#The party was a banger fr
virfujiwara · 3 months
Dreamt a friend of mine made a birthday party and didn't invite me (unless he invited me last minute and I didn't see it on my phone) but he invited my friends, and my crush (I went to say hi to her and she didn't know who I was 💀 then I tried to tell her and made a joke but it sounded like I was being egotistical af)
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serregon · 5 months
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recurring Minthara on the good route be like
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arsonyard · 2 years
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the-gayest-show · 2 months
just finished all the remainder of the episodes of fop a new wish that i didn't finish (so crocker to the future to lost in fairy world) and i really liked it!
overall, banger after banger this show really is a fun one, nickelodeon better give em a s2 PLEASE THIS IS THE ONLY CURRENTLY RUNNING SHOW I HAVE-
episode reviews below!
Crocker to the Future: genuinely loved all the parascience things. I do 100% feel like that award for preserving in the face of adversity or whatever truly belonged to Crocker. my guy was at this for like. 10+ years! AND THAT"S JUST THE OG FAIRLY ODDPARENTS!!! MY GUY WAS ON HIS "fairies are real!!! trust me!!" thing for ENOUGH TIME FOR FOP A NEW WISH TO TAKE PLACE!!!!!! i'm so glad he (sort of) got to have the award in that ghost containment thing.
AJ in the episode was interesting but honestly major L for AJ. I thought he'd be like the next einstein, not a parascience mf. maybe Timmy Turner fucked him up a bit, who knows...
Battle of the Dimmsonian: Genuinely felt bad for Peri here. Like DUDE. You are stuck with this asshole kid (Dev I love you but be nicer plss) who just sorta demands things from Peri like all the damn time? poor kid. Reminds me of what Remy Buxaplenty had with his godparent but at least wandisimo had a semi-similar personality so it kind of worked. Not saying that Peri and Dev don't work, it might since Dev has been shown to be nice underneath but I can't stand the blatant mistreatment for now.
But also, damnnnn he IMMEDIATELY recognizes his parents and goes "oh shit" it's crazy how he managed to do that when they're fidget toys on a kid's backpack.
I also liked the whole back and forth thing ("Mom? Dad?" "Son?" etc), Cosmo being the only one to not do that is so true for him.
I wonder if Peri not seeing Cosmo and Wanda was intentional, we'll see!
Patty Possum's Party Playground: I almost thought this episode was gonna be like Five Night's At Freddy's or somethign with the animatronics but I guess not! I liked Patty Possum, she's so rad! I can defo see why Winn liked skateboarding after that. I love Cosmo and Wanda being certified idiots in this episode. They took "you can't use magic" seriously (as seriously as "oh Wanda shrunk into the claw machine so we could actually get a prize" can be) and stuck BOTH of their wands in the claw machine. If there's anything I love about this show, it's Cosmo and Wanda being two halves of a whole idiot. Truly can't function without magic fr fr I liked the gag of Hazel's dad literally being punctual as hell. That scene where he's like "oh it only takes 29 min and 30 seconds to get there" and then it hits 7:30 and he's panicking is so real (what if I headcanoned him as autistic. what then? just like me fr fr).
A Date To Remember: A really cute episode where Hazel essentially has to compete against Cupid (who looks like a baby now, I guess they got rid of his looks from the main series and gave them to Peri lol) [look how they untwinkified my boy /j] to make sure Hazel's parents fall back in love again. The ending where the parents think it was just another puppet show was crazy, wasn't expecting that tbh!
It seems like their dynamic is basically just over protective coddling parents vs their son who really doesn't like it. But despite what I used to think before seeing this episode (that maybe Peri had some kind of resentment or something) it doesn't seem that way? Peri seems to like his parents overall and maybe even might enjoy the affection (if it weren't for the godkids there), but I get why he turned off the tracker and such. My guy wants independence! You go boy! Them sneaking in to Jorgan's office was really funny and stuff. I hope we'll see them all together in the next episodes because I like their dynamic and want to see where it goes!
Dev and Hazel were great here too! Dev is still kind of an ass to Peri but not as much which is an improvement! I like how he gets that "dimmadome face" or whatever it was called where he basically looks as deranged as his dad. Like father, like son I guess. Dev and Hazel actually having fun together is a step up from where they used to be, it seems like they solved their argument somehow. Dev sort of took that to mean that they weren't friends anymore, poor thing.
Dev taking advantage of the loopholes is so smart lol, Peri having a crisis and his parents like "AWWW, baby's first loophole wish!" is crazy.
The rule that "you can only go to fairy world if you're being tested by jorgan" doesn't really make sense if you think about original FOP though. Timmy got to go there almost recreationally! Dude probably attended like 90% of all fairy world events and shit and he was the talk for the town for an entire episode! Make it make sense!!!
Overall tho I LOVED these and they were enjoyable af. Would watch again. Judging by what I saw for descriptions of the next episodes, Peri's anti fairy (or Foop, now known as Irep, which if you ask me doesn't have the same ring to it) will be working with Dev? Crazy. Anyways yeah I had a lot of fun and woah this post got kinda long
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itstokkii · 4 months
All these anons just make me want to talk about Turkey more. What are your favorite Turkey headcanons? Personally I love to think that Sadik writes poetry in his spare time, and is very, very good at it.
As someone who ships Turkfra because of how fascinating the history between France and the Ottoman Empire is (Franco-Ottoman alliance) I like to think that they would both really bond over each other’s rich poetry culture. Not to mention their rich cuisines. Maybe they cook together in the evenings, or take turns cooking and surprising each other with elaborate dinners.
Youre so right
aph turkey hcs
- physically he's around 180cm, perhaps he had visible muscles during the ottoman empire period but he's mellowed out now and let a little softness take over his form. He put on a little bit of weight bc he's a sweet tooth but it fluctuates from time to time.
- definitely keeps cat treats in his pocket for the stray cats of istanbul!! and when he fishes he leaves a portion for the cats to eat!
- while he is a cat person and owns cats(one of them is named tombili 🥺), he also owns a few dogs too! he probably gets along with germany on that part(maybe korea? though korea owns the cute fluffy tiny dogs that feel the need to eat your face off when it makes eye contact with you).
- is a man of the kitchen. aside from cooking the most banger meals, he dabbles in tweaking recipes or creating new ones altogether! ive seen enough turkish dessert accounts on instagram to know he'd make a bomber cake with coconut shavings, or a pretty good custard.
- the coconut shavings are important btw they're like on every single homemade turkish chocolate cake for some reason??(source: baby tokki grew up with a lot of turkish family friends)
- sorry i have to do this but...he has mediocre drip 🥲 sometimes he dresses like your average old man or middle aged dad and then sometimes it's so obvious that he's trying to dress like the youngsters.. he def has his knockoff Adidas tracksuits and they always come in clutch
- he's not an old man however. he was born as one of the many tribes running around in the seljuk era before he eventually became the ottoman empire. physically...around his mid 20s to early 30s?
- and cuz he has turkish dad vibes...he regularly watches soccer games. like he lays down on the couch elbow propped up eating pistachios as he watches soccer in a Galatasaray shirt(actually turkish fans of hetalia pls tell me who hed be a fan of bc I don't regularly watch turkish soccer)
- regularly plays volleyball!
- life of the party at weddings tbh, especially those rural ones
- very hospitable! he'll arrange a table full of treats and black tea for you and won't take no for an answer as he brags about how hospitable he is.
- when you're at his house DO NOT EVER suggest getting takeout. he will stare at you with a >:0 face
- WILL spill the tea over tea. man's got enough connections to tell you abt who's cheating on who etc. while he has his whole spread of treats and black tea out he'll keep you up on everything. when he goes "Ok so basically" that's when you brace yourself because OH BOY is someone in a secret relationship with someone else and that person you'd always assumed was super shy actually sprinkled salt on their ex's backyard
- the ac in his istanbul apartment keeps breaking(good luck with that man 😔)
- that's why in the summer he spends a big chunk of his paycheck on icecream. bro makes sure to always have icecream stocked on him at all times(just like me fr !!). he'd even eat it in the winter he loves it that much.
- also at the same time he drinks hot tea in the 40-50 degree summer as well, another win for the turkuzbek fans !
- big into architecture, and back in the day it was custom to write a poem to commemorate a new building. he definitely wrote a few but spent forever thinking about how to write it and pissed a lot of people off because they were waiting for the poem lol
- i actually really like fraturk's dynamic! because theyve got a lot of history together, it would be terrible to ignore. i think they have definitely gotten together during the Franco-Ottoman alliance lol.
- one time the french wanted to flex on austria × spain by going "oh yeah??? well we got turkey!!" and commissioned a huge super ornate crown to gift to suleiman the great. see the funny part about this is um. the turks didn't wear crowns. so suleiman never wore it lol
turkey, holding the crown: uhmmmm... wall decoration I guess?? this is awkward
- the name "turquoise" comes from the French "turkish" to describe the gem. i guess that's a fraturk win??? since we all associate that color with turkey now
- they'd probably try to one up each other with the dinners they cook! (can france handle lahmacun??? tune in later today at 11pm to find out !!)
- coffee guy x tea guy with the whole parisian coffee culture and turkish tea culture thing. (except I mean. turkish coffee also exists so)
- I wanna think france tries to help turkey with his drip situation but. turkey always got that inner middle aged dad in him it's not going anywhere
- bulgaria likes going to turkeys place cuz the stuff there is dirt cheap ~~~~!!! rip the lira you would have loved economic stability
- speaking of bulgaria, bulgaria greece and turkey argue a lot over who invented yogurt. turkey thinks he's got a stake in it because of the etymology of yogurt(yoğurtmak), but like the bacteria to make yogurt is called lactobacillius bulgaricus, but everyone thinks of greek yogurt...yeah you can see why they're all arguing
- speaking of arguing he's ratioed saudi a couple times on twitter lol
- he also posts those ironic turk/turan copy pastas as well
- egypt kinda doesn't like him. during the ottoman empire turkey launched egypt to suppress arab revolts like a pokemon.
*putting down fingers* "the greeks don't like us, egypt doesn't like us, saudi definitely doesn't like us....bulgaria likes us cuz we're a cheap travel destination for them..." - my turkish business teacher in highschool, 2023
- gets along well with korea(uhoh BIAS incoming !!!) due to their history beginning from the korean war. the turkish brigade was the only military unit that built a school for korean orphans. there's a story of a soldier taking care of a korean orphan, but he wasn't able to adopt her. they were separated for years after that until one day they reunited. they'd also suffered the third most losses in the war. that's why we call turkey our "older brother country."
- there's even a turkish culture center in seoul(which baby tokki went to a lot lol). recently turkish kaymak has been trending since one of the top korean celebrity chefs paik joongwon visited turkey a while back to try food. people have been traveling to turkey to go to the exact stores and try those foods as well. there's a lot of kebab shops in korea! the turkish presence in korea was the starting point to accommodate muslims in korea as well.
- all of this to say korea and turkey have a mutual admiration and korea definitely calls turkey oppa or hyung. korea also tries to get him to change his drip but NOTHJNG CAN DEFEAT THE STEADFAST TURKISH MIDDLE AGED MAN RAAAH 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷
- I've said it before I'll say it again: turkey cannot hold a normal conversation with mongolia because he'll always go "OH MY FELLOW NOMAD STEPPE ALTAIC BROTHER HOW ARE YOU DOING!!!" what???
- same with the central asians tbh given their nomadic history as well. he was the first nation to recognize all of their indepences fom russia. he gets along with turkmenistan a lot because they're the closest languages to each other(both in oghuz family) and a lot of turkmens go to turkey to study at their universities! the governments quite stagnant with their policies however, so turkey's having a hard time convincing her to join the turkic council as a full time member. they give me a gojo and megumi vibe for some reason lol
- kazakhstan 🤝 turkey: both having the asian/european identity crisis
- in terms of first meetings, the kazakh khanate and ottoman empire first established diplomatic relations in 1713, and along with uzbekistan, tried to seek turkey's help in the face of an expanding russian empire.
- nowadays, turkey and kazakhstan are the ones to both try to stir up that regional/turkic unity among the central asians. they've gained some small wins along the way lol. in fact, turkey, kazakhstan, and kyrgyzstan were the founding members of the turkic council! kazakhstan admires all that turkey's doing for them but sometimes thinks he's too cocky. actually all the central asians think he's cocky to certain extents lol
- bro gets along a little better with hungary now and that could be because of the whole "huns=turkic?" debate resurfacing in hungary which is why they somehow landed a spot in the turkic council as well???
uzb kaz kyrg turk azer @ hungary: white woman jumpscare,
- he and hungary regularly bother prussia whenever they're in germany lol
- scraps w the netherlands bc tulips come from him!!! not from Licorice Man!!!!!
- fluctuating relationship with iran over the years
- was a fanboy of iran during the seljuk empire until she joined the khwarazmian empire(uzb's mom lol) and then he hated her
- also close with: azerbaijan(who may or may not be his number one fanboy), japan
Here's everything I could squeeze out of my brain lol hope you like it!!
a good chunk of these hcs are by @peonycats and @hetalia-fannn btw!! sorry for not initially crediting u guys i forgot 😭
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orgxnas · 1 year
The Fellowship and their favorite Classic Frat Party Bangers™️
No Hands by Waka Flocka Flame
This is pre-Ring Frodo, ofc
Y’all remember how he was dancing at Bilbo’s birthday? Yeah dude def likes to get down
I just feel like after he’s had a few drinks in him and this song comes on, he grabs Sam and loudly says “OMG ITS MY SOONNGGGG!”
Can sing the whole song with no breaks (just like me fr)
Everything by Pitbull
Sam actually doesn’t really like the music they play at parties. He thinks some of the lyrics are crass
One time this song came on at a party that Rosie was at and she danced with him the entire song. He has not stopped thinking about it since
The next day he went straight to Merry (the Pitbull expert) and asked him what the song was called and then he immediately went and bought the song and listened to it everyday for the next two weeks
Now he requests it every time him and Frodo go out just in case Rosie is there
Shots by Lil Jon
He is the Snooki of the Shire let’s be real here
Loves lil Jon. Thinks he’s a lyrical genius
He’s always up on the damn tables and the bar
“IF YOU AINT GETTIN DRUNK GET THE FUCK OUT THE CLUB” and Pippin took that personally
Spills his drinks on everyone. Gets into a verbal altercation bc of said spillage. Merry comes in to back him up. Now Frodo and Sam have to break up a fight
Hotel Room Service by Pitbull
Pitbulls no. 1 fan
Right up there on the tables with Pippin
Also spills his drinks but not as much
Has in fact been decked in the face for asking a girl if he could take her back to the hotel room for some *service*
Pepas by Farruko
This man has never gone to a party of his own accord. He has only gone just to make sure that Merry and Pippin don’t die
BUT once he’s got a few drinks in his system and this song comes on, he’s ready to let lose
I feel like he would love the Spanish songs (he can speak fluently I just know it)
Does his own lil dancy dance while Merry and Pippin cheer him on
Legolas records it for when he’s sober and they can all laugh about it
Hips Don’t Lie by Shakira OR Promiscuous by Nelly Furtado
Oh he defff likes the “girlier” songs
Once he has enough in his system to get that lil tingle in his hands, bro is right in the middle of whatever dance circle formed around him
That man LOVES to flip his hair all over the place like he’s really got his hands in his hair feeling the music and everything
Learned all this from his father I just know that Thranduil made sure his son was properly educated
Gimli gives him shit for the entire night
Get Low by Lil Jon
Oh bro definitely likes to get low
His drunk self gets SO HYPE when this song comes on
Climbs right up on the table with Merry and Pippin (falls off soon after)
The rest of the fellowship watches in absolute terror as he tears up the dance floor
Danza Kuduro by Don Omar
Will he dance? Who knows
But one thing for certain is that his heart is filled with so much joy watching the Hobbits go absolutely crazy for this song
He thinks it’s so fun and endearing watching them dancing and enjoying the night
It’s one of those simple things that he loves so much. Watching a group of friends enjoying each others company and celebrating their friendship with music and dancing
You know what he WILL dance let him get in the middle of that silly little circle
DJ Got Us Fallin In Love by Usher
He may be daddy’s favorite, but being daddy’s favorite is stressful
At the end of the week, he just wants to cut lose and get drunk
And drunk he gets
He just likes to feel the musiiicccc
Has never gone home alone LMAO
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From My Headphones: Party Tricks
AN: Hey y’all! A while ago I made a post about wanting to write fics based on songs and this is the first fic in that series. They’re gonna be generally quicker reads and just real small cute shit for now. Y’all should fr tho listen to the song, that shit goes hard ngl lol. 
Summary: The Queen’s in her own world, would she notice your absence? 
Pairing: Shuri x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of alcohol think that's it.
Word count: 2,138
Suggested listening: Party Tricks by Äyanna 
“Tell me, baby If I left the party would you look for me? Would you wonder where I went? Tell me, baby If I left the party would you look for me? Or would you just keep on Dancing to your own beat.”
Riri’s birthday was a national holiday as far as she was concerned, that’s why she begged and pleaded with you to plan it for her. Before taking a job as a photographer in Wakanda you were a top party planner for you and Riri’s friend group throughout college. You had developed a reputation for being able to throw a banger no matter the budget. When you were all freshmen without a dollar to your name, you managed to make a shitty college apartment look like the hottest club ever. And when you all did finally get some money in your pockets, the parties you were able to plan were things of myths at MIT. 
But when you decided to move to Wakanda full time ( Riri splitting half her time between there and the US due to her Iron Heart duties) you gave up the party planning life for a camera and a lens; not regretting the peaceful change one bit. To be honest you hated parties, the loud music, obnoxious drunk people, and just general overwhelmingness left you rarely in attendance at your own parties. That’s why letting it go didn’t bother you that much, if anything it left you with relief knowing it was one less thing you’d have to stress about. 
Riri knew this of course when she approached you to plan her twenty-third birthday party, but she also knew after what she, you, and Shuri had been through with Namor you had a hard time saying no to her. That’s how you ended up on a stage in Wakanda’s hottest nightclub that had been themed black and red for Michael Jordan. Dressed in your skimpiest black dress watching Riri blow out her birthday candles in front of everyone. She turned back to face you and extended her arms pulling you into a hug. 
“I know this was a lot for you but thank you for all this. You really are the best friend I could ask for Y/N.” Riri squeezed your body tight against hers and you felt the sincerity in her words. 
“Of course honey, you deserve it.” You pulled out of the hug and winked at the shorter girl. “Your Jordan year, yeah? Nothing but up from here.” 
Riri pulled you in for another hug and you relished the moment grateful you were able to take the time to celebrate your best friend. Other people called her name and you urged her to go continue in the festivities, ensuring that you would be fine on your own till you left. With that you slipped off the stage and beelined towards the bar, needing something to take the edge off the raging headache. 
You hopped onto one of the bar stools and ordered an old-fashioned, eyes scanning the room while you waited for your drink. You spotted Shuri easily in the crowd, the silver accents on her suit sparkling underneath the strobe lights. She was dancing like you hadn’t seen her dance before, completely letting loose and yelling out the few words she did know to the American rap music you and Riri had introduced her to. All though she was surrounded by people she looked as if she was in her own world only worried about where the next beat was going to take her body. 
The relationship you and Shuri had was hard to describe because there was hardly anything to describe it with. You hadn’t known her for long before you were suddenly kidnapped together and forced to go through traumatic events in both of your lives. You almost died trying to save Queen Ramonda from drowning and your unsuccessfulness meant the death of Shuri’s mother. The attempt left you in a coma for days and it took you a while to feel normal again. Shuri was part of the reason you did though, you two both found unlikely comfort in each other's presence. 
It started out slow, she would come and visit you while you were in the hospital and just sit with you while you watched tv. Eventually, when you were released she would meet you in the garden and you would chat while she was on lunch break away from the peering eyes of others. The nighttime meetings were accidental at first, she stumbled across you hanging out on a balcony and was concerned that there was something wrong. When you explained that the quietness of the city at night helped quiet your own mind it prompted Shuri to ask if she could join you. 
She found you every other night after that, sitting with you till the wee hours of the morning soaking in your presence. While you said the quietness of the city helped to still your mind, Shuri soon learned that your presence seemed to have the same effect on her. She found herself craving the peace that your energy washed over her and soon she was ready to admit it was a full-blown crush. But what about you? Shuri could never tell if you felt the same electricity when your hands touched or if it warmed your heart as much as it did hers when you shared secret laughs with each other. No. You were too special to her, the last good thing she had left. And Shuri was going to be damned if she let some crush get in the way of your friendship. No matter how strong the crush was. 
The music at the party seemed to have increased and the alcohol was doing nothing to help your headache. You reached discreetly into your bra and pulled out a small black case. You popped each of the round circles into your ears before slipping the case back into your bra. Noise-canceling earbuds were a gift from Shuri when she realized how loud noises affected you after the events with Namor. They were a godsend now, allowing you to shut out all of the noise and just watch the partygoers enjoy your event. The brightness of the strobe lights seemed to intensify with the lack of sound and after five minutes you decided it was just best if you called it a night. 
You hopped off the bar stool and looked at the dance floor one last time. Riri had made it down finally and she and Shuri were going bar for bar on First Day Out. The sight of Shuri struggling to keep up and Riri rapping with ease almost made you want to stay but an untimely flash of light in your eye had you beelining for the door. You wandered around aimlessly for a while before stumbling on the door to the roof. Perfect. 
The roof had a view of the city, unlike the one you had at the palace. This one made you feel like you were immersed in the world, with the soft twinkle of city lights surrounding you from all angles. And the quiet. Once the door shut behind you all of the noise seemed to go with it and you were left with the soft hum of the vibranium trains. It was the best thing you could have asked for at the moment. You found one of the reclining outdoor chairs and sat with your back to the door, outlooking the city and enjoying the silence. 
Inside the party, Shuri was questioning if the added respiratory benefits she got from being the Black Panther were anything close to the lungs of steel Riri seemed to have. The Queen had been going back and forth with Riri on all of the classic black party hits for the past twenty minutes. While Riri hadn’t missed a word from Love Sosa all the way to Dreams and Nightmares, Shuri had to pause to catch her breath after the second song. 
It was during her pause when she was reflecting that she hadn’t felt this happy and carefree in a while. The only other time she remembered feeling this light was when she was with you. Speaking of you, where had you gone? Shuri knew she saw you at the bar getting a drink but suddenly you were nowhere to be found. The royal scanned the party, relying on her panther vision to see in the darkness of the nightclub. But she came up with nothing. That was when she started to get worried. She knew that you only came to the party because it was Riri’s birthday and that generally large settings like this were not your scene. That coupled with her realizing just how loud this music was and how overwhelming this all could have been sent the Queen into overdrive. 
She didn’t wanna alert Riri, especially if it turned out to be nothing and you had just gone to the bathroom. So she elected to slip out of the party, unnoticed hoping to bring you back so she could share in her happiness with you. The Queen started first in the bathrooms but was unsuccessful, she tried the various lounges and VIP rooms all to no avail. You wouldn’t have left without telling her, right? ‘It is not like we’re together’ Shuri told herself. ‘But we’re closer than her leaving without telling me. It would feel wrong.’ 
Shuri was stumped. She had checked every inch of the building that she could think of and you were nowhere to be found. ‘Maybe you did really go home’ She thought. ‘Maybe I’m reading too much into our relationship.’ Just as she was about to give up and go back into the party an idea popped into her head. 
“Griot, where is Y/N?” She spoke into her kimoyo beads. 
“Y/N is at the same location you are at night now your majesty. Club Red.” The AI responded. 
So you hadn’t left her. “Where specifically is she, Griot? I haven’t been able to locate her.” 
“Y/N’s kimoyo beads indicate that she is on the roof, your majesty.” 
The roof, of course, that’s where you’d go! “Griot you beautiful AI!” Shuri kissed her kimoyo beads in celebration, a little extra yes but she now knew where her girl was. 
“Why thank you my Queen I think I’m quite handsome myself-” 
“Hey! can it. I made you.” Shuri cut off Griot’s self-hype as she made her way to the exit for the roof. 
Chilling on a roof wasn’t too far off from chilling on a balcony so for you to be out here didn’t surprise Shuri at all. She opened the door and immediately saw you sitting out near the edge. At first, she was tempted not to approach you, it was quiet on the roof and she knew you well enough to know you were probably enjoying it. But selfishly, selfishly Shuri wanted to be in your presence. Light on her feet not wanting to scare you she walked up behind your chair. 
“It’s a beautiful night out isn't it my Queen?” You asked when you felt her behind you, you could always feel Shuri. Something became magnetic in the air, like nothing else you’d ever experienced when she was around. 
“Mhm,” Shuri said in agreement, walking around the chair so she was now in front of you. “But it’s just as beautiful in there, I know a certain party planner worked very hard to make sure it looked nice.” 
An involuntary chuckle fell from your mouth at the Queen’s compliments. “I prefer it out here, you know that I like the quiet.” 
Shuri let a beat pass before she looked down at you, noticing how cold you looked in just the black dress. “Are you not cold entle?” Shuri asked. 
“Ehh, just a little bit. I’ll take the cold and quiet over the warmth and noise in there any day.” You replied with a shrug of your shoulders. 
“Scoot down,” Shuri commanded. 
“What?” You looked up at Shuri confused as to where she was expecting you to go on the lawn chair. 
“Just scoot down. For me?” 
You gave Shuri another confused look but obeyed her command sliding down the chair and leaving space between your back and the back of the chair. In one motion Shuri positioned herself behind you so that you were sitting comfortably between her legs. While the position was unfamiliar to you both it felt natural, like your bodies melded together in the space they were always meant to be. 
“Is this okay?” The Queen asked once you both got situated. You didn’t respond at first but the feeling of your body relaxing into hers was enough to ease her nerves for the time being. 
You grabbed her hands which were resting on either of her thighs and wrapped them around your waist. “Stay with me?” You asked, your hands still on hers that rested comfortably on your waist. 
“Anything for you.” 
Tag List: @shuriszn @sokkasbae25 @verachii @cuddl3s4shur1 @takeyaki @jinnie10101 @letitias-fav @sweetalittleselfish-honey @beautybyfire @6-noir @mocha-aya @yvxmpire @mysticalmarss @ziayamikaelson @youralphawolf72 @n7cje @inmyheadimobsessed @shurisjournal
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nutzworth · 5 months
reading again so soon?
DAY 8: APRIL 22, 2024
STATS: read for 1 hour and 20 minutes pages read: 1683-1903. 220 pages. NICE! slur count: 13 + 0 = 13 silly count: 13 + 0 = 13 piss count: 2/3
THOUGHTS: today was largely uneventful but we did get to [s] shut up and jam
today john went through gate 2 and saw rose sleeping and i literally cant believe how unreal he was about it all. i mean yeah its JOHN EGBERT but come on you crash land in your wonderful friends house and you dont even wake her up or wait to say hi. whats your problem dude. he was really devious about the whole thing (pestering kanaya under roses name; snooping in roses books; pranking her by putting a bucket on her ajar door).
what IS a realistic interpretation of how i would interact with my online friend if i met him in real life is how rose and dave interacted for the first time on derse (which includes shut up and jam). imagine as follows: 1. i lean mischievously on your window sill. i throw a ball of yarn at your head and you wake up. hello. its me from the internet 2. you show me your awesome music gear and we dance and its awesome 3. i throw your creepy puppet out that has been giving you nightmares for like ever 4. you show me your computer. apparently our mutual friend is at my house. huh! 5. i disappear like yeah i would do that. rose is awesome
and of course the john (under the guise of rose) and kanaya conversation. i think its hilarious that was never explained and i like to believe none of them know any wiser except for john. kanayas like wow that was a weird first convo with rose haha and rose probably knows what happened to be honest. but kanayas left in the DARK. i love her. WE SAW SOLLUX TOO! kanaya is so cute. i literally love her. hassling sollux "You Used To Like To Talk More" fr girl. "I Dont Have An F1 Key" and then she throws it at his head. shes so awesome. ohh my god
another thing i was thinking about this session was hussie's use of tone. there were a few instances the tone was like crazy and they are as follows 1. john discovers roses gift for his birthday and reads the note. its like hes goofing off and is like "ok. im gonna look in the box now." and then theres this panel of the knitted con air bunny and its silent. and then he reads roses sentimental note. and its silent. and then he SLAM DUNKS THAT BUNNY BACK IN THE BOX!!! BOO YAH!!!!!!!!!!!! i guess it shows how john buries his feelings. no time to feel good! need to DO SHIT! 2. when john is ectobiologizing. and exploring the lab. its so... desolate. so disconnected. so silent. "A meteor ahead looks unnoticed." its like. it really sets a mood. its really. clinical. vague. abrupt. its SOMETHING. i really like it. especially for john. it fits him
rose and daves alchemizing parties were this session and they were only ok. daves is full of bangers like the brain in a jar and the swords and tuxedos. roses was just ok
[S] WV: Rise up IS SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! COOLEST FLASH EVER! I LOVE THE CARAPACIANS! i love to see his revolution its so awesome. ohh my god. its got beautiful music and beautiful frames its all so good. i love unity and revolution
complacency in the learned was pretty ok. rose is a great writer it sounds like wizardy herbert but more wordy though. which is pretty much what it IS. so whatever
i think thats it. i want to put some panels that i really liked in here cus there were a lot of beautiful ones so here goes. act 4 is so beautiful probably the most beautiful act. ok bye
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pinkwinesupernovas · 1 month
MAY!!!!! i'm okay i've just been rotting in my bed while all my friends are out partying hahsjskj (perks of being sick fr)
also like sns has been on loop cause THE WHOLE ALBUM IS A BANGER???? not a single skip i fear
how are you?? how's school omg
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My (Pretty Quick) Review on Haven - Marianas Trench (2024)
PSA: So my plan is to write a total of probably 3 reviews of Haven. this one being the short one with just rating each song from 1-10 with small commentary. the second being an extension of this one with better commentary for each song, and the third being a review as an album in general instead of focusing on each song. I just have way too many thoughts and I don't want to overwhelm anyone with everything in one post. It also helps me keep my thoughts organized. I just want to join in the fun (despite me being a few weeks late to the party)
okie thanks! :D
Normal Life: ngl it took me a few listens to really like it. But when it hit, it HIT. Not the best opener in their discography tho. 8/10
Lightning and Thunder: i like it as a single, but kind of flops compared to the other songs in the album. Still a bop tho 6/10
I’m Not Getting Better: it took me a two relistens to like it. Again, good as a single but something about it just gives “FOR RADIO”. Can tell they drew some inspo from the 80s and seems a little Astoria-esque (still don’t know if I like it tho). 5/10
Down to You: first single that I automatically fell in love with. However, it sounds way too similar to Kid Laroi’s Stay in some parts and I don’t like that 💀 7/10
Now or Never: 😬 guys, I’ve seen your reviews and I was surprised to see this was a fan favorite. It was not mine (pls don’t kill me 💀). Lyrics,, a little cheesy. Production,, a little boring to me tbh. However not a bad song. Vocals are killer - as always - 4/10
Into the Storm: lyrics are nice (still a little cheesy tho). Production and composition, awesome ! Josh really worked his ass fr. Love the crescendos here. Sounds like it will be killer live. 7/10
Ancient History: another fan favorite for some reason that I was surprised with. Melodically: fan of the verses, not a fan of the chorus (more on that later). Saxophone goes HARD tho 🎷🎷 serviceable bop 5/10
Stand and Fight: pretty good song in the context of the album. Not so good standalone (a little debatable). Josh’s vocals made me tear up hear tho. Gets pretty inspiring 🥹 7/10
Turn and Run: same review as stand and fight except it’s inspiring in a different way. To me: (masterpiece theater II —> Masterpiece Theater 2009) = (turn and run —> Haven 2024) idk if that makes sense but it’s an analogy. Sounds like it’ll be killer in live 6/10
Worlds Collide: BANGER BANGER BANGER. I liked it when I first heard it but it took me til the third to be like “ 🥹I get it.” This song was made for ME. The masterpiece theater references made me tear up. The drama, the composition. Spectacular. However, in the context of the album, it gets held back. More on this song later. 9.75/10
Nights Like These: giving “story of tonight”. Sweet message. Sweet song. (Congrats to josh btw!)6/10
Remember Me By: SLAPS!! Straight up. Loved it as soon as I heard it. Catchy and love the 80s vibe here a lot more. Also reminds me of Try Me from his solo project. Certified BOP 9/10
Haven: KILLER OUTRO! Once more, marianas Trench knocks it out of the park with their outros. I think this is their most ambitious and musically complex song yet and it tears me up how far they’ve come 🥲🥲. 10/10⭐️
Final Notes: Solid album, not my favorite album. I have a bajillion more thoughts on this album because I’m batshit crazy about Marianas Trench. I’m so HAPPY we got new music and hopefully I get to see them soon!!! (my date got postponed 🥲)
Overall Rating: 8/10 💕
Stay tuned for my in depth analysis 👍
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therantsofawriterrr · 9 months
Sooooo my first kdrama of this year is King The Land and OMG IT'S SO CUTE HELP-
I started watching kdramas last year and the ones I've seen yet are: Hometown Cha Cha Cha, The Glory, Destined With You, Perfect Marriage Revenge, The Good Bad Mother, Alchemy Of Souls, My Lovely Liar (not completed) and Guardian (also not completed)
There might be spoilers under the break so
Gu Won is sooooooo cute. Going from hating Sarang's smile in the first or some ep to needing to make her smile on ep 4? Or 5 maybe idk but yea. I think this is the first kdrama I've seen where they both have like, an actual date so early on (it was a date, i will refuse to believe anything else). Plus i think it's also the first kdrama where the relationship development has mostly been fluffy and not angsty. I feel like it's gonna get angsty? Idk. But i feel like Gu Won and Sarang are like the typical grumpy-sunshine trope.
I love the fact that Sarang actually has besties that support her and listen to her and they have a realistic friendship? Like for me, personally, I haven't rly seen realistic friendships, might also be because i haven't seen that many, but this is the first kdrama where I've seen girl besties just be comfy with each other, healthy jealousy, randomly starting to party and all the other things. Friendship goals fr. I just hate how her colleagues treat her. Like ok y'all studied and shit and came up but that doesn't mean that she just got lucky. She put in her effort and hard work into her job, so she got recognised and promoted. I think the thing with Sarang is that she actually wants to do her job and enjoys it, while the others just do it cause they need money.
Anyway, but they're sooo cute together. Also, the OSTs. All kdramas have banger OSTs but man, this one wins for me. I love the songs and I love how the timing is accurate. I'm prolly gonna add it to my playlist.
Also, Gu Won's mom either died and noone told him how and he was lied to by his sister(power hungry bish) or she wasn't his mom at all and was fired. Or smn else idk.
I hate how Daeul's husband isn't paying attention to his wife or house. I feel like he's cheating. Or he's just ignorant asf. Plus omg i love her daughterrrrr, she's so cute and she's so right when she's supporting her mom.
Pyung-Hwa looks perfectly nice to me, but apparently she has a dark past or smn? Idk what to expect with this character tbh she's kinda confusing to me. But I do hope there are no misunderstandings between her and Ro-Un.
Anyway so far so good, I will be screaming abt kdramas here a lot so I'm rly sorry lol.
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an-honest-puck · 2 years
a collection of highlights and viewing notes from 'Ipswitch It Up' because I don't have the time to liveblog while watching but I do have thoughts
not Nancy Emmy gleefully declaring that Ipswitch It Up would be a musical and knowing full well that the cast were not musical-officianados
the biggest hightlight was watching Shields go down in flames LMAO
jokes, the real highlight was 'Physically' and Sue Harrison's sweet rap skills!!!!!
I mean, those run-on rhymes?? we love to see it!!!!!!!
also, Sue just straight up naming all the lads as women was such a power move lol
(yo listen Sue carried Ipswitch It Up and that's the hill I'll die on lmao)
oh and Niall having the funniest rhyming night lolol
the iconic: "the time is now, you're here by a bridge / here in the town of Ip-puh-suh-witch" - Niall
plus: "look at each other, feel the feels / here we are just two young pe(o)-peels" - Niall
probs why Dave decided he'd roast the hell out of Niall in this one LOL (it's ok tho because Dave's other character becomes the sidekick of Niall's character Simon so he's not lonely!!! :') lowkey v wholesome tbh lol)
"I'm sorry Simon, it's not a banger, it's just another clanger- you've really dropped the ball" - Dave, while giggling
with all due respect Josh Elliot wtf is your voice because it is so fckn good?!
the man knows how to create a damn good overlapping melody!!!!!! wtf!!!!!! I was so impressed!!!!!!!
Dave absolutely leading the charge as the Dance Captain of Mischief lolol
Mike and Harry just trying their best to stay out of it LMAO
except for the one song Harry features in, where he just tells another character to shut up XD
oh and that brief dance break that Harry started in 'Physically' which ended up being a showcase for Shields' random party trick of being able to do the worm?????? who even is this willowy man????????
speaking of Shields, we do have to acknowledge the absolute clanger of a night that man had PFFF LOL
so much regret visible on his face lmaooooo (thank you and mad props to the camera team for showing it XD)
I mean, there isn't much more to say except reference the 'smoke a pipe' rhyme - if you know you know (and you probably know XD)
and of course: "Are they upset? Are they upset?! You know what I'm upset about?!? I'VE RUN OUT OF COCAINE!!!!" - Shields
but fr, despite the chaos of this one, it actually has one of the sadder endings of a Mischief Movie Night In, so we absolutely gotta applaud Sue and Josh for carrying the emotion in this one
(and also again, just give mad props to Sue for riding the wave of chaos that comes with trying to wrangle all those lads LOL /affectionate)
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seizingthesky · 7 months
robyn!! what do you think about the new songs? party night, egolution, and... i forgot gokuluck's but SHION... who let those lines pass.
i didn't really listen to egolution (i'm not a big 1nm8 fan) but i LOVE party night & gokulucks song<33 i cant wait till they've dropped on spotify and i can stream the hell outta them.
unrelated but i was thinking about sending in a matchup to you just for fun. if you're up for it! idm if we do some sorta matchup trade where we match each other up! no pressure at all though if you're not up for it!
other than that, how've you been? hope life hasn't been too stressful for you!
HIIIIIII NIAN!!!!!! Ok listen I’ll be real . I’ve only listened to Catharsis out of the new songs ):@::)@::$:&:) AND ITS A BANGER however there is no man I fear more than Shion Kaida. I need him to relax for a few minutes like when I read the lyrics I went
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LIKE THEY DID NOTTTTTT ACTUALLY MAKE HIM SAY THAT ? But they did. They did. I’m scared. Is anyone else scared?
But fr it’s such a good song !!!!! Omg I can’t wait for it on Spotify either PLEASEEEEE ‼️‼️‼️🙏🙏🙏
PLEASE DO SEND A MATCHUP I would love to do it for you!!!!!!!!!! I would love to do a little tradsies too omg that would be so cute ?!?!?! 🥹🥹🥹 matchups are so fun and silly I love them
I’ve been good !!! I’ve been working so much this damn clinic has me by the throat BUT ITS OK ❤️ tomorrow is my last day and I bet 3 days off 🤤 how about YOU how have you been doing!!!
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theloonatic · 1 year
What The Fuck Happened In Cadets summer camp
(Ps. I've censored names of people and places as I don't want to get in trouble for people getting any bombs under their cyars)
Tw: Bugs, Throwing Up, most if not all illegal shit, child neglect and the Ramen Sink
*let's start with a banger, a kid beat someone with a belt so bad that the police had to escort them out. We hated the kid so much we threw a party
*a kid got permanently kicked out for r@pe threats and kicking a locker over
*Five kids got in "trouble" for shoving q tips up their.....posteriors....and in peoples mouths when they were sleeping. I say "trouble" because one who I'll call Chris P became Lance corporal :,) as a result we called him "Lance corporal q tips" or "Lance corporal poo tips"
*The tuck shop was chaos. I mean chaos. These bitches were bringing out 6 and 7 tubs of pot noodle and candy floss, and a colleague of mine I'll call Spiders Georg for anonymity had taken 3 bottles of lucozade out every day. The pot noodle issue got so out of hand (and boys were spitting them on my first dorms window) they opened them after they cooked them to stop people taking them away. This only (seemingly) worked for the boys as my first dorm had a kettle and like 25+ pot noodle packets.
*I say first dorm. There were 3 girls dorms and I went through all. The first one was full of older girls, addicted to vapes and alcohol and only really talked about sleeping with boys and hiding the pot noodles. The second was full of girls from my school, pricks who bullied my friends.
The third was me and a girl just, but she left before the last day from sickness.
*I made two friends, but they went fairly quick. I'll call them Danny and Soda. Danny got a seizure halway in and was sent home, and Soda got homesick and went home.
*We found a fully empty wine bottle under the stairs while cleaning
*THE CAMPING TRIP :). The camping trip had so many ants that they'd actually crawl around u and on you as you cooked stuff, stinging u at every opportunity.
*The Duke of Edinburgh tryout was hell on earth. The tail of a hurricane was hitting, and so I and 5 others strode along the beach in rain and sleet and horrifying wind. I wasn't able to tell if it was water, spit, snot or tears in my face and on my clothes, and it was so cold my fingers went numb
* The pot noodle, both from dorm 1 and the tuck shop, caused so many issues. First, people drank it and threw it up/spat it on our windows. Second, there was the ramen sink incident, where someone put ramen in our sink. It wasn't cleaned till the last day, and I was the only one who stepped up. 💪 built diff fr
*they didn't let us use phone alarms. They had to wake us up, and the clowns didn't ever do it on time. Hence lots of rage.
*speaking of alarms, on a camping trip, aforementioned colleague Spiders Georg left his in his locker, and said alarm was "Good morning Vietnam" followed by 40 minutes of Paranoia by Black sabbath.
*There was a raid. The other section's boys raided our section's, as a result they couldn't go to the tuck shop or parties. 4000 pounds was stolen, along with earphones and underwear.
*there was also suspected internal theft. One girl lost 14 bras, and another lost her headphones. They suspected me at second (their friends first), but then some of my socks went missing too. None were ever found
And last but not least, This Was A Promo Club. For the British Army. I thought it was just like a club scouts thing, but it was truly hell on earth, followed with children being encouraged and trained into joining the military. Don't ever fall for this.
Well that's it moral is don't be afraid to give up (I didn't give up, I'll admit the last night in my own dorm was kinda nice and the free toast and hot drinks too) and also don't trust the army. 👍
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radioactivecatboy · 1 year
was tagged by @princess-of-purple-prose to list five songs i actually listen to and tag ten mutuals. WAOG A CHANCE TO TALK ABT MUSIC THANKS KAY SURELY I WILL BE SO SO FUCKING NORMAL ABT THIS (no caps: woag a chance to talk abt music thanks kay surely i will be so so fucking normal abt this)
Hell’s Comin’ With Me by Poor Man’s Poison. this is one of my songs ever tbh. the depressing slow start that sounds like its going to be a normal depressing country song, but suddenly ramps up in fury and pace into something almost joyful in its violence. as soon as i hear the sharp cords to prep “there is a hill at the bottom of the valley” i am full screaming the lyrics. “i paid the devil twice as much to keep your soul” mph. chefs kiss. delicious. also its about killing a corrupt priest which i hoot and holler and bang the table for
the jester by ratz. hi ratz if you have any reason to see this post for whatever reason though i cannot imagine why. i love ur music. esp this song. i vibrate slightly when it plays. vocals outta this world. anyway. the parallel between the lyrics “Oh, I know / It’s a dangerous game i play with my soul / I know / It’s a dangerous game / But my self preservation is tepid at best” and “He knows / It’s a dangerous game he plays with his soul / I know / It’s a dangerous game / My morality is shaky at best” is so !!!!!!!! for me
Santa Fe by Autoheart. “and when i saw you i should have kept on going but i couldnt move the gods of justice spoke and i got what i deserve and when you saw me your hand became an angry fist i agree with everything that’s coming my way but forgive me if you can” oooooooo BABY i love angst i love self recrimination i love the knowledge you fucked up so bad and you have no way to protest that you Don’t deserve the pain the other party might choose to inflict back on you. Punch (Special Edition) is one of my favorite albums ever genuinely banger after banger
Pray by The Amazing Devil. oh man i LOVE this band i dont think theres a single damn song by them i don’t like or even feel ambivalent about but Pray is one that makes me want to start sprinting through the streets screaming my heart out. i can’t even give you some favorite lyrics from it bc everything feeds into everything else it’s so visceral and evocative of a desperation and determination and frustration and the thrum of something trapped inside you desperate for freedom. madeleine hyland fucking ROCKED it so hard. ma’am i am so in love with you. please listen to this song fr
The Hand That Feeds by The Crane Wives. another song by one of my bands ever. it’s been consistently at or near the top of my spotify most played artists for years u should check them out. this is truly a song of all time, it makes me feel the need to break capitalism’s spine over my knee, throw its corpse on a bonfire, and dance around the flames. the narrator is soooooo fucking bitter and determined to keep their autonomy and soul in a society where money is impossible to live without and nearly impossible to get without being treated cruelly and dehumanized for. “no man should get more of my time than me, than me, i may never be a rich man but i can make sure that i am free. the rich man can never have me” literally songs to gnaw your arm off to
so that was music corner with jellyfish thanks for tagging me kay ily <33 uhh i’ll go ahead and tag @gnomebud @whale-blanket @angelslant @tjuvmon @freijan @ragefear @frogliftcertified and anyone else who might want to just say i tagged u and go wild <33
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orgxnas · 10 months
Hunger Games Characters and Their Favorite Classic Frat Banger™️
Moment 4 Life by Nicki Minaj
Let’s be honest she not the frat party type
But this song just… speaks to her
Like Nicki’s whole opening verse? Oh yeah she a Nicki fan
“In this very moment, I’m king/ In this very moment, I slayed Goliath with a sling” and she did
She likes how slow-paced the song is too
Really makes her stop and think about how lucky she is that she made it out and that the odds were literally stacked against her from the start
“Cause I’m still hood, Hollywood (the Capitol) couldn’t change me/ Shout out to my haters, sorry that you couldn’t faze me!” WHAT
Sexy Bitch by David Guetta
He’s fr tryna find a way to describe this girl (Katniss) without being disrespectful
Loooovvveeesss the white girl tunes
Katniss loves watching him when the song comes on bc he just gets so silly!
The horrors cannot break him when David Guetta is playing
Mr. Brightside by The Killers/ Mo Bamba by Sheck Wes
Once Mr. Brightside comes on Gale is already drunk asf
Takes the lyrics suuuupppeeerrr personally
Guilt-trip-sings at Katniss. Lowkey mean to Peeta😭
Some of you may have opposing views, but Gale would def join a frat
“No Katniss you don’t get it, it’s not about partying or getting girls, it’s about brotherhood and community service” yeah sure
Mo Bamba is def Frat Boy!Gale’s fav song
Wipe Me Down (Remix) by Foxx, Webbie, and Lil Boosie
old ahh mf
Bro gets INTO it
Once he gets to the middle of that dance circle, he does not stop moving
Katniss is horror struck bc no way this is the same Haymitch she met back in 12??
Peeta records it for whenever him and Katniss need a laugh
Effie LOVES that bro is finally cutting loose
Va Va Voom by Nicki Minaj
she would LOVE Nicki in her Roman era
Loves Nicki period
Loves how the music sounds
She IS the main attraction
“Just met a boy, just met a boy when/ he could become my little problem” and she was thinking abt Haymitch (I will ship them until the day I die)
What does Va Va Voom even mean? Only Nicki and Ms. Trinket knows
Temperature by Sean Paul
oh his slutty lil hips
They be MOVIN
Keeps insane eye contact while he dance it’s a miracle every girl there didn’t leave pregnant from the eye contact alone
Knows how hot he looks dancing to this song and knows that even though every girl there wants him, he goes home to Annie at the end of the night
I Don’t Fuck With You by Big Sean
Looks mfs dead in the face while singing
Accidentally (on purpose) flipped off President Snow when this song was playing
She cannot dance
But noooo one is gonna tell her that
One time during an interview with Caesar she hijacked the interview and performed this song on national television. Didn’t get very far tho bc they cut the cameras QUICK (I was there)
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