#Thermodynamics Challenges
townpostin · 3 months
Jamshedpur Engineer Soumya Deep Claims Breakthrough In Flywheel Energy Storage
Saumya Deep’s Patent Challenges Conventional Thermodynamics Laws Invention promises increased efficiency for renewable energy storage systems. JAMSHEDPUR – Saumya Deep, who is a mechanical engineer and school administrator, recently made an exciting announcement about a potentially revolutionary invention in flywheel energy storage technology. Deep’s patent, titled "A Process to Make Over Unity…
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forgottenbones · 1 year
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and then my thermo teacher called the Brayton cycle the MASTER cycle....... and all my years of ao3 lurking caught up to me and i was rendered incapable of opening my mouth bc if i had, i would've CACKLED like you do NOT understand
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phuuca · 2 months
We as a SebeJack nation don’t talk about h about how out of EVERYONE Sebek invited to his party with his Birthday Jersey, he chose Jack. AND he Duo Magic’s with Jack.
Like?? That’s so sweet?? And he has Jack as his interviewer?? They go to the same fucking bookstore and never knew?? And Jack pays attention to what Sebek says in Flight Class!! And the very obvious worry when Sebek admits that Lilia abandoned him and Silver on a mountain…
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grimalkinmessor · 5 months
6, 8, 15 for lawlight pleaseee!
6. How do they make up/apologize after an argument?
Well, I'm certain that neither of them apologize, at least not verbally; they're both too prideful for it. I think that L makes up by giving gifts (read: bribes) when Light is angry with him, but that rarely works so he has to resort to making Light feel powerful in some way. Whether that's through revealing a secret/weakness or simply letting him top, that's up to you :3
Light is....more complicated, because while getting L to admit he's wrong is like pulling teeth, Light won't admit he's wrong at all. He's kind of incapable of it when it's something he gives a shit about. But, then, he kinda gives a lot of shits about L himself, so therein lies the problem. On smaller matters, Light can begrudgingly take 'defeat' and admit that L was right but not that he was wrong, but for everything else.... Yeah, the most you're getting out of him is a roundabout concession over something else that is far less important but still somehow ties back to the thing they were arguing about.
But L loves his prideful little monster, so he knows what to expect in the end really lmao
8. What do they love most about the other? Why?
For ME personally, L loves that Light is fucking insane. He's seen people like that before, of course, but they've never been on his level, never truly come to KNOW him like Light has, never mirrored him so exactly in intelligence and ruthlessness. Never gave him so much fun. Granted, Light's flavor of haughty insanity isn't what made L fall in love with him, but it is the biggest reason he loves him 🥰
For Light, he loves how much of a challenge L is. He never gives Light an inch, and if he does it's only to further his own goals and agenda. He's able to see through Light's lies and politeness down to the monster beneath—L is the only one who ever truly sees him. And Light can't help but love and hate him for it. But mostly love ;3
15. What songs remind you of their relationship?
I actually don't have that many for them, surprisingly! And what I do have is fairly generic, but I'll try and find some of my gems for you! :D
↑ Obligatory Junie & The Hut Friends song because I have to have at least one in every playlist and this one just fits the lawlight vibe ✨
↑ A bit of a classic one for me, again. If they beat the fuck out of each other regularly then this is my go-to song :3
↑ This one is Light to me 😌 Light descending into madness because he's realized his feelings for L and is disgusted with himself and listing all the things he hates about L, berating himself for falling in the first place all while the derangement takes over as he realizes he still has to kill him 💅✨
↑ I'm so sorry, I'm not usually a k-pop groupie but my little sisters were watching the music video for this one and it just SCREAMS lawlight I don't know how else to explain it 😭
↑ Me when L singing to Light. When L singing to Light before and after his death. wHEN NOW I'M IN YOUR HEAD AND THE RENT IS DUE—
↑ Same as above but reversed POV 🙏 Light can't get him out L is in him forever now 😌
↑ 🫣🫣🫣😳😳😳🫣 This one's pretty self-explanatory once you listen to it....
↑ Again, self-explanatory, but also Light. Light-coded. For obvious reasons. But yes ✨
....Okay maybe I lied a little on accident I had more than I thought 😅
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uhardite · 9 months
୨୧ day 42 - 58 of 70 ୨୧
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morning stretching
gratitude journaling
skincare before bed
limiting screen time to 1 hour
ray optics pyqs
straight line pyqs
limits pyqs
gave a mock test to check my actual score
circle pyqs
parabola pyqs
electrostatics pyqs
heat and thermodynamics pyqs
electrostatics examples (1/2 done)
limits examples
alkyl halides from ncert exemplar
alkyl halides formula sheet
ray optics examples
p&c examples (1/2 done)
aldehydes and ketones pyqs
indefinite integral hsc
definite integral hsc
differential equations hsc
area under curve hsc
biomolecules hsc
semiconductors hsc
💌 note: posting this bcz there's only 2 weeks left of the challenge which is both a relief and a terror, also i felt like i wasnt studying enough but i actually have finished a lot of things and im pretty proud of myself, the exam i have been studying for is right around the corner and i am confident that i can achieve the marks i have been aiming for, also im really happy because i have been working on all the habits that i wanted to incorporate into my routine this year. my friends have been cheering me on all the way and i love them for that, hoping everyone achieves their goals in 2024 and has an amazing year <3
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pixlelixr · 6 months
Challenging myself to not listen to will wood and tally hall for a month is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I’ve been noticing their songs everywhere now. The audio that’s bill cipher going “well isn’t this interesting” has thermodynamic lawyer intro and I went crazy when I noticed. I’m going insane. I decided to listen to Laplaces Angel (my least favorite will wood song) and I had an ethereal experience
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Novel glass-forming liquid electrolyte shows glass transition across broad range
As the world shifts towards a more sustainable future, the development of advanced electrochemical devices, such as rechargeable batteries with higher energy densities and efficient electrodeposition capabilities, has become increasingly crucial. In recent years, ultra-concentrated electrolyte solutions, where metal salts are dissolved at concentrations two to three times higher than those in a single solvent, or mixtures where metal salts are excessively dissolved in a single solvent, have gained attention as new electrolyte solutions. These solutions remain liquid at room temperature and enable high ion conduction and high-efficiency, high-quality metal film formation. However, the physicochemical or thermodynamic definition of these liquids remains unclear. Moreover, identifying the dissolved species and understanding their structures, which are crucial for their use as electrolytes, is extremely challenging.
Read more.
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stuffforthestash · 6 months
Modern Academic AU pt3
All this because I couldn't stop thinking about what kinds of classes Professor Raphael would teach... He's laughing up at me from hell, I just know it.
part 1 and part 2
Kagha (by request!) - Environmental Science. Will only teach courses about political lobbying and activism. She's also a militant vegan and active member of PETA, and won't shut up about it.
Dammon - College of Engineering. Teaches "Advanced Manufacturing Processes" and "Finite Element Analysis", and runs the machining shop. Also teaches a metal sculpture class when there's room in the Art School's budget. He's one of the faculty liaisons for several LGBTQA+ orgs on campus as well, and is completely oblivious to the fact he has a fan club (which is for the best, really)
Zevlor - Campus Security. A retired Green Beret who refuses to talk about his time in the service, he's well liked by most faculty and known to be a bit of an old school charmer. LOTS of rumors and speculation about what kind of injury got him discharged, and how he got it.
Barcus - College of Engineering. He teaches classes on Thermodynamics and Process Design & Safety. Has no idea how popular and well-liked he is by both students and staff.
Wulbren - Chemical Engineering Dep't Chair. He's brilliant, but also an asshole, and is constantly trying to weasel more grant money for his research into ethically questionable chemical compound modifications. Also makes his TAs teach all his classes for him.
Lorroakan - English Dep't Chair. Thinks he's hot shit for it but really no one else wanted the job. He makes his TAs teach all his classes AND do all his admin work, so he can spend all his time (and the department's money) on schmoozing with alumni and donors.
Blurg - Environmental Science. Isn't that great of a teacher but it's required for keeping the research grants coming in. Thankfully his passion and enthusiasm for topics like Sustainability in Agriculture make up for his shortcomings.
Omeluum - They're actually Bluurg's research partner and not technically a member of faculty, though they also act as his unofficial TA because otherwise Bluurg's course work interferes with their research timelines.
Nine-Fingers Keene (by request) - School of Business. Her classes are all advanced level and titled things like "Gaining The Competitive Edge". She also runs an entrepreneurial outreach program for young women seeking to start their own businesses.
Dame Aylin - VP of Diversity and Inclusion. She's very passionate about her job and a VERY vocal advocate for social justice issues like inclusivity, diversity, and accessibility. Completely incapable of keeping her personal life separate from her professional one, as she's a devout believer in leading by example.
Isobel - School RN. Is fiercely protective of students right to medical privacy and access to judgment free care, but is much better known on campus for being Dame Aylin's wife.
The Emperor - Board of Trustees. Outwardly just an ordinary Trustee, generally pleasant to interact with and actually rather good at rubbing elbows with students, faculty, and admin alike. There's just something off about them, enough that they've had multiple audits and inquests over the years despite nobody ever being able to find any actual signs of misconduct.
Sorry this set took a bit longer to figure out. A bunch of these characters were a real challenge to fit into roles that actually exist in reality, and I had to do a bit of research to find out wtf kinds of classes or departments certain fields of study even have. Ah, the things we do for the blorbos, amirite?
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pencildragons · 4 months
Last line challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like). 
i was tagged by my beloved mutual @hastalavistabyebye (ty for the tag !!), last thing lines i wrote was for ch2 of the silver is white, red is the gold
He dresses in a clean pair of blacks and a clean-ish pair of fatigues and slips on his soft real-leather boots—attained through a few bribes and careful manipulation of the ever-growing pile of blackmail on every clone officer ranked above lieutenant—and then, just as he’s about to make it out of the ‘fresher, unwillingly steps toward the sink to wash his hands off one last time. (Washing his hands, even until they are red and raw from the ungentle chemicals of standard ration soap, does nothing except open tiny little cuts on his already-too-dry skin. Every time he flexes his fingers, he still feels dried blood crack and flake away, and when he scratches and digs at his cuticles until not a chance in all the hells of every world remains that his hands are not clean, blood bubbles up from the torn skin, washing pink down the drain. It is a vicious cycle, and Fox cannot break free of it.)
tagging (no pressure!!): @whiskygoldwings @lttrsfrmlnrrgby @lightasthesun @thermodynamic-comedian @lit-in-thy-heart and uno-reversing @hastalavistabyebye :3
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Day 84/100 of the 100 Days of Productivity Challenge
things are really spicing up in my academic life rn so i dont have too much time to update this challenge, because it requires so much single minded attention to compile the day's jobs done when my days start at 6am and end at 2am most days. lmfao
productivity tho is skyrocketing atm. so much so that im missing out on most f1 qualis and i have not watched a single practice session. but my boys charles and max are fighting shitboxes like the goats they are. gonna watch the spa race bc my fav track. hoping for a charlie win.
fingers crossed for my research team to win gold at the international competition we're working for because i have sacrificed so much time, energy, sleep and mental soundness to this lil bbg i won't be able to take disappointment at this point.
i also have my second round of exams next week and i am hoping hoping hoping i improve like something bc the 3/7 subjects i was lagging at need serious revamping, because they're mostly subjects i'm in love with (thermodynamics ii, heat transfer)
fingers crossed for the rest of the challenge. idk when ill be able to update again.
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mimilind · 9 months
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A Magical Classmate - Part 1
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader
Rating: T
Chapter Word Count: 1900
Parts: [ Next Part > ] [ Masterlist ]
Full story: [ AO3 ]
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1. The New Student
It was over a month into term and the morning lecture had already started when a strange young man sauntered into the hall, taking a seat among you as naturally as if he owned the place. You were a big class and you would probably not have paid attention to him if not for how out of place he looked, wearing a black suit with a striped tie in green and silver, and with his blond hair combed backwards like a rich Stureplan brat from Stockholm. 
Was he an economics student who lost his way? But even they didn’t look that snobby in this city. Gothenburg was for average people. 
The teacher only gave him a brief look before he continued to write on the whiteboard, and you turned your attention back to the lecture.
In the break, Catrine immediately went over to the newcomer and shook his hand. “Welcome to the class! I’m Catrine.”
She was one of those hyper social persons who knew everybody, and if she didn’t she made sure to get to know them as soon as possible.
He stared blankly at her. “Sorry?”
“Oh, you speak English!”
“How perceptive of you,” he deadpanned.
“That’s super cool! What’s your name and where comes you from?” She was assaulting the language badly, but in her defense she studied chemistry and not English.
“Drake Marley. From America.”
You narrowed your eyes. America? Absolutely not. His accent had made you think of English royalty and BBC reporters, and no Americans you ever heard spoke like that.
“Nice. Why are you in a Swedish university if you’re American?”
“Exchange student.” He glanced at the pile of textbooks in his open briefcase; all of them were written in English. “It’s not necessary for me to understand anything; I already know the required course book by heart. But I thought lectures were mandatory?”
Of course the guy had a briefcase and not a backpack… a snob through and through, it would seem.
“Not at all. Labs are, though.”
“Good to know.” 
“Tell me more about you. Where in America? Why pick chemistry? Do you live in a dorms?”
“I like chemistry.” He was looking at the door as if planning an escape route. Catrine had a rather overwhelmingly inquisitive personality that could take a while to get used to.
“Do you really know all the textbooks by heart?” Martin, your dorm neighbor, cut in. He had been ogling Drake with a starry gaze since he arrived.
You could see why. Drake was tall, wide-shouldered, and he had a nice face. Straight nose, dark eyebrows, chiseled jaw. His eyes were an unusual pale blue color that matched the silver in his tie.
If he hadn’t looked so cocky and upper-class he would have been handsome.
“Do you think I make stuff up?” he scoffed rather arrogantly.
What a jerk! You were convinced he was just bragging; nobody read the textbooks in advance. 
“Then what is the second law of thermodynamics, Mister Know-it-all?” you challenged.
He smirked. “Depends on who you ask. Kelvin? Planck?”
“Kelvin,” you picked at random. A tendril of doubt stirred in you. Why did he look so confident?
A group of students had gathered around you now, clearly curious about the outcome of the confrontation.
“According to Lord Kelvin, ‘a cyclic transformation whose only final result is to transform heat extracted from a source which is at the same temperature throughout into work is impossible,” he quoted.
“Wow!” Martin clapped his hands and was joined by a few bystanders.
That was taken directly from the textbook. You shifted your stance, beginning to feel a bit too hot. So, maybe he had photographic memory then, but he probably just memorized the phrase and didn’t understand what it meant.
“Say that in simpler words.”
“It means entropy always increases – and that means for example that a hot item will become cool, unless you heat it.”
You knew you must be blushing now. ”Okay,” you muttered, defeated. 
“Some are both hot and cool at the same time,” said Martin, eyeing him appreciatively. “I say, you must join us tonight at the dentist students’ pub!”
“Why would I want to do that?”
“Because their pub is the best,” said Catrine. “Cheap drinks, great music. Try it. It’s fun.”
He hesitated. “Maybe.”
The break was over and there was no opportunity to talk for a while, but you had a hard time focusing on the teacher. Who was this genius, British-sounding, American rich guy? Despite the mortification that he beat you, he intrigued you.
You hoped he would come to the pub so you could get to know him better; not because he seemed very likable but because you were so curious. 
Or at least that was what you told yourself.
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When you arrived that night, you saw Catrine and Martin with a group of fellow students at a corner table. There was no sign of Drake.
You ordered your usual pear cider and joined them. 
“Do you think he will come?” asked Martin, sipping his rum and coke. He was nicely dressed in jeans and a shirt with the top buttons open to expose part of his tanned chest.
“I don’t think he will,” said Catrine. “He seems like a fancy restaurant kind of person. He probably only drinks champagne.” She wore a simple, comfortable sweater as always, but with her curvy shape and blonde ponytail she tended to attract guys’ eyes anyway. Not Martin’s obviously, he wasn’t into girls. 
Leaning against the wall, you slowly drank your cider, listening with half an ear at the others’ chatter and the catchy music. 
The dentist students’ pub was small, only two rooms, and the chairs and tables simple and not very comfortable, but the DJ was good and made the most of the cheap equipment. He always put together a perfect mix of new songs and old favorites from the eighties and early nineties.
After a while the others around the table went over to the dance floor in the next room, but you were getting drowsy. Instead you closed your eyes and let the music and alcohol relax you after a long day.
You all but jumped when you heard the door open and shut firmly. Drake strolled in with the same confident air as that morning, and just like then he looked slightly out of place. This time he wore an actual dress coat with tails and everything. Did he think he was going to a ball? 
Ignoring everybody in the room, he ambled over to the bar. “Dry martini,” he ordered. 
“What?” asked the bartender, a gangly dentist student with braces on his teeth.
Drake sighed. “Never mind. Do you have whiskey sour?”
He shook his head. “We have vodka…”
“No.” He leaned over to read the short menu. “I’ll have a gin and tonic.”
He paid rather clumsily for the drink, peering at the coins and twenty-crown note like he was unfamiliar with them, but that was of course expected for an exchange student.
When he scanned the tables for a place to sit, you waved awkwardly. “Here!”
”Oh, it’s you.” He looked down his nose at you.
His arrogant look made you feel like it was you who were out of place. You squirmed uncomfortably, crossing a leg over the stain on your jeans and wished you had dressed nicer. 
To your surprise he chose your table anyway, but first he wiped the chair with a green silk handkerchief. Then he sat, elegantly crossing one leg over the other. His trousers had perfect press creases, and his leather shoes looked expensive and were spotlessly polished.
Nobody dressed up like that to a simple student back alley pub! Was he royalty? An English prince in exile? You tried to recall all the members of the royal family you knew but could only think of the queen and Lady Di. The former was too old, the latter dead, and neither of them was a guy anyway.
If Drake noticed your glances he didn’t show it; he paid no attention to you and could just as well have been sitting alone. He was staring blankly into the air with a bored expression, taking long gulps of his drink. Whenever there was a new song on, you noticed him wincing slightly. 
He finished the drink fast and put down the plastic cup with a suffering look; he would probably have preferred a crystal glass with an umbrella.
If he hated the company, music and drinks so much, why did he even stay?
“Another,” he called to the bartender. “Please,” he added, almost as an afterthought.
The bartender poured it, leaving it at the counter. 
“I think you must get it yourself,” you prompted a bit shyly.
With a resigned sigh Drake fetched the cup. He emptied it equally efficiently as the previous one, but if the alcohol affected him it didn’t show. 
You wished the others would come back but they were still dancing. The silence between Drake and you grated on your nerves. 
You couldn’t stand it.
”I’m sorry I doubted you,” you blurted.
He raised one eyebrow. “Okay.”
New silence.
Your mouth continued rambling against your volition, desperate to fill the void. “But I mean, it’s not strange I did, right? Normally people don’t learn these books by heart… I thought you were just bragging. How did you even have time to both read and learn it? You must be very smart.”
Great. Why had you said he was smart? He didn’t need his ego stroked. If only the greasy linoleum floor could suck you into it and take you away now.
His lip turned up ever so slightly and for the first time he was actually looking at you. “I am, yes. A know-it-all, like you said.”
You dropped your gaze. Damn. Must he remember that?
”Uh, sorry about that too.”
”And actually I do have plenty of spare time; that’s why I memorized the book. But only the first half. I was lucky you picked thermodynamics.”
Slowly you looked back at him. He was smiling for real now and no longer looked arrogant at all. 
”What? So if I had asked about something near the end you couldn’t reply?”
You giggled nervously. ”You asshole.”
”If you say so.” He nodded at your empty cider bottle. ”Want another of those?”
The offer immediately raised him several notches in your eyes. You never said no to a free drink. Plus, he had a charming smile now that he had dropped the superior air.
Or perhaps he had never meant to be superior, and it was just your interpretation because he looked so wealthy. Thinking back, he hadn’t been impolite to anyone, and just the fact he was willing to attend a pub like this was proof he wasn’t putting on airs.
“Why do you sound British?” you asked when he came back with your bottle and a third gin and tonic for himself.
“Oh.” He hesitated. “I have been living in London a lot.”
London! That’s where the queen lived too! You wanted to ask more, but now the other students returned, and soon Catrine took over the questioning like a twenty-first century version of the Spanish Inquisition.
Drake only replied to half of it and clearly grew more and more uncomfortable under the barrage. Not long afterwards he rose to leave, excusing himself with being tired.
You looked long after him as he walked out. Damn Catrine and her curiosity!
But you could understand her, too. There was something highly mysterious about that young man, and you couldn’t wait until you saw him again and had a chance to find out more.
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Hey all, thanks for reading! This is a completely new fandom for me to write in. Let me know what you think. :)
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Parts: [ Next Part > ] [ Masterlist ]
Full story: [ AO3 ]
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hockeygossip101 · 9 months
Did you know Trevor Zegras was an astronomy major? I went to college with him and I'd see him around and talked to him a couple times. He seemed super passionate about the stars and would constantly info dump to random people. One time when I talked to him, it was because we crossed paths and somehow he got on the topic of black holes for almost an hour. I had to stop him before I was late to my lecture. I still wonder what the rest of his insights were on Hawking radiation and its implications for black hole evaporation and on how this phenomenon challenges our understanding of black hole thermodynamics.
Trevor was an astronomy major? That's very cool. I think you should do an interview with him and just quiz him about his thoughts.
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willowser · 2 years
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okay but. easily nerd bakugou could be so angsty. because he really doesn't think you see him like that !! why would you !!
okay, yes. he's had you in his room and shown you all his hand-painted warhammer miniatures and you kissed him stupid after that and you both may have gotten a little handsy in the historical non-fiction section of the library and that's why the arm of his glasses is bent, just a little out of whack.
"it ain't like that." is what he tells mina, begrudgingly, when she won't stop asking.
"well," she drawls, eyebrows raised as she leans in too close, as if she could squish the answer she wants out of him. "what is it like then?"
and bakugou just shrugs, digging his fingers into his eyes under his lenses. it's hard to know what you even want out of this, why you're doing any of it with him. doesn't make much sense, 'cause you could have anyone on campus you wanted and for some reason you're toying with him, of all people.
"it's—" he shrugs again, pressing his thumbs into the ends of his pencil until the tension threatens to snap it. "nothin', i guess."
and that is so not the right thing to say.
you find him on the second floor of the library, looking through different lectures on physics for his thermodynamics presentation that's coming up, and he does see you first. between the shelves, standing at the end of the aisle with your arms crossed—but the conversation with mina has been heavy on his mind lately; where is this going, anyway?
it's surprising, and bothersome, to think nowhere is the answer. so he pretends he doesn't see you, because he's not ready to face this.
but you are.
he peeks around a shelf, just enough to show off his eyes, and—you're fucking pissed. and it doesn't help that you look so cute in your summery shirt and the way you've done your hair today and—
"nothing?" you're not being quiet, at all. whole library is watching already. "this is nothing to you?"
and bakugou doesn't really like having his shit aired out, so he fully comes out to face you, walking forward so you'll maybe lower your voice, but you're only stepping back, further and further from him.
"you're such an ass."
"what?" now his face goes red, temper flaring at the challenge in your tone—though as much as he wants to let you have it, too, it's you. and he doesn't want that. not really.
you, who has snuck into his classes just to watch his presentations and has sat idly by until he was done studying, patient as ever. you, who asked to learn how to build a model x-wing and wants to borrow his worn out copy of the last wish, simply because it's his. who wants to be invited to his next dnd game at the apartment and doesn't seem to mind—just watching, even—when he schools denki's ass in battlefield 3, match after match after match.
you, who is obviously hurt and frustrated and fucking pissed. you, with your bitten lips and watery eyes and clenched fists.
"you think you're so much better than everyone else," your words bite, even if they're weak. "but you're just like every guy ever. you and shindo can trade fucking stories, i'm sure."
ouch. "hey, how the fuck was i s'pposed to know this meant—fucking anything?"
"oh, i don't know, maybe when i was topless in your room! maybe that should have been some indication that this was serious!"
and he really, really hates having his shit aired out like this; the flush on his cheeks spreads to his chest, has him shifting uncomfortably under his sweater—both at the memory and your broadcast of it all.
there's really—nothing he wants to say, because he doesn't want to do this here. so he doesn't. just shrugs, pushing his frames back up his nose when they start to slip.
all you give him is one bitter laugh, a cold nod before you're tossing something onto a nearby table: a figure from his room, a piece from his set of battle sisters that you thought was cute. "kiss my ass, bakugou."
and then you're gone. and then it really is nothing.
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academiawho · 5 months
130 Day Productivity Challenge!
24 April, 2024 - Day 124
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I revised NEET 2017 paper and marked some important questions.
I solved Exemplar questions of Mole Concept, Atomic Structure, Periodicity, Units and Measurements and Motion in a Stright Line.
I revised my notes of Principles of Inheritance, Molecular Basis of Inheritance, Plant Kingdom and read through the NCERT for Evolution for Biology Set-5.
I solved questions on Electrochemistry, Redox Reactions, Thermodynamics, KTG, Plant Kingdom, Morphology and Anatomy of Flowering Plants.
I feel winded, understimulated and like a failure and it sucks that a day so close to 5 May feels so and deters me so. I hope to bounce back to normalcy tomorrow and slide back into the path to achieve the potential goal.
Hope your day went better💛
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lonestarflight · 1 year
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"SILTS camera infrared image of the flight surfaces of Columbia during STS-28 reentry."
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"The Shuttle Infrared Lee-side Temperature Sensing (SILTS) camera package made its second flight aboard Columbia on this mission. The cylindrical pod and surrounding black tiles on the orbiter's vertical stabilizer housed an imaging system, designed to map thermodynamic conditions during reentry, on the surfaces visible from the top of the tail fin. Ironically, the camera faced the port wing of Columbia, which was breached by superheated plasma on its disastrous final flight, destroying the wing and, later, the orbiter. The SILTS system was used for only six missions before being deactivated, but the pod remained for the duration of Columbia's career. Columbia's thermal protection system was also upgraded to a similar configuration as Discovery and Atlantis in between the loss of Challenger and STS-28, with many of the white LRSI tiles replaced with felt insulation blankets in order to reduce weight and turnaround time. One other minor modification that debuted on STS-28 was the move of Columbia's name from its payload bay doors to the fuselage, allowing the orbiter to be easily recognized while in orbit."
Information from Wikipedia: link
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Date: August 13, 1989
source, source, source
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