#The floral tea tastes good it's just not a strong flavor
thewirewitch · 7 months
Tried making lavender rose milk tea
Put more flowers in strainer, it was too weak of a taste this time.
Use less milk if necessary to retain floral taste.
Evil Milk Tea will be tomorrow. I will not use boba in it.
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wildstar25 · 1 year
Arsay knows just how much Y'shtola enjoys those tarts from the Bismarck. With some new found free time she becomes determined to learn how to bake them so Y'shtola can have a supply on demand. Arsay goes to Tataru and asks to be taught the ways of baking. It’s difficult to wrap her head around it at first; Arsay can cook but its nothing to write home about and making sweets is something completely different! Thankfully Tataru is very patient and teaches Arsay enough to get her started.
After many days working away in the Revenant's Toll kitchen, Arsay is finally able to produce a semi-decent product. At the usual balcony location, she presents the tart to Y'shtola along with her afternoon tea, saying nothing of its origins. Based on it's aetheric composition Y'shtola can't quite discern that it's any different from her usual order. Upon the first bite however, the confection gives her pause. The flavor is clearly lacking and the texture of the filling is grainer than usual. As she washes the bite down with some tea the hair on her neck bristles. She can feel Arsay, sitting in the chair beside her, staring intently. Y'shtola's ears flick at the sound of her teacup returning to its saucer. Instantly Arsay pipes up with a forced smile,
"How is it?" Her tone wavers ever so slightly, enough for Y'shtola to pick up at the very least.
"It's... different. I'm to assume you are responsible for its creation?"
Arsay nods, "Is it a good different?"
Y'shtola purses her lips, squinting at the tart in front of her, "The crust was far too dense and over done. The vanilla seems to be the only flavoring, and while it is called a "vanilla tart" you do need to add other ingredients to draw out and highlight its taste - a citrus element, perhaps. Oh, and the custard is not silky as it should be. Overall, a pale comparison to that which can be purchased from The Bismarck."
A smack against the table draws Y'shtola's gaze. Arsay is face down against its surface. "Shtolaaa, must you always be honest to a fault; You wound me so..." Arsay whines.
"Come now, you can handle much worse than that." Y'shtola gracefully places the tea cup on the table, "If anyone can pick themselves up after a stunning defeat it's you, dear." She reaches for the fork to her side and sections off another bite of the tart for herself. Arsay's ears perk up, puzzled by her partner's actions.
“I though you didn't like it?"
"I don't recall saying that." Y'shtola covers her mouth with her free hand, taking a moment to chew, "It has its flaws, yes, but it is not wholly inedible." Arsay lifts her head up with a slight gasp "So it's at least okay.... Alright!!" Arsay brings her arms up in a cheering motion. "The next one will be even better, just you wait!" She nods to herself as she pounds her hands together with determination.
"Have you naught more important things to do with your time?", Y'shtola scoffs.
"Ah, well..." Arsay shrugs. "Doing somethin' to make you smile is plenty important, I think." She rests her elbows on the tabletop and leans her chin on her hands. Arsay smiles, batting her eyes at Y'shtola. Even without her aethersight, Y'shtola can imagine the face Arsay was making at her. The face of someone trying to play innocent after saying something so saccharinely sweet.
"Ridiculous." Y'shtola could feel her cheeks flush as she reaches for her tea. "If all you're after is a smile, you may leave the crafting of pastries to the professionals;" she closes her eyes and brings the teacup and saucer up towards her face. The strong smell of herbs and florals dance on the air, hitting her palette with every inhale. "Your company alone is enough." Y'shtola concludes under her breath, in her typical matter-of-factly tone, just loud enough for Arsay to hear.
Just as Y'shtola was about to take another sip of tea, she feels one of Arsay's hands gently pushing her arms down. The porcelain clinks as it reaches the table's surface. Another finds itself on the side of her face. Intuiting what was to come next, Y'shtola keeps her eyes closed and leans in.
Not a moment passes before Arsay's lips press against her own in a soft kiss. "You, my love, deserve far more than "enough"," Arsay whispers. She rests her forehead against Y'shtola's, staring into her eyes as they open. She can feel under her palm the corners of Y'shtola mouth turning upright into a simper. Arsay smiles back, "but thank you." She steals another quick kiss before leaning back into her chair.
"Y'know, it's a lovely day out. What would you say to a walk after this?" "A welcome idea, dear."
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spritehouse · 1 year
what everyone in quiet if i shatter smells like
except i dont know scents??? i know like three and compare every other one with them so bear with me
side note: i love writing omegaverse for the sensory detail it adds. sex is cool, sensory detail is cooler.
spencer: alpha spencer and omega spencer are similar, but omega spencer's scent is sweeter. spencer smells like coffee, parchment/old books, & libraries. think coffee date in a cozy old library vibes.
derek: derek's scent is the sweetest of the alpha's (except for when spencer smells like an omega). that doesn't have anything to say abt his personality, but it's true. he smells like cedar and cinnamon—somewhere between fresh cinnamon rolls and cinnamon spice drinks. his vibes are a crisp, cool (but not cold) day in an orange forest in autumn with a cup of your favorite warm, sweet drink.
hotch: i don't know how to explain it, but hotch smells cozy and strong. he smells like curling up by a loving father figure next to a wood fire in a cozy cottage on a winter day. i wrote him as pine and eucalyptus—which is accurate—but i just imagine that's how it feels to smell him.
rossi: rossi has the bitterest scent, but not in an unpleasant way. he smells like wine and smoke, and gives the vibes of coming home to a fresh, home-cooked meal or getting really good advice from an old mentor figure.
jj: jj has the sweetest scent of the team. she smells like vanilla, sugar, and lavender, but it isn't too sweet. like floral tea with cream and sugar. her vibes are a mother/maternal figure listening to your day at a cozy cafe with plenty of natural light.
emily: emily has two answers, her natural scent as someone who originally presented as an alpha, and her "beta" scent. emily's scent as an alpha is like dark chocolate and the smell of a cats chin (if you've never smelled a cats chin, it smells like happiness and warmth... and a little bit like bad breath but we're ignoring that part). her scent never developed completely, but she smelled like seeing an old friend after a long time.
beta emily smells like nothing, medically, like when you're in a doctors office or some sterile place and it smells like nothing. there's no proper/"real" hrt for born-alphas or born-omegas (name in progress... idk) to achieve the natural neutrality of born-beta, and the closest you can get is some heavy, medical-grade suppressants. so emily smells like nothing. (ill probably make a post expanding on this bc brainrot.)
penelope: penelope smells like what exotic fruit-flavored candy tastes like. she smells sweet, refreshing, and warm. she smells like returning home to your pets after going on vacation.
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mezmer · 7 months
Alrighty, greatest tea blend ever. ... This is my almost nightly blend. Don't want a tolerance. Makes me able to drink less Kratom because of how strong the tea is. Doesn't knock me out, but it brings about spectacular relaxation. It tastes so good! I order the herbs organic and measure it, add it to a jar, steep and strain with a cheesecloth. It tastes good without honey. For anyone who gets anxious around bedtime or just wants to feel lovely. You feel so warm and snuggly.
Damiana (aphrodisiac, relaxing very mild psychedelic)
Lemon balm (treats anxiety and encourages relaxation and healthy sleep)
Valerian root (same deal as lemonbalm but an anti convulsant to treat epilepsy. Many anti convulsants can help off label with BPD PTSD etc)
Passionflower (weaker than some of these but synergizes well and adds a little light floral flavor)
Maca powder (great for feminine health and is also an aphrodisiac)
The reason I use Maca powder instead of plant material is the lovely flavor and you get more surface area of the plant instead of having to add another whole dried plant to the mix.
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tarohonii · 2 years
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꒰Eleceed Guy's Drink Prefrences ༉‧₊˚✧
↷Base: fruit tea
↷Flavor: Sucheon, Jisuk, Jiwoo, Wooin, Gangseok, Kayden, Curtin
↷Allergies (Warnings): mentions of alcohol
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Hates coffee, any kind of coffee. Despises the super sweet ones that are 99% syrup and also hates pure, super-strong coffees. He also hates anything in between. In short, hates coffee. 
It’s just..not for him. Way too strong and just tastes like sharp dirt to him. He doesn’t understand the pleasure of drinking it. 
(probably would hate any type of liquor once he gets older for that same reason) 
Favorite drink is tea. Mellow, caffeinated, but also a bit earthy. Nothing in your face, but not extremely sweet. Prefers rice or barley tea, not a big fan of the floral teas
Also sometimes gets iced teas if there’s no hot drinks available 
Also likes sparkling water, because he is a menace and his taste buds are fucked
Energy drinks/sodas are his shit 
Likes the types of beverages like gatorade is 90% food coloring and looks one chemical bond away from becoming radioactive 
Anything bubbly is so it for him. If it isn’t carbonated, he doesn’t want it. 
I can see him drinking those sports drinks all the time even though he doesn’t do any sports. Always has one on him and drinks it like it’s water. It’s disgusting. 
Banned from energy drinks for legal reasons 
Also likes any drink with straws, especially juice boxes and bubble tea 
Likes his drinks on the sweeter side and more milk based 
So anything from milkshakes to flavored milk he’ll gladly enjoy 
Banana milk and yakult are his absolute favorites and will stock up on it like crazy
Also drinks plain milk. Die mad and bitter about it
Doesn’t like anything bitter or strong. 
Not a big fan of carbonated drinks because he hates the bloated feeling that comes with drinking them 
Drinks pretty much anything else, though. Either likes his drink so sweet it’s disgusting or mellow, earthy flavors. Depends on his mood. 
Really really likes bubble tea and coffees just because of how much variation he can get on it. 
Also drinks shikye pretty often, since it’s a good mix of sweet and mellow flavors. 
The type who genuinely likes black coffee. Sometimes he’ll get it with cream, but he likes black coffee as it is 
Also drinks ginseng juice and milk and anything ginseng flavored 
Likes sharp, spiced, and earthy flavors. 
Doesn’t mind sweet things, either, as long as it isn’t overly sweet 
Prefers coffee, but also the one with annoyingly particular coffee orders
Can’t stand things that are too sweet, would rather it be too strong than sweet
Kind of addicted to affogatos. Partly because of the aesthetic, but also because it’s good 
Also likes tea as well.  Prefers floral or spiced teas 
Drinks whatever Jiwoo has laying around in the fridge. Doesn’t really care about beverages in general 
Does drink juices pretty often, and also prefers drinks with straws in them for the convenience factor. Prefers cranberry juice. 
Also probably drinks hard liquor. Not as a habit, but just when he feels like it. Finds wine and cocktails atrocious and pretentious. A straight out of the bottle kind of person if he can’t find a glass. 
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dbssh · 1 year
i saw you ask someone else this and i thought the question was really cutes. what are your oc's drink orders (coffee/tea or alcoholic) ?❤️
aja - prefers fruit juices to coffee/tea because she has a really dull sense of taste + doesnt really get anything frm the caffine, so she usually does like. tropical smothies (pinapple/mango/ect). for alcohol she prefers things straight and strong (because of her Only Halfway Aliveness and also her hugeness she needs. a lot of alcohol to get drunk 👍), although without those restrictions would probably be quite fond of fruity things, pina coladas and margaritas and the like. yknow, mom type drinks. would also probably enjoy boba tea for the textural aspect.
hutch - doesnt drink anymore, but was fond of a good whiskey or the mandatory Butch Beer, or whatever they could get their hands on. fond of simple at-home morning coffees with a little bit of cream and sugar, kind of intimidated by complex menus.
kasey - likez very complicated, sugary, and overall adorable drinks. anything pink with whipped creme. brings her own sprinkles and mini gummy bears with her just in case. often makes concoctions that seem awful to anyone else. when shes old enough to drink have you ever seen those tiktoks where the guy just unloads ridiculous amounts of alcohol into massive tubs. this guy. she makes things like this..like his candy ones too. but yknow..responsibly... mostly.
victor - doesnt drink often, but when he does its something very no-nonsense and straightforward, like, he is doing this with a Purpose and its not about flavor its about the most efficient way to lose consciousness. though casually he does enjoy a nice white wine. as for coffee, something chocolatey with a lot of espresso. like, more than is healthy or good for you. the shadowlands type behaviour.
arkangel - devoutly does not drink alcohol, never got into coffee. but i can picture her with a very classy martini.
nishka - cheap shit that tastes gross and is easier to get, something that screams "rebellious teens in the trunk of their friends car sitting in a field." md 20/20, fireball, hard lemonade, smirnoff ice, cheap shitty pre-mixed margaritas ect ect. you get the vibe. insists its good, actually, and better than more expensive shit. drinks black coffee to be cool and edgy, actually very much enjoys different floral teas.
luci - she is a robot
bucket - her heart belongs to the humble frappuccino and also a big fan of boba tea, likes to try all the different flavors and popping bobas
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tasseophile · 2 years
The Daily Tea #2
gunpowder green tea with jasmine
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The packaging got me on this one. The Tao of Tea's organic pearl gunpowder loose leaf green tea is beautiful. I think I will be getting this brand more often not only because of the quality of the tea itself but because of the packaging. A nice sturdy round tin sealed with a sticker that pops cleanly and easily when turned. Underneath the circular top is a beautiful metallic tin top with a small circular handle and their logo embossed on it.
Be careful! When I popped the lid off, I lost quite a bit of tea from the impact of me yanking the lid off.
Why didn't I get green tea with jasmine together? A couple reasons. I wanted a good green tea on its own. And I wanted to have some jasmine on hand for other blends in the future.
I brewed it carefully - knowing green tea is finicky to brew. Don't boil the water. But make sure it's hot. Don't let the leaves soak for too long. I used a tea strainer that sits on top so I knew I wouldn't brew it for too long.
Now on to the taste.
Because I added the jasmine, it smelled and tasted very floral right off the bat. I did add honey to this. A strong green tea flavor lingered underneath the jasmine, grounding it as the jasmine kept it bright. The honey kept the bitterness at bay when the jasmine flavor went away. As I got closer down to the bottom of the cup, it got more bitter and I just tasted more of the honey. I wonder how I can keep the jasmine flavor to last to the bottom of the cup. Hmmm... (any tips let me know). Perhaps a different strainer and equal parts green tea and jasmine...
Overall, I really liked both flavors. Green tea with jasmine is one of my favorite tea blends and this Tao of Tea is one of my new favorite tea brands. This was a good strong green tea to add to my collection - good for when I'm in the need of a light boost in energy and alertness and antioxidants.
All in all, a good purchase and a delightful cup of tea.
((links are affiliate links; if you purchase from them, you will be supporting the tea witch blog))
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
☕☕☕☕☕ for all of your monprom muses, even-
Under the cut due to amount of muses
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“Oh, this looks nice.” The tea gave off a sweet aroma and as Sawyer drank it they found it to be a overwhelmly sweet taste, it reminded them of saltwater taffy.
20% Health Restored
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“Oh hell yeah!” The tea tasted like a fruity mixed drink mixed with iced tea, the main fruit being passion fruit, the sort of thing you’d drink watching a sunset over the sea
75% Health Restored
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“This should be good.” Oz had to put in effort to taste anything, but he was happy to taste this, it tasted like a fine wine mixed together with the lovely salty taste of sea water.
50% Health Restored
Joy considered the tea before taking a sip, it tasted like mx of fresh mint & a floral scent brought to taste, it tasted like the water breathing potions the coven kept on hand.
25% Health Restored
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“I‘m not so sure about this...” Hope won’t be sure how to explain the smell and as she tasted it she started to gag, the flavor was odd, overwhelming, Hope would only be able to liken it to smell of tar or the taste of salt water on a dry tongue she spat out the tea.
10% Harm Done
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“How odd, it tastes like pink lemonade, mixed with a mana potion... Interesting.” 
25% Health Restored
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Vera knew how to drink tea like a proper lady, she enjoyed the smell of roses the tea gave off, drinking it she found the taste to be a mx of strawberries, roses and seaweed.
75% Health Restored
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“Oh gemme!” Moss drank it up, it tasted like pink flavored marshmallows to him. 
50% Health Restored
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Dahila slammed down the drink after one long, big goulp of it “IT TASTES AMAZING- Like if you combined the best energy drinks, dragon fruit and fresh fish.”
90% Health Restored
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He stared down at the cup, it was clear he had already drank it. “To be rather blunt, it tastes like blood... And metal, gold perhaps? My pallet isn’t strong enough to be sure. I suppose this must just be the result of tasting a tea meant to taste like a person.”
0% Health Restored
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Jun-Seo seemed to be licking the tea out of the cup before he was noticed. “Tastes pretty good to me, like a strong seaweed flavor with some cherry mixed in.”
25% Health Restored
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“...” He was holding the fancy pink tea cup, frowning. “It tastes like pink cotton candy and tuna...”
5% Health Restored
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“...It tastes like... Pink... Don’t ask me how pink is a flavor it just is, and a minor healing potion.”
30% Health Restored
“Uhh.” Jerry did try his best to drink the tea but it seemed to be leaking out of his mask “...I don’t actually have working taste buds...”
0% Health Restored
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D was sipping on the tea peacefully “...I’m not sure how to say this in a way that doesn’t sound really bad but... Sorta tastes like my girlfriend’s mouth and strawberry chapstick had a lovechild.”
10% Health Restored
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powergummies12 · 8 months
Immunity Boostеr Tеa Rеcipеs For Chai Lovеrs
For tеa lovеrs sееking morе than just cozy flavor and еxciting options now blеnd delicious taste with immune hеlping ingredients. Thеsе creative recipes offеr the joy of a comforting cup that also gеntly boosts the body's natural dеfеnsеs.
Sipping a hot mug full of vibrant flavors and fragrant hеrbs and and hеalthful spicеs makеs any day brightеr. Sipping thеsе yummy tеas is a fun way to boost your immunе systеm. You can also takе vitamin C and zinc gummiеs to hеlp your body stay hеalthy. Discovеr how a stеamy and aromatic tеa can place your palate whilе quietly working behind thе scеnеs to support wellbeing.
Masala Chai
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For a warming cup of Masala Chai and begin by brewing black tea leaves togеthеr with an aromatic blend of spicеs including cinnamon sticks and clovеs and gingеr slicеs and and a dash of turmеric. Oncе thе tеa and spices have brewed and strain the mixture. Thеn swееtеn to taste with some honey and which complements thе blend of spicеs nicely. Thе honеy balances out the spiciness. Brewed this way and the Masala Chai makes for a soothing and complеx and and comforting hot beverage.
Citrus Burst Grееn Tеa
To make a refreshing cup of Citrus Burst Green Tea and start by steeping grееn tеa leaves in hot water to еxtract thеir еarthy flavor. Thеn add slices of frеsh lemon and orange to infusе a bright and citrusy notе. Thе tartnеss оf thе lemon and sweetness of thе orangе will providе a nicе contrast to thе grassy grееn tеa. Finally, stir in a tеaspoon of honеy to smooth out thе flavors. Thе citrus and honеy add a lovеly fruity twist to classic green tea.
Kashmiri Kahwa
To make Kashmiri Kahwa, first bring one cup of water to a boil. Add green tea leaves and let them steep for 2 minutes to infuse the tea with flavor. Then add saffron strands which give the tea a beautiful golden color and unique taste. Crush some cardamom pods and cinnamon sticks and add them in for a lovely spice aroma. Add a few cloves too for an extra flavor boost.
Let the tea simmer for a few minutes so all the spices can infuse their flavors. Chop up some almonds and add those in for a nutty crunch. Once the tea has brewed, strain out the spices and tea leaves. Sweeten the tea to taste with honey. The Kashmiri Kahwa is now ready to enjoy! This traditional Indian chai is packed with warming spices like saffron, cardamom, cinnamon, and clove. Sipping this aromatic tea is a comforting and flavorful experience.
Hibiscus Tеa
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For a refreshing Hibiscus Tea and start by stееping driеd hibiscus pеtals in hot water to rеlеаsе their tart and cranbеrry likе flavor. As thе hibiscus blooms and adds frеsh mint leaves to the brew. Thе mint contributеs a cool and hеrbal notе that blеnds nicеly with thе hibiscus. For an еxtra citrusy twist and also add somе bright orangе zеst and which lеnds a subtlе fruitinеss. Oncе brewed and swееtеn thе tea with some honey to balance out thе tanginеss of thе hibiscus. Thе hibiscus providеs thе main flavor and whilе thе mint and citrus and and honеy round it out for a mouthwatеring floral bloom in a cup.
Gingеr Lеmon Tеa
For a comforting Gingеr Lеmon Tеa and start by simmеring frеsh gingеr slicеs in hot watеr to draw out thеir spicy and warming flavor. As thе ginger infusеs thе water and squeeze in some lеmon juicе to add some brightness. Thе tart lеmon pеrfеctly complements thе pungent ginger. Finally, add a drizzlе of raw honеy and stir. Thе honеy adds a touch of natural swееtnеss that rounds out thе flavors. It also soothes thе spicinеss оf thе ginger. Brеwеd togеthеr and the fresh ginger root and tart lemon and and swееt raw honеy make a simple yеt healing tea.
If you lovе drinking tеa and want to stay hеalthy and try making tea that boosts your immunе systеm. This makеs your tеa еxtra good for fighting off colds and flu. It's a tasty way to kееp your body strong and hеalthy whilе еnjoying dеlicious tеas.
How Vitamin C and Zinc Gummies Can Help
For tea lovers seeking a convenient yet effective immunity boosting choice and trying incorporating Vitamin C and Zinc immunity boostеr gummiеs into daily routinе will bе a smart choicе. Thе gummiеs give you important vitamins and minerals to hеlp your body stay strong and fight off illnеssеs. Thеy tastе good too! Taking thеm makеs it еasy to gеt your immunity boost. So drink your favoritе tеa and еnjoy somе yummy gummiеs. Your body will thank you!
In Conclusion:
Thеsе special tea recipes are tasty and good for you. Drinking these flavourful teas makes your body strongеr. Thе ingredients like lemon and mint and ginger and spicеs hеlp fight sicknеss. Sipping thеsе yummy tеas is a fun way to boost your immunе systеm. You can also takе vitamin C and zinc gummiеs to hеlp your body stay hеalthy. Thеsе gummiеs arе like candy and easy to take daily.
Togеthеr and delicious immunity booster teas and gummies make it easy to support your wеllnеss. So еnjoy your favoritе hot tеas and gеt your immunity boostеr gummiеs too! It's a grеat way to fееl good and stay hеalthy whilе rеlaxing with a warm and flavorful cup of tеa.
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theereiziger · 1 year
The Three Types of Tea from Around the World You Must Try
Welcome to our guide, where we will take you on a journey through the world of tea. Tea is not just a beverage; it's a cultural phenomenon that has been uniting and warming people for centuries. In this comprehensive guide, we will introduce you to the three major types of tea that you must try, each with its own unique flavors, history, and aromas. Get ready to immerse yourself in the world of tea! Discover more about tea here
Green Tea: The Healthy Delicacy
Green tea is one of the most esteemed teas globally, and it's for good reason. This tea is made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant and is known for its refreshing taste and numerous health benefits. Green tea is rich in antioxidants, such as catechins, which strengthen the immune system and slow down the aging process.
Discover here the health benefits.
The Origin
The origin of green tea dates back to ancient China, where it was first consumed as a medicinal drink. It later spread to Japan and other parts of Asia. Japanese green tea, such as matcha, is praised for its intense green color and earthy flavor.
Flavor Profile
Green tea has a light, grassy taste with subtle sweetness. It can be enjoyed both hot and cold and is often flavored with lemon, mint, or ginger.
Black Tea: The Classic Favorite
Black tea is beloved worldwide for its deep flavor and aroma. This tea undergoes full oxidation during processing, resulting in its characteristic dark color and robust taste.
The Origin
Black tea has its roots in India, where it was first produced in the Assam region. It quickly became a significant export for the British Empire and spread across the globe.
Flavor Profile
Black tea is known for its rich, earthy flavor with hints of cocoa, caramel, and sometimes even fruity notes. It is the perfect choice for those who prefer a strong, full-bodied cup of tea.
Oolong Tea: The Art of Semi-Oxidized Tea
Oolong tea falls somewhere between green and black tea, resulting in a unique taste and character. It is a tea that masters the art of semi-oxidation, offering a wide range of flavor profiles.
The Origin
Oolong tea originally comes from China and Taiwan, where craftsmanship and precision are essential parts of the production process. The leaves are partially oxidized before being rolled and dried.
Flavor Profile
Oolong tea varies greatly in flavor, depending on the level of oxidation. Some oolong teas have a floral and light taste, while others can be deeper and smokier. It's a tea for connoisseurs who enjoy experimenting with different flavors.
Exploring the World of Tea
The world of tea is incredibly diverse and captivating, and these three types of tea - green, black, and oolong - offer just a glimpse of what there is to discover. Whether you are a health-conscious green tea enthusiast, a traditional black tea drinker, or an adventurous oolong explorer, there is a tea for everyone.
No matter which tea you choose, don't forget to savor the ritual of brewing and serving. Tea is not just a beverage; it's an experience that stimulates the senses and soothes the mind.
So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of tea and discover your new favorite. Let your taste buds be delighted by the different aromas and taste the rich history in every sip.
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chai-in-india · 1 year
indian tea culture
Tea is more than just a beverage in India; it is a way of life. In every corner of India, we can find a tea shop and a chai wallah When we search for the best chai in India there is no such tea to find, every person in India chooses their own flavors of tea in their daily routine. With a rich history and a vibrant culture surrounding it, the Indian tea industry has captivated the world. From the lush tea gardens of Assam to the serene plantations of Darjeeling, the fascinating world of India's tea culture offers a unique and delightful experience. In this article, we will explore the origins of tea in India, the various types of Indian tea, the rituals and traditions associated with tea, and its significant role in Indian society. So grab a cup of tea and let's dive into the captivating world of Indian tea culture.
Tea has been a crucial part of Indian culture for centuries. The story of tea in India dates back to the early 19th century when the British East India Company introduced tea plants from China to the region of Assam. The unique climate and soil conditions in Assam proved to be ideal for tea cultivation and thus began India's journey as a prominent tea producer.
Assam Tea: The Bold and Robust Brew
Assam tea, known for its strong and malty flavor, is one of the most popular varieties of Indian tea. The tea gardens of Assam, located in the northeastern part of India, produce a distinctive black tea that is enjoyed by tea enthusiasts around the world. Its robust flavor makes it an excellent choice for those who prefer a strong cup of tea to kick-start their day.
Darjeeling Tea: The Champagne of Teas
Nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas, Darjeeling is renowned for producing some of the finest and most sought-after teas in the world. Darjeeling tea, often referred to as the "Champagne of Teas," is known for its delicate aroma, floral notes, and muscatel flavor. The unique geographical location and cool climate of Darjeeling contribute to the exquisite taste and character of its teas.
Nilgiri Tea: The Fragrant Delight
Located in the southern part of India, the Nilgiri region is known for its picturesque tea gardens and the production of fragrant and aromatic teas. Nilgiri tea, also known as "Blue Mountain Tea," is characterized by its bright liquor, brisk flavor, and floral fragrance. With its refreshing taste, Nilgiri tea is a popular choice for iced tea preparations.
Butter tea
Butter tea, also known as Po cha in Tibet, is made by churning tea, salt, and yak butter together. The brick tea used is a very strong, smokey kind from Pemagul, Tibet.
Masala Chai: The Spiced Elixir
Masala chai, a flavorful blend of tea, milk, spices, and sweeteners, holds a special place in Indian households. It is a quintessential part of Indian culture, often served as a welcoming gesture to guests or enjoyed during social gatherings. The benefits of masala tea mainly enhance our energy and are also good for digestion. The aromatic spices like cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and black pepper give masala chai its unique and invigorating taste.
It's an emotion to the Kerala people who were in the south side of India, Sulaimani tea is not just a black tea, a glass of black tea added spices like cinnamon, cardamom, and ginger and served with love. In Malabar also add some lemon in it.
Tea Rituals and Traditions in India
Tea is more than just a beverage in India; it is a cultural phenomenon. The art of preparing and serving tea has its own set of rituals and traditions. From the precise measurements of tea leaves to the rhythmic boiling of water, every step in the tea-making process is carried out with care and precision. Tea is often served in small clay cups called "kulhads" or in delicate porcelain teacups, accompanied by snacks or sweets.
The Role of Tea in Indian Society
Tea plays a significant role in Indian society, transcending boundaries of class, religion, and language. It is a beverage that brings people together, fosters conversations and strengthens relationships. Whether it's a roadside tea stall or a luxurious tea lounge, tea serves as a social equalizer, where people from all walks of life come together to share a cup of warmth and camaraderie.
Tea Tourism: Exploring the Tea Gardens
Tea tourism has gained popularity in recent years, offering tea enthusiasts a chance to explore the scenic tea gardens of India. Visitors can immerse themselves in the serene surroundings, witness the tea plucking process, interact with the tea workers, and learn about the intricacies of tea production. Tea estates in Assam, Darjeeling, and Nilgiri provide guided tours and tea-tasting sessions, giving visitors a firsthand experience of Indian tea culture.
Tea and Health: The Benefits of Tea
Apart from its delightful taste, tea offers several health benefits. It is rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, which promote overall well-being. Regular tea consumption has been linked to reduced risk of heart disease, improved digestion, enhanced cognitive function, and increased metabolism. With a variety of teas to choose from, each with its unique properties, there's a tea for every health-conscious individual.
What are the benefits of green tea? Green tea is a very good weight-loss habit and boosts our energy.
Tea Industry in India: Production and Exports
India is one of the largest tea producers in the world, with a diverse range of teas being cultivated across different regions. The Indian tea industry supports millions of workers and contributes significantly to the country's economy. Indian teas are not only consumed domestically but also exported to various countries, making India a major player in the global tea market.
Sustainability in the Indian Tea Industry
In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on sustainability in the Indian tea industry. From adopting organic farming practices to promoting fair trade, tea producers in India are actively working towards more sustainable and ethical tea production. Initiatives are being taken to reduce the environmental impact, improve the livelihood of tea workers, and ensure the long-term viability of tea plantations.
Tea Culture and Diversity in India
Indian tea culture is incredibly diverse, with each region having its unique tea traditions. Whether it's the strong and robust Assam tea, the delicate and flavorful Darjeeling tea, or the fragrant Nilgiri tea, every cup of tea tells a story. The cultural diversity of India is reflected in its tea, and exploring the different varieties and flavors is an exciting journey in itself.
The Art of Tea Tasting
Tea tasting is an art that requires skill, experience, and a keen palate. From assessing the appearance and aroma of the dry leaves to evaluating the color, taste, and aftertaste of the brewed tea, tea tasters employ their senses to determine the quality and characteristics of a tea. Tea-tasting sessions provide an opportunity to delve deeper into the nuances of tea and appreciate its complexities.
Tea and Food Pairings: Enhancing Culinary Experiences
Tea can be a versatile companion to various cuisines and culinary experiences. The flavors and aromas of different teas can complement and enhance the taste of food. From pairing Darjeeling tea with delicate pastries to enjoying Assam tea with spicy Indian snacks, the art of tea and food pairing adds a new dimension to gastronomic adventures.
Indian tea culture is a fascinating blend of history, tradition, flavors, and experiences. From the lush tea gardens to the tea-drinking rituals, tea holds a special place in the hearts of millions of Indians. It is not just a beverage; it is an integral part of their identity and heritage. Exploring the world of Indian tea culture is an enchanting journey that unravels the beauty and depth of this beloved brew.
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sleepyowlwrites · 2 years
Hello, hello and happy day of storytelling to you, my sleepy friend. I hope it has found you well.
Out of curiosity, what are some of your favorite moments of Dirt in the Doing? And also, is there a flavor of tea you associate with it?
gingerbread! I had a really good day, and it's always so lovely to see you.
I'm going to reverse the questions. thank you for asking such an important one. for tea I think it's a few different kinds. because it's (as per usual) SUCH a character-driven story, I think each character might be their own tea? I will now decide.
Rune is oolong, absolutely. florally, light, but can be robust depending on how you prepare it. I also like fruit flavored oolongs, which I think suits Rune really well.
Jet is chai, sometimes spicy, sometimes mild. he's probably a masala most of the time, he could be chocolate chai too.
Moss is green tea, and not because moss is green, but because he's a gentle energizer and good for you.
Hawk is assam, a strong black tea with lots of flavor underneath just waiting to be noticed.
Yarrow is fruity herbal teas, and the bouncier the taste the better.
Copper is any tea but the latte version.
Shadow is pu-erh. it's strong and deep and unexpected.
and now to the bits I especially love.
the scene where Jet comes to check on Rune after they fought and she takes care of him because he got in another fight on the way there:
“You��re bleeding, dumbass,” Rune sighs. “Any other injuries?”
Jet knows he shouldn’t have expected her to not have this reaction, even after such a vicious interaction just that morning. Rune is better than he is. Maybe she hasn’t forgiven him, but here she is with bandages in her hands because he showed up to check on her with new wounds.
He sits.
any of the scenes where Jet and Copper are having conversations that go straight to the ocean floor:
“I’m not scared of anything,” Jet says, the humor falling rather flat.
“Everyone is scared of something.” Copper plants both hands on Jet’s head and tilts it up so they’re looking at each other. The hands slide down to cradle Jet’s cheeks. “And you are scared of me. You’re scared I’ll see you. I don’t know why, maybe because you don’t like to look at yourself.”
“I’m looking at me right now.” Jet’s voice sounds feeble in comparison to his brother’s.
Copper smiles. “We might be identical, but we’re far from the same person. You’re only looking at me.”
the scene where Rune and Jet sleep together (literally) for the first time and it feel so natural for them:
“You don’t need this,” he murmurs, stating a fact. “We’re strong and can live without each other. But it’s too early, and I can hold you.”
“So why not?” Rune finishes the thought, her breath meeting his collarbones. “Feels good, actually.”
“Will we talk about it later?” The day might be slowly approaching but so is sleep.
“No. We don’t need to. We know what this is.”
Jet feels the world start to slip away but whispers, “What is it?”
Rune sighs against him, contentedly. “Home.”
Jet going into instant rage mode when he sees the guy that scared Rune and is only tempered by the fact that he's trying to be less reckless these days because he's got people waiting for him now:
He isn’t surprised that he picks Cam out from a crowd in a second. The guy’s face is branded onto his brain after their first and only encounter. Jet needs to be aware and able to defend Rune from the right people. He’ll fight anyone, really, but this is a face he’d really like to bruise.
It seems that Cam recognizes him as well, but the dumbass doesn’t recognize a predatory face when he sees one, because he actually detaches from his group of friends and comes over closer to Jet with just the most punchable expression.
“I shouldn’t be talking to you,” is what Cam leads with.
Jet agrees. “You shouldn’t. I’m very ready to just punch your lights out.”
I love this whole wip, even the very dumb scenes, but here are some definite highlights. thanks for asking, ren-rill-ren!
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misamerglova · 3 years
Headcanon - Levi’s teahouse
I’m still coping with chapter 139, don’t judge me... 
Also, I’m not a native speaker so ya know, deal with it... :D 
Levi opened a small teahouse in the port after he physically recovered from that shitshow. It was more like a group effort really since he didn’t feel like doing anything for months and it was that teahouse project that actually got him out of his letargy. Connie, Jean, Reiner, Pieck, Annie and Armin more or less pushed him into it and helped him set it up.
Levi got a small property in the port which was nothing much in the beginning, just an old ugly house reaking of old cabbage and dirt. But one day the younglings showed up and helped him clean it up - and it was A LOT of work.
Jean coated the walls with the perfect shade of dark green. Connie brought the furniture couple of weeks later since he got into woodwork as a hobby after the war. Than Reiner showed up and provided Levi with a bunch of crooked teapots since he decided to try a pottery class as a part of his therapy. Levi was suspicious that they all ganged up on him with the teahouse project as a part of HIS therapy but they were all so casual about it that he decided to be chill about it.
Reiner later opened a small pottery business close to Levi’s teahouse and brought him more cups and pots - each of them better than the one before, with the most delicate floral paintings made by his mum. Pieck stopped by one day and brought with her the most adorable tea warmers she knitted. Levi would never admit that to her but he admired her pattern since he was not able to knit himself now with his two fingers missing.
One day a cart stopped by, bringing bunch of carpets, books and other treasured possesions from the previous Survey Corps headquarters. Apparently, Armin pulled some strings to had it delivered there. Armin came with Annie a couple days later to help Levi unpack only to find the captain sleeping in his wheelchair burried under a pile of Hange’s notes, Erwin’s reports and Moblit’s doodles. They left the captain sleep and unpacked it without him. Levi later woke up and instructed them to put some of the books into shelves on the walls - that way any visitor who comes into the teahouse would have access to it, he said.
Not long after that, Connie stopped by and brought Levi an empty wooden sign with a chain. At that time Levi KNEW they all plotted this teahouse diversion for him to stop being depressed and alone but he had to admit that their plan had worked. He was really kinda glad he had something to work on. And so Levi spent days by painting all the letters to his liking and asked Onyankopon to help him hang it in the street above the newly coated door.
He named the place ‘Teas of freedom’. Occasionally Levi calls it a shithole since it’s in the port and sometimes the smell from the streets gets in. Secretly he doesn’t mind though because it reminds of Hange’s lab.
He was really touched by all that effort everybody put into it, especially after Nicolo got to the port with the news of a great deal for tea delivery. Levi decided that any of them can have tea on the house any time they show up and any time they need a place to crash, to calm down or to contemplate, his teahouse would be always opened for them.
On the opening day everybody came and Levi got the best fruit pastries in the town and gave each of them a slice - a gesture that none of them understood but all of them appreciated. The pastries brought back the memories of the Survey Corps and Levi thought of all his fallen comarades when he saw all the remaining folks he fought with on that day sitting around tables, drinking tea and jokingly talk about their lives. It would seem that Reiner was still pinning for Historia and Armin asked Annie to marry him. Jean was really popular among the local ladies but everybody kept teasing him about his horse face. Well, everybody but Pieck. It was strange that she was the only one who did not join on the joke. Levi made a mental note to himself to keep an eye on those two. Hange would surely enjoy that piece of gossip.
In the teahouse, there are pictures of all the veterans on the walls. Some of them are Moblit’s paintings that Levi got framed, some of them he commisioned by a local artist who was firstly very excited to work with a war hero. That was before he discovered Levi’s perfecionalism. He than got really stressed out whenever Levi stopped by and commisioned a new painting. Nevertheless, the paintings are spot on and they make the teahouse look very homey. Above the counter there is a beautiful picture of Erwin, Hange, Mike, Nanaba and the whole Levi squad and Levi is extremelly proud of that one because the likeness of everybody is just perfect. Also, Connie made great frames for it. Armin once jokinly said that it’s too bad that there is no picture of 104th trainees squad as well. Little does he know that such a painting is already in the making and Levi intends it as a wedding gift for him and Annie next month.
On the wall above the door hangs Levi’s green coat and his blades crossed as a sign that the war is over for him. He likes looking at that from time to time since it reminds him of the good old days. He reads the paper every morning so he knows that the times are turbulant again but he hopes that it will not escalate this time. He wouldn’t admit it but he’s tired of fighting.
Levi lives in a small room behind the teahouse but spends most of his time outside. There is quite a large garden in the back of the house. Part of is accesible for guests with an old bench and a large log that Connie brought as a table, but part of it is private. There he grows flowers and stuff for his tea and he’s very proud of the selection of the herbs he has there. He used Hange’s notes to purchase some of them and she was right - they taste excellent when blended with the tea leaves.
It was surprisingly Mikasa who helped him set up the garden. She showed up one day in his backyard, digging in the dirt, saying nothing at all. He joined her and neither of them did speak. They planted seeds he bought previously on the market and the next day she showed up again, this time with some new flowers. They continued to work on the garden until it was all done. The last thing they did was planting a tree. Levi brought the seed from a forrest where he once wished he could stay with a women he loved and it brings him both sorrow and joy to see the tree grow. There is a seagul that often sits in the branches and Levi thinks it’s a bit weird but whatever, the place is close to the sea and there are seaguls everywhere. Some time ago he found a strand of red fiber under the tree - it looked suspiciously like from the Mikasa’s scarf which is weird because Mikasa hasn’t visited much since he opened the teahouse.
Gabi and Falco are both working in the teahouse since Levi is not much fond of interactions with people and he likes to prepare and brew the tea more than serving it. He has a wide selection of teas and the mysterious names are often a headscratcher for the new guests. When in a good mood, Levi is keen to explain the meaning behind the names. Lately, he’s been in a good mood more often than not which is a progress.
There is a peculiar tea which has a weird dirty color and smells like crap but tastes the most sweet. It’s called Four-eyes. There is also a tea served in a very tall cup that has a rich floral aroma that changes nicely in time. That one is called Mike’s selection. You can also get Erwin’s choice, which is the finest green tea you can get served with a breakfast. There is also Eyebrows, which is a blend of lovely golden color and Levi sometimes says that it’s against constipation. Noone knows if he’s joking or not. There is also one tea called Monke which reaks of shit and probably is made of shit as well. Noone knows because this tea is so notoriously known that noone orders it, ever. If you ask nicely and catch Levi on a good day he will serve you with his speciality called No regrets. Its smell will strike you with a sudden melancholy and when you drink it, it leaves you with a bittwersweet taste in your mouth.
The younglings don’t know that Levi secretly prepares some new flavors that he wants to name after them. Colossal tea is hot and spicy chilly drink with steam coming out of it and there is also a new blend that smells like stables - a special tea dedicated to Jean. There is one that smells like smoked meat and Levi thinks it would be suitable to name it the Braus special. There is also one special tea blend which is so strong that it almost blows your head off. Levi plays with a thought of naming it suicidal blockhead or a little brat. He thinks Hange would appreciate that joke. He plans to announce those new flavors next time he sees all of the kids again.
Since Reiner’s pottery business started booming, Levi asked him to make him two variations of teasets. You can now get a tea size human or titan. It’s a silly pun but everybody seems to like it.
Overall, the teahouse is a good place to be in and all the survivors visit everytime they get a chance. Armin and Annie promised to get there more one they finnish the wedding preparations. Reiner visits basically everyday after his work along with Onyankopon and they just sit there with Levi, drink tea and silently listen to Gabi and Falco who are always there with the newest town gossip. Also, Jean secretly plans to ask Pieck on a date there.
As for Levi, he likes the place enough. Yeah, it smells like shithole somethimes. But it’s a new home for him and it provides him with purpose and peace he never knew. In the room behind the teahouse he has a small bed and above it one more painting he commisioned. It’s a picture of a forrest cabbin with a women sitting in front of it. Levi insisted the artist painted her exactly like on Moblit’s sketches and he made the artist remake it several times until it was perfect. Everytime Levi looks at it it’s like a path to a different life, the one he could have taken but didn’t because the choice wasn’t really his. He doesn’t regret it though. He knows he will get there in time. But for now he has his teahouse. And with it finally, his new-found family and peace.
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crystalpower · 2 years
a few local treats from the bakery for a special occasion. "just a little something that I thought may make the occasion a little enjoyable."
✨ @escapedartgeek omg yey .
❝Oh—! You always bring me the prettiest food. Thank you, Zora.❞
Five years and Zora still managed to bring by presents for his birthday—while remaining respectful of the fact that Virote never did have any strong feelings about the day, of course. Not that he hated it, but it was never a big event in his life. It was anticlimactic no matter how old or young he was. His birthday was just any other day; still, it touched him when others remembered to bring something ( without being too weird about it. ) Zora knew the way to make him happy, too. With desserts from the patisserie a few blocks down from his house. One of them, a blackberry and rose water sorbet, needed to be placed in the freezer before melting. But, he got a quick taste of it before squirreling it away. The flavors were frontal, yet soft—the blackberry flavor especially prominent, but it was also an aromatic blend with only slightly floral notes from the rose petal. Sweet, not overbearing. Just right. The summer heat hadn’t gotten to it while in transit, thankfully. Textures were just fine.
Off to the side, still in their sleek lavender boxes and tied with ribbon, were the other desserts. Virote made way to get a good look at those, too. Cherry and chocolate gâteau, green tea shortbread with a yuzu cream and hibiscus veil, raspberry cake with whipped vanilla milk, dark chocolate and lime curd, and a variety of cookies from crystal sugar dusted to macarons. Virote placed them all on the counter, obviously excited to tuck into one of them. The green tea shortbread was the one calling his name the most. They were all so pretty on the eyes. Edible art installations ( he didn’t expect much less from Zora’s visual taste. )
❝You got these from that shop that opened a few months ago, right? You know, I talked to the owner while back, and I didn’t know that her food’s inspired by the Brutalist art movement. Pretty cool stuff! Kind of explains why she makes her pastries the way that she does.❞ He moved around the counter for two forks, placing one by Zora. ❝Here. I’ll break out some wine and jazz records, too. Picked up the craziest Stan Getz album from Amoeba Records, the other day. Apasionado. Real good shit.❞
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ziracona · 2 years
Ohhh oh for the kid fic which servants like sweet things also who likes cofee or tea?
You MUST have Billy eat sweet things in the kid fic!! he deserves to be happy and have desserts. I bet Ritsuka being a teenager also has a Ton of snack food/sweets she'd be happy to share with him and the other spirits
Let’s see. Billy loves sweets in canon, and that makes sense for him. Not like he seeks them out like Ibaraki, but he loves having them when he does, and he likes caffeine a lot too, so he’s a very sweet coffee person. Tea is great too! More caffeinated the better. But coffee is what he’s familiar with and feels like hime, and he’ll even enjoy it totally black a lot, but he really likes putting in alcohol or chocolate or milk or sugar.
Emiya likes both fine but prefers tea, and is one of those people horrified when people put water too hot on white tea and stuff and has to hold himself back. He’s amazing at cooking and making drinks, so he really appreciates good food and drink too. He likes it with or without sugar, but doesn’t put much in usually, so he can taste the flavor better.
Robin likes tea most, but likes Billy’s coffee a lot. No huge preference, and prefers light alcohol to either. But he enjoys herbal stuff, especially things that have health benefits. It’s familiar. Would make pine needle tea. He likes it at least a little sweet or creamy for energy, but is fine without it.
David likes coffee because it’s fun how much is available now, and really likes the idea of trying our things like blended espresso drinks or nitro cold brew. Fascinated with cultural stuff he didn’t experience. Likes tea plenty too though—man just enjoys living it up. A connoisseur of fun. He prefers sweet, but greatly prefers the taste of honey to other sweetners.
Cú Chulainn prefers coffee for the caffeine, and alcohol to either, especially mead, but enjoys both plenty. Likes sweet stuff, and strong tastes.
Salieri prefers tea. Coffee is fine though. Enjoys black, herbal, and green teas especially. Takes it sometimes black, but often with a little cream and sugar. It’s familiar, and calming. Like his life before. Enjoys fruit and floral flavors.
Amadeus is a 50-50. Depends on the day. He absolutely wants it sweet though, and needlessly complex. Thinks it’s fun to experiment.
Kotarou hasn’t had his appearance yet and Romani isn’t a spirit right now but it feels wrong to leave out the OG gang members, so tea absolutely for Fuuma. He is used to it unsweet and kind of overstimulated by really sweet tea the first time, but then enjoys it. Likes matcha a lot for the caffeine and taste. Romani likes coffee absolutely, for the caffeine he needs to survive. Black usually, with gross numbers of shots, because he’s not drinking for pleasure but for survival. If he drank for fun it would be probably a little sweet at least, and sometimes tea for variety. Also likes the taste of honey, and as a kid he liked a boiled milk with honey drink, but that isn’t coffee or tea.
(And Rits likes sweet coffee pretty well, but her heart is tea, and sweetened. Often adds lemon to stuff for fun.)
Also DW—Ritsuka will absolutely be getting them so much good snacks it’d make teen Shirou proud.
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drawlfoy · 3 years
So I usually dislike intense bitterness or anything that seems bland. I like matcha (which idk if that counts lol) and I’ve tried chamomile but I also don’t usually really enjoy that. I prefer more sweet/floral-y flavors
oooh i love matcha and that's good to know!!! i also have a burning hatred for chamomile lol. if you dislike intense bitterness/bland teas, i would recommend just being really careful with the types of brands that you buy tea from. this is especially true for floral teas, because it's surprisingly easy to mess up jasmine greens/rose/hibiscus and make it bitter. my favorite brands are murchies and steven smith, but if you want a more affordable version i love pg tips (if you're looking for black tea) and twinings. also, make sure you're not brewing your tea for too long. do notttt be the type of person who drinks your tea with the teabag left in. no judgement if anyone reading does that but i only recc that if you like bitter teas!
ok, specific recommendations (and sorry for how long this is, i'm trying to avoid doing my final paper) (also if you don't want to order fancy teas online the decaf option has a lot more things that you'd just see on store shelves):
caffeinated options
—if you're gonna go to starbucks, get an iced chai. not a hot one bc every hot chai ive gotten from them has tasted like dishwater. the iced chai is always.v good i feel like they put honey in it or something but i literally know they dont dfjksa;lf
—if you go to a boba shop, order a thai milk tea! i feel like u might like that one. it's the most vanilla esque of the black tea family. its giving marshmallow vibes im ngl.
—earl grey from steven smith. (DO NOT buy off of amazon, no guarantee they'll send u the real thing lmfaooo) im gonna b honest bestie i think this one might be the best for you if you like something floral and want a pick-me up caffeine wise. if you don't want this to be too bitter, mix with a splash of milk of your choice, vanilla, and sugar. ideally if possible use vanilla syrup, but it's fine if you can't. diy london fogs literally saved me this semester. earl grey has notes of bergamot and it gives the floral/citrus vibes while still having the fullness of a black tea.
—vanilla chai from bigelow. this was all i drank in my first semester of uni. it really warms you up and i think the vanilla is a nice way to add
—baker street from murchies. sooooo use your best judgement on this one because it may not be your cup of tea (ik thats not funny im sorry) as it is p smoky. if you're curious about lapsang souchong but are too afraid to commit to something that extreme (it is a very polarizing flavor...some people refer to it as gunpowder flavored but i promise it is just smoky and cozy like ur sitting outside by the fire), then do this tea. baker street is inspired by sherlock holmes and is a little more floral and sweet than lapsang. it's my all time favorite tea ever
—canada breakfast from murchies. this is english breakfast if u like sweet and you cry over how strong irish breakfast is. this is maple syrup sweet. my mom has a giant sweet tooth and loves this. if its too strong add a splash of oat milk in there and a spoonful of brown sugar!
—jasmine green tea from steven smith. DO NOT overbrew this one. it will make u sob. this is a very delicate, soft floral that also has some caffeine and umami moments w the green tea. so so good if you're a matcha fan. chefs kiss.
—library blend from murchies. this is a little floral and blends well as it's a combo between green and black teas. it's rlly lovely :)
decaf options
—iced lemon loaf tea from tazo. i've yet to meet a single person who doesn't like this. it's sweet while still having a little bit of that lemony citrus. v good to drink while doing hw.
—bengal spice from celestial seasonings. it's hella important that you don't brew this for too long as it is very spicy and has a lot of cinnamon notes, but it's super cozy and a little sweet. do be warned that this has a tiny bit of a licorice aftertaste, though.
—country peach passion from celestial seasonings. so lovely, nice n sweet, if you like iced teas this is great iced as well. don't be scared off by the chamomile taste note. im not a chamomile fan and i enjoy this tea
—honey lavender tea from yogi. OH MY GOD every time i drink this i feel like im ascending. literally crave this rn. oml. so so good. it's great to fall asleep w.
—sugar cookie sleigh ride from celestial seasonings. it's one of my guilty pleasures lol it's sweet and i could honestly drink buckets of this
—vanilla sleepytime tea from celestial seasonings. i apologize for the heavy emphasis on celestial seasonings LMAO im not rlly an herbal tea kinda gal so most of the decaf options i've had are all from my childhood. anyways the vanilla definitely scales back on the chamomile and another plus side is that it will absolutely knock u the fuck out
—lemongrass tea from steven smith. a little on the pricier side, but mix this with some honey and literally see whatever deity you believe in (if you believe in any). also i acknowledge this has some chamomile notes but god this is so refreshing and amazing
ummmm ok so apologies if this isn't exactly what you're looking for (ik this is a lot and may not be for someone who doesn't want to buy expensiveish teas) but those are my top recommendations! also if any of them are too bitter i recommend adding either agave/honey to floral and herbal teas, and brown sugar and a little milk of your choice to any of the malty black teas. happy tea drinking adventures! lmk if you try one and like it but no pressure!
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