#They'll be fine I'm sure (probably? maybe? idk)
granolabird · 2 years
Not to immidiately go to the most dark and angsty scenario but I can't stop thinking about what will happen if Fearne or Ashton die during the solstice after that little head kiss.
Because if Fearne dies, then we get Ashton going to her and saying; "You can't go, I never got to steal back that kiss"
Vs if Ashton dies you get Fearne going to him and saying; "But you were supposed to steal that kiss back from me"
And if we get EITHER of those scenarios I'm going to break down. They better both live, everyone better live (but let's be real that's wishful thinking)
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chickie-birdies · 1 year
Hello, it's been a while!
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Today I accidentally acquired two baby Wyandottes
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NFWMB (Nothing Fucks With My Baby)
Pairing: Reader x Venom
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: you get kidnapped, there's some cannon level violence, nothing to write home about <3
Genre: idk if I should really classify this as angst fr but the ending is fluffy!
Summary: Carnage returns, his mission remains the same; kill Venom. And he plans to use you to do it.
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Based on this ask by @weebnotheree (thank you so much for the request, I know it took a while so I appreciate your patience, I hope you like it <3)
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"Hey y/n!" Your coworker skirts over to your desk with curious excitement.
"Yes?" You glance up from your computer at her.
"Your boyfriend is a reporter isn't he?"
"Correct. Where is this going exactly?"
"Well do you think he'd be able to come cover the charity gala this weekend?" She asks.
"He doesn't really- cover this sort of thing? He'd need to get assigned to it. But I can check with him, he can ask his boss and maybe they'll send someone else down." You concede. It can't hurt, after all, you do need the exposure for the event anyway.
Hours later, after you've both gotten home from work and eaten dinner. You're winding down for the day with Eddie by watching a show together when you propose the question from your coworker.
"Eddie quick question." You say, not lifting your head from his shoulder.
"Yeah?" He's been tracing patterns against your leg for the past ten minutes.
"Do you think you could come cover the charity gala this weekend? My coworker Dani thought it'd be a good idea." You tell him.
"I don't usually write those sorts of pieces." He hums.
"I know I told her, but I also told her I'd ask anyway. It doesn't have to be you, if your boss sends someone else that's fine. We're just aiming to get more eyes on the event." You shrug.
"I'll talk to my boss. He'll probably send someone. Not me though."
"Yeah that's fine, I know these aren't your thing, you don't have to come." You say.
"Say what?" You feel him shift to look at you.
"I drag you to enough work functions. I'll let you skip out on this one." You pat his chest lightly.
"Don't have to tell me twice." Eddie snorts turning back to the TV.
"Technically I already did tell you twice." You chuckle.
"Smartass." He pinches your thigh.
"Always." You sit up just to wink at him.
The following day, you are accosted by Dani pretty much as soon as she walks into the office.
"Did you ask him?"
"Ask who, what Dani?" You ask though you know exactly what she's talking about. "Also have you forgotten that the proper way to start a conversation is with a greeting? What happened to hi? What happened to how are you?"
"Hi, how are you? Did you ask your boyfriend about covering the gala?" She says.
"Hi Dani, I'm doin' alright. How are you?" You ask her.
"Y/n!" She huffs.
"Yes Dani I asked. He said he'd talk to his boss. Knowing Eddie, someone will probably be at the gala. It's handled." You finally cave and give her the answers she came for.
"You're the best!" She tells you.
"I know, thanks." You chuckle. You shrug.
The day of the gala is chaos from the minute preparations start. It's not really anything that surprises you and you've been handling everything that comes your way with ease.
"Y/n!" Your coworker Wendy grabs your attention when you're sorting out something with one of the photographers.
"Yes Wendy?" You aks.
"The uh catering staff is here do you know where they're supposed to-"
"They just got here?! They were supposed to be here an hour ago! Who was on that? They should've been checking for- oh never mind! Their tables are over there on that wall and tell them to hurry Wen the event is literally starting." You sigh pointing her in the right direction. The event is just gaining momentum, doors opened about twenty minutes ago and aside from the catering situation that has just been taken care of, as far as you know, everything is precisely as it should be. At least you hope so since you did come here a couple of hours in advance to make sure things were ready. You aren't technically in charge of this event but you are naturally better at organizing chaos and these events tend to be a bit of a frenzy on the day no matter how prepared you are in advance.
Tonight is your company's annual charity gala. Every year the board votes on a cause to raise money for by hosting a huge party. This year's cause is a charity that supports kids getting involved in the arts. There are a bunch of art projects on display, some of which will be up for auction at the end of the evening, but the goal is to shmooze with the community members effectively enough that they want to support the charity. You spend most of these galas working optics; talking to reporters, setting up pictures, and just generally organizing things throughout the night. As part of the company's public relations department events like these are your specialty. Carefully curating the perception of everything that goes on here tonight with the help of the other members of the department here tonight.
You're pleased to say that a couple of hours in, the event is going off without a hitch. Once it's in full swing, you have your hands full giving statements to different press outlets and sending photographers to snap the board of directors with guests of the event. Just as you're preparing the host for his introductory speech, you notice a small crowd gathering by one of the large glass windows overlooking the city.
"What's going on over there?" The host frowns at you.
"I'm- not sure. Probably just some nightlife chaos got people's attention." You shrug but before you can walk up the stage there's a shout from a few of the guests followed by the sound of shattered glass as something crashes through that large window. The room erupts into chaos as red goop shoots out at people. It only takes you a couple of moments to realize the thing currently ruining your gala is Carnage. You didn't meet him or anything last time they faced off, but Eddie gave you enough of a description to come to that conclusion when you spot the bright red tentacles and eyes so like Venom's but different at the same time.
"You have got to be fucking kidding me." You huff quietly from where you're crouched behind a curtain with the gala host.
"What is that thing?!" He hisses.
"Doesn't matter. Find the nearest exit and run like hell." You tell him.
"What?! You want me to go out there?! What if it sees me?" He shakes his head. You poke your head out just enough to see Carnage. Weirdly enough he just seems to be picking up people and dropping them on the ground again.
"You ever seen that thing before?" You ask.
"God no!"
"He's looking for something. Unless you think it's you, I'd suggest taking the risk before he starts getting snackish!"
"We know you're here! We did our RESEARCH!" The man beside you is practically shaking as Carnage's deep voice rings through the room.
"He's coming this way, you have to move now." You say.
"What about you?"
"He's more likely to notice two of us. I'll be out after you." You're so busy directing the guy you don't realize how close Carnage is to you all until the curtain you're behind is ripped off its bar.
"GO! GET OUT OF HERE NOW!" You shout to the guy as Carnage reaches for- you. He's reaching for you, you realize only when one spindly spider-like appendage wraps around your waist.
"How noble of you. We weren't after him- but if you must be the hero-" Carnage easily reaches the scrambling host before he can get to the door and all you can do is shut your eyes tight when Carnage lifts him up. It's only when his screams stop suddenly and something warm drips onto your arm that you're sure is blood. You don't dare to check what Carnage has done, but if you had to guess, he bit his head off; much like Venom does when you or Eddie allows him to. Your eyes only shoot open when Carnage starts to move again, swinging back out the hole he came in through and taking you through the city. You're in the air for quite some time before eventually, Carnage drops you, rather gently for a kidnapper, on the ground inside a dusty building.
"Hello, little thing." Carnage says to you.
"I could have sworn Venom dealt with you already." You cross your arms.
"Almost. I was lucky to escape."
"Unfortunate for the rest of us." You muse.
"Let me remind you that you did kidnap me so excuse me if I'm not kind." You roll your eyes. "I take it my role is to lure Venom to you? Right?"
"Correct. He cares for you. So he will come."
"Of course, he will. Though, disrupting my work event was an unnecessary scene just to lure him out to- where are we?"
"An old firehouse!"
"Wow you really are a baby." You scoff realizing he's chosen another location where loud noise is common.
"Excuse me?"
"Nothing nothing. I presume you have a different host now right? That other guy, the serial killer, died the last time, didn't he?"
"I am bonded to his blood! I can regenerate!"
"I'm sorry- so you regenerated… an entire head for your last host?"
"That is- very strange." You frown. "Still, this place doesn't hold sentimental value to Cletus so- how will they find you?"
"Oh just call them." Cletus makes an appearance, finally, and rolls his eyes as he makes his request.
"Call them? You want me to call them and lead them to where you plan to kill them?"
"Yes. Or I'll kill you."
"That would be stupid. Killing me won't get you what you want." You scoff.
"Guess we don't need to call him." Carnage says pushing you into the fire engine that's collecting dust in the unused building.
"WAS DYING ONCE NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU?!" Venom stomps towards Carnage.
"Father. I'm not that easy to get rid of!"
"EVIDENTLY!" Venom charges at Carnage and the two of them are quickly destroying the old brick firehouse you're occupying. From inside the fire truck you're in, it's hard to tell who's winning for most of the fight. It's all too quick and too fluid the way they're throwing each other around. By the time you've gotten a handle on what's going on between the duo, Carnage has Venom pinned to one of the walls that they haven't totally ruined already. Frantically you turn towards the control panel of the fire engine, you can't imagine it's still fully operational but there's a chance you can find some way to make noise with this thing. You need to give Venom the upper hand somehow.
"V!" You shout and cover your ears for only a moment before pressing as much of your weight as you can into the horn of the truck and hoping for the best. You can't explain the relief that you feel when that horrid loud noise fills the small space and Carnage screeches. You let up on the horn once he stumbles away from Venom, his attention on you now that you've gotten involved.
"You!" Carnage snarls. You lay into the horn again before he can get to you and the sound seems to disrupt him enough to almost completely separate him from Cletus. You let up when Eddie has crept up behind them and Venom takes over to fully rip Carnage from Cletus by force. You didn't think that was possible and it is extremely strange to watch. Venom grabs Cletus with an extra appendage and holds him far in the air as he eats the angry red goop that is Carnage.
"EVEN WORSE THE SECOND TIME." Venom grumbles and you can't help but giggle a little. The noise makes Venom wink at you before turning his attention to Cletus. "THIS TIME STAY DEAD!" Venom says before biting his head off, out of your line of sight. You come out of the fire truck just in time to catch him dropping the body.
"ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" Venom runs over to you and lifts you into his arms so you're eye level with him as he looks over you for injuries.
"I'm fine V. He didn't actually hurt me. You got here so quickly." You muse.
"It was going so well until he crashed it." You pout. "You don't have any other errant children we should know about right Venom?"
"NO. NOT THAT I KNOW OF." Venom shrugs lowering you back to the ground.
"Good because this kidnapping thing is very inconvenient." You say. Eddie chooses that moment to reappear and he quickly wraps his arms around you.
"Y/n, baby, thank fuck you're okay. I am so sorry." He breathes out.
"You're sorry? What for?" You frown as you hug him back.
"If I had just come to the damn gala in the first place-" You pull back and hold Eddie's face in your hands to make sure he hears what you say next.
"No. It wouldn't have changed anything. In fact, it would actually have been worse I think. There were hundreds of people in that building and we were on one of the higher floors. The casualties if you had fought him there would have been so not worth it. This was the best outcome. I'm sure there were several injuries but I think there was only one death besides him so- don't apologize. Especially because there was no way you could've predicted him crashing my event. Don't blame yourself because other than a ruined charity gala and the inconveniences that come with a kidnapping, I've barely got some scrapes. You two did well." You tell him.
"We couldn't have done it without you. The fire horn was a great idea."
"Yeah well, you were going to die. And I didn't have any fire." You shrug. "We should get out of here though, I can't imagine it'll take much longer for authorities to get here in search of the red monster that crashed a charity event." You add.
"True. The party looked beautiful by the way. You know, before Carnage trashed it." Eddie says scooping you into his arms.
"Thank you baby." You kiss his cheek just before Venom appears again to take you all home.
"You can have as many kisses as you want V." You say kissing his cheek too as he walks out of the trashed fire station with you in his hold.
"I WANT ALL THE KISSES THEN!" He declares as he swings you both up into the air.
"Once we get home I'll kiss you til my lips fall off if you so wish my love." You giggle.
"Okay okay. Reasonable amount of kisses, once we get home. Deal?"
"DEAL!" Venom says before taking off from building to building to get you home. There's no such thing as normal when your boyfriend is sharing his body with an alien you suppose, but you wouldn't have it any other way.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Human Illustrator Wally x Reader (part 3)
Wally Darling and Barnaby have a chat idk-
TW: Low Self-esteem, Negative Thinking Patterns, Anxiety, Talks of Past Relationships
🖍️ Wally places the phone down, taking a deep breath. This is perfect! Almost TOO perfect... Wally looks up to Barnaby, his best friend and roommate. "Barnaby! I'm going to be meeting (Y/N) at Howdy's Place tomorrow! Isn't that great?"
🖍️"Yeah, Wals... that's great." The taller man then looks around the parking lot, before looking down at Wally, again, and asking "So... when are you going to tell them?" "Tell them what?" Barnaby places his face in his hands "Wally... You know what I am talking about. It was what ruined the other relationships you had. You didn't tell Angel. You didn't tell Sean. You didn't tell any of them. So, once they found out on their own, they grew scared and left. You gotta tell them early on, or else they'll be scared, too."
🖍️ Oh. THAT thing. That little problem of his. It will be fine if they don't know, right? (Y/N) is very understanding! "What they won't know won't hurt them, Barnaby! It'll be fine if I don't tell them." Wally watches as Barnaby sighs, leaning against the wall as he lights his pipe. "That is the problem, Wally. They will know, EVENTUALLY. Even if you don't tell them, they will notice it."
🖍️ Uh oh... Barnaby's right. Wally knows it. He's never been good at acting like other people do... He doesn't want to tell them, though, because if (Y/N) finds out... (Y/N) works with a whole bunch of different people, but who's to say they won't judge Wally for his... problem...? Is it a problem? It helps him with his art, but not much else...
🖍️"Wally... you're overreacting again." Barnaby says, looking down at him. "You'll be fine. Even if they don't like what they hear, it is not like you'll die from them thinking that way. You know you're a great guy, right? A you're like a little ray of sunshine. I can't speak for others, but being around you brightens up my day."
🖍️"Thanks, bud. It's just... I don't want them to get scared! I'm a good guy! A little weird, but good! I just... I can't tell them, Barnaby! They're going to hate me if they figure it out..." A pat on the shoulder breaks Wally out of his train of thought. He looks up, seeing Barnaby looking down at him with a distressed face.
🖍️"Don't talk to yourself like that, Wals. They won't hate you. The others were just a bit ignorant. Think of it this way, buddy. (Y/N) has worked with a wide array of disabilities, right? They've worked with kids that have had a similar flat affect to you. So, maybe, they have worked with kids that have other similarities to you. Eh? You think that's possible?"
🖍️ Wally grows quiet. It is probably right. Yeah... he is just overreacting. Wally looks up to Barnaby "Can you...?" "Call Howdy and ask him to ask (Y/N) about it tomorrow? Sure thing, buddy. Sure thing."
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sweetmariihs2 · 3 months
Since I got a Hunchback of Notre Dame (Disney movie mostly) hyperfocus I've been wondering about some stuff:
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Quasimodo poured molten bronze from the top of the cathedral onto the people below, especially Frollo.
1 - He didn't cared about the innocent citizens down there which is weird for his character - maybe it was the stress idk. Or he just knew that the closest ones from the cathedral were the guards, which is where the bronze would fall. But it could have spilled on anyone. Weird.
2 - In the following morning there was no molten bronze (or smoke, or even the stage where Frollo tried to burn Esmeralda) on the square anymore. And everyone was fine?
3 - Why was there molten bronze in Notre Dame, specially in that place? I don't know much about the Middle Ages but it doesn't seem normal for that fire to be lit all the time, it would be a waste of time and firewood. Logically, it would only be melted when a bell needed to be repaired, and Quasimodo was stuck in those chains since they got out of the Court Of Miracles, probably. So it makes no sense.
4 - Poor boy was probably starving there. It was the next day. (Edit: or maybe the Court Of Miracles scene just happened at the previous day 11:00 PM and the fire scene happened at the next day 03:00 AM, who knows?)
5 - I only heard it was molten bronze. First time I watched I got so confused, I'm pretty sure that they didn't said that on the movie. Also, I never heard about churches having that kind of dangerous material inside them. People fixed the bells there? People made them there? Help I'm so confused. Can someone answer me? With real pics please? I tried to make a research but couldn't find anything.
I would also point out that Frollo standed on a gargoyle he HIMSELF had cut in the middle. He dug his own grave. lmao. you can see the cut mark of the sword on the gargoyle next to his feet. I think that's not really obvious and someone out there didn't got it. I only did after like my fourth watch.
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Something I also wonder is if the archdeacon told Quasimodo the full story of what Frollo did to his mother. And yes, you may think "of course, I would love to see it that way, Quasimodo deserves to know", and while I agree with you... imagine how he would feel when knowing that the archdeacon knew the truth for years and kept it from him. Let Frollo lie to him, let Frollo abuse him and tell him that his mother abandoned him because he looked like a monster, for years, years and years. He wouldn't be fine. I can only think about his rage when Frollo tried to stab him at the end of the movie or when Phoebus appeared right after Esmeralda escaped from Notre Dame. Poor boy would never be able to look at that archdeacon's face again.
Why did the archdeacon let Frollo just take care of Quasimodo after what Frollo did?! He clearly didn't wanted to take care of the baby, the archdeacon just pushed little Quasi onto his hands for Quasi to suffer! When someone is denying something, they may do it but they'll do it grudgingly. If it was something stupid than it would be fine, but that's a whole life in his hands. The archdeacon just forced abuse on Quasi for years. What did he thought? That because Frollo felt guilty he would be a good father? He knows Frollo's character and saw how reckless he acted with that child's life. And even worse, he could have stopped it. But no, he saw Quasimodo suffering for 20 years and just let it happen.
Just found this on pinterest:
We see them interact with the environment around them all the time, mostly during the rebellion in front of Notre Dame by the end of the movie. I know that the sequel is not really good and maybe not even canon but Madeline sees them too. "They can be both schizophrenic" at the same time and seeing/hearing the same stuff? No way. Shut up I won't hear anyone out.
Quasimodo's pure heart and sweet - insecure behavior doesn't come from Frollo's childrearing. It comes from the Gargoyles and the insecurity Frollo buried into Quasi's head.
If Quasimodo was only raised by Frollo, he would be a thrash bag. He would have prejudice against the romani people, instead of just repeating in doubt what Frollo says during the scene where he shows the cathedral's terrace to Esmeralda. He also wouldn't be that sweet kind of guy who covers his view when suddently bumps into a girl changing her clothes. Basically he would be cruel and stupid, just like how Esmeralda said "How could such a cruel man have raised someone like you?"
And the answer is that: He didn't! Frollo taught him everything he needed to know, brought him food, and then left him alone for the rest of the day like we see him doing in the movie. You know who raised Quasimodo? The gargoyles. It's them who turned him into someone sweet and nice to have around. They're his adoptive parents in a way, you know?
And I also think that idea of them never showing themselves to humans but seeing that poor boy being left alone in that belltower made them want to do something about it. Make him some company, and teach him the right stuff - which is what Frollo wasn't doing right, just like everything else he does.
And I'M SURE, I JUST KNOW THAT IT WAS LAVERNE WHO DECIDED TO DO IT FIRST. She tried to convince Hugo and Victor about starting to help little Quasi, but they were afraid of doing it so. Laverne just said "you know what? I can't keep watching this in silence. Fuck it" and they just went along.
Also, something I learned in practice was that when you make someone insecure, convinces that person to believe they're less than anyone else and that they're stupid, dumb and ugly, this person tends to be extra nice to get approval of others. They don't even do it on purpose, the're just trying to make up for their appearence and stupidness through acts of kindess and service. And if that's done to them since a young age like it was done to Quasimodo, they do it unintentionally, and it turns into a personality trait. In a "I'm sorry for being like this. Let me make up for you" way. Like Quasimodo said "I know that I'm ugly", and in my opinion that's one of the worse ilnesses someone can have. It's not even a real ilness, and yet it's so damn hard to cure. Lmao that's totally not based on something I experienced, of course not. That's exactly why I absolutely don't kin Quasimodo. Of course not.
Children come into the world with a natural desire to discover and explore. To make Quasimodo so quiet and submissive, Frollo must have given the worst kinds of punishments to "discipline" him. He probably hit him more than once. Locked him somewhere? Maybe worse, Frollo tends to be quite creative when punishing innocent people. He broke all of Quasi's stuff he made for weeks, maybe years, just to scare him, and because he was angry.
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It makes me even more worried to see how Quasi reacts to Frollo everytime they're together. He just reacts with fear and respect every time. Fear, mostly fear. What kinds of things hasn't this boy endured by disobeying or responding in a way that didn't pleased Frollo? To have to pick up the plates correctly and immediately sit down to study, and call him his "master" instead of just "Frollo".
I would also like to point out how Frollo stopped calling Quasimodo "Quasimodo" and started calling him "hunchback" closer to the end of the movie. That's how he sees him after all these years. A dumb, ugly and miserable guy who obeys him and is not even seen as a human. Have you ever watched The Goonies? You know that guy? Yes, that guy? I think that Frollo sees Quasi like this. The novel version reinforces this even more, with Quasimodo not being able to hear and barely talking.
I also headcanon that Disney's Quasimodo is still a bit deaf because of the bells. He can still hear, but lower. Sometimes his friends need to call his name twice.
And now these thoughts deserve a whole part of the post to discuss (Frollo and Esmeralda centered):
Frollo was probably considered ANCIENT because the life expectancy during medieval times was around 25-30 years. The guy was at his 66 years old.
1 - I know that in the book he's described as being afraid of woman, and a priest, so it made sense that he wasn't married. But that didn't happened in the movie. And as a (pervert) 66 yo old man, christian, white, powerful (judge and I still headcanon him as a fiefdom owner in the movie idc it makes sense in my head), traditional, who claims he's the only right person in the world and who does all kinds of atrocities, and who literally threatens (and tries) to kill Esmeralda if she refuses to "be his". Why didn't he had a wife? I mean, he could manipulate a woman or anyone for that matter if he wanted someone to... yk. I want to discuss more about this in the following topic.
What did Frollo meant when he said "Choose me or the fire"? I mean, there were three meanings for that quote in that context: "be in love with me", "hook up with me" or "be my wife (both, except that she would be stuck with him forever, and that's probably what he meant)"
Since he's a traditional christian guy and probably a sexist too based off his character, it would only made sense that he's the kind of guy to say "the man provides, the housewifes do the house chores and take care of the children".
As we see in 'Hellfire', he seems to support the purity culture, celibacy. And he's blaming himself for feeling attraction towards Esmeralda.
But this also can be for two reasons: because he choose celibacy, OR because she's a romani girl, which are people you know he despises. Or it can be both. That's also a doubt of mine.
Continuing my train of thought and taking this into consideration, Frollo feels extremely guilty for feeling attracted to her, and he claims "Destroy Esmeralda and let her taste the fires of hell; Or else let her be mine and mine alone" (I know you sang it).
Based off this, and knowing that Frollo is a radical (and hypocrite, but somehow he refuses to accept his lust for a long time) conservative christian, it would only made sense he would consummate after wedding. And by his word choices "let her be mine and mine alone", "choose me or the fire" sounds like he would like to MAKE HER HIS, PERMANENTLY. Maybe these words don't have this meaning? Maybe they're just about having her once? Maybe. But who knows. He's that kind of religious guy.
On the other way, he despises romani people and is disgusted of Esmeralda at the same time he's crazy about her. He calls her a witch, says it's her fault he was having those thoughts, "look at that disgusting display" (that classic kind of guy who says short skirts are innapropriate and too provocative but it's trying to look under them, iykyk). Basically he hates Esmeralda, who she is, despises her dance and calls it "disgusting display" and yet he's lusting over her. Considering this, it would only make sense he would do what he wants and leave her aside somehow, Frollo wouldn't want people to know that he married a romani girl, or a "vulgar girl" like her, maybe Frollo doesn't sees "the potential in her to be in a christian marriage", you know that that's extremely in character for him.
If Esmeralda had accepted his offer and did what he wanted, what would have happened? He would marry her and would exhibit her as a recanted woman? In a "I fixed her" kind of way, "and now she's my wife"? He would wipe all of her originality, personality and being out of her and turn her into his puppet like Elvis did to Priscilla in the movie "Priscilla", but worse? She would live an unhappy life with him and probably have his children too because this kind of guy believes in "only indulging in carnal acts when the purpose it's to reproduce"? Or maybe not, maybe he doesn't want children, but it doesn't matter because guys like him usually leaves all that on their wife's backs.
Also during the song "Hellfire" we see how fire Esmeralda "burns at the stake" and turns into smoke, flying into his direction with open arms. That's kinda metaphoric about him torturing her in that stake, stripping her of who she is and turning her into a ghost of herself. One that doesn't burn like flames, is softer, quieter, and willing for him and his twisted love - the kind of wife this kind of guy want.
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While it also makes sense of him only having her once and considering Esmeralda "too promiscuous and part of the 'the common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd', not good enough to be his wife", it's also possible that he's hinting about turning Esmeralda into a quiet, submissive and sad wife. "I can save you in this world and the other" maybe also hints at that, changing her so she's not "sinning" anymore by being who she is.
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There's a great channel on Youtube called "Final Girl Studios" and the owner of the channel makes video essays, she LOVES to mention this subject. It fits perfectly what we're talking about.
And ALSO I WOULD ABSOLUTELY LOVE TO MENTION HER ESSAY ABOUT THE MOVIE "VALERIE AND HER WEEK OF WONDERS". She talks about the Madonna and the prostitute theory and how the movie surrounds around this. And it's relevant to mention here that this movie has everything to do with the dynamic and topics discussed between Frollo and Esmeralda, not only in the Disney movie but also in the other adaptations and in the original novel.
I mean, it's a movie that's about a young girl called Valerie who just got into her puberty and spent a week finding out about how harsh the world is towards woman in general. So many things happen in this movie, but you can get what I mean when knowing that there's a scene when the priest tries to take advantage of her but fails because he remembered he should be celibate, and later then on the movie he tries to burn her at the stake, saying that she's a witch and seduced him to sin. Valerie then shows him her tongue.
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Gosh that was so fun to take out of my chest and share. Someone needs to make a full post or video about how the Madonna x Whore subject is related to Esmeralda and Frollo. It's too much work for me, but maybe you guys would like to.
Also my friend mentioned about Esmeralda wearing different clothes during the stake scene. And yeah, okay, but if she was wearing different clothes, someone made her dress them, or dressed her themselves. She (my friend) was afraid that Esmeralda may have been assaulted or abused in any way during that period of time. I don't think Frollo did anything drastic like she does, or else he wouldn't be asking Esmeralda to "recant" and accept his offer.
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lizzzybooo · 3 months
Ok this is going to be a controversial hazbin hotel take (or maybe not I wasn't in the fandom when it peaked maybe it's everyone's take) but I just really don't like the way Charlie is treating Vaggie.
I mean I think they're super cute and I love them both but Charlie sometimes acts so self centered with her. Like putting her on the spot asking her to lead the trust exercise, but immediately making her feel bad for the way she does it. And ok fine whatever I can kinda overlook that part though it immediately felt iffy to me, but the way she was mad at Vaggie for not telling her about her past (which is a valid reason to be mad!) but then was saying "I tell her everything, how could she do this to me?" or something like that, I mean?? Vaggie loves her SO much I think Charlie definitely sees that even in the middle of this, and the fact that she didn't ask herself once in those scenes "how is it possible I never asked her enough about herself all these years we've been together to find that out?" Because I mean if you tell a person everything and they share nothing about themselves that should be a point for concern along the way, and I'm pretty sure Vaggie would have told her if Charlie took enough interest in her life.
And generally throughout entire season, Vaggie just loves Charlie so much and sees it as her duty to make her dreams come true- which is of course, something she put on herself and is not Charlie's fault, but Charlie seems more than happy with this arrangement, either so oblivious to it (which is part of her self centered behavior) or worse, is aware of that and is too comfortable with their dynamic to do anything about it. Charlie shows like almost zero interest in who Vaggie is, what her dreams are, what she thinks or how she feels. And I really don't think she has any bad intentions, and I know a lot of other things are going on, but it really rubs me the wrong way.
And even after that, there was no acknowledgement of how hard it probably was for Vaggie to lose everything she knew, everyone she probably considered her family that were so quick to cast her aside, and instead her trust issues were treated as a ~quirky~ little personality trait (and I know they probably didn't have time to delve into that, but they took the time to show how caring Vaggie was towards Charlie and her family problems, they could've shown some reciprocation at least).
And honestly I wouldn't have a problem with that necessarily, for example I don't have a problem with how toxic Blitz and Stolas are in Helluva Boss, because I see how it contributes to the story and to their personal character development, and it's very much acknowledged and is part of the narrative, but here it feels like Charlie x Vaggie are treated like this perfect power couple and their only problem is Vaggie lying, like, no???
Maybe they'll dive deeper into it next season idk, but it just left a bad taste in my mouth
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heartfullofleeches · 11 months
Just a random ramble about Cholly. (Also couldn't remember the pronouns so I stuck with He/They since I think I remember those being used but I apologize if it's incorrect!)
My brain is filled with Cholly for some reason and I just imagine them wearing the goofiest halloween costumes. Like the classic ones but having a silly gag. Vampire costume would probably involve them being caught having "blood" on his mouth but he pulls out tomato juice. Frankenstein (I know thats the doctor but for simplicity sake I'm calling the monster that) costume would be normal except he shocks himself with electricity. Unlike Frankenstein however, he shows that skeleton and black border cartoons use as he is zapped. Although his body is a mystery with how they can contort themself so those bones are just for show I'm pretty sure. Ghost costumes would definitely result in him being able to float while wearing it. Like it's just a white sheet over their head but when you pull it off he stays hovering in the air for a second but looks down and falls upon realization he can't fly. I feel like a mummy costume would just be him using toilet paper to wrap up people. He may wear it and then spin it off and wrap another person with it OR instead just pull it out and wrap others. Idk my brain is rotting and I think of the stuff cartoon logic can be applied to and Cholly just fills my brain perfectly.
Sorry if I bothered you with this! Just wanted to ramble a bit about Cholly :D
Never apologize when it comes to rambling about Cholly. I wholeheartedly advocate for more. You don't understand how much I love this goofy toon and would ramble about them daily if I didn't feel I was dumping too much about them at one time. They are so bby girl and such a delight to write for. (For future reference Cholly literally does not care about what pronouns are used for them as they are simply Cholly) For the Ghost costume I could see them doing a gag of drinking "poison" (maybe paint thinner?) and actually "dying" to become a ghost. (They'll be fine so no worries). Still throws on the sheet to spook their darling when the time comes. Probably throws it over their shadow instead and stands behind Reader, transparent and floating a couple inches off the ground. Uses their new abilities to peep on them before missing being able to touch Reader and hoping back in their old skin. - "Whatcha think of my new look?" It's certainly a look. Not the most original, but still quite cute. The trace of the rabbit's pointy ears stick out like a sore thumb from the sheet they wore. You could already imagine their cheeky grin, and the twinkle in their eyes hidden behind those big black circles cut through the blanket. You couldn't wait to see it. "Looking great, Cholly- just one little thing." The Ghost tilts their head, cloth bunching up just enough for you to make a grab at it with zero issue. "What's that?" "I already miss your pretty face." Lunging for the sheet, you yank it off their head in one fell swoop. Your speed surprises even you which boils to confusion as the dust settles. They aren't there. You've seen a number tricks from the colorful character, but there was always some trace of their presence life behind. You look to your right, then your left. "Cholly?" "Still right behind ya, Doll." You spin on your heels. It takes a minute for your eyes to pull away from the blank wall behind you and instead train on the head poking through it. Cholly waves, elbow propped on thin air and hand rested beneath their chin. Watching the quickness of your chest increase, their smile grows. "Hiya, Gorgeous~" You scream. Cholly snickers, eyes shut with the violent bounce of their shoulders. They let a surprise, elated gasp as their eyes widen beneath the see through lense of their kids. "Wow! I can see you even with my eyelids closed! Ghost life just keeps getting better and better." You march over to them, reaching out only to touch solid wall. "Are... are you...?" "Dead?" Cholly scoffs. "Pfft- Course not!.. I mean I am a ghost, but it's a toon thing. I can change back whenever I want to." You let out a sigh of relief. "Good..." "By the way.... If you ever need a hand in the shower, I could lean two. Missed a couple spots while you were in there earlier." "Cholly!" "Think I hear the stove runnin'. Better go catch. Catch ya later, Gorgeous." Bringing their hands up to the sides of your face, you feel the ghostly imprint of their lips upon yours. Only downside to their new form was they couldn't kiss you with the intensity and passion brew inside them whenever in your company. They wink as your brain redirects from the sweet gesture back to the topic of their little peeping session, and fazes out through the wall before you had the chance to chew them out.
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love-beyond-space-war · 8 months
Atriox x Female Civilian Pet Reader; has really long hair down to her bottom and has the same braids and war face paint has him
❤️ Your TUMBLER! Keep it up 👍🏼!
Oh hey! I know you on my main blog :) Sure! I'm happy you enjoy my Tumblr(s). Made these HCs if that's fine, I don't have a lot of those on this blog. Not fully proofread, sorry for mistakes!
Atriox x Female! Civilian Pet! Reader
Synopsis: HCs of Atriox caring for a young human woman like a pet and companion.
Content Warnings: Romantic Pairing, Female Reader, Human/Jiralhanae pair, Human pets mention, Slight degrading behavior, Some possessive/protective behavior, Leans into dark territory at times but I kept it light, Canon typical violence.
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You are easily Atriox's most prized companion.
He is fine with humans as some Banished are actually human.
Although... you're different.
You are no fighter, you aren't meant to be.
No, instead you were taken in as some sort of "pet" for Atriox after having nowhere else to go.
Despite this... the Banished leader treats you with care.
Care enough to leave his mark on you, anyways.
By that I mean he models your looks in his image.
He has your long grown out hair braided similar to his beard.
He's careful with it, probably doing it himself as you sit very still.
That along with similar face paint to what he wears.
When people see the skull-like war paint on your face... they'll associate you with Atriox.
Which is exactly what Atriox wants.
I say this as I imagine Jiralhanae are possessive of what's theirs.
If Atriox has claimed you as his human companion, a pet to pamper and coddle, then he wants the rest of The Banished to know.
Another way to show you're claimed is him dictating what you wear.
Atriox probably has Banished humans get your size then create human armor tinged a crimson red.
You're dressed like a warrior, even if you couldn't harm even the smallest creature.
That isn't your role... your role is to attend to the needs Atriox has.
Atriox has Banished members close to him, yet you're closest to him.
Atriox always has you around him.
Even during meetings others will catch him holding onto you, a young human woman dressed in Banished paint and clothing, sitting beside or on the large Jiralhanae.
The role itself is a bit degrading.
Yet Atriox doesn't harm you, surprisingly.
Atriox could slaughter or have others slaughter countless humans who oppose him.
Yet then he comes back to you and gently brushes his claws against your cheek or rubs your head.
You reciprocate, too.
Perhaps you were against this role in the start... but now you respect and maybe even adore Atriox.
He's your leader... a master probably... and the one who tends to you.
You can be Atriox is hesitant or even hostile to the idea of having other members around you.
They may speak to you briefly... but he will cut them off if they are too close.
He's possessive and dislikes the attention others give you.
However, he is quickly reassured when you go back to clinging to him and listening to his words.
Atriox finds pride in how well you listen to him.
If he asked you to roll over, you probably would.
As a result... your loyalty rewards you freedoms.
After all, he's already dressed you like him to show others not to touch you.
You can roam Banished areas as long as you come back to him.
Atriox keeps you clean and makes sure when you sleep it's in comfort.
If someone advised against him caring for you they'd be dealt with.
Atriox may not show it but he loves it when you declare your devotion to him.
Tell him you love him... tell him you're his... show your loyalty and he'll praise you.
He's taught you well, no?
Atriox definitely seems like he'd keep you in his lap.
His prized lap dog.
I imagine when it comes to treating you like a pet he'd call you things like, idk, "Good Girl?"
Again, it can sound degrading, but he means it in an oddly affectionate tone.
Especially when he says it while squeezing you tight or tracing a claw around your cheek.
I imagine if Atriox dies he'd have it set for you to go to who's next in charge.
He hates the idea of giving you to some other Jiralhanae... but he'll give you to someone he trusts to be cared for.
Which would most likely be Decimus or Escharum.
So despite your position, Atriox would take care of you.
You're protected... and in a way loved.
Atriox may not fully see you like he'd see a mate, but it's pretty darn close.
He is surprisingly caring towards you in private.
If you got injured he'd no doubt kill whoever allowed it to happen.
Atriox hasn't cared for any human as much as you.
You may be considered a pet to most others...
But to Atriox? You're most likely much more than that.
Which brings you a strange, but welcome sense of comfort when you see him.
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spitblaze · 1 year
If you want to visit Japan but don't know any Japanese I have good news for you, and that news is that as long as you know a handful of words/phrases, have Google translate on your phone, and mostly stick to big cities, you'll generally be able to get by just fine.
The words you'll need the most are:
Sumimasen (soo-mee-mah-sehn): this is gonna be your most used word. It's 'sorry' and 'excuse me' and the word you use to get someone's attention, all rolled into one. Bump into someone on the train? Gotta squeeze past someone in Shinjuku? Need to get a waitstaff's attention? Sumimasen is your best friend.
Arigato (ah-ree-gah-tow): you probably already know this one! It means 'thank you'. Employees will give you 'arigato gozaimasu', but just an 'arigato' in return is generally enough. If you wanna sound more natural, drag the last syllable out a bit (arigatoo).
Kore (koh-reh): means 'this one'. Generally at restaurants you can point to something on the menu and they'll get the gist, but in the case that you can't do that (or you're at a place that doesn't have a menu. Like a normal store or something lol) and you wanna indicate something u want, pointing at it and saying 'kore' will get the point across.
Nihongo sukoshii (Nee-hone-go soo-kouh-shee) 'Only a little Japanese'. 'Nihongo' is 'Japanese' and 'sukoshii' is 'a little' (if you've ever heard 'just a skosh', it's derived from sukoshii!) Best used before showing someone something you plugged into Google translate on your phone in my experience lol
Toire ka? (Tow-ee-reh kawh): basically just, 'bathroom?' 'Ka' is what you tack onto any sentence to indicate that it's a question, 'toire' is the Japanese approximation of the word 'toilet'.
There iiiiis obviously a lot more Japanese that can help BUT like these are the phrases ur gonna use the most at least as far as I've been here. I'm not gonna say 'rely on ur anime knowledge' bc ur gonna look like a dumbass if u say 'dattebayo' to ppl but if you've managed to pick up. Idk. 'Matte' (wait) and 'kudasai' (please) and 'sugoi' (cool [like figuratively, like someone's outfit is cool, not temperature]) that will definitely help. Just like. Make sure beforehand that you're right. Maybe do a few duolingo courses lol
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doctorweebmd · 2 months
I know the 8 years are jarring but I saw someone on Twitter point out that on page 11? Up top. When Deku says “ever since we started working” the photo shows him actively working as a hero with the rest of them. So what if 👀 he was a pro for a few years and then the suit only took 4 years or so to get made? Maybe I’m being delusional 🥹
hmmm i went to the official chapter to check what you were referring to! I honestly thought that looked like an action figure or a statue of the whole class or something because it looks like its on a podium?
idk with the placement of the panel of Izuku's hand with the last of the embers burning out imply that he lost OFA at the end of high school around graduation time, so i do honestly think its unlikely he worked as a pro for any time after school. though it WOULD have been weird for him to start out as a teacher at age 18 - I guess we can definitely speculate! Even Quirkless he's a really strong strategist so it would have been cool if he was working for one of the agencies his friends are at doing dispatch - like, he knows all the heroes that exist and which Quirks are best for certain situations!
i do appreciate that Horikoshi left a lot out and for speculation. i think we can all interpret it in a variety of ways!
i admit i'm in the vast minority that feels like the chapter was very bittersweet and that the eight-year gap is particularly painful. I feel like i interpreted in a way that Izuku was very much hurting and lonely but didn't want to tell anyone and make them feel bad. it gives me the feeling like he just smiled and supported everyone and pretended everything was fine.
like... EVERY SINGLE ONE of his friends went on to be a pro hero. Everyone except him. And he loves them and cheers them on and buys their merch and deep inside he feels a little jealous and then hates himself for feeling jealous, keeps telling himself that he was never meant to be a hero, so its okay - but also, is it?
and i'm sure they kept in touch, and tried to support him and cheer him on too, but, its like...if after high school, all of your friends go to the same college. except you. and sure, you'll talk and see each other, but they'll have jokes and teachers and classes to talk about, and you'll still feel a little left out, right?
i'm glad that he has a chance to live out his dream, and, honestly, better a little late than never! you're 100% right in the sense that, like, i for some reason didn't process that he probably didn't become a teacher immediately after graduating from high school, and can definitely have been doing hero or hero-adjacent things for a couple of years before becoming midoriya-sensei!
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lost-girl-2021 · 1 year
Apocalypse AU!
I started watching The Walking Dead (even though I'm so bad with scary shows) (I'm also skipping all the zombie parts tbh, I'm really just in it for Daryl) and it made me wonder how a Walking Dead/Zombie Apocalypse would affect Spider and his friends/family.
The Start
Spider was with his Dad, headed to an army base a few miles outside of some big city, where they were going to hunker down until things calmed down.
They had to cut through the city or something and got separated by a herd of zombies or something.
Spider ends up getting saved by one of the Sully kids (Lo'ak went off on a solo supply run or some shit and found him?) and brought to their camp outside of the city. He introduces himself as 'Spider Socorro', so Jake and Neytiri don't realize he's Quaritch's kid (Jake and him had some military beef or something back in the day, before he left the military).
The group is probably the Sully's (Neytire, Jake, & the kids) plus Norm and Max. Maybe Kiri is their goddaughter, who's mom didn't make the first wave or something.
Reunited (And It Feels So Complicated)
The zombies are getting too close as the cities become empty of living humans to hunt. Spider tells them about the military base, maybe a few days walk if they hustle. Reluctantly, they head there.
When they arrive, Spider is the one who knocks on the door (or maybe intercom? idk) and his dad's old military buddy, Lyle, lets them in. Quaritch never arrived, they all thought he and Spider were dead.
When he hears Lyle call Spider "MJ", Jake asks what it stands for. Somewhat embarrassed (because even in the end of the world, he's still 16 and embarrassed by everything and anything) he explains that it stands for "Miles Junior" and everything just clicks.
Jake realizes they're in a base from the RDA, not the regular army or anything. He wants to leave, but a storm's coming and it's just not safe (maybe one of the kids got injured as well, so they have to wait until they're healed).
Spider is confused by Jake's reaction, having none basically nothing about his dad's time in the military beyond the story of how his parents met (and his mom's dog tags hanging around Spider's neck).
I think it'd be interesting if Lyle (or the other people there, if there is anyone) low-key (high-key) threaten Jake and Neytiri, basically saying they'll kick them out ASAP without any food/meds/etc if they tell Spider anything.
Eventually, they leave for some reason or another and Spider is once again separated from a family member (this time good ol' uncle Lyle). Something happens to the base and Spider ends up on his own for a few weeks. He plans to make his way to DC, where he can surely find someone in the government who can give him answers and/or help him find his dad.
But, surprisingly, his dad finds him. He's walking down one of the two-lane country highways and as he comes over the hill, there he is.
Cue a touching reunion. Blah, blah, blah. Maybe they had a tense relationship before everything went to shit (he wanted to be a pro skater or some shit, his dad wanted him to get a 'real job' somewhere safe). (or maybe, he wanted to enlist like his dad and they got in a fight, because no way was Quaritch going to risk losing his son, after already losing his wife 16 years prior)
Quaritch changes there direction and they head towards the coast, where they're supposed to meet up with the other members of Deja Blue and catch a ship. They're going to head to a private RDA island and wait out the end of the world.
Spider wants to get the Sully's, after seeing some sign that they're looking for him (the kids have been spray-painting Spider drawings and approximate dates, so he'd know he was going the right way). It's fine for a while, until he sees a sign going left and his dad wanted to go right.
They make camp and Spider sneaks away, leaving a note that he'll meet him at the ship as soon as he can.
Idk the rest of it, but here's this. Tbh, I'm never gonna make this into a fic or anything cause I'm terrified of zombies, but I really like TWD's plot, even if I freak myself out.
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hotcat37 · 5 months
Woke up N the first thing I saw was ur OTP ask game post N f4n *KNEW* what 2 do so here I am :3!! 54, 42, 39, 34, 30, 21, 13, 10, 7 N 3 for Bojere pls! (U don’t gotta do all of them if it’s 2 many N Deaf! Jere AU preferably cuz it’s been idk how long but that fic *still* has a chokehold on me N U bet my Ass is gonna be wrapped in a f4 ton of fluffy blankets with snacks N plushies as soon as U bless us with a new chapter!! X33
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I'm glad the AU lives in your mind rent free 👀 Thx for sending some numbers!! :3
54: who's more likely to carry the other to bed?
Probably Bojan because he likes to pick Jere up and carry him around randomly for fun haha Jere does also have strong arms though so it's not out of the question for him to carry a sleepy Bojan to bed and tuck him in <3
42: what's their favorite type of weather to enjoy together?
Snow for sure <3 They love making snow men and playing and watching the snowflakes fall. They also just find it cute to see the other bundled up in a big winter coat and a cozy scarf💞
39: who would rescue an injured animal and nurse it back to health?
I can see both of them doing that tbh They both have huge empathy for animals so both of them would be on board with helping an injured bird or abandoned cat or something. But I do think Jere would be the one to play responsible adult at some point once the animal is healed again and explain that they have to set it free even tho they've both gotten attached to it
34: who's more likely to tell a dirty joke to make the other blush?
Jere 👀👀 He can be surprisingly raunchy lmao The fact that he communicates mostly through text and looks so innocent is something he uses to his advantage. No one would suspect a thing if Jere casually shows Bojan the dirtiest message you can think of on his phone lol While Jere is often the one to start things, though, Bojan tends to be the one to finish them 😏
30: your OTP gets to pick out each other's outfits, what are they wearing?
Jere: he'd really love to see Bojan in leather so he'd give him a pair of his own pants and a leather shirt so he can swoon over his handsome Bojan 🥰 Bojan: he's putting Jere in more skirts... 1, because it's sexy. 2, because Jere really does look nice in skirts <3
21: who would get into a fight to defend the other's honor?
They're both pretty protective but unfortunately Jere is more likely the one to be harassed or treated rudely by a stranger so it's more common that Bojan would (fiercely) defend his angel. Bojan doesn't get angry easily but if someone is mean or hurtful to Jere he can become absolutely livid. Jere prefers to avoid conflict but he's not above using a right hook to protect his Slovene 💪
13: who's the bigger tease?
I couldn't really choose one in particular. Bojere have a really playful dynamic so the teasing is pretty equally divided haha
10: describe their first date
Something active. Maybe like a bowling date. It'd be just something lighthearted, something they'd do as friends. Except whoever scores a strike first gets a kiss 🤭 Hand feeding each other fries n whatnot 🥰 Then at the end Bojan would try to pay for everything but Jere distracts him and ends up paying ahead. Bojan is devastated until Jere tells him he did the math and Bojč can pay his half of the bill later. Equality 💪💪 Afterwards they walk to Jere's dorm together hand in hand ♡
7: would they build a pillow fort together just because?
100% They'll have sleepovers on the floor surrounded by pillows even though there's a perfectly fine bed waiting for them
3: do they wear the other's clothes?
Yes 🥰🥰 Jere likes to wear Bojan's hoodies and rings. Bojan also wears Jere's sweaters cuz they're oversized anyways and also his socks cuz Jere has a bunch of socks with fun patterns :3
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lover-of-mine · 6 months
no no that is such a good point like I've been so focused on the buddie of it all (bc well yeah they have my heart) & just like assuming Tommy & Eddie will be fine but like I don't actually know??? I guess I'm hoping that while we get Buck/Tommy development & Buddie development we also get Eddie & Tommy development but I have no idea like how they'll do it??? Bc Eddie would also probably feel hella guilty if he realizes he's in love with Buck while Buck is not only dating but dating one of his good friends? Like that's a lot. Even if Tommy is more aware that something's going on there and he & Buck are able to part on amicable terms like ugh where would that leave Eddie? Tho I mean I guess it also depends on how serious or casual Buck & Tommy are but still. I commented this on the other ask tho that I do like the idea of that being an aspect they explore if Buddie get together. And if Buck is able to part amicably with Tommy then maybe he could be in a position to like gently nudge Eddie in the direction of like "I know it's weird but you two had a really good thing going, I'd hate for you to lose that, how can I help" type of thing? And Eddie struggling but Tommy seems like idk he'd want to stay friends & be patient enough to work on it too? You know? I mean I really have no idea but that'd be cool to see and a good like first I don't want to say test but in terms of like showing us how Buddie works as a relationship and the ways they're maybe different but better? Idk. Eddie has so much of his own issues and I think a situation like this that's weird & messy could potentially be a way for him to work through some stuff?? But like *shrugs helplessly* WHO KNOWS? NOT ME.
Yeah, like, not to be an Eddie wobblifier on main, but the only thing I've been able to think about is the Eddie and Tommy of it all, because I can't remember the last time we saw Eddie that happy and that was a lot about his friendship with Tommy. And Eddie is already being used as a plot device here, if on top of it all he also loses this friendship he had going on Tommy, imma be mad as hell, because Eddie deserves how happy he was. That man has been through hell and to have him laughing about being on a helicopter or excited about a fight with everything that happened to him was everything to me. Eddie is in a better place, he is learning to do things for himself, and to have Buck take that away from him even if unintentionally would be tragic. Because if this is leading to buddie getting together, I don't see how Mr looks like he poisoned Taylor Kelly's food would handle being friends with Buck's ex. Sure they are all grown men, and Tommy and Buck will probably part ways amicably, but at the same time, how close to Tommy Eddie can be in this situation? Because Tommy will always be this person who Buck had all these firsts with, so Eddie being somewhat jealous, or just feeling weird about it in a general sense, would be perfectly natural. So, like, how are they working through that? Like, I get queer culture and go lesbians continuing to live together after they break up because they are still best friends, but this is a tv show, how well can that play out in the long run if they keep Tommy around after he and Buck break up and Buck and Eddie get together? I'm really curious.
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mrsnancywheeler · 6 months
Okay but Billy Dunne and his muse…idk if you like Olivia Rodrigo but one of her songs being “vampire” ESPECIALLY IF SHES YOUNGER THAN HIM????
“I love you truly / Gotta laugh at the stupidity” stupid because loving Billy Dunne is toxic man “‘Cause I’ve made some real big mistakes / but you make the worst one look fine” “I should’ve known it was strange / you only come out at night” he only approaches her when HE needs “bleedin’ me dry, like a goddamn vampire” “ooh, what a mesmerizing, paralyzing, fucked-up little thrill” “went for me, and not her / cause girls your age know better”
ALSO THE “you said it was true love, but wouldn’t that be hard? / you can’t love anyone, ‘cause that mean you had a heart / I tried to help you out, now I know that I can’t” LIKE WHEN SHE LISTENES TO HIS SONGS???
Anyway he’s hot as hell. Like hell yeah boy manipulate me, please
I literally love Olivia Rodrigo so so much and literally wish I could've afforded tickets for the guts tour so badly 😭
but yes 10000% I'm pretty sure he's nearing 30 by the time the band breaks up on 1977, but meeting him when you're 19, in like 1974, and all the girls your age, in your social class, are trying out the groupie lifestyle. and one day you see the six performing at whisky a go go and he sees you watching. he's instantly attracted to you and talks to you after, offering you a cigarette, he's expecting you to go back with him like most groupies do but you don't.
"I got places to be." you laughed, taking a puff from the cigarette. "but maybe I'll see you around billy dunne. nice meeting you." and he likes you, adores that you're playing like that when realistically by the second time you're around you do go with him. suddenly he can't get enough of you and the rest is history.
okay okay sorry for the sidebar pookie, let's unpack vampire
she realized pretty early on what she'd gotten herself into, she knew he wasn't the kind of guy she could tie down, but god she'd fallen for him faster than rain. and he's the kind of guy who can go from a drizzle to a hurricane unbelievably fast. and part of her doesn't care because when he's at his best he's so adoring, loving, the times are so good and make the stumbling seemingly worth it. and she's heard the stories about how all rockstars are the same but she ignores them, ignores how he approached his first ever groupie so eagerly, always waits around for him to want her and then is thrown off when it's no longer her being the only groupie waiting for attention and she's got to wait for it, hope that he still picks her. other groupies probably know better then do get as tied up as she has, they want some of billy, but they'll take the others, but you took the first lead singer who flashed you a smile and so naively let yourself be his little girlfriend, well his girlfriend when he felt like you were.
yes, he's got so many songs about how turbulent their relationship is, how it's so close to falling apart, despite how much he loves her, how they burn for each other, with each other. and she wonders if he feels that way why he lets so much anger infest rather than the love he supposedly has. sometimes she wonders if he keeps the relationship that way to have good rock n roll content, to make it fun. so being his muse most of the time you can romanticize but when you think too hard about what that means to him it can lead to some pretty nasty thoughts and eventual blow up arguments.
literally, billy dunne please let me be your young, on and off girlfriend who can't tell if you really love her or you like that you can write good songs about her.
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td-frog · 6 months
thoughts on dcas e6:
the songs
honestly wasn't expecting much (tho i didn't think they'd be bad) but those were actually really good
stylistically i think magenta was my favorite but they were all really good
this plot is so so funny to me. *tom voice* if i avoid my problems for long enough they definitely won't become infinitely worse
also theater kid aiden going "i need to think about it because i do have a boyfriend, but stage kisses are a thing and we don't have feelings for each other so i can be okay with it"
while tom's like "ah fuck. i really should've talked to jake by now. nothing i can do i guess!" and then afterwards is like "wait do you think he was mad at me?" comedy GOLD
like to be clear so much of the humor for me here is that aiden is Not Interested. literally the entire problem is that tom is not communicating and therefore jake has no reason to know any of that. and especially now that aiden's started picking up on drama it's like. how long can you run from this? maybe you should stop running? oh, no. no he's running faster.
magenta team
i really like ally/ashley friendship. very easily could've been an us vs. them thing even with hunter out, but it makes sense that ashley wouldn't go for that.
also i really like that ally doesn't miss hunter. i think a lot of the problems with their relationship they've been hinting at so far is that ally struggles a lot with personal identity outside of other people, and hunter didn't understand or accommodate that. regardless of whether they stay together in the end, they very much needed a break so she can figure out who she is without him again and whether she actually wants to be there (and i wish her luck).
yellow team elimination
connor vs. yul as the elimination makes sense, and the fact that it was connor also makes sense (especially since yul is now getting production help with his image)
i really really like the detail that alec betrayed connor for his own good. their alliance concerned me because i like the friendship, but with the villains alliance it seemed really dangerous. and alec going "i like this man and i want him around, but being here is bad for him" is actually a really honest and mature approach.
(i also can't be assed to check handwriting, but i did notice it wasn't confirmed riya betrayed him- one vote wasn't read and it could've been against yul- but also i don't expect that to really mean anything)
rest of yellow team stuff
grett :( baby :(
she does not deserve this treatment and i know yul's going down in the end because he is so intentionally designed to be so so terrible but in the meantime :(
riya fucking up was telegraphed so hard (not a bad thing) and i appreciate how it a) makes her the obvious boot from a single challenge perspective and b) has no actual effect on the elimination.
other thoughts
don't really like what they're doing with trevor and derek. i'm sure it'll work out fine in the end but for now i'm largely ignoring it out of mild squick.
cyan team is due for elimination, although idk that they'll get it. if they do i'm guessing ellie or tom- either because ellie villain plot finally goes down against her, or tom if the love triangle plot plays out. i could see others but tbh i think this team drama works better with them making it to the merge.
if it's magenta team it's probably fiore, which makes me think it won't be magenta team.
yellow team as always is such a dumpster fire of drama. if they lose it's probably yul vs. riya but they both could have plot armor protecting them so idk.
don't have much else rn because i need to leave but hopefully e7 is able to come out on time, and even if not that the difficulties the team is facing re: leakers aren't too devastating.
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papaziggy-devblog · 2 years
A = Aftercare: If they don't fuck u till your unconcious and just dip after, you get being held very posessivly and words of affermation… but like… dirty ones
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) Your skin.. it looks very soft… great for stabbing
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically) They're gonna make sure you both cum a lot, to the point you're both shaking
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) IDK MAYBE THAT THEY'RE THE FUCKING KILLER? WHATS WRONG WITH U ALL??? (I'm kidding I luv u all<3)
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) Experience killing? A lot
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying) Doggy, your face on the ground, their hand on ur back holding u down
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.) Maybe with the dirty talk a little if u banter back
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.) Shaven, you think they're gonna risk leaving behind DNA? Dummy
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect) Intimate in a rough and posessive way, they're making sure u know you belong to them
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon) Idfk, prolly a lot?
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks) Knifeplay, bondage, pred/prey, creampies, overstimulation
L = Location (favorite places to do the do) Out in the woods probably??
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going) Seeing u helpless
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) Ageplay, scat, watersport, bestiality, ect… Even killers have standards
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) Prefers to recieve, decent at giving
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.) Rough, either fast or slow, doesn't matter so long as they hear you scream
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.) They like them, convienient
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.) Well they're a MURDERER So I THINK they'd be fine with some risk
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?) Lots, you're probably gonna end up being fucked till u pass out
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) NOT THE GOOD KIND PROLLY???
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) A lot, they'll make sure you're begging
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) Grunts and groans, lots of extra rought dirty talk, expect to be taunted
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character) IF you manage to actually seduce them they'll probably kidnap u instead of killing you
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) …. Nice try .w.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?) High, congrats u worked them up now u gotta deal with that
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) Will NOT fall asleep before u
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