#part of me wishes papa g could have got a few more serious moments..i like him being goofy despite being old but i think more scenes where-
localspaceangel · 4 years
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ryqoshay · 6 years
How to Handle a Nico: Futatsumōde
Primary Pairing: NicoMaki Words: ~2.2k Rating: G Time Frame: Winter of Maki’s 2nd year of high school and Nico’s 1st year of college. Story Arc: Stand Alone
Author’s Note: Less than a day left in the first month of the year, so I’m a little late for a New Year’s scene. But I saw an Xmas NicoMaki post earlier this week, so at least I’m not the only one running behind... Also in my defense, I didn’t even see the pic that inspired this scene until halfway through the month.
Anyway, as soon as I saw the official pic posted of NicoMaki going to their hatsumōde, first shrine visit, dressed in adorable kimono, I knew I needed to write about them. I even set the pic as my desktop for the rest of the month. And even though I’ve posted it before, twice, I’ll post it again at the end of the scene for reference, and because it’s just that cute.
Maki was excited. So excited, in fact, she was having trouble remaining still while her mother tied her obi. It felt strange. Being this restless wasn’t normal for her, even when stressed about an upcoming exam or anticipating the next live performance with her fellow school idols.
Was it because she was going to be meeting up with her friends? Maybe? However, she had just seen everyone at the latest µ’s reunion where Honoka had decided they would go ice skating together. As luck would have it, this had also allowed Maki an opportunity to spend a significant amount of time with Nico, teaching her how to skate so she wouldn’t look foolish in front of everyone.
Maki smiled at the memories. Nico hadn’t lived up to her boast of becoming a better skater than Maki, but at least she had managed to not be the one who fell down the most during the reunion.
She would be seeing Nico as well tonight. The older girl was helping Nozomi and Eli at the local shrine where they were all meeting. The three college first-years had scheduled the end of their duties so they could welcome the new year with their friends. And they even said they would be changing out of their haori and into more festive kimonos for the occasion. Thus, Maki wouldn’t be the only one dressed formally this year.
Maybe that was why she was excited? Getting to see Ni… everyone in kimonos? She was certain Nico would be exceptionally cute. And everyone else as well, of course. Yeah, that was probably it. Maybe…
“There we go.” Dr. Nishikino said, stepping away to admire her handiwork.
“Thanks, Ma…” Maki’s gaze found the clock. “Is that the time? I need to go!” She scrambled to grab her kinchaku.
“One moment, Maki, my dear.” Her mother placed a hand on her shoulder. “I have one more thing for you.” She produced a corsage consisting of a pair of flowers with tassels. “I found this while I was out with friends and thought it would match your outfit perfectly tonight.” Quickly and efficiently, she secured it in her daughter’s hair, near the end of the braid she had woven earlier.
“Thanks, Mama.” Maki finally completed giving voice to her gratitude. Then, without even so much as a glance in the mirror to admire the new accessory, she turned, kissed her mother on the cheek and made a break for the door. “I’ll be heading to Nico-chan’s place afterward!” She said over her shoulder as a reminder to her future whereabouts.
“Have fun!” Dr. Nishikino called after her departing daughter. “Say hi to everyone for me and wish them a Happy New Year!”
Nico let out a weary groan as she let her haori slip from her shoulders. “You know, Nozomi,” she whined “I don’t mind helping out around here, but do you have to work us to the bone?”
Nozomi returned a smile that barely masked her own exhaustion. “But Nicocchi, this place has become so much more popular these last two years. It may have something to do with a certain someone posting online that she would be here.”
“But Nico-nii needs to let her fans know where she is!” The raven-haired girl insisted. “It’s not Nico’s fault she has so many adoring fans that want to come see the No. 1 Miko in the Universe.”
“Sorry, Nico,” Eli spoke up, her voice as weary as the others “but I think we all know Nozomi holds that title.”
“Nicocchi has worked hard.” The purple haired girl draped a kimono around the blonde, using the motion as an excuse to give her a quick hug from behind. “I’m fine with her using the title for a few hours.”
“I suppose…” Eli leaned into the embrace before sliding her arms into the sleeves.
Nico rolled her eyes at the display before turning to the mirror to start tying up her hair.
“Ready for me to tie your obi?” A voice came from behind a few minutes later.
Nico shifted her gaze in the mirror to see Nozomi. “Sure.” She replied with a shrug, turning her head back and forth to check for stray strands. “Thanks.”
“Is that what you’ll be wearing?” Nozomi motioned to the accessories Nico hadn’t had time to put on.
“Cute. They suit you two.”
“Ye… wha?” The part-time idol resisted balking so as not to disturb the sash that was being secured.
“You two.” The spiritual girl repeated. “Nicocchi and Maki-chan.”
Nico looked at the flowers in question; two sets of three, arranged from darker to lighter shades of pink. Well, perhaps the darkest could pretty much be considered red, but that hadn’t really been Nico’s intent when selecting them. At least she didn’t think so. Was she really so obsessed with the adorable redhead that her subconscious was thinking about her even when picking out hair adornments? Perhaps, she should be more upset by this idea, but she quickly decided it didn’t really bother her.
“But of course!” Nico proclaimed proudly. “Nico-nii will never fail to impress her No. 1 Fan.”
“Well you’ll sure knock her dead with this lovely number.” Nozomi chuckled. “There.” She patted the other girl’s shoulder. “All done. Want help with the flowers?”
“Thanks, but I can get them. You still need your obi tied.”
“I’m on it.” Eli said, coming up from behind Nozomi.
“Which means I can still help Nicocchi with those.” The purple-haired girl decided.
“Oh, alright.” The raven-haired girl gave in and handed back the accessories.
“Maki-chan! Over here!” Nico called on spotting the redhead in the crowd. She waved her hand high to ensure she had her attention before moving toward her. “You’re late.”
“Sorry.” Maki apologized upon reaching the raven-haired girl.
“Well, everyone else is already busy doing other stuff.” Nico explained. “Eli, Umi, Yukiho and Alisa are hanging ema, Nozomi and Rin are offering prayers and the girls of the Subgroup Formerly Known as Printemps are playing hanetsuki.”
“I see…”
“So you’re stuck with Nico for now.”
“I’m… alright with that.”
“Anyway, Maki-chan looks incredibly cute in her kimono.” Nico commented, her voice devoid of teasing and full of admiration.
“Th-thank you…” Pink dusted Maki’s cheeks.
Nico shifted her weight back and forth between her feet, obviously awaiting something.
“N-Nico-chan looks cute as well.” The younger girl said after a moment.
“I know, right.” The older girl posed to show off her outfit while displaying a toothy grin. “Love the hair décor, by the way.”
“Mama gave it to me just before I left.”
“She’s got good taste.” Nico reached up to touch the tassels. “Works well for us.”
Damnit Nozomi… Nico hadn’t meant to say that. Honestly, she hadn’t meant to tease, this time. But now that she had said it, she figured she may as well run with it.
“Of course! Pink and red! Nico and Maki-chan! A classic pair.”
“P-pair?” Maki’s blush deepened.
“Definitely.” Nico grinned. “So, what does Maki-chan want to do first?”
Nico quickly realized that the younger girl’s mind was still working through her embarrassment so she probably wasn’t in a decision-making mode.
“Maybe we could go draw our fortunes?” The older girl suggested.
Still smiling, Nico grabbed Maki’s hand and lead her through the throng of people to the omikuji stand.
“Ah, Nico-chan, Maki-chan, welcome.” A redheaded young woman clad in haori greeted the two with a bow.
“Hey, Anju.” Nico returned. “Thanks again for covering for us until the others get here.”
“You are quite welcome. Nozomi-chan does so much for this place so it’s our pleasure to help out in times like this.”
“And of course, Tsubasa is more than happy to use this as an excuse to spend time with Honoka-san.” Erena spoke up, approaching from behind her fellow idol.
“You asked A-RISE to fill in for you?” Maki asked of Nico.
“We offered.” Anju replied, having overheard. “We happened to be here praying for the success of our holiday live when Nozomi-chan and Eli-chan were talking about tonight.”
“I see…”
“So, are you two here for fortunes?” Erena indicated the cylindrical box on the table between the two pairs.
“That we are.” Nico pulled her offering out of her pouch. “C’mon, be good, be good.” She muttered, shaking the container before pulling out her fortune. “Alright, you’re up, Maki-chan.”
Maki made her own donation before accepting the cylinder. Her shake was far less vigorous than Nico’s, instead being a single, measured snap.
“Geez, Maki-chan.” The raven-haired girl complained, beginning to unroll her scroll. “You’re so serious about it, like you’re performing surgery or something.”
“Well, I am going to be a doctor.” The redhead replied simply.
“Doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with… eh?” Nico cut off as she read her fortune.
“What’s wrong?” Concern laced Maki’s voice. “Oh…”
“As if Nico wasn’t cursed enough…” the older girl’s shoulders slouched. “But studies? Really?”
“At least it’s a small curse…?” the younger girl seemed uncertain in her assurance. “And I can keep helping where I can.”
“I know.” Nico sighed. “You’re a good tutor, Maki-chan. Maybe you should look to becoming a teacher instead of a doctor.”
“I’m not sure Papa would like that.” Maki considered, beginning to unroll her fortune. “Mama might not mind thou… buweehh?”
“Great Blessings” Nico read, furrowing her brow and pushed closer to the other girl to get a better view. “Romantic Relationships? What the heck?” She borrowed Maki’s habitual phrase.
“N-Nico-chan…” She heard the other girl sputter.
“Oh ho…” Anju crooned. “And who is the lucky one to capture the maiden Nishikino’s heart?”
Erena blinked as though confused and quickly glanced back and forth between the two girls across the table. “I thought…”
“Maki-chan doesn’t have time for silly things like dating.” Nico blurted, a bit quicker and louder than she intended. Geez… She didn’t think she’d ever get used to saying or hearing that.
“Oh?” Erena raised an eyebrow, not appearing convinced.
“T-that’s right…” Maki agreed, her ears turning red.
“I see…”
“And besides, Nico is an idol. And everyone knows idols can’t date, right?”
Erena paused before agreeing. “Right…”
“Well the important part is that you two are happy.” Anju spoke up. “Maki-chan’s Great Blessing sounds interesting and it seems you have a plan to address Nico-chan’s Small Curse. So, I believe you’ll both be fine in the coming year.”
“Sounds good to me.” Nico nodded, suddenly wishing to move on. “Thanks for the fortunes.” She said before turning to the girl next to her. “Where to next, Maki-chan?”
The redhead opened her mouth to reply but snapped it shut when her stomach let out a loud growl instead.
“Food stalls it is.” Nico laughed. “But first we need to find a place to tie this stupid thing.” She waved her fortune around for effect.
As Nico grabbed her hand, she was pleased to see Maki’s blush fading and a smile begining to tug at her lips. Even if the younger girl was a bit slow on the uptake when it came to figuring out their relationship. Even if Nico herself really shouldn’t be seeking a relationship given her current career path. Even if… well, a lot of things, perhaps Maki’s fortune was right. Perhaps this would be a good year for the two of them. And Nico found herself looking forward to it.
“Nozomi! Eli!” Nico called to her fellow college first-years. “What’s up?”
She and Maki had just finished a run through the food stands and were heading over to find the others.
“I just got a message from Anju.” Nozomi explained as the couple approached. “Seems they’re getting busier than I anticipated. I tried reaching out to the girls who are taking the next shift, but they can’t come any earlier. So I’m heading back in to change.” She smiled at the others. “But no need to wait up for me. You three can head back when you’re ready.”
“Nonsense.” Eli shook her head. “I’m staying.”
“As am I.” Nico stated.
“Nicocchi, you don’t…” Nozomi started.
“I agreed to help today.” Nico interrupted. “And that includes extra time if it becomes necessary.” She turned to the girl beside her. “Sorry, Maki-chan, I know we were going to hang out after this, but…”
“I can help too.” Maki stated, as firmly as Nico had before. “You have extra haori, right, Nozomi?”
“Of course.” The spiritual girl replied with a smile.
“Then we can hang out while we work.” The pianist turned back to Nico.
“That depends on how hard Ms. Taskmaster over there decides to drive us.” the part-time idol crossed her arms and huffed.
“I can assign you two to the same station, if you want.” Nozomi offered. “But don’t think I won’t separate you if things…” she smirked “get out of hand.”
“Says the girl who… ”
“Nico… ” Eli interrupted with a pleading tone.
“A-anyway, uhm, let’s go.” Maki sputtered past her own embarrassment.
For the first time in far too long, Maki was the one to take Nico’s hand as she began to lead her toward the temple. Glancing back, she caught a fleeting expression of confusion that was quickly replaced by one a lot happier. Even if she knew she would be busy studying for foreseeable future, perhaps Anju was right. Perhaps the most important thing really was that they were happy. And right now, Maki was happy; so was she. So if this was any indication, it would definitely be a good year. And Maki found herself looking forward to it.
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Author’s Note Continued in Followup Post
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