shiiniest-a-blog · 7 years
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A soft smile curled the former Professor’s lips as she glanced at the young woman — she still preferred referring to her as Chariot rather than Professor Ursula, for she couldn’t help but remember their very first meeting, when the witch’s future was unknown and, perhaps, somewhat terrifying due to lack of clarity. Old habits die hard.
“… but you are afraid to let her down, I believe?” Woodward inquired, although it was more of a rhetorical question. The ancient witch had always considered Chariot’s sense of responsibility one of her greatest and most remarkable traits, but she couldn’t help but see a lot of herself in who was now known as Professor Ursula. After all, she had not always been the Blue Moon Spirit, neither had she always been a teacher. She was young, she made mistakes and she was afraid of the consequences her wrong choices could lead to. However… 
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“The short answer to your question is yes. But I suppose you would like to know why I am so sure of it. You are young, Chariot, and no one is safe from making mistakes. However, you either learn from them or try to hide from them. And, quite frankly, you are anything but a coward. Akko reminds me of you when you were her age: stubborn, determined and full of hopes and enthusiasm. You must have already noticed that yourself. I see how much you care for this girl, otherwise you wouldn’t trouble yourself coming all the way here to ask for advice. In her eyes, you are her hero and friend regardless of your past and status. Your concerns and hesitation are understandable, all you need to do is take a look at the other side of the coin and see strength in your sisterly love for her.”
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  The blunette silently nodded at the founder’s assumption. Perhaps, the thing twirling on her stomach wasn’t precisely a recent feeling or something akin. An entire decade of anonymity rested upon her shoulders. Yet, the sudden twist at this year’s beginnings worsened it’s weight, staring at the japanese did not fill her just with joy but rather a deep faint pressure that seemed to get stronger the stronger her bond with the young one seemed to get. Of course, Chariot always knew her position as a mentor to the next bearer of the rod was immovable but Akko wasn’t just her pupil, she was a fan, someone that cared deeply for what she did despite all the rejection she got in the magical society’s womb. 
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   Her hands softly grasped her spectacles’ temples, removing the object from her face.     ❝  I hate lying to her.  ❞    She confessed, staring at the instrument that helped ‘Ursula’ see despite not having any strong visual impairments. Surprise hit her once a gout gently clashed and stained the glass, catching her attention as her sight became blurred. Tears were sliding through her cheeks. 
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  Several seconds passed until she quickly wiped them out with her left arm, she let a small giggle afterwards.      ❝  S-Sorry. I think I’m being overdramatic. I should just be patient. For her. She deserves the best version of me I can offer.  ❞    Her robe did the job to clean the glasses before she weared them again, a faint  yet sweet smile shone through her sadness as both eyes kept watering. 
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shiiniest-a-blog · 7 years
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shiiniest-a-blog · 7 years
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I can’t believe this is literally just what happened
Keep reading
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shiiniest-a-blog · 7 years
   “Akko! Akko!”
    Lotte had been quickly walking down the enchanting halls of Luna Nova, calling out for her friend, Akko. Lotte, Akko and Sucy had planned to study for their Fundamentals of Magic Pharmaceutics class after school hours had ended, and while Sucy was waiting in their dorm, Lotte had decided to look for Akko to make sure she hadn’t got lost.      She hadn’t been watching where she was going, as she bumped into a taller woman wearing glasses. Only when Lotte stumbled back did she noticed who she was face to face with.
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   “P-Professor Ursula!”
   Lotte hastily bowed her head in an attempt to apologize to the teacher.
   “I-I’m very sorry! I should’ve looked where I was going!”
  Should I include that? She wondered, quickly remembering last year students’ reaction to those specific topics, it was, indeed included in the program after all but the methodology, the pedagogy was outdated. Ursula frowned at that remark, that definitely wasn’t the only outdated thing in this school, to be honest. A sigh followed those thoughts as she glanced over the volumes she borrowed from the library.  Finding a balance was the most difficult thing about being a teacher. 
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   ❝  E-Eh?  ❞    As quickly those steps got to her ears, a smaller body already collided against her own, luckily for her, just forcing to step backwards. 
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   ❝  Lotte?   ❞   The elder practically whispered her name once she was able to recognize her, an immediately worried expression took over her facial feautres, the ginger was the last member of the trio you could expect to bump into that way and it surprised the blunette mildly.      ❝  Did something happen? It’s okay.  ❞    
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shiiniest-a-blog · 7 years
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“I knew you were going to come.” The Spirit said with a soft, almost inaudible chuckle. The past, the present and the future were an open book for her. She could make one’s wish come true, she could shatter one’s past and yet she never allowed herself to invade the deepest corners of a person’s mind. “Tell me, what are you seeking?”
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  ❝  Professor, do you seriously think I’m the most fitted one to be Akko’s mentor?  ❞    Chariot fired  off the question as soon as it reached her tongue, otherwise, the always calming aura surrounding Woodward would make her hesitate or not employ the right words. Anyway, it wasn’t like her old teacher wouldn’t exactly know what she was thinking. The french’s countenance remained blank.      ❝   I know I’m the previous user of the Claíomh Solais but...   ❞    
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  The words wouldn’t come out as her reddish eyes focused on the ground beneath her feet, an old yet familiar feeling...
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shiiniest-a-blog · 7 years
As she rubbed the sleepiness from her eyes, more and more details were coming back to Marinette’s foggy mind. She was in Ursula’s house, and she’d just taken a nap at the other’s insistence…right. As she finished her recollections, Ursula herself had appeared in the doorframe, and at the prospect of food, Marinette’s stomach grumbled loudly.
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She smiled sheepishly and nodded, sliding out of bed to meet with the other woman. “That sounds good…thank you, Professor. I hope it wasn’t too much trouble…” Knowing Ursula, she’d deny any problems even if she had to go through a hurricane, but Marinette hoped her meaning was understood. 
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   ❝  It’s okay, it’s okay. You don’t even snore that loudly. ❞    The blunette joked amused, although it did scare her a bit while she was reading. Being used to living all by herself even the faintest noise would startle her. 
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   The elder witch left over the bed the bag of macarons she bought before her guest fell asleep. Gently pushing it towards the sleepy one, inviting her to eat, after all, they were for her.     ❝  Why were you so tired, though?  ❞     Ursula asked out of pure curiosity, although she could more or less imagine the answer. Her eyes widened momentarily as she remembered the boiling water in the electric kettle. Turning around, she walked towards the kitchen with the intention of brewing a nice tea.
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shiiniest-a-blog · 7 years
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{{ ello!!!!! this is an rp sideblog for lotte yanson from the anime little witch academia! i have at least 4 years of experience with rping on tumblr and about maybe 6 years of general rp experience! if you’re interested in plotting something with me, feel free to follow! }}
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shiiniest-a-blog · 7 years
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tagged by: @breakmaki (ty kelly!) relationship status: single favorite color: i feel red today. lipstick or chapstick: chapstick, because my lips just like my skin are shit? last song i listened to : “ark” last movie i watched: yes pre.cure 5 kagami no k.uni top three tv shows: little wi.tch academi.a, mushi.shi & ta.tami gal.axy top  three characters:  jam.es sunder.land, oka.be r.intarou & kam.ala kha.n top  three ships: i don’t ship, thanks.  books i’m currently reading: Classical electrodynamics by J.D. Jackson? lol
tagging: whoever that hasn’t done this yet! it’s pretty fun. YOU.
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shiiniest-a-blog · 7 years
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shiiniest-a-blog · 7 years
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Although Chariot is from France and lived all her childhood in said country. Her current dominance over the tongue isn’t near as perfect as you would expect from a native. Spending two thirds of her life in Great Britain, english literally took over her speech, at the point that not even the guttural pronuntiation of ‘r’ remained. 
It is, in fact, useful to keep her current identity as separated as possible from Shiny Chariot but at the expense of her roots. At least in terms of language. 
She does, of course, speak french fluently as any other language she knows but as used she is to her current accent, it doesn’t sound natural at all. Even her whole thought process is in english.
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shiiniest-a-blog · 7 years
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I have this weird feeling that I’m going to cry entire oceans once LWA finishes.
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shiiniest-a-blog · 7 years
Akko let out a long sigh as she picked her head from the pillow; the young witch was somewhere between being riled up as high as could be and just plain tired… probably closer to the latter with how unusually quiet she was being.
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The magical journey, the idea of becoming a witch—hoping to be like Chariot—was becoming way less of the adventure she hoped each & every arduous step she took. She just… never expected that it would be different from how she imagined it. The girl just felt so overwhelmed as every time she looked forward, she was forced to take a step back and stumble as each challenge proved more difficult than the last and no hope of prevailing in sight… and she was laughed at for it! Akko was a clown, a fool, an idiot, an imbecile, and called so much more just because she wasn’t like them. She hated it, downright hated the fact she just—couldn’t. She was about ready to just pout her way to sleep and go off to a place where a dream like hers wasn’t so harshly objected to…
But, three gentle knocks were quick to catch the witch’s attention. One, two, three… then she heard Ursula’s voice softly through the door, concerned. Concern? Was she sure that’s what it was? Akko wasn’t really thinking, or hearing much, as she scrambled to her feet and to the door with such speed.
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❛ AHH, PROFESSOR!!~ ❜ Akko hummed, such glee that wasn’t there before both in her voice and on her face resonating as she almost jumped straight at the older witch as she zoomed out the door. In a moment, it was like all the frustration and anger and sadness hadn’t existed to begin. Why would it? Ursula was, after all, one of the few people who believed in her, one of the few people who looked at her not with contempt, but admiration for who she was! Just knowing she was there was enough to dispel most of her worries in a millisecond, with what little that was left being swept away as she continued going gleefully, heart on her sleeve and all!
  Ursula had few certainties in her life, few things she could claim as axioms. One of them was that she could never get used to the japanese’s sudden and explosive reactions, definitely. Far worse than any of the hyperactivity she could have suffered while young. Where did she store that much energy? She wondered while bending backwards, stunned and confused. Feeling her personal space not just invaded but utterly shattered into pieces. 
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   Her glasses slid through her nose bridge slighly until she manually adjusted them when the shock could be dispeled. Her countenance slowly regained composure (sort of) and evolved into a rather uncomfortable yet calming (at least trying to do so) expression. 
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    ❝  W-What about if we just eat first, huh?  ❞    The blunette proposed, slowly drawing the tray nearer to Kagari’s face. Perhaps food would calm her a bit, and, being honest, normal human conversations were her favourite. She was glad her apparent depression wasn’t enough to keep the younger witch high spirited as always and, in some senses, admired her for more or less being able to keep up with the difficult reality she was facing. Far more worse than the one she had to face, after all, Chariot did come from a magical background.      
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shiiniest-a-blog · 8 years
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shiiniest-a-blog · 8 years
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Hey, hey, hey everyone! While this blog is still under some serious construction, I wanna let everyone know that there’s a brand new Akko around from Little Witch Academia! I’d really appreciate it if you reblog/like and spread the word! The mun is as old as dirt, has had plenty of experience ( 10+ years off the site, a little more than 5 on ), is very friendly and, while not a shipper, is always looking for interactions and plenty of ideas for interesting character situations!
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shiiniest-a-blog · 8 years
Apparently, Chariot is french and now I finally get why she came up with the name “Ursula”. This was a wild night. Good luck I have ice cream to cool down my head.
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shiiniest-a-blog · 8 years
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*Grandma at Christmas*
“I got you this nice hat while I was on vacation to Random City, State No One Visits that I think you’ll love!”
“Thanks, Grandma.  I love it.”
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shiiniest-a-blog · 8 years
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