Tim look at each other, then they both look at Damian. “Stay here.” They say simultaneously/
“No way!” He yells back at his brothers.
The three of them take them off after Nightwing. And Bruce, having watched all his children run into danger, follows them in.
Nightwing is pushing through vines and branches, not caring if he makes noise or not. He knows the rest of his family will follow him, but quietly.
His mail enhances his vision in the darkness. He draws a thumb over his own panel and it activates the heat censor on his mask. Dick Grayson pushes forward quickly, scanning frantically for her heat signature.
And then he sees it. She’s always run cold. Her fingers and limbs always frozen. A small prone figure, running colder than the other surrounding bodies. He kicks up his pace, heading for her because he just knows.
“Phantom!” he yells, followed by, “Robin! I think I found her!”
He skids to a halt and falls to his knees, he can see the stab wounds. The way her blood has soared into the ground beneath her. 
Nightwing rolls her over, jamming his fingers under her neck to find a pulse. It’s there. But weak.
He rips the cauterizer out of his belt and drapes her body over him just as Jason appears. 
“Is she..?”
“Alive.” He grunts, “Not for much longer I need to..”
Jason helps him rip the uniform away enough so Dick has enough room to maneuver.
“Hold her down!”
Jason does as he’s told and Dick places the cauterizer to her skin.
“Only do what you have to, we need to get out of here. And soon.”
He pushes the two flaps of skin together and places the sparking tool to it. The heat melds the skin together. She’d need to be pumped full of antibiotics in case any of the blades were dirty and risked infection.
She only stirs slightly, too disoriented from her loss of blood. He talks to her the whole time he works on her.
He only does her abdomen, knowing that it’s her most serious injury. It might not even hold from the jolting and jostling that would occur in the journey back. Dick stabs a painkiller into her thigh, just in case she were to awaken.
He motions to Tim and Damian, who had been standing guard, to take up the rear. Grayson then scoops up his girlfriend, cradling her to his chest.
“Jason. Take point. Let’s get her home.”
He sits by her bedside. His hands are covered in her dry blood, along with his suit. He hadn’t bothered to change.
Y/N had needed a blood transfusion and he had offered immediately, hence why there was a needle in his arm funneling blood into girlfriend. Alfred had stitched do her wounds and hooked her up to an IV for hydration and anti-infection purposes.
She’d been changed out of her uniform after she was stable for cleanliness reasons and was now wearing one of his black shirts.
He’s holding her hand, his thumb tracing over the pulse point of her wrist occasionally.
It would be a long road to recovery for her though they all knew that she would bounce back and attempt to get back in to the field as soon as she could walk.
It’s days later when she finally wakes, her eyelids fluttering.
“Dick.” She whispers.
He’s right there, just like he had been, he’d only left briefly to shower but he ate and slept at her side. Jason had covered both of your patrols, with Bruce helping out.
“I’m okay. You’re okay, babygirl.” He places a hand on her face and she leans her head into his touch.
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awhitehead17 · 4 years ago
Batfam Alphabet: I - Injuries
Summary: When an offhand comment gets made about who receives the most injuries a big debate takes place to discuss this. Unable to agree on anything, the Bats decide to keep score of who gets the most injuries over the next 12 months. The results may surprise you. 
Enjoy! :D
The blissful silence within his apartment is rudely interrupted by the shrill of his phone suddenly ringing inside his pocket. Jason groans. Five minutes. Why couldn’t he just get five minutes of peace? Was that so much to ask for?
Cursing every god imaginable, Jason digs through his pocket until he finds and receives the device before scowling upon seeing the caller ID. Answering the call, he brings it up to his ear and doesn’t hesitate to snap a greeting, making it clear he isn’t pleased about being disturbed. “What do you want?”
“So there’s been a situation…” a hesitant voice speaks up on the other side of the phone.
Jason reaches up and pinches the bridge of his nose. That sentence alone is enough to start giving him a headache.
“How the fuck is there a situation? I left you guys not even fifteen minutes ago! I thought you were heading back to the cave?”
“Yeah, we were, but on the way back we heard gun shots and we found a gang fight happening. We intervened but while fighting Nightwing unfortunately got stabbed.”
Being told his brother has been stabbed makes Jason pause. There’s a remark on the end of his tongue that desperately wants to slip out but he doesn’t know if this is the right time for it. The tone of voice on the other side of the line makes it difficult to determine how serious the situation is.
“How bad is it?”
“Oh not that bad!” Tim chirps, Jason could now hear the amusement lacing his tone. “It’s just a stab wound on the thigh, more of a scratch than anything. Won’t need stitches or nothing. I figured I’d ring you to let you know because this now changes the board.”
Jason breathes out a long sigh and feels the tension leave his body. At least it’s not life threatening. This fucking family, he swears to God, if he hadn’t already been sent to an early grave he certainly would be now.
“So it’s enough to warrant a mark on the board?” Jason questions eagerly, already knowing what impact the answer will have. Now he knows it’s not serious he can think about other things.
“Oh yeah definitely.” Tim claims and Jason could easily hear the smile in his voice. “Even when it happened he muttered a curse and mentioned how it’s unfair because that now puts you ahead of him.”
At that Jason cackles. He bids his brother a goodbye before hanging up. Still laughing Jason moves through his apartment to his kitchen, digging through one of the draws he pulls out a large whiteboard and makes the needed changes to it.
This is something they all came up with at the start of the year from an offhand comment about who gets the most/least injuries out of their family. The comment triggered off a big debate and the result of it was to keep score of who gets the most injuries in the next 12 months.
They do not count life threatening injuries, because believe it or not they are not assholes and it wouldn’t be fair or even funny. Any minor injury can count (or at least minor for them). Any injuries done outside of the costume also count.
There are only a couple months left of the year but it’s currently pretty tight between most of them. Surprisingly Steph is winning with the least number of injuries so far. Following her, again surprisingly, is Damian. After him is Harper, Duke, Tim and then Jason. With his new injury today that puts Dick in last place, officially making Jason second to last. They hadn’t included Cass because firstly she didn’t want to be involved and secondly anytime she does get injured, which is extremely rare, it’s usually serious, so they collectively decided to not have Cass participate. Babs wasn’t interested and made it very clear on what her opinions of the competition was.
Before the new injury, Jason and Dick were in joint last place. His older brother now sustaining a new non-life-threatening injury changes the board. Jason couldn’t be happier, now he just has to make sure to not get injured at all in the next couple of months.
That in itself will be a challenge, but one not to be beaten easily Jason is up for it. He doesn’t care where he comes on the board, just as long as he beats Dick that’s all that matters.
Like most of the year, the last few months fly by and before Jason knows it, it’s New Year’s Eve and he’s attending a party with all of his friends and family.
While the party is being hosted at Wayne Manor, so somewhere familiar, there’s tension in the air which can be felt no matter where you go. To most it’s probably the anticipation of midnight approaching, that excitement that comes along with the clock striking twelve and the supposedly start of something new.
To Jason, however, it’s a count down until the results are revealed.
Jason has a vague idea of what the final results are going to be, after all he kept track of everything himself. Then again, it’s vague because he’s been away on a mission for the last three weeks only having gotten back two days ago. He hasn’t yet had a chance to catch up with everything that may have happened in those weeks he had been gone. For all he knows the board may have changed significantly and he wouldn’t have a clue.
Not long before midnight, Jason soon finds himself in the library with his siblings and friends. They’re scattered around the room sitting on the sofas and the floor with the news on in the background.
Cass stands front and center with a white board in hand ready to announce the results of who has sustained the least and the greatest number of injuries in the past year. They asked Cass to announce it as she hadn’t taken part, that way it’s fair and not biased.
Looking around the room Jason could see a variety of facial expression on his siblings faces. Some wearing smirks, like they know exactly what the results are, while other’s wear an expression of anticipation, clearly unsure on where they’ve come on the board.
Cass announces the names in ascending order, starting with last place first. To Jason’s absolute delight, Dick is in last place. He’s so happy to hear that he had beaten his brother in getting less injuries than him in a year. Dick simply sends Cass a tight smile and nod, obviously knowing he had lost before anything was declared.
After Dick is Jason. If he’s being honest, Jason is actually happier about that than the principle of being second to last, he beat Dick and that’s all that mattered. He certainly made sure Dick was aware of his delight.
After Jason is Duke, followed by Steph which was a surprise considering she had been in first for a really long time. Apparently she had a bad couple of months, reckless behaviour and stupid mistakes eventually added to her total therefore dropping her down the leader board.
Taking third place is Damian. Jason looks over at where he’s sat and he finds the kid fuming, clearly unhappy with his final position. In second place is Tim, which seems to surprise almost everyone, including Tim himself. The teenager sits on the sofa looking completely baffled but thrilled at the news. That finally leaves Harper taking first place as the person to have the least number of injuries in the past year. She jumps up to her feet yelling with joy and dancing around the room excitedly.
After the scores are announced Cass gives out little awards just as something extra which makes it all the more entertaining.
The most out-of-costume injuries award goes to Tim, who instantly claims that most of his injuries are because his best friends are meta’s and because he skateboards. No one believes the excuses however they don’t call him out on it.
The most ridiculous injury goes to Dick, who then explains how he got said injury. Apparently he miscalculated a jump when chasing someone and ended up scraping his side on a metal bin. Everyone stares at him after that story, wondering how such an experienced vigilante and acrobat even does that.
The most badass injury goes to Steph. She had gotten into a fist fight in the middle of the mall after some guys started shouting out vulgar language. Not taking any of their shit Steph beat them all to a pulp but not without taking some collateral damage herself. That award felt well deserved though it could have gone to someone else.
After wrapping up their competition they all decide to stay in the library and chill. They cheer for the new year when the clock strikes twelve and all exchange “happy new year’s.” They don’t go adventuring out to the party again which inevitably leads to Bruce hunting for them, out of worry or suspicion Jason’s not sure but when his adoptive father eventually walks into the library he’s met with a loud chorus of greetings
Bruce studies the group with narrowed eyes in suspicion. He meets each of their gazes before straightening up and leveling them all a glare.
“What’s going on? I haven’t seen any of you in a few hours only to find you all gathered in here, not fighting may I add. What have you done?”
Dick’s the first to respond. Being the oldest of the group he probably feels inclined to, especially when no one else offers up an explanation. “Wow Bruce, give us a benefit of the doubt would you, we’re simply enjoying being with one another for a change. New year and all that. Who knows, this may the start of something new.”
Bruce’s disbelieving expression conveys perfectly what he thinks of that explanation.
The room falls silent as they all stare at one another. Gestures and nods are shared between them as they try to get someone else to speak up but everyone stays silent, no one saying a peep. They never told Bruce about the competition; they really don’t know how the man would take the news but they’re all certain it wouldn’t be taken well. He definitely wouldn’t see the funny side of the whole thing, even if they explain the rules to it and how they’re not actually assholes and wouldn’t include life threatening wounds to the count.
In the end it doesn’t matter because eventually Bruce puts his hands up and shakes his head. “You know what, I don’t want to know. Whatever it is just keep it to yourselves and if you make a mess, clean it up. The less I know the better.”
With no more words Bruce turns around and leaves the room. For several moments after the man’s sudden departure they each exchange baffled looks, silently questioning what just happened. It stays like that for a while until several members of the family simultaneously shrug. The action causes an eruption of laughter and all of them end up cackling until they couldn’t breathe and had tears running down their faces.
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Lost, Found and Consequences... (HC)
Requested by a  stupendous Anon: can you do a head canon or one shot of the grocery store short you posted a little while ago? I think the idea of Bruce flipping shit over the reader being lost then treating her like a princess and having her brothers yell at him for losing her would be SO FUCKING CUTE btw ily more than anything ur amazing
This request is based on ‘this’ incorrect quote, I went with a toddler!batsis, because that’s what I had in mind when writing the quote. When you’d rather have it with an older (like teenager) batsis then just tell me :) 
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When Bruce realized that you are not, in fact, holding onto the shopping trolly like you’d usually would...
Were you kidnapped?
He is seconds away from calling the police or even getting into his suit himself
Yes, it’s an overreaction, but he just lost his preccious little baby girl and if he won’t find her soon he’ll get Jason flashbacks
So he leaves his trolly behind and goes back to the exit, when he walks into the first aisle to see you sitting on the floor, clutching your narwhal plushy -that you’d insisted on taking with you- to yourself
He doesn’t know how to explain that feeling that is a mix between utter relief and a deep-rooted self-doubt (shit get’s a bit too real here)
“There you are princess” “Daddy, you came back for me, I thought you were gooooooooooooneeeeee” 
When you start crying he can’t help himself from picking you up and hugging you as tight as possible and kissing your tears away. 
After that he completely and totally spoils you for the rest of the day
He takes the complete day off and takes you to eat your favorite ice cream in the town one hour away (in the car, only like twenty minutes in the helicopter)
He buys you like ten new stuffies and at least four new (very expensive) outfits 
including a real-life princess dress with a tiara
He may or may not have bought a studio apartment that you said looked pretty when seeing one of these commercial videos for it in the window of a bank (is that a thing in america?)
He won’t tell you, but he definitly did and he definitly paid someone to decorate it the way you’d like it as a gift for your 18 birthday (which is still long away, but he couldn’t helpt himself)
When it’s time to go back home he almost forget the reason why he’d been so stressed ealier
And for the rest of the week it’s fine, you’re happy and excited about all your new stuff and your siblings just think Bruce was in one of his spoiling-moods
But then Alfred asks you if you’d like to go shopping with him 
“i don’t wanna, what if you’ll forget my like daddy?” you answere with small tears in your eyes
All eyes turn torwards Bruce like
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    - “Master Bruce did what?”
“Daddy was going shopping with me and then he wasn’t there anymore, but he found me again and then we went to get ice cream,” you said matter-of-factly, completely oblivious to the hell you just unleashed
“YOU FUCKING LOST HER BRUCE?” Jason screamed, but covering your ears with his hands
“How dare you father?” Damian looked at him like he had just betrayed him in the worst way possible
“If that ever happens again, I’m taking her to Blüdhaeven!” Dick said, earning some dirty looks from the rest of the family
“ARE YOU EVEN AWARE WHAT COULD’VE HAPPENED TO HER?” the usual pretty calm Tim came at him and looked like he was seconds away from jumping over the table and stab him with his butter-knife
Cass just (lightly) slapped him over the head and then picked you up and carried you to your room to play with you away from the screaming match that was sure to follow
Let’s just say it’s not only Bruce who’s spoiling you a little bit more after that (not that you’re not completely spoiled all the time)
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kidshadow · 4 years ago
Reverse batfam au headcanon :
- when damian first came to live with bruce he was still learning that he wasn't in the league anymore so was still a bit stab first , ask questions later
- this meant he had to be homeschooled
- now being in the league meant he had some of the best tutors to learn and has an above average knowledge of most school subjects like math, physics, etc.
- after a while when he adapted a bit to living in the manor bruce takes him to work one day because it was take your child to work day
- Bruce leaves him in one of the conference rooms that aren't being used because he has to sort out a few things before he gives dami the tour and asks him to help this other kid that was stuck there with his homework ( the child's parent was a business partner )
- so then this kids takes out their math homework and dami thinks they're making fun of him because he did these types of sums when he was 5 ( the kid was doing 8th grade math ) so he obviously tells them this to their face
- he then procedes to walk out straight to bruces office where he rants about said kid until bruce stops him and explains that most kids aren't as advanced as he is and then makes hime apologize to the kid ( he was not happy about it but agreed once he was promised a new toy for ace)
Okay so timeskip to a few years later after tim becomes the new robin and damians nightwing
- after he got somewhat over tim becoming robin he started noticing that the homework tim did was a bit advanced for his age and tim being tim had a passion for learning especially physics and math
- so when he saw tim struggling with said homework he offered to help which tim begrudgingly agreed to ( it was only cause he had a test the next day that he really needed to pass )
- it went surprisingly well ( a few raised voices but no blood was drawn thankfully ) and tim even asked if he could help him again next time
- dami says yes but after he came back from a trip he had planned
- so fast forward a week or 2 and both parties are anticipating the next study session
- dami goes out of his way to buy these super expensive study guides and proper science kits for tim and he actually can't wait to go give them to Tim, dami even started making little notes in the textbook so tim could have an easier tim understanding everything ( hes writes something like this " remember to use net force here and not Enet cause we both know only you would switch them up" )
- but then jokers comes in and turns tim into joker jr ,and tim fights jokers brainwashing and shoots joker and then he shoots himself because he thinks he's too messed up to be saved
- dami comes back a few days later cause bruce called to tell him something happened, and he goes straight to bruces office ,slamming the door open and sees everyone sitting there in despair except tim ( its steph, duke, cass, bruce and Alfred )
- he is in full denial now and asks bruce where tim is acting like his usual demanding self trying to mask his fear
- Bruce just stares straight at damian with the most heartbroken look
- its not till duke wraps him in a hug does he realize he had started crying
- he sobs openly now asking what happened and how
- joker thats all duke says and dami just crumbles to the ground clutching on to duke mourning the loss of the rival he was just starting to become brothers with
Another timeskip to after tims been revived by the Lazarus pit and has gotten over bruce replacing him and is now almost willing to hang around the batfam
- tim had stayed over one night at the manor when he got a bit badly injured and Alfred forced him to
- tims didn't sleep that well in his old room because it kept bringing back memories he thought he had long ago gotten rid of
- its 6am when he decides he's had enough and justs gets out of bed and starts roaming the manor
- he stops at the library and just starts browsing through all the new books that he noticed were added
- his hands stop to rest on an all too familiar one, his ap physics textbook that everyone thought was too advanced for him, only damian had believed he was advanced enough for it he thought as a wave of sadness and longing washed over him
- glaring at the book he swiftly turned around and headed down to the kitchen
- it was 7 30am now he'd been wandering for quite a bit of time
- not surprisingly alfred was already there and preparing breakfast, he told tim that it'd be done in a few minutes and that he should go wake up the others in the mean time
- by others he meant damian and duke ( bruce took the steph, cass and Jason to an overseas meeting so that they could have a mini vacation for jasons school holidays)
- he went to wake damian first mostly cause his room was closer and because he wanted damian to feel miserable like he was feeling even though he knew how petty he was being
- after all it was all damians fault he didn't get any sleep last night
- honestly he'd gotten over being replaced as robin but even after all this time has passed he still mourned the big brother that damian had just started becoming to him and the close brotherhood they could've had
- tim had always wanted a sibling when he was younger
- he would always lay in bed and fantasize how it would feel to not be lonely anymore
- knocking on damians door he received no answer so he let himself in only to see the bed empty and the bathroom light glow from under its door
- realizing he had never actually had a chance to look around damians room in the past and that he'd never get another opportunity like this he started looking around
- the room was decorated rather moderately with a few of damians paintings framing the walls and one or two of his pets toys left on the floor
- walking past damians nightstand he accidentally knocks something to the floor and it rolls under the bed
- going down to pick it up he notices this box under the bed the bed so he pulls it out and puts it on the bed
- the box has these advanced study guides that look like they've been used quite recently
- he opens them up and finds all these highlighted words and page tabs and even little notes written in the corner and he doesn't know which is more shocking that they look damians handwriting or that they're addressed at him
- tim hears his name being called but can't seem to look away from the book in his hand
- it was duke calling him
- duke was asking him what he was doing
- tearing his eyes away from the book he stares at duke
- his voice hoarse as he whispers "did you know...?"
- duke only stares back at him sadly
- he asks again "did you know" anger seeping into his words
- the bathroom door is pushed open and damians there too now going from surprised at seeing two of his siblings in his room to solemn after his eyes land on the study guide he was holding
- feeling furious now at not being answered he turns towards damians and shouts now asking why he didn't tell tim about the book and why they won't say anything
- and then he's full on sobbing as damian wraps his arms around him and tells him everything about the book and the notes and how excited he was to give them to Tim before he died
- duke leaves to give them some privacy and to tell Alfred that the two of them would be late for breakfast
- tims chest feels like its about to burst because the person he thought he had missed his chance to be family with already thought of tim as his little brother
- he had his big brother here this whole time and he never even realized it
- tim cries were ugly and loud and desperate , his fingers tightly gripping damians shirts like he would disappear if he ever let go but damian wasn't bothered all he could think of was that he finally had his little brother back
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neakco · 4 years ago
You're Not Alone Ch. 3
Ao3 the start Ch.1 Ch.2 Ch.4
Marinette looks back on her week as she gets ready to return to Paris and to school.
Marinette leaned against her bag in the bat cave. This was it, time to go home. She glanced fondly to where Damian and Tim were arguing over what her designation should be. Looking to her other side allowed her to see Kon and Jon who were supposedly keeping watch but instead were watching the two Robin’s argue.
“So you finish assigning me a designation then I get access to the tubes forever?” She watched as Damian and Tim paused in their scuffle, Damian's elbow jammed in Tim's ribs.
Tim smiled at her despite the painful position he seemed to be holding, “Yep, all you have to do is state your designation and you will have access to any of the tubes in Gotham or the one in Paris if you are here.”
Jon spoke up from across the cave, “Why don’t you two just ask her which name she likes better?”
Kon snorted, “Because the moment they decide on a name there is nothing to stop her from leaving.”
Neither Robin answered as they instead went back to their fight.
Marinette smiled and laid back on her bag. It was nice to see her birds getting along. Sure some may not see it, but neither had pulled out any weapons and none of the blows hit with force.
She looked back on her week, there were probably too many days where she cried on Tim, but she definitely felt better now, stronger. She could face her friend now and not have it hurt.
She almost laughed as she thought back to Monday night. Bruce saw her getting ready to join patrol and forbid her from lending Trixx to Tim. Not liking being told who she could and could not give the miraculous to she made the wonderful decision to lend Trixx to Jason instead. In hindering there was no way that was going to turn out well. She still thought it was worth the look on Bruce’s face.
The chaos was so great that he hadn’t  even noticed Damian using Longg until after she had recruited Chat to help her control the chaos. Marinette hummed to herself, if anything calling Chat had only made things worse. Seeing him twice that day was really bad for her heart, but at least Batman had a worse time. She still wasn’t sure if he ever noticed Tim shield surfing amongst all the other chaos.
Bruce had banned her from handing out any more miraculous during patrols, she only agreed because he said he would let Red Robin patrol again. It also helped that she could still drag the boys with her to fight akumas. Orikko and Tim paired well together.
Sadly Damian couldn’t help during that akuma. The fight would have been over a lot sooner with a dragon. Probably would have been less food puns with Damian threatening to stab someone. She blamed Chat Noir. He called Tim Rouge-Gorge like the American restaurant. They probably shouldn’t let Kon know how often Tim was called yummy during that fight.
She was snapped out of remembering quite violently when Kon had tossed her suddenly towards the sparing mats. She landed herself in a fighting stance and noticed Damian doing the same as Jon tossed him. She looked quickly towards Tim and saw that he had pulled up a summary of her last spare and what she needed to work on. She smiled, guess the supers were working as lookouts after all.
She didn’t allow anymore time for thoughts as she launched into a series of fast palm strikes. Damian sadly wasn’t taken surprise and blocked her before launching into a counter.
“What is all this? I thought Little Red was leaving.” Dick looked over the cave as she and Damian stopped sparing to look at him.
Dick walked over to Tim without waiting for an answer. He closed the analysis and started typing.
“MLB-01 registered.” Flashed on the screen and Dick just shook his head and walked back the way he came without another word.
The five teens looked at each other a little sheepishly before Marinette decide to take the opportunity to hug Damian.
“Get off me woman.”
“I will miss you too Damian.” She smiled and let go before he stabbed her then walked over to the Kents. She grabbed them both in a hug, “Come visit after an akuma attack sometime.”
“No promises,” Kon laughed as he hugged her back and tugged one of her pigtails.
She batted his hand away then went to gove Tim a hug. “Thanks for being my rock.”
His return hug caused her ribs to ache slightly but she didn’t care. “Anytime Bug.”
Her eyes started to tear up. This week was so much fun, she would really miss them. “We never finished writing our love song.”
Tim laughed, “That's because neither of us are very good at coming up with a melody.” He released her from the hug a little reluctantly and grabbed her bag from Damian in order to hand it to her. “Call me when you get home Bug.”
She smiled a little watery but accepted the bag.
“None of that now,” Tim wiped her tears away with a handkerchief, “We are still on for Saturday Brunch next week.”
“DC.” She looked over at Damian glaring at her and smiled. He was trying to hide how upset he was. “Call if you need us, it will be a pleasure to trounce your villains for you.”
She smiled, “Of course.” She stepped up to the tube. “Thank you. I will talk to you soon, I promise.” She input her designation and was off to Paris before any of them had a chance to respond.
It was better this way. This way she wouldn’t cry anymore.
She opened her purse and smiled at Tikki. “As far as travel goes I think I prefer Kaalki's portals.”
Tikki just giggled and munched on a cookie.
Marinette closed her purse and carefully left the building. She wasn’t too surprised to find herself near the Grand Hotel. Her secret phone dinged and Tikki handed it up to her quietly.
‘The limo is for u.’
‘I took u away in style Im going to return u in style.’
‘u r worth it.’
She smiled and sent a thank you back to Tim.  She would repay him with some pastries next Saturday.
Her parents were busy in the bakery but still made time to give her a quick hug. Her maman even commented on her smile. She flushed a little at that. Guess she wasn’t as good at faking them as she thought.
Once in her room she turned on her normal phone and listened to all the messages come in. There were a couple from Luka and Adrien asking her to let them know when she made it back and Luka hoping she found what she needed to.
Adrien let her know he was excited to see her at school and let her know he had a lot to catch her up on. Luka wanted to know if she could hang out after school since he had a new song to show her and wanted to know about her week.
She responded to both of them and then took a steadying breath. She couldn’t avoid it any longer.
She took her time to open up Alya's messages. Ninety-four messages, most of them creative rephrasing of the questions: How do you know the Waynes? Did you meet any heroes? Are you dating one of them? Why are you ignoring me? Oh and Marinette’s favourite; Lila says you would totally have cell service in the states.
She groaned and handed the phone over to Tikki to read while she thought of a response. Deciding that she really just wanted to call Tim and sleep she told Alya she was jetlagged and they could talk in person tomorrow.
Maybe future Marinette would be well rested enough to handle Alya.
One more chapter and we are done. Maybe then my brain will finally release me from this universe and let me write for other stories.
That said, let me know if there are any scenes you want to see. I am happy to try and write them.
Taglist: @novemberistired @novemberandmay @laurcad123 @certainmuffinbagelcalzone
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verymuchimmortalcat · 4 years ago
Maribat March Day 13: Reverse Robins
Their Ages:
Damian: 25
Tim: 19
Steph: 18
Cass: 17
Dick: 11
Marinette: 8
Jason had a plan to bring Tim home for the holidays. Tim hadn’t responded to the invitation that Bruce had sent him. It didn’t necessarily shock anyone but Marinette had been really upset. She adored her second eldest brother and on the rare occasion Tim was in the Manor or the cave, he was always accompanied by the eight-year-old who followed behind him chattering on about whatever she had found interesting.
Tim was probably given the same place as Dick had. Though everyone had accepted that if Marinette had a favourite it would be Cass. Which was understandable.
It was funny how Dick had latched onto Damian and Marinette with Tim. The two of them had somehow managed to get attached to the two brothers, whose rare interactions usually ended in arguments.
His plan was simple. Take Marinette with him on patrol and go to one of Tim’s safe houses. Let her use her puppy eyes on him and if that doesn’t work, Jason can probably bribe him with Alfred’s food. Jason’s sure they won’t have to resort to bribery. He’s seen the Damian Wayne give in to her puppy eyes. (Cass had managed to take a video and had sent it to Jon, who sent it to the rest of Damian’s friends. Damian had taken to threatening to stab anyone who brought it up but none of them took him seriously.)
All he had to figure out now, was how to sneak her out on patrol with him. Dick had started his training but Marinette had decided she was going to help Steph and Alfred with comms and whatever little help she could provide around the med bay. It was adorable. But none of that helped with getting her out of the house, even if he picks a day where he’s on solo patrol, Alfred would notice that Marinette was missing.
In the end he tells Alfred he’s taking Marinette to talk to Tim. Alfred agrees, probably because its weird to see the most cheerful person in their house being gloomy. Even Bruce had tried to distract her to help her feel better. Not that it had helped.
He tells Marinette about his plan and she agrees. Tim doesn’t show up in the cave in the days after he tells Marinette of his plan. He seems to be avoiding the family completely in fact. He’s sure Marinette’s noticed too. Marinette gets more and more excited before his next solo patrol. The day he tells her they’re going; she’s practically bouncing in excitement. The whole family notices but doesn’t say anything, glad to have their ray of sunshine back. Jason thinks Cass knows and isn’t saying anything but he isn’t in a hurry to find out. For all he knows Marinette might’ve just told her.
He stays behind in the changing rooms for a while. And once he’s sure everyone’s left and he comes to grab Marinette, he realises Dick is still there. Dick will definitely notice his sister’s disappearance but he might tell Damian if they tell him where they’re going. And if Damian shows up, Marinette’s pleading or not, they weren’t going to achieve anything. Thankfully, Dick heads back up a while later, he must have been tired out by his training.
Jason hands Marinette a domino mask and takes his bike. He knows better than to grapple around Gotham City with a child. Steph just smiles at them as they scurry across the cave. He’s not shocked, if Cass knows than Steph definitely knows. At this point he’s just glad Marinette didn’t tell Dick.
They head to the safehouse Tim had been in the last time. Hopefully, Tim’s there. Jason doubts he’s gone on patrol, since he’s been trying to avoid the rest of them, he’s probably just working on case files.
Tim is there. Jason parks his bike in an alleyway and hands Marinette the mask solvent. She removes the mask soon enough and they go to find Tim. Marinette knocks on the door. Jason behind her, hidden in the shadows. The door opens to reveal Tim with a scowl on his face looking straight ahead, and before he can make out Jason in the shadows, Marinette hugs him, joyfully squealing, “Timtam!”
Tim looks down, bewildered, at the tiny kid that has currently wrapped herself around Tim.
“Marinette? What are you doing here?”
Still clinging on, she continues to speak happily, “Jayjay brought me.”
Looking up Tim spots him immediately, stepping forward, Jason offers him a sheepish grin.
Tim narrows his eyes at him, “why are the two of you here?”
Jason ignores his question and says, “we should head inside, don’t wanna bring attention to ourselves,” gesturing to his costume. And Jason walks into the apartment, steadily ignoring Tim glaring daggers behind him. Marinette has stopped clinging onto Tim and is skipping into the house dragging Tim behind her once he shuts the door.
Marinette goes back to hanging off of Tim like a monkey once he comes to a standstill.
“Mind telling me why the two of you are here?”
“Don’t look at me, Pixie was the one who wanted to talk to you.”
He looks at Marinette, who offers him a blinding grin. Tim melts a little and sits down, Marinette now having settled on his shoulders. He can’t wait to check out the footage from his mask later. This is going to hilarious. Gotham’s scary anti-hero caving under grins from his littlest sibling.
Marinette cuts to the chase, clambering of his shoulders, she sits cross legged on his lap, eyes wide and pouting. Jason stifles his urge to giggle. She looks up at him, and says sounding so sad that Jason wants to wrap her up in blankets and eat chocolate until Alfred scolds them, “Bruce said you’re not coming to the Manor next week.”
“I- what?”
She sniffles, and damn is Jason impressed, “for the holidays, Damian came home yesterday, Jon will be there next week. Cass and Steph are both there, B’s taken the week off from work. You’re the only one not coming.”
He’s still staring at Marinette with wide eyes, and a confused face. But he sounds perfectly collected when he says, “And do the others want me there?”
She gives him an indignant look, “Of course they do, why would they send an invitation if they didn’t want you there?”
“I don’t know,” he says, phrasing it as a question.
“Great, then you’re coming,” she says happily.
“I am?”
Jason almost feels bad for Tim. Almost. He’s not physically hurt, the worst thing from this encounter would be when Jason sends his mask footage to Tim’s friends as revenge for the whole trying to kill him thing. Marinette’s going to develop a reputation of getting grown heroes (or anti-heroes in this case) to cave under smiles before she meets any of them.
Marinette continues cheerfully, “yup. It’ll be so much fun. Alfred promised he’s gonna make everyone’s favourites. Yours included. And then the gifts. Don’t forget to get gifts, by the way.”
They’ve been out for at least two hours, if they don’t leave now, they might not make it back to the cave before the others do. Before Marinette can start on another tirade, he interrupts her, “We’ve gotta go now, if we don’t wanna be grounded.”
Marinette pouts but she gets up. She hugs Tim one more time and makes him promise that he’ll be there the next week. She skips out of the apartment happier than Jason had seen her all week.
They reach the cave before the others. Marinette informs Alfred and Steph that Tim agreed to come and Alfred ensures her that he’d take care of the necessary arrangements and that he’s glad that she convinced Tim to join them. She casually says, “he thought we didn’t actually want him here, that’s silly. Of course, we want him here.” She misses the sudden pain in Alfred and Stephanie’s expressions
Steph puts a hand on the bouncing Marinette’s shoulder, “maybe you should keep reminding him.”
Marinette looks at her and nods gravely, “ok.” She yawns then and Alfred sends her up to bed. Telling her she’s had a long night. Marinette wishes them all good night and rushes up the stairs.
The next morning Marinette informs the others, that ‘Timtam’ will be joining them and they have to get him a gift. No one provides Bruce with an answer when he asks how she knows, even though Jason’s sure all his siblings know by now.
True to his word Tim shows up the next week. He leaves at the end of the week. But Marinette and Jason now have an established system. It takes Tim, three more times of the same process before he catches on. He’s not immune to it though. So, every time Tim turns away from their “family bonding” Jason takes Marinette to whatever safe house he’s in and Marinette talks him into coming. Eventually they don’t need to do that and Tim just agrees the first time.
Being Dick's sister, she's been performing most of her life, she'd be able to pull off the whole fake tears thing..
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sohotthateveryonedied · 4 years ago
Chaos and Bloodshed Already Haunt Us
Read here on AO3!
Tim and Jason get kidnapped by Black Mask. Jason is too sacrificial for his own good.
Tim has been waking up tied to chairs in strange places since he was thirteen, to the point where he has been kidnapped more times than he’s been to Chuck E. Cheese. When you’re a Wayne kid and a batkid, you learn to accept regular kidnappings as a part of life, just like taxes. Is it so unreasonable that Tim would prefer to wake up in his own bed, for a change? First things first: take stock. Assess the situation. Go from there. Before he’s even opened his eyes, Tim feels for what he’s pretty sure is regular rope keeping his hands tied behind him. Unfortunately, even rope can hold a bat when said bat has no weapons to bail them out, which Tim doesn’t. His utility belt and bandoliers are missing, and any spare tools he has hidden on his person are impossible to reach with the way his arms are wrenched behind him. His fingertips are already tingly, going on numb. “Red? You up?” Tim opens his eyes at the familiar voice. Jason is tied to his own chair across from him, a mirror of Tim’s own situation. The room itself is small—gray walls, cement floor, unmarked crates stacked along the walls. Jason’s helmet is off, exposing the domino he wears underneath. Tim’s mask hasn’t been touched either. “Do you remember what happened or do you need the recap?” Jason asks.
It’s blurry at best, but Tim remembers enough. “Intel mission on Black Mask, right?”
“Started out that way. We got here and I figured out that Sionis was selling weapons to Intergang so we blew the whole shipment to hell.” “You figured it out?” That doesn’t sound right, as fragmented as Tim’s memories are. From the throbbing in the back of his head, he must have been hit pretty hard. “You calling me a liar?” “I ain’t calling you a truther,” Tim mutters, fiddling with the rope that’s been cutting off circulation in his hands for what must have been at least an hour. He can’t get Jason and himself out of here in this condition. “Did you—" “Already signaled him.” Good. Bruce will send someone to bail them out of this in no time. They just have to hold out until then. “Oh, good, you’re awake,” a chilling voice speaks from behind Tim. “You have no idea how bored I was waiting for the party to start.” Fingers touch Tim’s shoulder and he jerks away. Jason, unbothered by the newcomer, snorts. “This is what you consider a party? You need some fucking friends.” Sionis ignores the jab. He passes Tim and goes straight for the camera set up near the left wall, just far back enough to fit both Tim and Jason in frame. Very, very bad sign. He turns it on, the red light blinking. “You making a movie?” Jason says. He’s snarky, but Tim can see the fear lurking behind his eyes. Roman ignores him and adjusts the camera so it points at himself. “Hello, Batman.” Tim’s eyes snap up to meet Jason’s. “In case you were wondering, this is a live feed you’re getting now. And don’t try tracing it, you’ll just waste your energy. You’re not the only one who has talented technicians on his side.” He leans in closer to the camera, his mask nearly touching the lens. “In the spirit of clarity, let me be clear: this, right now? This is a gift. This is my warning to you to stay the hell out of my business, otherwise you and your precious lackeys will have to answer to me.” He moves out of the frame and zooms in on Tim’s masked face, then Jason’s. “Lucky for me, I found a couple of your birds messing with my shipment, and they so graciously volunteered to help me set an example.” He steps aside and gestures to a tray of tools, each one more horrible than the last. Most of them are still coated in blood from his last victim. Tim gulps. Sionis peruses his collection, which gives Tim the chance to catch Jason’s attention. He jerks his head toward the camera, mouthing, Tell them where we are. Jason nods, and Tim looks back at Sionis. “You think I haven’t been tortured before? This is just a workout.” Is it true? No. He’s terrified, actually. But Jason needs time to signal Bruce through the camera, so Tim will stall for as long as he can. “Bold words, kid.” Sionis picks up a knife, tracing the edge of it with his fingertip. “Just makes it more fun for me when you break.” He comes closer and grabs Tim roughly by the chin, pressing the knife against his cheek uncomfortably close to his eye. “I’ll bet I can make you cry.” “Hey, Blackie,” Jason calls, ripping their focus away. His eyes are narrowed, mouth twisted. “Did you hear the one about the rich dude who wore blackface?” Sionis tightens his grip on Tim’s face. “Do tell.” Stop talking, Tim tries to convey telepathically. Don’t make this worse. “It was universally agreed that he was a piece of shit.” “You should learn to keep your mouth shut when someone’s holding a knife to your baby brother’s face.” To prove his point, Roman digs the knife in, slicing a thin line down all the way to Tim’s jaw. Tim inhales sharply at the sting. “Baby brother?” Jason repeats. “You really are an idiot.” He doesn’t look at Tim, keeping his glare solely on Roman. “I barely know the guy. He follows me around, thinking I walk on water or some shit, but trust me. He’s a pain in the ass. You’re doing me a favor, really.” Sionis pulls the knife away from Tim’s face. Tim releases a breath. Sionis approaches Jason now, his knife still raised with Tim’s blood staining the steel blade. “Someone’s mouthy today.” “If you think this is mouthy, you should have heard your mother last night.” Sionis plunges the knife into Jason’s knee. Jason locks a scream behind his teeth, his face contorting in pain. “Try walking on water now,” Sionis hisses. He yanks the knife out, blood splattering on Jason’s legs and the floor. Tim looks nervously at the camera, its red light blinding ominously. Is Bruce watching this from the other side, agonizing over having a front-row seat to this display? Or is he already gone, on his way to rescue them? Tim hopes it’s the latter. “You think—think I haven’t been stabbed before?” Jason pants, his teeth gritted through the pain. “That was child’s play.” “Is that right?” Sionis looks over his shoulder at Tim. “Then maybe we should get a second opinion. What do you say, kiddo? Want to match your brother over here?” “Thank god,” Jason says. “Go over there and stay, if you wouldn’t mind. Your breath smells like dog shit. But I guess you are what you eat, so.” Roman punches Jason in the face so hard Tim can hear his teeth clank from here. He does it again two, three times, until blood streams from Jason’s nostrils and spills over his lips. Tim pulls frantically on the ropes binding him, tries to do anything, but he’s held tight. “Now, that,” Jason says, spitting out a mouthful of blood and what looks like a tooth, “was better. Still amateurish, but at least you’re not a fuckin’ sissy about it.” “Hood,” Tim snaps. “Please, shut up.” Why are you doing this? “Why should I listen to you? You’re the one who got us into this mess in the first place, replacement. This is your fault.” Jason’s words are snarls and his eyes burn with a tangible hatred, all directed at Tim. But Tim knows him too well. Not everyone wears a literal mask like Sionis does. Roman reaches for his tray and picks up a new blade, this one with large, jagged teeth. “By all means, keep talking, Hood. See where that gets you.” “What, are you going to stab me? Go ahead. The little shit deserves to feel guilty.” Sionis poises the blade at Jason’s shoulder, digging the tip in until Jason hisses. He leans in close, grabs Jason’s jaw with his other hand. “I know you’re not stupid. You think that if you act like a big enough asshole, you can save the runt from me.” He pushes on the knife, slowly sinking it into Jason’s flesh, ridge by ridge. “I’m very okay with that.” Roman twists the knife and Jason screams. Tim closes his eyes but he can’t cover his ears; he can’t tune out his brother screaming in agony, and he almost wishes that he were in Bruce’s position, watching this through a video feed. At least then he could turn it off. “Stop, please,” Tim begs. “He didn’t do anything, it was all me. It was my idea to blow up your shipment. I ruined your business, not him. Just—hurt me, take it out on me. Not him.” Sionis releases the blade, leaving it sticking out of Jason’s shoulder. “Told you I could make the little bird cry.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tim has never felt so powerless in his life. It feels like it goes on for hours, the blood and the screaming and the sickening sound of torn flesh. It only gets worse when he escalates to the snapping of fingers, the crackle of knife through bone. He hits Jason so many times there’s more purple riddling his face than clean, unmarked skin. And every time Sionis so much as looks at Tim, Jason does something new to pull his attention back like a wasp on a string. He provokes the sadistic bastard with vulgar comments, snotty complaints that belong more in Damian’s mouth than Jason’s. And Tim can’t do anything but watch. He doesn’t know how long it’s been when something crashes behind him, which he assumes is the door. Roman barely has time to drop the blowtorch he’s holding before a batarang strikes him in the center of his mask, knocking him out cold. Jason doesn’t react. He hasn’t lifted his head in so long it puts Tim on the edge of panic, just quiet groans and grunts through every new injury inflicted on him. “Tim!” Dick is at Tim’s side in an instant, already working on the ropes binding him. “Are you okay?” Bruce is tending to Jason, putting a field dressing on one of his many open wounds while he talks to Alfred through his earpiece. He’s telling him to call Dr. Thompkins and tell her it’s an emergency. As soon as his hands are free Tim is lunging up from the chair, only for Dick to grab him by the shoulders and force him back down. “Hey, hey, slow down. Where are you hurt?” Dick lightly prods around the cut on Tim’s face, which is undoubtedly going to need stitches, but Tim couldn’t care less. He doesn’t take his eyes off of Jason, who lets out a groan when Bruce accidentally jostles his broken arm. Tim shakes his head, swallowing thickly. “He didn’t—he didn’t do anything to me. He didn’t touch me at all. Only Jason.”
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hateswifi · 5 years ago
Making Do (With What Life Give Us): Part 1
Asked to me by @abrx2002
For a Daminette what if She met the wayne family young. Dick tought gymnastics and Romanian, Jason taught street skills such and spanish, Tim taught detective skills and business tactics. By the time she met damian at like 12 she was an adorable badass. They later became food friends and started dating a bit before she was ladybug. Because she knew their secret and tikki was alright with it after knowing they were also heros. Later after the class betrayal damian shows up and salg is everywhere
Marinette had been going to Gotham Academy on scholarship since before her mum had died. She made a lot of friends who helped her out in the long run. That was until CPS found a permanent home for her. Right now, she was missing her brothers, well her adopted brothers, dearly as she looked at the window. A family from Paris had adopted her and now she was on her way to a new life. She thought over her life up until this point and wondered how could she have lost it all so quickly?
Young Marinette, around the age of eight, had been running to class, when she ran into Dick Grayson, the sophomore class president.
“I’m so sorry,” Marinette said picking herself up off the ground, tears glistening in the corner of her eyes.
“It’s ok there is no need to cry,” he said, crouching down to the little girl’s height.
“Oh no! I’m going to be late! Mum is going to be angry!” Marinette said tears spring from her eyes.
“No come on I’ll walk you to class, and you won’t get in trouble ok?” He asks standing holding out his hand.
“You promise?” Marinette asks, grabbing his hand.
“I wouldn’t lie to you,” Dicks says leading her to class. When he led her to class he opened the door and greeted the teacher. “Sorry Miss, but Marinette here was helping me for a school promotion video that the class presidents are putting together.”
“Of course Richard. Marinette please take your seat,” the teacher responds as sweet as honey. Marinette does as the teacher says and takes her seat. She waves to Dick as he heads to his class.
When Marinette got home that day she drew a sparkly thank you card for Dick. The next day she was going to give it to Dick after school, but when the final bell had rung and she had left her class she was stopped by a couple of fifth-graders.
“Look at little miss clutz,” one of the boys, Samuel, said cornering her in the locker room.
“Oh, what’s that?” One of the other boys, Isaac, sneered snatching the card.
“Give that back!” Marinette screamed. “That’s not for you!”
“Leave her alone she didn't do anything to you,” a darker voice said entering the locker room. Marinette room the distraction from the new voice to stop on Samuel’s foot and grab the card.
“Come on guys, move! I’m not dealing with Jason!” Isaac said, grabbing Samuel by the arm and dragging him away.
“Are you ok, Pixie-Pop?” The voice from earlier, apparently Jason, asked coming around a corner.
“Ya,” she says looking at the ground. “But I was going to give this to Dick before I left, but I can’t.”
“Grayson?” Jason asks sitting on the ground leaning up against a locker across from her.
“Yes, how’d you know?” She asks sitting on the ground.
“He’s my brother,” Jason sighs. “Why’d you make him a card anyway?”
“He got me out of a tardy yesterday and didn’t yell at me when I ran into him,” Marinette explains. “Would you be able to give it to him?”
“Of course I promise I’ll give it to him, Pixie-Pop!” Jason said standing up as she held out her card.
“Thank you, Jason!” Marinette said, smiling before skipping away.
Jason leaves after grabbing his homework from his locker and heads to the car Alfred was driving. When he gets in the car Dick is already there. “Here you go,” Jason says, handing him the handmade card. “From a little Asian girl.”
“Marinette?” Dick asks taking the card.
“Ya I think so, how do you know her?” Jason asks, slouching.
“She’s a sweet little clumsy girl. She had the start of a panic attack when she realized she was going to be late,” Dick said, looking at the glittery card. Tim slid in the car next to his brothers.
“Who was going to be late?” Tim asks closing the door.
“A little girl Dick met and saved from a tardy,” Jason says.
“That makes sense, but how’d you meet this little girl?” Tim asks, buckling his seat belt.
"She was cornered by a group of fifth-graders," Jason explains nonchalantly looking out his window.
"She gets bullied," Tim asks.
"Apparently for clumsy nature," Jason responds.
"We could help her," Dick says.
"Ya and that would go over like a fart in church. Just think, hey little girl, we can teach you to fight if you get in this car and come to our house," Jason says sarcastically, looking Dick like he is dumb. Well, at least his suggestion was dumb.
"I guess so," Dick says, his usually bright smile turned to a frown. After that, the rest of the car ride was filled with a heavy silence.
When Marinette had gotten to her family apartment she called home from school, her mum laid on the couch surrounded by multiply empty bottles. She tries to quietly walk to her room, in hopes her mum wouldn't hear her enter late. "Nette, why are you home late?" the drunken woman asks, sitting up slowly. "It sounds like you're avoiding me, are you in trouble?"
"No mum, I just wanted to let you sleep," Marinette responds, trying to walk to her room faster.
"Are you sure, because it looks like you have a hole in your uniform," the woman says, now standing in front of her.
"I'm sorry mum, I tripped. I didn't mean to rip my tights," Marinette says, backing up slowly, almost curling in on herself.
"You're so clumsy! Do you know how much the goddamn uniforms cost?! No! because you're an ungrateful brat!" she screamed. She smacked Marinette across the face. "Get out! I don't want to see your face!"
"I'm sorry, mum! Please don't kick me out again! The hole is fine I can sew it!" Marinette pleaded, earning herself a kick.
"And risk us looking poor!? I don't think so now, get! out!" she says, throwing Marinette towards the door. She wished her dad had stuck around, maybe her mother wouldn't be like this. Her father, she doesn't know much about him, left a couple of weeks before Marinette was born. Her mum had resented Marinette since she had been born. The only family Marinette had in the world and her mum treated her like this.
Marinette was glad it was close to summer so she wouldn't freeze on the streets and she hoped that the Gotham Rogues or heroes wouldn't find her. She found a nice little alleyway and took out her pencil and homework and started doing her homework. As she completed the last of it, she finally let the tears slip down her cheeks and onto the paper. She fell asleep to the sounds of sirens and honking horns.
She woke up early the next morning to the sun shining down on her. Her stomach grumbled so she stood up and left the alley where she saw a grocery store just down the street with apples out front. She knew her mum would get in trouble if people knew how she slept outside last night or how she actually got those bruises. She walked by the grocery store and grabbed an apple and ran down the street toward school.
School that day was normal, she caught a glimpse of a black long-hair boy with blue eyes looking at her in the hall, he kinda looked like a grumpier Dick. After final bell, her teacher had pulled her aside to ask about her check and Marinette explained that a kid had hit hurt at the park after school. and the other bruises had been because she's clumsy. The teacher had given her a weary look and told her to head home.
"Mum, I'm home," Marinette says, opening the door. She had been home a bit earlier since she ran all the way home. Her mum was passed out at the table, bills under her head. Her mum works hard every night and when she came home in the mornings she was either high, drunk, very sore, or all of the above. She got paid a decent amount for her work, but most of it went to bills and alcohol. Marinette was going to the academy on scholarship. Today her mum was high, and probably wouldn't be aware of much until dinner. Marinette walked to the fridge to see if she could make anything for when her mum woke up. There were some green beans, carrots, and sauce in the fridge, and she knew she had rice in the cabinets. She was going to take some money and pick up some chicken to make a stir-fry. She had been cooking for a while or else she wouldn't eat because her mum was always too tired to cook.
After she grabbed some chicken and onions, she walked to the front to pay. This is a small, family-run business she goes to because the prices are usually better. "Sir, this morning I didn't have money on me and I took an apple. I'm sorry, but may I pay for that now," Marinette says. She is standing on her tiptoes trying to give the man the money.
The man, the father of the owner smiles softly. The poor girl was bruised on her face and bit on her arms. "Thank you for apologizing, but I'll pay for this. Please come back if you have a problem at home," the man says with a small, but warm smile.
"Mum tries her best. I just want her not to be angry when she wakes up," Marinette says, putting the five-dollar bill into the tip jar. "I'm sorry again about the apple, mum was too tired to cook last night. Thank you for everything."
"It was honorable for you to come back and try to pay for the apple, not many would," he says, waving to the girl as she leaves the store.
She makes the food and by the time it's done her mum is up and hungry. As she sat at the bottle filled table, her mum looked at the food. "Did you take my hard-earned money without my permission?" the woman asks stabbing a piece of chicken.
"I.. I just wanted you to be happy," Marinette said, a stray tear landing on her plate.
"I would be happy if you didn't take my money without my permission. Money doesn't grow on trees!" she screamed by now Marinette was eating a bit faster fearing the inevitable. "Go to your room, you're wasting too much food."
"Yes, sorry mum," Marinette says, sliding off the chair. She grabs her backpack off her chair and walks with her head down to her room. Her room is attached to the fire escape, so she sits looking over the city and does her homework. Her mum was home tonight, so she couldn't even go back out later and finish her dinner. After about an hour or so, the sound of splintering wood rang throughout the apartment. Around five minutes later she hears her mum's blood-curdling scream. Marinette, not wanting to get hurt, runs up the fire escape. She holds her breath as she hears heavy footsteps walk around the house, but no soon after she sees two black cars pull away.
She runs inside and sees her mum's body, bloody, on the floor. She runs over and pulls her mum's head onto her lap. She leans over her, hugging her while crying. "I'm so sorry, mum."
Her mum raises a bloody hand to her daughter's face. Her once beautiful dark brown hair, now blood-soaked. "Mari...nette, I... am sorry.... you will.... do great things one day. I... lo.. love you," she says before her bright blue eyes look off far into the distance and dim.
When the cops found her twenty minutes later, Marinette still sat there, rocking back and forth asking her mum to come back to her. "Excuse me, dear, we have to take her now," the nice cop-lady said, trying to pick up the now bloody girl.
"No please! She's all I have left. She didn't deserve this! She said she loved me! If she loved me she wouldn't have left like daddy! Please is she ok?" Marinette screamed, trying to hug her mum's corpse in hopes it was just a terrible nightmare.
"Dear, we're going to wait in the car, ok? The nice paramedics are going to do everything they can," she says, picking the girl, who should weigh more, up. She walked with the girl down the three flights of stairs. Outside there were some reporters along with a couple of the bat family including Nightwing, Red Hood, and the newest Robin. The two eldest birds paused, looking at the poor bloody bluenette.
"Is she hurt?" Nightwing asks, looking at the bruises.
"Besides some bruises from what looks like domestic abuse," the nice cop-lady answers the hero.
"No, mum was just tired! She would never hurt me on purpose! It was my fault, I shouldn't have tripped then she wouldn't have gotten angry," Marinette explains, grabbing Nightwing's hand. She cries while pleading. "She said she loves me! She didn't mean to hurt me!"
"It's ok," Nightwing says, leaning down to hug the girl. He rubs small circles into her back.
"Dear, it's time to go, were going to take you to the station before you go to the group home, ok?" the cop-lady says slowly.
"But what about mum? She's fine, right?" Marinette asks, breaking away from Nightwing.
"I'm sorry honey, she's gone. But don't you worry she loved you," the nice cop-lady explained.
"No... she's all I have left. She can't be gone! She left me!" Marinette screams, running away from everyone around her.
"We got a runner!" Robin says. "We'll go get her." The bat fam runs down the street after where they thought she went.
"Nightwing, you know her?" Batman asks, looking out for the girl. He sees her but doesn't say anything, wanting her to have some time and for him wanting answers.
"She's the little third grader that I helped get out a tardy," he explains, looking at the poor girl.
"The one you wanted to teach self-defense to?" Hood asks, getting ready to jump down there.
"Yes, that's the one," he explains.
"Can we foster her?" Robin asks, looking at Bruce.
"She has no one else," Hood pleads.
"She has blue eyes and black hair," Nightwing adds.
"We'll talk about it later," Bruce says, dropping down to where she sits. They grab her and head back to her apartment. She gets in the car quietly, her eyes blank and cheeks tear-stained, and bruised. After the cruiser pulled away and the reporters had left, the bat fam headed home.
"So can we have a little sister?" Dick asks, plopping down in the spinning chair in the Batcave.
"You didn't let us get sent to a group home, would you really let that sweet little get sent there?" Jason pleads
"I'll see what I can do," Bruce grumbles before leaving.
The next day during school, which Marinette didn't show up for, understandable, Bruce, Alfred, and the Wayne's lawyer head to the police department to pick up the poor girl. When they walk in everyone literally stops and stares. "Are you officer Kansinsky?" Bruce asks as he got to the back.
"Yes this is her, how may I help you?" she asks, shaking his hand.
"We're here about Marinette Jiayang. We would like to foster her until she can find a permanent home," Bruce says.
"Of course! Do you have the papers?" she says. "She had a rough night, right now she's sleeping on the couch in the commissioner's office. What made you want to help her?"
"Well, you see I actually love children. I have three, Dick, Jason, and Tim, they're adopted. They convinced me to take her in because they already help her at school and she deserves the same chance at life as my sons do," Bruce explains, holding out the papers.
"Ok well this seems to be in order, but you're not off the hook that easily. CPS may drop by unannounced, ya know to catch you as natural as possible. I'm going to go grab her," Officer Kansinsky explained. After a couple of minutes, she reappeared with a sleepy Marinette in her arms.
"Bye-bye nice cop-lady," Marinette says sleepily with a small wave.
"Bye-bye, Mari, I hope you enjoy your time with the Waynes," she said, kissing the sleepy girl's head. She then hands her to Bruce and he smiles softly. She had been through hell just like him and his sons, but he will try and make the most of her time with him and his family.
"Alfred, your newest grandchild," Bruce says, buckling her into her seat.
"Sir, you might have a problem," Alfred says, driving to the boy's school. "You need to pick her up a uniform, her uniform is too bloody to clean, and the work she missed from today."
"Ok, make sure the boys don't wake her up, she didn't sleep last night," Bruce explains, getting out of the cars and walks toward the entrance. When he gets to the front desk he says "I'm here to change guardianship, pick up a uniform, and work."
"Who's guardianship?" the receptionist says, pulling up the files on his computer.
"Marinette Jiayang, I'm her new guardian. I also need to buy her a new uniform. Am I able to do that here? Also, she wasn't in school today, how can I pick up her work?" Bruce asks.
"I'll call the teacher about the homework. What size do you need for Miss Marinette? Will her name be changed?" the receptionist asked.
"I don't know about the size, a small, maybe? The name change is up to her, but I don't think so," Bruce says.
The receptionist gets up and leaves. When he comes back a couple of minutes later with three uniforms. "These are covered by her scholarship," he explains, handing him the uniforms.
"Hello, I have Marinette's stuff. I'm a teacher aid," shes says, handing him the work. "There are also some cards and good wishes with the work. Will she be back tomorrow?"
"Thank you. I don't think she'll be back till Monday," Bruce says.
"Is she ok?" she asks.
"She's sleeping in the car right now, she was up all night," Bruce explains then turns to the receptionist. "Can I take my three sons out right now? I want them to meet their sister."
"Of course," he said, picking up a phone. "Richard Greyson, Jason Todd, and Tim Drake to the office please, you're dismissed." After the boys got to the office, they headed to the car. They were told to be quiet because Marinette was sleeping.
"Miss Marinette, it's time to head inside," Alfred said from the front. The rest sat frozen, not wanting to startle the poor girl. Marinette rubbed her eyes with a yawn.
"Where... where am I? Jason, Dick, is that you?" Marinette asks, oddly calm while looking around.
"Yes, it's us. We convinced our father to foster for you," Dick says with a smile.
"I'm hungry, I haven't had a full meal in a couple of days," she answers as Alfred opens the door for her to get out. "Mum got mad last night and said I couldn't finish dinner."
"What about the night before?" Bruce asks, holding out his hand for her to take.
"I had tripped and tore my tights. Mum got angry and told me to get out. I stole an apple the next morning after I finished my homework and fell asleep," Marinette explained as Alfred opened the door, her new adopted brothers following behind her.
"Did you sleep outside, but that's dangerous," he says.
"Yes, I slept in a quiet alley and woke up to the sun. When is dinner going to be?" Marinette asks, looking around the entrance.
"It could be within the hour, Miss Marinette. I'll show you to your room," Alfred said, taking Marinette's hand to lead her upstairs.
After the car pulled away and Marinette was out of sight, Dick exclaimed. "Can I teach her self-defense?"
"No! That's no fair! I want to teach her self-defense!" Jason whined.
"How about we see if she wants to learn first. Now, boys time for homework. I'm guessing Marinette will join you after," Bruce said walking to his office.
Around ten minutes later, Marinette appeared wearing one of Jason's shirts that could count as a dress. "Miss Marinette Master Bruce has informed me that we will get you clothes you can wear tomorrow morning along with all other essentials," Alfred said, pulling out a seat next to the rest of the boys.
"Will I be able to have anything from home?" Marinette asks, scooching to the edge of her chair so she could swing her legs.
"I'll talk to Master Bruce about it later. If it would make you more comfortable, I feel like I can arrange it," Alfred said, handing her a pencil. "Now do your work, Miss." He finished before walking away to prepare dinner.
"Thank you, guys! I probably would still be at the police station or put at a group home if you hadn’t talked to your dad," Marinette said with a sad smile.
"We were once in the same position," Tim said. "We haven't met yet, but my name is Tim and I’m your new brother."
"Hi! I'm Marinette!" she says, smiling before looking down at her page.
"How are you feeling Pixie-Pop? We heard what happened yesterday," Jason says.
"I'm tired and I miss mum, but before she went bye-bye she seemed happy," Marinette said with a sad smile.
Dinner came and Marinette ate three portions, she was malnourished. Alfred tried to warn her to slow down so she wouldn't throw up, she listened. She went to bed early.
Sorry it took so long, I hope you enjoy. Three more parts coming out soon.
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writingblock101 · 5 years ago
Sacrifices (Batfam x Batsis!Reader)
Warnings: Violence, gore
Word Count: 4,200 
Artwork by poorbird
Tags: @idkmanicantenglish​
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It would’ve made sense for you to become Robin, you suppose. By the time you arrived at Wayne Manor, Jason still lived there. While at the time Jason was Robin, it would’ve been possible for him to adopt a new persona, but you didn’t want to be Robin. Instead, you became The Titan. 
As for the series of unfortunate events that landed you on Bruce Wayne’s doorstep, you prefer to not think about it. Instead, you found a new family with two older brothers, a workaholic dad and a tired butler. Together you were dysfunctional and strange, but you loved each other so it worked. 
Granted, being a Wayne has never been easy. At first, Jason was very standoffish, but between yours and Dick’s pestering, he eventually warmed up to you. The three of you become inseparable and God helped whatever idiot dared to try to hurt any of you. 
Things were good... until they weren’t. Jason’s death weighed heavily on everyone, especially Bruce. You didn’t see Dick for months, leaving you trapped in your own mind. 
You hated living in that giant mansion alone with Bruce, but things got better when Tim showed up on the doorstep. You missed your older brothers, so you were relieved to finally not be alone, and Tim allowed you to learn how to step into the older sibling role. 
Then things got complicated with Jason’s return. 
Eventually, everything settled and broken bridges were mended, but life threw another curveball when Bruce showed up with Damian. To say he was a handful is an understatement, but like Jason, you and Tim pestered your way through his tough exterior and became the older siblings to Damian that Dick and Jason are for you and Tim. 
Though Damian is the only Wayne child who still lived in the Manor, the four of you were more than happy to temporarily resume your residency while Bruce was off-world with the Justice League and patrol Gotham together for a week. Bruce claimed Damian needed social interaction beyond himself, Alfred, and Jon, but the four of you knew Bruce and Alfred missed having a full house and Damian missed his older siblings. 
The week was going great, you missed patrolling with your brothers. When things got slow, you goofed off with them, playing an impressive game of tag, making snack runs, and catching up on various Gotham rooftops. But in an instant, when you heard a cry for help, it was all business where you worked fluidly as a team. You haven’t had this much fun patrolling since you moved out of the Manor. During the day, you guys wreaked havoc in Gotham. Dare you say it, but you missed Gotham (not really, you just missed your brothers). 
Then Bane showed up. 
You five were never supposed to face off against him until Bruce got back, but things are never that simple in Gotham. 
Bane throws you against the wall, cracks spiderwebbing underneath you then you fall forward, hitting the ground. Before you can even stop to groan in pain, you’re on your feet, narrowly dodging another hit. Nightwing kicks off the wall and punches Bane in the head. Red Robin quickly follows with his bo staff, smacking Bane in the jaw then you knock Bane backward with a powerful kick to his chest. 
As he stumbles back, Robin cuts his calf open with a katana. Bane yells in pain and blindly swipes at Robin, but Robin rolls out of the way and slices Bane’s other leg. Red Hood shoots Bane in the knee three times then knocks his feet out from under him. 
Bane momentarily collapses but rolls to his feet with a grin, Venom pumping through the pipes on his back. You sigh, rolling your sore shoulder back. 
“Does he ever stay down?” You grumble. 
“Let’s find out,” Nightwing smirks, but beneath the cockiness, he looks exhausted.
You were all exhausted. This back and forth game with Bane had been going on for almost an hour. You finally stopped trying to count how many times Bane has thrown you into a wall and don’t even want to think how many of your ribs were broken. 
Robin is fighting through a limp and Red Robin’s arm is bleeding profusely. Nightwing’s knee has given out a few times and Red Hood’s reaction time is slower, probably due to a concussion. But all of you have too much adrenaline pumping through your veins for injuries to stop you. 
The med bay will be busy at the Manor. 
Nightwing hits Bane in the collar bone with his escrima sticks then Red Hood lands a heavy kick to the ribs. You quickly follow with a roundhouse which you give extra power with the electrocuting feature in your suit. Bane stumbles backward but Robin is ready and slices one of the Venom tubes on Bane’s back. 
“You brat!” He roars. 
Bane punches Robin then snatches one of his ankles and slams him into the ground. He winds up for another hit, but Robin is back on his feet, bearing even more weight onto his left leg. Red Robin strikes Bane in the face with drives both feet into his stomach. 
Bane stumbles again and you knock his feet out from under him, sending him crashing to the ground. Red Hood takes the opportunity to pin him down and land a few heavy blows to Bane’s face. The attack is short-lived because Bane flings Red Hood across the room, but Nightwing is there in an instant, driving a hard kick to Bane’s throat. Bane catches his leg and slams him into the ground. Before he can punch Nightwing, Robin swings his katana hard enough that the blade gets buried too far into Bane’s wrist for Robin to yank it out and instead abandons the sword to dodge another punch. 
Bane yanks the katana out of his arm and swings it with enough force that it snaps Red Robin’s bo staff in half. Red Robin stumbles back from the force but regains his balance and strikes Bane with his new escrima sticks. Bane swings the katana again, grazing Red Robin’s shoulder, but he rolls out of the way before Bane could seriously injure him. 
You kick Bane’s injured knee, causing it to give out, forcing Bane down to one knee. He tries to swing at you, but you easily jump over the blade and punch Bane in the face. Robin hits Bane in the ribs with two consecutive roundhouses then punches him in the face. You drop an elbow on Bane’s shoulder and kick him in the ribs, but he catches your leg and slams you to the ground, your left shoulder cracking loudly. 
You groan in pain, but Bane yanks you upwards and punches you, sending you flying backward a few feet. Bane swings the katana at Robin, slicing deeply into his left thigh. Robin collapses, both legs giving out from underneath him while Bane stands up, holding Robin’s katana. He draws it back, ready to stab Robin--
You don’t think. Your mind barley collaborates with your body. In an instant, you’re on your feet in front of Robin but before you can disarm Bane, the katana is buried in your chest, the tip of the blade coming out of your back. 
You blink, none of the pain hitting you yet, but instead grit your teeth and charge your suit then hit Bane with the strongest bolt of electricity possible. He goes flying across the room, his Venom system fried and hits the wall, his head lolling for a moment. Before he can get up, Red Hood is on him in an instant, bashing his face. 
Your head is fuzzy and your chest is numb. When you try to stand up, you stumble and fall to one knee. Robin drags himself to his feet and seizes the front of your suit.
“Titan, what did you just do?!” He demands. 
You stare at him woozily, noticing that Robin’s leg is bleeding profusely. 
“Your leg,” You mumble, reaching out to do something. 
“Forget about my leg! What were you thinking?!” He demands, his hand shaking. 
You try to breathe, but everything tightens around the blade then the pain hits. It feels like fire slowly taking over your chest. Robin continues yelling, tears beginning to slip out from behind his mask. You whimper, letting out a choked cry of pain that sends more fire burning through your chest. Your other knee gives out, causing you to fully fall, Robin’s grip on your suit is the only thing that keeps you from hitting the floor.
“I was going to move! Why did you get in front of me?!” Robin cries. 
“Robin,” Nightwing grabs his shoulder. “I got this.” 
Robin knocks his hand away. 
“No!” His voice cracks. “Titan jumped in front of him before I could do anything! I could’ve done something…” Red Robin grabs Robin from behind and drags him away while Nightwing takes his place, holding you up. 
“Get your hands off me, Red!” Robin screams. 
“Easy, Robin,” Red Robin mutters to him. “Let Nightwing help her.” 
“This shouldn’t be happening, she shouldn’t be hurt!” He tries to elbow his way out of Red Robin’s grip, but Red Robin holds tight. 
You grab Nightwing’s shoulders, unable to hold yourself up. He holds your arms steady, keeping you upright. 
“Geeze, T,” He mumbles to you, looking down at the sword. “What did you do?” 
Tears pool under your mask, slowly beginning to drip out as your face scrunches in pain. 
“Didn’t—want—him—to—hurt—Robin,” You whimper, your nails digging into his shoulder. 
“Keep breathing, we’re going to get you help,” He promises. “Eyes open, okay? Don’t close them.” 
You force your eyes open, digging your nails Nightwing’s shoulder as another wave of pain hits you. 
“Hood,” Nightwing calmly calls over his shoulder. “Do you still have those military field dressings?” 
Red Hood hustles over, leaving Bane tied up and unconscious and pulls two pads out of his jacket. He kneels next to Nightwing, pushing your hair back out of your face. 
“Geeze, kid,” Red Hood shakes his head. “You really go all out, don’t you?” 
You try to chuckle, but your chest screams in pain, making you wince instead. The wince tightened your chest even more, your nails digging into Nightwing’s shoulder again as you let out a sob. Of course, your chest tightens again, creating even more pain, more tears streaming down your face. Red Hood leans over, wiping his thumb under your eyes. 
“Keep breathing, T.”
“It—hurts—so—fuc—king—bad,” You whimper, more tears running down your face.
“I know it hurts, but breathe with me,” He places your hand against his armored chest and takes a deep breath so you can feel his chest move then slowly breathes out.
You try your best to breathe with him and partially succeed, but Red Hood’s breathing is more even than yours.
“Keep going,” He encourages. “Wing, what’s the plan?” 
“You’re going to pull the sword out and I’m putting the military dressings on.” 
Despite the helmet, Nightwing can feel the way Red Hood raises his eyebrows by his silence. 
“Shouldn’t we leave it in?” 
“Normally, yes. But that’s when EMTs can transport you safely which isn’t the case for us,” Nightwing explains quickly then shifts so Red Hood is holding you up and takes the dressings from him. 
“You ready, Wing?” He asks. 
Nightwing shifts behind you, preparing the dressings then nods. 
“Alright, T, this is going to hurt, but I need you to stay awake, okay?” You nod at Red Hood then he grabs the hilt of the sword and slowly pulls it out. 
Right as the tip travels back into your body, Nightwing presses the pad on your back, making sure it’s fully adhered. You gasp in pain, gritting your teeth and digging your nails into Red Hood’s shoulder. Red Hood winces at the sound of you whimpering as he pulls the sword free. Nightwing quickly presses the pad to the wound on the front of your chest then you collapse onto Red Hood, sobbing in pain. He holds you close, careful of your chest and strokes your hair. 
“Hang in there, T. Just a little longer,” He murmurs to you then passes you off to Nightwing who carefully lifts you off the ground.
You whimper, the movement pulling at your chest. Your vision gets hazy. It’s becoming harder to keep your eyes open. Nightwing frowns, looking down at the bandages. 
“Titan. Stay awake. We need to move, I can already see blood,” He looks at Red Robin, who is finishing the wrappings on Robin’s leg. “Call Agent A. Get Dr. Leslie to the Cave, now.” 
. . . 
“Dammit, Damian!” Tim smacks Damian’s arm. “Hold still!” 
“I can do it myself!” He hisses, trying to snatch the needle from Tim. 
“You’re actively bleeding out. Just let me finish!” 
“You don’t know what you’re doing!” 
“I’ve been stitching myself up longer than you’ve been alive!” 
“After seeing the way you fight? That doesn’t surprise me, Drake. It’s shocking that you haven’t died yet!”  
“You’re about to be bleeding from somewhere else except I won’t miss your femoral artery!” 
“Tim! Damian! Enough!” Dick snaps. “Damian, let Tim stitch you up.” 
Damian glares at Dick, but crosses his arms and allows Tim to finish. Dick shakes his head with a sigh and finishes wrapping his knee. You’ve been in surgery for half an hour so to say everyone is on edge is an understatement, but Damian isn’t usually this difficult about receiving medical attention. 
“Damian!” Tim yells, picking the needle up from the ground. “What the hell?!” 
“You stabbed me!” He protests. 
“You’re getting stitches! It’s not going to tickle!” 
“Damian,” Dick snaps. “I understand that you’re worried, but the best thing you can do right now is take care of yourself.” 
“Tt, you don’t get it,” Damian huffs, crossing his arms. 
“What do you mean we don’t get it?” Jason growls. 
“You weren’t there when it happened!” He exclaims. “You weren’t right there!” 
“We all saw it happen, kid,” Jason snaps. “I had to watch her cry while I pulled the fucking sword out of her!” 
“No, you don’t get it!” Damian yells. “It was my sword!” 
“What are you talking about?” Tim frowns. 
“It was my sword that hurt her!” His shoulders slump. “Only my sword can pierce her body armor and if I hadn’t let Bane have it, she wouldn’t be dying right now!” 
Tim’s face softens. 
“Damian, you didn’t hand it to him—” 
“I may as well have!” 
“You stabbed him with it!” 
“It doesn’t matter! It was stupid!” 
“Dames,” Dick frowns. “You didn’t—” 
“No. She jumped in front of me because I was being reckless,” Damian cuts him off. “It was my fault.” 
“She made that decision,” Tim tells him. “Y/N knew what was going to happen. That’s not on you, Damian.” 
“But I put her in the position that forced her to make that decision.” 
“One of your legs is broken and the other one needed twenty stitches! You didn’t go into this fight anticipating that!” Tim argues. 
Damian looks up, refusing to meet his brothers’ eyes as his eyes well up and a lump forms in his throat. Dick frowns, laying a hand on his shoulder. 
“None of us blame you, Damian,” He reassures him. “Don’t blame yourself.” 
Damian shoves Dick’s hand off him and looks down, hastily wiping away stray tears. He slouches in on himself, making himself look even smaller. 
“I don’t want to be responsible for anything happening to her,” He admits to the floor. 
“You’re not,” Jason says. “Y/N knows the risk of putting on that mask. We all do. The second we step out of this Cave, we all know there’s a possibility of not coming back.” 
“But we did come back,” Tim adds. “All of us did and Dr. Thompkins is helping her right now.” 
“It’s going to take a lot more than a sword to the chest to take Y/N down. And if it was one of our asses on the line, she’d do it again in a heartbeat. We all would. It’s not your fault, kid. It’s part of the job.” 
Damian doesn’t look convinced, but he stays quiet while Tim finishes stitching him. Dick manages to force all his brothers to shower and eat a sandwich (he almost didn’t eat one himself, but a pointed look from Alfred changed that), but trying to make them sleep in a pipe dream. 
Instead, they opt to wait outside the med bay for Dr. Leslie to finish. Jason paces, Dick bounces his good leg, Tim checks the progress of the police reports while they process Bane (he wanted to do research about chest wounds, but Dick wouldn’t let him, especially within eyesight of Damian), and Damian mindlessly sharpened a sword he never uses. 
Two hours pass then Dr. Leslie finally walks out of the med bay, exhausted and blood splattered. All four boys’ attention snaps to her instantly. 
“She’s stable,” Dr. Leslie tells them. “And extremely lucky. She managed to get stabbed right below her heart but above her liver so it missed any major organs and her spine. It did nick her vena cava so there’s some internal bleeding. She’s got a lot of broken ribs, a broken xiphoid process,  dislocated shoulder, some bruising and some lacerations, but she’ll be okay.” 
The boys sag with relief. 
“Can we see her?” Dick asks. 
Dr. Leslie nods. 
“She’s asleep and probably won’t wake up until tomorrow at the absolute earliest. Call me when she wakes up.” 
“Thank you, Dr. Leslie,” Dick says sincerely.
She smiles fondly and ruffles his hair. 
“Anything for this family.”
Alfred escorts Dr. Leslie to her car while the boys go into your med bay room. Jason picks up Damian who immediately protests. 
“Tt! I am not a child!” 
Jason rolls his eyes. 
“Your legs aren’t taking you anywhere fast. Get over it, short stack.” 
He crosses his arms but makes no move to free himself. Jason carries him into your room, followed closely by Tim and Dick and sets Damian at the foot of your bed. 
As Dr. Leslie said, you were asleep. Your left arm is secured across your chest in a sling, a gash on your forehead has been stitched up and a dark bruise is forming on your cheekbone, but your chest is steadily rising and falling and your heart rate monitor is beeping normally. 
Dick moves forward and kisses the top of your head then sits down in a nearby chair. Jason and Tim sit in other chairs near your bed while Damian sits motionless at the foot of your bed. 
“Dames?” Dick asks. “You okay?” 
He doesn’t even look at Dick. 
“She’s not going to break if you touch her,” Dick says. “Just be careful.” 
Damian glances at Dick uncertainly, but he hesitantly crawls up the bed and curls up against your right shoulder. Jason and Tim get comfortable in the surrounding recliners so Dick picks up the blanket from the foot of your bed and covers Damian who is already starting to fall asleep. Tim and Jason are also dozing off, the exhaustion from the night finally sinking in now that they know you’re okay. 
Alfred quietly clears his throat from the doorway. 
“How is she?” He asks. 
Dick glances back at you and smiles. 
“She’s going to be okay.” 
Alfred smiles, looking relieved then looks at Dick. 
“And how are you, Master Dick?” 
Dick shrugs, looking down at the floor for a moment. 
“Noting we haven’t seen before.” 
Alfred knows Dick well and patiently waits for him to say more. Most of the time, Dick forgets Alfred was in the military and that he understands the weight behind close calls. Dick gestures for Alfred to step out of the room in order to not disturb his brothers’ much-needed sleep. 
“We shouldn’t have gone after Bane,” Dick admits once the door shuts behind him. “I know better. I shouldn’t have let them talk me into it.” 
Alfred nods along slowly. 
“Bane has always been someone Master Bruce struggles to defeat. You five did it without him. You should be proud of yourselves.” 
“But at what cost?” Dick asks. 
“Miss. Y/N is going to be okay and you can’t change what happened, so be proud of what you accomplished.”
Dick’s shoulders sag as he feels a lump form in his throat. 
“It happened in slow motion,” He pauses. “One minute, she’s on the floor, the next thing I know, she’s standing in front of Damian with a sword through her chest...I thought she was going to bleed out in my arms.” 
“You did everything correctly. Your fast thinking is the reason your sister is here and recovering,” Alfred reassures him. 
Dick nods, not looking at Alfred. She almost died because of me. She almost died because of my decision. I knew we shouldn’t have gone after Bane but I thought we could handle it. My own arrogance almost got my sister killed. He feels his throat burn.
Alfred lays a hand on Dick’s shoulder, who looks over at him with tear-filled eyes. 
“I almost lost my sister,” He whispers with a thick voice. 
Alfred pulls Dick into a hug, Dick burying his face into Alfred’s shoulder as tears silently rolled down his face. Similar to Bruce who struggles to express “negative emotions” and often opted to repress or distract himself, Dick pushes his emotions down until he’s alone or with someone he feels safe with before allowing the emotions out. 
Alfred rubs Dick’s back while Dick silently cries until Dick finally pulls back and wipes his face. 
“I’m okay,” He promises with a sniff.
“I’m proud of you, Master Dick,” Alfred says. 
Dick smiles. 
“Thanks, Alfie,” Then he heads into the med bay to wait with his brothers for you to wake up. 
. . . 
You blearily open your eyes, hearing the sound of a heart monitor behind you. One arm is in a sling and you can feel tight wrappings across your chest, probably trying to protect your many broken ribs. Down the center of your chest is a long bandage. You look down to find one of your brothers curled up against your good arm and your other brothers sprawled across the room. 
“Damian?” You ask in a hoarse voice. 
His head pops up at the sound of your voice. 
“Y/N!” He exclaims, instantly wrapping his arms around your neck. 
You’re in shock for a moment, but quickly wrap your good arm around him, pulling him close to you, tears welling up in your eyes. He’s okay.
“You’re okay,” You mutter to him, resting your head on top of his. 
“I’m okay?!” Damian pulls back, staring at you incredulously. “What about you?! What were you thinking?! Why did you jump in front of me?!” 
You open your mouth to explain how your brain barely collaborated with your body to get between Bane and Damian. You open your mouth to explain how every fight or flight instinct, every training, and every self-preserving thought dissipated because your little brother was in danger. You open your mouth to explain how you were fully prepared to die in order for Damian to live on, but you couldn’t find the words to even begin to explain yourself. 
“I…” You say lamely. 
“Cool it with the interrogation,” Jason thankfully cuts in. “She was protecting you.” 
“She didn’t need to!” Damian snaps then returns his attention to you. “You almost got yourself killed!” 
“Dames, I’m okay,” You reassure him. 
“But what if you weren’t?” He retorts. 
“I am.” 
“But what if you weren’t?” He repeats. 
You roll your eyes.
“But what if there were wolves?” 
Damian’s face hardens. 
“I’m being serious,” He growls. 
“I am too,” You respond easily. “We can play the ‘what if’ game all day, but at the end of the day, I’m okay. We’re all okay.” 
“Do you realize how close you came to dying?” Damian demands, his eyes beginning to well. “Any higher, he would’ve hit your heart. Any lower would’ve been your stomach or your liver. Any further to one side would’ve been your aorta. Any further to the other would’ve been your spinal cord!” He stops to take a deep breath, his tears in danger of spilling over. “You came within millimeters of death or paralysis so how can you look at me and say everything is okay?” 
“Because it didn’t happen,” You reach up to touch him, to comfort him, but he dodges your hand. 
“No, what happened was you showed you’re willing to die, to leave me, all to protect me.” 
“Yeah,” You nod along. “I am. I’m willing to do it for all of you, no matter what.” 
Tim reaches out and squeezes your hand. Jason fondly ruffles your hair and Dick hugs you tightly, all their silent ways of reassuring that they would do it too. They all would and it didn’t take their silent gestures to know that. 
Damian shakes his head, his voice thick. 
“That’s not protecting me! I don’t want you to leave! I want you here alive with me! Because if you die, I—” His voice cracks. “I don’t want to live.” 
“Dames,” You feel your throat become tight and tears well up again. You reach out, cupping his cheek. He doesn’t pull away from you this time, instead, he lets that tears that had been building up finally fall. 
“Everyone leaves,” He admits. “For once, I want someone to stay for me, not leave.” 
You pull him to your chest, holding him close, a tear slipping down your face. 
“I’m not going anywhere, baby bird,” You promise, kissing the top of his head. 
Sibling angst. Lit. Anyways, got another Jason one coming y’alls way. I’ve got to edit it cause it’s a monster right now. Might be a two-parter, we’ll see. Hopefully, you enjoyed this! 
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pl-panda · 5 years ago
Damienette arranged marriage: part 7
Credits: Miraculous Ladybug team for the elements I take from MLB show. DC for their characters, @ozmav for the AU, @maribat-archive for giving me access to so many different stories to have take inspirations from, @thyladyanput for idea for Chat Damian and me for the plot.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Damienette arranged marriage: Part 7
She was maybe the second person to learn the truth behind his name. Damian means to tame and his mother named him that because he was ultimate proof that she tamed The Bat. He expected her to laugh, but instead she pulled him into a hug to comfort him. He also revealed that he loved painting and went as far as to sketch her. She was happy to pose as long as he in turn allowed her to take measurements. 
Marinette brought out what was best in him and he would be damned if he let her just suffer in silence. 
Marinette was so tired that she found herself unable to sleep. This day was so full of emotions: both good and bad. 
When she first met Damian, back at the temple, he was rather cold and indifferent. He struck her as selfish even. But he was also dead honest and very serious about his loyalty. He even stabbed his own brother to defend her honor. Okay, after spending the day with him she was pretty convinced he would stab him for some more meager reason, but it was still… cute in some strange way. Nobody has ever done something like this before. Even Chat Noir never stabbed anyone to defend her honor. Hit on the head with a baton? Sure. But never stab. And he threatened Lila. Marinette was unsure if he wouldn’t actually follow up on his threat. 
The date she went on was great. She felt the freedom unlike ever before. She knew she could tell him anything since they already knew each others’ greatest secrets. She could freely tell him about her adventures as Ladybug. And he was also quite handsome when he smiled. Not that he wasn’t when he was not smiling, but she liked his smile. His actual smile not the malicious grin he often wore. Damian played the cold and closed mean guy, but he was actually quite soft. He loved animals and painting. He even wanted to sketch her! Damian was yet very grounded person. He had this no-nonsense aura around himself. But he was patient enough to endure with her small panic attacks. She remembered his gentle touch on  her hands. His words of encouragement. And his deep green eyes. They were two whirlpools of emerald. So majestic, yet so caring. With that image imprinted on her mind she finally fell asleep. Her dreams were undisturbed by a knocking on her window.
Next day Marinette woke up still tired, but in much better mood. She was ready for school. Well, good for her since she was almost late like usual. In panic, she quickly grabbed her purse and was about to run downstairs when Tikki flew in front of her.
“Marinette! Aren’t you forgetting something?” The girl looked around and didn’t catch what Kwami ment. “Your clothes!” Marinette looked down and saw she was still in her pijama. In record time she managed to dress up and was about to run downstairs when Tikki stopped her again. “Backpack?” Once again Marinette rushed to grab her things and get down and not get late. Her parents were already waiting for her in the bakery. 
“Here is your breakfast cherie.” Her mother smiled handing her a box of pastries. 
“And here is something special for you to share with your boy.” Her father smiled and handed her a box of macaroons. They both had a smile.
“And remember Mari. If he hurts you, just say a word and I will break his every bone into dozen pieces.” Her mother gave her most prominent smile ever. Somehow, it made the threat even more real.
“I will maman. Bye papa! Bye maman!” Marinette shouted and run away before they offered more ‘help’. She loved them, but after yesterday’s evening she was not sure she would allow them to meet Damian any times soon. She couldn’t protect him forever, seeing as he was technically her husband, but she could at least give them some time to get used to the idea of her dating someone. Maybe once Hawkmoth was gone. She did not want to have to escape from another thorny prison. Or maybe after the trip to gotham. They should be happy to see her back that they might not outright kill him for marrying her without their knowledge. She fully planned on telling them everything once there was no threat looming over their heads. Marinette giggled imagining Talia facing her mother. It was funny that somehow the confrontation would always go in favor of Sabine. 
She barged into class almost right when the bell rang. None of her classmates cared enough to even batch an eye at her. She did notice Damian in the back and made her way to him.
“I swear… If that harlot tries telling another lie about me or my family, I will not even need the bleacher. They will never know where to look in the first place.” He growled.
“What did she say?” Marinette grasped. While Damian had a soft side, she also knew he would not hesitate to stab her, making it look like a nasty incident. 
“She kept babbling about how she knows the Waynes and She and Me have an on and off ‘thing’ and probably this whole trip is because we had a fight and now I want to apologize that way.” His hand twitched dangerously close to his sword. Why did he bring the sword today?
“I can’t let you just stab her. And it’s not like you can convince any of them change their minds that way.” Marinette placed her hand over his, at the same time making sure it would make it harder for him to grab the sword if he heard something more from Lila. “Here. My parents made them for us.” She opened the box of macaroons. 
“I am not a fan of sweets.” He answered, but with relief she noticed he stopped glaring daggers at Lila. 
“Then try this one.” She pointed to the yellow one. “It’s made with a bit of lemon juice to add more sourness.”
Damian reluctantly picked the treat and took a bite. Suddenly, the corners of his lips went up. She proudly watched the ‘ice prince’ smile at something so common as a macaroon. “This is a very good macaroon. I am sure it could rival whatever Alfred makes.” He exclaimed, trying not to sound overly excited.
“Somehow I feel like this is better compliment than when Uncle Jagged offered to write a song about my parents’ bakery…” She giggled. Damian looked at her stumped. She only giggled again. “You should’ve seen how Tim reacted when he heard. Suddenly next day Wayne enterprises ordered catering for the whole building. Apparently the CEO wanted to celebrate some deal. I am not sure if any worker besides Tim saw the pastries though.” 
“Knowing him? I have no idea. If it was Jason or Dick, they wouldn’t even make it to the building before this morons ate it all.” Then, a dark realization dawned on Damian. “Was by any chance a blonde with him when they picked up the order?”
“Uh… I don’t know. I was at school when it happened. Why?” 
Damian groaned. He should have connected the dots sooner. Brown was suddenly not hanging in the mansion twenty-four/seven and she was not seen on patrols. Father said that he was aware of her location. “If Brown is here too, then I am almost sure this pastries didn’t make it. And she might be causing a sudden jump in the bakery’s revenue.”
“Huh?” Marinette wasn’t following.
“Stephanie Brown is Drake’s girlfriend. Saying she has a sweet tooth is understatement of the century. More of a sweet jaw if you ask me. She can smell sweets from mile and always get there before you. Especially when Alfred is baking. And she can rival Cass in her stealth skill when it comes to stealing them.” Damian explained to Marinette and watched her stiffen another giggle. What was it with girls and giggling? But Damian had to admit Marinette looked cute when she did. Slow down Romeo or you will crash into a stop sign.
“Well then. I will be happy to bake her something. But Tim didn’t mention her.”
“He said he is running his independent investigation, so I assume you do not see him often?”
“Yeah. He is quite busy at the office. Isn’t he missing the school though?”
“Drake is seventeen and already has three P.H.D. He goes to school either to hang out with his less intelligent friends or to argue with the underpaid teachers by pointing every mistake and inaccuracy.” 
“Sounds like fun.” The mention of the teacher suddenly made Marinette aware that Madame Bustier was nowhere to be seen. “We’ve been sitting here for almost twenty minutes now. Maybe I will go check for her…” Marinette suggested more to herself than Damian. She was about to stand up when Madame Bustier walked into the class with Chloe following her. Only now anyone noticed that the blonde was gone. 
“Children. Chloe wanted to say something to all of you.” The teacher started.
“Yes. I wanted to apologize for my utterly ridiculous behavior in the past and hope that you will give me chance to earn forgiveness from the better part of you.” Chloe stated nonchalantly.
Taglist (sorry if I missed you)@pheonixashtree @sassakitty @unabashedbookworm @vixen-uchiha @maggiecc12 @actualdisasterwoman @tired-butterfly @shizukiryuu @floralfi @imanerddealwith @northernbluetongue @krispydefendorpolice @toodaloo-kangaroo @dast218 @bluesoulblueheart @theatreandcomicfreak @disneyfoxuniverse @mindfulmagics @alwaysnumberonetruth @nyaabinch @jardimazul @lenamau @rosep16 @dramatic-squirrel @sonif50 @daminett4life @lulutheawkwardess @weird-pale-blonde-person @mooshoon @jeminiikrystal @mochegato @moonlightstar64 @dragonflyswing @silverwhiteraven @shamefullove @magic-miraculous @valeks-princess @heaven428 @mlbchaosqueen @winter-gardenflower @spicybelladonna @emo-elaine13 @vetilora @karukofox21 @my-name-is-michell  @sturchling @lokiifriggasonn @redscarlet95 @melicmusicmagic @interobanginyourmom @the-fusionist @razzledazzle247 @miss-mysterys-blog @darkthunder1589 @i-is-mysterious @catthhay @the-one-woman-army @zestyzealot @dahjokester @write-for-your-life2 @mermaidreject @peachedpocky
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hpfannons · 4 years ago
Oh la la! Thats a fine choice of specimen. Thank you. :) lol. I only ask about the jealousy thing because I remember that Dick said one time that they only get to see him 2 months a year or something... I probably meant the batfam side i guess... lol but its good most Harry’s friend are okay or just roll with it... maybe I should asked some batfam moments during their stay in order hq... I really love that scene where Harry was on Dick’s lap and and the rest are just with them... I kinda want a scene with the same feeling...if you dont mind. xD thank you very much! glad to hear ur answer about fudge and umbridge. thank you so much... im really immersed in this au... looking forward to part 7. >_< thanks and stay safe y’all.
Glad you like my batfam! My best friend and I spent way too long going back and forth on people we could agree on for different characters (I think Tim and Alfred were the hardest… but it was years ago, so don’t quote me on that lol)
Sorry about the jealousy thing though, miscommunication on my part. I blame that for answering at 3 am on my phone XD
Yes, there is a lot of buried jealousy with the Batfam. Though surprisingly, most of it comes from Harry. That’s mostly because all these new family members come in while he’s at school, so it kind of feels like they’re all much more close knit with each other than with him because he’s not there for the large portion of the year.
They’re all happy to include him and catch him up with things he missed while he was at school… But there are some things you just have to be there in the moment for, because retelling the story just isn’t quite the same.
That’s not to say that the rest of the Batfam don’t have the same feelings as well, I think I’ve mentioned before that Tim and Harry especially are very close (actually best friends, on the same level as Harry and Ron) so Tim is definitely one of those people who feels Harry’s lost during the year the most.
Add on the fact it’s not really that easy to keep in touch with him while he’s at school, and it really is just hard on everyone.
As a side note, I fully believe the family would find some kind of way to make alterations to a communicator that will work at Hogwarts. Considering how many people who both use magic and have been involved with the Justice League in some way or the other, I find it hard to believe they haven’t found a work around for the whole magic screws with tech problem. At the very least, Harry would have a way to check his email from family, b/c making Headwig carry letters from Scotland to New Jersey and back is just cruel.
As far as the Batfam hanging out around 12 Grimmauld Place… They’re trying to be as non-confrontational as possible, even if there’s still some ruffled feathers from the first night. So the boys mostly go along with helping clean out the place under Molly’s orders - Jason was originally kind of prickly about it because he’s not a child (certainly not her child), so he found getting ordered around kind of insulting… Until his inner clean freak won out and yeah, this place does need a lot of work. Alfred has taught them all well, and it shows.
Tim mostly hauls himself up in the library when he can get away from clearing out pixies and de-gnoming the garden. He’s got like four notebooks full of information and Ron is a little shocked to find out Harry wasn’t kidding when he said Tim was worse than Percy and Hermione together when it came to information gathering.
Damian has less than stellar people skills at the best of times, and here he’s decided he doesn’t care very much for anybody over the age of seventeen (that’s not family anyway), so most of Dick’s time has been dedicated to keeping the youngest away from most of the Order. Not that he really blames him, Dick isn’t nearly as vocal about it as Damian, but he is also just completely done with all of them. He’s only playing nice because they’re here for Harry.
Bruce has also posted himself up in the library, reading everything he can get ahold of in regards to the history of the wizarding world trying to understand exactly what he’s son has gotten wrapped up in. Because lord knows nobody in this house is going to explain it to him… At this point he’s about one wrong comment away from telling them exactly where they can shove their ‘muggle’ excuses.
There was one notable evening though, when the boys as well as the Weasleys and Hermione were just hanging out in a parlor or sitting room or whatever it was supposed to be. Jason had been messing around with an old radio he found the other day and between him and Tim, they managed to get it working. The minute they recognized Britney Spears’s voice, there were four sets of eyes immediately on Dick who gave all of twenty seconds of resistance before he was up and dragging people along to dance with him. The impromptu party had ended up going on for hours, Tonks getting roped into the fun with them while Sirius and Remus smiled fondly from the doorway. Molly made a passing comment about bedtime, but didn’t argue back when that was quickly shot down by the other adults. Let the kids be kids while they could.
As far as soft moment’s for the Batfam… there are two that really come to mind, though they’re kind of sad though.
The first is really kind of short, but it’s after the battle of Hogwarts, and Harry’s come back from his final fight with Voldemort, and there’s just people everywhere in the great hall, but Harry knows exactly where he’s going. Bruce is standing to the side, watching while Jason’s getting patched up, and trying to keep an eye on his other kids as well. Everyone's a little banged up and bruised, but they’re all alive, and that’s the important part right now.
And then he sees Harry and there’s this almost tangible sense of relief because now all of his kids are present and accounted for, and Bruce feels like he can finally breathe again. And Harry just like collapses into Bruce who has to scramble a little bit to catch him, but then just stands there and holds him, because Harry is just completely exhausted mentally, physically, and emotionally. And all Bruce hears is “I want to go home Dad.”, and honest to god Batman almost starts crying in the middle of the great hall in front of everyone.
The other is after the Triwizard Tournament, and everything with Mad-Eye Crouch, when Harry’s in the hospital wing. Everyone’s standing around trying to figure out what the hell just happened, and Harry wakes up still kind of groggy from whatever Madam Pomfrey gave him to knock him out, and he ends up breaking down crying in front of everyone.
Dick doesn’t even hesitate, he’s on Harry before the first tear even really starts rolling and just tucks him into the crook of his neck and let’s him cry it out. Except Harry’s been traumatized and he’s like full-on sobbing, almost wailing, and that just stabs everyone straight through the heart. Tim’s next, doesn’t say anything, just sits down behind Harry and tucks himself up against his brother’s back. Damian and Jason join in as well, Damian sitting on Harry’s other side and just quietly putting his head on Harry’s shoulder; while Jason sit’s down a little farther away, reaching out to put a hand on the back of Harry’s neck. Bruce is standing on the other side of the bed, and just runs a hand through Harry’s hair while they let him get it out and calm down.
And once he’s down to hiccups and kind of stuttery breaths, Dumbledore says something about leaving him be, and if looks could kill… Jason’s still armed, and he almost, almost goes for the gun. Bruce head’s it off at the pass though, saying he’ll go with them to discuss things further and also inform the league about what’s happened, but the rest of the boys will be staying.
Madam Pomfry insists on dosing Harry again, and after some reassurances that his brother’s aren't going anywhere, they get him to drink the potion. That’s as far as they indulge the mediwitch though. Tim and Damian both try to settle down in the bed on either side of their brother, though after some jostling around and being unable to really fit two teenagers and a ten year old comfortably in a hospital cot; Dick and Jason move another bed over flush against Harry’s and Dick manages to coax Damian into it with him, as long as the younger is able to keep hold of Harry’s arm. Jason retakes the seat he’d pulled up to the bedside, kick’s his feet up on the cot and settles in to keep watch over the lot of them for the night. And that is exactly where and how Bruce finds them the next morning.
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