#There's a bit of skrunkle in there I think?
bocchidaily · 6 months
Give us the absolute skrunkliest little Kita. Please.
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Day 90: I think this is pretty skrunkly
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cathalbravecog · 1 year
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first thing i drew on my new tablet to test it out is the tv beast themselves
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whumpy-wyrms · 16 days
The Last Lab Rat CYOA #3
tllr au masterlist | tllr masterlist
content: second person pov, sprained ankle, home invasion, manhandling, needles, creepy whumper
You chose: Run home now. It’s not far and you think you can make it.
Before the man can get any closer and find you curled up behind the dumpster and do who-knows-what to you, you dart out of your hiding spot and out of the alley, ignoring the stinging pain in your ankle as you run down the street.
“Shit,” you hear the man murmur under his breath and pick back up his pace after you.
You run as fast as you can, obviously limping now, but that doesn’t stop you. And finally, finally, you see your apartment. Home.
An eerie silence fills the air as you hobble towards it, and you look around apprehensively. There are suddenly no frantic footsteps like before, no shadow of the man behind you, no voice calling out for you. He’s absolutely nowhere to be seen.
Goosebumps spread across your skin as you walk up the steps to your front door. Your eyes trail your surroundings as you fish your keys from your pocket. There’s… There’s no way he just gave up, right? You swallow your nerves and burst through the door, slamming it shut behind you and locking it.
You lean back against the locked door and let out a huge sigh of relief. You’re home. You’re safe.
You flip on a lightswitch and try to step forwards when a sharp pain jolts through your leg. Right. You grab hold of the wall and limp your way to the kitchen, not worrying about hurrying too badly anymore. You plug your phone in and drink some water while you wait for it to turn on. You can do nothing but wait now, since you live alone. Your phone is still the only thing you have to call for help.
A small noise from behind you pulls you out of your brief moment of peace.
Before you can turn around, a hand clamps over your mouth and pulls you back against someone, trapping you in place. “Gotcha,” a voice rings in your ears. “Shhh, don’t scream. I won’t hurt you.”
It happened so fast, you could barely register it. The man following you— he had somehow gotten into your home. And now he has you.
You struggle against his grip and try to push yourself away, but he wraps another arm around you and pulls you against his chest, pinning your arms to your side. You can’t get away. He’s so much stronger than he looked.
Across the counter, you see your phone screen finally light up in the dark. If only you could just reach over and grab it. You futilely try to step forwards, but your ankle sends jolts of pain through your body, causing you to let out a pained whimper.
“Don’t move,” he says into your ear. Before you can react, he removes his arm from around your body, and pulls something out of his pocket. You reach your now free arms up to pry at the hand covering your mouth, but he just tightens his hold, pulling your head closer and tilting it slightly to the side.
Something cold and sharp presses to your neck. Your heart pounds in your chest.
“This is gonna sting a little.”
There’s no way out of this.
i made the poll duration one day so i can get the next part out faster since this one was a bit short! sorry for the long wait i completely forgot about this oopsie
taglist: @creppersfunpalooza @whumpsday @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @inkwell-and-dagger @silly-scroimblo-skrunkl
@vidawhump @bottlecapreader
let me know if you want to be removed or added to the taglist!
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whumpsoda · 2 months
We Search For Stolen Personhood - Lick It Up
cw: pet whump, box boy universe/bbu adjacent, Institutionalized slavery, conditioned whumpee, dehumanization, abuse
“Really?” His master stood before the accident and the two witnesses, one hand craned over the bridge of his nose. He sighed with bitter exasperation. “This is a real mess! Tell me, Mutt, how’d it happen? Be honest with me.”
Called upon by his master Mutt hung his head low - the maid did so as well, platter in hand -gaze stuck to the pile of food flipped and scattered across the floor, hands folded over his lap as he kneeled. “I- I, uh, I was coming upstairs, ‘n- and, I bumped into h- her.” He cringed at every stumble or stutter, knowing it would only put him into deeper trouble.
His master shook his head, big, rough hands on his hips. “Of course you did. Can’t trust you to even walk up the stairs by yourself, can I?” Silence followed, a dribble of sweat trailing down the pet’s cheek. “Answer me, pet.”
“No, master.” The words rolled with ease off his tongue, coming to him instinctively.
“Apparently, huh? Now the poor maids will have to remake me and Prince’s dinner seeing as you ruined it all. But we don’t want all that delicious food to go to waste, do we?”
Mutt shivered with fear, palms a ball of sweat. “N- no, master.”
“Well? What do you think we should do about it then? I mean, we can’t just leave it there to rot.” He chuckled at that, the absurdity of the notion. It wasn’t his amusement laugh, rather drooling with a sour coat, the one he used when he was terrifyingly angry. “Someone has to clean it up.”
“I- I’m not sure, master.”
“Eat it, Mutt.” He snarled, smirk dropping in an instant.
Mutt swallowed, taking a careful crawl over the tile, knees bumping painfully hard against it. Salmon, he thought, recognizing the smell and look of the ruined meal. He stopped in front of the mess, leading with an open hand to grab a fistful.
His master swiftly kicked his hand away with a leather shoe, and he jerked back his arm. “Ah, ah, ah,” he tisked, disapproval evident, “No hands.”
Mutt nodded softly, before positioning his hands in a way that would sturdy him, leaning in with a wide open mouth. With his tongue stuck out he took a gulping lick of food, nearly melting at the magnificent taste if not for the circumstances.
“There you go.” His master cooed, placing his hand to his pet’s hear, pushing him further downward. “Take a nice, big lick. I bet it tastes just wonderful, really get in there. I just know you’re hungry.”
His master kept on digging his face in, forcing him into taking larger swallows. He licked and licked, eager to appease his master by eating more.
“Not fast enough, Mutt, this floor still looks pretty dirty.” His hand was replaced with a foot to the side of the pet’s head, shoving his cheek to the floor. Mutt gagged as he choked, coughing as his master dragged him around the mess with his foot. “I suppose I’ll just have to use you as a mop, instead.”
Mutt listened to the maid wince as he was yanked through the puddle that once was food, now turned to mush. Chewed up fish dribbled from his squashed lips as tears pricked in his eyes, blinked away with desperation. He couldn’t bear crying and worsening his punishment.
Soon enough, when his master became bored, his shoe was lifted and Mutt was left to return kneeling. “You,” he called for the maid, who straightened in response, “Go get something to clean all this up. Then hose him off out back before putting him in the dog house. Got it?” She nodded profusely, the click clacking of her heels trailing away as she left.
The dog house. The pitter of rain on the windows sent a tremble to his lip, and he bit back a cry as his master padded back up the stairs, leaving him to think about what he had done.
Taglist - @softvampirewhump @ivymyers @taterswhump @octopus-reactivated @tippytappytyping
@distracted-obsessions @starfields08000 @bitchaknso @silly-scroimblo-skrunkl @scoundrelwithboba
If anyone wants to be removed or added to the taglist, please let me know! :)
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py-dreamer · 1 year
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Hello my lovely marshiemallows!!! I'm so sorry I haven't posted for like a good couple of weeks; my stylus went missing and I couldn't draw in csp with my finger so I basically couldn't draw for like a month.
Buuuuuuuuuuuut in the meantime guess what fandom I jumped into!
Holy sh!t I think I might've struck gold with this one. Like the art style is just gorgeous?!!! AND A GREAT PLOT WITH AN INTERESTING CULTURAL BACKGROUND?!!!! HELLO YESS PLEASE?!!!
So yeah...I might've fallen down the lmk rabbit hole...
(also I find it kinda funny how many lmk artists I find previously drew a lot of mcyt mainly dsmp, hmmmmmmm.....)
I will still post mcyt fanart (I actually have an au ripe and ready to see the sun!) but in the meantime I hope y'all can give monkie kid a chance (I MEAN LOOK AT THEM!!! BABIES!!!!)
I couldn't get MK's face right for some reason and while I was drawing, I realised Mei has no shoes and neither does Red Son... so I gave them some new kicks.
There aren't as many details as I could've liked to include (ie highlights, shadows) but I was feeling a bit lazy and wanted to show you guys these little skrunkles
Oh yeah and here's some baby Monkey Mk!
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Yes he has six ears, yes there's a sun and moon in the background, yes there're gold tips inside his ears, yes his eye mask pattern thingy is the same dark red as someone else... (If you know you know.)
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nono-uwu · 7 months
Ons chapter 135 thoughts!!
Spoilers duh (also very long post. Lmk if I should add the read more cut)
- I am so glad that the whole digestion thing is more symbolical bc... that inital wording really threw me off lmao
- on that note, the immagery of the dead trees with the bodies sticking out of 'em... very creepy and on point, I think it's neat
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- they actually adressed Crowley forgetting them! Wowzers (side note she looks hella adorable. My little skrunkly)
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- ouugh the dynamic... where was it earlier? It seems so much more casual than during the Nagoya arc (probably just wishful thinking on my part lmao)... idc how give us more of this
- "you two were my first servants", LORE CRUMBS! I guess.
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- wait so, they're still becoming demons? But isn't that a form of reincarnation, the thing Ferid is specifically trying to stop? But he's also devouring them... to absorb their power I guess? Since later on Ferid mentions now being more powerful after devouring Crowley (I'll get to that asspull later)
- Also Horn looks a teensy bit weird with the new artstyle but she's still super pretty 🫶 be my wife pls
- So, 16 year old Ferid is inside himself as his 'true self'? I assume that because he got the idea to stop reincarnation when he was 16 and hasn't changed his mind since (never let 16 year olds make big decisions in this world, it only leads to disaster)
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- the skrunkle part 2. Also I doubt being digested like that feels good in any way. And with how slow it's supposed to be, yikes.
- I have a theory (aka major amounts of copium): Yuu will bust in and save Crowley because of 'fAmiLy' and also save Chess and Horn since they're family by association
- No one can reach Ferid, eh? And then Corwley's voice reaches him. Kagami and his queerbaiting amirite
- However Ferid then snags Crowley and ig he's on the priority list of getting devoured. Probably bc he's the strongest vampire Ferid has eaten. Cannibalism as a metaphor for love and devotion or whatever, except it's very literal and I doubt there's any love beyond 'u and interesting critter dude' from both sides
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- Ok here's my major nitpick with this chapter: KAGAMI STOP BREAKING AND BENDING YOUR OWN FUCKING WORLDBUILDING AND POWER SYTEMS. Until now it was established that a vampires strenght is dependant on 1. their rank (as in who's blood turned them) and 2. their age. But now appearantly Ferid can eat vampires and absorb their strenght? If this was some universal but very difficult thing for any vampire to do, then I wouldn't be this salty. Also one of my favourite things about Ferid as an antagonist was, that power-wise he was on the weaker side. Despite being 'weak' he was still a major threat. He made up for his lack in actual fighting power with smarts and immaculate planning. But now he's another uber-strong genius. C'mon we already had Shikama and Rigr for that department. Bleh.
- now for the Yuu / Rigr and co confrontation, it's fiiiiine. I guess. At least Shikama is still somewhat of a formidable threat. Not to the major characters obviously but yk, it's something.
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- rip Basteya. You showed up, slayed for a little and died.
- Kirsten still looks fugly as hell lmao
- so do Ulrich and Roger
- So, who will be faster: Shinoa in absorbing Shikama or Yuu in saving him? My bet is on Yuu purley bc he's supposed to be the main character but ig we'll see next chapter
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- sadly no Ferid / Krul brawl this chapter but yk what makes me excited for next chapter
- my guess is that now Krul is Ferids next target to be chomped. Hopefully she will beat his ass. Like when she first appeared. Ahhh the good old times
- 'A big fan of yours... M'lady Queen' lmao. What's next Ferid, will you put on a Fedora? Bro that last panel ain't it. Fuckin Sebastian of black butler wannabe 💀
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holder-culture-is · 12 days
idk if this counts, but our anger holder struggles with keeping relationships because he's just so explosive. he barely fronts and i think he might be a bit depressed? i'm kinda worried.
like is this normal anger holder culture. is alex okay. what to we do.
One of our anger holders is like this. I’m not sure what you would do in this situation? I’m super bad at giving advice and stuff, uh— Make sure the people around him are okay, and try to help him out a bit. I’m not the best at like. Advice, but that’s really all I can think of. Communication is important! Yeah, that’s…all I have to say. I wish you luck!
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freyito · 10 months
Also on that note I am protecting so heavy but they are MY skrunkles I get to PROJECT.
Johnny's autistic. We all knew this. Bro can't shut up about his movies or cinema in general. History need, obviously. But also science nerd. He has a fucking PhD. I like to think he like went through so many kinds of science before he landed on Quantam Physics or Mechanics or what not. His second favorite to that was most definitely Astrophysics. Cris had to hear so goddamn much about the stars, and now Kenshi has to hear even more. Not that Kenshi minds.
[TW for Suicidal Ideation] Also. 100% Kenshi struggles with depression. I mean, his life is HARD. Being stuck in the Yakuza obviously takes such a toll on the man, but it's also the fact that he knows there is more out there for him and he can just barley reach it. Breaking into Johnny's damn mansion was a big step for him. I can't help but think he most definitely had days, weeks, or even months in thr Yakuza where he was just like "maybe this time I'm gonna do it." You can really see the ideation shine through in Shang Tsungs lab. I dunno. It's been on my mind recently and I don't see a lot of people talk about it. I think most people read it as the whole "I'm weak leave me behind" cliche. But I seriously think it's something more than that. I don't think that Kenshi is like insecure about being blind, I really do think he takes it in stride. Nor do I think he's insecure about being a former Yakuza. Maybe a little bit, I'm like 90% sure he's a little bit too conscious of his tattoos. But he knows what he's done, and he's resentful. Not insecure. Kenshi's the kind of guy who constantly wonders what's next for him, and I think when he gets hit with such a blow like getting blinded, those are the times where he kind of remembers his place and he has those kms moments. He also definitely has some depressive episodes, and they never really center around anything. They just kind of happen. ANYWAYS...
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deerangle3 · 1 year
Can you write a scenario of how we call Barou and Lorenzo "babygirl" (intentionally) but Snuffy hears us so I play it off as if it was an accident but you don't and then you call Snuffy babygirl as well what do you think how does he react
"Barouuu!!! you're so babygirl!" they both said but then felt a menacing aura behind them. And I front of them because Barou was always a little confused when you called him that.
"Babygirl?" Snuffy asked, looking at the two.
"OH we meant uhmm,,, badass..." Mao looked to Barou and then to Claire.
"Maybe you did." Claire crossed their arms and smirked. "I meant what I said, Barou is totally babygirl, and so are you, Snuffy."
A puzzled look was visible on Snuffys face. "I'm 'babygirl'?" while he said babygirl he did the finger quotations thing. "But what does that even mean?"
Claire started neighing like a horse and ran away.
"Tch, there they go again" Barou semi jokingly rolled his eyes.
Snuffy looked to Mao for an answer.
"oh, uh, babygirl is like... a person who a tumblr user for instance, likes a lot. It's a bit like skrunkle or scrimblo."
Snuffy just looked even more confused but gave up trying to understand.
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sihakadan · 2 years
Ooooh jealous Arcane cast headcanons?
I am eating TODAY. Yes, my dearest.
If you want to make requests or are looking for something? Here is my master list. Gonna keep this one SFW, with some implications and language but not enough to be too bad. If you are wondering why there is no Caitlyn or Vi? I am in denial about the break up in the rain and I refuse to see them with other people because they are perfect together, thank you for coming to my TED talk
-Not a wise idea because he will have the person 'taken care of' if they get too fresh
-If you are the flirter, he will lay down the law, by showing you who is boss...if you know what I mean
-Loves you dearly, so please don't make him jealous, it hurts deeply
-That is the last thing who ever flirts with you will hear
-Sweet baby already thinks she is a curse, is scared you will leave her
-Will give you very visible hickies so you are marked and EVERYONE knows that you are not single
-Will get an inch from you and glare at you if you even look at anyone
-Not a very jealous guy, he is very confident in your and his relationship
-Do not touch anyone else, like putting your hand on their arm or drape your arm around someone's shoulders. It makes him so green with jealously because he likes to be the only one you touch
-Will butt into the conversation and introduce himself as the boyfriend to make sure they know to STOP
•🦇Scar (bat guy from the Firelights)
-Very easy to make jealous. Very insecure because he looks different from everyone else. Not so much about you being unfaithful.
-Looms behind you like a shadow and glares at anyone who gets 'too friendly'
-Will pout if you get too friendly, even with friends. He can't help it, he is working on it, really
-Someone got punched once because they accidently touched your ass and you squealed in shock. Was and still is not sorry.
-Another very confident that the relationship is strong
-Will beat drunk to a pulp who gets handsy with you
-Everyone knows better than to mess with Vander's family because it is straight up suicide.
-Likes to make you jealous, pretends he doesn't
-Goes to show you off, but he gives a mean mug to anyone whose look lingers way too long on you.
-If they touch you, immediately they are dead. Done for, no longer of this earth. Goodbye.
-Same will happen if you get flirty with someone. That person is a goner.
-Poor pouty baby. He knows you love him, but what if someone better came along? Someone who could give you more attention?
-Will sulk, sigh a lot while messing with something in the lab
-Will need lots of reassurance that nothing was happening. Cuddling and neck kisses fixes it quick.
-This poor skrunkle punkle is already insecure because of his failing body and other physical limitations
-It's hard not to get jealous because he is always wondering why you would want him anyway.
-Throws himself into work and shuts the world out. You can get him out of it with sweet milk and a real good hug. It'll get him talking at least.
-You know what else gets him to look up? You, walking naked into the lab.
-RUINS them
-Straight up will interject and lay it down. They dare show their face here AND in that outfit? Pathetic.
-You are going to get a cold shoulder until she is ready to talk about it
-Paints her frustration away. If you sit with her while she does it, she will talk it out with you
-Bitch, bye, you better not even think about it
-That arm of hers gets all glowly and her glare is so cold it will stop the offender in their tracks.
-A bit pouty, but more annoyed that you would even entertain the cretin
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canonically47 · 9 months
Share the Disventure Camp thoughts Geo. Also, now that you've seen both seasons, what are your All Stars predictions?
oliver was one of the best parts of the season and i loved him so much ohhh the skrunkle
aiden & james were my favorite characters i think! <333 i really liked their development i love gay people i screamed at their first real kiss
it took a while for me to get used to every character because of their mics and acting. some of the acting was not believable at all and was the reason i dislikes some characters for a bit (cough rosa maria cough) before eventually warming up to them. it’s clear they improved a lot and found better actors for season 1. i’m curious how the S2 actors will be in S3.
maggy was genuinely annoying and not just because of her voice. sorry :(
lake was amazing!! i loved her arc!
connor was a good guy and i liked him, but i wouldn’t have brought him back for all-stars and i definitely wouldn’t have paired him with riya. that 21 year age gap is not looking good.
WHY IS YUL YELLOW 💀 also i hated his ass “a latina stealing why doesn’t that surprise me” NAH MF YOU CANNOT BE REDEEMED I’M SORRY MAN YOU’RE ON YOUR OWN 💀
anyone wanna talk about how weird some challenges were? no? like making people kiss other people just for a challenge? i know it’s fiction but? what if someone is uncomfortable with it? yk? my aro ass couldn’t watch most of those scenes like ik it was to make some ships kiss and probably appeal to the fans but nah. you lost me brah. and outing aiden (while not specifically saying his name but yk) like. wow. this is. not fun! weird episodes
karol fuck you
riya, thin ice, i like you for your assholery but leaving aiden hanging left ME hanging as a fan of both. sadge
ally should’ve been a scene kid that’s all i came here to say
fuck you yul hope ur the first boot of S3
why was nina there. /vvvneg
now for predictions/wishes:
if i don’t get gabellie & tessally alliance i will actually cry myself to sleep for those entire ten months the show will be airing i mean it guys i’m so fucking serious /j
alec and fiore need to make up or i will actually go bonkers and die
yul first boot
trevek do gay shit & krystal breaks them apart every time because they’re so cringe every time they flirt or something not in the high school couple way but just sooo fucking bad at flirting that it is physically damaging to everyone around them
nina dies in a fire YAY!!! WOOHOO!!! PARTY!!! (seriously she was the most annoying gimmick of the season hope she just disappears and its not brought up ever)
maybe. if connor is there. and he gives advice. he can give alec and fiore advice. right. right guys. I MISS MY FATHER-DAUGHTER DUO OKAY WAAAAAAA
jake will be a fucking idiot and hate aiden for NO reason because he is a fucking idiot. love him tho but i was hoping he wouldn’t be as insecure in s3 like girl get a therapist cmon
if i don’t get james-tom friendship.......
miriam early boot 😞 sorry queen 😞 i got this feeling 😞 inside my bones 😞
ashley early boot (pleasepleaseplease WHO ASKED FOR HER TO BE HERE i wanted nick or kai back so bad omfg)
this is more based on a fanart i saw but fiore should totally terrorize aiden and aiden just hates her ass
i want the teams to form then switch a bit so that there’s both s1 and s2 contestants on both teams bc wdym the teams are s1 and s2. thats the worst decision yet and the season hasnt even started
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mikusgreenestleek · 4 months
no i do not have ocs, but i do have a whole cast of skrunkles that only like ten other people are invested in and i have to do so much scrounging for the tiniest bits of lore around them so i don't really think i need any
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whumpsoda · 6 months
You're evil LMAO
Genevieve finding a ring in Nevan's stuff a while later and just thinking 'well damn'. Obviously a bit more distraught than that but yknow
WOHEO Masterlist
YES I AM >:)
cw: implied/referenced kidnapping
A box.
A box with a ring, one that glimmered and glittered in sunlight, one coated with the sugary, honeydew warmth of his love. Sure, it was cheap and gaudy, but he bought it. He bought it for her, pouring his heart into a purchase he knew she would cherish no matter the look of it. A gift she would wear every day, 24/7, until the day she died. 
A gift he never got to give.
Genevieve slumped onto their- her- bed, one hand over the leather box and the other twirling the ring between nimble fingers. She studied it intensely, thinking and thinking and thinking.
When did he plan on doing it? Kneeling down in front of her, widening the box open and showing it off until she instantly gushed and burst into flowing tears, hollering yes, yes, yes! 
Obviously it was going to happen. Maybe it was soon, maybe it was a long way away. It didn’t really matter anymore, though, considering a missing man couldn’t propose. 
Not a dead man.
What would it have felt like to plan a wedding, she wondered. To buy a dress Nevan couldn’t see until the long awaited date, to buy and shop for decorations, shoes, get all done up and have her very own bachelorette party. 
What would it have felt like to walk down the aisle? Arms intertwined with Nevan’s father, the seats reserved for her own parents barren and devoid of them, their invitations never sent. 
How would it have felt to read her vows? To recite the ones she’d written for him all the way back in high school, just knowing such a day would eventually come? To see him grin, toothy and wide as he giggled, holding back his silly teases as tears pricked his deep, brown eyes?
She chuckled, sorrowful and strained. He’d hidden it in such an obvious place, too. Right behind her shoe rack. Hers! How she’d never found it before then was beyond her, and why he’d ever thought to put it there was as well. Maybe it was because he just knew she rarely wore more than one pair of sneakers, and would never notice it. 
Nevan just knew her.
He knew that as a kid she doodled little monsters in the margins of her papers when bored, he knew she only ever ate anchovies and bacon on her pizza, and he knew she still slept with a night light because she was still afraid of the dark. Among so much more, he knew her.
And he knew that she would say yes.
Would have said yes.
Genevieve gently slipped the jewelry over her ring finger, and it gleamed with little reflections of rainbows as it moved. Just right.
Just right.
But it couldn’t be just right, because he hadn’t given it to her. Because he wasn’t even there to laugh about how she’d found it and just propose anyways. He wasn’t there.
She stared at it, just before slipping it off once again. She wiped her eyes, rubbing the tears out of them before she would break. She could cry later. Amara needed her then. Placing the ring back to its intended box she smiled, lightly, content with herself.
She would wait. She would put it back where she discovered it, and when he came back he would propose and everything would be just as perfect as when he left. She could wait. She would wait, as long as she needed to till she found him. And then she would never let go of that ring unless it was pried from her cold, dead hands. Everything would be just fine. She could feel it.
Nevan was out there, and Genevieve would find him. 
No matter…
No matter who he was when she did.
Taglist- @softvampirewhump @iys-cloud @battyfantasy @xx-adam-xx @silly-scroimblo-skrunkl @mylifeisonthebookshelf
If anyone wants to be removed or added to the taglist, please let me know! :)
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twstinginthewind · 4 months
I looked through Lorne's tags, and not only is he a skrunkle I want to squeeze, but he's also got a few things in common with Finn!
Namely, liking music and being talented at it, having parents that are business associates for the Leeches, and changing how they speak to copy fancier sounding students (Finn does it for different reasons, though)
It would be fun to see what shenanigans they'd get up to 🤔
(Sorry for dumping this in your inbox 😭 djekw)
Don't worry!! That's what this inbox is for!!
I'm very happy that you like him; this gives me a lil more opportunity to lore drop. (Lorne drop? Maybe.) Lorne's just some poor unfortunate soul who got swept up with his parents' work and into the mechanisms of his housewarden's business. Pretty much everyone was surprised that he had magical talent, including himself, but with him it seems to flow together with his musical talent. Some folks visualize how their magic works; he "hears" it falling into place like a chord progression and harmonies. I'm still working on what his UM would be, since I want it to suit his personality and not be too similar to others', but I have a feeling it'd end up being tied into either his music or his unusual speech patterns.
I'd love to have him get into some adventures with Finn! It feels like he would be the big agreeable lackey and Merman Meat Shield to Finn's more aggressive boss.... Lorne could be his Kronk, hehe. Or at the very least, they could do a duo act at the lounge.
Bonus: Lorne's name comes from placeholder text. When I was first coming up with his concept, I knew I wanted him to be linked to Ursula's magical contracts, but I wasn't sure quite how. (He eventually wound up being twisted from a denizen of her soul garden.) So, rather than doing the smart thing and looking it up, I get the idea in my head that the contracts visible in the movie are made up of latin placeholder words, a bit of nonsense that's been used by the print industry for decades. (I think since the 1960s!) His name comes from the commonly used term for the text, "Lorem Ipsum".
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
.... and a lot like how Lorne speaks, Lorem Ipsum is pretty incomprehensible to most people. Anyway, it turns out that that wasn't on her contract, but the name stuck anyway.
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luk3nk13r4n · 2 months
you ARE my blorbos !!! blorbo bleebus & eeby deeby !!!!! skrunkl muffin !!!! scrimblo bimblo!!!! aaww scrimblo he is like feebee bouba mimlo aww you are like feebee boyba my little tiespny!! baby cutie pie tootsit aww scrunkly!!
K: Look at what you've done, Luke. You broke them. They're talking nonsense now! L: I understood everything. K: Okay, then translate. L: They're saying they like us. You should spend a bit more time on Tumblr if we're gonna keep answering questions here. K: You really think learning all of these words will be useful in any capacity. What the fuck is an eeby deeby.
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🍅 [TOMATO] How misunderstood is your OC? In-universe or IRL.
An ask game idk you should send asks while I drink
🍅SO! This is a bit of my fault, granted, but Doe is much smarter than I write him to be on here. Part of it is...well. A bit. He knows people tend to trust people they think are stupid? And I like drawing him as a silly. But he *is* a Detective. His highest stats are watchful and persuasive. It's just more fun to draw memes of a skrunkle for me.
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