#This is from sometime last year i think?? enjoy
kajibunny ยท 1 day
โ‹†๐™šโ‚ŠหšโŠนโ™ก we're just friends! (or are we?) w/ the wind breaker boys โœงโ‹†โญ’หš๏ฝก
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โœฟ featuring: hajime umemiya, jo togame, haruka sakura, hayato suo, ren kaji โœฟ fluff, mutual pining, hidden feelings (aaaa), suggestive for suo, a lil angst (with comfort) for kaji โœฟ a/n: i guess by now everyone can tell that iโ€™m very into the friends to lovers trope เป’๊’ฐเพ€เฝฒยด ห˜ ` ๊’ฑเพ€เฝฒแƒ~โ™ก itโ€™s def my fav!!! and these wb bois are all perfect friend material, and ofc boyfriend material too! enjoy, cuties! โœฟ wc: 2.3k
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โ€” you have a closely intimate friendship to the point that everyone around you thinks you two are dating, though you know you're not lovers (yet), but are definitely more than just friends.
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สšษž umemiyaย 
โ€” sharing hello and goodbye kisses with each other.
๊•ค you and umemiya are the definition of 'affectionate', as your love languages both consist of physical touch. but maybe with each other, a little bit too much for just friends.
๊•ค the word "boundaries" did not exist to the both of you once you were within arm's reach of each other. you and umemiya give each other hello and goodbye hugs, sometimes cheek and forehead kisses, as a greeting, right? to be friendly. though he doesn't seem to do that as often to other people, or at all, even. just to you. only to you.ย 
๊•ค he also loves cuddling up to you whenever he takes a nap on the rooftop, inviting you to join him in picking out some veggies that you two could make a meal together with.
๊•ค while you two were cooking together, you definitely gave off a 'married couple' vibe with the way you held the ladle up for umemiya to taste, the way he had pressed his palm to your back whenever he needed to pass through, the way he fed you with his own spoon and giggling while complimenting how delicious your cooking was, the way he wrapped his arms around you and hummed while he helped you wash the dishes. anyone who saw would have immediately bid their congratulations and would think you two are newlyweds.
๊•ค hiragi took one look at the both of you appearing all lovey-dovey, and the confusion of whether you two were dating or not made his stomach scrunch up in pain.ย 
๊•ค umemiya calls you such adorable names when referring to you in conversation, too. his tiny bean, his ray of sunshine, his cherry blossom, it was always "his", as if you belonged to him. he was openly affectionate with you and was not afraid to show it.
๊•ค many guys also took a liking to you, but never attempted to even make a move or confess, because they were already under the assumption that you were umemiya's, seeing you two playing with each other's fingers and comparing hand sizes like you were made for each other. but how could that be, you and umemiya were just friends, weren't you?
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สšษž suoย 
โ€” you get a special seat (on his lap).
๊•ค suo just can't seem to keep his eyes and his hands off of you. you always have to be within his vicinity, or he's not sure how he'll be able to stand it.ย 
๊•ค he sees you at the corner of his eye, after you have made your way back from the restroom. you and the other bofurin first years were at an izakaya, and the moment you returned, all of their eyes were glued to you and suo, as if they already knew something was going to ensue. you two have been friends for a long time, but the way you acted towards each other felt like you two have been lovers for a long time.
๊•ค suo was always up in your space, whether its pulling random pranks on you, inviting you to go out then paying for everything even though you tried to stop him (nothing can stop suo), visiting your home and leaving an endless supply of tea enough to last you a whole year - his excuse being it's there for whenever he comes over, and multiple instances which all prove that suo was no doubt a very clingy friend. not that you minded, anyway. you were used to suo and his antics.
๊•ค he had his ways of persuading you too (he is the master of negotiation, after all), and you just couldn't resist him, as you loved being around suo just as much.ย 
๊•ค this time, he took advantage of your short absence and made himself comfortable in your chair, and wouldn't even move an inch. "hayato, that's my seat!" you exclaimed. "hm?" suo tilts his head. "you can just sit on my lap, then." he smiles, with that damn mischievous smile you know all too well. you tried to get him to move by gently pushing him back and forth but suo seemed to not have a care in the world.ย 
๊•ค you can't tell whether suo is serious or joking sometimes, but nirei and sakura seems to have their doubts that you two are "just friends" as you both claim.ย  "are you sure the two of you aren't dating?" nirei asks you. sakura blushes and lets you know his thoughts, too. "y-yeah...! you two are unusually close!" you always reply to them with an astounding "no!" but suo just laughs and does not affirm nor deny any of their claims.ย 
๊•ค suo pulls you in close, making you sit on his lap regardless of your little outburst, and you weren't sure if it was hot in the izakaya, or if it's just you, but you certainly felt warmth overcome your body while it was pressed flush against his, his arms wrapped around your waist nonchalantly. "hayato!" you protested, trying to squirm your way out of his grasp, and pushing away all intrusive thoughts about his and your bottom halves being so close together, only separated by thin pieces of clothing.
๊•ค nirei, the most observant of the bunch (next to suo), points out that you even call suo by his first name, and that's another one of the reasons why you two seem like you're dating.ย 
๊•ค with suo, everything seems to be a mystery. but in suo's perspective, it's all clear. he loves you, whether it's as a friend or as a lover, that's for him to know and for you to find out.ย 
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สšษž togameย 
โ€” leaves everyone on read except you.
๊•ค togame just doesn't understand why people need to type out what they want to say, aren't calls more personalized? he didn't understand at all, until he met you.
๊•ค you were, to put it directly, a chatterbox in all forms. you loved to talk, regardless if it's chats, calls, or in person, you just yapped your heart out to him everytime, and he lives for it. he wouldn't miss a second of you opening your mouth and giving him a taste of your innermost thoughts. he absolutely adored talking to you, because it was you, and you were special to him.
๊•ค the shishitoren guys thought it was so funny and adorable whenever togame picks up his phone so quickly because he thought it was you calling, then scowls when he realizes it isn't, and immediately silences it and shoves it back in his pocket. this caused him to set a different ringtone just for you, so he could pick up on the very first ring.
๊•ค you were also the first reply he ever sent via sms, a simple "ok" to your long message talking about how you thought it was amazing that he won the town's annual eating contest for many consecutive years in a row and that you were totally ready to challenge him next year by stuffing your face with okonomiyaki and invited togame to join you and have some with you so you could keep an eye on the competition. he found your personality totally amusing, his face immediately lighting up with a gentle smile whenever you sent him messages.
๊•ค anyone who sees how happy he is while he rereads your texts over and over would interpret that as togame being totally, irrevocably, head over heels in love with you.
๊•ค he doesn't actually reply to anyone at all ever, but he wanted to share all his firsts with you, he just couldn't help it. you were captivating, witty in your words, and very very charismatic, bombarding him with the cutest and funniest messages everyday. of course, he doesn't mind at all and is always looking forward to them.
๊•ค you two stay on calls for longer than eight hours at a time talking about how each other's day went, and yet you wonder why people always think you two are dating. normal friends don't stay up until the break of dawn chattering for hours on end, expressing all the things they like about each other, do they? at least togame knows he wouldn't do it with anyone that wasn't you, as he valued his precious sleep time dearly, but as time went on, you became more precious and more dear to him than his sleep time ever could.
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สšษž kajiย 
โ€” play fighting like an old married couple.
๊•ค kaji is the type to never go down without a fight. needless to say, that also applies to you. but your fights with him were different, more banter adjacent, more affectionate and playful. only lasting for a few minutes.
๊•ค kaji had a huge soft spot for you, as even though you did irritate the heck out of him sometimes, somehow he still could not stay angry or annoyed at you for more than one second. he just couldn't resist the way you crossed your arms and huffed with your cute little frown. he thought you were the most adorable angry little thing he's ever seen and wanted to pinch your cheeks out of cuteness aggression and frustration, but he would never say it to your face.
๊•ค one time, you two had a heated argument because he said he could hear you just fine but wouldn't bother to take off his headphones. you argued that it was impolite and that you won't talk to him at all anymore if he does that again, and you two were at each other's throats, giving one another a piece of your mind, until kaji mutters a 'sorry', and you began to sob uncontrollably and let him hold you in his arms while he stroked your hair to comfort you because you two couldn't stand the intensity and tension of being angry at each other for long.
๊•ค you had your less serious fights too, like when you made him a bento box for lunch and you two had a picnic together with his vice captains. you fed him the food with your chopsticks, kaji teasing you by saying "it's bland." and you reasoning out that kaji was 'as salty as his tastebuds'. kaji then asked you if you wanted to have 'a taste of his fists', which ended up with kusumi and enomoto snickering in the background wishing that the both of you would just date each other already.
๊•ค whenever you two argued, your faces were so close to one another's that you were just a few centimeters shy from kissing, the tip of your noses touching. kaji had to hold himself back, a lot. like an insane amount. friends didn't want to kiss and make out with their friends, right? but kaji did. and you did too.
๊•ค his way of apologizing is by suddenly leaving a lollipop with you. he puts them in your bag, or places them in your pocket while you weren't looking. it was his little peace offering, one that you treasured and collected, accumulating dozens of them by your bedside table. kaji would gladly give up his last lollipop for you, and no one could argue otherwise.
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สšษž sakuraย 
โ€” blushing wildly whenever you two are around each other.
๊•ค you and sakura always looked like you two were having a blushing competition. the littlest touches and the most minimal contact had both of your cheeks heating up in response.
๊•ค it was like sakura's blushing was contagious. ever since you two became good friends (if you could call it that, though it seemed to be more than that at times), being around him triggered a whole bunch of embarrassing and hilarious but sweet situations.
๊•ค you once dragged sakura off to his very first cherry blossom viewing in the park, and needless to say, with both of you being a chaotic (but cute) duo, it kind of felt like you were on a wild rollercoaster ride with him.ย 
๊•ค you took a stolen photo of sakura while he was mesmerized by the falling pink petals. you thought he looked adorable, but sakura thought otherwise. he was a blushing mess and told you to delete them, but you said they were cute and that you were going to make it your wallpaper.ย 
๊•ค sakura chased after you, and tripped over a stray cherry blossom branch, leaving you two in quite a suggestive position, sakura on top of you, pinning your wrist down with his hand. your cheeks were as pink as the cherry blossoms, and tried as you might, you couldn't keep your eyes off his lips. friends don't observe their friends with wanting eyes, do they?ย 
๊•ค suo and nirei instantly noticed how huge of a klutz you were around sakura. they also noticed how curious sakura was about you, always (not so subtly) asking nirei how much he knew about you, or your likes and dislikes, then asked him not to tell you that he asked about you. but suo told you instead, because they were your biggest supporters and cheerleaders (and biggest shippers, of course) after all.ย 
๊•ค on sakura's birthday, they made you hold the cake and surprise him, which was a huge mistake, because before it could even reach him, you slipped and fell over him. luckily, sakura had good reflexes and was able to catch you before you completely toppled over. some of the smushed cake ended up on his and your face, which you tried to wipe off as you apologized, but sakura dipped his finger onto the icing that got on your cheek and licked his finger. "t-the cake's not bad, i guess..." he looked away from your smiling face as you greeted him happy birthday in a sing-song tune.
๊•ค suo, being a menace, greeted sakura happy birthday as well as gave him a 'best wishes to the happy couple' greeting card, that sakura threw back at him like it had a virus on it.ย 
๊•ค sakura definitely had a memorable birthday that year, but now that he thought about it, all of his memories that were memorable to him had one thing in common: you were in all of them. you, the greatest gift he could ever ask for on any and every occasion.ย 
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ยฉ kajibunny 2024 / all rights reserved
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lilacstarx ยท 9 hours
เฉˆโ™กหณ ๐‚๐š๐ซ๐ž ๐“๐จ ๐„๐ฑ๐ฉ๐ฅ๐š๐ข๐ง?
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PAIRINGS: Zayne, Xavier, Rafayel (seperated) x GN Reader
SYNOPSIS๐™š ๐šƒ๐š‘๐š’๐š—๐š”๐š’๐š—๐š ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ๐šข ๐š ๐š˜๐š—'๐š ๐š—๐š˜๐š๐š’๐šŒ๐šŽ ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ ๐šœ๐š–๐šŠ๐š•๐š• ๐š๐šŽ๐š๐šŠ๐š’๐š• ๐š๐š‘๐šŠ๐š ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ๐šข ๐š–๐šŠ๐š›๐š”๐šŽ๐š ๐šข๐š˜๐šž ๐š ๐š’๐š๐š‘ ๐šŠ๐š—๐š ๐š›๐šŽ๐š™๐š•๐šŠ๐šŒ๐š’๐š—๐š ๐š’๐š ๐š ๐š’๐š๐š‘ ๐šŠ ๐šŒ๐š‘๐šŽ๐šŠ๐š™ ๐šŒ๐š˜๐š™๐šข
๐™š[WARNINGS]: Reader is called wife at zayneโ€™s part, Reader Is not Mc, Mentions of flirting, mentions of marriage at zayne, reader is a hunter at xavierโ€™s part, reader has a niece at rafayelโ€™s part, Reader is describe as โ€˜youโ€™, angst if you squint, fluff
๐™š Authorโ€™s Note: I love them so much (i quit the game)
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โš ๐–…๐–†๐–ž๐–“๐–Š
It was one of the rare moments when Zayne, your lovely husband for a few years now, treated you out for dinner lately. He had been busy with work, and he even apologized multiple times for going home late, but you insisted that he should get it done rather than later. At the end of the day, he will go home with you per your reasoning that he bought.
You both sat at a restaurant that had recently opened, wanting to visit this place for sometime after spotting it on your usual morning run.
Fortunately, your husband was given the day off due to the numerous nights that he pulled. "I'm beginning to think that you need a doctor yourself, hubby!" You murmured sarcastically as he pulled the chair from the table he reserved on the window side.
"I'm perfectly taking good care of myself, my dear jasmine" zayne spoke, leaning down to give your forehead a kiss from the side before guiding you to sit, giving your back one last caress before he sat at the opposite side facing your beautiful face, "you look lovely, my dear." Zayne notes that husbands should compliment their wives on a daily basis.
"Sweet talker" you replied sassily as you scan the menu that was laid out. Zayne could only hum admiring your features that he loves looking at before he took a look at the menu ready to order. It was midway through dinner as he listen to you talk about the stray cat you've been feeding every morning at the corner of a park.
Would you mind if he zoned out for a little admiring the dress that you wore that matched the necklace and earrings that he bought? Zayne felt satisfied knowing your his
Not until you stopped talking for a minute and took a bite of the food you ordered did Zayne irk his brow. That is not the ring he gave you and bought for you. No, he bought you a big, pristine diamond that fit perfectly in your fingers. What he was looking at was a glass ring that should have made your fingers fall off.
"Earth to hubby?" you questioned, waving a hand in front of his eyes. He kept staring at something you couldn't tell what it was, making you feel small and anxious. He jerks back, blinking and lifting his brows at you. "That's not the ring I remember placing on your finger, wife. Care to explain?" ย He spoke the same tone as he scolds patients for not taking the prescribed medication that was given.
You blinked a couple of times, the table was suddenly silence, and you were thinking of a way to lie your way out. "Wife time is ticking" Zayne adds, using his hand to grip your chin and facing your eyes at him. It was threatening and hot at the same time.โ€œokay, fine a week ago i got pulled overโ€
Zayne only hummed, demanding more information about the situation "and i wanted to see if i could flirt my way out" you mumble the last few lines before continuing "and i took my ring off i lost it somewhere at the car i couldnt find it anymore" Zayne removes his hand from your chin, unsure if he would be mad or amused "I'm sorry hubby i know it was wrong but i should have told you sooner"
Glad to hear Zayne was understanding a little after getting a few pointers there, and the good news is that he found the ring under the carpet of your car by accident. The bad news is that you now have two copies of diamond rings.
โ›ง ๐–ƒ๐–†๐–›๐–Ž๐–Š๐–—
Being a hunter is a risky career, but even that you enjoyed everything about protecting people and playing the hero, it may also be an excuse for the rage that you have within your soul.
Sometimes when you are injured from the previous mission, you get assigned to desk work and do minimal tasks, and the pay is great.ย 
Recently, you've been ignoring Xavier during spare time and at the apartment, making up reasons. Of course, being a good partner, Xavier shrugs it off at first, continuing to go on dates with you. Nothing has changed except when you're at work.
And the heavens above emptied your luck being paired up at an upcoming mission with Xavier; in truth, youve been ignoring him for a silly little thing.ย 
Recently, he gifted you a cute tassel to go at the end of your weapon, a cute symbol of the blooming relationship, so like the good significant other, you are promising to keep it safe.ย 
"There you are, I've been looking for you, and Tara said you went out" Xavier interrupts, sitting beside you at the seat, following your line of vision as the children ran around at the park. "I needed fresh air" you say taking a piece out of your sandwich from a nearby food truck.
"Seems like you're avoiding me" Xavier says. In your peripheral vision, you can see a slight pout at his lips. "No, I'm not" you answer.
โ€œYes, you areโ€
โ€œNo, iโ€™m notโ€ Xavier huffs leaning back at the bench โ€œdid i do something wrong?โ€
โ€œThen why are you ignoring me?โ€
"I'm not just busy" you say, defusing the situation, leaving a contented hum when you hear him answer "okay"
The assignment was a quick and easy one, a regular abandoned place reportedly along the way, and you had to split up for a better insight into the location by pressing the communication device to chat with your teammate. "The place is cleared," you stated, and a slight crack echoed through the halls.
You moved down the hallway, drawing your weapon. "Hello?" You speak cautiously about every step you take till you reach the end and hear a little meow near the fallen plank.
"Awh poor kitty, let's get you rescued" crouching as you lift at the board where the cat's body was caught, unforeseen a swift and clean slash from behind you and the kitty was heard, you could only see the body of the wanderer as it disappeared.
"Xavier" you say "you let your guard down" he interrupts drawing back his sword gazing at the cat in your hands giving him an ashamed expression "letโ€™s get out of here" you say giving him the cat picking up the weapon your that was on the ground
"That's not the tassel I gave you" Xavier replies, pointing to the end of your weapon. Perhaps replacing the cute chain tassel with a cheap imitation was horrible.
Youve always been supportive of rafayel even if he is dramatic, but what can you say? You like drama, and it appears you are dating one.ย 
A skilled artist who portrays emotions.
Before he met you, sleep was not a friend. He paints till the colors he has in stock run out. His studio was a mess, but strangely creative. There was something about the colors being mixed together. Anyway, the point was
He gave your life a colorful meaning, making you laugh while witnessing his teasing and the ups and downs he shares with you. You loved every bit of it, willing to accept the imperfections as he did with you.
So here you are walking back in Fort at the changing room, worrying about looking for the pearl necklace he gifted and wanting you to wear to tonight's art exhibit. He likes having you there, even when you know the spotlight will be on him and his art.
You can't just cancel tonight; he expects you to arrive. You take a look at your apartment one last time, looking for the box with the pearl necklace inside. You sit at the coach exhausted. If you could turn the apartment upside down, you might find it, but to your luck, there was nothing.
โ€œWhere did I put that?โ€ you murmur, hitting the coach pillows. After a few minutes of whining and stressing, you see the bead set your niece left, raising your brow. An idea pops into your head.
You rush out of your apartment, locking the door properly. You see a carโ€™s driver, Rafael, who would be picking you up to drop you off at the venue per his request as he had to go early at the place.ย 
Luckily, his assistant snuck you out away from the flashing lights of the paparazzi. The event hasn't started yet, and people outside are waiting. A few journalists and rich people are ready to bid.ย 
You find him in a room you assume he was able to finish touching up and resting. โ€œI missed you,โ€ you say. Rafayel eyes you up and down as you give him a twirl of your fit.
"Excuse me?โ€ he replies sarcastically, gazing at you like one of the mean girls. "What do you not like it?" you say, defending your clothes and laying a hand on your chest dramatically.
"Oh, stop! Even the jelly fishes can see through you and your fake pearls!" He adds, scoffing at you for taking offense, before pulling out a box you know all too well.
You gasp in shock. โ€œYou mean, jerk! You had it the whole time!?โ€ Pointing fingers at him, โ€œdo you have any idea how many times I searched for that?โ€ย 
"Obviously, I could tellโ€ rafayel replies, his fingers caressing the fake pearls from your neck. "I can't have this; it would look bad for the both of us.โ€ย 
โ€œIf you had told me sooner, maybe I would have gotten here earlier.โ€ You snap back, taking off the necklace you made.ย 
"Oh, please, you were too drunk to remember leaving it at my studioโ€ he clicks his tongue, pointing fingers at you like you did to him. He pats his lap, ordering for you to sit. โ€œCome here, let me put the original and better oneโ€ Rafayel says.ย 
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ยฉ แด…แด ษดแดแด› ส€แด‡แด˜แดsแด›, แด›ส€แด€ษดsสŸแด€แด›แด‡, แด‡แด…ษชแด›, แด€ษดแด…/แดส€ แด„แดแด˜ส แด€ษดส แดา“ แดส แดกแดส€แด‹s. สŸษชแด‹แด‡s, แด„แดแดแดแด‡ษดแด›s, แด€ษดแด… ส€แด‡ส™สŸแดษขs แด€ส€แด‡ แด€แด˜แด˜ส€แด‡แด„ษชแด€แด›แด‡แด….
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sylvia-plaths-fig-pie ยท 2 days
The Games We Play โ™ก Luke Alvez
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Pairing: luke alvez x fem!reader
Cw: no use y/n, mentions of Canon typical violence, probably strays far from cannon but the vibes are there, luke being a himbo, reader being intelligent (as you should) .
Trope: friends/coworkers to lovers
Word count: idk maybe 1k?
Summary: after a long case you school Spencer Reid on the plane back playing chess and you try to convince luke to play. It's only when luke is driving you home that he reveals that he's never played before...
"And that's checkmate." You moving your queens knight into the closing position. Spencer look at you confused for what must have been the 5th time on the flight back from the last case.
"How?!" He questioned, slightly outraged by his loosing streak.
You bit back a simile as you looked at him, "would now be a good time to mention I was a 'chess prodigy' growing up...?"
"So was I but-"
"Spencer, I was British chess champion was I was 16 years old and competed in the world championships several times before flying to the US and joining the fbi..." you confessed, smiling at your childhood achievements. Spencer was an intelligent wonder kid, but he wasn't a chess grand master and he didn't have several chess titles, not like you.
"I think that's your signal to quick while your behind," luke commented from beside you, biting back a laugh as he looked at Spencer sulking. "I'm sure you could beat her at noughts and crosses?"
You rolled your eyes at his comment. He probably wasn't wrong, but still you liked the idea of winning, especially after the lengthy case that you just closed.
It was a collection of several murders of young girls and their dogs, with alot of mutilation, far too much for your average serial killer. You managed to close it, but not after weeks of sleepless nights and too many casualties for your liking.
"I'll have to pass on that game," you say before Spencer can try to convince you to play noughts and crosses. "But alvez, your the last one left that I haven't played," you say turning to look at the brunet who's eyes were already fixed on your own, "what do you say? I'll go easy on you I promise."
"Hell no!" He laughed, but you could tell there was somthing else that he wasn't saying. You were a profiler so you were generally pretty good at reading people, but with luke it was almost like you could read his mind and vise versa. You didn't just know eachother, you understood one another. Most days that was a comfort in this line of work, but sometimes it was terrifying.
It scared you that someone could know you so completely without having to tell them. It scared you that you saw luke as more than just a colleague and friend, it scared you that while he understood you he probably didn't feel the same. It was torture.
But you had to be professional. Which is why you didn't press why he didn't want to play and chalked it down to him wanting to keep his pride. However it didn't stop you from drifting asleep with your head on his shoulder when Spencer tried to analyse your previous chess game. Platonic friends can fall asleep on eachothers shoulders, right?
As the plane landed you began to stir as luke gently nudged you.
"Wake up princess," he whispered in your ear.
"Shut up, I'm up," you mumbled as you got up, feigning annoyance at the nickname. It was pointless in front of a group of profilers, who could probably all could tell that you had a bit of a thing for luke and actually enjoyed the nickname, but your pride wouldn't allow you to admit to any if it.
"Let me drive you home." He says as you're walking of the plane. "Your tired, its probably not a good idea if you drive right now."
Usually you would argue, make some excuse, but you took the buss to work and we'll the buss after 10pm for a woman wasn't exactly a safe place, even if you took down serial killers for a living. So you agreed to a totally platonic friend driving another friend home after a long day.
"Why don't you want to play chess with me?" You asked once luke began driving down the farmiliar roads to your apartment. You weren't going to ask, really you weren't, but curiosity got the best of you.
"I didn't want to get my ass handed to me like everyone else," he laughed, but once again there was somthing else, somthing hidden. He didn't look at you, his eyes fixed on the road ahead.
"Luke?" You questioned, "you know you can tell me, right?"
He was quiet for a moment, changing the gears of the car, the radio loosing signal briefly.
"Promise you won't laugh?" He asked quietly, he seemed vulnerable, almost sacred.
You nodded, "not unless it's an embassading childhood story."
He laughed then, the tension in the air easing.
"Okay," he nodded, pulling up outside your apartment complex, pausing before he spoke. "I don't know how..."
He didn't look at you, his eyes were fixed on the road even though he had just parked.
You placed your hand on his knee.
It broke your heart that he felt embarrassed saying it. It didn't even occur to you that he wouldn't know. You'd just assumed he knew because he was intelligent. But that doesn't matter if no one has taught you how to play.
He looked at you then, vulnerable. He thought you would think he was stupid, as if he wasn't one of the smartest people you had ever met. As if he wasn't so talented and kind and not to mention beautiful inside and out.
"I can teach you." You mumber quietly, "you would be good at it, all you need to know are the basics. Not that you need to learn, I just think it would be fun to play with you." You similed before over thinking your last few words. "Chess" You amended, "playing chess with you."
He laughed at your fumble. You just grew redder. Now it was your turn to be embarrassed.
Luke placed his hand over yours, finally turning to face you with his beautiful smile. You grew redder again, this time not because of embarrassment.
"You would do that?" He asked, smiling more widely.
"Of course! I love chess and showing the beauty of it to someone that I love honestly is the dream. Platonically of course, not that you would think any differently I love you platonically. Not that you would think otherwise, obviously. I love you platonically. Not beacuse your unattractive. Your very attractive don't worry, not that you would, I mean look at you. Sorry I didn't mean like that I just ment... in a coworkers way you know? Sorry I'l stop now thanks for driving me home." Your hands covered your face, too embarrassed to look at luke.
He began to laugh. You wanted to die. Why on earth did you just say all of that? Honestly sometimes you felt as though your mouth ran 1000% faster than your brain when you were tired out from a long case.
"For someone so intellectual you can be so stupid princess," his hand left yours and tilted your chin to face him,as your hands fell from your face.
"What do you-?"
You began to question, but you couldn't finnish. Not that you wanted to anyways. Likes head diped forward and cut you off with a kiss. Slow, almost as though he was testing to make sure that this is what you really wanted. He didn't want to push you.
The kiss ended far to quickly. You wanted more, you needed more.
"I ment that in a 'non platonic' way, I mean it in a 'I find you very attractive' way, just incase you needed clarification." He laughed bashgully as he lingered only inches away from your face.
This time it was you who made the move, grabbing his face and pulling him into you. you flushed your lips against his as he reciprocated just as strongly. It felt right. It felt like this moment was overdue. you were falling deeper into his grasp. His arms snaked around your waist, pulling you as close as he could in the car as you saw stars behind your eyelids.
"Do you want to come inside?" You asked finnally pulling away, he quirked an eyebrow at you. "To play chess?" You defended, although it didn't take a profiler to work out what you really ment.
"I'll come inside, but I can't promise that I'll play chess."
"What can I say... I much prefer princesses to queen's and King's, besides I'm far too impatient right now for chess. I've been waiting for this moment for far too long."
45 notes ยท View notes
moody-alcoholic ยท 5 hours
I've had time off work, so I've been pumping these out since my main project is on hold for the time being. It's been a lot of fun.
Summary: Ghoap x Reader, throuple. Slow burn (sorry but not sorry). 2.4k words. Reader is female (she/her), army nurse, non descript physical features, names used: Ashe.
CW: Alcohol, mentions of sex, language. Back to the fluff... this is supposed to be a slow burn...
Previous parts - masterlist - next part
Enjoy <3
You sit at the table your leg nervously bouncing up and down. Simon comes to sit next to you pushing a cup of tea over.ย 
โ€œThank you,โ€ you say blowing on it, you havenโ€™t been able to stop thinking about this since Johnny woke Simon up telling him we all needed to talk. Your mind had been going at a million miles an hour. What if you saying youโ€™re falling for them is too far? They are already married, you just kind of barged in. ย 
โ€œRight!โ€ Johnny says standing up his palms flat on the table.ย 
โ€œI call this first official family meeting to begin.โ€ He says way to enthusiastically for your energy level. ย 
โ€œChrist.โ€ You hear Simon sigh next to you, you look at him his fingers squeezing the bridge of his nose. You smile sipping on your tea.ย 
โ€œWeโ€™ve all had a nice time but I think we need a debrief.โ€ You chuckle.
โ€œYou want a post sex debrief every time?โ€ Simon asks Johnny who taps his knuckles on the table.
โ€œI donโ€™t have a hammer thing.โ€ He says.ย 
โ€œIs this a court room or a meeting?โ€ Simon asks. Theyโ€™re winding each other up you canโ€™t help but smile.ย 
โ€œItโ€™s a meeting, casual, a safe space to air out all your problems.โ€ Johnny says.ย 
โ€œNow first order of business, boring stuff out the way first.โ€ Johnny puts a key down on the table moving it towards you, you pick it up.ย 
โ€œYouโ€™re welcome over any time,โ€ Johnny says smiling. Thatโ€™s not boring thatโ€™s a massive thing.
โ€œDo you guys want keys to my place?โ€ You ask looking at them, it seems only right, you have access to their home they should have access to yours. ย 
โ€œUp to you.โ€ Simon says. You make a mental note to look for a key-cutter tomorrow.
โ€œPDA! Now I love a good smooch in public but Simonโ€™s all about that stiff upper lip, sometimes he wonโ€™t even hold my hand.โ€ Johnny says pouting.
โ€œNothing wrong with keeping your private life private.โ€ Simon says defensively.
โ€œWhat about you?โ€ Johnny asks turning to you.
โ€œI donโ€™t mind I guess, I can get self conscious easy.โ€ You admit, Johnny nods.
โ€œOkay weโ€™ll work on that.โ€ Johnny says.ย 
โ€œSex, do you have any limits? No-goโ€™s other then the obvious ones.โ€ Johnny says looking at you.ย 
โ€œEh, I donโ€™t know Iโ€™ve never really done much other then the normal stuff.โ€ You feel heat rushing to your cheeks.
โ€œThatโ€™s fine, we can work it out as we go along, donโ€™t worry weโ€™re not going to do anything crazy. Plain old vanilla sex is also fine, besides Simonโ€™s the kinky one anyway.โ€ Johnny says winking at you.
โ€œSureย Iโ€™mย the kinky one,โ€ Simon chuckles. Johnny rolls his eyes sitting back down in the chair.ย 
โ€œAnything you want to add?โ€ Johnny asks Simon who shakes his head, then his eyes fall on you. You donโ€™t know what to say, maybe now would be a good time to ask them to stop being soโ€ฆnice.ย 
โ€œYou donโ€™t need to be so accommodating, if you guys need some time alone, I can make myself scarce. And I donโ€™t mind paying for things, food and what not, and I donโ€™t mind treating you guys, itโ€™s the least I can do.โ€ Simonโ€™s hand finds your thigh as Johnny smiles at you.ย 
โ€œDonโ€™t worry about that, you just being here is enough.โ€ Johnny smiles.
โ€œI need to make the most of it, when I get posted I could be gone for up to 6 months.โ€ You say, your last post was 6 months now you only have a month off before youโ€™ll be sent somewhere else. You could be sent abroad, it had been years since you were stationed somewhere outside the UK but it could happen then you would feel even further away from them. Your hand rests on top of Simonโ€™s as he squeezes your thigh.
โ€œSโ€™okay, weโ€™re all over the place too, could get a call right now and we'd have to drop everything and leave.โ€ Johnny says. The thought of them leaving makes you sad, you know Johnny is only trying to help but it just fills you with dread. Thereโ€™s a pit forming in your stomach, their job is harder then yours more dangerous, they could leave any second then you might never see them again. Johnny defuses bombs, youโ€™re not sure what Simon does but itโ€™s enough that it makes him hide his identity. The most danger you have ever experienced was a field hospital in a run down building in the middle of a war-zone, even then you were surrounded by soldiers whoโ€™s sole job was to keep the medical staff safe. You Squeeze Simon's hand, now you canโ€™t imagine being without them.ย 
โ€œItโ€™s very rare we get called like that.โ€ Simon says as he moves his hand to hold yours. You look up at him, he must be able to see something in your eyes, his face softens and he brings his hand up to stroke your cheek.ย 
โ€œI never know where you go, how long youโ€™re going to be gone for. If youโ€™ll ever come back.โ€ You say looking in Simonโ€™s eyes. He kisses your forehead pulling you into his chest.ย 
โ€œI know Iโ€™ll come back I have the worlds best marksman watching my back.โ€ Simon says.ย 
โ€œYeah and you should see the things Simon can do with a knife, or a sniper, or a pistol.โ€ You hear Johnny say. It makes you feel a little better, that theyโ€™re being so blasรฉ about it, that pit is still there though as you pull out of Simonโ€™s arms.ย 
โ€œHow about we go out, get some food just chill? We can try out that new place on the corner youโ€™ve been wanting to go to Johnny.โ€ Simon says, Johnnyโ€™s eyes light up and heโ€™s out his chair before he can respond. It makes you smile, youโ€™re not really in the mood to go out but you you could use the fresh air, maybe a nice meal out will be good.ย 
โ€œYou okay?โ€ Simon asks as you stare off towards the bedroom.ย 
โ€œYeah, I need to start bringing a change of clothes.โ€ You say, Simon smiles.
The place is nice, not fancy or anything and thereโ€™s a cosy looking beer garden in the back Johnny excitedly leads you to. You sit outside under the strung up lights and Johnny leaves to go order. Simon reaches into his jacket pulling out a cigarette and a lighter.ย 
โ€œSorry,โ€ he says lighting it. โ€œIโ€™m trying to quit.โ€ He turns his head blowing the smoke away from you. You move to sit next to him on the bench.
โ€œI could get you some nicotine patches.โ€ You say. He shakes his head smiling. Johnny comes out with a try of beer placing them on the table. You reach out picking one up.ย 
โ€œIt๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝs 2 in the afternoon.โ€ Simon says chuckling.ย 
โ€œStressed?โ€ Johnny asks sipping his beer. Simon sighs, Johnny winks at you.ย 
โ€œSimon only smokes when heโ€™s stressed.โ€ Johnny says as you take a sip of your beer.ย 
โ€œNot true, I smoke when I want to.โ€ Simon replies. Johnny laughs, itโ€™s a proper laugh and it makes your heart flutter. You look up at Simon who looks less then impressed, theyโ€™ve been teasing each other all day. They start bantering back and forth until Simon finishes his cigarette. Johnny opens a menu and starts reading the options out, well the options he likes the sound off. Simon just says heโ€™ll have whatever Johnnyโ€™s having. Johnny seems to see that as a challenge his eyes going back to scan the menu as a cheeky grin appears on his face.
Simonโ€™s hand finds your thigh again, you didnโ€™t think he would be up for touching with the conversation this morning but you donโ€™t mind itโ€™s nice feeling his hands on you. Johnny orders food asking what you want, honestly you havenโ€™t been paying attention but youโ€™re not hungry so you just order a sandwich. Johnny sighs ordering you a side of chips. You sigh but donโ€™t argue. When the food comes out you switch to sit next to Johnny, youโ€™re not sure why, but this whole relationship seems to be about finding what works, at least for now. ย 
Your leaning your head on Johnny's shoulder his arm wrapped round you picking at the last of you chips which youโ€™re convinced at this point he bought just for himself.ย 
โ€œAnother round?โ€ He asks as Simon finishes his beer off. Simon nods and Johnny peels himself a way from you collecting the glasses and heading inside. You smile at Simon, today has been nice, the food was good the beer warming your belly as the evening breeze is rolling in. You could almost say it was perfect. Then the sound of glasses crashing forces your head to snap looking for the source of the noise.ย 
โ€œWhat the fuck man!โ€ Thereโ€™s a voice shouting now.ย 
โ€œSorry but you came out of fecking nowhere mate.โ€ You hear Johnnyโ€™s voice, Simon is already on his feet moving to the back door of the restaurant Johnny had disappeared into a few minutes earlier, you gingerly follow after him.ย 
โ€œI came out the bathroomย mate.โ€ The man replies his voice still loud. You can see people turning to look, it feels like thereโ€™s a million eyes on you.ย 
โ€œWhatโ€™s going on? You alright Johnny?โ€ Simon asks as he reaches them. You look past Simon to see Johnny and a man both covered beer broken glasses on the floor.ย 
โ€œYeah, Iโ€™m fine โ€˜e just came outta nowhere slammed the door in my face.โ€ Johnny says .ย 
โ€œItโ€™s okay, weโ€™ll get you new drinks.โ€ You look over and see a waitress with a mop in her hands waiting for them to move. ย 
โ€œI came out the bloody bathroom!โ€ The man says as he takes a step closer to Johnny who holds his ground meeting the mans eye line. โ€œIโ€™m supposed to be going on a date, now my suit is ruined.โ€ย 
โ€œShame, you wouldnโ€™t want her to think youโ€™re incompetent.โ€ Johnny says, that cheeky grin on his face.ย 
โ€œJohnny.โ€ Simonโ€™s voice cuts through the tension like a knife, low and commanding. You feel hairs stand up on the back of your neck. Simon grabs Johnny's arm pulling him out the way as Johnnyโ€™s eyes follow the man until he walks past Simon turning to look at you.ย 
โ€œYou okay?โ€ You ask not really knowing what to say, his expression changes almost instantaneously when he sees you a smile appearing on his lips.ย 
โ€œโ€˜Cause lass, no oneโ€™s fault!โ€ Johnny says his arm wrapping round your shoulders leading you back to the table.
โ€œOi!โ€ You hear the man call, Johnny doesnโ€™t turn or stop walking.ย 
โ€œAlright, calm down,โ€ is all you hear from Simon as you move out of earshot.ย 
โ€œThink Simon will be okay?โ€ You ask as Johnny sits you down next to him, his arm never leaving your shoulder.
โ€œPff Simon, who spends his days ordering soldiers round, heโ€™ll be fine.โ€ Johnny laughs. โ€œBetween you and me he could use some practice in conflict de-escalation.โ€ You relax into him not realising how tense your body has become, he kisses the top of your head.ย 
โ€œYou stink.โ€ You chuckle the smell of beer is almost overwhelming making your head spin. A few minutes later a waitress comes over with fresh drinks apologising for the situation, explaining that the builders installed the door wrong and itโ€™s just been an accident waiting to happen ever since. Johnny laughs it off telling her itโ€™s no problem and heโ€™ll pay for the replacement drinks. Simon comes back as she leaves sticking his hand in his jacket looking for another cigarette, he sighs muttering under his breath as he sits down.ย 
โ€œAll good?โ€ Johnny asks Simon who nods sipping his beer. Guess heโ€™s out of cigarettes.ย 
โ€œPaid for his taxi home so he could change.โ€ Simon says leaning back, his eyes landing on you, you smile at him. He seems tense, Johnny lightens the mood by telling a story that happened when he was a kid and his dad dropped a pint on his head.ย 
โ€œThat explains a lot.โ€ Simon says seeming to relax after a few sips of beer. The sun is setting quickly now and wind chill is picking up. Johnny promises youโ€™ll go home after this drink. ย ย 
As soon as you get in Johnny is rushing into the shower. You fall on the sofa with Simon as he flicks the TV on. You lay up against him stroking his chest.ย 
โ€œIs it true you get to boss people around all day?โ€ You ask him.ย 
โ€œWhat did Johnny tell you that?โ€ He chuckles. You nod.
โ€œPrice does all the shouting, Iโ€™m just there to make sure they listen.โ€ He says.ย 
โ€œIs he nice Price, your boss?โ€ You ask, you want to know something about their work maybe it will make you feel better when they inevitably go away.ย 
โ€œYeah heโ€™s nice, we go way back. Heโ€™s a good boss.โ€ He says as he lands on the football satisfied he puts the remote down.ย 
โ€œIโ€™ll go home tomorrow, Iโ€™ve got some errands to run, I could use a shower, and a change of clothes.โ€ You say, but as you say it you realise how little you want to leave.ย 
โ€œI can come with you if you want, or Johnny can?โ€ He says his arm stroking your shoulder.ย 
โ€œItโ€™s fine you should really spend some time together.โ€ You say not wanting to be a bother but at the same time that does sound nice having them just following you around. The more time you can spend with them the better.ย 
โ€œI doesn't work like that, if we want some time alone weโ€™ll let you know, besides you were right this morning, at some point weโ€™re both going to be back at work and then it could be months before we see each other.โ€ You look up at him the pit reforming in your belly.ย 
โ€œOh hey whoโ€™s playing?โ€ You hear Johnny ask as he comes down to the sofa. Simon plants a kiss on your lips as Johnny comes to sit next to you.ย 
โ€œMan city and Sheffield.โ€ Simon says you put your head back on his chest.ย 
โ€œI forget do we like that one?โ€ Johnny asks. Simon chuckles.
โ€œYeah we like that one.โ€ He replies, going back to stroking your arm. Johnny scoots closer to you and you lay your legs on him, his arm reaching over to run his fingers through Simonโ€™s hair. Now you just hope and pray the world stays quiet for another few weeks. ย 
Next part
28 notes ยท View notes
shouldaspunastory ยท 3 days
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Thank you @broodsys! @dadrunkwriting
This might be wildly out OOC once we get more details or the game drops, but Emmrich Volkarian has bewitched me body and soul, and I love and have already drawn and begun collecting headcanons and lore for my Rook that is going to woo/be wooed and marry the gentleman necromancer. Hope you enjoy.
Emmrich Volkarin x Tobias Rook (SFW, Pre-relationship, pining. 1192 words) ------------------
The thing of it is, Emmrich is far more accustomed to dealing with the dead, isnโ€™t he? Skeletons, in particular. Nevarra may be a warm enough clime, but the necromancer knows the cool, stale air of the Necropolis and his study filled with bones, old tomes, parchment, ink, and the scent of his favorite teas far better than that of the sun and bustling markets miles above. What he knows of the living- aside from that of a few colleagues- is primarily of their connections to and beliefs surrounding death and what rites should follow. Anything outside of that, well, it is largely theoretical. Thatโ€™s never troubled him before. That it should do so now, so late in life, isโ€ฆ unexpected, to say the least.
And Tobias Rook isโ€ฆ warm, bright, and more alive than anyone Emmrich has even known. A series of utterly baffling and delightful contradictions Emmrich could spend the rest of his life puzzling over and never entirely figure out. Exactly the kind of challenge, the sort of puzzle, he adores. He adores them, a realization that had shaken him to his very core. They make Emmrich feel more alive than he has in years, and, somehow, both younger and older at the same time, makes their heart stop and race. Itโ€™s probably a lucky thing heโ€™s already gone gray, or some of their more reckless antics would almost certainly inspire some new ones. Theyโ€™ve come away from todayโ€™s battle on a little more bruised and worse for wear, but the mage is well aware how easily it might have been otherwise.
โ€œDo you ever think about it,โ€ Emmrich asks when he and Rook are finishing an evening cup of tea, the rest of their companions having already turned in for the night. Given his area of expertise, and the odds of what theyโ€™re up against it seems prudent to ask. Truthfully, it seems almost shamefully neglectful heโ€™s not done so before now.
โ€œWhatโ€™s that?โ€
โ€œDeath. What comes after. What rites you would like others to perform for you,โ€ the necromancer prompts, but Rook shakes their head.
โ€œNot as often as you, I suspect,โ€ Rook replies with a soft, amused chuckle, then, sobering a little, mulls the question over in order to give him a more serious response.
Rook does that a lot. They are playful- albeit sometimes a bit irreverent soul. But they never shame or discourage Emmrich when he spirals into an impromptu lecture about his latest studies or curiosities, even when they donโ€™t entirely understand them, they ask him questions and do their best to provide him both with humor, and thoughtful responses in equal measure.
Emmrich is used to being the butt of a fair number of jokes over the years, not that heโ€™s ever paid those much mind, but Rook is inexplicably far more interested in making him laugh than laughter at his expense. Where some of his colleagues and acquaintances over the years deemed him peculiar, even somehow vaguely off-putting for being so committed and interested in his grim work, Rook consistently seeks out his company, praises and seems to admire his passion, even if they donโ€™t share it for the same things.
โ€œI donโ€™t want or need any pomp or circumstance, and Iโ€™d hate to think the last thing I ever did was inconvenience my friends. I donโ€™t know for certain what comes after, but I donโ€™t believe Iโ€™ll be needing my body for it. Whatever is easiest, does the least damage- to your purses- thatโ€™s what I want.โ€
Emmrich frowns thoughtfully. Itโ€™s not that he expects Rook to share his exact views on death, their answer is a pragmatic one, but hearing them speak with so little reverence for their body and its care after death- a body heโ€™s come toโ€ฆ appreciate since first they met- is difficult for him to reconcile.
โ€œI never-โ€œ but Rook cuts themselves short, biting their tongue, and taking a sip of their tea to give them a momentโ€™s pause. โ€œIโ€™ve never cared if anyone knew my name,โ€ they continue finally, refining the thought as they set their cup of tea back on its saucer. โ€œThat was never why I joined up with the Shadow Dragons, and itโ€™s not why Iโ€™m doing this now.โ€ Emmrich nods as they continue.
โ€œI donโ€™t care if the world knows my name. Iโ€™ve never needed that. I just want to matter to someoneโ€ฆ one person to remember me- even if that memory fades with the two of us. If it was the right one, that would be enough,โ€ Rook concludes. This is a sentiment Emmrich can understand, and one he shares. He sighs softly, a little wistful. Were he a younger manโ€ฆ
โ€œFor what itโ€™s worth, Little Bird, I know Iโ€™m not the right one, but I could live a thousand lives and never forget you. I donโ€™t know how anyone could.โ€ Rook draws in a shallow breath, pupils blown wide as they try to meet Emmrichโ€™s eyes which are suddenly rigidly fixed upon the floor in front of them.
โ€œWhy not,โ€ Rook asks softly. These words catch the necromancer by surprise if the way his head shoots up at their question is any indication.
โ€œWhy not you,โ€ Rook repeats, their voice is soft, almost like speaking too loudly will shatter whatever this strange, beautiful, and fragile moment between them is. Perhaps it will. Emmrichโ€™s throat feels dry, despite the tea, tighter than it had a moment before. Were it not for the way it hammers against his ribs, quite as if it wishes to escape the confines of its bone prison to reach them, Emmrich would swear his heart has stopped.
โ€œI wouldnโ€™t mind if it was you,โ€ Rook admits, suddenly uncharacteristically shy. โ€œI, um, Iโ€™d really like that, actually,โ€ they confess softly.
Their cheeks are flush, Emmrich thinks, unable to do anything for a moment but to gape at them. Full of blood, of life, warmth, their eyes full of light, of nerves, yes, but also, hope, a tenderness heโ€™s seen before now, but clearly not for all that it was. They bite their lip and Emmrich realizes heโ€™s been silent, lost in his swirling thoughts, for too long. His gloved hand gently clasps one of their hands, his thumb finding Rookโ€™s pulse and caressing the inside of their wrist. Their heartbeat more akin to a hummingbird than their namesake, but precious all the same. Iโ€™ve done that, Emmrich marvels, cool fingers of his bare hand reaching out to rescue their bottom lip, bangles on his arm tingling softly, joining the symphony of his quickly beating heart and shallow breaths.
โ€œAre you sure,โ€ Emmrich asks, words scarcely louder than a whisper, but needing to offer them one last out.
โ€œPlease,โ€ Rook nods, and Emmrich doesnโ€™t keep them waiting, fingers moving to card through their hair before coming to cradle the back of their head as his lips meet theirs in a kiss of infinite care and patience, as though the pair have all the time in the world, and he, can think of nothing better to do with that time than this. And just now, he canโ€™t.
22 notes ยท View notes
nishimiyachan55 ยท 14 hours
Twisted fate (chapter 2)
pairing: Getou suguru(kenjaku) X reader
chapter: 2/?
other chapter: 1
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You woke up early in the morning, in fact you couldn't sleep much last night from the excitement of meeting getou today. You picked your best clothes from the closet and changed atleast ten outfits unsatisfied how they looked. Some clothes look too cute, he might think you are timid, while some other looked too bold. No matter whatever outfit you picked either it looked boring, too much revealing or too casual. Finally you picked a classic white dress which was perfect for a sunny day.
In so many years you never spent this much time on getting ready to meet someone. After all, it's the day you waited for so long, you are finally going on a date with him. You never felt this much exited for so long. You tried dating other men sometimes, but none of them worked out or maybe you never wanted them to work out. Because they were never him.
Last night Getou walked you home. He didn't talk much, you were the only one kept asking him questions. All he did was giving simple answers or just nod. Maybe he must be embarrassed to talk to you. But when you threw up two times on the way home he helped you. Thinking about that now.....its so embarassing...... And finally when you reached home you invited him inside, but he refused. Atleast he gave you his number and agreed to meet today. He might be thinking you as this weird girl who is obsessed with him. That's not good. Today you have to make an impression. This date better go well.
You reached at the park where he told to meet today. It seems quiet today, a warm sunny day, perfect climate for a date. Upon sitting on the bench in the garden area you can see few couples sitting here and there enjoying their sweet moments. How adorable....till this day you found them annoying but look at you now. Love can seriously make people different.
You checked the notification in your phone and it was from getou. It said he is almost there. Seeing that message made you little nervous. You picked the small mirror from your bag and made sure your face look good.
"y/n" suddenly hearing your name from behind send a wave down your abdomen. You tilted your head to look up at him.
"did i make you wait for long?" Getou put his hand on your shoulder from behind and smiled at you.
He touched you! Yes he did. Redness rushed to your cheeks and your heartbeat raised so fast. That was unexpected. That touch send a jolt to your brain making it freeze.
He took his hand from your shoulder and moved from behind to your front to face you. You wanted to control your heart and hide your face to not show him how you blushed. You took a deep breath and looked at him. But......why is he wearing a Buddhist robe? You expected to see him in an appropriate outfit for a date. And his hair also looks too long. But what made you more concerned about was that weird stitches on his forehead. It was much visible in this daylight.
"y/n, are you alright? Your face seems red, you sure you don't have fever?" Getou asked sitting beside on the bench.
"no, i am alright. It's just the heat" you took a kerchief from your bag and pat it on your face. But still.....why is he wearing that? Is he a monk now? That thought scared you. No he better not be. Your life will be miserable if something like that happens. After all these years you finally had the hope of getting together with him and it cannot be turned like that.
"Getou...., are you a monk now?" You grabbed on his palm with two hands expecting him to say 'no' as an answer even though you knew it might be a 'yes'. "Please don't tell me you are...." You tightened your grip and looked into his eyes.
All he did at that time was laughing lightly surprised by your action. He tucked his hair behind his ear "if you think like that.....i cannot correct you. Do you think wearing a robe and growing their hair long make someone a monk? "
"so you are not?" You were confused. You released his hand from your grip and gave an apology.
"hmm.....who knows, i might be or might not be, some people are uncertain about somethings. For now, consider me as a human being" he pushed himself up from the bench and slowly started walking.
You were still confused. He didn't give a clear answer to your question, but at this moment you decided not to ask for clarity. you hung your bag on your hand and followed him without thinking much.
He didn't say he is a monk right? So it's better to think it that way. Fate brought him back to your life so you should better believe in that fate, it will definitely make him yours. Walking by his side you kept thinking about how time changes people. You didn't know what this feeling was. But there is something different between the Getou you saw years ago and the man walking beside you now. Felt like he changed a lot. Maybe it's your brain overthinking. However, you couldn't stop thinking about that day.......the day you first met getou........
His voice brought you back to consciousness, and with a sudden jerk you opened your eyes with the vision of dark ceiling. It felt like too long, how much time have passed after you fell unconscious? your head felt lightweighted, still fuzzy from that nightmare. That monster, where is it? Were you dreaming? you shifted your eyes from the ceiling to the young man who is holding you in his hand. Getou's face, the last thing you saw before falling unconscious, and now you are lying on his lap on the floor.
"are you alright?" Getou gently pushed you up to sit straight. No. It wasn't a dream. It was all real. That monster! You almost died back then. Thinking about that horrific situation send chills down your spine. you were so lucky that getou arrived in time to save you. Otherwise, you should be.........you didn't even want to finish that thought. But what about your friend?
"my friend! She is in danger......please help her" that was the next thing came out from your mouth instead answering his question.
"it's fine, my friend went there to save her and she must be ok now" seeing how panicked you were getou lifted your hand in his palm and comforted you. But you weren't relieved until you saw it by yourself. You got up from the floor and ran to her room to check on her. You opened the door of her room with a bang noise still panting heavily. There was a white haired man with black sunglasses and he was wearing something similar like the guy who saved you. It seems like a uniform. Your friend was lying on the bed still unconscious. You rushed to her side and checked her pulse. Fortunately she was fine.
"Don't worry, she is not dead.........yet" the white haired guy removed his sun glasses and smirked at you. the first thing that caught your attention was his extremely attractive blue eyes. He took a few steps forward getting close to you. "she is fine for now, but that doesn't mean she is safe" for your surprise he came very close to your face without minding the concept of personal space. with a squeal sound you squirmed your back on the wall.
he placed his one hand on the wall pinning you on the wall caging you under him. your heartbeat hitched being this close to a guy you just met. he tilted his head a bit to come more closer to your face "you know......she might die later" his face was too close that his lips almost touched on yours. you gulped the feeling of discomfort looking into his beautiful eyes. he seems perfect..........except for his foul mouth. "don't worry, if anything bad happens again........i can save her" he placed his hand on your chin and pushed your face up without breaking eye contact "you just need to call me anytime you want......" and with his thumb he gently brushed on your bottom lip with a smirk.
"Satoru......" his voice made you jolt from gojo's grip. "don't make people uncomfortable" getou came inside the room with an unpleasant face.
with a smirk that white haired guy moved his face away from yours and turned right his head to look at getou's side. "i am not making her uncomfortable, i am just comforting her" he removed his hand from the wall making you free and step aside from you.
"you can clearly see she is uncomfortable" getou mumbled and apologized for the misbehavior of his partner. he walked to your friend's side to check on her. "she will be fine, she is just unconscious. once she wakeup everything will be fine" Getou looked at you and smiled in an assuring way.
That was a relief. After all these months of suffering you can finally see your friend smile again. walking down the stairs to send them back you kept thanking them multiple times. honestly you were so grateful. they saved both your and your friend's life. If they hadn't shown up at that moment....... you are grateful to them till your death. Especially Getou.........
Before you could say the final goodbye, "um......., can i have your contact?" that was fast. you never expected your self to be this courageous to ask a guy's number. but some people make you do the unthinkable right?
getou was a little surprised too, a girl asking for his number. usually this kind of thing happen with satoru. "sure, you can contact me anytime if you need help" he was more than happy to give you his number.
"what about me, you don't want my number? i can help too....you know...." that white haired guy peeked above his glasses and asked you with a teasing tone.
without hesitation you said "NO". that answer was sudden. it felt like a big slap to his face, you thought probably this is the first time someone is rejecting him. with that good look it must be. after typing the number, you asked "you didn't mention your name"
"Suguru, getou suguru. and this is my partner Gojo satoru"
before leaving, you asked one more question to them "are you sure my friend will be alright? what if something like that monster try to hurt her again?"
to your question Gojo replied....." don't worry, we are the strongest. we will beat it to death and save your friend again" and they walked away.
They were such a duo back then. you can still remember the way they bond with each other. the first time you saw them........ they were almost together whenever you saw them. but the last time you saw Gojo alone. you can still remember how desperate he was, it wasn't like him at all. and when you asked about getou he didn't say anything. and after that you never saw Getou again. until now.......
you looked at the man walking beside you. did getou really changed this much? that getou you know from 11 years ago is so different from the Getou walking beside you now. that getou had a warm look in his eyes but this one has a cold one. is it really him?
"are you alright?" getou stopped his footsteps and asked you shifting his eyes to the side without looking at you. The same question he asked before 11 years echoed in your mind. that face, that warm smile,.....and then this stitched face, his cold look. both pictures replayed in your head. same person, but different aura.
"yeah i am alright" you replied and walked ahead. do not overthink. its just your mind. ignore that thoughts. you tried to convince your brain. "where should we go next?" you asked him deviating your mind from unwanted thoughts.
"i am sorry, i don't have much time for that now. i should go now" his answer really deviated you from your thoughts.
"you're leaving already? but we just met a few minutes ago. we didn't even get to talk much" you pouted at him in a cute and desperate way. you wanted to talk more to him, to know more about him, to know if he is the one you were looking for, to know if he is your old Getou.
"sorry, i have things to do now" he took a few steps forward and put his palm on your head "should i come see you in your house tomorrow?"
in your house........he meant your house right. that means......you and him.....alone in your house......your face turned red and your hearbeat hitched. heat raised from your face to your head that even his palm could feel it.
"y/n. you sure you ok? your head really feels so hot. you should go home now and take rest" getou took a kerchief and patted the small sweat formed on your forehead. that made your face red even more.
without much exposing how flustered you were, you grabbed the kerchief from him and dipped your face into it "i am alright, i am going home, see you later, bye" you quickly walked away from him without facing him. after a few steps you realized you didn't share your home location with him. you immediately stopped "don't you want my location?"
he laughed lightly and walked away without answering. "No need for that, i already have it" he mumbled and smiled in a crooked way delighted that he found his new prey.
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piastrispastry ยท 1 day
I am returning from my exam induced disappearance because I have things to say.
What we saw today was racing. Real edge-of-your-seat-bite-your-nails-racing.
It wasnโ€™t a Max has the fastest car heโ€™s going to win race like last year because while I think he did have the fastest car it wasnโ€™t by much.
They both pulled risky moves, but no risk no reward and when you are going for the win thatโ€™s what you have to do sometimes.
Do I think Lando was perfect? No I do not.
But Max was breaking rules left right and centre, anybody with eyes and a brain can see that. A ten second penalty was a slap on the wrist really and he deserved much harsher.
At the end of the day, I enjoyed the battle. It was thoroughly entertaining. And as a fan you want the battles to continue on throughout the season so we hopefully have a championship fight on our hands.
Sometimes racing doesnโ€™t end how we want it to or perhaps how it should. By no means is this an excuse to send hate to the drivers or argue with random strangers on the internet. You are entitled to your opinions and thatโ€™s great! Just enjoy the close battles we have going on and remember that at the end of the day drivers are human too.
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raziiyah ยท 2 days
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okay i'm shocked i've never posted anything about my mi/mu oc before bc i've literally had her for over a decade, so i redrew an old drawing of her mi design! this is from may, it's the last thing i drew on my ipad before it died forever :') she had a cringy name for a long time so a couple years ago i changed it to liane or just lia! it's sounds more normal and has a slight resemblance to the old name and part of my own name :]
she first appeared in a dream that i still vividly remember sometime around mu's release, i still remember trying to draw her after waking up before just immediately redesigning her bc her hair was too hard for me to draw lol,, but now i feel like i'm actually happy with her design; it looks much more balanced than her older designs and she still looks like an mi/mu character while still resembling the vision i had in my dream
uh here's some info about her, i'll just share some post MU/pre MI stuff for now, lots of her story is a mix of ideas i had as a kid that i build on or adjust every once in a while
after graduating, lia applied to monsters inc. and scare industries as a scarer. she just barely doesn't get accepted at MI but gets accepted at scare industries. she is slowly working on improving; her goal is to advance her scare score and eventually transfer to monsters inc., but she enjoys working at SI so she stays for a few years until she feels ready to take her career to the next level
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randall boggs, her partner since university, is very supportive of her and often likes to give her scaring tips and things he's learned working at MI. they live in an apartment in downtown monstropolis, which they bought after finding steady jobs at scare companies. outside of work, lia likes to paint landscapes and is inspired by the bits of nature between the industrial buildings of monstropolis
later on, lia reapplies at MI and gets accepted! she's set to transfer in a few weeks. randall and lia go out to celebrate, unknowing to the fact this is one of the last times they'll see each other for a while
by this point, lia has long noticed that randall has been arriving home later and later nights, saying he's been really occupied with "work stuff." he gets more and more defensive whenever she brings it up, and lia can't help but think he's hiding something
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wool-f ยท 2 days
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Hello my beautiful internet friends,
Tagging onto my sentiment from last week regarding following your dreams with complete reckless abandon and vigour, I thought I would follow on with the obvious next step (for me anyway).
I am quitting my job without a real concrete plan or a backup option to follow my dreams.
If you enjoy your job and it's the dream career pathway for you, this blog post is not meant for you. By all means keep reading of course, but I'm reaching out to my fellow dreamers who have fallen into careers that are not their callings - the people who are dreaming of something else entirely.
If I'm being completely honest I don't hate my job. But I don't love it either. It's most certainly not what I thought I would be doing at 30, and truly not the career stepping stone I imaged it would be when I was first offered the role two and a half years ago.
I'm a local news reporter in Melbourne, working for one of (if not the most popular) newspaper in the city. Day to day is very mundane, there isn't all that much jazz with local news.
While I dreamt of being a writer and Melbourne's answer to Carrie Bradshaw or Andie Anderson, my current job couldn't be further from that (I do feel Andie's pain when she wants to write something that matters and her editor is so limiting!!!!)
So last week after writing my post about committing to yourself, I was journalling and came to a realisation. In order to commit to myself, I need to fully commit to my dreams and aspirations, and to do that, I really need to quit my job.
Now thinking pragmatically because let me be one hundred percent honest, we are in a cost of living crisis and I'm not going to cold quit my job without a little bit of savings and backing to myself - I won't be leaving immediately. I think we can all agree that kind of rash decision making is for rich people who have no stress factors in their lives apart from happiness.
What I plan to do is a little but more strategic than that.
I've given myself three months to build up as thick of a foundation as possible, to get all my figurative ducks in a row and to make myself a plan for the following time frame that will constitute me following my dreams and actually succeeding. I'm trying to put my best foot forward to achieve exactly what I want and not need to take a step back into something that I'm not passionate about.
Sometimes I think people really hesitate to do the things they really want to do, whether it be because of the stories we tell ourselves in our minds, the stories society tell us about success and what it means to be fulfilled, or just because we think our dreams are out of touch from reality.
I don't want to be that person anymore. I don't want to be held back by these invisible, non-existent barriers that only stop me from reaching my full potential in life and happiness.
I have been working very hard to change the stories I tell myself in my mind, and after an incident at my current workplace (not with me, but with my colleague and management), I understood that my time at the company is coming to a close and I need to move on to something bigger and better; on to something that just in general, is a better fit for me.
I know that being self-employed is not a lifestyle everyone can achieve or that everyone wants - but I think it is the lifestyle change I want for myself, at least for now.
I obviously will keep writing this blog as a way to track how I'm going and to continue the development of my own writing.
But for now - I'm going to quit my job and follow my dreams. I definitely think it's something everyone should consider doing at least once in their lives (obviously make sure you're not going to send yourself into homelessness please, this message is not for every single person in this moment of time, prepare yourself!!).
Let's be the generation of people who don't take no for an answer - the generation of people who make things happen for ourselves and find the joy that we desire from doing the things we love and turning them into a profitable way to live!
These are my thoughts for the week, I know I'll be back next week with something just as crazy I'm sure, but for now, all the love in the world to whoever has made it this far down.
Love always,
G xx
p.s please support my journey to self employment - follow me on my other platforms (they're all free) and engage with me <3
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kweenofthieves TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kweenofthieves?lang=en YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@kweenofthieves
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aver-eesis ยท 10 days
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Worldbuilding stuff
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buttercupshands ยท 2 months
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my friendship with canon ended now fanon is my new best friend
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but first a cute bird
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basically my mind decided that it's now free to draw whatever AUs and stuff that I want including random stuff like this
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and this!
I think my way of coping with 423 is just... ignoring it ever existed so now it's just this and an occasional canon stuff
but good for him he deserves to have all the fun fanon can offer
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fun fact: this was the first sketch out of all of them in this post!
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reticent-fate ยท 20 days
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part 11/26ish
anyone remember those scales with the springs in 'em? all i ever see these days are digital scales but those things made the best noises. i think i've seen some kitchen scales that still use spring mechanisms, but it's been a while.
technology is weird.
from the beginning
#otherkin hrt#fictionkin hrt#fictionkin#otherkin#digihrt#dg arts#-apomon#updates might slow down from daily since our brain ceased letting us do art about halfway through bfsdhjfbjshdbfs#oh well#i'm thinking of doing another fake in-universe pamphlet for a bonus though#specifically like talking about the โ€œweightโ€ stat#fun fact: we'd never stepped on a scale in almost a decade before finally seeing a doctor for the first time in that 10 years last year#we used to obsess over our weight in a way inherited from our mom's diet culture BS and then like#i'm pretty sure we split someone in the system who just managed to not give a shit#and everyone else that did basically got put in time out or fragmented to hell (we still don't know)#i think about this post i saw a while ago that talked about how like#weight (specifically as it is medicalized) shouldn't be a concern so much as if you're moving your joints and stretching them enough#and it should really only be a concern when it drastically changes in a short period of time because it can sometimes be indicative of#your body flipping its lid#the post talked about rapid weight loss specifically and how a lot of doctors will go โ€œoh wow weight loss!! yay :)โ€ when like.#no??? not yay???#anyways some medications can cause weight fluctuations too#our fibro medication can cause weight gain and tbh i don't give so much of a shit about that as i am curious about the mechanics behind it#our relationship to weight is mostly informed by being the one person in our family who never had to deal with fatphobia targeting them#but just because we weren't the target didn't mean it didn't affect us when our mom's whole life shifted around WW#i didn't want to delve into that in this comic tbh so aside from the little bonus pamphlet this is the last time it's brought up#but like a comic where we take a version of ourself through this kind of transition would inevitably have to touch on relationships to food#we're just lucky we finally found out that we can actually like... enjoy food without it hurting us?#part of the wish fulfillment of this scenario would (and is) the idea of getting to enjoy food without bodily discomfort#because on top of us almost developing an ED we also just have a garbage stomach
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cashmere-caveman ยท 1 year
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Christian Wiman, Darkness Starts | S1E6, Bad Moon Rising | S2E8, All Godโ€˜s Children | Ian Strange, Suburban Intervention | S1E6, Bad Moon Rising | S1E3, Ghost Town | Christina Marie Brown, Ghost I
#being human#annie sawyer#would u believe me if i said i actually meant to finish my 'monsters embody the possibility of failing' mitchell post and instead made this#if it seems incomplete thats bc i only used sceenshots i already had instead of rewatching and taking new ones where fitting bc im lazy#but god i love when being human leans into the whole gothic ~u are the house and the house is u~ storyelling angle#one day i'll make my annie post (this is the annie house post) and then it'll be even more appropriate but !!!#the house as horror !!!! the home as the place of violence instead of the shelter from it !!!#also annie not letting go of the house bc it was the last place she was a real person !!!#the house not letting go of her bc it stores and remembers everything she herself is incapable of remembering !!!#she is the house but also her own person but also that place is so intrinsically hers that to the others it IS her#(to some extend at least)#also owen not taking care of the house as he didnt take care of annie.#but also any and all parallels between mitchells later sometimes v agressive behaviour and owens abuse#the bristol house tainted by annies death and the welsh house tainted by the bt20....#wheres that one poem thats like if u were raised in a house w an angry man there will alwas be an angry man inside your house#and even if there isnt u invite him in#sickening. anyway these tags have deviated so extremely fucking far from the post sorry lads insomnia makes me ramble#once again i present u: me thinking abt a show that went on air fifteen years ago as if it had finished yesterday. enjoy#being human uk#cavetext#triothesis#caveweb
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dormont ยท 4 months
LAST POST I PROMISE THIS TIME but i'm watching some zelda youtubers describe how they just don't feel the passion to create anything for totk and that's so sad to me. and it so clearly shows how botw was still being talked about right up until to totk's release 6 years later but totk topics dried up after a few months. not liking a game is one thing but having it outright kill your enjoyment of something and passion to create is horrible. the devs clearly didn't care about keeping discussions alive so why should the fanbase? literally one of the worst things you can do to your franchise.
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introspectivememories ยท 5 months
My fear is that DC makes Bernard such a beautiful well written character that mixs his old asshole personality with his newer tamed personality and people start actively liking him because he is own person with his own hopes and dreams and then fans want more of this Bernard only to be met with a shitty shell of a character and starting back at square one by forcing him just to be Timโ€™s love interest
this too actually
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hiddenbeks ยท 25 days
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thinking abt her :)
#ch: heidrun#yknow i finished the dragonborn dlc the other day. for the first time in my life lmao#i think the last time i attempted it i finished the path of knowledge quest and then just forgot abt the game for several years again#but this time i managed to finish the dlc! it was alright!!#i enjoyed the fight with miraak. it was different and challenging even#i think i prefer this one over dawnguard. it's been several years since i last touched dawnguard so i dont remember everything#but i do remember that i found it tedious lol#maybe i should revisit it one day tho. the questline would work so well with the character arc of someone like heidrun...#like she would totally join the dawnguard thinking she could redeem herself in stendarr's eyes by dedicating herself to hunting vampires.#but then she befriends a vampire... and eventually Finally comes to the realization that things are not so black and white...#and that she doesn't need stendarr or the vigil to dictate what is good and what is bad... and that sometimes... gods are stupid#i imagine solstheim was very stressful for heidrun tho. i mean not the place but the events that took place there#the horrors of apocrypha. having to work for hermy to stop miraak. no longer knowing if she is truly in control of anything in her life...#but at least she found some werewolf friends to hang out with at frostmoon crag :)#wish there was a questline or quest related to them... i need more werewolf content in my gameeee#anyway!! heidrun returns to her cottage near ivarstead after all this to take a well deserved break from world saving <3#time for me to move on to my new isabeau playthru... i miss her.....
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