#Thomas Jefferson University
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paulpingminho · 8 months ago
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metrodcdjs · 10 months ago
P. A. Announcer News - May 15, 2024
What do we find in today’s P. A. Announcer News? More reason to research names, if you’re helping with commencement make sure you have each person write their name phonetically because it’s really hard to get it right on the spot. Wade Minter of the Carolina Hurricanes is a PA by night, and a software developer by day; Leighton Area High School P. A. announcer gets support; the boxing announcer…
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personthatdrawssometimes · 3 months ago
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the unrendered ver…
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morgangalaxy43 · 7 months ago
Tumblr holidays and Tumblr lore are really awesome because they feel like really weird inside jokes between a bunch of people
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astronomyanti · 28 days ago
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valentines day gifting is difficult...
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oliveoilisedible · 2 months ago
Headcanon that Magnus and Alex are that one couple that are CONSTANTLY like,
“ooh look at that guy, he’s cute”
“eh, not my type, BUT LOOK AT HER??? THAT DRESS????”
To just… completely random people they see on the street.
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gaygirldoodles · 8 months ago
Thinking abt how all the einherjar will die come Ragnarok and how Magnus will probably outlive Blitz, Hearth, Samirah, Amir and Annabeth.
But just imagine, Alex dying in Magnus' arms as he tries desperately to heal she/he, knowing they will both end up dying either way, but still holding onto hope as he sees his friends fighting around him and slowly dying. He can't save them, but gods damn it, will he try.
Imagine when it's finally his turn, he holds onto the hope that he will once again see all his friends and loved ones. Those who had died years ago and those who had died more recently.
Maybe he will see them again. Maybe he won't. We don't really know for sure, but we can still hope.
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farbexx · 4 months ago
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this mf is literally me
@66zl33gr INAP AU credits
original screenshot from twitter:
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trssshh · 9 months ago
Hi guys i have the disgrace to say i have created a monster, meet the monster:
Hamilton AU but they we're all reborn as female singers (except Eliza, she's Kanye West)
Burr = Mitski
Hamilton = Britney Spears
King George = Azaelia Banks
Laurens = Laufey
Angelica = Shakira
Lafayette = Lady Gaga
Thomas Jefferson = Taylor Swift
Peggy: Adele
Washington: Beyonce
Eliza: Kanye West
That's it, if you guys want to add or change characters feel free to, and if y'all want to kill me also feel free to
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jabibi-the-beef · 8 months ago
i was reading MLK Jr's letter from Birmingham Jail for class right and he mentions Thomas Jefferson and white founding fathers and for a second I was like
"what do you mean?, Jefferson isn't white-"
"...oh. that Jefferson"
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verchknyaz · 6 months ago
A moment from my new Hamilton AU - "The Longest Night"
Might post more spoilers later
“— It's hilarious how you stick up for that pathetic mudblood. Full moon season hiting you hard, am I right, Jacky?"
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"— What did you said?...—"
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realtapiocafan · 1 month ago
SEVEN tds for ja'marr, justin, malik, and btj combined!
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metrodcdjs · 10 months ago
P. A. Announcer News - May 14, 2024
Taking a look around the world of P. A. announcer news and we learn more about how a legendary announcer who changed the profession wound up out of a job, a team looking for a new P. A. announcer, more unprepared P. A. announcers, Chihuahua Caudillos find their way into the highlights, Sean Peebles of the Cleveland Cavaliers inspires a loud ovation. Legendary Bulls announcer was fired after he…
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enlitment · 9 months ago
How it feels to do research sometimes:
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aka was reading a paper/dissertation, thought the author wrote quite well so I got curious and googled her institution
- turns out it's a US university that was attended by frickin Thomas Jefferson?
(I mean it objectively has nothing whatsoever to do with my research but still. Cool.)
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msachillelaurosfunnels · 3 months ago
Go on about the universe thing please (if you wish), I’m interested
The moment I have been waiting for... 😈😈
Disclaimer: everything in this post is part of a fictional world, IT IS NOT REAL!!! (well except for me, I'm real ☹️☹️) AND WARNING, KIND OF CRINGE...
So, this universe starts with me (yes, I'm the "main character", very cringe I know). I was (NOT AM) 10, with an emerging interest in history. All of the sudden, I gain powers? (So cringe bro). These powers allowed me to do a lot of things, except give myself immortality and many other things that would make me a "Mary Sue" lmao (a Mary Sue is a character with no flaws and/or is extremely overpowered I believe). These powers were inspired by Creator Luni, a character in a game I used to play religiously: Gacha World 😭😭😭. Basically a floating pad that I tap on to do/make whatever I want.
The character in question:
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Ok anyways... So since I found out that I could revive as many people as I wanted (except for people who died when they were under 18), I got an idea: REVIVE THE UNITED STATES PRESIDENTS!!! Why? Because 10 year old me (BTW I AM NOT 10 RIGHT NOW.) wanted to get to know the country's former leaders (kinda stupid reason but hey it's whatever). How did I do it? On the 22nd of August, I teleported to each and every presidents gravesite at exactly 12AM, somehow get to the graves that were blocked off, block off cameras (if there were any cameras), and do the "ritual". (WARNING FOR BLOOD HERE) There's only three things you need for a revival ritual: your own blood, a pan to dip your hand palm first into the blood (it doesn't need to be a pan) and bandages to cover the wound. That sounds very weird, I know 😭 (And also, I learned about this "ritual" beforehand). This is how I did it: I used my powers to sharpen my fingernails into literal claws and cut my left arm to get some blood into the pan (btw the cut wasn't huge, just enough to be able to make a bloody handprint). I put my hand into the pan and then slapped my BLOODY HANDPRINT onto the name on the gravestone/coffin of every president. But, I left a tiny vial of my blood at Lincoln's tomb in the burial room(?), because I wanted to be found out. After the handprint is placed on the gravestone/coffin, it CANNOT be washed off and it will manifest for 12 hours after it is placed. After it is done manifesting, the handprint will dissapear. Since I did it at 12AM, they all came back to life at 12PM. (Joanna, if you wanted to be found out, why did you block the cameras? Well, I didn't want to be seen, but found out through the blood test.)
When every president woke up, they either woke up above their grave, or in their coffin in which they could easily open in nothing but a white robe. Since these gravesites and presidential libraries are open to the public, many people witnessed a former president spawn out of thin air in front of their own eyes.
Another thing about reviving a person is that these revivals can have side effects. These side effects are what's known as a "resurrection aftereffect" This can alter the resurrected person's physical and/or emotional functions and/or features, it can be a drastic or small change. The only president that was affected by this just so happened to be Franklin Pierce, but I will talk about the changes later. I learned about these prior to reviving the presidents, and I wondered WHICH ONES would be affected. When I found out they were revived, I sent the clothes they wore to them in a matter of seconds, so they wouldn't be stuck in a white robe. Three other things about my powers is that I can alter the age in which they come back in. In other words, I can choose which age they would be when resurrected, and they will be stuck at that age physically and mentally, but they would still retain memories from after the age they are stuck in. For example, Ronald Reagan died at 93 years old, when I brought him back, I changed his age to 75. The other thing is that I can remove diseases, STDs, and any other physical problem that a person had (NOT INCLUDING MENTAL DISORDERS AND/OR ILLNESSES). So in this universe, FDR CAN WALK (although he may need to regain the ability to do so) AND JFK DOESN'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT BACK PROBLEMS AND OTHER DISEASES HE HAD???!!!?!????!? (And also, I can restore their teeth, so Washington no longer has dentures... 😈😈) The last thing is that when I age, I receive more abilities.
As expected, Lincoln found the vial I left that had a note on it "Send to a lab for testing", he definitely doesn't know what a lab is, so he just held onto it for now. When the president at the time, Donald Trump, caught wind of the news, he ordered a meeting of the former presidents. He sent government officials to go get the other presidents via transportation (obviously lol). Some of them were transported via car or the LITERAL PRESIDENT'S AIR FORCE ONE (or um the president's personal plane) because yknow Ronnie is literally in California. After all of the presidents were taken to the White House, they held the meeting. This meeting talked about where the former presidents would reside, and a myriad of other things. During this meeting, Lincoln presented the vial of my blood because he had no idea what to do with it lol. It was taken to a lab for testing. They concluded that the presidents would reside in the White House (which would require a bit of renovations I think lol), but they would not engage in the political affairs of today, unless ABSOLUTELY necessary.
A few weeks later, the test results came back. When they saw who it was, Donald ordered the government officials to come and take me to the White House for "questioning" or an interrogation, if you will. When they arrived at my house, my parents were obviously confused as to why they were here. They told them that they were sent by the president to get me, but assured them that I wasn't in trouble and showed my parents proof that they were legit officials. But before I left, I wanted to pack some things.
When I got to Washington D.C, I was taken into the White House. First, I was taken to meet the presidents. When they saw me, most of them were very bewildered. Some just stared at me, the others talked amongst themselves. All of them but Pierce (once again, I will get to this soon). They were very confused as to how and why a 10 year old girl brought them all back to life. After all of that, I was taken to a room for questioning. The officials and Trump asked me a myriad of questions, but I may need some help with coming up with the exact questions, as I am going to write a document going into more detail about this universe (Doodle, I'm looking at you... 👀👀).
Anyways, after this, the news of who was behind the revivals came out to the public. So I basically became a celebrity! Because of this, I wanted to make content on YouTube, but I had to get my parents to manage the channel for me. I wanted to choose 3 presidents to come onto the channel with me and record videos, whether it be informative or purely comical! The three presidents I chose were: Abraham Lincoln (He's one of the BEST presidents, no really!), Thomas Jefferson (because I did research about the dude, and I wanted to know MORE!), and Franklin Pierce (he interested me the second I found out about his existence, which was online and before the revivals, AND because of the resurrection aftereffects).
I informed all of the presidents about the important things that happened after they died (like WW1, WW2, 9/11, etc. And I'd teach the prezzes that died before the civil war happened about it too lol).
Now... LET'S TALK ABOUT THE EFFECTS PIERCE WENT THROUGH... 😈😈😈 Firstly, Franklin lost his ability to properly express emotion (his facial expression is literally blank, it was like he couldn't move his face to express emotion, but he could still speak. He can move his face, but can't express emotion somehow.). Secondly, his voice became void of ANY tone that would convey any sort of feelings. His voice sounded freakishly similar to a robot, it was still deep though. But CERTAIN tones (like when you ask a question) are still present. And lastly (this one is a small, physical change), his tongue grew longer??? (huh???????).
And most of the time, except for the videos, he'd avoid me, especially when I try to make a "friendly advance" (like an arm hug or smth). I initially didn't know why, but it WASN'T because he didn't like me and after I turned 12, he started avoiding me less (The reason as to why Pierce avoided me was because he believed he was cursed, and if we made an entirely platonic, emotional bond, I would die before December 19th, which is my birthday. But specifically December 19th, 2021 in which I turned 12. I have a WIP document going into full detail of the specific event btw lol).
There are other notable events, that I haven't written about YET.. 😈😈 Anyways, later on, I added two more presidents to the main group (John F. Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan!). And some time in early or late 2024, I bring PHINEAS GAGE INTO ALL OF THIS?????? (I started developing an interest in him, and then ended up reviving him. 😰😰😰😰😰)
And yes, I do face a bit of scrutiny for reviving them, because MOST of them weren't the best people (it's not my fault man, I knew little to NOTHING about them prior to this😢😢)... But I'm not gonna ignore it, being ignorant is NOT good when it comes to these types of topics (slavery, and other stuff 😰)... And don't worry, I end up "fixing" most of them (like changing their view on people that aren't white like them because being racist is the equivalent of being a LOSER lmao).
Wow, that took a bit to jot down (I didn't do this all in one day LOL)... Whatever though, it was (probably) worth it... 😈🧐 I can't believe I have finally released this universe for the entirety of Tumblr to see. 😰😰
This is what autism does to a person...
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a-loose-collection-of-ants · 8 months ago
I think I need to start coming up with my own unhinged and unverifiable history takes. Anyway, Stephen Gerard founded Gerard college because after he bought the first bank of the united states he spent the rest of his life haunted by the ghost of Alexander Hamilton
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