#They don’t speak for us
90363462 · 12 days
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That’s it
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pokemon-radical-red · 3 months
Why are trans men constantly gaslit about our lived experiences?
We try to talk about how we’re denied reproductive care and are treated as others in gynecological spaces. We should not be outliers or things of ridicule or disgust in these spaces. These are spaces where we should be welcomed like any cis woman would be. We are treated like this even when we need gynecological care because we are trans men.
We try to talk about how TERFs oversexualize us while infantalizing and talking down to us. They act like they have ownership of our bodies, and like we need them to guide us to “accepting” ourselves as women. They do this because we are trans men. People have started calling them TWERFs instead, because they like to believe that we are included on behalf of TERFs wanting to change our minds and bodies, and claiming that they will have open arms for us when we’re “done with our phase.” (Being sexualized is especially true of straight trans men. Gay trans men will be constantly subjected to fatphobic stereotypes, and plenty of things that are just “LIBERAL SJW,” misogynistic stereotypes turned around and used against someone who it’s slightly more acceptable to hurt. This is okay to so many people because we are trans men.)
When we point out any ways that we face oppression, we have 500 people screaming that another group has it worse. Depending on the group, they claim that we’re either privileged men or privileged little girls complaining about nothing.
There is no way for us to win in society’s eyes. We are constantly silenced and spoken over, even by some of our siblings. Trans men deserve to be respected. Trans men deserve to be understood. Trans men deserve to be accepted.
Trans men deserve to be believed.
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apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
people who refer to their favorite characters with pronouns that deviate from what said character uses in canon are stronger than any us marine
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visenyaism · 11 months
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if anyone was wondering how they’re reporting statue melting day in charlottesville itself. it’s a good one.
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yourlocalabomination · 8 months
“Aside from TGWDLM (and a brief BF cameo), Ted Spankoffski has long hair and we as a fandom need to represent that more often within our fanworks, ” I say into the mic.
The crowd boos. I begin to walk off in shame when a voice speaks and commands silence from the room.
“They’re right,” he says. I look for the owner of the voice. There in the 5th row stands: Joey Richter himself, with long hair.
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how do you feel about having to update your bio again
I’ve now updated my bio more times in the past 6 months than I did during the entire Donald trump presidency, and I’m loving every single second of it
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It’s now so long, you can’t see the avatar anymore
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gayestcowboy · 1 year
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she’s one of us <3
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grmpgm · 24 days
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sinvulkt · 28 days
I’ve recently been confronted with how differently everyone approach stories. This made me curious. So guys, I’m counting on you for data, we need to reblog.
(Calling upon the strenght of my (i hope) fandom friends so we get proper statistics)
@cinderfeather @yatsukisakura @bluntblade @tramp-fiction @purpleopossum @starmahgalaxies @purple-iris @tonhalszendvics @retciwrites @vandervoiz @insertmeaningfulusername @pebblish @pat-the-togorian @linzerj @kgjhk @fanfictasia @kefalion @doctorgeekery @asteral-feileacan @dreaminghour @beewaggle @dirtkid123 @ravenite-void @kuraiarcoiris @angst-buritto-wips-writing @mamashenanigans @fancyfrey @hylianengineer @silvercaptain24 @silvereddaye @omaano @piroporopi @mina-jamsin-derulo @doctorgeekery @ash--00 @trickstress333 @kittonafoxgirl @salparadiselost @charlottevader @ravenstakeflight @starr234 @sarcasticfirefighter @numerousbees1106 @akizumy @25centsoda @udekai @unlikecharlie @beguilewritesstuff @lusseia @azzzryel
I apologize in advance if I bothered anyone! (Warn me in dm and i won’t tag you for this kind of stuff again). Hopefully you’re curious as well and want the answer as much as I do. 🎶
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flowerysubmissive · 4 months
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Friday is just around the corner, who’s excited? This over worked pup can’t wait for the weekend to come 🐶💕!
If you like my tits consider tossing me a coin ~♡
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miakwat · 3 months
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Thinking about... filipino Kai/Cole forgetting to tell Kai he can speak tagalog
Translation: Cole: "I love you-" Kai: "WHAT?"
Commissions are open | Check out my Etsy
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spiderbeam · 1 month
little rant here but the recent articles that came out on zhou calling out the racism he has faced during his career has led me to think on a few things that have bothered me quite a while about f1 fans.
with zhou’s statement people are now pretty aware and conscious of the unfair treatment he has had throughout the years—the same way nearly everyone agrees that alex albon has also faced discrimination during his career the “being british when he does well but being thai when he doesn’t” still breaks my heart.
but i also believe that one of the drivers facing racism on the daily that is often overlooked is checo. but some of you are not ready to have this conversation.
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wearepaladin · 7 months
Out of curiosity: have any of you ever run into or know anyone that is averse with other DnD classes like some people are with paladins? You know, the paladins are just cops crowd, etc etc.
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muraae · 5 months
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→vaultghoul moodboard(s): the phantom of the opera
‘if i am the phantom, it is because man's hatred has made me so. if i am to be saved it is because your love redeems me.’
it begins on the night of the gala. ballerina and aspiring singer lucy maclean finds her taking center stage when the prima donna has fallen ill. she is a sensation over night and ensares the hearts of half the city, none more so than a strange creature who calls himself her teacher. a mysterious disfigured composer who haunts the halls of the opera house.
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potatoes-tomatoes · 1 year
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Instagram ask doodle— someone requested Lola as Barbie!
I think of the deleted exchange she had with lebron in SJ2, where she says “Looney is who [Bugs] is and what he does. I’m not like that.” and I mourn the executive meddling. It was supposed to be satirical, critical and maybe even a lil more cynical and all Looney… but too many mandated rewrites left a sour taste in my mouth, especially when it comes to Lola. She doesn’t really have a place in the world of LT outside of being Bugs’ arm candy and “Basketball”…..Sj2 coulda had that conversation. poor gal
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yumeyumeappleo · 1 year
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wow look another fucking phone doodle of—guess who…..you got. the trans turtle. anyways look at her
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