#halfborn gunderson
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al3x-fi3rr0 · 22 days ago
I did the research and found how tall most of the important Riordanverse characters are
Mallory 5’6
Magnus 5’7
Sam 5’3
Hearth 5’11
Halfborn 6’
Alex 5’3
Blitz 5’5
TJ 5’11
Alderman 7’
Carter 5’6
Sadie 5’6
Meg 5’1
Lester 5’11
Kayla 5’3
Austin 5’6
Will 6’
Calypso 5’8
Jason 6’1
Reyna 5’8
Piper 5’7
Frank 6’3
Hazel 5’4
Leo 5’6
Hedge 5’
Nico 5’6
Percy 6’
Annabeth 5’10
Connor 5’8
Travis 5’9
Luke 6’1
Clarisse 5’6
Bianca 5’2
Thalia 5’7
Rachel 5’7
Grover 5’9
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hotelvalhallazine · 7 months ago
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Hello all!! Introducing Hotel Valhalla, a Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard centered zine! Here you'll find our info carrd and contributor applications. We hope you'll join us in creating a zine by fans for fans with the intent of bringing a fun new project to this corner of the wider Riordanverse.
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pjofancalledbelle · 8 months ago
so cool
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ace-writer-lani · 9 months ago
Hotel Valhalla as a reality TV show Pt.2
(Part one)
Mallory [to a camera]: Right, so sometimes, Halfborn does these...how do I describe them?
Magnus: Experiments?
Alex: Tests on the human limits of pain and misery to see what can break his mind and soul?
Mallory: Both work, honestly.
Mallory: Either way he's a dumbass, and this week he's decided to see how long he could go without sleep and so far he's tried to eat his own hand, convince us that we were aliens and—
Alex: And it's hilarious
[Day One]
Halfborn [slicing the air with his axes]: Honestly? I feel so energetic that I could kill a whole army right now!
[He throws one axe across the hallway just as TJ was stepping out of his room]
TJ: Hey-! [Gets beheaded]
Halfborn: Oops? Eh, he'll be fine!
[Day Two]
Halfborn: I think the less sleep I get, the stronger I become!
[Day Three]
Magnus: You good there buddy?
Halfborn: Yes, perfectly fine. I just needed to lay down for a sec, but then I'll be back to kicking names and taking ass!
Magnus: I-that's not how—
Alex [trying not to laugh]: Shh, just let him be Maggie. If he wants to kick names and take ass, let him.
[Day Four]
Halfborn: Is it still called cannibalism if you try to eat yourself?
Halfborn: Self-cannabalism?
Halfborn: Ingestion of thyself?
TJ [pauses in eating his breakfast]: Dude, you're gonna make me lose my appetite.
Mallory: Halfborn, take your hand out of your mouth right now or I will chop it off and feed it to the wolves.
Halfborn: So the wolves can eat me but I can't?
Mallory: I swear to Gods—
[Day Five]
Halfborn [to Magnus]: This...this is your father
Magnus [Pointing to Halfborn's palm]: That's a cockroach.
Halfborn: [Gasp] Show your father some respect!
Magnus: But that's not my father.
Halfborn: What are you talking about? You look just like him!
Magnus [turning to Alex]: I feel like I should be insulted by that.
[Day Six]
Halfborn: I knew it! I knew your evil plan was to disguise yourselves as humans so it would be easier for you to take over the world! Well guess what, scum? I won't let you do so that easily! Prepare to die!
TJ: For the last time, we aren't aliens.
Mallory: Who are you calling scum you motherfucker?
Magnus: And we're all kind of already dead.
Halfborn: Lies! More words of your manipulation—
Alex: Should I just kill him now and put us all out of our misery?
[Day Seven]
Magnus: Good news, Alex didn't have to kill him—
Alex: That's bad news.
Magnus: —cause he passed out on his own yesterday. But now he's just...sleeping like a rock in the middle of the hallway.
[Halfborn's loud snores can be heard in the background]
Mallory: Idiot couldn't even make it to seven days
Magnus: But...should we move him?
TJ: Maybe I should kill him as payback for Monday—
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oliveoilisedible · 3 months ago
Headcanon that Magnus and Alex are that one couple that are CONSTANTLY like,
“ooh look at that guy, he’s cute”
“eh, not my type, BUT LOOK AT HER??? THAT DRESS????”
To just… completely random people they see on the street.
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mallory-keen-to-kill · 1 year ago
heres some lovely wedding photos from yesterday:
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@magnus-falafelking @alex-fierro-pr-nightmare @that-hijabi-loki-spawn @thomas-jefferson-jr @halfbornhalfdead @sword-of-summer-hits
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gaygirldoodles · 9 months ago
Thinking abt how all the einherjar will die come Ragnarok and how Magnus will probably outlive Blitz, Hearth, Samirah, Amir and Annabeth.
But just imagine, Alex dying in Magnus' arms as he tries desperately to heal she/he, knowing they will both end up dying either way, but still holding onto hope as he sees his friends fighting around him and slowly dying. He can't save them, but gods damn it, will he try.
Imagine when it's finally his turn, he holds onto the hope that he will once again see all his friends and loved ones. Those who had died years ago and those who had died more recently.
Maybe he will see them again. Maybe he won't. We don't really know for sure, but we can still hope.
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weirdnotal · 6 months ago
Jason Grace and Leo Valdez au where they both die but due to a mishap end up in Valhalla.
Hazel didn't like Leo's plan so she switched the potions and tried to talk him out of it (didn't work tho) and he ended up in Valhalla, obviously Percy and Annabeth don't know about Valhalla yet.
Once Jason's dead he also goes to Valhalla since they're the same age they end up on the same floor and see each other again. Then the whole Magnus Chase thing happens and Annabeth learns about him. Right after they're last adventure Alex and Magnus explore the building and accidentally get to the others floor.
They good friends but eventually Magnus is like "hey wanna come meet all my dead friends Annabeth" cue spiderman meme
*also imagine the combination of shenanigans and himbo-assery of Alex, Leo, TJ, Halfborn, Mallory, Magnus, and Jason as friends
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andwhateverwalkedthere · 1 year ago
There’s just something about how Rick Riordan explores each of his characters’ past in the Magnus Chase books and how each character learns to deal with it. Magnus coming to terms with his mother’s death and honoring her with the love he feels for his friends. Biltzen’s honoring of his father by winning the crafting duel while following his passion. Mallory confronting the mother she felt abandoned by and how she feels about Frigg’s attempts to be a part of her life. Alex’s relationship with his grandfather and his craft that rejects everything his father stands for. Sam’s faith allowing her to find the strength to resist Loki. Hearthstone’s relationship with his brother and his brother’s love for him as the final rejection of his father’s abuse. Halfborn coming to terms with the home he never returned to. The history of slavery that continues to weigh on TJ, but that he triumphs by his pure existence whereas the confederates literally fade away.
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pastawithoutketchup · 2 months ago
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idk i just like making these
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k-is-for-potassium · 9 months ago
hearth is such a mood
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tbh if someone was trying to wake me up that early i would also tell them that i am not there
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txtmaiden · 2 months ago
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Ok but in book 3 when mallory gets her hair chopped off it kinda reminds me of the Tangled movie😭😭😭
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moremagnuschasecontent · 1 year ago
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that-girl-glader · 2 months ago
I just finished the entire Magnus Chase series. I'm currently a fucking mess. Fuck.😭
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kaylakenobi · 1 year ago
When the healer is unconscious and the rest of the group has no clue wtf to do:
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Here’s the blank template if you want it
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logolepsy-babble · 1 year ago
If Jason Went to Valhalla
Halfborn: NEW KID! Why do you have a coin? Did you use money as a weapon?
Jason: Haha, it’s…
Jason flips the coin and it turns to a sword.
TJ: Hey, it kind of looks like Jack.
Alex: Oh, I so see it.
Jason: Jack?
Magnus: Oh, here.
Magnus takes jack down from his chain. Jack flies up to Jason.
Magnus: This is Jack aka Sumarbrander. Jack, this is…
Jason: I’m Jason.
Alex: Do you have a lineage? Have you just formed from air?
Magnus: Um, I’m Magnus, son of Frey. That’s Alex, daughter of Loki. TJ, son of Tyr, Halfborn son of-
I’m not writing all that.
Jason: I’m Jason, son of Jupiter.
Alex: Nice, an alien.
Jason: Alien?
Jack: OOO!! NEW GUY! Oh what a pretty sword, imperial gold, he’s so-
Jason: It’s talking?!
Alex: We wish he wouldn’t…
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