#These idiots
kate-komics · 2 months
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Sorry I’ve become a posting recluse and not finishing the art I said I was gonna make. Please take this drawing of two elf men I’m obsessed with as an offering.
Drawing some just ‘for fun’ art, fan comics or otherwise, is just harder lately. We’ll get back to our regularly scheduled stuff, I promise. Thanks for sticking around in the meantime ❤️
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smnthwrd · 4 months
i think people are overlooking the "you already know how to do this" line in the beginning of the yellow head covering conversation because hes literally saying "i dont need to teach you how to beguile men bc you've been doing it with me since we met just by being yourself lol" like?? im actually laughing dawg are you telling me thats your platonic homie
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littlediscoveredstars · 2 months
I have a fanfic idea that I haven’t really committed to writing, so you can have it here.
Idea: Batman and Superman decide to finally put the bro-mance to rest and go on a proper date. The thing is, they both plan to reveal their identities at the restaurant.
Bruce focuses so hard on looking like Bruce Wayne, but also more himself that he does at galas. He’s wearing a turtleneck and his comfy work shoes. His hair is less organized and he lets himself slouch.
Clark isn’t sure whether to slick back his hair like Superman but keep the glasses or keep everything Clark Kent but leave the glasses home. He decides to just wing it and go as much like himself as he can: jeans, boots, and glasses. After all, he’s a Kansas farm boy under every layer of identity he’s created.
So, then comes the day for them to meet. They expect to see each other, be a little surprised, then go about their date as normal.
It turned out…not like that.
With neither knowing what name the table was reserved under, they both assume they’ve arrived first and watch every man that fits their date’s general build pass them by.
Clark sees Bruce Wayne and thinks, “Wow! What are the odds Bruce Wayne happens to be at the same restaurant? Funny.” Then he sits down at a booth and waits for Batman.
Bruce, to his credit, watches Clark pass by with suspicions. The guy looks kind of like Superman but those curls are so dense and he honestly cannot imagine Big Blue dressed like a cowboy, so he waves it, especially when the man doesn’t stop to confront him. He just stares the way everyone else has after seeing a celebrity out in public and moves on.
An hour passes. Then two. Both are sitting a few tables apart, looking around desperately for their hero coworker to show.
Bruce gets impatient first. He understand Superman has a lot on his plate and a single free night is a lot to ask. Maybe they’ll try again. Or they won’t, since Bruce has convinced himself this was stupid to begin with.
It’s as he’s preparing to go that he sees that cowboy again. The gorgeous man is looking down, crestfallen at also being stood up.
So, Bruce does something a little spontaneous. Bruce sits in front of the guy. He blames it on the glasses of wine he had while waiting.
Bruce: “I’m Bruce. May I be blunt?”
Clark, blinking in surprise: “uh, sure?”
Bruce: “I watched you walk in over an hour ago and no one has accompanied you. Seeing as my date did the same, I’d like to fill the space.”
Clark, again, surprised he’s even being talked to by a billionaire outside of his job: “Y-yes? Yes! I mean, sure! By all means!”
It’s not like Batman’s going to come crashing in from the window. Well, he could, but Clark’s been listening to the city around them. No sign of Batman’s grapple.
So, Bruce and Clark meet. They fall into conversation easily, even make each other laugh. It’s so effortless and slightly suspicious, but they’re having a fun time and Bruce isn’t self-sabotaging enough to break away now. Not when he’s needed this for a while.
Then, at the end of the date, Clark listens for Batman’s heartbeat. He tries to hear where his friend might be, to understand why he didn’t show, but the heartbeat is standing right in front of him. There, in Bruce Wayne’s chest.
And/or, Clark removed his glasses to clean them and it clicks in Bruce’s mind. He reaches out to smooth all of Clark’s hair back and a single, rebellious curl pops out.
They’re both so furious, Clark has to fly them to the roof to properly shout about it.
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animaybi · 11 days
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Lil evening soukoku sketch ok goodnight!
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mystieris · 6 days
So I just learned what "Wet Hades" means...
Zeus: …Why is Hades smiling like that…? Poseidon: Nothing! Hades: (snorts) Dionysus: I just told them about a mortal who's been writing a play about that Odysseus dude, and how apparently fans of this play have started referring to Poseidon as "Wet Hades" as a meme. Hades: (snorts again) Poseidon: SHUT UP!! Hades: Hey. Let me have this. (points at Zeus) I've been known as the dark version of him for millennia. 'Bout time one of you two get nicknamed after me!
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bird-inacage · 2 months
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Love Sea Episode 9 BTS | Fort The Kissing Menace & His Enabler
Peat: There's no kissing in this scene! What did I just say?? No kissing - Why do you keep kissing me?? Stop kissing me already! Get offfff.
Fort: Let me kiss you.
Peat: Okay.
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lesbianiki · 4 months
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Catradora in the Box🔥👄🔥
I can totally imagine them trapped in a box, Entrapta's failed device, and doing their "best" to get along during the hours before they are rescued. Catra getting on Adora's nerves intentionally. Adora annoyed, but atcthe same time flusttered because she physically and mentally CAN'T be mad at Catra, she is her baby kitty after all. Catra PURRING for her and-aND
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b0bbynash · 2 years
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fandoms-anon · 1 year
Apparently it’s National Kiss and Make Up day
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I know some boys that deserve an apology.
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lesbianswiftie137 · 2 months
Guys just imagine if Buck in s8 just casually (platonically) says ily to Eddie which makes Eddie have his ‘oh’ moment and realises he wanted Buck to say it romantically
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repmet · 2 years
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You don't have to sacrifice yourself.
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arattleinthewomb · 2 years
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Developes new obsession like a petri dish growing mold
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fazedlight · 5 months
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“I’m thinking of visiting my mother’s house soon,” Lena murmured. “I want to find out more about her. Where I came from.” “That sounds lovely,” Kara said softly. “Do you want to come with me?” Lena asked. Kara hesitated.
What if Lena hadn't left for her mother's house when Nyxly returned?
In Her Way is a one-shot on AO3.
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revalition · 10 days
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logic fail in front of the hardies I dont like how this turned out but if I dont post it, it'll go die in my drafts. so.
hopefully this is how you format on tumblr?? im very new here
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icallhimjoey · 5 months
new aqpdo trailer tomorrow
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solastacia · 3 months
Another update on The Two Towers:
Gandalf confirming that he was speaking to himself because old people often do that when they are the wisest in the room while being beside Aragorn, son of Arathorn, Legolas, son of Thranduil, and Gimli, son of Glóin, is such a "y'all are idiots, let me think" move.
I'm here for it. Gandalf the White is as sassy as Gandalf the Grey.
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