#Theres a limit for me to where its just goofy and not for me at all
superchat · 7 months
The Makima ass poses make me laugh, WHERE IS THE ASS, DON’T BE DELUSIONAL HAHAH
I think artists arent going for an serious art study of makima or something. i think they wanted to draw her and also wanted to draw a big butt and theyre okay breaking canon for fanart
Like if you asked those artists "do you think makima ACTUALLY has a huge ass" theyd probably say no
Most just think a big butt looks good on her (or think others want to see it) so they draw it
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The scene with Shadow falling to earth was funny at first and it all happened so fast i was still trying to wrap my head around it. Ppl talk about that scene a lot which theyre so right for, but i need to talk about the scenes after because oh my god they broke me!?!??!
Sonic, coming back onto the ark, completely silent. Everyone asking if Shadow made it back and he just slowly shakes his head without a word.
The scene where Sonic gives Rouge Shadow's inhibitior ring hold so much more weight to me after actually playing the game: In the short time they knew each other, Shadow saved Rouge's life. Twice. This is the only possession she has to remember him by. Knuckles asks her what shes going to do now and she actually stops to reflect and remarks how shes thinking of changing jobs, something else on her mind now(What exactly shes referring to in this moment isnt stated but theres a fair few connections to draw there). After almost getting killed during a heist and never getting a chance to thank the guy who saved her from it, that's a pretty good and strangely mature call to make from a writing standpoint. This whole scene has a similar feeling like that, like the jokes and the extravagance thats typical of the cutscenes have really been toned down with intention.
This one genuinely shocked me, and im really surprised i havent come across anything about it yet because the scene between Eggman and Tails was actually super deep?? There are a lot of different Sonic medias as far as I im aware that have touched on the paralells between Eggman and Tails: their small similarities and how well they work together when they have to, but the scene here really stuck out to me. Eggman is talking about how much he admired his grandfather as a child, how much his work inspired him to learn and create and strive to be great like him, drifting off to question whether or not he really wanted to see them all fall. Tail's response is very chipper and optimistic, but i really like the idea of Eggman having almost this turning point here, having to face something so saddening as watching someone you love curse the world and everyone on it(including you). After arguably some of the most dangerous and threatening feats have been accomplished by Eggman in this game as the story's primary antagonist, is this moment a nod to him maybe stopping to think about what he's done? Im amazed by how much meaning can be taken from these few seconds of dialogue!!
Finally, the last two moments. Amy, despite having had her own short heart to heart with Shadow before the final battle and ultimately being the one to spurr Shadow on to fight alongside Sonic and the others, doesn't seem as upset by Shadows death as Sonic is. This is genuinely, in my limited knowledge of Sonic media, one of the only instances i have seen Sonic be thoroughly shaken up by something and brushed it off when someone asks him whats wrong. In most cases, he's just relatively unfazed from an emotional standpoint like that, so theres nothing to brush off in the first place. But here, the ever-yapping blue blur remains silent for a while, just staring at Earth in a similar paralell to how Shadow used to. It isn't until Amy comes by that he looks away. Its the really subtle details here that get me: Sonic doesn't look or respond to her right away. There's a prominent pause of silence before he turns to her and says its nothing, switching the topic immediately to rush her along. Sonic, typically impatient and eager to move to the next adventure, slows down and is the last to leave the deck, delivers the farewell line to end the game. Again, the contrast in how slowly and soft he speaks here in comparison to literally anything else he says in the game is insane. The pause between "Shadow" and "the Hedgehog" is still very funny to me and im not lost on how the delivery does end up being chopped up quite goofy like that, but if that isnt an absolutely insane way to end off the game with such a somber, emotional moment...
Sonadow or no sonadow, take it as you will, its undeniable how impactful this adventure in particular is to Sonic. How much Shadow meant to him by the end of the game. How much his sacrifice meant. I really see his discussion with Rouge as both a way to comfort her, and to comfort himself. To say out loud how heroic and brave he'd seen Shadow to be, regardless of the intention that came from his creation. Sonic is big on freedom and giving people the opportunity to live how they want to, and Shadow's sacrifice in that regard means even more to him. He had just come to understand what he had truly promised Maria he'd do, joined Sonic whole-heartedly to help save the planet, and never got to experience anything beyond that. Given Eggmans continuous antangonistic streak at that point (I'm not fully aware of the other villain's Sonic had faced up until that point), it's rare that Sonic actually gets to see someone who opposed him change for the better!! And not only was Shadow one of the first to do so, but he was a speedy teen hedgehog!!! Just like Sonic himself!!! Its like Shadow said, there was so much more to them that they never got to find out about each other!! The fact that Shadow gave up all of that possibility, all of his own personal freedom to help Sonic save the planet and the freedom of all the people on it? That hits. HARD.
Im not familiar with the full canon of how Sonic actually managed to get one of Shadow's inhibitior rings to give to Rouge, as he's actually not shown in any scene taking them off during the final battle(i actually dont even think their mechanics are properly explained which is more confusing but yk), but getting into more headcanony, sonadow adjacent space for a second? I like to think Shadow actually took two of his rings off/had two break off before he fell. Sonic gave one to Rouge, and secretly kept the other for himself. He obviously didn't want his friends to ask him more questions about how he was feeling, so he hid it in his quills before he greeted them back on the ark. Shadow ended up meaning a lot to Sonic, and it's really interesting to think about what was running through Sonic's mind when all was said and done.
Uhhh anyways good game very very infuriating at times but very good game i have a true taste for the appeal of Sonic games now and i want to play them all. If you actually made it this far, thank you for reading my silly sonk rant! If you have any information you know of to patch the spaces where I'm lacking or just want to discuss your own thoughts on the ending feel free!! Have a good day or night wherever you are :]
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thoughts about totk
i dont know if its just me, but does anyone else feel like the story direction for this game is kindve ... bad? like the actual plot itself was interesting at first but everytime the characters try to deliver a serious line of 'my secret stone' I can't help but laugh at them. It sounds like a mistranslation you would see in a 90's port of a game, not a multi-million dollar triple A title in 2023.
Not only that goofy nature of it but like, why is Zelda so british? No one else is, not even her dad. Why did they chose a VERY british direction for her voice and no one else? It's so distracting and every time she talks I don't pay attention to what she's saying cuz I wish she would just stop talking. (I still hold a grudge over her for feeding Link a fucking frog and then people have the audacity to be like 'oh theyre in love' like no thats fucking sibling behavior at best.)
There's so many aspects of the game where it feels like they want a very specific series of events to happen and there's a very intended player experience. But then... you can go anywhere. Do anything. You can EASILY miss important things (I missed several of the Dragon's Tears because I wasn't aware there was something I was supposed to be grabbing from them I just thought it was scenery) and you can easily find yourself in areas you're not meant to be in yet. "Just teleport out!" Why didn't they just make a linear game that wasn't built as a wanna-be DLC expansion pack?
Having to re-explore a world I'd already put 200+ hours into is frankly tiresome. And to make it THREE TIMES as large??? Exhausting.
I wanted to like this game so much. I preordered it. I went to the midnight release. I played it for six fucking hours the first full day I was able to play it. And after leaving the Great Sky Island all I'm left feeling is... frustrated.
Frustrated at the unclear, hidden direction of where you're supposed to go. Frustrated at the massive size of the map that doesn't have That Many Changes to make it worth going through the nooks and crannies. Frustrated that they turned botw -my favorite climbing simulator- into a gimmick-based game that doesn't like you to use its own gimmick.
The constructs break apart too easily. If you build a flying construct that works well it breaks after about a min and a half of flying. If you build a car to traverse the land it despawns if you hit any cutscene trigger - which are often invisible and unavoidable.
This felt more like a Zelda game in the general flavor of it; you get the classic enemies back, you get actual bomb flowers again, Link is wearing green for fucks sake, and you get actual temples. But the actual heart of it doesn't feel like a Zelda game. The plot feels sloppy at best, rushed at worst, and the voice acting is so genuinely bad it's distracting and embarrassing. The only voice actor I didn't hate was Rauru (Chris Hackney, Legend) and Tulin (Christina Vee, also a Legend), even Sidon felt incredibly stilted.
It feels like the game punishes the player for using the mechanics it gives you to use and play with. Even the fuse mechanic feels like such a back-hand. "Oh we heard the players got frustrated at weapons having a limited usage, so instead of extending it or offering a repair service, we just made Every Weapon Shitty" like wtf. And even for the fuse mechanic theres only ONE PLACE that lets you unfuse and it's through a clunky dialogue menu! (my favorite!!! totally not the reason I stopped playing acnh!!!!) I played for 50 hours and was positive you couldn't unfuse weapons. Wow.
botw was fun and I thoroughly enjoyed it and the fact that your tools were simply on a cooldown. totk feels like a resource-scavenger except the resources are so hard to actually acrue. Not only that, but I've seen other ppl complain about how much harder it feels to upgrade your equipment. As if they needed some way to bloat the game even more.
This is just me rambling about my feelings and maybe talking in circles about it but I feel annoying trying to actively discuss my feelings with anyone so I guess this will do.
I've only beaten half of the bosses and 3 of the temples, but I don't know if I'll be able to keep going. I got stuck at the fire temple boss and I would argue its the worst temple in the game and I haven't even gotten to the Gerudo one. That's just how strongly I feel about the fire temple. I hate the minecart layout, I hate the lava puzzle mechanics, and I literally rage-quited after my 10th attempt at the boss. The water temple boss was annoying but it was mostly just learning patterns and having good reaction time. The fire temple boss is JUST rng.
which sucks cuz the wind temple was sick!!!! it was so cool!!! and the boss was probably one of my top 20 bosses!!! and then I did the water temple and Sidon kept glitching out and wouldn't accompany me for half of the trip up to it, and the GRAVITY!!!! UGH!!!!!!
I'm trying to think of points of the game I've truly enjoyed and I think the highlights of it have been: got to keep Epona from my botw save. But then that turned out to be a nothing burger since you can't have her tow anything. (also the fucking towing minigame that feels so insulting. "please take us to the great fairy!" YOU COULDVE JUST WALKED ITS LITERALLY A FIVE MINUTE WALK)
uhh, other good points uhhh, the new armor is pretty cool. I really like the Ember and Miner set. I really like the cave system. (shouldn't really be a feature but whatever) and uhhhhhhhh, yeah idk. I'm struggling to find points I truly enjoyed past the introductory level. like yeah building a car is cool! ... until it despawns and you lose 40min and work, and yeah I know autobuild can rebuild it but I'm not made of spare parts. And like, the korok puzzles were cute! Until you find one every 15 min and they take at least 10 to get them to their friend.
I think the most enjoyable minigame was the one with the sign dude on the side of the road where you help him hold it up. That was one of the better, more enjoyable parts of the game for me so far. It felt like it actually tested your building skills while not being truly punishing. Just start over if it doesnt work.
botw was a strong like 8/10 for me, and I think totk is gonna unfortunately be like a 5/10. The direction is janky at best. The gimmicks of the game are viable for most of the game. Exploring the same world with minor changes is frustrating and boring. Exploring the Depths makes me want to personally throw up since I have a phobia of dark, open spaces with Things lurking inside. Exploring the sky is fun but I didn't realize you could *reuse* the sheikah tower until 45 hours in because why would I think it would let me do it again??? So it felt inaccessible and frustrating.
The ability to fuse anything to anything and have it run and work well is a technical marvel! I'm not saying its not. But does it make a good *game*? Does it make the story direction work? Does it make the boss fights and dungeons work? imo... no. It doesn't. It makes a good tech demo. It makes an impressive piece of programming.
maybe i'll have more thoughts but I just needed to get all that out.
if you read it all thanks if not you wont be seeing this lol
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thehandwixard · 3 months
FUCK I FORGOT ABOUT THIS ok so let me catch yall up:
finished traverse town, got through wonderland, beat cerberus, at the start of deep jungle. we caught up? also my bestie has started streaming the game so im getting double exposure
gameplay thoughts right now: path of the mystic is actually pretty fun if youre doing anything that isnt aerial combos, which is most combos if anything flying is involved but thats ok. ripple wave is very rewarding to land and clears out a lot of goons around you. of course, choosing path of the mystic limits the amount of cool, actiony abilities i have, and this early on in the game you cant equip all the abilities you want for your combos, but it like. works. sora's bread and butter combo is rewarding to pull off, though its difficult to avoid getting hit out of it. i wish it was a little easier to stack finishers, but thats not really a thing.
its very difficult to manage items, though, for me at least. you have a lot of control over donald and goofy's ai in kh1, but that still doesnt mean you control their actions, so you have to be careful about the items you give them. sora donald and goofy are all also just kind of weak and inflexible at this point in the game, and theres not a quick way to get a lot of items. that said, i dont think thats BAD for this early in the game, just can make things tedious.
anyways to get into story stuff: a lot has happened in a short amount of time, and not a lot has happened in a long amount of time. wonderland is just kind of for getting your bearings, and the grinding pads it out, but it sticks out to me just how dire the cheshire cat is allowed to be. he and alice are by far the shining stars of the world, and for alice thats mostly because she's really the first.. like. princess sora is tasked with rescuing, and he is made unable to. wonderland also has our first segment of "donald and goofy dont believe theyre allowed to meddle in world affairs, but sora sees someone needs help so he does so anyways" which is fun. idk HOW recurring that is, but i think its important. esp with the like... nuance that at least donald and goofy are upset that they feel like they cant help. like they want to.
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as he should, the cheshire cat comes off as a force that knows far more than anyone else can comprehend, and is easily the most lively and real character in the world. my friend singled out "if you want to find the shadows, try turning on the light" as a parallel to dive to the heart's "the brighter your light, the darker the shadow" yknow. common wordplay and shit but its still interesting. hes also the one who teaches you blizzard magic.
not much to say about olympus coliseum really? phil is ok. teaches you thunder. the hades bits ARE very funny in a specific sort of way, much has been said in the past about his VA kind of phoning it in, and that combined with the... strong Attempt. at animating him makes the whole thing really uncanny. however the part before you leave the world and have the option to talk to cloud is realllly digging at me in a good way.
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i really don't know much about cloud except some like... slightly advanced basics such as his backstory, general shit hes doing, and like.his mental state at most times, which gives him and sora a really interesting instant connection
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sora speaks with a genuine gravity to cloud, and it really comes across like he went out of his way to go back and talk to him, to ask if he was ok. we know that cloud is searching for sephiroth, which makes him indirectly implying sephiroth is his light... Loaded
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hes really cute in this game. uhh sora's meeting with cloud also is a major part of my hashtag truth that sora kind of figured out he was into guys through the journey and meeting all sorts of cool and hot dudes and in general making connections with queer people. learning whats out there.
deep jungle is The Real Shit though.
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in many ways its where the main emotional plot picks back up again and some additional threads are pulled on. sora is in a place reminiscent of his home, one that donald didnt want to go to and called 'backwater' and he crashed them onto it looking for riku and kairi. its high tier donald jackass moments to the point where when sora was explaining to tarzan hey im trying to find my friends goofy and donald, he corrects himself, and goes back to kairi and riku. and thats not a dick move from him, cause donald is being an asshole! and also now sora is hallucinating kairi without a good prompt (imagining kairi waking him up in the place of yuffie) so hes doing normal.
sora's a normal boy with many outlets to express his emotions
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pesterloglog · 8 months
Roxy Lalonde, Dave Strider, Kanaya Maryam, Karkat Vantas
Page 43
ROXY: mm hm
ROXY: mhmm
ROXY: ...
ROXY: yep
ROXY: ...
ROXY: oh yeah
ROXY: for sure
ROXY: you too jake
ROXY: thanks man
ROXY: yeah well let u know what were gonna do
ROXY: later
ROXY: poor guy
DAVE: whatd he say
ROXY: a lot of it was hard to make out due to all the sobbing
ROXY: but yeah its like we thought
ROXY: dirk borrowed one of his ships and gtfo
ROXY: nope
ROXY: doubt he told anybody tbh
ROXY: in fact id say odds are even he doesnt quite know where hes goin yet
DAVE: why do you think that
ROXY: idk i just know the guy
ROXY: also like
ROXY: whats even out there??
ROXY: dudes got a ship and now hes haulin ass randomly about w rose to i dunno
ROXY: prove some sort of point?
KANAYA: What About Jane
KANAYA: Thats Stupid Im Calling Her
KANAYA: I Dislike The Woman As Well But I Will Leave No Possibility Unexhausted In Striving To Rescue My Wife From That Madman
DAVE: so uhhh
DAVE: phewww...
DAVE: rose and dirk huh
DAVE: rose and fuckin dirk...
DAVE: damn
DAVE: so are they
DAVE: like
DAVE: man im never gonna hear the end of it if im the one to ask this question am i
DAVE: ive had too many fuckin goofy dumbass foot in mouth family blunders to be the guy asking this fuckin question
DAVE: and yet here i am
DAVE: asking it
ROXY: ????
ROXY: what r u talkin about
DAVE: you know...
DAVE: are they like
ROXY: what????
DAVE: you know
DAVE: like
ROXY: oh my god??
DAVE: karkat
DAVE: please
ROXY: omg...
ROXY: karkat theyre related
ROXY: humans dont do that when theyre related to each other ok
ROXY: !!!
DAVE: yeah ok not to be that guy even though im totally being that guy
DAVE: if it never happened we wouldnt have a word for it
ROXY: i rly dont think...
ROXY: i mean
ROXY: theres no way. it makes no sense
ROXY: for one... dirk is gay
ROXY: and isnt rose gay too???
DAVE: yeah idk if anybody knows what roses deal is exactly
DAVE: of all of us who couldve ended up eloping to have illicit incestuous relations they definitely wouldve been the last two idve put my money on
DAVE: and yet
DAVE: it sure is real fuckin weird what they seem to have gone off and done isnt it
ROXY: uggghhhh
ROXY: dont even say that
ROXY: just thinkin about it makes my skin crawl
DAVE: us people??
ROXY: jfc
KANAYA: Janes Chief Of Staff Has Put Me On Hold
KANAYA: It Seems My Solicitation Does Not Register As A Priority In This Administration
KANAYA: I Cannot Say I Am Surprised
KANAYA: I Will Not Tell Her That
ROXY: yo dogs i know we get up to some jank barrelbottom as fuck convos sometimes but this one..... I D even K anymore
ROXY: i know yr an alien and all but in these dire straits can we maybe not “riff” on the subject of fuckin incest
ROXY: fwiw the shit really does bug the hell outta me
ROXY: if i can confirm on behalf of my species that yeah the idea kinda sucks according to pretty much literally everybody could we agree to stop talkin about it
ROXY: ummmmmmmmmmmmm
ROXY: lmao
ROXY: dude
ROXY: no
DAVE: dude
ROXY: lol
DAVE: do you even fucking know anything
DAVE: youre a ham brained bonerstooge who doesnt know anything arent you
DAVE: im very sorry roxy that my ham brained bonerstooge of a boyfriend doesnt know fuck all about jack dick
ROXY: its ok hes like
ROXY: fuckin right
ROXY: i get mistaken for u like... well its been happening
ROXY: i shoulda known lmao
ROXY: i really thought all the pink im wearin would help with that
ROXY: idk ill keep messin with it
DAVE: no you look great
DAVE: like super duper duper great
DAVE: just perfect like i could not possibly be more proud of your fashion choices
ROXY: !!
DAVE: first of all
DAVE: roxys not my “mother” anymore hes
DAVE: wait
DAVE: roxy did we actually decide on the protocol on what im supposed to call you
DAVE: i literally have no comprehension of the etiquette here
DAVE: because youre technically my bio mom but its not as if i literally came out of your vagina or anything
DAVE: and like
DAVE: well considering whats going down right now im not too attached to the sanctity of dirk being my dad
DAVE: you can formally replace him as my daddy right now if you want
ROXY: ummmmmmmmmm
DAVE: oh stfu
DAVE: what is your problem why are you acting like this
DAVE: like a huge belligerent dickhead
DAVE: are you craving attention is that it
DAVE: did i get you hooked
DAVE: i see how it is
DAVE: you got one hot hit of sincerity from your fresh boy dave and now youre itching in your pants every second you go without it
DAVE: you know if you want to hold my hand or some shit you can just do it now
DAVE: come on our relationship doesnt have to be a ludicrous unending performance of emotional constipation anymore
DAVE: we got character developed bitch
DAVE: cmere
DAVE: no
DAVE: christ youre like a flighty little muskrat stop squirming
DAVE: no way no you dont
DAVE: you looooooooove me
DAVE: were gonna be together foorreeevveeerrr
DAVE: and im gonna profess my undying love to you in the form of a kiiiiiiiiiiiissss
ROXY: awwwwwww
ROXY: u boys cute :)
DAVE: hey can you just forget you saw that thanks
ROXY: hehe
ROXY: thank u
DAVE: for what
ROXY: for doin somethin that turned that steaming dogshit fire of an incest conversation into somethin that just made me feel v v happy
ROXY: if only for a fleetin moment in these dark AF times
KANAYA: If Jane Is To Be Trusted Apparently She Didnt Even Know Dirk Was Gone
KANAYA: She Doesnt Know Where He Might Be Headed Either
KANAYA: Or She Wont Tell Us
DAVE: well shit
KANAYA: I Dont Know
ROXY: hey does anyone know where the hell john is
DAVE: oh yeah
DAVE: good question
DAVE: that was a rose thing
DAVE: she was cagey as fuck about it
DAVE: and now shes gone so we cant even ask her
DAVE: so uh
DAVE: damn
ROXY: yea ive tried too
DAVE: oh yeah i forgot
DAVE: john would solve our whole problem wouldnt he
DAVE: just zap us all right into dirks ship with his retcon powers
DAVE: thats how that works right
ROXY: maybe???
ROXY: i think he should be here regardless and catch up with the situation
ROXY: gettin kinda worried about him
ROXY: i ran into terezi the other day and she hadnt seen him either
DAVE: oh shit terezis back?
ROXY: o yeah
ROXY: i didnt mention cause
ROXY: guess i just thought u knew?
ROXY: i assumed she woulda got in touch
DAVE: nope
DAVE: kanaya did you know about this
KANAYA: I Also Assumed You Knew
ROXY: im givin her a call to see if she knows anything about all this
ROXY: aaaaand shes not pickin up either :\
DAVE: what the fuck is even going on anymore
DAVE: huh
ROXY: yeh its a bit spooky
ROXY: thats how it is when she gets like this
KANAYA: What Is She Pointing At
DAVE: oh oh
DAVE: i think i know whats up
DAVE: shes tryin to say theres something important over that way
DAVE: is that right jade
DAVE: can you hear me??
DAVE: jade is it john?
DAVE: johns that way right
DAVE: you want us to go in that direction to find john
DAVE: is that it jade?
DAVE: come on
DAVE: what is it girl tell me
ROXY: omg dave
ROXY: youre treating her like a dog!
DAVE: ok yeah youre right
DAVE: i guess i fuckin suck
DAVE: but she IS a dog ok?
DAVE: a doggy girl whos trying to tell us something
DAVE: just lemme do my thing here
ROXY: .....
DAVE: jade give me a little yelp if johns that way and we should go after him
DAVE: just a little woof
DAVE: if johns in danger yiff twice plz
DAVE: shhhhhh!
DAVE: maybe its not john that way maybe its...
DAVE: jade is it...
DAVE: is that where DIRK went?
DAVE: thats the way dirk went and she wants us to follow
DAVE: ok wow
DAVE: but what about john
DAVE: is john safe?
DAVE: is john...
DAVE: does he have anything to do with whats going on?
DAVE: what about terezi?
DAVE: is like
DAVE: is john WITH them?
DAVE: jade is john on the ship with dirk and rose??
DAVE: it means...
DAVE: i think it means im right
DAVE: dont ask me how i know
DAVE: but i think i got the answers out of her we need
DAVE: dirk and rose are on a ship heading that way
DAVE: and for some fucking reason johns along for the ride
DAVE: we need to saddle the fuck up
DAVE: and wherever we go i think were going to need to bring jade along
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localspaceangel · 4 years
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flecks-of-stardust · 3 years
Okay sorry im sendi g an ask but the character limit worries me so im doin this here! Trigger and squicks list for bugsnax is as follows:
-alcohol-esque drinks are mentioned and consumed several times
-unnatural changes to bodyparts occur
-this is more a squick but theres a fair bit of romance, idk im aro and you have the flag so idk how much it bugs you but theres three relatively healthy relationships (two are queer if that means anything) and then one thats sorta uncomfortable and iffy
-bullying of other characters (just in case)
-paranoia, theres a character who is very paranoid and afraid and he discusses these things with the player, if you have problems with intrusive thoughts or fear that someone is watching you, this could trigger that
-theres some yelling, notably from a man in the game which may bug some people. Its not super serious and hes got a goofy accent but be warned
-a woman also yells at you in a gruff voice and hits stuff early in the game, though she doesnt appear again, just in case
-there is cannibalism in this game, though not depicted on screen it is mentioned snd the effects of it can be seen
-unsanitary warning, i think thia is minor but im trying to be comprehensive, the characters can sometimes be seen running to the bathroom in game and there is a sidequest where you collect someones poop, not explicit and its all in like a little bag and everything but still a bit icky, and your character is implied to have thrown up at one point, though not shown.
-theres lots of mention of death as a whole and lots of remonders of it. If death scares you, or existential questions and that sorta thing bug you, theres a character that can be found whos sidequest really ventures into that and it could be rough
-sort of melancholy ending no matter what
Overall the game is definitely aimed at kids, but there is darker stuff and its pretty prominent. Sorry for being thorough about this, but im thoroughly hyperfixated on this game and also want more people to enjoy it while being safe!! I hope you do get into it and enjoy it, and even if you dont drop 20 bucks on it, theres a couple people who have streamed playthroughs. Theres also a free dlc coming out in a bit so if that sweetens the deal then go wild.
Sorry to bug you! Have a nice day!!
OH also a couple minor sexual innuendos!
no no this is great, thank you so much!! i really appreciate it! and this is really helpful tbh. im very grateful you thought to mention the unsanitary stuff, because i have fairly severe emetophobia and info like that is really useful to me. i also appreciate you warning me about the romance; for the record, i Am romance-averse to an extent, but unless the romance is front and center itll probably be okay.
it sounds like it might be the paranoid character who might pose the biggest problem, tbh, cause fuckin same. my paranoia is wild and that's the biggest reason im worried about playing any games heavy in psych horror, though cartoony graphics and silly themes help cushion it (and ive been told bugsnax is heavy on the silly). im willing to try it, at the very least!
im still guilty about never finishing one shot but holy hell that game Fucks with me hard, with how meta it is and how anxiety inducing it is to quit out of the game. maybe ill watch a playthrough of that at some point,,
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jennilah · 3 years
This isn’t for the ask game but I saw you answer the question about your favorite movies of 2021 and I saw the comment you made about Godzilla vs Kong not being your favorite of the movies and having a few problems without even though you still liked it.
As someone else who loves all things Godzilla and never has anybody to discuss it with, I would love to hear your thoughts on the movie, if only out of curiosity about what other fans thought of it. Happy New Year 🖤
Haha ok! Happy to oblige :)
First off, these are my own feelings on the movies. I think one of the amazing things about the Godzilla franchise is that there's so many different ways to love it, so theres gonna be values in here that are important to me that are not important to someone else, and thats fine.
This gonna be long.
Ill start with a brief context of where I was coming from with the previous movies:
Godzilla 2014: This is one of my favorite movies. Hands down. Like, ever. Not just Godzilla movies, I mean favorite movies in my life. All the problems people have with it are no problems of mine- I LOVE the slow build-up. The story following the MUTOs keeps me satisfied until Godzilla shows up. And when Godzilla shows up, its worth the wait.
I LOVE the disaster movie atmosphere with the smoke plumes and muted colors. I love the mystery of it. I love the weight of the creatures. Love love love.
My favorite Godzilla movies are the ones that are more serious in tone. Like Shin Godzilla, Godzilla GMK, Godzilla vs Hedorah (yes. I know this is highly debated in the community, but I disagree that its goofy. I think it is one of the most tonally dark and disturbing Godzilla movies of all time, aside from that ONE part. I could also write an essay about this movie alone), Godzilla vs Destroyah, and other Heisei era films..
Godzilla: King of the Monsters: I'm a bit biased since I worked on it, but I think I can still hold an opinion on it. I also loved it. It's not perfect, but I think they expanded on the lore of the previous movies (including Kong, which I enjoyed, don't have anything to say about it) well. I was worried at first about how colorful it was going to be, because I loved the limited color palette of 2014, but I grew to love how each frame was crafted like a painting.
I loved how now that we know that monsters exist in this universe, we got to learn more about how each one was worshipped as gods or demons.
I also didn't mind the human story. I enjoy learning about Monach and how they expanded with some more budget. I thought the idea of how terrorists operate in this universe was interesting, and how a child who grew up alongside monsters would behave around them. The only part I didn't care for was the mom's evil villain speech in the ship, that was corny. I skip that when I rewatch. lol.
All in all, I ended up extremely happy with how they tackled this. They had to make this movie bigger than the last, squeeze in every monster in a way that wasn't rushed, pay homage to the classic godzilla movies, respect what Godzilla 2014 established, while trying to make it its own thing. And I think they succeeded.
Godzilla vs Kong: I want to preface again that I still really enjoyed the movie, and when thinking of it I have a Net Positive amount of happy emotions.
I know generally people like this more because it finally gave them what they wanted: giant monsters bashing the shit out of each other.
I'm one of those fans that thinks a good godzilla movie is standing on the foundation of a solid plot. Its not fair that the same people whining about screentime also loved movies like Shin Godzilla- nuh uh buddy you cant cherrypick like that. As the kids say, "tell me you actually do care about the human plot without saying you care about the human plot"
The monsters: Godzilla and Kong themselves were fine. When they were doin' their thing, it was amazing. Mechagodzilla too. The fight choreography in this movie is unrivaled. Definitely the best fighting in any godzilla movie ever. Loved the way they actually ripped and tore at each other and got nasty with it. Godzilla crawling on all fours like a feral menace was fucking. incredible.
The humans: ... Well... I loved Kong's kid. She made me cry. Monarch and the trip to the hollow earth was also fine and totally within the established canon of the series. I thought it was really cool to see how the world evolved to live with Godzilla- like having alarms and safety bunkers in cities where people can flee to if he shows up for a visit.
Now for the stuff that really bothered me.
I loved Madison Russel in KOTM but I hated that entire plotline in GvK. I thought it was way too goofy, and its inclusion threw off the pacing of the film. Everything else had to happen way too rushed and didn't have a moment to breathe because that whole plotline had to exist. While they started being kinda jokey in KOTM (something I didn't love either) they really hammed up the goofiness in GvK
I strongly disliked that it threw off the tone of all the rest of the movies.
I'm fine with the neon color direction the movie took because clearly each film had its own visual style going for it: 2014 it was black and red, KOTM it was painterly but still looked like a disaster film, and GvK it was neons.
But the cinematography...
Thinking of 2014, the camerawork really went out of its way to show how fucking massive and monsterous these creatures were. They showed the monsters from the ground looking up, in hand-held ways, from buildings, etc. If they were floating in the air, there was a deliberate attempt to make it feel like it was coming from a helicopter. Same with KOTM, each camera was deliberately placed in a way that felt realistic and showed off the scale of each monster. Each shot was long, each shot was EXTREMELY deliberate like each one was equally as important as the last, and the monsters moved with weight-
I am absolutely never going to knock the animators who worked on Godzilla vs Kong. Those were my friends. I know from experience that if a monster had to move faster than physics and logic would dictate, it was because you only had a certain amount of time to get a motion into a shot and you had to do what you had to do because the director said so. Not because the animators were incompetent.
That said-
In Godzilla vs Kong...
The camerawork: Almost none of the cameras are grounded in reality, they were all ridiculous fantasy cameras like the movie was a video game where you can flip through 60 different crazy angles that arent really coming from anywhere
The editing: Shots last half a second, flash by before your eyes, a million per second. They definitely didn't need as many quick, impatient cuts as they had. It didn't feel deliberate. It felt like each shot was there for fun and not because it HAD to be its own shot. The animation had to go by at LIGHTNINNNNNNGGGG PACE because of it. The monsters ran around with absolutely no weight. It didnt feel earth-shaking. They were shmovin' and groovin' with absolutely no resistance from gravity and physics. Even buildings themselves were inconsistent. Half the buildings shatter like a pile of legos at a small touch while the others they could fuckin climb up and do flips off of.
Nothing felt very epic and god-like about it, like in KOTM. It felt like a brawling video game
and with the humans and their jokes and quips (and, like, Serizawa's son being there with no real expansion of those plot implications by the way.)
by god if the movie wasnt fun as fuck. I smiled the whole time.
it likened back to the goofier Showa era of Godzilla films for me, where it was a monster mash while the humans ran around like a bunch of goofballs trying to stop cartoon villains from taking over the world.
I really only get sad when I compare it to 2014, which is somehow supposed to be canon in the same universe as this, and I just don't buy that... (Like, Godzilla can blast a hole through the earth's crust now, I guess. But at least It WaS FiNaLlY WhAt fAnS AsKeD FoR, right? Sigh) I feel like KOTM really tried to respect the tone established in 2014 where I feel like GvK really didn't
so on its own: totally fine! fun! great fights! in this series with the others: ehh
gosh this makes it sound like i hated it.. but theres a reason it ranked so high on my movies of the year list. Man... i love godzilla so much. and it was the first movie I saw in theaters since the pandemic shut everything down. I was in there with maybe only 10 other people, scattered in the room. but it felt so good to be back. it felt so good to see my boy on screen again. I was just so happy. I had so much fun. I left the theater with my mind blown at everything I did love. I was speechless
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bmpmp3 · 4 years
GOD so i just finished drakengard, beat endings a to d and just watched ending e on youtube because....im weirdly willing to put up with a lot of bullshit in esoteric old games but even i have my limits hfjdskmnsfd I AM going to talk about it now
DRAKENGARD 1 HUH.... LEMME TELL YA.............that was a nightmare, this game felt like the creepypasta version of itself i swear to god LIKE those last chapters....i was struggling a bit with getting to ending d ‘cause of the ally sub chapters, like Arioch was fine i mean shes fucked up she eats babies but like yknow.... seere was also fine hes just a kid and also probably one of the few decent non-fucked up people in this video game along with the dragon and also maybe Manah pre-possession by weird goofy voiced god or whatever was going on with her but god fuckinnnn leonard.... i’d rather not see anything to do with that piece of shit okay alright goodbye
BUT once the giant babies started descending from the sky....i was down for that AND THEN THE GIANT PREGNANT STATUE THING........GIRL WHAT and then watching ending e afterwards.....i know it was a joke ending technically (although i mean i think thats what the nier games are spinning off of) but genuinely that slapped so hard like when you fuckingggg SEE THE WORD TOKYO POP UP ON SCREEN.......2003........made playing the entire game worth it..maybe....apparently you unlock a fighter jet after beating that ending for the dragon levels and thats the funniest thing ive ever heard in my life
gameplay is not....awful.....but it is horribly repetitive and grindy in a not-so-fun way and the moves are clunky as HELL and the camera....the camera is the real villain of this video game....... but it was okay i would recommend using cheats to help get through the game a little faster but also i dont think id recommend the game actually though lol THE SOUND DESIGN THO......A NIGHTMARE IN A GOOD WAY
LIKE every track sounds like ur emulato- i mean Real Playstation 2 is glitching out EVERY TRACK is like the soundtrack to a nightmare where ur being chased EVERY SINGLE ONE its absurd and awful to listen to but like in a good way, like yknow the Battle Against the Masked Man theme, that sorta deal?
some of the sound effects too.... some of the most crunchy and visceral audio design ive ever heard its disgusting IVE HAD MANY video games try to do that thing where you play the game and the game’s like oooooh you were the bad guy the whole time ooooh dont you feel bad ooooh you should feel bad and to be perfectly honest it never really gets me like i like undertale as much as the next guy but that aspect just falls a little flat for me and i have a bit of appreciation for spec ops the line for just the level of weird it gets around the end because of when it was released (the height of call of shooties lol) but it also fails in this aspect BUT THIS GAME....JESUS.... i genuinely felt sick when i did a magic attack and hoards of soldiers’ little dots would disappear off the minimap...... maybe the reason it works is cause when you start the game theres no pretense about what kind of person the player character is, i think that upfrontness of the main characters own bloodlust makes this kind of ooooh u were the monster the whole time thing a lot more effective.... War Crimes: The Video Game
there were so many cool enemies tho....the flying face cubes....the rock giants.....the lil lady body statues that open up and are full of guts and they shoot at you... the floating closets?? the floating closets with like bat wings??????? i already mentioned the flying giant babies but genuinely it was haunting around the end of ending e where you run through a field filled with them trying to just get to the other side and the only thing you can hear is the babbling of these things with an uncharacteristically silent backing track after a game full of inhuman screeches and intensely chopped up classical music remixes
OH another part that fucked me up was after ending b yknow with furiae turning into some kinda dragon god creature LIKE first of all the credits suddently having vocals was scary enough but like after the credits ended and it went back to the (normally silent) title screen it like STARTED WHISPERING....TO ME....>>>IT STARTED Whispering and like layering over itself!!!!1 WHAt the fuck!!!!! LOVE that shit like genuinely
also i really liked how the story structure was done with all the endings branching off and sometimes like, looping back around??? like it was convoluted and a little annoying and thats what i like from my stories fjkdsafdjs one of my favourite games, Enigma: An Illusion Named Family had a bit of that, i hear the rest of the drakengards and nier games have similar situations
WHICH is actually the entire reason i played this game lol i think i wanna play nier automata some time and like okay i know i dont need to play any of the games before to understand it but unfortunately im the type of person where if you tell me to skip the earlier entries in a franchise that just makes me want to play them...... the only persona game ive played is 1..... ive played metal gear 1 and a tiny bit of 2 but ive only just started solid....... im sorry im like this..... i also kinda wanna try out drakengard 2 despite REALLY not needed to play that one (the director of the other games i think wasnt involved?) because i heard someone describe it as a video game that hates its players and thats another way to get me to play something hjndkmfsjdfnskmfgmd
ANYWAY would i recommend drakengard? probably not lol, definitely not recommended to play, probably not even to watch a lets play, its super grimdark and edgy and with some aspects it works really well but in others it Really Is Just Too Much, some of the imagery and setpieces and some monster designs slap and I love Angelus so much she is my queen, but for the most part you can tell it was the first game in a franchise, i am excited to get into later games tho especially automata (even tho i have a weird grudge against 2b’s clothes......i hate her leotard im sorry like if they went a little further and gave her like legwarmers with lace or something on it i would love it like some kinda goth jazzercise instructor, but as it stands the high hipped leotard just looks tacky and not in the fun way lol)
but yeah i wouldnt recommend drakengard despite me both singing its praises and also roasting it to the ground for this entire post, I THINK it’ll stick with me for a long time tho lol BUT YKNOW WHAT I MEAN RIGHT....like do you ever have media that you wouldnt really recommend to anyone and to be honest you’re not even sure if you liked it or if you hated it but it just sorta stuck with you, maybe some visuals or themes that kept in your head for a while? I’ve got a lot of those lol like the vn saya no uta which i read when i was 14 and i should not have read when i was 14 but also i would never want to read it now as a 22 year old, or like the manga narutaru which i read when i was like 16 and then had weird scary dreams about for like a week after, both those pieces of media also have a similar story element of the world just genuinely getting busted by the end, like irreversibly messed up and destroyed like Drakengard does......i am sensing a theme.....maybe i just have a strange soft spot for that kinda story........
ALL IN ALL Drakengard is a video game.............here are the facial expressions i made the entire time while playing
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i need to go play a nice video game now
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rpgmgames · 6 years
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November’s Featured Game: Shooty and the Catfish
DEVELOPER(S): Daniel ENGINE: RPGMaker MV GENRE: Adventure, RPG WARNINGS: Course Language, Gore SUMMARY: Shooty and the Zaat are a dynamic duo solving monstrous mysteries!
Play the demo here!
Our Interview With The Dev Team Below The Cut!
Introduce yourself! Sure! So my name is Daniel, I guess technically I am an animator. I started out making flash cartoons around 2000 just for fun and became a professional animator in the advertising space around 2007. I have been working in media ever since, both in studios and as a contractor working under the Visitors From Dreams label which is also the label I use for my game development. I started dabbling with RPG Maker in around 2002 but I never got very far. Once I got into the media industry I wanted to pick it up again but with Mac being what almost all my work was done on, at home and in studio I didnt get the chance to actually get into it properly again until MV released, infact I was so excited that I purchased MV the day it dropped and immediately begun development on my first title Flatwoods. Ironically Shooty and the Catfish was developed on a PC, but I digress.
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What is your project about? What inspired you to create your game initially? *Daniel: Shooty and the Catfish is set up pretty simply. The 2 lead characters, Shooty and Zaat run a sort of monster investigation unit out of their home. They get calls to different desitinations to deal with different monster problems. I really wanted it to feel like it was set up in a similar way to a lot of cartoons from the 80s, where every episode had a pretty similar but still managed to feel like a little self contained adventure. I have thrown in some little elements of an larger narrative but they are light until the final episode. Originally the series was pitched to Frederator for Cartoon Hangover, it got a little ways into early development but then Youtube changed its algorythm and animation on the platform became a struggle and the project was dropped. I didnt want to waste all the work I had done on the concepts and so I eventually tried to find a way to work them into a game, its taken me quite a few years to get as far as I have with development, but I would be even further back if I had tried to animate it all alone. I created Flatwoods to try and get a small project out, you know, to get some experience with the engine, little did I know how much more I had to learn!
How long have you been working on your project? *Daniel: I pitched Shooty and the Catfish back in 2013 from memory, but it didn't start to take shape as the project you currently see until the last 12 months. In that sense I am incredibly happy with how quickly the game has come together.
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Did any other games or media influence aspects of your project? *Daniel: So many things have influenced my work its not funny... Where do I even start? Shooty and Zaat have a bit of a Finn and Jake thing going since when the project was originally pitched to Frederator and thats what they were looking for at the time. Resident Evil 4 (the closest any game has ever come to perfection imo) was the inspiration for the games ammo based combat system. Demons Souls originally derailed the project when I tried to emulate its non linear hub based design (you will notice the demo takes place on a single island instead), that created all kinds of balancing issues though so thats all been stripped back and is what lead to the decision to make the game episodic instead. One element from Demons Souls that remains in the game is a diverse mix of linear and looping level designs when it comes to mapping. The game also features towns that have layouts based on unused maps from the Pokemon GS 97 Spaceworld demo since they never made it into any of the actual games in the series. Pokemon GS also influenced the games visuals. I'm not a big RPG guy, but I played a hell of a lot of Pokemon growing up and Gen 2 is still my favorite. Trying to get MV to emulate the limitations of the Game Boy Color was quite the hurdle, I still cant believe I got it working as well as it is. I also have a lot of cameos from other peoples RPGM games, so there's that. Its a big ol' mixing pot of ideas and inspirations.
Have you come across any challenges during development? How have you overcome or worked around them? *Daniel: Countless, the biggest challenge is always scope though. I originally wanted the game to be like 3 hours long tops, now its well in excess of that and that's before I have even put in meaningful NPC interactions. That's why I have decided to break the game up into episodes, each one should be around an hour which is much more my jam. I don't have a lot of free time so I tend to gravitate towards games that are tight and short, I think that's why I am so determined to keep this game in nice manageable chunks. Now that the game is shorter I don't need levelling so I am starting to tone down the RPG elements. One change always leads to another, but episode one is getting damn close to completion. I say this before I have even had the chance to announce the game's going to be episode on my own blog, ha ha. Episode 1 January, The Great Spore Chore! Keep your eyes out for it!
Have any aspects of your project changed over time? How does your current project differ from your initial concept? *Daniel: As mentioned above a lot has changed, I feel the biggest change was when I tried to move the game from being episodic into one adventure after playing through a bunch of other RPGM games for ideas, it all started to feel a bit aimless and the storytelling techniques I had planned when it was episodic weren't translating well as the game progressed. So I guess now the game is episodic again we have come full circle! So many ideas seemed good on paper but ended up not really being fun or adding anything in practice. Oh yeah, and the transition from Game Boy green to color was a big one based on feedback from the demo. Some people were finding it hard to tell what elements were interactable, doors in particular, I hope that color has helped minimize that issue. Key items will also have an animation on them so they are hard to miss. I'm not a fan of hunting for items in big maps, it's certainly not something I want to subject people too in my own projects.
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What was your team like at the beginning? How did people join the team? If you don’t have a team, do you wish you had one or do you prefer working alone? *Daniel: This project has had a few key people involved. Outside of myself I have worked with 2 musicians. One is an old school friend who did music for my animations back in the early 2000's. He has contributed a bunch of really cool EDM which makes up most of the games OST. On top of that there is also a number of optional bosses (one per episode) that have music composed by Secret Agent Ape who worked on Soma Spirits and a bunch of other upcoming games. I have been really lucky to get to work with such rad dudes.
What is the best part of developing the game? *Daniel: I love designing enemy battlers, my process usually involves me drawing a weird shape, sticking some eyes and a big goofy nose on it and trying to come up with a stupid pun to use for a name while listening to bands like Yes or Klaatu. It's bliss. I have a lot of people ask me why I have limited myself in terms of resolution and color palette, and it comes down to one of the important things I told myself when I got into game making as a hobby was that I would stop if it ever started to feel like work. I spend my days doing heavy visual effects and compositing, sometimes doing complex character animation. I want to keep that stuff as far away from my game development as possible. Ironically working within the incredibly restrictive limitations of the Game Boy has ended up being incredibly liberating and keeps things feeling fun as opposed to feeling like more of what I do all day to pay the bills.
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Do you find yourself playing other RPG Maker games to see what you can do with the engine, or do you prefer to do your own thing? *Daniel: I always enjoy checking out demo's of upcoming games. Both Heartbeat and Virgo and the Zodiac's demos blew me away from a technical standpoint on the MV front. I still find it hard to believe those demos were made with the same engine I'm using. I guess it really shows what can be done when the engine is in capable hands. I wish I had more time to play actual full releases, I mean Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass just came out and I have no idea when, if ever I will have the free time to play it because its such a commitment. I feel like I am missing out on some great stuff.
Which character in your game do you relate to the most and why? (Alternatively: Who is your favorite character and why?) *Daniel: I guess I relate to different characters in different ways. Slim Grim is the one who hands out assignments to Shooty and Zaat, he is pretty much done with life, over people and the world itself, I think thats something we all have a bit of inside of us. Shooty is a very positive individual, his solutions to most problems is a bullet with a smile, and I think theres a bit of that in all of us as well. Zaats a bit of a cheeky smart arse, so I guess in a lot of ways I am most like her as a person. One of the episodes also features Gerkinman who is and has been a sort of self insert in my work since 2001 so I guess technically I relate to him most... ha ha, but thats cheating!
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Looking back now, is there anything that regret/wish you had done differently? *Daniel: I wish I had done a better job keeping the project focused. I feel like a good few months were spent making the game bigger in ways it didnt need to be.
Once you finish your project, do you plan to explore the game’s universe and characters further in subsequent projects, or leave it as-is? *Daniel: All of my games are loosely connected, taking place in the same world. None of them tie directly into each other, im not big on the cinematic universe concept that seems so popular right now, but events in my previous 2 releases and the 5 planned episodes of Shooty and the Catfish are loosely connected in ways people who take the time to look can find. They are also tied into around 17 years worth of animated shorts I have released. I have no plans on stopping now!
What do you look most forward to upon/after release? *Daniel: Well, theres quite a few things... Mapping for all 5 episodes (outside of towns) is complete, so when Episode 1 is done I will be immediately rolling into Episode 2. I am aiming to have an episode out every 2 months which should be doable with so much of the game already finished. I also have a couple of short films I am looking forward to being able to invest some time into, things have slowed down in recent months due to freelance but I am eager to get to animate some of my own work again. I am also eager to see the comments sections on Lets Plays. Both Flatwoods and Hazmat got a bit of Lets Play action and a couple of those have some pretty substantial comment sections. The amount of theories people try to put together for these projects is staggering. I could never write something as entertaining as what the speculations in these comment sections contain in terms of what my games mean, it cracks me up and I find it quite flattering that random people have put more thought into elements of my stories then I have. Makes me want to keep things deliberately vague just to encourage more of it. Lastly I will be releasing all the build files for the project so if anyone wants to make fangames or whatever they have direct access to all of the core files used to build the games. Im a big fan of the concept of a mod community, and while RPGM doesnt exactly allow for that, id love to see people do similar things to my work as whats been done with a lot of LISA fan games.
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Is there something you’re afraid of concerning the development or the release of your game? *Daniel: I don't know about being afraid exactly. I am curious about how my business model for the episodic releases will go over. I was planning on releasing them at $1 an episode and $4 for the bundle when it's all complete. I know some people think thats still charging too much, but some people have also told me im not charging enough and that it lowers price standards accross the board for RPGM content. The way I see it if I can cover the costs of Steam and the music I commissioned then I've done alright since this project was for fun, but that's just me.
Do you have any advice for upcoming devs? *Daniel: Just keep at it and set yourself small goals. If your working on a big project break it up into manageable sections. Take things one map at a time, ya know what I mean?
Question from last month's featured dev @overcast-rpg: If you could choose an RPG Maker gamedev to release another game; which one would you choose and why? *Daniel: Oh that's an easy one, The Catamites. I love Space Funeral, it's easily my favorite game made in the engine, and while The Catamites has developed countless games since its release, they have all been in other engines. It would be fun to see them return to the engine after all they have learned about game design since Space Funeral's release and to see what they would do.
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We mods would like to thank Daniel for agreeing to our interview! We believe that featuring the developer and their creative process is just as important as featuring the final product. Hopefully this Q&A segment has been an entertaining and insightful experience for everyone involved!
Remember to check out Shooty and the Catfish if you haven’t already! See you next month! 
- Mods Gold & Platinum
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harrysscheshirecat · 6 years
The one where Harry is woefully ill prepared for breakfast. Later, Lenin brings H a birthday gift only to find him already celebrating with someone else. (fluff turned relationship angst) (Playboy!Harry)
Word Count: 2.6k
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Harry was awoken to the sound of gentle rustling. He reached out for Lenin but her side of the bed was cold and empty. It must’ve been before 7, the sun wasn’t even out yet. Far too early for him to be without a bedmate. And on his birthday, no less. He pushed up from the bed to survey the dark room, stretching out in the process. She was easy enough to spot, with her mobile light illuminating her path. Harry turned to lay down on his back, propped up against the pillows. He watched her tip toe across the room collecting her things. “Were you even going to wake me?” he startled her, jumping in place at his words. “Or were you just going to leave me like some harlot?” That earned him an eye roll, but the hint of a smile tugging at her pillowy lips let him know she wasn’t too annoyed.
“I didn’t want to wake you.” she whispered, coming over to him to perch herself on the side of the bed and place a chaste good morning kiss on his cheek. “I have to work.” He remembered. That didn't mean he liked it anymore than he did when she originally told him.
“But it’s m’ birthday.” he pouted, taking her hand in his. He missed her skin already, hidden beneath her long sleeved shirt and dark jeans.
“Don’t make me feel worse!” she whined back.
He didn’t want her feeling bad, as much as he joked. “’m only joking.” he assured her.  “Do ya have time for breakfast at least? I could whip us up some scramble.” he suggested, running a hand through his unruly locks.
“Shouldn’t I be making you breakfast, Birthday boy?” she smiled. Harry couldn’t lie, he was quite liking this special birthday treatment. Midnight handy, an offer to make breakfast, he could only imagine what else she might have in store for him tonight. But before his mind could wonder too far, he caught himself.
“Maybe, but I'm host. So I must insist.” Harry threw the covers off of him and gently scooted Lenin off the bed before hopping out himself. “Plus I make a mean egg.” He held a hand out for her.
Lenin looked at the time on her mobile, “It’ll have to be quick.”
“Oh, I can be fast.” Harry didn’t like the way that sounded as soon as it left his mouth. “Er- with the eggs  I can be quick with the eggs.” he should really stop talking. “It doesn’t take long to cook them.” Lenin just looked on with an raised brow and a smile on her face, as amused as ever by him. That fact helped lessened his chagrin. He’d gladly make a fool of himself if it made her smile or laugh.
He went to lead her out of the room when but stopped when she didn't move. He looked back to her expectantly. “Aren’t you forgetting something, Styles?” Harry didn't know what she could possibly be referring to. They were only going to the kitchen, what was there to forget? She just sort of gawked at him, “Are you going to put on trousers?”
Harry couldn’t hide his goofy grin. “I wasn’t planning on it, lovey.” It was the sort of thing he normally wouldn’t think twice about. “’t’s only m’ kitchen.”
“...But you want to cook?” she asked. “That’s like, a safety hazard, babe.” Harry quite liked when she used pet names with him, though she was usually more careful, the occasional ‘babe’ only slipping through after a few drinks or a hit off whatever joint was being passed around. He tried not to read too much into the casual use of it now.
“I’ll be fine.” he assured her. But the way she bit at her bottom left led him to believe she was still genuinely concerned. “Besides, theres an apron if need be.” he held a hand out to her again, fingers wiggling. “Come on.” She accepted and he led her the way down the hall to the kitchen.
“Wait here,” Harry let her hand go when they entered the kitchen. He ducked down to open the drawer where he kept the tea towels, and in the very back, he found a little waist apron. He popped back up with his found treasure in hand raised above his head triumphantly. He let it unfold in his hand and tied it around his waist, first ‘round back, then back to the front to tie it, just as he used to do it when he worked in the bakery. “There.” Lenin laughed openly at his stance, bare chest puffed out and hand on his hips. God, he loved that sound. And the way she covered her mouth far too late to effectively hold back her giggles.
He wasn’t thinking when he left his spot in the middle of the kitchen to give Lenin a proper kiss. It just felt right. She seemed to think so too, the way she melted into him. One hand tangled itself in her long locks and the other found its way into her back jean pocket. He was surprised when she didn’t swat his hands away like usual. One kiss after another, pulling her impossibly closer with each peck. She felt so good against him, so warm. He needed to stop, before his brain switched off completely.
“I’ll get the eggs.” Harry announced when they finally pulled away from each other.
“I can make the tea.” Lenin declared slowly, a bit dazed. Harry couldn’t help but be a little chuffed about that. Lenin fetched the kettle from the stove top and skipped to the sink to fill it. She absentmindedly started to hum over the tap, body gently swaying with the improvised tune. Harry momentarily forgot the task at hand, enamored with her again. She carried the kettle back to the stove hob and turned it on. “...Where might I find the tea?” she spun around the kitchen on her heels and Harry was broken from his reverie.  
He didn’t know if he even had any tea. Though he thought he recalled his Mum bringing a tin or two down with her when she came to visit. “Try the cabinet to the left.” he pointed her in the right direction.
Harry opened the refrigerator only to see their food selection was limited as well. He kept an eye on Lenin in his peripheral. He reckoned from her frown her findings weren't too prosperous either. “You don't have tea?” she whispered the words as if they were blasphemous. Harry was more of a coffee person, but he knew he'd be picking some up after this. She wouldn’t be without again.
“No eggs, either, I'm afraid.” he admitted sheepishly, closing the refrigerator. Harry never bothered much with groceries considering how much he was actually home. Everything would go bad before he could get to it. “’m sorry.” Usually it was only an inconvenience to him. This was embarrassing. “I can order something here.” He knew that was a long shot with her tight schedule but he had to at least offer.
“Don’t worry about me, I can grab something from catering.” Lenin assured him. “But what about you?”
Eating out and take-away had become more of a staple in his life than he would care to admit. But just as he struggled for an answer, he eyed a bowl of green apples on his table. Some of the only food in the house, he had sent his assistant out for a few things, fresh fruit he knew he’d eat included. He reached out to grab one and took a bite, making a show of his breakfast.
Harry wiped the natural juice of the fruit that dribbled down his chin and swore he caught Lenin staring at his mouth as he did so, the unmistakable look of lust in her eyes. The same look from last night. He couldn’t forget it so he was sure when he saw it again as he licked his lips clean. “You alright?” he smirked.
Her eyes snapped back to his, “Yeah!” his smirk grew when he saw a blush creep up her cheeks. What he wold give to know where her mind just was. “I’m going to be late.” Convenient. She had enough time for breakfast not a moment ago and now she was running out on him. “Have a good day, Harry!”
“I’ll see you tonight, yeah?” he called out after her.
“Mhm.” Lenin nodded before she exited the room, “Happy Birthday!” she shouted from the hall. The front door closing let him know he was alone again.  
The door swung open, “Happy Birthday to you,” Lenin sang, stood on the porch, single cupcake in hand. It had a candle lit and everything. A smile split across his face upon seeing her again. “Happy Birthday to you.” His own little Marilyn crooning for him. She didn’t finish the song though, and Harry reckoned it was because of the extra person that came to stand in the doorway with him.
“Oh, that’s so cute!” Justina squealed from her place at his side. “Is it from Sprinkles?” Harry was mildly annoyed with his friend. It wasn’t her fault, it just felt as though she was intruding on something that was meant to be just the two of them.
Lenin didn’t miss a beat. “Yes! Good eye!” Her smile was radiant, but too rehearsed. It was the same one she wore on red carpets and other public events. The one she could hold for hours. Expect it didn’t meet her eyes like usual. She was not happy and Harry felt terrible.
Justina smiled brightly, “They’re his favorite.” her free hand settled in front of his stomach. He made him uncomfortable. The way she spoke with Lenin, the way she touched him, all painfully obvious ploys trying to assert ‘ownership’ of him or imply some sort of relationship. He stepped away from her, but left his hand as a sort of consolation. She just wrapped herself around his arm.
“Yeah,” her eyes darted from her shirt- or more specifically Harry’s shirt that Justina was wearing- to him and back to her, “I should have picked more up. Silly me.” It’s like she was saying, ‘I should’ve known you’d have company.’
“Oh, no worries, I don’t eat sweets.” Justina was quick to assure Lenin. She gave a stiff nod in response. 
“Make a wish” Lenin interjected, holding the small cake up to H and carefully cupping the small flame that remained as to make sure it didn’t go out.
Harry leaned forward and blew it out, wishing to spend the rest of the day with his sweet girl. “Thank you, love.” He then placed a kiss on Lenin’s cheek. She was such a good girl. Far better than he deserved right now. “I thought you were working today?”  
“I am. I just- I wanted to make sure you got this.” Lenin handed him the cupcake then leant behind one of the big planters on his porch. She produced a small decorative gift bag with a balloon attached. Lenin had gone out of her way to make their own little party for two. Expect there were three. Harry tried to swallow back the guilt but the knot in his throat was growing. 
“You didn’t have to get me anything.” she had already done more than enough to make it a birthday he would remember.
“It’s nothing much, really.” Lenin insisted. But the fact that she thought to pick anything up for him at all was a gift unto itself.
“You should open it, babe!” Justina encouraged, irritating him further.
“Would you come in at least?” Harry invited Lenin in, not wanting her standing out on his front porch for too long.
“Yeah! I was just making Har lunch. We have more than enough.” Justina chimed in. It made Harry cringe, knowing how it probably sounded to Lenin. Knowing how it all sounded to Lenin. He was hearing it as she was. And couldn’t say anything, because it was all true.
Harry saw a look of hurt flash over her features for the briefest of moments before they were fixed back into an unreadable expression. She was quick to wave off their invite, “I have to be going actually. ” 
“Aww, but watching them open it is like, half the fun, yeah? Open it quick.” Justina was pretty persistent. Lenin stayed as mum as ever, not giving any indication on what she preferred. He didn’t want to open it but felt obligated now.
Harry reluctantly went to remove the decoratively placed tissue paper. There were only a few pieces to shift through before he found a big variety tin of tea at the bottom of the bag. It made him smile. A small chuckle left him as he remembered their morning together fondly, “Thank you.” he bowed his head.
“What is it?” the blonde peaked into the bag as well. “Oh.” She couldn’t hide her disappointment with the British necessity. Without the backstory he could very well understand how some might find it a bit dull. He certainly wasn’t going to explain it to her.
“Like I said, nothing big.” but something he needed, nonetheless. He loved it. Len’s mobile pinged and she pulled it from her pocket to glance at the screen. “I really need to be going now. You guys have a good one.” She backed off the porch without another word, like she couldn’t get away fast enough.
“Wait.” Harry called after her. “I’ll walk you to your car.” He jogged to catch up to her. She didn’t slow. “Hey,” he reached out and grabbed her elbow. “Hey. Thank you, really.”
“Don't mention it.” He could see her fighting with herself, if she should say something. He hoped she did. Anything. “I should’ve called.”
“You know you're always welcome here.” She wouldn’t look at him, rather busying herself with her key fob. He needed to say something to fix this. “Hey, I’m sorry. yeah?” He meant it. He never ever meant to hurt Lenin.
“Don't be.” she shrugged, “You haven’t done anything wrong.” He knew that. They weren’t in a relationship. They were just friends. Then why did he feel so shit?
“I must’ve if you’re upset.” he stared intently at her.
“I- really need to be going.”
“Don’t do that. Don’t leave upset.” He hated to think of that. He would’ve tried harder, to have her stay if she wasn’t working. 
“I’m not.” she lied. But he didn’t push it. They could talk later.
“I’ll see you tonight, yeah?” the car beeped unlocked and Harry got the door for her.
“I’m actually flying out in a few hours.” Lenin got into her car and waited expectantly for Harry to close it behind her, which he did after a beat.
Her window was down so they could continue their conversation. “No! You have to come!” he leaned down to her window. “I’ll have no fun without you.” She had confirmed just this morning! Either she had double booked- which was unlike her- or she was just making something up. Harry reckoned it was the latter, and had an even stronger suspicion it had something to do with the blonde in his house at that very moment.
“I’m sure you’ll manage.” She still wouldn’t look at him. Staring straight through her windshield instead.
“Are you back this week? Maybe we could celebrate later.” he offered, still hanging on her door.
“Any reason to continue the festivities, hm?” she was still teasing him, so that must’ve been a good sign. He wasn’t completely out of her good graces.
He shrugged his shoulders. “Could be fun. With you. Pleeease.”
“I don’t know, Harry.” she was short with him this time. She was usually on top off her schedule, another indicator she was fibbing. She was so mad, he could tell. But she wasn’t saying anything. She was absolutely maddening.
“Be safe. Traveling.” He stepped away from the car.
“Happy Birthday, Harry.”
Harry texted her that night at the party. And after the party. When he got no response back, he called. No answer either. With her voicemail box full. Curiosity got the best of him by the end of the week, resulting in him preforming the almost treasonous act of googling her. She was fine, of course. Attending one of Europes’ Fashion Weeks. Sitting in the front row of every important show and staying out late after. He attempted to get ahold of her a few more times to no avail.
It would be three months until they next spoke with each other again.
Author’s Notes: H’s birthday left me with all sorts of feels so you get a second post in honor of Harry’s birthday month. (Read the first part here)  Based on the ever intrusive thought that H has way too many mates to ever be left alone on his Birthday... I struggled writing this, fighting with writers block. Admittedly not my best work but feedback is welcome, as always. xx. K
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tumblunni · 6 years
...i have never been less hype and i hate it
i feel really guilty for not being happy when i mean these games are very pretty and all but all of it just seems to not be grabbing my happy when i got myself SO HYPED for the unlikelihood of something better
like man COME ON
come on man
almost 13!
sinnoh was fuckin due for a remake back when sun and moon got announced
ive been getting hype and dissappointed at every single goddamn announcement nintendo’s ever made for the last 4 years or so and it never happens and yet they keep teasing it why are there so many official tweets teasing sinnoh if its not fuckin happening im starting to lose hope that it will happen EVER
twelve. fucking. years.
like man we’re almost due for a goddamn unova remake by now!
like man fucking kanto got TWO REMAKES already
its not just im nostalgic its that i want desperately for the generation i love to get any goddamn recognition at all. fuckin gold and silver were already beloved as the best generation even before their remake. ruby and sapphire got some unfair hate for the no transfer between games thing but that died immediately after the first remake happened. neither of them were in this unique situation where they were fuckin DEAD ON ARRIVAL and waiting TWELVE YEARS for resuscitation!
sinnoh failed ENTIRELY not on its lack of appeal as a generation but because of goddamn CONSOLE LIMITATIONS
it was slow, it was buggy, it had buddy green brown palettes, the wifi didnt work. all problems with it being an experimental first ds game by the company. it was fuckin HATED as the WORST GENERATION for so many years and it wasnt its goddamn fault and like seriously its only even become TOLERATED again because of this ‘sinnoh confirmed’ meme that NINTENDO FUCKIN REFERENCES AS IF THEYRE GONNA ACTUALLY DO IT ANY TIME IN THE NEXT DAMN DECADE
fuck i was more hyped for lets go than i am for this. like a second kanto remake was the thing i hated the most but at least it seemed original enough with the goofy new minigame for catching and loads of nice reveals like the return of following pokemon and stuff. this trailer didnt really say anything except hey its a new region hey the starters look generic as fuck. nothing to mitigate the dissappointment
and i feel AWFUL cos i know rationally that this is a great pretty game and nothing about it is actually bad yet and my only complaint is that i only like one out of three starters when i felt the same way about sinnoh itself. its just that feeling ‘meh its probably okay’ isnt what i hoped for. i hoped even if it wasnt what i wanted itd be something else equally as hype? just ‘meh’ has turned into ‘oh god no’ cos man ive been up for 48 hours getting hype for this shit why the fuck am i unable to not get hype even though i KNOW every goddamn time its a dissappointment and it has been for years and it will continue to be every goddamn time
like the highlight of the video was ‘oh an underground area maybe at least theyll bring back the sinnoh underground minigame in another country’
also.. uhh.. bags? i like the protagonist designs a lot and im happy to have the hiker bags cos srsly if i was in pokemon world i would absolutely want to go 100% ham in all ways possible AS YOU CAN SEE BY HOW I CONSTANTLY GET MYSELF TOO HYPED AND ALWAYS DISSAPPOINT MYSELF
and GOD i know im being predictable and i know that probably when i let the grumpiness wear off and get a few hours of sleep i’ll rewatch this and actually be able to notice all the lil details and get properly hype about things and probably by then we’ll know what country its meant to be based on and more info and stuff. like LOL i almost had a heart attack when there was some generally industrial looking stuff and a big ben esque clock tower like im sorry no i REALLY dont want poke-britain even though im british. its like the most cliche generic idea for a region and following on from a great region that gave representation to a nation historically mistreated by britain and america im kinda like hey can we not. like britain region was everyone’s immediate idea for the next ‘white region’ after unova happened and i was still dissappointed that we got france after that and pleasantly surprised that theyd even THINK of doing a non-white western country like hawaii! and it was really great and had loads of stuff based on hawaiian culture and even taught you some hawaiian words and local foods and stuff!! i dont wanna learn about my own country through the sanitized false ‘child friendly’ idea of us being all knights and stuff AS IF IT WAS A GOOD THING. So yeah im not sure what other european country this might be, the outfits make me say possibly holland? but im just real glad that someone other than britain gets to be ‘sword and shield’ and the only british representation we get is thematic elements being used for the design of team plasma’s uniforms. yes thank you we were fuckin colonialist pigs please never glorify our military ever again in any fiction. please never put a sword anywhere near fiction britain unless youre ready to talk about how many indigenous cultures we slaughtered. SORRY IM KINDA GOING OFF ON ONE!! im not like ‘never put my country in pokemon ever’ but if theres any form of specifically HISTORICAL CONTENT in the pokemon version then HOO BOY it would need to be handled carefully and the name sword and shield does not bode well for that so FUCK YES please be holland, please be the other place that has a lot of picturesque farm scenery and also better hiking and also literally everything. it cant be britain cos if it was britain we’d definately have a fuckin sheep or somethin for a starter. srsly tho i am very confused by the big ben looking place, am i just bad at geography and dont know about a similar clock tower in holland that is also associated with red brick industrial buildings and mines? i hope so! either that or maybe its like a combination region of multiple european countries? but thatd be weird since france got to be its own thing. tho honestly i would like it if britain got COMPLETELY ignored except to be one single town that contains the underground minigame, lol
please be holland i love you holland please save me from my rambling awful post WHY THE FUCK am i getting so bad at recognising geography oh yeh cos i havent slept in ages
i love the big bags and the rabbit starter is something ive wanted since i was a lil kid. those are two positives. holland is a third. and its super pretty. okay. i can see all the positive things individually but still somehow my net reaction is a meh because i got too hyped for the wrong thing and also kinda got jumpscared by almost maybe britain I AM SO GLAD IT IS NOT
theory: pokemon world is so idealized and wonderful and beyond us in technology and equality and etc because britain never existed in this universe.
holland stabbed it with a sword
the end
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perfectlyhoney · 6 years
Macaroni and Cheese: What makes you think of your childhood?- old songs and locations that ive been to when I was younger
Spring Green: How do you relax when you’re stressed?- listen to music, sleep, talk to my mom or boyfriend, sex, etc.
Asparagus: What’s an unpopular opinion you have?- That apple juice is so much better than orange juice idc.
Bittersweet: Has someone you loved ever hurt you?- yes
Eggplant: Explain your url and avatar.- my url is basically embracing my skintone and also that I’m a honey at heart, which to me basically means I’m a good and understanding person.
Outer Space: Do you ever feel like you’re an outcast from others?- Not really however I choose to limit the people around me purposely
Cotton Candy: What is your favorite dessert?- omg the coconut talenti icecream and the mango talenti ice cream mixed together
Freckle: Do you have any marks on your skin? How do you feel about them?- I have a couple of birthmarks that I feel no way about, I forget theyre there
Shocking Pink: Is there a trait that you have that others don’t expect from you? -when people realize i can be really goofy they become surprised lol
Robin’s Egg Blue: If you were an animal, which one do you think would you be?- any big cat
Granny Smith Apple: What’s something everyone else likes that you don’t?- All these new trap artists that came out within the past couple of years, just aint doing it for me. 
Dandelion: What’s a pet peeve of yours?- Not cleaning up after yourself while at work. I work at a job that gets messy quick so i try to clean as I go, but sometimes other people dont. Also the sound of people biting their nails, and the sound of spitting ugh
Atomic Tangerine: What gets you motivated to do a difficult task?- seeing other people accomplish big things, also i just talk myself into it
Wisteria: What’s your favorite thing about yourself?- my self-awareness
Candy Apple: How do you think others view you?- different people view me different ways, some people think Im quiet and lowkey, some think im cool and goofy, some think Im snappy. funny thing is Im all of the above. Just depends
Plum: Are you insecure about anything?- my tummy needs to go away 
Sky Blue: Where do you feel the most at home?in my living room or my bedroom
Tickle Me Pink: How do you try to cheer others up when they’re sad?- give advice while being serious and making eye contact, talking about happy things afterwards
Wild Strawberry: Do you care what others think about you?- No
Glossy Grape: Recommend something to your followers.- coconut oil. rose oil. Argan oil. aloe. All a must have.
World Wide Web Yellow: What was the last thing you looked up?- medical jobs
Shadow Blue: Do you have a darker side to you that most people are unaware of?- yes i can have a huge fit of rage if im provoked but that hasn’t happened in so long because of growth and glow
Electric Lime: What genre of music do you listen to?- r&b,rap, reggae/dancehall
Night Owl: Describe a very interesting dream that you had.- i have so many interesting and weird dreams its not even funny
Grasshopper Green: Describe the area where you live.- suburan/urban area average sized houses, a lot of dogs around
Misty Moss: Is there anything you regret?- Nope
Tiny Toad Brown: Do you find beauty in something that people consider to be ugly or undesirable?- I tend to find beauty in everything in the world except for pure evil.
Sunny Side Up: Do you like waking up in the mornings, or would you rather sleep in?- I struggle with choosing because waking up early feels good, and youre more likely to be productive, while on the other hand sleeping in feels so good when you need a break from being productive
Timberwolf: Do you give second chances when somebody has wronged you?- it depends on the way that they wronged me
Freshly Squeezed: What excites you?- money, adventures, sex and romance
Firefly Red: What gives you purpose?- my family 
Tiny Teapot Tan: Do you consider yourself to be attractive/cute?- yes
Rain Drop Blue: Describe the weather outside.- confusion
Sweet Pea Green: Do you have/want children?- no dont have, yes i do want
Pussywillow: Do you like being around others, or do you like being alone?- i dont mind the company of others, but i love to be alone so much more. theres a balance
Jack ‘O’ Lantern Orange: What’s your biggest fear and why?- failure, you only live one life
Baby Bunny Pink: Do you look young for your age, or do you look older than you are?- I think i look my age when i put on makeup but i look a bit younger with no makeup
Mystic Maroon: What confuses you, and why?- people confuse me. too much to explain honestly
Cosmic Cobalt: What’s your zodiac sign, and do you think it’s accurate?- scorpio, its on point
Mountain Meadow: Do you like taking care of others, or do you prefer being care of?- im usually the one to take care of others, i would like to be taken care of but to a certain extent.
Fuzzy Duckling Yellow: Is there something from childhood that you haven’t outgrown?- watching cartoons and playing video games
Brussel Sproutlet: Do you have any unhealthy habits?- snacking when i feel like it 
Periwinkle: What’s something ordinary that has personal meaning to you?- a ladybug
Mauvelous: Do you think you deserve a better life than you have now?- yes i believe so
Blueberry Blue: Do you get sad easily?- not really it depends on the situation
Purple Mountains Majesty: How does someone earn your respect?- by being honest, positive and ambitious
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curioscurio · 8 years
just saw a post abt coran headcannons and wanted 2 make one :)
yall  think shiro’s space dad but its actually a part time job that he shares with coran
he feed u soup and keeps u worm when ur sick
but when HE’S sick he’ll either work till he’s dying or keep it from everyone. He’ll completely deny he has anything unless it puts the team in danger (ex: lightly poisoned? mamma didn’t raise no pussy. Contagious poison? don’t touch me im sterile) 
sleep is a suggestion to him. Alteans don’t need as much sleep as humans anyway, but coran is constantly awake and ON THE MOVE. basically a cryptid
he’s always around in case any of the paladins have nightmares or insomnia at night or something and makes them sweet root tea or something. :’’-)
eyes and markings glow when super happy or excited (allura too!)
he’s ripped as fuck hes goddamned beefy and when the paladins find out they’re like: ?!?!?!?!
lance: he’s..... thicc
coran has no favorites (lance) but will go the extra mile to make every paladin laugh if they’re feeling down
talks to the lions when repairing them or just hanging around them. he tells them stories and jokes. blue thinks he’s sweet but green nearly falls over laughing bc she thinks he’s so funny. then when he tells a pidge a joke and she doesnt get it he’ll grumble and say smthng like “green would have laughed..”
this guy CAN FLIRT 
seriously, one time they were on a mission and both coran and allura were there for diplomatic reasons and the prince of the alien planet started getting fresh with allura. coran swoops in.gently takes his hands. leads him away from allura looking into his eyes. he’s got the most charming voice and smile ad says something like “ i can see the universe in your eyes” tHE ALIEN IS DEAD HE’S ENDED. 
paladins have memes about him 
“vore me daddy coran” (this is his least favorite)
* pidge goes up to the beefiest alien with the biggest muscles ever* “coran... is that you... how did you get here...”
*lance and keith making out* “you know who’s the best?” “hmm?” “coran” “lance what hte fuck”
they actually love him a lot and when they’re concerned abt him he doesn’t quite get it bc he’s the advisor not a paladin or the princess?? ‘why would you guys worry about me im replacab-” “NO??? FUCK OFF??? YOU’RE THE BEST???”
has TONS of tiny scars on his hands from mechanic work but they’re so fucking smooth and soft like a little baby hand. everytime he takes them off u can hear someone running down the hall “GLOVES OFF” and someone dives to the ground to hold his hand
i mean he’s very diplomacy first and shit but if someones down to fight or threatening the paladins... gloves off. he socks them right in the face and starts a huge fight which he wins. it’s actually a little scary.like he’s all dirty and torn up and wiping blood from his nose with his knuckles and spits on the guy he just pummled. the guy is crying. he turns back to the paladins with a wide grin and and goofy laugh “sore losers am i right ;-)”
allura can beat him in a fair fight and he doesn’t hold back (too much) 
hands shake when anxious and gets real clumsy. ;ike theres a line. normally he has sturdy hands, if he’s nervous or anxious or paranoid they shake like the devil and he trips over stuff and you want to keep him out of the mechanic room (unfortunately thats the first place he’ll go) however he can stitch up your wound faster than lightning, and is very calm in the face of real hardcore danger
Paladin specific headcannons under the cut:
would die for coran and vice versa
reminiscence about home planets together
is very gentle with coran, even though coran is usually the rock 
GOD HE GETS SO ANXIOUS ABT HIM SOMETIMES LIKE coran will do something incredibly dangerous like hanging from the rafters upside down (he’s done it so many times) or going days on end without sleep (really it’s for a project) or engineering something with dangerous substances that often can and will blow up in his face ( i s2g i will save u from another explosion)
complains to the paladins about the shit coran makes him go through but also wouldn’t have it any other way
both of them will collaborate on a project and then you won’t see them for days.
they live in the Castle Basement where they do experiments and shit. Pidge is worse than Coran about sleep so they have a couch down there that coran will carry pidge to and lay her on if she falls asleep during work.
if pidge is with him, coran makes sure to schedule breaks and snack times so pidge doesnt crash horribly. he brings her food and makes sure they don’t stay cooped up for weeks.
pidge knows this which is why she helps him so often ( that and she really enjoys learning new altean tech and hanging w him) 
will march in and drag coran from a project if she thinks he needs to take a break or a NAP 
hunk loves to draw and sketch and whittle and stuff in his spare time! coran can barely hold a pencil. hunk teaches him how to draw and paint and coran just loves it so much. “coran what are you painting” “it’s a sworlump” “it looks nice” 
in turn coran teaches hunk how to whittle. hunk has shaky hands so learning this is helping him be more confident with his strokes and dexterity! 
hunk can FIND coran. he’s got a detector. he senses him. if corans sick or smthng or injured but trying to hide it he can sniff it out like a hound dog and is the only one that can actually get him to rest or visit the medbay. usually ends up carrying him there. i love hunk. 
it’s not that he doesn’t worry about coran (he does a lot) he just gets pissed a lot bc he doesnt get why coran can’t see how important he is. 
but also trust coran to know his limits 
wants coran to spot him when he trains bc if he’s training with the other paladins he has to keep a stoic face and perfect form. but since he does it to burn out stress, he gets really messy and emotional and nasty when he does it. like he’ll get so frustrated and cry and tear shit up and halfheartedly swing his bayard until he’s all drained. 
coran doesnt ever judge and makes sure he doesn’t go past his limits or something. can calm him down if he’s super distressed without it feeling patronizing. 
coran: *smiles*
shiro: i would die for you
can train comfortably with coran as well as allura! but allura is sometimes too intense for him and he needs someone who is really in control of the whole thing. coran knows how to disable his arm if things get too wack. coran is a really good parter to spar with bc he likes to do funny banter and keeps shiro from getting lost in his head. 
shiro will eat anything coran hands him without hesitation. everyone else is??
turns out shiro has no taste buds but it makes coran happy so
coran once had to carry shiro out of battle bridal style and shiro couldn’t stop blushing for hours 
they’re so mischievous together lmfao
you’d think coran would be the one to be like “no allura you could get hurt!!” but unless it’s a huge life or death situation he’s such an enabler for her and vice versa. “HEY ALLURA I BET YOU CAN’T SHOOT THIS APPLE FROM KETIHS HEAD LL THE WAY FROM THE BRIDGE” “coran you fool i am the strongest one on this ship i can do anything” They’ll both find the most dangerous animal on whatever planet they’re on and ride it. coran used to be against her drinking and stuff but now that theres been a war going on they’ll basically do shots together and talk abt altea. THEY LOVE TO FUCK WITH THE PALADINS 
“oh no!! it seems Lance has caught the.. uh.. Altean stomach worms...”
“oh yes princess... so sad. we will miss you lance.rip in peace”
“princess have you drunken your florppinus potion this month?”
coran: did you know alteans can breathe pure quintessence?
lance: :O
allura: *holds up a jar of mouthwash* it’s so beautiful
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tumblunni · 6 years
For the kingdom hearts asks: choose your top 4 questions. 😆
1. Where would have been your home world?
Maybe Halloween Town? Or one of the final fatasy crossover places.
2. What would be your starting keyblade?
I like Fenrir, I think it pulls off the ‘looks like a car key’ thing better than riku’s new keyblade in 3. Like its not just straight up a regular car key with no additional decorations, like how the regular keyblade isnt a regular key with no decorations. Just having some weird patterns and bandages on the thing makes it neater! Also kinda resembles the key to the temple of the ancients from orignal ff7.
Tho if i had to choose between only ones that were already starting keyblades in other games, I’d say i like Aqua’s one the best. Its neat with that weird lazery hollow key shape effect
3. How many allies would you have with you as you travel?
4. If in a party, what would be your main role (e.g. tank, healer, synthesizer, etc.)
combination tank/damage dealer. Runs into the front lines with zero strategy except smacking stuff and Protect Friemds
5. What would be your command list if you were a D-Link? Limit to 5 commands!
Oh man I actually dont really know how D-Links work cos BBS is one the games i never finished. But uhh probably defense and counterattack stuff?
6. What would be your fighting style?
oh uhh ok better to explain it here! I’d like to be a tanky punchyness, someone who maybe isnt exactly the strongest but they can just keep attacking and annoying the fuck out of the enemy forever. In a party i’d be based around drawing aggro and protecting my friends from attacks but also maybe have some trickstery counter atatcks that give me potential to deal some damage if i get lucky.
7. What would you prioritize? Power, Magic, or Speed?
LOL i always thought it was weird that the mobile game picked those as the three elements when the main trio of the game is clearly power, magic and DEFENSE. and theres loads of enemies who are defense specialists too! i’d be that!! I wanna just be like the annoying Large Body enemy. Big cuddly person who protect they friends to the point its gamebreaking, lol!
8. What would be your ability as a support medal? BONUS, state if it's a single-target or all-target attack, and your SP cost!
Oh man im not very good at the mobile game lol XD I might say a buff defense or lower enemy attack thing cos just those are most necessary to not die in that damn hard game. or if i could have anything even stuff that isnt already possible in the game, then i’d like to be a counterattack! something like if the enemy has buffed themselves you reverse it into debuffs, or you reflect their whole attack. but itd have to have an element of chance to it so maybe it only works if you sacrifice something else, or just on a random flip a coin thing?
9. If you could be partners with one character in the series, who would it be?
or from the original characters I WANT VEXEN TO BE MY NEW DAD
10. What KHX/KHUX union would you belong to?
in the game i picked the snake one cos i like snake
ive been playing for ages and i still know nothing about what the damn difference is or what the personalites are of any of the bosses
11. What is your favorite magic spell?
its been ages since i played the original games but i recall that i used thunder a lot cos i am bad at aiming, lol
12. Doublejump or glide?
13. Cure or esuna?
cure lol! status effects dont happen often enough to make esuna a mainstay
14. What would be your dodging move?
the goofy kabuki theater dodge pose Quina does in ff9
15. What would you have forgotten in Castle Oblivion?
Probably some sort of dark shit like “your wish is granted to forget your childhood abuse but youre left not knowing who you are because that stuff shaped you from such a young age that its become an unremoveable part of your identity”
16. Would your nobody be just another creature? Or would they belong to the Organization?
seriously im still SO mad that all the sentient nobodies look like boring people instead of cool creatures
17. What would your costume look like in Halloween Town?
oh does anyone remember that time i drew myself a ghostsona? yeah like that! fancy top hat and coattails spoopy~!
18. What sea-creature would you be in Atlantica?
Maybe that ‘sea bunny’ underwater slug species?
19. If you could have one dream eater with you in  your travels, what would it be?
aaaa i havent played KHDDD yet but all of them look so cute and im excited to meet them and find out my favourites!
20. Would you want to travel with a heartless/nobody/unversed with you as a buddy?
seriously 90% of all my thoughts and posts on this series are just IMMA LOVV THE DARKNESS I WOULD GIVE MYSELF TO THE DARKNESS INSTANTLY TO HUG THESE BABS
21. What would you do if you had free time in a world and didn't have to fight?
22. In battle, do you prioritize speed or accuracy?
i have no depth perception lol, no accuracy in this house
23. What would be your command style? (2 max!)
i aint play BBS! i aint know! *le shrug*
24. What would be your keyblade transformation?
I aint play kh3 either!
25. What drive form would you use?
26. What would you mainly use flowmotion for?
I aint play KHDDD and also with my bad accuracy i would primarily use it for falling off buildings
27. Would you rely on cure magic, or items for healing?
when i played i was always more of a magicker healer. i feel like itd be the only spell that my khsona has on a mostly physical attack set
28. What would be your break time move?
*breakdancing softly* i aint play BBS dude, i dont kno dis shit
29. What are you better at? Ice cream beat, rumble racing, or fruitball?
it is amazing how much BBS i have not played
30. Would you know how to pilot a gummi ship?
NO i cant even ride a bike IRL lol
31. Would you use the darkness as a weapon?
YES but also NO i would use the darkness as a hugs i would just befriend a bunch of heartless like the dream eaters and cuddle them til they stop being evil
32. WILDCARD, ask me anything!
UHHHH go ahead guys!
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