#This is mostly a joke tho don't take it too seriously
roboneco · 2 months
Lol this is just self indulgent ramblings and I AM biased since I love him. But if you think about it. Johan is the "least corrupted" out of the 4 crew heads.
Jake did the whole online gambling shtick. We know that ruined some people's lives. And yes he did it for Sinu, he was being taken advantage of the whole time and we know he HATED it. That doesn't change the fact that there are people out there drowning in debt because of this.
While working with workers, Eli and Warren were willing to sacrifice other families to save their own. It is not as "bad" as what Jake did because those other families were gangs as well. And it just makes since for the strongest to survive in that world. One could argue that
But they were also willing to turn on big deal, to burn their street. No matter that a while before that, Jerry was there to help Hostel when workers attacked them. Yes, it was a hard decision to make and the operation didn't succeed in the end. But if it did, then they were willing to live with the knowledge that Jerry reached out to help them in one of their hardest times and they still were the cause of his ruin.
There's also Olly and Samuel and EUGENE and U see my point.
These characters were victims to manipulation or neglect or whatever number of things. But you can be the victim in your story while also being a perpetrator in someone else's story. And listen I love these characters, and some of these actions and arcs were my favourite to read. I am just thinking out loud really.
Now when we talk about Johan we realise he just...... didn't do anything that harmful?
He is far from being morally superior, believe me this guy has issues but his worst actions were being a petty thief lmao but even then he stole shoes 😭 and yeah he worked with gun and took over k house but he didn't do shit to them??? He even specifically ordered them to STOP THE FAKE BANK ACCOUNT BUSINESS even tho if he kept it going he'd get more money that he needs for the surgery.
On the other hand, he wasn't put under the active pressure of someone threatening those he cares about so we can't really judge him based on that alone.......huh.....ok post cancelled Do. We. Think. That Johan will soon get an arc where he's forced to be evil for a bit???
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superloves4 · 1 year
Okay, so, I was thinking about Elwë/Finwë/Miriël, and my brain decided to take me to terrible elf biology, so I'm now inflicting it on everyone else:
What if? elves could have more than one 'father' (father here meaning solely as not the one providing the womb) because elven birth is tied to fëar?? But because elves are typically (and in Valinor, strictly) monogamous, and, going back to Elwë/Finwë/Miriël, because Fëanor is so similar to Finwë (perhaps because Elwë and Miriël wanted so? huh?), nobody knows!
I can see two possibilities here:
One, the Valar know that there is something dangerous in elves having more than one partner, they just don't know. what. it. is. so they just decide to forbid non-monogamy as a whole, but without anyone knowing Miriël is already pregnant by the time they arrive in Valinor so when they find out they assume is just Finwë's, but holding three fëars was the danger and it ends up consuming Miriel and the rest is history
Alternatively, maybe it's not really a danger (and the ban non-monogamy has nothing to do with this), but because Elwë stays behind while the Noldor continue, and a baby's fëar is nursed by the parents, that means Miriel has to pour more of herself into caring for Fëanor and thus ends up dying
...honestly, I mostly just find the idea of Fëanor being a third Thingol hilarious
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xf-cases-solved · 1 month
headcanon/fic idea where during the cancer arc, mulder is over at scully's place on a saturday morning going over a case file (that probably could have waited until monday, but he wanted to check on her, and scully knows that, and mulder knows that scully knows, but they both just keep it to themselves). and at one point, scully checks the time and sighs and says she needs to call and cancel her nail appointment for that afternoon, and when mulder asks her why, she says it's bc her dr prescribed her a new med and it's giving her slight double vision, and "it's a common side effect and it's temporary, but i don't want to drive until i adjust to it, and it's not worth it to pay for a cab just for a manicure"
and mulder is like, "i'm not doing anything today, i'll take you"
and obviously scully dismisses the offer, but he keeps insisting, and the truth of it is, with all the constant med adjustments and (occasionally gross) physical side effects of medication and just being sick in general, she hasn't felt particularly attractive in weeks, and while it's not like she is trying to impress anybody, she takes a lot of pride in her appearance and how she presents herself to the world, and her nails are so brittle and the polish has completely chipped away from her last manicure, and honestly, this one little thing, no matter how inconsequential, really would go a long way to making her feel more like herself
so she eventually relents (which pleasantly surprises mulder bc she is stubborn af)
on the way there she's already apologizing for how boring he'll probably find it -- how frivolous and feminine -- and "it shouldn't take too long, i'll tell her to skip the hand massage," and mulder is like, "if you tell her not to give you a hand massage i will hold you at gunpoint until you let her do it" bc he is NOT about to let her skip out on some self-care bc she's worried he'll be judging her for indulging in something "girly"
(he knows she constantly walks a fine line between expressing her femininity and keeping it to herself bc she's worried it will make her male peers view her less seriously)
her nail tech immediately asks if mulder is her husband, even tho she knows damn well he's not bc she asks him if she's found a man yet at every gd appointment, and when she says no, the nail tech is like, "why not? he's handsome and he took you to your appointment, he seems like good husband material"
(they side step out of the conversation, but she is painfully aware of mulder's smirk)
her nail tech asks mulder if he wants a manicure too, and scully thinks she's probably joking, but mulder is like "hell yeah," and scully feels like how she does when he talks about aliens with random cops and witnesses with a straight face -- like, a little embarrassed, but also in awe of his complete lack of giving a fuck
so they are seated side-by-side and get manicures at the same time
mulder doesn't get any polish, but he lets his nail tech shape his nails and apply cuticle oil and, yes, give him a hand massage
he and scully have a brief debate about her nail polish, bc she always gets a super light pink or just a glossy finish (bc anything bolder would feel like overindulging in her femininity and she doesn't want to give any of her misogynistic peers more ammo), but mulder is mercilessly persistent, saying shit like, "that peach color would look good on you" (it wouldn't, she thinks, she's too pale for it) or "that burgundy one would match the new dark lipstick you got a while ago," and she's sat there wondering when the fuck he noticed something as trivial as the shade of her lipstick, and does that mean he's paid attention to other aspects of her appearance? and if so, what does he think of them?
(eventually she lets him talk her into an insanely light shade of baby blue, mostly bc he said it would complement her eyes and she was too caught off guard to tell him to stuff it, and the nail tech makes another casual quip about how good of a husband he would be, and a teeny tiny voice in the back of her head that she can barely hear is saying, "yeah, actually, he would")
when they're finished, he slips the nail tech his credit card while she is searching for her wallet in her overcoat pocket, and he does not look remotely remorseful when she reprimands him, that bastard
in the car, she can't help laughing at the way he keeps checking out his nails, tilting them so the sunlight hits them through the window and he can see how uniform and shiny they are (his nail tech talked him into a clear top coat)
he offers to drive to the chinese restaurant a few blocks from the lincoln memorial, bc she mentioned to him two weeks ago that whenever she is too nauseous to want food, she can for some reason always stomach that restaurant's egg drop soup, and even tho she's not nauseous rn and has also eaten enough egg drop soup lately that it actually sounds a little abhorrent, she says yes anyway, bc she's so touched that he remembered that small detail
they end up getting an order to go (she orders a full entree of vegetable shrimp along with her soup, and the look of relief and delight on mulder's face when he realizes she has an appetite for once makes her blush)
they go back to her place and watch The Thing, and then a rerun of jeopardy (they're pretty evenly matched in terms of useless trivia knowledge, but the final jeopardy question is "this man is the only doctor in history to have a 300% mortality rate," and scully was saying "dr. liston !" before mulder had a chance to process how that was even possible)
she gets drowsy early (another side effect these days), and mulder is discreet in not pointing it out, and instead makes an excuse about needing to feed his fish so he should probably get going, and once again, they both know what he's doing, but they both keep it to themselves
she walks him to the door, and before he leaves, he takes her hand. she lets him raise it up beside her face, even tho she's not sure what he's doing, until he says, "yep, i was right, these make your eyes even prettier," and like ??? what is she supposed to do with THAT??
in the end she does nothing except let him kiss the tips of her fingers, right on the light blue polish, and then lets him kiss her on the forehead. (she tries not to think about where else she'd like him to kiss her, and fails miserably)
they part with shy goodbyes, and it's only in retrospect that she realizes she hadn't actually thanked him, not really
when she is dressed and ready for bed, she slides under the sheets and calls his cell
"mulder, it's me," and somehow he sounds delighted to hear from her, as if they hadn't just spent the entire day together
"i just wanted to thank you for today. i really needed it"
she isn't able to express her gratitude in full, bc that would require being emotionally vulnerable and she's not v good at that, but she suspects mulder hears what she isn't saying anyway
"anytime, scully," he says, and she knows he means it sincerely. "my hands are so soft, i might have to make this manicure thing a regular occurrence"
she laughs
"goodnight, mulder"
"goodnight, scully"
in the morning, the first thing she notices is the blue of her fingernail polish, and the warm feeling it gives her stays with her through breakfast and all the way through the afternoon
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obeyme-and-myfics · 2 years
Hi!can I ask a general hc about the bros w/ a really short MC?thx(Idk if your requests are still open if not ignore this)!
Of course! I'm on the shorter side of 5'5 and I get bullied(/pos /Playful) all the time for being on the shorter side I feel bad for people who are undeniably short lmfao Thank you for the request I hope you enjoy this <3
most of this isn't necessarily romantic but I simp for them so I am gonna add a few of them
Part 1(Here)| Part 2
Prompt: Y/N is short
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor
🖤🤍Headcanon list🤍🖤
CW: Teasing, slight NSFW stuff in Mammon's(It's really just a dick joke)
Nicer than most of his other brothers about your height
Makes sly comments about your height
"I'm unsure a human of their... stature, would be able to accomplish such a task," or something like that
He doesn't make these comments often though
Leans down to your level
That's mostly so he doesn't hurt his neck looking down at you and so you don't break your neck looking up at him
Will physically pick you up and move you if you refuse to leave a restricted area(Like the stairs to the attic)
Purposely asks you to get things off higher shelves that are just barely within reach to watch you struggle
He wouldn't readily admit that, that's what he's doing tho
On a more wholesome note he happily gets things off the top shelf for you
He's extra protective over you since he worries other demons may take advantage of how small you are
He doesn't doubt your capabilities its just that these are DEMONS they're a lot stronger than humans despite your or their height
The height thing 100% makes him more concerned however
He does make jokes about carrying you around in his pocket
He's a very private person but when you two are alone he very much enjoys holding you in his arms.
He thinks its cute and funny that your feet don't touch the ground when he hugs you
This was the first thing he pointed out about you
“Woah you couldn’t have picked one that wasn’t so tiny”
It was all fun and games(Short jokes) until you had his ass in a pact by the end of day 1
He definitely respected you 100% more after that
He's never gonna admit it tho so he still says dumb shit
Stuff like "How am I supposed to take ya seriously when you're that close to the ground?"
and "Ya know maybe you ended up here BECAUSE you're short. Short people are closer to hell ya know."
Whoop his ass
He'd also joke that you're dick sucking height(even if you're not) if your relationship progresses to something more serious
Uses you as an arm rest
Holds stuff above you and just out of your reach
Puts your belongings on the top shelf when he gets mad at you
Crouches/leans down to your level in a demeaning kind of way
Most importantly he loves to kiss your forehead since its the easiest part of your face to smooch
If you ask him to lift you up to see something better he'd do it no hesitations or questions asked
He is however going to try to play it off like he was just trying to shut you up and not actually being a sweet and loving partner
"It's not like I actually cared if you could see the damn show or anything... Don't look at me like that! I just wanted ya to shut up is all..."
He is staring so hard lmfao
Not in judgmental way but more of a "could I convince you to cosplay with me" type of way
He's making you cosplay every short ass character he can think of
He's definitely more careful with you than he would be if you were taller
If you bitch at him to stop he will tho
Doesn't really care that you're short he just wants to be a nerd(/Affectionate) with you
Will still make short jokes at your expense to a slightly lesser extent than Mammon
Likes it when you sit in his lap while he's playing games so he can rest his chin on the top of your head
Encourages you to climb shit cuz he's not willing to grab stuff that's too high for you to grab
I'm getting my chancla and yeeting it at him for you
He's a little too preoccupied with his games/shows to help
If he's really excited to tell you about something and you're doing something he just grabs you and carries you off
He's not gonna potato sack you tho, no, he's holding you in some weird ass position.
Asmo 100% got a picture of it at least once and sent it to the group chat
He also enjoys holding you close while watching shows
He's red in the face the whole time tho ngl
Another one of the nicer brothers about you being short
He's happy to help with most things your height prevents you from doing with ease
He doesn't make shorts jokes to your face but he's definitely thinking that shit
Scolds/threatens Mammon when he makes excessive short jokes
Doesn't bend/crouch down to your level
He respects you as a person enough not to demean you like that
He might make comments on your height but he's not trying to be an asshole
If you tell him he's being rude he'd apologize and try to rephrase his statement
"Oh. Sorry I meant..."
He'd be more curious on why Diavolo and Lucifer brought such a small human to devildom
He wouldn't dwell on it for long though
He's more concerned about whether or not you'd be interested in indulging his latest book obsession
Definitely enjoys teasing you by making you look up at him
He likes sitting down or picking you up for kisses
Its mostly sitting down cuz he's a book nerd and reads on his bed/couch a lot
Also he doesn't wanna make you hurt you neck or hurt his own back
Unintentionally the worst about your height
Comments about it constantly
He just thinks its cute how much shorter you are than him
It doesn't happen often that he has to look so far down at someone I apologize for my transgressions since he's one of the shorter brothers(5'9)
He's 100% taking full advantage of this to try everything to fluster you.
Gently grabbing your chin to make you look up at him, hugging you in the most sensual way possible, shoving you into his mitties(Man titties), etc
Calls you pet names related to being small (i.e. little sugar plum or some shit like that idk)
Has the audacity to mention your height any chance he gets
God forbid he catches you climbing/getting a step ladder or something to grab something higher up
Has commented on the height difference between you and Diavolo VERY loudly before
If you confront him about it he's not gonna stop because he doesn't mean anything by it so why should you care
That's how he thinks about it anyway
If he finds out its an insecurity (if it is) he's gonna do everything in his power to make you love your height
Cuz he loves it why shouldn't you???
The best brother about your height
He doesn't care
Like he literally could not give less of a fuck
He's the tallest brother and is used to most people being tiny compared to him
He definitely just carries you around sometimes cuz he wants to hang out
Man is carrying you like an American football
That or you're being potato sacked
If you need help getting stuff from high places he's either gonna lift you up or grab it for you
The worst he's ever said to you about your height is asking if you wanna bulk up a little with him to make up for your lack thereof
If you tell him that was fucked up he'll immediately apologize and be careful not to say anything like that again
He is a bit more careful than he would be with you if you weren't short
Will either sit down or lift you up to talk to you eye to eye
He just does wanna hurt his or your neck
How else are y'all gonna lift together??? Can't lift if you hurt yourselves!
He likes hugging you the most
There's just something about it that makes him feel peaceful
He's a bitch about it
Or at least he was at first
Compared you to an ant, shrimp or krill many MANY times
When he was insulting you in the attic he definitely called you puny
After all of that mess was over and done with he lightened up
He's still making fun of your height but to a lesser degree
Drags you away to skip school and take naps
Too lazy to get shit off higher places but will definitely help you down if you get stuck on the counter
Will then make fun of you for having to climb on top of shit to get what you're looking for
Pats your head and uses it as an arm rest
If he falls asleep next to you he's using you as a body pillow and a head rest
He's one of those "I can bully you but if anyone else bullies you I'm whooping their asses" type of person
So if any lower demons or his brothers(Mammon) are being too harsh about it he's gonna do something about it
If you tell him to ease up on the teasing he'll try but no promises
He actually really enjoys watching you stand up for yourself
There's a sense of pride there when you really give someone a piece of your mind
He's NOT more careful with you because of your height
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thighguys · 2 months
Please explain the vday video lore im new to the fandom!!!!
oh, sure! this is pretty much one of the biggest phandom controversies ever lmao so. super taboo topic too, people only got comfy even mentioning it within the past few years. tldr it was a private video of phil talking about their relationship that got leaked and caused them to be outed. detailed explanation under the cut bc it's long lol
basically in like 2010 phil recorded a video while dan was away on a family vacation (i think india) talking about how much he loved him and going into a bit of detail on like, their first date, etc etc (references to the manchester eye and avatar 3d come from this video as phil mentioned them kissing for the first time on the eye and also at avatar lol) and in the video phil said it was a Valentine's Day gift for dan as dan wasn't there to celebrate with him. he posted it privately and that was that. ive seen the video once but it was a while ago, mostly i remember a lot of little drawings of fireworks and cherries lmao. which, more lore, but. not for this rant lol
then a year later, 2011, youtube went through a glitch that unprivated everybody's private videos and the video was leaked. dan and phil put out a statement or wtv saying they had recorded it as an april fools prank for their viewers but they scrapped it because they worried people might take it seriously, and asked people to not spread the video around. luckily the phandom was still fairly small at this time and not too many people saw the video so it wasn't a huge deal.
THEN in 2012, it got unprivated again due to Another glitch, and this time (basically right after they'd gotten really popular) people went crazy over it. dan and phil asked people not to share it but it didnt work, and there are a lot of receipts from back then of both of them (but especially dan) getting super defensive about their sexualities. they copyrighted anyone who tried to repost the video and phil was still taking it down up until at least 2018 (i dont know of any vids being taken down later than that but im not sure).
the reason it was a big deal was pretty much just bc of the gigantic breach of privacy lmao. dan and phil were literally outed and people couldn't keep quiet and respectful about it. people got ahold of this private thing and then when dnp got defensive about it, instead of stopping, viewers kept pushing. i think it was a mix of 'wow this video is cute also phan is real' and 'the more upset and defensive dnp get the more it proves that the video isn't a joke' and also a good portion of the phandom was too young to recognize the impact they were making. not to excuse them, but like. they were 12 years old finding out their favorite ship was real and they weren't mature enough to shut up about it.
honestly it's just really sad to think about lmao. they were so young and they went through soooo much bs. it's amazing that theyre still together honestly, atp their relationship is literally unbreakable. there was a whole breakup theory after the video leaked the second time actually, bc they did less joint content for a while there before they launched dnpg. i never read up on that but im sure somebody's got a rundown on the main points if you're interested lol.
im sure somebody has a link to the video if you really want to see it? it's up on youtube somewhere (possibly unlisted) and i know somebody put it on tumblr a while back. i don't know where it is though, you'll have to ask around. i don't personally see any harm in watching it at this point- they're out and grownups now and so are we, so as long as you arent spreading it around or being generally disrespectful lmao i say go wild. not everyone will agree with that tho, like i said it was a reeeally taboo topic for a while and a lot of newer phannies honestly might not even know about it. i wasn't personally there when it happened but i was an 11 year old with internet access in 2017 and i literally took notes on dnp lore deepdives 😭
anyway that's about it! if anyone has other things they think i should add/edit lmk ☺️
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Clash of Cultures -P.G
We can think of this one as Sister's Best Friend part II where we can see the insides of Gavi and Vnzlan!Reader relationship and his reactions to some stuffs. Warnings: Swear words and lots of Venezuelan slangs/acts/sayings and more
Summary: When Gavi's culture clashes with yours.
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The first Clash of Cultures in your relationship with Gavi was your way of speaking, but it was also one of the facts that drove him into you, besides your beauty, of course.
Your unique way of expressing yourself had him at your feet, even if about a 90% of the words you were saying were in your slang. Something like "Coño", "Webon", "Pana", "Alebrestao'", "Guáramo", "Beta", "Bicho", "Vaina", "Bochinche", "Chamo", "Curucutear", "Vacié", "Naguará", "Depinga", "'Toy pinta' en la pared", and a few others had him crazy and definitely looking in Google for their meaning.
And definitely the fact that you guys don't point out with your hand but rather with your lip, always had him guessing what you meant to
"Bring me that" You pucker your lips "...thing, please amor"
"Bring you what?"
"That thing" You did it again
"What thing?"
"That thing, Pablo! The vaina that's next to the bicho ese!"
Your meeting with Gavi was pretty normal, you had met through Aurora, his sister and your best friend, your beauty instantly had him hooked and thankfully you liked him back enough to agree on a date with him. That date turned into two, three, four and eventually you became girlfriend and boyfriend.
Still, six months in and he was still left amazed by your Latina facts, doings and sayings
"Mira, mira" You had said one time "Cachicamo diciéndole a Morrocoy conchuo"
"Wait, what?" He stopped what he was doing with the biggest frown on his face making you laugh out loud "What the hell is a Cachicamo?"
He loved it tho.
Your way of being and seeing things was the second Clash of Cultures on your relationship. You look for jokes and double meaning in everything because, Venezuelan's are happy; it's in the loudness of your screams when you are happy; you don't take too seriously when someone takes your mother out because you know when people are joking around since you say that way too much to know it. You guys see the bright side of everything when it's all dark and that's something Gavi also loved from you.
Seeing as he often was the pesimist and you the optimist, he never really got too much to see you worked up or angry. So he always got surprised to see you angry and that mostly happened whenever you were driving.
"Amor-" You cut him off
"I won't even stress" You said shaking your head feeling Gavi's hand on your thigh "I'm driving like I know how to, nothing and no one can make me go ma-...¡maguevo, hijo de tú grandísima madre, cabrón!" You said honking on and on "¡Luego dicen es que nosotras las mujeres no sabemos como conducir, nojoda! ¡Viejo estúpido!" (Then you guys say it's us women who don't know how to drive, fuck! Stupid man!) You exclaimed without taking a breath
"Bebé" Gavi tried to calm you down
"Don't you see I had the green one? If I didn't stepped onto the brakes we would probably be dead! He was going like 120m/h!"
He knew better to stop and try to argue with you so he left you be and rant agreeing with you. In deed you were right.
The third Clash was definitely dancing, the thing is simple... Venezuelan's dance a lot and you guys have a lot of parties to know Salsa, Bachata, Champeta, Joropo, Tambor, Merengue, Samba and everything else to have a good time and never stop dancing; Gavi barely knew Reggaeton.
"Venga mi amor" You said lips on top of his kissing them repeatedly
"I don't know how to dance Bachata"
"That's why I am here, I'll teach you and we'll dance together!" You exclaimed happily "You don't know how sexy it is to dance Bachata with your partner"
"We can do sexy things without even having to dance!" You gave him a look
"I wanna dance, I wanna dance with you and I can't exactly dance that alone... Unless you like me being chest to chest with another man"
"Yeah, not happening" He instantly got up "How's this thing going?"
You always got him with that one
The fourth one was pretty funny, Venezuelan's take seriously holidays, you make hallacas, pernil, you dance, share the time with your family, exchange gifts, eat the twelve grapes asking for a wish each month (even tho you sometimes back in Venezuela had to do two months in one grape or something like that for the amount of personas you had at home) but the thing that stood out the most is that you guys get dressed up meanwhile, as for example, Spaniards don't.
"What are you doing dressed up like that?!" You ask Gavi surprised when he entered the bathroom with a black tee, black pants and white sneakers as yo were doing your makeup
"What are you doing dressing up like that?" He asked back
"I asked first" You replied
"This is how we always dress"
"¡Mentira!" You exclaimed laughing "¿Enserio?" He nods
"We do dress up a bit to welcome the new year and baby Jesus birth" You explain while laughing
"Y/N, why didn't you told me that? Our parents will be here any minute!"
"Can you let Aurora and your parents know that too?!"
And let's not talk about the fact your parents brought their suitcases for when the twelve chimes went in indicating the new year and started going all around your house and neighborhood walking around with them, he went all in crazy, asking you every minute "Why did they do that?"
The fifth one was your guys way of singing birthday, it was your mom's birthday and all of you got ready to sing, he looked confused at you when the song started with an: Ay, que noche tan preciosa... The addings to it like "y ruego a Dios porque pases un cumpleaños feliz, (con los pañales que te di)" confused him a lot and basically he just stood there clapping mentally making a note to learn the Venezuelan birthday song
"What's wrong?" You asked him hugging him
"We don't sing Happy Birthday like that"
"Yes, well... We like to improve some stuffs"
The sixth was the celebration of Santos and Images. This one wasn't really out of place since they also do it but he had never saw one bigger than that one and so colorful.
For example, La Divina Pastora, he has barely woken up when he heard you yell at the top of your lungs making him go out running off the bed and make his way to you: "MY GOSH SHE LOOKS SO BEAUTIFUL, I'M CRYING MY EYES OUT, MOM!" He thought something bad had happened, but when he saw you sat at the Kitchen counter laptop on with your family on facetime and your phone proped up with a live transmition of said ceremoy, he felt his soul come back to his body
"Don't do it again, please" He asked hand on his heart sitting next to you after waving at your family "Who's she and what it's about?"
Your heart melted at that, explaining to him who she was and why was she important; Pablo nodded telling you he quickly had to shower, when he came back he was wearing a Divina Pastora shirt.
Let's just say your mom had to stop you from eating your boyfriend with kisses
The seventh and last one for now, isn't that kind of clashy, it's rather a learning thing for Pablo, it was your myths and legends and food. He found himself being incredibly attracted to the stories that were mostly born on Los Llanos.
And as for the food, you had that sazón, those ideas, you were never afraid to combine pasta with fried plátanos and shredded chicken.
He loved his food but he fell in love with yours too.
He never dared to say no to some arepas, in fact he always asked for one more, the black beans you always did with fried pork was the best he ever eaten, the pabellón your mom does had him on his knees. And the desserts...? He would happily break his diet if he gets to eat for himself a whole Quesillo while eating a whole litro of Chicha de Auyama.
Now, it was your turn to be surprised when you saw and heard him picking up on some habits of yours, you didn't believe it, the guys told you he did it at trainings but you never saw it until now.
"Amor, ¿me pasas aquella vaina?" (Love, could you pass me that thing?) He said without looking up making you smile
"The what?"
"La vaina that is next to the bicho aquel" (The thing that's next to that stuff) He pointed with his lips before coming back to his work of knead arepas "Please" You laughed hard
You loved the fact he took his time to learn your culture, it meant a lot to you, just like it meant a lot to him you learning his.
"Now you're talking in Venezuelan slang? What's next? Wanting to sleep in a chinchorro?" (Hammock?) You ask in disbelief
"Well, you never know, me puedo echar mi camarón ahí" (I can take my nap there) You laughed hard once more, he washed his hands forgetting about the arepas, pulling you into him "What? I gotta keep up with my girl"
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride
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eanul-rmbl · 4 months
Hypnos x reader modern au headcanon/imagine where he thinks she and zagreus are dating and it's this whole puppy princess/jessie's girl (mostly puppy princess tho; hot freaks forever, babyyyy) scenario.
what up fellow hypnos enthusiasts, i am coping ;)
wc: 500+
(Megaera ship has already long sailed and crashed.)
• When they first meet, he thinks she's cute.
• Her eyes squinted and crinkled with laughter
• She looked at so many things like they're worth the world, like they've enthralled her
• And she’s enthralled him
• After a while, he notices how she treats him
• She laughs with him, not at him
• She makes her own jokes to make him laugh, too; to cheer him up
• When he made a self-deprecating joke, she was worried for him.
• She takes him seriously
• Soon after, he grows anxious.
• He sees that she laughs with Zagreus,
• That the two of them aren't shy to touch (she punches him in laughter, friends do that kind of stuff (he doesn't realize that))
• You don't just ask two people if they're dating
• One day, he even sees them together at the place he works (they're shopping for a gift for Than (he doesn't know that))
• He feels terrible
• But then she smiles at him, jokes with him, and he finds himself soaking it all up
• By the time the two of them leave, he grinning to himself sighing
• It's tearing him apart when he feels her fingers brush against his
• He feels electrified.
• He turns to see her smiling with those squinted, crinkled eyes and that friendly (or perhaps mirthful?) expression of hers that hasn't changed
• His heart leaps, but then he sees Zagreus a little ways behind then, grinning with Thanatos, and he pulls away
• She's confused.
• She thought he liked her back,
• She felt how he'd lean ever so slightly in her direction
• She'd caught him staring at her, with a grin and a quip ready at hand
• She remembered how their fingers brushed the other day; remembered the sparks and fireworks ignited from a single touch
• Goodness, he was so precious
• His hair looked like sheep's wool
• His face was kissed in starry freckles
• His voice could lull her to sleep every night; soft as a whisper, gentle as a lullaby
• She covered her face in her hands and hair.
• She'll ask Zagreus about this later.
(She never ends up Zagreus)
• One day, Hypnos hears something about Zagreus and Thanatos dating, when he talks to Megaera about how terrible he's feeling for advice
• Megaera feels it's like it's weird to ask her, considering both her relationships (Zagreus and Hypnos) didn't work out (she's got a situationship with Dusa right now (“tf you talking about, girl? what about Dusa????” “h- what?” “what?”))
• But anyway she's all “isn't Zagreus dating Thanatos?”
• Huh.
• Huh?
• HUH???????
• When he asks Zagreus about it, it's that Hades game dialogue
• Woah. Really?
• Really.
• Woaaaah…..
• Zagreus asks about her and Hypnos
• Hypnos is all “whaaaaat? thats craaaaazy, hahaha…”
• They're talking as normal, her and him.
• Joking back and forth
• The only difference was the lack of touching; no pats on the back or shoulder, no fingers lightly brushing against each other, no coy gazes at each other
• But, this time, Hypnos lightly brushes their fingers
• She stops.
• (she’s inwardly like “hhhhhhhhhh keep it together, keepittogether!!!!!!!!!!! hhhhhĥhhhhh)
• Hes like “would you kiss the homies goonight”
• And she's like “hhhhhhhhhhwho's the homies”
• And he gives her this look
• And
• ....Yeah.. :)
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hikikolol · 1 year
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*vity as your fwb*
idea from this piece (*slip up*) where in; nine of your friends take turns into pleasuring you -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
♡ park serim
he'd so be the type to call you up in the middle of the night when he's feeling a little stressed from all of the requirements given to him from his course
hard dom on days he's frustrated and soft dom on days he just wants to chill
calls you 'angel' 'babe' 'baby' with the occasional 'slut' 'cum bag' and 'cock sleeve'
dreams of the threesome you did with woobin that one time (it was the first time you squirted so much)
would literally invite you out to the gym just so he could fuck you right after
black lingerie sets him off bad
asks you to cockwarm him often when he works on his reqs
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♡ ma allen
it's obvious that allen is a giver, your pleasure is his pleasure
insane fucking stroke game through and through
he calls you in once every blue moon, it's because he always waits for you to make the first move (he feels guilty that the other guys use you too much that he doesn't want to take your rest days and make it his own...unless you ask for it)
literally would make a list on his notes app on things he did that made you moan loudly so he could do it all in one go the next time you guys do it
one of the best aftercare fr
moan his name, it would make him lose his mind
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♡ koo jungmo
would literally use his "black card" excuse to bed you when you're not in the mood
sugar daddy in the making fr
the one who started it all by asking you to suck on his dick one night when he was feeling horny and it was just the two of you in his room
you don't know why you said yes but it was mostly because his eyes were too mesmerizing
great at sex and you can't even deny it
highest sex drive amongst the rest, it surprised you the most when his stamina was so high even after three rounds (as if he doesn't almost die from running up four floors of stairs)
treats you out on dates after resting which is nice
it's the literal princess treatment
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♡ seo woobin
the literal definition of soft dom
so caring before and after intercourse that you might've thought he was your actual boyfriend
sweet fucking words dripping like honey while he whispers them into your ears MY GOD
tries not to ruin you too much but can't help it on some days when he's feeling a little bit more
you still dream of the day when sweet ruby choked you while you were having sex, it was one of his rough days
he dines and he wines before he fills
makes you breakfast when you sleep over too, waffles became a staple
loses his fucking mind when he sees you in a skirt. he would literally go up behind you and starts grinding (this is when you guys are alone in the dorm, he's not big on exhibitionism)
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♡ ham wonjin
it's a 50/50 with this dude, there are times where you're horny but his jokes turns you off immediatley, and there are times where his jokes made you completely wet
he's great with sloppy thrusts, those make you cum so much faster
he likes eating you out too
lingerie lover, would seriously not take them off whilst you fuck
high socks too? sign him the fuck up, he loves the visual of your flesh being so tight in long socks, it turns him on way too much
you had to remind him that periods were a thing at one point because he was trying so hard to eat you out but you kept pushing away
texts you at the ass crack of dawn to say he's at the door and to let him in so you can fuck (there are times when you left him out to go home, though)
literally goofy sex to passionate real quick
besties 5ver tho
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♡ kang minhee
lazy sex? yeah, lazy sex
literally would be lounging around on his bed and you'd catch him stare at your tits until you give in and pull your shirt up yourself
can't deny this man of tits, could literally spend hours fucking them
wearing a low cut shirt will be the death of him (cue dragging you into his room for a quick fuck)
sleeping on his bed would most probably end up with sleepy sex as he grinds his hips onto you while you try to sleep
you can never say no to minhee, honestly, because once he uses that eye smile that lifts up his freckled cheeks oh you're done
aftercare consists of him wiping you down then throwing it at a random corner of his room to lay down with you...falling asleep right away (one time you had to put his brief and boxers on for him while he slept)
sugar daddy in the making
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♡ song hyeongjun
an absolute switch, one day he likes being on top then the other he's a complete bottom
his whimpers makes you lose your mind, gets louder the nearer he is to cumming too
he texts you in the middle of the night to tell you that he touched himself to the thought of you, in a very shy cute way that had you running to his doorstep
drives you insane with his thrusts, insane stroke game pt. 2
high stamina = hours on end
skirt kink pt. 2
most fav position is when you ride him though, best position for switch me thinks. one minute, you control the speed and the next, he has you slightly lifted up so that he could ram himself into you (cue screams)
luvs luvs luvs when you call him 'puppy' but will never say that out loud
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♡ kim taeyoung
has an ego taller that the tallest building fr
pretty chill but can totally be evil, he starts up most of the threesomes...
absolutely gets a kick at seeing you fucked out, and maybe being fucked by someone else while he's in the room
flirts nonstop to get your attention
something you found cute though is when he kind of gets shy after cumming, the shy smile that creeps up to his face when he reaches out for something to wipe you with looks so ethreal
loves to look at you while he fucks, it's either staring at your fucked out face or his point of view when his cock disappears into your cunt, he feels like it's straight out of a porn video
after all that shy shenanigans though, he never fails to pull up his digi cam to take a picture of you being a mess (all with consent of course)
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♡ ahn seongmin
the first time you had sex, you were expecting him to learn quickly but you never expected him to make you moan so loud
seriously has the most sub energy but is surprisingly a switch, you loved it when he put your legs up to ram into you (made you cum embarrassingly fast)
tries not to overthink too much when he's pleasuring you so that he could enjoy it himself, forgets that thought the moment you moan out his name though
he knows the a to z of aftercare, went as far as to put on a face mask and pampered you all night
likes to do it in private, meaning, if there are other people in the dorm, you can forget about it
would like to learn how to eat you out next
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-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- surprise!! came earlier than expected lmaoo i had way too much motivation to write today so here you goo hihihi hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it <33
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
A part of Luffy's character I think is kinda overlooked or at least not taken too seriously is his views on violence. I often see people joke on how he was kind to Otama but pretty harsh on Momonosuke, but I think that not many people realise how he is really just doing the same thing that Garp used to do on him.
Its very clear that Luffy uses two types of violences. There is the "friendly" "affectionate" violence, and there is the serious, actually dangerous one. In the first instance is what we often see between him and his crewmates, they exchange beatings and other stuff (mostly from Nami lmao) and while it can be attributed to the slapstick like nature of One Piece's humor, it goes much deeper than that. Garp used his "fist of love" on Luffy all of the time, Luffy was used to this kind of stuff from an early age, and it was normalised to him.
An example of this is that scene in Dressrosa when after that long headed grandpa (forgot his name) explained why he hated Garp and Luffy told him that his reasoning was ridiculus because Luffy was hit way more times but never held a grudge. (Its also true that Luffy does reconise Garp's parenting as being too extreme tho, since in Amazon Lily he espressed not wanting to recall the nights he spent alone in the jungle. But at least when it came to acts of violence directelly from him he was fine with it.)
HOWEVER Luffy also knew actually bad violence from an early age, the one that was meant to kill him. He obviously freaked out when Ace and Sabo wanted to kill him, and of course he was genuenly scared when the Bluejam pirates kidnapped him and Ace. Luffy clearly has a neat distinction in mind when it comes to this type of stuff. And what we see with Momonosuke was an example of the remnants of Garp's tough love and Luffy's genuine and benevolent desire for Momo to be a great man.
I wanted to add some stuff, but I think you explained it pretty well. Honestly, I obviously don't agree with those methods of raising somebody, but due to it being a world of pirates in which they actually have to act with a bit of tough love and violence, I think it's not that bad. I think what makes Garp's "training" and "tough love" bad is the fact that he did it for the wrong reasons. He wanted Luffy to be a marine and tbh most of the times we've seen Garp acting like that around Luffy weren't even necessary for training. I can get behind tough love in a show about pirates, obviously, but not when there are more reasons behind that than just "you need to protect yourself / train" like Garp forcing Luffy to be what he wanted to be, and not letting him follow his dream. Which, you know, I get it because being a marine would be safer, but it was obvious that it was hurting Luffy. And Garp didn't even have the decency to at least take care of the kid himself, he just left him all alone and then had the audacity to keep treating him like that as if he had the right to use tough love on him. Like-- Zeff and Sanji also use tough love but Zeff doesn't leave Sanji alone nor tortures him and stops when it's too much. I think Garp doesn't. Maybe that's just how I perceive it.
But yeah- Luffy's views on violence are really influenced by Garp's way of raising him. Honestly, I think it's pretty normal (once again saying, especially around pirates because they do not have usual relationships and dynamics) in the crew to use violence like that between them. Nami hitting Luffy or, y'know, in general the crew is like that and they use tough love a lot. But it isn't serious?? Like. They're pirates. They fight. They're violent. We need to keep that in mind first. But also, it's not only tough love that they use and that's only occasional and not a thing that happens all the time. But Luffy recognizes that as tough love and that's why he acts like that with Momo. But tbh? Luffy does it, like, insanely better with Momo. Better than Garp for sure. He treats him that way because he recognizes that, even thought Momo is still a kid, he has a responsibility and he will hate himself even more if he doesn't grow up quickly to face it, Luffy helps Momo realize some crucial stuff about him using tough love but also never leaves him on his own and he's always by his side being a brother when he needs it. He's empathetic and a sweetheart to him too, he's just harsh when Momo needs to be stronger and that's the only way Luffy has of telling him. He doesn't treat Otama like that because she doesn't need it. She's just a kid. The only times in which he's harsh around her is when it comes to Ace's death, and he's just being realistic about it because dancing around it will only make it hurt more and he thinks that ripping off the band-aid is better than being careful with it. Because that's how his brain works. Dead people don't come back, and he has been aware of that ever since he was Tama's age, so...
Anyway, the thing with Luffy and violence is that he turns the way Garp raised him and how his crew acts around each other into a way of putting some sense of responsibility/reality into the kids he meets because if they have to grow up fast, better be ready for that with somebody that knows how it feels like.
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nrilliree · 6 months
Fanficts when Rhaenyra is a bad mother and Daemon is also a terrible father makes me so angry
like I can get you don't like Rhaenyra but love tg boys but... don't hurt my pookie like that, she was an wonderful mother and loved her children more than many can even imagine
Daemon also was an good parent but writers in show just hate him and most people only source is show 😭😭😭
also I don't like Viserys but let's be honest he wasn't an terrible father in books too, I saw people saying he was an one of worse fathers which is ridiculous after he made Rhaenyra his heir he became an total girl dad he loved Helaena i Rhaenyra, Helaena visited him every evening with her children and people still says that he only cares about Rhaenyra
tho in show argument he didn't loved his other children (mostly Helaena) because of quote "Rhaenyra my only child" is kinda stupid to me, he was sick and drugged with medicines
btw I just realised I started with fanficts and then I passed to other fanfic who is very popular in fandom named: House of the dragon season 1
also I almost started writing how much I hate Jace from fanfics cuz he is terrible in these😭😭
I still don't understand why the show decided to make so many stupid changes like that. Especially since the script made sense in some places, so someone had a plan and an idea, but later it was decided to cut it out.
Daemon had scenes in the script that showed he loved his daughters - all three of them. Including Visenya, whom he would mourn with Rhaenyra. He loved and supported Baela and Rhaena. It was in the script, but for some reason it was cut out. What for? There was a scene of Aegon jerking off in the window, and a scene of Alicent and the feet, three scenes of childbirth, but no scene of Daemon being a good father…
Viserys may not have been a perfect father in the book, but he was definitely a better one to each of his children. Rhaenyra did not have a son complex, and the other children had a father who had contact with them - he wanted to take Aemond to Dragonstone when the dragons were hatched, and even joked that Aemond might not dare to bond with them (for me, it's more like a weak father joke than an insulting slur), Helaena had a bond with him, and he gave his grandson a gift literally the night before he died. Why didn't he have any of those similar scenes in the show?
Seriously, EVERY father on this show sucks. It's the scriptwriters' fault. Seriously, the best one is probably Laenor, who had two scenes with his sons and didn't have time to spoil anything…
This series is just such a bad fan fiction in terms of family relationships.
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superloves4 · 2 months
We can always begin again - Chapter 3
Relationships: Celegorm/Aredhel, Curufin/Finrod (background) Summary: Celegorm didn't think he'd be granted mercy, that he'd be re-embodied or that he'd be welcome anywhere. Aredhel thought she'd never welcome him again after what he'd done. They were never good at staying away from each other. TW: none for this chapter but a warning: this is mostly canon compliant Celegorm, for what this fic is supposed to be this means Eol won't be beyond salvation (he is in only one chapter briefly but I felt this needed to be said) (Not to worry tho, I have another aretyel fic in the works where Eol is just the worst) A/N: I rewrote this chapter soooo many times, here's the result of my suffering.
Masterlist - also on AO3
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The sun wasn't up yet when Celegorm crept down the stairs and out the door, he was granted neither bow nor arrow when he was re-embodied, it made sense although Celegorm would've argued to be a needless precaution, regardless, it meant he would have to do with whatever he could find.
That was how Aredhel found him when she opened the door to gather some rosemary for the day's food: hair up, shirtless, legs hooked on a tree branch as he hoisted his torso to his knees. She almost laughed.
"You know," she told him "Mobility comes faster if you allow yourself to rest."
He heaved himself up again "Rest is for the dead."
Aredhel decided it was not worth to remind him that he was just that merely yesterday.
"You made an herb garden?" was his panted question.
She shrugged "It's convenient."
"You used to just gather directly from the forest."
"You used to be kind."
It was frustrating how gracefully he jumped from the tree, she had felt wobble footed her entire first year of re-embodiment, pushing jealousy aside she stared defiantly at him, gray eyes she used to know well. The desire to speak to him as if time had never gone by was more easy to push aside when she looked into his eyes.
There were edges there now.
He didn't speak yet, instead he searched for something in her eyes, perhaps he looked in hope of finding that familiarity they used to share when they were children, running away from parties and into the garden, hoping their feet would take them as far as the forests. Would she ever be able to see her friend in this strange man in front of her now? Did she want to?
"You're afraid of me."
She scoffed at his conceited assertion, Aredhel hadn't been afraid of Celegorm since the day she'd seen him fall from his own horse after laughing too hard at a joke.
"I'm not afraid of you," she hissed.
He took a step forward and she took a step back.
His gray eyes took notice of her skipped breath, the way her body moved, all but the throat, terribly unprotected but raising her head in defiance.
"I know," he breathed "how people look when they are afraid of me..."
Aredhel grimaced in disgust "I'm not afraid of you." And she turned around and walked back to the house. Celegorm sighed and berated himself, he hadn't meant to imply weakness. He knew she'd never forgive him such an offence.
He considered going inside an talking to her but he noticed Maeglin was staring at him from the top of the terrace, he had no idea when he'd arrived or if perhaps he'd observed the whole scene, but the man didn't speak, simply continued to watch him. Celegorm wasn't sure how to behave so he let him continue his observation, he'd talk to Aredhel when they were of clear mind so instead he picked a nearby tree branch and fashioned it into a javelin, he couldn't let his accuracy wane simply because he had no bow.
"You weren't my childhood hero."
Celegorm turned around in surprise, Maeglin gaze was something he couldn't truly decipher.
"You don't need to tell me," he shrugged then turned and sent the javelin flying "I enjoy teasing, no need to take me seriously."
That didn't seem to please the other, however, as he furrowed his brows.
"Is it true, then?"
"What exactly? There are many 'truths' about me, you see."
Maeglin raised his chin "My mother's stories," he said "that you speak the language of animals?"
He had to laugh, it was such an innocent question that somehow Celegorm felt lighter simply by hearing it, even Maeglin's inscrutable eyes seemed younger then, how old even was he? Celegorm smiled.
"My personal favorites are worms, they have the most interesting speech pattern you'll ever hear," he explained and watched as Maeglin seemed just a little less defensive than before "Although your mother was more fond of the hounds, alas she didn't share my passion for patterns."
"When I was a child," Maeglin took a step forward "she told me you'd be able to tell me what my pet mole was saying, she told me much of your brothers and about you, I thought you'd simply appear one day to teach me as well."
Maeglin looked away.
"I wished to meet you then, you know," he crossed his arms, gaze set somewhere far from there. This time Celegorm didn't even need to wonder where before Maeglin whipped around to stare at him.
"Did you love her?"
That question surprised him "Irìssë? Of course I did, I still do, she was my best friend, how could I not love her?"
"Not her, Luthièn."
Celegorm didn't dare breath, he knew someone would ask eventually, he expected all the usual accusations and thought he was prepared but now under Maeglin simple question he faltered. There wasn't even a hint of anger or disgust in his words, Celegorm looked around, searching for an answer among the trees perhaps, he wasn't sure. He never expected this and for the longest time he hadn't wanted to think about it.
He was silent for a moment,  hands sweating, he paced around, before he could finally stand before Maeglin.
"Most people would say I don't know what love is."
Is all he could find as an answer, he had closed his mind to all memory of Luthièn and the brief moment their paths entwined and the way it changed his own. However, he was aware of what people thought of him, his keen ears never letting a rumour fly. He wasn't lying or exaggerating, Celegorm knew what people looked like when they were afraid of him.
Maeglin nodded, although Celegorm had no idea if it was as an acknowledgement or if he agreed with the sentiment, but Maeglin didn't clarify, simply stared at him.
"You don't know anything about me, do you?"
Celegorm shook his head.
Maeglin raised his chin and pointed towards the house.
"She doesn't let me touch her either."
Celegorm frowned "But you're her son."
"I'm also my father's son. Some destinies are stronger than others."
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meekmedea · 2 months
Inspired by @tumblingghosts comment about the troublesome trio moving in with one another.
Funnily enough, I was rereading an old fic of mine and I can't believe I didn't make these 3 roommates in that AU. Nia & Clemmie had moved in while Felix lived like a floor or two above them. Close enough tho... right?
Anyways, the idea of the trio moving in together wouldn't be happening for some time. Post Academy days, maybe for their University years?
Felix probably spawns the idea during finals. "Wouldn't it be funny if we..."
At first, it's like a joke. "Let's go look at this open house!" They pretend to be interested when they visit the listings. But then the more places they look at, the more they're like...it's not that bad of an idea.
The original plan is to get an apartment. But then they started talking rooms. Obviously they each get a bedroom. Then there's all sorts of other things they want in their shared home and suddenly an apartment is too small for them.
Back to the drawing board. Maybe they go the route the Plinths did in TBOSAS? They buy 2 flats and convert it into a penthouse? Or they could directly go the penthouse route.
How they convinced their parents is a miracle - I wish I could explain it too. Maybe it was a combination of good grades + not being kidnapped/getting into that much chaos.
Endymion asks if he should set up speed-dial for emergency services on their landline. (He's only half joking.)
Maybe not the Corso - it's pricey and all the well-off families are there. Which means everyone pretty much knows everyone and they'll probably be sort of 'spied on' by nosy socialites.
Their parents/relatives are probably slightly disappointed about this though.
Downtown maybe? It's the centre of everything and they're young, they want to have a certain degree of freedom but also not be super isolated from everyone.
Other Reactions:
Livia is a bit disappointed that Clemmie never thought to ask her to move in together. She (probably) wouldn't have said 'yes', but it's the thought that counts, you know?
Livia also rubs in Coryo's face that she was invited first to the penthouse once the trio has moved in.
Coryo resists the urge to throttle Felix when he becomes unbearable in 'insinuating' that obviously Clemmie likes him as a friend way more. This is probably also one of those times that Clemmie pretends not to know either boy because you'd think she's only allowed to have one male friend by the way they're acting.
President Ravinstill is a bit concerned about the possible consequences - he's unfortunately well-accquianted to the chaos the trio can get into.
You know how Endymion joked about putting emergency services on speed dial for the trio's landline? Pres. Ravinstill takes that a LOT further. He decides to put down the order that IF anything happens to the trio's place, heads will roll if they don't make it first priority.
The crime rate around their block is at an all-time low once the trio moves in.
The Trio Living Together:
Cooking - it's take out for the first few weeks. Or like leftovers from when they visit their family. Very basic cooking (on Felix + Iphigenia's end), Clemmie can cook a bit better - mostly due to her past life. Also Endymion made sure his daughter knew how to cook at least 2 dishes from the family cook before letting her go off.
After a while, they come to a conclusion: we should learn to cook. (1) School has barely started and already becoming a regular at the local restaurant isn't exactly an accomplishment... (2) I'm getting tired of take out + leftovers.
Definitely some trial and error with cooking. Some days are better than others. Nia takes measurements very seriously (it's okay, Nia. A pinch of salt is really just a pinch.) Felix does not. (Felix, please. There is a difference between 1 tablespoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of salt.)
Weekends can be very busy or empty in the penthouse. They're often visiting their families for lunch/dinner. Or they're getting ready to go out.
Cleaning - neither of the trio are super messy and do clean up after themselves. But they also have a maid that comes in on Wednesdays to clean. (Their parents made them agree to this - they weren't sure if these 3 could live alone and survive.)
Despite their parents' jokes, there's no freak fire/flooding in their first semester at University. Technically.
There may or may not be an incident where the fire station was called right after their finals season. It was small, promise. It didn't even make the news.
More AU thoughts/rambles can be found here :)
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shiraishi--kanade · 3 months
Disappeared for rehearsal but your anger is totally justified and honestly as a wxs fan I am so so disappointed in the ones who start hating on vbs for this and completely misinterpreting all this and callig it useless for no other reason other than spite. Grow up oh my god.
Ofc i also was excited for limited tsks5 (but moreso for the possibility for long haired rui bc samurai-ish set?) but it's not like. The end of the world. Idk i just feel like this is such childish behaviour and you, especially as a vbs oshi, deserve to be mad bc honestly. The twitter community is so tiring. Prsk twt fandom stop idolising n25 and wxs and acting like everything else is a problem and bad and not worth it challenge absolute fail!!!!
And you're def also a big reason i grew to understand and love vbs more and always talk with sense and u know a lot of things so if you were excited and this is making u mad than it must even worse so I'm so sorry. Pls be sure to take time to yourself if you need it to not interact with anyone who's acting Like That bc your enjoyment is the most important!!
I'm excited tho!! I do need to catch up on vbs stories yo understand all of this better, bc i have an idea but not like. A clear one. And this definitely is a very good motivation because !!!!! THIS IS SO BIG!!!
Oh trust me, I was excited for Tsukasa5 being limited as well (multiple reasons, aside from what you've said: while I understand the reasoning behind this set being lim, I genuinely wish it wasn't because it'll likely lock side stories and generally nice story moments from some players forever which is unfair, and I don't think shouldn't have been lim in the same way Canary event or Our Happy Ending or Saying Goodbye to My persona weren't; I'm also pissed off by, as I already said, VERY BAD TERRIBLE NO GOOD precedent for the greedy and unfair gacha this banner sets up). It's majorly messed up from Sega's part to do that with him, but it's not because they hate WxS as characters or something, it's because they know they can put a limited event, a WLE (semi-limited) and then a fan-favourite unlimited banner and still get profit from all of it, possibly more than they would if the distribution was better. It's not them hating WxS fans (if anything, VBS fans are more screwed), it's just corporate greed that we need to stop personifying.
I guess I'm just majorly disappointed, more even in the VBS fans being... Like this than the outside reaction. VBS have always been a running joke withing the fandom let's be honest, not a lot of people take them and their (very interesting) themes seriously at all (which is partially why LUtF had so much backlash for suddenly getting serious as if VBS weren't already that). Others' reaction to The Event was always something that I could predict, the amplification of it by the malicious planning is unfortunate but understandable. It's the in-fandom panic and the discovery that people who claim to be fans genuinely do not read the events, do not read the events' synopsis, the events' short summaries and then proceed to have insane takes and spread them as truth that got me upset the most I think lol.
That said my rage is amplified a lot here, mostly for laughs. I am majorly annoyed and miffed because I was expecting at least the VBS fans to be hyped and excited so we could all celebrate, but oh well. Forgot I have different definition of "a fan of a unit" than 90% of the fandom. I still know a lot of people who are on the same wavelength as me and we can get hyped together though, so like I said, it doesn't upset me too much, just makes me want to whack some people with a comically oversized hammer. I'll be just fine.
Thanks though! :D
Edit: hope you had fun at the rehearsal by the way!
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dissvicious · 9 months
Talking about the Buggy to Crocodile simp pipeline : Would Crocodile be Reds type? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying he actually has any chances when Buggy is around or that Buggy need to worry about his wife being unfaithful, not even a little, more in a:
Getting silly after sex and shooting the shit with each other „Okay, Okay, „Fuck, marry,kill“ Sir Crocodile, Boa Hancock, Mihawk“ „Okay…. Marry Boa, obviously“ „Obviously.“ „…. Ooof… hard decision. There’s no way in hell I would come close to being able to kill either of them…. So I guess I’ll just go by who’d be the better lay…Kill Mihawk, fuck Crocodile I suppose.“ „…. Really? Huh.“ „Is that so surprising?“ „Nah, nah, he’s super hot, just didn’t think you’d go for him.“ „Listen. Mihawk is really handsome and all but Crocodile is just… god…“ „…“ „…. Aw. Too much? I’m sorry babe you’re still the hottest thing around. It’s just for the game. If we’d have played „Fuck marry cherish“ you’d be all options for me.“ „Haha, no it’s fine Bugs-„ Red smiles at her husband. „I’d totally fuck Crocodile too.“
Haaanw that's a cute prompt, thanks anon!
But to be honest I don't think Crocs would be Reddie's type. Neither Mihawk, tho. They are tooooo much serious! They take themselves too seriously! She really would find them annoying. I think she could have some "hate fuck pulsions" to them and could be somehow attracted by Mihawk sarcastic bitch jokes buuuut that would be all.
She fell for Buggy mostly because
She was bored as hell and he brought so many laughter into her life
He's an overcute pathetic whiny ass and she fell for this vulnerability.
sooo the big dark-sasuke-I'm-too-badass-to-show-feelings energy isn't really for her.
I thiiiink she would rather have a soft spot for men like Franky (would respect too much Frobin to ever admit that - just I can easily imagine Robin and Red spending time on the Sunny's desk and looking at Franky and Red saying "damn sis, you have good tastes in men") or even Bonclay.
... Which may or may not piss off Buggy who could feel kind off insulted to not find himself in the "super badass casually sexy men" case.
She would also have a thing for Ace I think. He's way too young for her but nothing real, just a "damn if I had met you in my 20's, I would have fell for you young wolf" feeling you know?
However when it comes to women she can go Sanji mode real quick.
(so in your scenario, she would have say Fuck Boa without hesitation) (it may or may be in a situation like this that Buggy realised his wife goes both ways, tho.)
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ozrockbitway · 10 months
If it's not a bother to ask but do you have any like character headcannon's for older characters and new characters in Cfv?
(sorry if I'm bothering or anything.)
dont worry you're good!! idk what characters you wana hear from me so I will just. grab some favs. holds them at you.
Ren - He's like...some wealthy rich kid. I like to think he's an heir and supposed to inherit some company but he's never taken the thing seriously. He'll never talk about his family tho, mostly his dad, his mother left him and Ren doesn't remember her.
tbh I don't think anyone knows he's like rich lol. Maybe Asaka and Tetsu but he doesn't really act the type?? Maybe he throws money around...at cards mostly but man does not live that lavish lifestyle.
Probably gets cut off some funds when he's an adult but idk I can see him saving money or finding a way to have cash so he's p set doing...whatever it is he does as an adult (pre branch chief).
I joked once that he could probably get away with working anywhere and I kinda believe it?? Man says he works here and can play it off like nothing but only works one day and is never seen again...
Would randomly crash into his homies places in the middle of the night. You're sleeping? No problem. Ren is there, maybe grabbing something from the fridge before sleeping on the couch or the bed. It's impossible to Ren proof your home.
Asshole would 100% pick a random box from a cardshop and it has the most expensive Shadow Paladin card in it. Doesn't even need Psyqualia this just happens naturally.
Aichi - He's good with speaking other languages like...he knows the words/phrases/whatever to say but thinking isn't the same as speaking. So he usually trips over his words. Can translate very well just give him a sec so he doesn't mess up words.
100% a lil bookworm. Didn't have a lot of friends in his youth so he turned to books. That was like his escape fantasy along with thinking of Vanguard.
No matter how much more confident he is in his older years...he still struggles with public speaking. Please don't make him go up and talk to the crowd...he's so nervous...
Likes to send Emi and his mom gifts!! Little things from traveling. Would send Emi ocean/mermaid related things and I think in a note somewhere his mom plays Vanguard too (I think it was something to do with hot men?? let it be touken ranbu...) he'll send her things related to what she plays and just whatever she wants lol
Kazumi - Hates his family lmao. He's on bad terms with his father and is a little better with his mom but not really. The only good one in his fam was Kazuma (pleading emoji).
Knows how to conceal his true feelings p well?? He has to in the business world and around his parents. So he'll bottle up things a lot. His more childish side peeks through usually during Vanguard or when he's around people he knows he can relax with.
Wants to learn how to cook and kinda be on his own?? He doesn't want to rely on his family's wealth and probably only uses it for housing, away from the main house, but he wants to be able to live on his own and not follow the family name.
Has a lil...dragon collection. Maybe it's cuz of Shiranui but I like to think he collects little dragon trinkets. Please don't let him go off about his collection because he will. Also is v proud of it.
Mamoru - He doesn't make dad jokes, other people make dad jokes for him!! He takes care of Ryuzu and just kinda...adopted him?? Yeah the whole association is supposed to take care of him but legally he is Mamoru's kid.
He needs to take better care of himself. Probably eats fast food or whatever the dragon empire cafeteria has that's quick and can be found sleeping at his desk, especially during the heavier seasons. Tokoha usually helps him out but he's gotten a little better at it.
Probably would have been like...a teacher or something in that field if he wasn't doing Vanguard. That wouldn't be his go to or something he aspired at first but that's what he would have settled upon.
Somehow knows everyone. Could say hi to someone on the street and has seen/spoken to them before. I like to think he's kinda famous cuz of his status and all the stuff he does but like...a lot of locals know him too. Support the community!!
Yuyu - Ends up going to the student council because of Raika lol. I don't think he'd go for any of the president or VP seats but would do something like secretary or treasurer.
Would go out of state for college!! He wants to be a pro Vanguard fighter but wants to get a degree for his fam. His sisters all have degrees so baby boy has to do it to!!
Probably genderfluid. tbh? Doesn't mind dressing up as feminine but doesn't quite like the frilly dresses his sisters pick out for him. I think he'd like more of the androgynous stuff.
He's not into max rarity for his decks. He pulls like 1 SP/FFR and is like aight cool. At most he'd would make his sideline bling but wouldn't go insane over it. Also he's a high schooler so he has no budget for this lskfjds
Tohya - Got disowned from his fam. Or at least kicked out of his house due to dropping out of med school. Homie was on his way to the big doctor leagues and then...gives it up for silly cardboard?? Yeah no his fam ain't having that bye bye.
He didn't finish school yeah but tbh he could be like...a roaming doctor. I think he was the top of his class and he knows his shit (and probably studies up on the side but not that much) so he knows what's up. Charges you with a cardfight instead of money. help him.
Stopped eating ramen for a while. Man was traumatized by the ramen challenge. It's okay he got over it and he can eat cup noodles on his own now.
He travels a lot but I like to think he p much lives at Danji's old place?? So if you wana catch him he usually goes back there. He can't officially leave because he has to take care of the turtle. Granted some Blackout members do if he can't but!! turtle is his responsibility.
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aihoshiino · 7 months
I’m curious as to what your opinions are on the ships in ONK. I’m guessing you’re not an Aquaruby fan (neither am I) but what do you think of Aquakana? Or any other ships in ONK! Personally my favorite is Ai x Happiness :)
Out of the "official" OnK ships tho, you're right in that I don't really care for AquRuby, at least as presented in the text. It was never going to be a ship I was on board with since I'm just too exhausted with anime being the way it is about sibling incest to even pretend to take it seriously but the manga itself also seems to have the same attitude. Since 123, Ruby's feelings for Aqua have mainly been treated as a joke that relies on having Ruby act out a caricature of an archetype that was ALREADY shallow and dated in the 2010s lmao. I think Ruby -> Aqua would at least be interesting to read about if the story was actually willing to take her seriously and properly examine her feelings in a way that feels consistent with her character and to actually dig into the reality of a person developing incestuous feelings in a society that condemns incest rather than using her as a gag prop. I care less about it being incest and more about it being badly written incest basically LOL
AquAka I think it's interesting on paper and there's a lot of elements to it I think are really neat to chew on in discussions and character analysis but as a ship, it doesn't really work for me in execution. Part of it is that I don't really like how Aka handled most of Akane's stuff post TB and most of it is just that the majority of their "real" relationship happens like... offscreen, in a time skip? So there was no real time to get attached to their dynamic as a real couple and I'm the kind of person who mostly gets invested in ships based on the strength of their moment to moment banter and rapport. AquAka have a lot of big, dramatic moments but I didn't feel like they quite had the necessary downtime rapport to serve as the connecting tissue that would've made it land.
It also doesn't help that I feel like, a lot of what *I* think is interesting about AquAka is really not what the fandom sees in it LOL So it's really hard to discuss the elements I like without people getting Genuinely Angry At Me for daring to say the relationship is unhealthy or that both Aqua AND Akane completely fucked up and that's why it didn't pan out. That conflict and tension and the simmering undercurrent of codependence and toxicity that both of them unintentionally brought to the relationship is sooooooo fascinating but I feel like so many people actively talking about AquAka just kind of ignore that and treat it as an entirely wholesome, uncomplicatedly good relationship and Akane as completely flawless within its context. I think that's both unfair to Akane and kind of boring but I've also really drifted away from the question here, huh...
Anyway! AquKana is the 'canon' OnK ship I like the most by far! I wouldn't say I'm like Actively Shipping It in the sense that I go out of my way to seek out fanworks about it, but I think they're cute together and I like them, especially in the anime - I've said before it was the adaptation that made me actively a fan of Kana and that goes for AquKana, too. Like I said up there, a couple's moment to moment banter and dynamic is really important to me and that's a big part of the AquKana appeal to me. I really like the way they bounce off each other and I particularly enjoy the way Kana encourages Aqua to be a better version of himself - not necessarily in an "I can fix him" way but in that his friendship with Kana encourages him to be better out of respect and fondness for her. Kana serves as a sort of window into life as a normal boy for Aqua, with no revenge or ulterior motives, and in that space a lot of Aqua's worst traits that are exacerbated by trauma get softened and filtered through a kinder lens. I also really love the ways Aqua's support helps to uplift and encourage Kana to do her best - she was such a lonely person for so long, seeing the way she glows once she has someone to shine for is so sweet.
I definitely don't feel as strongly about it now as I did coming right off the anime because it's been pretty out of focus for a while... Honestly, come to think of it, I think that's part of why AquAka didn't really hook me at all. It's hard to get invested in something that's making a character you already liked more feel so bad LOL
Circling back to Ai, though... Ougghh it really does kill me there's no straightforwardly lovey dovey ships for her in OnK. I'm a lifeform that draws sustenance from seeing my faves getting loved and doted on, especially when they're someone as starved for love as Ai... don't get me wrong, I love KamiAi and AiNino because yandere love is pure love but sometimes I just want to see nice things happen to her...!!!
Anyway this is the part where I pull out my License To Be Cringe And Free and admit that I do have a whole bunch of crosscanon OTPs for Ai that I've written with friends LOL Honestly I do feel very spoiled with how many I've gotten to write and how good they've been... I've even commissioned some art here and there. So if you're ever on an internet walk and stumble across a piece of art that makes you go "hold on, why is Ai holding hands with Rinne Amagi from EnStars" or something, you have this bitch to thank!!!
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