#I don’t know if making clothes for them is in the cards cause they’re just so BIG it would take a lot of material
alangdorf · 2 years
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❤️ The BOYS are REUNITED!! ❤️
Also some old pics of Ephy (plus a couple drawings of them in Chicory):
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tojisun · 9 months
i just know and i feel it in my little heart. bimbo reader collects sonny angels. maybe she’s even made them little outfits and says one is simon and one is her. i feel like she’s the type to sew a little pocket on his tactical clothes so a little part of her is always with him 😭
HONEY OH MY GOD HONEY THIS IS ADORABLE?? THANK U FOR THE VISION BECAUSE SHE ABSOLUTELY DOES!! got a full collection and a mounted shelf for the lil cherubs n all thattt 🥹🫶🏼 god what a cutie
just imagine how excited you were when you first started collecting them and simon’s a little confused but he gives you his card anyway when you tell him you want to order more.
“they all have the same face, sweets,” he says, bending over to get a clearer view of your display case to see the little things. some have full outfits, while some are almost bare except for their hats, but even then – even with their different skin tones and eye colours and costumes – simon can’t shake off the oddity of seeing a singular expression from an intensive collection. “i don’t get it.”
then, his eyes catch onto a unique set. these two don’t have a plastic-style outfits and are, instead, decked out in little sewn clothes. one’s a wearing a pink dress, sparkly and made of laces, while the other one’s in a basic tactical gear – dark jumper, dark pants, a grey vest that’s fashioned to look like a bulletproof vest – and… a balaclava?
huh. that almost looks like-
“it’s us!” you chirp and simon, well, his heart quivers.
“yeah?” he asks, unable to look away at the little things, feeling so choked up at the affection and love that’s slamming against his ribs.
you hum in reply before your hand, slim and bejewelled, juts out to pluck the two of the dolls from the stand. simon straightens up and turns to face you at your beckoning.
“made ‘em ‘cause i missed you,” you mutter, batting your lashes up at him in a shy manner. you snagged your bottom lip between your teeth, nibbling in anxiousness, and simon simply melts.
“oh, lovie,” he croons as he cups your jaw with his palm, his lungs constricting when you instantly nuzzle into his hold. “they’re perfect. y’r perfect.”
he murmurs his thanks when you give him the doll that’s fashioned to look like you, gentle in his touch and reverent as he slides it into the chest pocket of his jacket.
“there she is,” simon murmurs, unaware of how his actions are making you tremble with love. “safe and sound by my heart.”
he chokes in surprise when you throw yourself at him, climbing him with experienced grappling, before cupping his cheeks and pulling him in for a kiss.
well. simon’s not complaining, that’s for sure.
you bring simon-sonny around when you go out with your friends, plopping it beside your cocktail drink or beside your lil cup of ice cream, before asking your friend to snag a picture of you and the cherub to send to simon (who’s currently deployed).
to: simmy <3
us!!!! 💖🩷 <
and simon responds with a picture from his end, just a little selfie, almost blurry, the angle just enough to show simon looking up at the camera and the little sonny that’s perched inside his chest pocket – the one you diy-ed yourself.
from: simmy <3
> us :)
CRYING THIS IS TOO CUTE!!! RAHHHHH nonbc im so sorry i rambled again 😭 i just. i have sm lil figurines (not specifically sonny) and i just love thinking about a s/o who cares sm they indulge u :’>
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honeybubbledivination · 2 months
What do you need to hear right now? 🍯🐝
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✨ Hello, hello, busy bees! ✨
Today, I just felt like pulling some cards and seeing what happened! Below, I have some cards for you to choose from!
[At the end, I have my ko-fi linked if you’d like to donate! Not required! Just appreciated if you’re feeling generous!]
[Cards to choose from are from the deck ‘The Divine Masters Oracle’ by Kyle Gray and Jennifer Hawkyard’]
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Pile One:
Isis - Calling Your Power Back
‘Grapejuice’ by Harry Styles “There’s just no getting through; without you…”
‘Angels On the Moon’ by Thriving Ivory “Don’t tell me if I’m dying, ‘cause I don’t wanna know; If I can’t see the sun maybe I should go…’
‘Tarot of The Divine’ by Yoshi Yoshitani: The Emperor, KnoC, 7oS, KoP, 6oP, QoP, 2oS, KoS, 10oC, The Empress, 2oW, The Magician, 7oW, The World, The Chariot, 9oS, Judgement, 10oS, The Devil, The Hanged Man, 4oC, KoC, The Hierophant, 4oP
‘Oracles of Shadows & Light’ by Lucy Cavendish and Jasmine Becket-Griffith: Marie Masquerade //Glamour, intrigue, drama. Dried-Flower Fairy //Sweet Memories. Sea Storm //Calm amid chaos. Witch at the End of the World //An important end, a new beginning.
‘Moon Magic’ by Marie Bruce: Blood on the Moon, Star Gazer, Toad, Arcturus, Wolf Moon, Moon Stuck
Hi, Pile One! I feel as though I’m speaking to a peer. I’m 22, so you might be close to my age. Either that or you have a pretty youthful energy. I also feel a soft masculine vibe from this pile. Which leads into the reading. You know you don’t have to be all macho to honor your masculine side, right? Masculinity is about providing and strength. It’s not about being a massive dickhead. You can be ‘soft’ and still be a good husband and father. You aren’t a pansy or anything like that. I feel that you probably have family or friends who have more “traditional views”. But, no offense, they’re idiots. You’re uniquely you. You don’t fit into the boxes your social group tries to put you in, and that’s okay. To hell with them! Do what makes you happy, honey! Be you! You aren’t alone in not liking labels. You are human. You don’t have to be put into a box. Live freely. You may be highly sought after, but you aren’t making good friends or lovers. You have a very sweet air about you once you start to open up to people and most of those people tend to take advantage of you. You may want to pursue something in fashion or you might have a keen eye of what looks good and what doesn’t. You may tend to dress down to keep eyes off of you, but if wearing cute clothes makes you happy then do it! Who cares what anyone says! This is your life and you deserve to present how you want! Your new life will always cost you your old one. Don’t be afraid to let people, things, or situations go to move forward with who you truly are and what you truly deserve. Have the confidence to be who you truly are! And honestly, your family isn’t going to care that much. They’ll come around and truly just be happy that you’re happy. When you feel good about yourself, you do better in life. You have the ambition to go after what you want and take it. Plus, being a people pleaser is a form of manipulation. It’s not good to lie to yourself and in turn lie to others. Be mindful. You aren’t a bad person or less than for being ‘different’. You’re just you. And that’s exactly what you’re supposed to be, little bee!
- Bunny 💛🍯
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Pile Two:
The Blue Beings - Light Transmission
Gold Rush - Taylor Swift “Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you…”
Permanent Vacation - Arrows in Action “I found my peace; In places I had never been…”
‘Tarot of The Divine’ by Yoshi Yoshitani: Judgement, The Lovers, The Fool, 3oP rx, 8oS, The Hierophant Rx, 9oP, 6oP, QoW, 10oP, The Wheel of Fortune, KoC, 3oC, 9oC, KnoP, 7oC, 8oC, 1oP, 5oP, 10oW, PgoW, 7oW
‘Oracles of Shadows & Light’ by Lucy Cavendish and Jasmine Becket-Griffith: Sea Storm //Calm amid chaos. I Am Kali //From death comes rebirth. Fairy of the Divine Hand //Intoxication, distorted view, overindulgence! Snow Angel //The signs are with you already!
‘Moon Magic’ by Marie Bruce: New Moon, First Quarter, Esbat, Black Cat, Unicorn Moon, Glimmering
Hey, Pile Two! You’re living as your authentic self! Congratulations! I feel like this took you some time and you may have felt a little called to pile one at first. I see that you’re getting to go out and party and have fun with new people! Black cats might be significant to you. (I take them as good luck!) You’ve learned to keep friends close, but not too close. You have good boundaries with other people and how the interact with your life. But, do you have good boundaries with yourself? Yes, you’re having fun and making money. But, are you remembering to keep your limits in mind? Are you overindulging in sex, booze, or just staying up too late? Make sure you’re still focusing on how to make yourself feel good, without getting lost in it. I’m so proud of you, though! I know it’s hard to find the balance, especially when you’ve only recently learned you DESERVE to feel good about yourself and have fun. But remember to reel it in and relax sometimes. You don’t have to go, go, go. And you don’t have to be lazy or greedy either. Just find balance in all that you do! Great work on choosing yourself, Pile Two!! To add a little treat for all your hard work and continued efforts to better yourself, you seem to have love offers coming in! That’s right! You’ve got options! I feel like you’ve been manifesting them (through prayer or just having something like a Pinterest board with relationship ideas and goals). They’re on their way! Keep yourself in check to be the best version of yourself for YOU and how you want to handle these new love offers!
[P.S. you don’t need as much confirmation as you think! Start trusting yourself more, busy bee. You’ve made it this far all on your own, why have still doubt yourself?]
- Bunny 🍯💛
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Pile Three:
Hanuman - Devoted Warrior
Under Pressure - Queen & David Bowie “Pressure, pushing down on me; Pressing down on you…”
Take Me To Church - Hozier “I’ll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies; I’ll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife…”
‘Tarot of The Divine’ by Yoshi Yoshitani: The Magician, The Tower Rx, 8oW, The Lovers, The Devil Rx, 2oC, PgoP, The Moon, The Empress Rx, 3oS, 7oS, 4oS, KoS, 5oC Rx, 6oC Rx, 9oS
‘Oracles of Shadows & Light’ by Lucy Cavendish and Jasmine Becket-Griffith: Autumn Is My Last Chance //Please don’t lose hope! Strangely Lonely //Holding on way too tight. Witch at the End of the World //An important end, a new beginning. Fairy of the Highlands // It’s time to be brave.
‘Moon Magic’ by Marie Bruce: Sky God, Nightshade, Toad, Star Gazer, Full Moon, Moon Dust
You’ve been through the wringer, pile three! I see that you’ve been put in a situation to where you’ve had to pull away from a toxic situation involving a feminine energy who wasn’t reciprocating what you were giving them. This was really hard for you because you’re loyal and devoted. You would never turn your back on someone you love, but they turned their back first. You avoided a tower moment by stepping away and being firm in yourself and your morals! You aren’t a bad person, you just know when it’s time to cut the crap and leave people behind! Way to go!! I see that because of being able to cut this person out, you’ve made room for someone new! Don’t be afraid to open up and make new connections! Not everyone is here to use you, honey bee! You’ve cut off a lot of people lately or are at least hiding away to try and keep yourself safe. It’s making you lonely and you’re looking at things from a hopeless perspective. You are worthy of good things, love. Release control of what’s happening. Realize you have fought hard and deserve to relax and unwind. You can have fun with other people! Go on dates! Make friends with people online or in person! Go have fun! Get out of the house and go for a walk, you never know who you might bump into! Stop playing it too safe, pile three! Live your life! If you hide away, you’re still letting that old person and their energy have control over you! Remember who is really in control here! Keep buzzing onwards and upwards!
- Bunny 🍯💛
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💛🍯 Bunny’s Notes:
Thank you for buzzing by! I hope that if this resonated with you, you gain the courage to keep being yourself and finding the balance of when to act defensively or when you should turn away from things/people/situations that no longer serve you! Love and light to you all!
If you’d like to tip me, below is the link to my ko-fi! Not needed to enjoy my readings! Thank you so much, busy bees! 💛🐝
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fayesia · 10 months
Okay DONT JUGDE ME PLEASE but I have an idea for mike schmidt. Okay so basically she(y/n) gets these new meds for the two of them it was basically like had idk what it's called but sm that makes them horny af and yk what happens next and also they r just friends when this happens. U can fill in the details with whatever.
a/n: Ahh no trust me i’m not one to judge people ever about what they’re into and stuff like that, obviously it’s different when i’m asked to write about smtg i’m uncomfortable with or if it’s illegal, but nonetheless here it is, i apologise in advanced as i did rush to get it posted but ye enjoy!! 😭
warning: most of my replies to requests i get don’t include warnings but please keep in mind before reading that this will contain ⚠️drugs, taking of drugs, irresponsible drug use!!⚠️ other than that it’s just the usual smut stuff :)
“come on you’re not gonna pussy out on me now are you?” you jab at Mike knowing he was the one boasting about the drug being a placebo that wouldn’t work.
“of course i won’t since i know it doesn’t even work. whoever sold it to you just got a free 30 dollars.” he looks down at you kneeling in front of the living room table slicing the pill in two. You were told by the seller that it was a hormone enhancing pill that was basically just stronger weed, so you were being cautious about how much you both took.
“ok fine hurry up give it here” sitting down next to you, Mike grabs one half swallowing it down in one go, you do the same. After 15 minutes neither of you feel anything.
“see i told you, it’s a fucking scam”
“no no we must’ve not taken it right, come on one more chance pleaseeee” you whine looking at him with your hands clasped together.
“fine. only cause your my best friend” “mike..i’m your only friend but ok”
Taking out two more pills you grab a cup using the base to crush them into a fine powder, with your credit card you finely crush it and seperate the pile of white powder into two even lines. Meanwhile Mike neatly rolls up a dollar bill leaning forward to snort up one line, handing the note over, you sniff up the powder feeling a sharp sting in your nose leaning back against the couch to relax and let everything settle.
First there was nothing and suddenly so much was happening all at once. In two minutes you and Mike had gone from sitting beside each other dazed as ever to feeling heat all over your body. The sensation causing you both to remove layers of clothing to avoid any effects of what felt like heatstroke. “god what the fuck is happening y/n?” you hear Mike say as he removes his clothing leaving him in a pair of black boxers, “idk mikey everything’s so hot and suffocating” you respond back stripping down to just your bra and denim shorts.
You feel the heat rising especially at your core, the denim shorts getting increasingly more uncomfortable once you’ve soaked through your underwear. Raising your head you notice Mike sitting with a pillow on his lap, “Mike…is that what i think it is?” Before he can reply you’ve already removed the pillow, the sudden movement of his body attempting to hide his raging hard on shocks you as you fall on top of him. His arms support you pulling you on top of his lap as you straddle his thighs. Not even caring at this moment, you grind your pussy against his thigh the rough denim rubbing against your clit as more liquid gushes from your pussy. A dark spot forms on your shorts as Mikes hands grab your hips to push you down harder. He abruptly stops,unbuttoning your shorts and pulling them down, he flips you over on the couch so your legs hang off the edge while your back lays on the seats. Kneeling down between your legs he spreads your thighs apart, fingers digging into the soft squishy flesh.
“fucking soaked aren’t you”
“please do something please”
“say it i wanna hear you”
“please touch my pussy”
His nose brushes across your clit through the thin material of your thong as his fingers rub you you’re getting increasingly wet. He quickly rips at the flimsy strings leaving you bare to him, your folds glisten with your wetness as you feel it dripping down. His fingers enter your mouth as you suck on them like you would a lollipop, tracing down past your hardened nipples and to your clit. The first few seconds after contact has you writhing around on the couch, things only getting more intense once you feel Mikes mouth on you. His tongue explores every crevice, caressing your delicate folds and spreading your juices all over. He spits on your clit watching it drip down before collecting it with his index and middle fingers, entering your tight hole and watching it stretch. you moan at the intrusion finally being filled by something, his two fingers feeling like three of your own. You’re so close to coming, his fingertips rubs harder and harder against the soft sensitive spot inside of you, until he removes them. your eyes shoot open widening even more once Mike flips you over onto your front holding both your hands above your head, you’re barely able to turn your head due to the position of your shoulders. The tip of his cock is pulsing and red as it rubs between your folds, poking at your sensitive clit.
The gentle movements lulling you into a further daze, however that’s quick to end once his dick starts easing into your pussy. It’s a tight fit and you weren’t sure about how much would fit but Mike just said “gonna stretch you til’ we fucking make it fit”, his words have you moaning into the couch, spit dribbling from the side of your mouth the more that he enters. His cock is about three quarters in and you’re sure you can’t take any more, that is until he starts pulling out and pushing back in.
Finally he’s all the way in and you’re pulsing around him, your channel trying to fit around the girth of him.
“ok i think it’s fine, you can move”
his thrust start picking up speed, the sound of his hips smacking against your ass bounce off the walls of the room, his heavy balls slap against your clit adding to the pleasure.
“fuck mikey harder please, i’m so close omg”
He picks up the pace going faster and deeper into you, his cock pushes hard against your g-spot spurring you closer to the edge.
“baby i’m gonna cum, fill you up nice and full, fuck you everyday you want that?”
“yesyes please i need you, cum for me baby”
He continues ploughing into you, hips stuttering as he tilts his head back releasing a low guttural groan, you can feel drops of liquid releasing every time he pulls outwards. Finally a stream of Mikes cum pools inside of you, his groans grow softer the more that spurts out, your pussy clamps down on him and more of your come is leaking down his length the droplets staining the couch. Mike rolls over off of you to lay on the couch beside your panting body. The two of you are covered in a sheen of sweat, out of breathe and still coming down from the effects of the drugs you both took. After a few minutes you’re both still in your underwear, Mikes head resting on your lap while you stroke his hair, the two of you thinking about having a discussion on what this would change about your friendship but with the state of high you were both in that topic was for another time.
“well now that we’ve proven it works what do we do now?” Mike asks looking back up at you.
Reaching over to grab something off the table you simply smirk and wave a small clear packet containing two pills, identical to the ones just taken around and hour and a half ago.
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updownlately · 1 year
'cause all of the small things that you do (are what remind me why i fell for you)
| leah williamson x reader
"You're such an idiot, you know?" Leah fondly shook her head as she bent down, head coming level with your knee.
You were sat on the bathroom counter, a fresh set of clothes finally on you, as Leah stood in between your legs, medical bag propped open beside you.
You winced as an alcohol pad came in contact with your scraped joint, hissing in pain as she tediously worked to clean the dried blood and grime scattered around it.
“Totally worth it,” you yelped in response, the midfielder having pressed directly on your wound. 
Quickly wrapping a bandage around the area she had just wiped, the blonde rose to a standing position, throwing the wrappers into the bin.
“I can’t believe you didn’t get carded…” Shaking her head in disbelief, Leah ripped open another wipe, gently tugging on your wrist after to bring your arm to your chest so she could tend to the burn on your forearm.
“The ref was blind as shit…is it really that surprising? You saw it first hand when they tackled you like three thousand times in the first half!” 
Your whiny justification brought a smile to the Englishwoman’s face, amusement poorly hidden. 
“Still not an excuse to go all Hulk on them. Had the ref been stupid they could’ve given you a red easily.” 
“Who’s to say they weren’t a complete dipshit? For all we know, they’re likely as oblivious off the field too!”
Body shaking with the effort of holding her laugh back, Leah covered her mouth with her hands in a poor attempt to hide her grin. 
“Baby, you can’t just say that…” 
“Why not? And you’re laughing!” A cheeky smile took over your face, chest filling with pride at seeing Leah’s eyes twinkle at your shenanigans. 
“Nope, not hearing it. Your opinion is overruled….I can totally say it and it is funny.” Tongue between your teeth, you shot the blonde a wide grin. 
Sighing in defeat, the grin not leaving her face, Leah pinched your thigh playfully and quickly finished cleaning the cut on your arm.
Reaching for bandages, she slowly began wrapping it around the decent-sized burn, tongue peeking out from behind her teeth, eyebrows furrowing as she focused on laying it flat. 
You watched the midfielder as she worked, shy smile overtaking your mischievous grin. 
Near heart-eyes on your face, you bit back your grin, chin sloping to the side in absolutely adoration.
Meeting your gaze as she finished, the blonde righted herself, head tilting as her cheeks flushed.
Rummaging through the medical kit to keep herself busy, you almost didn’t hear her quiet words over the noise of supplies being ransacked. 
“Stop looking at me like that…”
Confusion crossing your face, your voice came out equally as soft, shoulders dipping. “Like what?”
“…with that look in your eyes, like I’ve done something special…” 
The nervousness was clear in the captain’s voice, her eyes not meeting yours, hand still fidgeting. 
Slowly grabbing Leah by her shoulders, you gently turned her to face you, hands running down until you were holding hers in your own. 
Waiting for steel blue eyes to meet your own, you brought your foreheads together, pulling her in with your legs. 
“You love me everyday. You put up with my dumb butt- yellow cards, twenty something fouls, and tons of cuts and bruises on my arms, that you don’t hesitate to tend to. I’m practically a McCabe in training yet you’re not complaining.”
“Still-“ Her eyes closed, mouth forming a thin line. 
“No?” The confused mumble had you smiling, you quickly kissing Leah’s scrunched up nose before resting your head against hers again, voice a murmur in the small space between you two.
“No. You love me always, and take care of me, and check up on me, and you let me be goofy, and eat all your snacks even if you really wanted them. You always let me sit on the right side of the couch because you know it’s my spot. You make sure my kit bag’s always packed because we both know how forgetful I am. You bring me flowers and snacks on the most randomest of days. You let me cry at the cheesiest rom-coms the world has ever known. You love me on my best and my worst days Leah. You haven’t done something special but you are something special…”
You could hear a fly drop in the silence that took over the room once you finished speaking.
Heart pounding at your own raw admission, uncertainty flickered in your eyes, body slightly tensing, waiting.
Inhaling sharply at the lack of response, you began to pull back, ready to put distance between you two, to apologize (for what, you didn't really know). 
Just as you moved back a little bit, you felt a hand come to rest on the nape of your neck, pulling you back close.
You heard the blonde swallow hard, feeling her exhale fan across your face.
“I love you…”
The quiet admission was a whisper, you feeling her lips brush your own as she spoke. 
“I know…and I love you. You’re my something special, okay?”
Feeling Leah nod in response, you placed a loving kiss on the blonde’s lips, then another, and then another. It was only when the next one was cut short by the both of you smiling, that you pulled back, resting your face in the crook of her neck, the dim light of the fading sun casting an angelic glow as you both relaxed in each other’s hold, revelling in your shared love.
You might be an idiot, but hey, at least you were an idiot in love.
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 6 months
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It Had To Be You
Before I get into my big explaining rant, reblogs are very much appreciated! I know this is usually a rant blog but when I spend so long on a drawing I want to have people see it and stare at it like I do LOL
Also for the ALT text, a lot of the details are going to be explained below so if you’d like extra details please read!
So, my designs! I really hate Husk’s design; as in I hate drawing it. It’s too red and tiny for me, Husk is very orange and round to me, he’s like a really chubby cat that you flip over in the bed and smack their belly and kiss em. He also kinda reminds me of Tigerstar from Warriors but like if he was a more morally correct person. Kind of. I removed all of the red from Husk and replaced it with little motifs of orange and brown like in his ears, his eyebrows, wings, and the little patch on his snout. For his wings I tried to base them around a Brown Thrasher because they fit the colour I needed and they’re very defensive birds which is a trait I’d like to see in Husk more. Seeing him protecting others with his wings in Episode 8 was a very cute touch and I want more of that. Oh and the little orange bit on his snout was based on one of my old cats named Whiskey and I thought that was fitting cause yknow. Whiskey. 🥃. Also it’s cute!
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Part of Husk’s orange colouration also falls under some inspiration I received from @bluehazardanonymous whom you may see on my blog again. But they sent me a very interesting colour chart and it made my brain go funny
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Husk’s design has a lot of orange, yellow, and small hints of red like his undone bowtie and hat band/ace of hearts card. The orange for gluttony is mostly related to alcohol and such, meanwhile the yellow in his eyes, shirt patch, and on the button on his hat are to show greed from things like gambling and possible leftovers from being an overlord. I don’t think you can just go from being all powerful to some random bartender and NOT have some kind of thirst for power right???? That also bleeds into the red parts (haha cause blood red) to keep his design on the warm side and have a little bit of anger in there.
His clothes are also supposed to look a bit sloppy and kinda sad cause I mean. He is. But they are also all relatively formal items of clothing. By the way I’m never drawing this guy shirtless, sorry you need to beg and pay for that/j
Now for Angel. With Angel being pink-ish and how I usually draw the rest of Hell, I try to make Hell more gross looking and greenish/sickly, generally unpleasant, so that Angel is more eye catching and pops out more like a celebrity would. A lot of the cast in my head is more orange/maroon coloured, not a lot of pink or salmon colours. Of course pink is under lust on the colour wheel, but I personally don’t like chalking Angel up to just his job, nor do i really like using “true” pink. I always keep him in this range:
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Also that white is not for him it’s for other things, I always make him a cream-ish colour. I like pink with red undertones always, especially for Angel. It shows his job very blatantly if you take a simple glance at him, but if you’re nuts like me and colour pick from these that I use, you’ll see a lot of them are closer to red, rather than the bright pink-ish-purple colour for lust. And also closer to his original more purple design!
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I think it goes without saying that Angel has a lot of pent up anger and frustration that he hides with his persona and humour, and I think trying to show some of that in his colours is a lot more interesting than just haha pink gay spider. I dunno.
Also I thought these little cowlick flip thingies on the side were really cute
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I was originally going to make the sign in the back purple since that’s usually the colour of most XXX signs in Hazbin, but the yellow makes everything else look a lot more dingy and gross while still being bright and I love that. Also the yellow is kind of a shallow jab of my own at the adult entertainment industry, a lot of this stuff is just people being exploited for money but I will go on a tangent about this if I don’t shift topic!! Anyway. A lot of the background isn’t super visible, but based on the colours I was kinda going for a more envy & wrath & greed section of the pride ring. Just seems like a good place to smoke. The rain doesn’t hold much symbolism to it but it is there to make the area seem more unpleasant. Yknow how it rains sometimes and the sewage in the street comes up? Like that.
Im really happy with a bunch of stuff in this art. 10 hours, 184+ layers, and 11751 strokes is probably the most I have ever done for.. anything????? Even if you don’t like the art I hope you appreciate the long rant LOL
Be sure to have a good day and drink something ‼️
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luckyfrogtarot · 1 year
Pick a SKZ pair
The dynamic between you and your future person
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Pile 1: Hanlix
You: You’re more of the Han in this relationship. A dreamer and a hopeless romantic. You might even wear your heart on you sleeve. As much as you try to hide your emotions people can tell you have a depth to you. You could pretend to be cool or mysterious but deep down you’re more sensitive and emotional. You’re artistic or creative or even intuitive and either you’re developing those traits at the moment or you’ve reached a point where you feel really secure in that. You’re someone who might go through hardship(s) and yet you can still see that there is peace waiting for you if you just keep going. I heard “just keep swimming” like Dory. Your optimism might lead you to joke in moments that are serious to try and diffuse any tense feelings.
The dynamic between you two:I’m sensing that for some of you, you don’t know this person yet and you’re waiting for them to come into your life. For others you already know who this is, they could even be a friend and you’re just waiting for them to make a move. Either way I’m seeing someone impatiently watching a clock as the hands turn in slow motion. Once you two are together though you will definitely spend a lot of time together. The mundane will be important, you guys might grocery shop together or go to the dmv together. Things that are considered “boring” or “tedious” you’ll have to work through. There is a sense of commitment both in a financial sense and in a happy way too. You’ll be so stable and happy that sometimes you might even worry if you have a healthy attachment to this person. As long as you two value your alone time, you’ll be fine!
Them: They are someone who is cheerful in a genuine way. When they smile it genuinely reaches their eyes. They’re someone who could have a sweet tooth. I’m seeing someone who could bake and/or cook. They have sixth sense with cooking and baking like a grandma. They don’t measure they just eyeball the ingredients and it works better for them. They are rather feminine and soft independent of gender. They also value growth a lot. They are someone who likes to change and grow for the better. Sometimes though they do push themselves a little too hard. I do see that they will want to push you a bit, it will be gentle and with the intention of seeing you be the best version of yourself in the relationship and out of it. They will also grow and learn in the relationship along with you.
Pile 2: Seungbin
You:You’re probably someone who is young or feels young and youthful. You could be young in age or young in a certain field you’ve entered. You could be a bit naive or just come off that way. I’m seeing it’s more that you just like to come off that way. You could have gone through a period where you felt like you’re mind was playing games with you or someone else was. You felt as if whatever it is you or someone else was telling you was true and that caused you anxiety and to close yourself up quite a bit. This impacted you so much that I’m getting this time of your life and not so much your personality. Someone close to you could have also broken your trust. You could be leaving this behind at the moment and that’s why you feel like you have a fresh start and so you feel hopeful again. It’s possible that’s also where the young feeling is coming from. The little I do see of your personality is that you’re for the most part a rather joyous and refreshing person.
The dynamic between you two: You two have opposite aesthetics, one might wear lighter clothes and the other might just wear black all the time. I’m seeing like light academia, almost angelic for one person and then alt aesthetic for the other. There are cards that indicate that this person will really need to work hard to gain your trust. While you on the other hand will need to learn to let your guard down a bit. This person might approach you and seem too good to be true or the opposite you might think you see red flags in this person. For example they might buy you something nice or even a little luxurious and to them it’s a way to show that they like you. But you at the time could take it as them trying to manipulate you to like them with gifts instead of building trust with you. This won’t be a red flag from them, it’ll just be that you don’t know each other too well. (Please exercise caution if you feel unsafe with someone that is definitely not who you are meant to be with). You and this person might just actually have different ways of showing how you care about each other. Once the relationship is established though I’m seeing you’ll work well, there just needs to be some trust built first.
Them: This person will definitely be mature or seem mature in the sense that they have money and they are smart. They could have a round or bunny like face. Nonetheless they definitely are very Changbin like, they could have gone through a time where they struggled with their self esteem and their physical appearance. You’ll find them attractive though and it seems that by the time you two meet they’ll feel more confident. Eyebrows could be very prominent and obvious or they shape the person’s face. They are either really luck with money or they have extra money to spend. They’ll definitely like to spoil you, I did hear daddy vibes (😅 I don’t personally like that phrase) but they do want to treat you like royalty. It doesn’t matter what gender they are, they’ll definitely like to pay for your things or for food if you go out to lunch or dinner. Could be that their the one that carries the relationship, but don’t be fooled they are very soft for you. They’ll probably usually look at you like 🥺 while everyone else gets a regular look or stare.
Pile 3: Hyunin
You: You have black cat energy for sure. There are three black cats in this reading and right before this reading I saw a black cat outside. You could seem judgmental or serious when people meet you, but I’m sensing it’s just that you take your private life very seriously and not just anyone can enter your space so easily. You’re someone whose worked hard to be where you are, you could be very smart and/or very driven. You’re grades are good or you do really well in your career/job. You could also have a good eye for seeing who you trust and who you don’t, that’s why some see you as “judgmental”. Although the way I see it, there’s nothing wrong with making sure that you only surround yourself with people who are on the same wavelength as you. Although sometimes you could perceive someone wrong or too quickly. Not usually though, you’re very good at this. Underneath all of that you could have a good balance of happiness or pride (in a good way) and some emotional intelligence. You’re good at manifesting the things you want in life and you take opportunities that are handed to you. “You get shit done” is what I hear.
The dynamic between you: You two could meet in a rather tense time and a time where neither of you, especially you, won’t like the other person. They might not be a bad person, but you could meet at a party and they could drink or drink a little more than usual that day and you could not like that. Either because you dislike drinking in general or because they were too drunk that day. You could quickly dismiss this person as being a potential partner due to this. You’re mentality at the time will be black and white and won’t allow for mistakes. Usually you could be someone who has a “three strikes and you’re out” rule and when you meet this person they’ll either strike out or you might see one strike as reason enough to push them away. I’m hearing you think “ugh this person gets on my nerves”. I’m getting pride and prejudice vibes and you’re Elizabeth and this other person is Mr.Darcy. Judgement is definitely clouding your perception of this person. As well as this person isn’t normally like this, they are simply reacting to an unfortunate moment in their life.
Them: I’m getting that they’re someone whose going through an unlucky moment right now. They’re moving away from something or someone, something they were committed to. For some of them they are moving away from a significant other or even a spouse if they’re old enough to get married. While others I’m sensing are moving away from a dream, a job, or a career. Either way they feel burnout and unlucky at the moment, luckily it will only be for a moment and there is hope that they will feel better later. I do think that when you two meet they might not be completely over this situation and that is why I’m picking this up so strongly and so will you. They’ll have their eye on you, but won’t make a move quickly because they have a lot to juggle around and to think about. They can and will be committed once they’re in a relationship though.
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mx-pastelwriting · 3 months
Store Credit
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Lee Russell x GN! Reader
Summary: Returning something for a friend leads to a coffee date with the store's regional manager.
Warnings: Fluff, Compliments, Asking out
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The distant smell of pretzels, candy, and books filled your nose while walking in the mall, which echoed with people’s conversations. Not wanting to stay any longer in the cold mall, you rushed to Apricot Lanes.
Turning into the store, hearing the faint music accompanied by bright lights that showed off the merchandise. Quickly making it to the counter, being the next in line allows you to take time to look around at the store to see if anything catches your eye.
“I can help you over here,” a man's voice caused you to look over, meeting the man's smile as he stood behind the counter. Stepping up putting the clothing item on it, “Hello, I just need to return this,” you say, making him look down, allowing you to look over the man, noticing his frosted tipped hair accompanied by handsome hazel eyes.
“Do you have the receipt?” He asks, snapping out of your thoughts, “Oh yes,” quickly pulling out the receipt then handing it to him. Happily taking it to quickly scan it.
“Was there anything wrong with it? I can’t see why this wouldn’t look good on you,” Asking as he worked with the computer before turning to you. “Oh, I don’t know; I’m just doing this for a friend,” you answer, a bit stunned at his comment.
“Well, isn’t that nice of you. Did you want a cash return or store credit?” Still keeping his eyes on you, feeling them scan, “Store credit, please.” Without another word, he put something in, then handed you a card with the boutique's logo on it.
“Thank you” taking the cards touching his fingers. “You know there’s a small coffee place down a few shops.” His random statement catches you just before taking off, planting yourself to hear his next words.
“I just heard they’re good. If you wanted to check them out,” Seeing him realize the ridiculousness of his words, but you led on. “Sounds good; you’ll have to show me sometime.” Your words make him perk up.
"How about tomorrow at nine?" he asks, pushing the led a bit further, taking it happily. You respond, "Nine work, see you there, Lee," walking off, leaving him stunned before quickly looking down at his name tag, realizing how you knew his name.
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Hello, I hope you enjoyed if there is any grammar mistakes or misspellings sorry about that feel free to let me know in the comments, have a great day/afternoon/night!
𝙏𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩: @danveration @writtenbyhollywood
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typicalopposite · 2 months
𝙴𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝙸 𝚃𝚛𝚢 𝚃𝚘 𝙵𝚕𝚢 (𝙸 𝙵𝚊𝚕𝚕)
BuckTommy Fic | M | Chapter 2/? | 5817 words
Prologue | Chapter 1 | ao3
I also made a Tommy Begins-esque tumblr story a little while back which ties into this fic, and since it won’t be added directly to the story I’ll share it here (killing two ideas with one fic… if you will 😂)
Parts: one | two | three | four of the backstory
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚘: 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚑𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚜𝚝… 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚋𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚜𝚘 𝚌𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎
As soon as Tommy pulls Buck’s front door closed, every ounce of anger, all the annoyance, the jealousy—everything his mind had been so desperately clinging to up until this moment—dissipates. He doesn’t know what makes him feel worse: Tommy’s lack of anger that Buck had gone through such great lengths to uncover his past, Tommy not fighting him on the break up (regardless of the tears in his eyes, and the hurt on his face saying he desperately wanted to), or Tommy calling him Buck. 
Or, maybe they’re all equally combined in making it so the second that latch clicks, and he hears Tommy’s footsteps fade off down the hall, he immediately regrets everything. 
The intensity of it surges through his body and overstimulates him. He stands in the middle of his loft while the reality of what just happened—what he’s just done—comes crashing down onto him. He wants to scream, but he can’t breathe. He wants to chase after Tommy, but his feet are cemented to the floor. He squeezes his eyes shut, pinches his arm as hard as he can, and hopes this is just a nightmare and he will open his eyes, and have woken up. 
Instead, when he opens them all he sees is the closed front door. When he finally manages to break them away from that, he sees the flowers, the wine, and the card… He grips his phone in his hands… his fingers are already itching to call Tommy so he can beg him to come back. It was never supposed to come to this. Sure, he was upset… but not relationship ending upset. 
He feels so stupid, and hot-headed… he feels like an asshole… He feels like he definitely doesn’t deserve another second chance, or forgiveness for his once again loose and hurtful lips. Maybe that’s why he doesn’t call, and instead just goes back upstairs, and collapses onto his bed. 
He doesn’t think he really deserves to succumb to the tears building in his eyes, because he did this to himself; but if he does cry it out… at least the exhaustion it will bring might help him fall asleep. He needs to sleep; he has work in the morning. He doesn’t sleep, though. He just lays, curled around his pillow, and spends the night going through all of the pictures of them. 
What was supposed to be years, and years and years spent growing old together… now will only exist as yearly memories. 
Before he knows it his alarms are going off and he has no choice but to drag himself back out of bed. A pot of coffee, black, and an ice cold shower… do nothing to help the exhaustion. He doesn’t even change clothes before sulking out of his loft and down to his Jeep. The drive to the station feels like it takes an eternity. His head has never hurt this bad in his life. Not to mention…
…he now has to tell everyone he ended things with Tommy.
A new wave of dread, nausea, and exhaustion wash over him, and the amount of energy it feels like it is going to take to make himself get out and go face the music is far too great. He considers just driving back home; Bobby would understand.
“S’up Buck!” Eddie says, slapping the hood of the Jeep. Buck jumps so hard it causes Eddie to jump, too. “Whoa, you okay?” Buck looks out the window blinking slowly—because he is too tired to do much else—until Eddie starts to look concerned. 
“I– I’m fine,” Buck lies. “Just… tired.” 
“Tommy told me he was heading over there after his shift…” Eddie says, Buck tenses up, dreading talking about it. “The hell did he do when he got—You know what… I don’t want to know.” Eddie’s face relaxes back into his warm, bright smile—which has finally returned after months of it being nonexistent or just plain forced during everything that happened with Christopher. What’s Buck supposed to do, ruin that with his self-inflicted drama. 
So Buck just goes along with it. He slaps on his best, cheesy, classic Evan “Buck” Buckley smile, laughs at Eddie’s discomfort from the images he put in his own head, and tosses all his woes and regrets into the negative thoughts bin.  He tiptoes around any mention of Tommy, he says the bare minimum when he must, he lies where it is necessary… 
He goes on about his day as if nothing—no major life-altering thing—has happened, and he makes it to the end of his shift managing to leave the team none the wiser about his relationship status. 
He does this for a week. 
Everyone has lives, and their lives are busy, so he plays on that and keeps them talking about themselves instead of him. Apparently Tommy isn’t too keen on sharing the news of their break up either, because he doesn’t mention it to Eddie or Chimney during their game on Thursday. Buck wonders how long he can avoid it; logically, as he gets back into his regular clothes (trying to not look at the picture of him and Tommy hanging up on the inside of the door he hasn’t been able to take down yet) he tells himself this was the last day. He hasn’t spoken to Tommy—not that he thinks Tommy wants to speak to him—and he hasn’t been able to get the courage up to reach out himself. He decides to break the news when he comes back to work. 
“What are you and Tommy doing tonight?” Chimney asks, stopping Buck just as he reaches his Jeep. Buck can feel the color drain from his face, so he keeps his back to him for a moment to compose himself. At least he remembers Tommy’s schedule for the near future so he is able to get out of whatever this invitation is with: “Oh—uh—actually Tommy has a shift today.” 
“I thought he said he was taking a couple days off,” Eddie interrupts. Buck is sure he looks like a deer caught in the headlights. His brain sputters to a stop rather than working on a back up plan, but before he is sure he has to come clean, Eddie snaps his fingers; “No wait, that’s right. He said he was taking time off after this shift.” 
“So you two finally have snagged a few days off together, then?” Hen chimes in, joining them at Buck’s Jeep. “He planning on taking you up to meet Mrs. K, yet?” 
Chimney lets out a dramatic Ooo; he nudges Buck with his elbow. “Those are the big steps, Buckley.” 
Buck tries not to react. 
They had made plans to take a trip up to NorCal to visit Tommy’s mom actually; before… everything. Buck has only spoken to her on the phone—never FaceTimed because she’s older and doesn’t like smart phones—because they were taking it slow. Tommy didn’t want to rush bringing Buck home to his mother; Buck didn’t push, his nerves always in hyperdrive at the thought of her not thinking he was good enough for her baby. 
Tommy’s an only child, and they are extremely close. It was such a big deal to him for her to meet Buck. Tommy swore she already loved him, and she made it seem as such the few times they had spoken. That’s all unimportant now, though… 
“Yeah— yeah, I know… right?” Buck says, a nervous (very unconvincing) laugh bubbling out of him. “We’re definitely taking some… big— big steps on our time off.”
Chimney narrows his eyes, and Buck is certain he is about to start asking questions. “I feel like this just pivoted into sexual territory,” he says, and Buck has to force himself to not sigh in relief. “And I’d very much love to not go there… so changing the subject—”
“Yeah, great… let’s do that,” Buck blurts before he can stop himself, nervously shoving his hands down into his pockets. 
“Uh huh,” Chimney says. “So anyway, do you have plans tonight?” 
Buck should say no. He should go home and get his head straight about all of this… he should consider calling Tommy… and if he decides to not—if he decides to stay broken up—he should figure out how he’s going to tell everyone. “I’m free,” he says instead. 
The bar is noisy and packed; it’s definitely doing wonders for Buck’s already pounding headache. He has to squint his eyes at the brightness of the dimmed lights just to navigate his way towards the table Chimney is frantically waving him over from. “Hey! You made it,” he says, moving further into the booth so Buck can sit. “Everyone else should be here soon.”
“Cool,” Buck replies. “Cool, cool, cool…” He swallows around the nausea that everything—the lack of sleep, the pounding headache, the entire situation—is causing. A young bubbly waitress comes up, pad waiting to take his drink order. “Water,” he tells her, and that’s enough to get Chimney curious. 
“You ok?” 
“Uh— uhm— yeah, I’m fine. Why?” Chimney cocks a brow, Buck knows why. “It’s just… I think I’m coming down with something,” he lies. “Figure I should avoid making it worse with alcohol.” 
Chimney keeps eyeing him like he’s not buying it, but Hen and Ravi thankfully walk in to distract him. Of course the distraction is short lived because both of them question his glass of water the second the waitress sits it down in front of him. “He says he’s sick,” Chimney fills them in.
“Buck’s sick?” Eddie asks, joining them. He furrows his brows at Buck, concerned. 
“I’m fine!” Buck manages to laugh. “I just feel like I could be catching something.”
“Keep it to yourself please,” Ravi says, letting Hen in before him so he’s furthest from Buck. “I can’t afford to get sick!”
Buck sighs, taking a sip from his water, and looks around the bar. “Is Bobby coming?” 
“Nah he and ‘Thena have the house to themselves tonight,” Hen replies. 
“Oh god… I don’t even want to think about what they’re doing,” Ravi quickly says, cringing. Everyone agrees. Buck kind of feels a little bit better. 
That is until he sees an oh too familiar body slump down on a stool up at the bar. What the hell… he thinks, as he watches Tommy order a drink from the bartender. No one else knows he’s there; the booth they’re in isn’t facing the bar… Buck was just looking around and happened to see him, and since he has not looked in their direction since Buck spotted him it’s likely he doesn’t know they are there either. 
So back to Buck’s original thought; what the hell… is Tommy doing here? He was supposed to have a shift… not that he owes Buck an explanation of his whereabouts… but still. 
Then some guy walks up to the bar, right to the seat beside Tommy; and Tommy looks at him and smiles. It probably shouldn’t make Buck’s blood boil the way it does… but it most definitely does. The next thing he knows he’s out of his seat and walking towards them. He thinks someone at the booth asks where he’s going; he thinks he hears someone ask if that’s Tommy; he thinks he is maybe just overreacting about halfway across the room…
Then Buck is spotted by the guy— he looks up directly at him, and he is very familiar. Buck stalls; it’s Sal. There’s a sudden relief in recognizing the person there with Tommy… not that it matters if he were on a—
Sal says something to Tommy, then grabs his face and kisses him. 
Buck feels like the wind is sucked completely out of him. Tommy jolts away from Sal and frantically turns around, locking eyes with Buck instantly. His eyes go wide and he scrambles to his feet and towards Buck, who is already walking back to the booth as fast as he can. He blinks back his tears and tries to not think about the many eyes on him (most notably from his team). 
Tommy catches him and grabs his arm just before he reaches the booth. “What?!” He snaps, bitterly. 
“You don’t understand— that wasn’t what it looked like!” Tommy cries, he sounds winded, or desperate. Buck is hurt enough (justified or not) that he doesn’t care either way. “Evan, please let me—” 
“Oh,” Buck scoffs. “So now it’s Evan again?” 
Tommy deflates, he lets go of Buck’s arm and stares at the floor. “That was— I’m sorry about that…” he says softly. 
There’s a split second Buck wants to just let it go. He was considering trying to fix things already… This is his chance, and Tommy is willing to talk, but he sees Sal watching them from the bar and the anger comes rushing back. “What’s there to talk about? You don't have to explain yourself, Tommy… it’s not like we’re together anyway, right?” 
“What?!” He hears Hen ask from the booth. 
“Since when,” Eddie adds. 
“Apparently long enough for him to already move on,” Buck says. Sure, it’s petty… but he’s having a hard time making himself care. He grabs his keys off the table, throws some money down towards the tab, and is walking towards the exit… leaving everyone watching after him in confusion. Everyone, of course, except for Tommy who is hot on his heels. 
“Evan, stop…” 
Buck ignores him for the most part, getting all the way to his Jeep before he finally turns around. “No, Tommy, you stop. Stop making excuses… or trying to make me understand. It’s— it’s pointless… I don’t want to hear it.” 
“Then what do you want to hear? I’ll tell you anything you want to hear!” Tommy’s eyes already look red even just under the dim street light. “You’re right, I was way too guarded about my life…” he continues. “So I’ll tell you everything: About Jay, about the army, about my childhood… I don’t care— I can’t— Baby, I have been losing my mind this past week… I can’t live like this—without you. Please…”
Buck feels like his heart is being ripped in two. “You sure seemed like you were living just fine without me in there…” he says, biting his tongue after. 
Tommy covers his face, Buck can hear him sniffling and whimpering behind his hands… he has never seen Tommy like this. It makes him want to grab him and hold him and apologize. He should be the one apologizing! The thought gets shoved back down by the louder, angrier ones. “I’m so sorry, I fucked all this up, I know that. But that was just Sal being an idiot!” Tommy says. “He thought it would make you jealous…” 
“So you let him kiss you to make me jealous?!”
“No! I didn’t know— Evan please…”
“Maybe you should… just stick with Buck,” Buck says. Tommy’s face falls more. He takes a step, his mouth falls open like he’s going to speak. Buck turns back to his Jeep, opens the door and climbs inside. “I’ll— uh… I’ll see you around.” Then he pulls the door closed and jams the key in and takes off, leaving Tommy standing there, dumbfounded. 
He spares one glance in his rearview mirror—catches Tommy just as he pulls a fist back and connects it with the light pole. 
It’s not like Buck has never been through a break up before. He’s been through a few of them, actually. Bad ones… This time shouldn’t be any different.
Except for the fact that there are a plethora of reasons this time is completely different. 
Everyone likes Tommy, for one. He has potentially been Buck’s only partner that not a single person in his life has disliked. His parents even like Tommy. (That is saying so much it makes Buck sick to even think about having to tell them it's over.)
There’s also the little (extremely significant) detail of everyone telling Buck to leave this whole mess Gerrard stirred up alone. Now, Buck has to face the fact that he, in fact, did the exact opposite, then used that as the fuel that ultimately blew up the relationship. 
It shouldn’t have surprised him when everyone tries to tell him maybe he needs to step back and reconsider this decision. It shouldn’t have surprised him when after all was said and out there they seem to sympathize less with Buck and more with Tommy. It really shouldn’t have surprised him—after he walks in to work the next day, and overhears Chimney telling everyone Tommy shattered his hand with that punch—when all eyes turn judgingly onto him. 
Doesn’t make it suck any less that it seems like no one is on his side. 
“Of course I’m on your side,” Maddie says, after he confides this to her. She reaches across the table to squeeze Buck’s hand. “I just want you to be one hundred percent sure this is what you want. I mean… you were so happy together.”
“And then I found out he was hiding stuff from me…”
Maddie’s face shifts, she tries to shift it back but Buck sees. She sighs: “Was he really hiding it from you… or had he just not told you about it… maybe because it was a difficult memory.” 
Buck scoffs and pulls his hand away. “But you’re on my side…” 
Surprisingly Maddie’s face doesn’t soften. “That’s not fair,” she says. “I can be on your side, and still point out the flaws in your reasoning, Buck.” 
And even if he wants to argue with that, he can’t. 
Hen and Chimney haven’t necessarily been avoiding him at work, but they haven’t necessarily tried to stop Buck from avoiding them—like they normally would—which tells him all he needs to know about where they stand. Eddie has remained neutral, but in remaining neutral he has distanced himself from them both. (Well… he has definitely distanced himself from Buck.) Bobby gives Buck that worried papa bear look everytime he sees him, but he pointedly doesn’t bring it up… 
Ravi is— At least Ravi is still Ravi. He blurts out needing to call in air support when they are at difficult fires. He asks if Tommy is still available for car problems, given everything… He asks when they are all going out again—Buck included—as if anyone wants to be around Buck at the moment. 
Regardless… Buck would have never guessed when the Buckley-Kinard divorce era finally happened (maybe a part of him always planned on this ending, like his relationships always do…) Tommy would be the one to be granted custody of the 118 family… his family. 
That jealousy that had taken root inside of him from Jay, begins to grow and blossom; logically Buck knows the rage he feels from it should be aimed at himself, but instead he turns it outward. He projects onto everyone around him who clearly sees Tommy as the fan favorite. Clearly no one wants to see Buck’s side of the story… Clearly they don’t care about him as much as they used to act like they did…
Clearly he is reaching. Logically he knows this. Unfortunately he is too lost in his own head to stop himself. 
Then the 217 starts to reach out. 
It’s about a week after the blow up at the bar. First, it’s a call from Lucy, asking him—demanding him, really—to talk to Tommy. “He’s a wreck, dude… just— I don’t know… Just consider hearing him out?” 
“Hear him out about what?” Buck snaps back. 
“About all of it! God damn, Buck, do you even fully know what you’re mad at him about?!” 
“I— what— what the hell is that supposed to mean? Of course I do!” 
She laughs, actually laughs at him and hangs up. 
Next it’s an older pilot, James McCarty, who comes into the station requesting to speak to the kid. He just wants him to know Tommy is starting to slack at work. He’s getting careless. Buck looks from McCarty to the team eavesdropping from upstairs. He feels his face heat up. “What am I supposed to do about that…” he asks, trying to ignore how bitter and petty he sounds. 
“Look, kid, maybe whatever you two had was one-sided… I’m letting you know what’s going on.” Buck tenses his jaw, pushes back the bile that statement brings, and how it reminds him of what he said to Tommy about Jay. “I guess I just figured he meant a little more to you than that, maybe I was wrong.” 
Buck itches to correct him, instead he stands firmly planted in place and watches him turn and leave. 
When reaching out to Buck gets them nowhere the 217 starts reaching out to the 118… and then the 118 starts trying to convince Buck to talk to Tommy; which only makes the anger grow despite the little voice in the back of Buck’s head telling him maybe he should listen to them. 
“Why are you acting so childish about this, Buck?” Hen blocks the exit to the lockers when he groans and tries to leave. “Stop getting so defensive, no one is attacking you… It’s a legitimate question.” 
“I really don’t want to do this, Hen…” Buck says. He crosses his arms tightly over his chest and leans back into his locker. Hen gives him that look; she’s not backing down either… they might be here a while. “I told you what I found,” he tries, and her glare intensifies. It’s true, in a last ditch effort to not be painted the bad guy in this Buck told them everything he found—ignored how grimey it made him feel to bring up Tommy’s personal business—and just stood there waiting for them to jump ship. It didn’t happen, of course… 
“Buck, all that proves is that you went digging for something to be mad about,” Hen sighs. “Look… I get it, okay? I’ve been there… feeling like you’re doomed to be unhappy in love… and then you find someone who is different. Someone who is good, and honest, and just too perfect to be real. So what do you do? You sit and wait for it to go south… and when it doesn’t you end up sending it there yourself.” Buck shifts his feet, looks at his hands instead of Hen… so maybe she won’t be able to read him like an open book… so maybe she can’t tell he knows she’s right. “Buck, you remember when you asked me what I thought the secret to happiness was?” Buck finally looks at her… “I really thought—I’d hoped you’d finally figured it out…” Then she’s gone, and Buck is left with that to weigh on his mind the rest of the night. 
It’s still on his mind when he walks back into the station for his next shift. 
Everyone is gathered around the engines, looking up to the second floor; to where Bobby and the captain of the 217 are having a very serious looking conversation. “What’s going on?” Buck asks, about ninety percent certain that conversation is about him. Everyone looks at him, no one says anything.
“Buck,” Bobby calls down, both men now looking at him. “In my office.” 
Captain Collier says something to Bobby then turns and starts down the stairs, eyes remaining fixed on Buck until he feels like he might come out of his skin if he doesn’t get away from them. He pushes through the small crowd and goes into Bobby’s office to wait. Bobby barks for everyone to stop being nosey; he sounds pissed… Buck dreads this conversation. 
Bobby walks in, shuts the door behind him, and slowly crosses the room to his desk. He sighs as he drops down into the seat, and motions for Buck to do the same in the chair in front of him. “I’m sure you already know what that was about,” Bobby starts, running his hands over his eyes tiredly. Buck nods. “Listen kid, I’m not about to tell you what to do; I can’t demand you go talk to Tommy. I do, however, think you should.” 
“Cap I—” 
Bobby throws a hand up, and Buck snaps his mouth shut. “Look I don’t know the full story, and it's not my business. I don’t want to play favorites; I’m not here to take sides. If you don’t want to be with Tommy… don’t be with him. I’ll set my opinion on that to the side and let you be a grown up and make your own decision. But Tommy is not the only one who needs closure from this; you do too, Buck.” 
“What— what do you mean?” 
“You’re letting this drive a wedge between you and your team,” Bobby says. “You have to have each other's backs out there and you are barely speaking to any of them.” Buck goes to say it’s more they aren’t speaking to him, but is met with Bobby’s raised hand again. “I want you to consider talking to him…”
Buck fidgets in the chair. “I doubt he wants to—”
“Buck stop… if Tommy didn’t want to talk to you he wouldn’t be grieving this hard over losing you.” 
“He— he’s grieving…” Buck says quietly. 
The look Bobby gives him is almost comical; it's so exhaustive. “Have you just been tuning everyone out who’s been trying to tell you that, kid?” 
Buck shrugs; he kind of has. “I don’t know why he’s grieving me.” 
Bobby groans: “I really didn’t want to get in the middle of this,” he mutters, before pushing himself to his feet and walking around the desk. “You ever think it could have something to do with him loving you? Or maybe that you actually do matter to him.” Bobby sighs. “You know… I was so happy to see you grow up in this relationship, given your history… but it seems like maybe it got a little bit too real— too serious— too grown up. So you turned and started running in the other direction ” 
“But— But he—”
“He what, Buck? Didn’t tell you about something from his past.” Bobby crosses his arms and sits on his desk. “Look, kid, just because you have no problem over sharing doesn’t mean everyone can. Sometimes things are too big, they hurt too bad… Did you ever think maybe he was planning on telling you one day? Bottom line is he didn’t owe you that information… and you let it sit and fester until it turned into a problem… and rather than fix it you got mad that people called you out on it.”
“Wh- what about him kissing Sal… he seemed to have moved on pretty���” 
“Again… did you even stop to think maybe you had it wrong?” Buck falters; he did think that… he didn’t really dwell on the thought long though. “Chimney said Tommy talked to them after you stormed out. It turns out Sal was in town, so Tommy took off a day earlier than he was going to, to catch up. He confided in Sal about the break up, and Sal suggested going out for drinks… Sal saw you were there, and thought maybe if he gave you a little competition… you would get jealous and take Tommy back.” 
Buck is… confused, if not dumbfounded… but mostly confused. “Kind of a bold move,” he says more to himself, but Bobby still laughs. 
“Yeah Sal’s good for making some questionable heat of the moment decisions…” Bobby says with a sarcastic laugh. “Kind of reminds me of someone, actually.” 
Buck can feel his cheeks heating up. “So— so your saying I should try to fix this?”
“I’m saying you should take a moment and look at this whole situation. Then do what you feel like needs to be done… whatever that may be.” He tells Buck to go home, and to take a couple days to get this figured out; that he wants it resolved and for Buck to have a clear head (and hopefully Tommy will too) when he comes back to work. 
Buck reluctantly agrees, and leaves, trying to avoid everyone and their curious judgmental stares as he walks out of the station. He climbs into his Jeep, feeling every bit like the terrible person he’s sure everyone thinks he is—feeling like he definitely deserves to feel like it, too. 
Buck spends most of the morning trying to work up the courage to call Tommy. It’s past noon before he finally manages it. The call goes straight to voicemail. He waits an hour and tries again. Again, straight to voicemail. Buck groans and collapses on his bed. Maybe he should just go over there…
Of course, Tommy’s not home. 
Buck contemplates just sending a text for him to call after he gets off… except when he gets back in his Jeep he drives straight to Harbor. He’s met out in the lot by Collier. “Damn, that was quick,” he laughs. “If I’d have known Nash would be able to get you over here that fast I’d have come to him to begin with.” 
“Uh… yeah, well…” Buck feels like his face is on fire. “Is— Is Tommy here?”
“Should be back soon,” Collier replies. “He is flying over Angeles Forest; got some calls about a possible fire… a ground crew already checked it out, we’re just following up. You’re more than welcome to wait for him here,” he offers. 
Buck should say no, if the glares around the station give any indication how the time will be spent… “Uh, yeah— yeah, sure, that would be… great,” he says instead.
Collier leads him into the station, towards where Lucy and Morris are sitting. The two are watching him and whispering to each other instead of their usual greetings—teasing jokes about how much Tommy talks their ears off about him. “I’ll let him know you’re here,” Collier says, gesturing for Buck to sit on the couch; both firefighters get up and leave the area as he does. 
Not even an hour passes before Buck is too antsy, awkward, and annoyed to stay seated. 
He goes to Collier’s office, knocks, and pushes the door open. “Hey listen I’m just gonna—”
Like a mirror of Bobby, Collier throws a hand up, silencing Buck. “Are we certain this isn’t a prank call,” he says into the phone, before lifting his walkie to his mouth and panickedly radioing Tommy, only to get no answer. “I understand— it’s just that I recently spoke to him, ma’am.” Buck wonders if Collier told Tommy he was at the station. “I want to be sure they are positive they saw a helicopter go down—” is the last thing Buck hears. 
Then he is moving. 
Away from Collier’s office, out of the station, across the lot to his Jeep. He doesn’t even put his seat belt on before he is driving in the direction of Angeles Forest. 
Buck throws the Jeep into park at the edge of the forest; doesn’t even lock it and slams the door closed behind him. He doesn’t even know what direction to go in. He doesn’t even know if they saw it go down in this forest, or in a forest at all… he just knows he has to find Tommy. 
He is running blind, he knows that. The forest is massive and his chances of getting lost are far higher than his chances of actually finding Tommy. 
But he has to try. 
He runs until he loses track of which way he’s going, or where he’s already been. Until the land is no longer flat that he is running on, and he is leaping over fallen trees and boulders and brush. Until his legs—specifically his bad leg—are burning and aching and ready to give out… but then he just pushes himself to run faster. 
And as if by some miracle… he finds the helicopter.
Off a little ways in the distance—just as Buck is almost ready to give up hope… or at least slow down for the sake of his legs—he spots it. Part of the propeller is broken off, the front window is busted out, the tail is snapped in half… and it’s caught between two trees, about thirty feet above the ground. “Oh god…” Buck gasps, faltering his running to take in the sight. The helicopter is tilting and the door has fallen open. “Tommy.” 
He is hunched over, seemingly unconscious… possibly worse—Buck can’t let his mind go there, not yet. He has to stay focused because Tommy is literally hanging out of the open door. All that is holding him in is a single strap across his chest.
Buck tries to pick up speed, but his legs are so tired; too tired. He screams at them—at himself—to go, move, run faster. He has to get to Tommy. He has to save him. He has no idea how… but he has to. 
“I— I’m coming!” He calls out to him, doubtful that it’s heard; between the noises all around them, and the fact that Tommy doesn’t appear to be alert, Buck is sure he doesn’t hear—
Tommy moves.
He groans.
“T- Tommy,” Buck gasps, barely above a whisper. He thinks there’s no way he is heard that time but still Tommy’s head lifts, his eyes instantly meet with Buck’s. His face is covered in blood and so swollen that one eye is completely closed; and yet he smiles. He looks directly at Buck and even from the distance Buck still is away from him, he can see the wave of relief that seems to wash over Tommy. Like just seeing Buck has made what is an incredibly dire situation into a simple walk in the park. 
He shifts his body, and the helicopter creaks. The limit that the tension being put on the belt can take is being tested. “T- Tommy! Tommy, don't move!” Buck screams; reality rushing back to him as he tries again to somehow get more momentum into his now limping feet so he gets there faster. 
“E- Evan…” Tommy calls out to him, and Buck suddenly loves his name. He swears he will call and thank his parents for giving him that name and even allow them to use it again. If he can just reach the trees and get Tommy out safe. 
Buck mentally pleads with his legs to move faster. He has no idea what he’s going to do; he will climb up to him if he has to, crawl across the wrecked helicopter and then carry Tommy down on his back… if that’s what it takes. He doesn’t care. He will do anything.
He’s so close. 
There’s another creak. 
A snap. 
The belt suddenly goes slack. 
It no longer matters how fast Buck runs… there is nothing he can do. Tommy falls from the helicopter—his hands frantically reaching around, trying to grab something to stop it—and he collides with the ground just as Buck reaches him.
My little tag list for this fic 🫶 @bucksxkinard @30somethingautisticteacher @do-androids-dream-ao3acc @girlwonder-writes … I think that’s everyone (let me know if you want to be added 🫣😂) hope y’all like the next chapter of angst!
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ciitroner · 8 months
I feel like I'd adapt and just accept the situation way fast just cause I don't see any other way? I'd try to make it work for my own mental well-being.
Like I'm unhappy and scared but what am i gonna do? They're big as fuck and there's two of em, and I like being alive rn so like - might as well make the most of it! So ill just decorate the house, bake, or cook, or fuck even paint/draw and just do hobby shit.
I will suck the soul outta both of em if it means they get me a console or a pc to play games on, idc if there's parental controls!! Idc!!
Hey sorry for being a bit inactive, just taking a break is all. I’ll answer all my asks soon enough and then start writing for the robot!könig fic.
You’ll never escape anyway so what’s the point in trying to resist?
That’s what they tell you everyday, and to some extent, it’s true. You don’t know your way back, and your chances of going out into the forest that almost killed you are slim. They’re rude, mean and horrible - as long as you’re a fucking bitch that is. Be a nice little housewife for them and you’ll get everything you’d ever want. Cook and even clean for them, just like your first night there. And maybe if you’re nice enough, they’ll let you finally get back into society.
You’ll live in the prettiest apartment, with a credit card beside you to spend it on whatever you’d like. You already knew they were loaded and to have let you live in that horrid cabin for so long made you greedy. Pots and plants, expensive chairs and tables, etc. Sure, you can buy a pc or a console to play on - and as long as you put it down and give them attention when they get back from work, they’d be happy enough to let you keep it. Don’t believe that they won’t lock you up and take everything from you, so just obey.
Paintings!! They think it’s sooo cute, they hang them up on the walls and smile at it everytime they walk past it. Maybe they wanna try painting as well, although they’re not nearly as great as you, they agree (two against one) to paint you naked. You awkwardly take off your clothes, like you’ve done many times before, and they only get a few brush strokes on the canvas before they get up to get a few brush strokes in you.
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thebluestbluewords · 1 year
pick a card, any card
"Pick a card," Celia Facilier demands. "Let my friends tell your future." 
Mal, crammed in the backseat of the limo on Ben's other side, laughs. "Don't do it, Ben. She's just trying to scam you out of your money." 
Celia's mouth drops open, theatrically scandalized at the accusation. "Moi? I would never, ever try to scam anyone, and I'm hurt you'd say such a thing." 
She's so small. Her hands, on the cards she's fanning out in Ben's face, are bony. She's handling them well, but Ben remembers the feeling of cards too big and too stiff for his childhood hands to manage, and even though Celia is more comfortable with her cards than he's ever been, the strain shows in the way she tilts her hand to manage them all. 
"Sure," Ben says, instead of listening to Mal. His beloved fiancee is wonderful and all, but sometimes she forget that he is, in fact, an adult who is more than capable of making his own decisions.  He loves her so much, and so deeply that it scares him sometimes, but the blind spots that come from growing up on the Isle are weird, and the issues that Mal has with trusting people aren't one of her best qualities, and definitely aren't ones that Ben wants to fall victim to himself. "I'll take one reading of my future, please." 
Celia laughs.
She's so young.
"Tell me what you want to know," the kid in front of him says, reshuffling her cards quicker than the naked eye can follow. "Love advice? Money? Fame and fortune? What's your poison, King of Auradon?" 
"No poison. The drought of love should be sweet." Ben says firmly. "I want to hear about my future love life." 
"Ah." The cards fan out again, and Celia giggles. She sounds like Freddie when she does it, which is weirdly sweet. Not many of the Isle kids will admit to having family, so it's sort of nice when sisters or brothers do something, and they reveal that they're not so different after all. "Sweet it might be, but love can go sour at any moment. Pull one card." 
Ben smiles. "Any card?"
"Not that one!" Celia squawks, wobbling the cards like she's going to jerk her hand back. "Just kidding. You can pull any card you want, but you have to feel it. Let my friends guide you." 
Ben stops. "Feel the cards," he repeats. "Okay. I feel….” He lets his hand hang still for a moment. The cards are worn, or possibly painted to look worn. They look stiff and solid, not like they’re soft and crumbling on the edges despite their worn backs. They don’t feel like much of anything to him, but he’s always been empty of magic. It’s the one thing that his father has always been proud of. 
Magic feeling and the lack thereof thoroughly investigated, Ben wiggles his fingers. One of the cards on the left is sticking out of alignment a bit, so he moves toward that one, and then rests his finger on the card before it. Any changes always have a root cause, so it feels right to pick the card before the odd one out. “This one?” 
Celia lets him pull the card. 
The rest of her deck snaps back together like a fan, and Celia’s hand shoots out, palm up. “Now hand it over. And also, that'll be five dollars, no refunds or exchanges if you don't like my advice after."
"A wise business practice," Ben agrees, shifting so he can pull out his wallet. Five dollars might be a scam on the isle, but it won't get her far in Auradon, and for showmanship and card control alone, she deserves at least double that. "Here you are." 
Celia takes the fifty-dollar note between two fingers, and there's a half-second of hesitation where Ben can see her eyes flickering over the number on the folded bill. They're supposed to be taking her off the isle because of her potential for goodness. Scamming the king out of fifty dollars isn't a very good thing to do, but Ben is remembering right, the isle kids are too proud to ask for money when they need it. And she will need it, because coming over with nothing but the clothes and personal items she can fit in her suitcase isn’t going to be enough. Giving money to the isle kids outright is awkward, and Ben still has a scar on his shoulder from where Mal pulled a knife on him after he tried to buy her a car, but making Celia feel like she’s cheating him for it might be too much of a risk in this case, with her so brand new and unsure of how to fit it. 
"I don't carry anything less than fifty," Ben lies, smiling. "You can give me another reading later, if you're up for it. Call it fair?" 
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Little hc scenario thing:
At one point, the MIHAW contestants all learn that Beau’s birthday is coming up, so they all try to get him a small gift and a card.
A problem comes up when they all realize that none of them actually know how old he’s turning.
Emily gets him a little calico cat plush. She also gets him a card from the store with a cat related joke on the front, and writes a note that says “Happy Birthday Mr Handsome! Not really sure how old you’re turning, so I get to guess to make it fun! I hope you like the cat plush since you mentioned being a cat person. Anyways, happy 25th birthday (I think)”
Phil gets him some new shoes, and instead of buying a card, he just makes on by folding some paper in half. On the inside he writes “Happy Birthday Mr Handsome. I got you some shoes because you mentioned at one point that you like dancing. I’m sorry if they’re not your size. Also, I’d write something more about your birthday, but I don’t actually know how old you are” (miraculously, they’re only slightly to big)
Tommy puts the minimal amount of effort in gift giving. He buys a card from the store that says “Happy 50th Anniversary” on the front, partially as a joke and partially because he doesn’t know how old he is. On the inside he taped a gift card to a random store, and wrote a note that says “Happy Birthday. I don’t really know you, so have some money for some clothes or something. You know what you want more than I do”
When the day comes, they all give Beau the gifts. Beau almost starts crying because while his fame does cause him to get a lot of fan mail and cards, he wasn’t expecting to receive any personal gifts
Edit: None of them were close to his actual age, he’s 38
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thisismeracing · 6 months
bono-schumi kiddo thots - godparents edition
once mick and bon’s f1 family find out they are expecting these people are pulling out their credit cards and buying every possible baby item they can set their hands on
kids mini mercedes car? delivered to their house
cute plush they saw at the store? in hand on the way to the register and holding onto it until they see one of them at the next race
the mercedes amg branded stroller and carseat? toto has shown up to their house in the middle of the night to hand deliver it (babe these are real products i just want you to know)
a shit ton of baby tommy hilfiger clothes that are unreleased? lew is folding them and putting it in the new wardrobe he bought for the nursery, before they even woke up (how did he get in?????? [he has a key])
a handmade crib that seb put hours of love into making? he’s setting it up while lew is folding the clothes
a collection of gina’s cowboy hats from her childhood? making space for them in the closet while lew and seb are doing their thing
and it isnt all monetary (even though they get enough items to fully furnish the nursery and have enough toys and clothes for at least another kid and didnt even have to worry about any of the other baby things because their village got it for them already) [seriously they didnt have to buy a damn thing]
like how susie has come over to either cook for them or drop off a dish she’s made
or how the kimi, nando, jensen, seb, lew, etc. come over one day to paint the nursery the color bon and mick have picked out but just haven’t gotten around to painting because of their busy schedules
or how while most of the guys who came over to help paint (how many of these fuckers actually need to be here in order to paint a single room one color?) val has made bon a cup of tea, and a cup of coffee for him to keep her company while mick supervises the painting session
or how lance and esteban will bring over fresh pastry around brunch time, to help in feeding the growing family
and it’s all a bit too much, but they don’t have the heart to tell them to stop so mick and bon just let their family shower their love on them
and bon is a little bit stressed about the whole “who do we put on paper so if anything happens to us they will be taken care of?” situation, but mick reassures her while they are cuddling in bed that there is no wrong answer and he will support whoever she wants to be godparents to their children, while kissing her gently and while sun fills the room they’re occupying
and they eventually land on a consensus
ellie’s godparents are susie and lew
because for one, little miss eloise is named after susie and lew is just so close to bon and she wants him in her daughter's life as much as he has been for her growing up
toto can be an unofficial godparent and i don't feel bad about that because he absolutely just slots himself into the role of grandpa right next to bono. [adding onto this nando absolutely gets called grandpa/abuelo because bon gets a good laugh each time nando reacts to hearing him being referred to as a grandpa.]
mikey’s godparents are gina a seb
seb because again this kid is named after him, but also because we cant leave seb out of being godparent. mick and bon would not let that slide. and then gina cause they also wont let gina not be godparent, and the fact she is mick's sister and bon's sister in law.
yeah people like lance and esteban are close to them, but these four they hold just a smidge closer. but not all is lost because they are very enthusiastically filling the roles of uncles for eloise and mikey. alongside people like val, kimi, jense, etc.
[okay i think im done, hope this made sense and you liked it <3]
I literally googled "mercedes amg branded stroller" bc I've never seen it before lol kinda cute, toto would def get them one of those
seb building a crib for baby bon is something I can totally see happening and it's such a dear thought to me*teary eyes emoji*
one hundred percent agree and love the godparents choice
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amorest-viesse · 8 months
[Thank You For Your Endless Warmth] - Chloe SSR Card Story Translation
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Ft. Akira and Western wizard cameos
The Flowermist Wonderland With You ~An Invitation for Chloe~ - Chapter 1
[Dining Room]
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For Chloe's birthday, the Western wizards had organized a grand party with the entire manor in attendance.
Once the festivities ended however, only the Western wizards and I remained in the dining hall.
Chloe: Thank you so much for today!
Chloe: The party was absolutely incredible. I didn’t think you’d go so far for me.
Akira: I’m glad that you liked it.
Shylock: Hehe, it’s only natural we would. Everyone adores you after all—myself included.
Murr: Me too—!
Rustica: My beloved apprentice and dear friend, I hope your days from here on will be filled with the most marvelous of memories.
Chloe: Ehehe, I’m so happy right now I don’t want the day to end.
Rustica: There’s no reason why the festivities can’t continue in your dreams as well. However, before heading off to bed, we do have one final present for you.
Rustica: Master Sage, if you please.
Akira: Got it! Happy birthday once again, Chloe.
Akira: To celebrate, please allow me to take you to the Flowermist Wonderland tomorrow.
Chloe: Wow…! Isn’t that the place Shylock inherited from a friend?
Shylock: Indeed. It’s a rather entertaining locale filled with all sorts of attractions to captivate its guests.
Chloe: I knew it! I’ve heard others talking about it before and thought it sounded amazing. I can’t wait to finally go myself!
The Flowermist Wonderland With You ~An Invitation for Chloe~ - Chapter 2
[Chloe’s Room]
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The next day. With the Wonderland invitation in hand, I made my way to Chloe’s room.
Akira: Here you go Chloe. It’s the invitation to the Flowermist Wonderland.
Chloe: It has all my favorite things on it! Did you make this yourself, Master Sage?
Akira: Yep! I wanted to make it as personalized as possible.
Akira: All you have to do is sign your name here and cast your spell. Then a door to the park will open. Shall we try it?
Chloe: Alright! First, I'll write my name, then…
Chloe: <<Suispicibo Voitingoc>>
With a slow creaking sound, the doorway to the Wonderland opened before us. A sweet scent wafted out as mist began to obscure the room.
[Flowermist Wonderland - Day]
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Chloe: Wow…! Those wooden horses are flying! And over there! Are those swings?
As the scenery came into view, Chloe excitedly took in everything around us. As he moved, the beret on his head wobbled, causing him to gasp with a start.
Chloe: Oh, I have a hat! Actually my entire outfit changed!
Akira: Anyone who comes here gets their clothes magically changed. Those colors are so chic; they look perfect on you!
Chloe: Ehehe, really? This is so cool. A brand new outfit just for me!
Chloe twirled around as if examining the swish of his coat. His joy was infectious, and I could feel myself smiling too.
Akira: Let’s get started then! There’s a lot to see, so I’ll lead the way!
With a spring in our steps, we made our way to a row of little wagons. Running up to one of them, Chloe smiled happily.
Chloe: This is amazing! They’re loaded with buttons and fabrics! I’ve never seen anything like this before…!
Akira: This really is like an arts and crafts paradise.
Akira: It seems like everything here has magical properties too.
Chloe: Oh, you're right! That cat embroidery is moving! Its tail is flicking back and forth like it’s about to pounce on something…
Akira: Maybe it’s trying to get that butterfly button…?
Chloe: I bet! …Oh, whoa!! The butterfly is flying away now! Ahaha!!
Chloe’s violet eyes sparkled as he perused the items lined up in the wagons.
Akira: I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself. I just knew I had to take you here as soon as I found this place.
Akira: Since we’re celebrating your birthday, please feel free to choose something you like as a gift.
Chloe: Wow, really!? Thank you so much! That’s incredible!
Chloe: Everything here is so unique, I hardly know what to pick.
Chloe: With all the novelties here, I could create designs I’ve never tried before!
As Chloe scanned the items on the wagons, his expression revealed a surprising amount of deliberation.
Everything he made was filled with such love and care. As I watched his face, I felt like I could see that passionate creator in him, and my chest swelled with emotion.
Akira: Take as much time as you need, alright? Aside from this, there are also wagons with hats and gloves in them.
Chloe: Really! Can we see them too?
Akira: Of course we can!
The Flowermist Wonderland With You ~An Invitation for Chloe~ - Chapter 3
[Flowermist Wonderland - Night]
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As we looked around the wagons, time seemed to pass in the blink of an eye.
Chloe: That was so~ much fun! I can’t believe those shoes started dancing like that.
Akira: They were so lively too! …Oh, there’s the next wagon.
Chloe: Oh, this one has scarves on it! They’re so colorful and pretty.
Chloe: Ah! This is…
Chloe’s eyes settled upon a single scarf covered with pale flowers amongst the countless others in the cart.
Chloe: Hey, doesn’t this scarf remind you of this place?
Akira: It does! The deep blue fabric kind of reminds me of the stars twinkling in the night sky.
Chloe: Right? Isn’t it gorgeous? I think… this is what I want to take.
Chloe reached for the scarf. However, as his fingertips brushed against the fabric, his hand suddenly froze.
Chloe: …
Akira: Chloe? It’s your birthday, so you can take it if you want…
Chloe: …Ah, sorry! I just had a moment there.
Chloe: On second thought… Maybe I don’t need a present after all.
[Ominous music]
Akira: Huh…?
Chloe: Today has already been so amazing! The memories are all I need!
Despite his words, however, his smile seemed a little off.
Akira: If you don’t want to take anything, that’s fine, but…
Akira: …Is something wrong?
Chloe: N- Nothing at all! Really!
Chloe: …Well, maybe I am a little afraid.
Akira: Of what…?
Chloe: Yesterday, the entire manor celebrated my birthday, and today, you took me to this wonderful place…
Chloe: It’s all been going so well that I can’t help but feel like everything will fall apart at some point, like if I wish for anymore, I’ll definitely be punished for it.
Chloe’s smile trembled as he held his hands close to his heart.
As if he was shielding himself.
Chloe: …What if I suddenly wake up and find myself in the cold?
Chloe: And all of these happy memories, celebrations, and friendships were nothing more than a dream? What if it turns out I’ve actually been alone all this time…
Chloe: …Ahaha… I’m sorry. I must sound crazy to you.
Akira: …Not at all. You don’t have to apologize for anything…
I took Chloe’s hands, and held them as they shook ever so slightly.
Akira: …Are your hands warm now?
Chloe: Huh? I mean, yes, they are…
Akira: Then this is proof it isn’t a dream, right? If it was, you wouldn’t be able to feel this warmth.
Chloe: Ah…
Akira: I’ll hold your hands, Chloe. Just like this.
Akira: I’ll hold them so you can trust that yesterday, and today, and all the love you’ve ever received is real.
Chloe’s eyelashes fluttered. Rather than pulling away, he returned my grip.
Chloe: …That’s right… Thank you, Master Sage.
Using one hand to hold mine, Chloe let go with the other and reached for the wagon.
He then carefully picked up the scarf he had once hesitated to touch.
Akira: …Ah… The flower petals are falling…
Gently landing onto the scarf, light-colored flower petals began to rain from the sky.
Akira: (This is the sign that the guests are fully satisfied…)
Before long, the entire area was enveloped in mist.
[Chloe’s Room]
Chloe: Ah… We’re back.
There seemed to be a tinge of disappointment in his voice.
However, upon seeing the scarf in his hand, his lips curved into a smile.
Chloe: …Hey, Master Sage. Do you mind spending a little more time with me?
Chloe: I want to create a matching outfit for this scarf, so I wanna hear your ideas!
As Chloe spread out the scarf, there wasn’t a hint of anxiety left in his bright, glittering eyes.
Akira: Of course I can. I’d be happy to help!
An Exciting Series of Events - Card Episode
[Living Room]
Akira: Your birthday sure was extravagant. I was surprised to find the entire manor decorated from top to bottom as soon as I woke up.
Chloe: Me too! Apparently, Murr did that with magic.
Chloe: The whole day was absolutely amazing from the moment I opened my eyes. The first thing that happened was Murr appearing in my room!
Chloe: He yelled, “Wake up! Wake up! You can’t waste even a second ‘cause your birthday party starts right meow!” and whisked me away.
Akira: Ahaha, that sounds exciting.
Chloe: Right!? Oh speaking of, Shylock’s event really got the crowd going too!
Akira: “Chloe’s Best Designs Rankings” right?
Akira: He listed off all of his favorite outfits, but concluded that they were all number one in the end since every outfit was so amazing.
Chloe: He did, didn’t he… Ehehe, that was so nice!
Chloe: Then, after the party ended, Rustica performed a concert for me. It was just the two of us in the courtyard at midnight.
Akira: Wow, that sounds like a wonderful gift! What kind of song did he play?
Chloe: …He said it was a song wishing for my life to be filled with happiness now and into the future.
Chloe: I was so touched by his warmth and kindness. Just hearing it made my heart feel full.
Akira: That sounds just like Rustica.
Chloe: Yep. It really was an unforgettable night.
Homescreen Voice Line
“Since it’s a special occasion, I want to have confidence in myself today and carry myself with pride. Everyone’s thinking of me after all, and I can feel their care in every word and gift I receive… Everything just makes me so happy! Thank you so much for the wonderful birthday.”
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Alright so pulling this right out of my ass but spider as a child or a toddler spider knowing him he would ran in a room that's off limits but he stole one of the scientist card running from recom and from quaritch in there base since spider is a 16 year old so he is a little trouble maker when spider is running he ran right beside a scientist grabbing there card running in the lab swaps the card running in locking it spider this poor boy the old theme we all know and somewhat love curiosity killed the cat he sees a bottle of blueish with white in it so he grab it and drink it when he put it down he heard the door open in the lab Finley hearing quaritch cussing up a storm walking inside with Lyle spider immediately hide under a table keeping him unseen until he slowly close his eyes the darkness he falling as he thought no he was turned into a toddler quaritch on the right still cussing without a filter Lyle looking around calling for spider until he felt something touch his leg he looked down to see a toddler he and for some reason I can imagine spider calling Lyle like "papa" because he sees Lyle first he would pick up the little spider and walked to miles telling him how he or how spider find him and spider god bless his tiny little soul he calls miles "Dada" what would they do with a toddler spider what if it can't be fix?
Recoms Raising Spider Headcanons
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AHHHHHH 🥰🥰🥰 I love this
A/N: Ok just for plot convince let’s say the effects of the mysterious potion only last 16 days. 1 day=1 year so it takes about 2 weeks for spider to get back to normal. Also we’re just gonna pretend that it reset his hair so no dreads(It still gets long as hell tho)
774 Words
Warnings: fluff, Cussing
@hyperfixatedfandomer @naavispider
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Look at his instincts finding his dad’s 😭. It’s like that one episode in spongebob where him and Patrick have the baby clam (Lyle is the mom✨)
Quaritchs emotions are through the roof😭
1.he’s pissed spider ran off in the first place and on top of that causing more problems by turning into a toddler
2.he’s stressed ASF. Demanding everygod damn scientist in that lab to tell him what’s going on and to fix his boy(they were testing the shit that comes from the tulkans)
3.He’s also kinda emotional tho because he didn’t get to see spider grow up into a teenager and now he has that opportunity.
I like to think spider looked ALOT like quaritch when he was little but as he got older started to look like Paz.
The worst stage
None of the recoms sleep during these days
Spiders sleep schedule is so fucked up from living in the lab
He’s one of those nocturnal toddlers
Sleeps all throughout the day and is up all night
He’s a fast little fucker
Quaritch now understands how he got the name spider
He’ll will look away for one minute and all of the sudden spiders on top of a 8ft recom dresser
They obviously don’t have toddler clothes so he’s just wearing the smallest adult shirt they could find and it’s still huge
I can see them gushing over his curls
He definitely got those from paz
Spiders a bad ass toddler, I’m talking getting in stuff he’s not supposed to, biting, hitting, kicking, spitting, running
At one point Lyle says fuck it and makes a child leash
Despite being a literal demon he’s really clingy
Attached to Lyle and quaritch at the hip
Like quaritch had to go a patrol outside so he left spider with the medbay folks, it broke his heart when he shut the door and heard spiders little feet running to the door crying for dada to come back
He almost called the whole mission off
He definitely holds the recoms tails when following the around
Probably the easiest stage the recoms had to deal with
I mean spider was still a hell spawn but he was more reserved
The recoms were so drained from toddler spider they just shoved a tablet in his face
It worked though
Still really clingy (and quaritch loves it)
Still looks a lot like a mini quaritch
Not as active as they’re used to him being
This I were his ADHD Shines
Quaritch has never seen a kid this hyperactive in both his lifetimes
Like they look up and this boy is 50ft in the air using the pipes on the ceiling as monkey bars
Quaritch nearly dies from many heart attacks during this stage
Spiders finally big enough to fit into the exopacks and go with the recoms on patrol
Y’all remember Trazan 2 where Tazan is a kid yea that’s just spider
Lyle also teachs him to shoot (yk with the guns he can lift)
Spider has absolutely no patience
Annoys the hell out of EVERYONE, nobody’s safe
The tablet technique doesn’t work in this stage because his attention span is to small to focus
Quaritch notices he’s starting to look and act like Paz more
Like spiders hair is starting to get darker and his mother’s attitude is starting to show
Speaking of attitude it gets 10x worse in this stage
The second worst stage
This is the stage quaritch has been dreading since the toddler stage
He’s starting to turn into the spider they kno and love
His hair has now reached his shoulders
Z-dog starts putting Viking braids in his hair
He gets really attached to Z-dog in this stage
They’re the bitchy attitude duo
Literally doesn’t want to cooperate with anyone
Him and quaritch are at each other’s throats
Spiders always hungry and eats ungodly amounts of food
I mean he’s a growing boy
His Navi instincts are coming back to him
Like he disappears for like 15 minutes, all the recoms are panicking, and then spider shows up covered in war paint and mud with like 6 fish on his homemade spear
TEEN STAGE (13-16)
Spiders basically back
When that last day come he barley remembers anything that happened
It’s all like a blur to him
He wakes up pissed on that last day storms into recom meeting “WTF HAPPENED TO MY HAIR!” Cuz yk his dreads are gone
He honestly doesn’t remember most of it but loves listening to the recoms talk about the past 2 weeks
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sugarcryztal · 1 month
Hey! I really like this account and the stuff you have been doing. May I have a SFW romantic CRK, MHA, or Mystic Messenger matchup?
I go by He/Him pronouns and I am gay (MLM). 1 am 5'5" and chubby. I have my hair cut short and plan on dying it soon. I often wear piercings, using only ear piercings. I often wear nice button ups with sweater vests or just horror movie shirts.
I would describe myself as introverted, but not necessarily shy. I am a very blunt person, which has caused some people to like me while others don’t. Though I just prefer to relax alone. I am overly cautious with myself and the people I love due to conditions I have lived with. So, I accidentally come off as too paranoid. I am intelligent and often love literature and media because of it. I am very much an artistic but also a writer.
I like spicy food, world building, fantasy stories, sci-fi settings, coffee, cats, supernatural stuff, RPGs, niche RPGs, TTRPGs (not just d&d), vintage wear, good cooking, taxidermy, rocks, horror movies, horror books, card games, niche history, niche internet cartoons, old rock music, metal music, unique art, stop motion, and anime.
I dislike overly sweet foods, the "I ain't reading all of that" or "it ain't that deep" type of person. anybody who thinks cartoons and/or horror have any real substance to them, minimalism, most romance movies, toxic positivity, and people who chew with their mouths open.
My hobbies are media dissection, writing, playing TTRPGs (both as a player and a GM/DM), drawing, playing video games, making them too, binge watching horror movies, and collecting vintage items.
I’m just going to do Mystic Messenger so if you want another fandom you can just resubmit with a different fandom you want!
I’m going to match you with . . .
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Yoosung !
- okay I don’t like Yoosung that much but I am going to TRY MY BEST!
- When he first met you he was probably lowkey intimidated because of how blunt you can be and he’s a very sensitive guy.
- But he was determined to be your friend because you looked like you needed some! (not in a bad way)
- A while after being friends, he’s stuck to you like glue!
- He grows to admire how intelligent you are especially when it comes to media dissection! Because that’s a rare breed now.
- HATESSS toxic positivity! But that’s just because he likes giving genuine and straightforward compliments! Especially if it’s for a special cool person such as yourself!
- In his pining stage he probably starts to steal certain articles of your clothing when you aren’t looking. Most likely one of your sweater vests.
- Also becomes a lot more touchy, while making sure you’re comfortable of course!
- But when I say a lot I mean a LOT! Like at every greeting and farewell he hugs you and when you guys are walking together he wraps an arm around yours as he claims it’s so “he doesn’t get lost”, but I think we all know the real reason.
- When ur in a relationship:
- I’m sorry when I say this… But he probably chews with his mouth open because he’s trying to talk and eat at the same time. You’re going to have to be the one to tell him to swallow his food before he talks. 😭
- On another note, COFFEE DATES ARE A MUST!
- He doesn’t really like coffee though because of its bitter taste, so he orders hot chocolate instead thinking you don’t notice and spoiler alert, you do. 😭
- HE WOULD NEVVVVEEERRRR say “I ain’t readin allat” or anything like that because he is your #1 simp bruh. He IS readin allat!
- Takes your feelings seriously to because again he’s a very sensitive guy. So you will never hear him invalidate your feelings because why tf would he?! You are entitled to feel whatever you want!
- Also likes playing games with you. I don’t know what they’re called, but you know those meetings or cons where they all gather to play? Yeah he goes with you to those.
- He never knows what’s going on though, poor Yoosung 😭
- Confused, but happily cheering you on because you’re amazing!
- Boundaries with him are also important, keep in mind he’s mentally ill and will probably cling to you a lot more. So you will have to ask for space when you need it because he doesn’t get subtle hints.
Yoosung whines. A lot.
You were trying to get out of bed to start getting ready for a meet up with game friends, but he wouldn’t have it!
“Don’t goooo!” Yoosung whined. He was upset because you couldn’t take him with you this time. So to prevent you from leaving, he had his arms wrapped tight around your waist. You didn’t listen, standing up from the bed and kissing his forehead softly. But he wasn’t giving up!
He stayed with you through that whole morning, trying to constantly put his hands on you, but you would always swat them away when you were doing something!
Eventually you were preparing to leave and he was at his wits end. He tested out one last trick.
That’s how you found yourself passionately kissing your boyfriend, he was not giving you any room to even speak. It was kiss after kiss. You gently nudged him away with your arms and he whined loudly, immediately going back in for another kiss. Soo… Now you had to cancel your plans.
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sorry it was short!
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