#The Vagabonds dnd
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Purely self-indulgent piece. I came up with Hoo a few years after Pyre dropped, and I can't help but think that Rhae was a subconscious inspiration for him. So, naturally, they have to meet
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best oc design is a tiny warrior with a big ass sword i stand by this
#idk anything about my rook for datv except they will be short and small with a big ass sword#if brie were in dnd she would have this design too. she was made to be a barbarian#this is also how i picture my elden ring character. her name is rika :)#shes a vagabond w the nightfolk origin. im remaking her in ts4 but if i figure out how to take screenshots in ER i'll post her 🤸♂️#it's hard making an elden ring oc when idk anything about the lore but im sure i'll develop her more as i continue playing#elden ring brainrot..............
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Post-OGL Debacle D&D 5e Alternatives Round Up
After Wizards of the Coast screwed the pooch by trying to rescind the OGL several designers, youtubers, and TTRPG streamers decided to make their own D&D-adjacent games. Let's have a look at them! (These are not reviews, and I have not played or read many of these. Just an overview of the field for future reference. Please let me know if I've skipped any entries I should have included.)
Tales of the Valiant by Kobold Press is to D&D 5e as Pathfinder 1e was to D&D 3.5. It's basically the same experience as D&D, updated and tweaked, but recognizably still the same game. Like Paizo back in the day, Kobold Press is a highly rated third party D&D publisher, and this has a good chance of getting continued development and support. If you like 2014 5e but want some quality of life updates and don't want to support Wizards of the Coast, this is a great option for you. On the other hand, if you have the 2014 5e books and just want to keep playing them...no one's stopping you, and this may feel redundant. It's already available.
Draw Steel by MCDM is the RPG from Matthew Colville's company, announced very quickly after the OGL dooblydoo. This is not a 5e or D&D clone, but a new cinematic heroic fantasy RPG. While D&D is kind of locked into supporting several different directions and styles, Draw Steel purposefully eschews "zero-to-hero" character development and dungeon crawling. The characters start as powerful, competent heroes. If that's the style of play you want, this could be a good option! If you're interested in a steeper leveling experience or OSR rat-catching, maybe it's not the one? Draw Steel is still in development.
Daggerheart by Darrington Press is Critical Role's long-form fantasy RPG. Like Draw Steel, it is not a 5e clone, but an entirely new fantasy RPG system. Unlike Draw Steel (from what I've seen, correct me if I'm wrong) Daggerheart does not appear to require/support tactical miniature combat, so if that's your jam in D&D (and, honestly it kind of *is* for me) this may not scratch that itch. I wasn't really impressed with Candela Obscura, Darrington Press' previous RPG, but I'm still willing to give this a fair look when it's finished (if only to understand what's going on when the Critical Role team inevitably play it on stream). Daggerheart is still in development.
DC20 by The Dungeon Coach. Of the RPGs on this list this probably has my least favorite title, if only because it's based on a pun which itself requires knowledge of D&D mechanics to understand. I've heard the rules described as "5e and Pathfinder 2e's lovechild". The game itself seems to be a collection of often interesting homebrew rules; it's as if the author looked at each part of D&D, took it out, thought of something they liked better (maybe from PF2?), and replaced it with that. That means it could be a good game to try if you like D&D but want something a bit "more", or could be good resource for homebrew ideas to plug into your own "actual D&D" game. Available now.
Nimble by Nimble Co, like DC20, is an attempt to take the 5e rules and improve and streamline them, in a fairly modular way that would be easy to cross-pollinate into existing D&D games (according to the KS page, it's fully compatible with existing 5e adventure modules, monster books, and supplements). This one does seem a little more polished than DC20, at least in terms of production values. But ultimately, like DC20, whether you want to play the game as-is or how helpful as a resource it will be will depend on how much you like the adjustments to base-5e that they've made -- YMMV. Still in development.
Vagabond by Land of the Blind is an RPG by youtuber Indestructoboy (aka Taron Pounds). It appears to be more generally "D&D"-like rather than specifically 5e-like, if that makes sense. As such, it does advertise some compatibility with previous D&D editions, as well some more modern rules design ideas cross-pollinated from elsewhere (e.g., the monsters don't roll for attacks!). Like both DC20 and especially Nimble, it boasts a streamlined experience, particularly during combat. It's still in development.
#dnd#dungeons and dragons#5e#tales of the valiant#mcdm#daggerheart#critical role#nimble#dc20#kobold press#vagabond#indestructoboy#land of the blind#dungeon coach#nimble rpg#vagabond rpg#roleplaying games
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How I met Neil Newbon.... Twice
TLDR at the bottom. This literally has 2,944 words so I totally understand if you wanna skip around, I tried adding little chapters to help chop it up a bit. I'm a very details kind of person lol.
This took me like two days to type out, still can't believe this happened to me.
I just wanna say that I got a very unique experience and got extremely lucky. When I say I got LUCKY, you have no idea.... I have a shitty memory and will forget this if I don't type it out. This is mainly for myself to come back and re-read again and again. This is my memory of Fan Expo Dallas and meeting Neil Newbon.
I decided to go all three days because Neil had two separate panels I wanted to attend. One on Friday and the other on Sunday. I went dressed as a Sith on Friday with lil Batstarion on my shoulder with a tiny magnetic lightsaber (Space Cowboy of course). We did some shopping and walking around before trying to get my signature with Neil that I had scheduled for that day. Neil's panel that evening was like 7:45 pm and so we joined the line to get the autograph well before then. Around 5ish I think. I get to the back of the line with my husband, we sit there about five minutes and only one other person lines up behind us. (I only uploaded pics of my druid outfit and not my Sith, just imagine the same shit but with a black dress and black and red pauldron, I also carried my personal lightsaber)
I cannot explain how long this line was. it would be at least 2+ hours before we could get through the line on a Friday, I couldn't imagine what Saturday would be like.
It's been a few years I have been to Fan Expo, the crowds would not get better, and I knew that much.
Having every intention of standing in line and waiting multiple hours just to get his signature, I looked around and saw so many amazing Astarion, Karlach, Gale, and Shadowheart cosplays. Not too far from this amazing cosplay!
We also saw a Damon and Karlach hanging out, a couple of Alfira's too!
A Fan Expo Staff Member goes through the back ends of the line and picks out those who have an "All Days" pass, which included us.

He pulls about 20ish of us aside and explains that if we come back tomorrow, we had two options. *Checks Neil's itinerary on phone* "He's got nothing scheduled before noon tomorrow, if you see him at the table early don't hesitate to get in line."
-----The red ticket-----

So if we accepted this red ticket our options were:
Come back between 10-10:15 am tomorrow and get in line asap, to be first in line, they usually only allow VIP to line up during this time and if we had the ticket, we would be allowed through.
Come to the VIP booth tomorrow between 12:30-1 pm and MAYBE get a spot if there are any left.
Don't accept ticket and rejoin the line.
-----Saturday and the virtual line-----
Obviously we wanted to come back the next day to be there before 10:15, but between traffic and trying to find a parking spot we were late. My hubby almost insisting I get out and go stand in line while he wait in traffic <3 Soooo sweet, but I didn't wanna be there with out him!
Before we even get to the sign floor... yeah... it is so crowded we be sardines. We bee line it for Neil's line and immediately get told we need to come back in an hour because the line was completely full. BUMMER. We decide to walk around a bit more to kill time for said hour. There is so much to do and see at Fan Expo, do not sleep on some of these panels! Free programming and cosplay building, it's amazing!
We come back an hour later and are greeted with a virtual wait line! Yay!

I have nothing against these, but as we accepted our virtual wait ticket, we asked about our red ticket from the day before.
We were then told our best bet was either to wait until 12:30-1 pm to go to the VIP booth or wait for our number to be written on a white board they had put up (virtual wait list number in which we could line up). I wish I had a picture of it, but it was incredibly crowded.
-----Let's Go, Baby!-----
12:30 pm just rolled around and we were curious what the white board number was, it wasn't close to ours so my husband asked where the VIP booth was (we had no idea what this meant btw) and were directed to the other side of the celebrity signing area. As we approached, there was only one couple before us. The Staff asked who we were there to see, "Neil Newbon, we have a red ticket." The couple ahead of us was there to see Jim Cummings, which was the booth next to Neil's. There was a brief walkie talkie moment, I had kinda spaced out and my husband tapped me and said "Let's go, baby!" I was like "Uh, where?!"
"To Neil" The staff then swept all of us through a maze of people, we formed a small train apologizing to any one we bumped into. The very kind woman who was in front of us commented on my dress and metal halfling ears. She said she had seem them at Renfair and always wanted a pair (I told her go for it next time, I highly recommend! <3)
They pushed us into a small waiting line next to those who had been waiting for hours. This felt so weird, like I had skipped the line or something (which yes, but like... not for sinister reasons). I probably had about 10-15 mins max to think of what to do or say.
Right before it was my turn to approach the signing table, one of the workers noted "Yall don't have to be so nervous, I can see yall shaking, he's really nice!" Even while standing at the front of the line one of the other staff members came over to chat with another staff, pointing at Neil saying "He's one of my favorites! So nice!"
The girl that was right in front of me, she was trying to load her QR code and the signal wasn't the best. My heart would have hit my stomach if that were me. Imagine waiting all that time and now your phone won't load! Yikes! She did finally get it, I'm glad I had mine printed. Take screenshots of your QR codes if you can't print them!
So now it's my turn to walk up to the table, but just before meeting Neil, they ask your name + spelling on a card, they ask if you want to add a small quote (5 words), large quote (more than 5 words), table picture, signature, that kinda thing for an additional fee. He has prints you can choose from (unconfirmed but possibly free if you pay for signature, looked like Streamilyish prints). She asked "What are we signing today?" I then asked if cloth was ok, and she said it was fine. I told the lady behind the table my 5 word quote and she was a bit stunned, lol. Looked at me like I was crazy or something.
The person in front of me was one of those whom had been waiting quite a long time in line, she was so nervous to get her words out to Neil, like she had been rehearsing all day what to say. She looked proud afterwards and happy.
I honestly didn't know what I was going to say, I'm one of those people who cross that bridge when I get there. I was not prepared at all, but I was confident I wouldn't say anything stupid.
I cannot tell you how hard it was to look Neil in the eyes. I am 5'0" and this guy is tall, his eye's are very blue and it's really hard to keep eye contact, at least for me.
We walk up to the table and he immediately held his hand out and said "HI! I'm Neil!" I shook his hand and told him my name, he said nice to meet you and looked at my husband.
"And you are?" He held his hand out as well.
"Dakota, I'm her husband." My husband got to shake his hand too!
In the loudest Astarion voice, "HER HUSBAND?!? Oh there's nothing to see here, err umm side eye" He kinda did this looking away motion with his hand. We laughed and he leaned on the table and said "What's going on guys?" Nobigneil? Verytallneil! Even with him leaning on the table.
I chose to introduce my Batstarion first. I plucked him off my shoulder and placed him on the table. I told him I missed him yesterday as a Sith because Batstarion was a Space Cowboy. I had Batstarion hold the lit lightsaber and Neil said "Surely I'm not going to sign him..."
"No, you'll sign the material I made him out of!"

Feeling cute
might decapitate
later! Astarion
Maker <3"
Immediately, he smiled and said "That's from one of my recent live streams."
"It is!" I replied with glee.
He asked me to hold the fabric so he could sign it. As he wrote the quote, he read it out loud just like he does on his signing streams. he warned me the marker would bleed horribly and I did not anticipate what he meant...
I thanked him but I wasn't expecting what happened next.
Neil held out his hand again after finishing the signature for a handshake, but then met the top of my palm with his other hand "See you in the Streams" He spoke so genuinely. His eye contact pierced my fucking soul. Dedz. I honestly don't think I even said anything after that, it stunned me.
I quickly swept my things off the table to make way for the person behind me, not paying attention to exactly what I was doing. I was just trying to not waste anyone's time, I only had to wait a few minutes for Neil but everyone else waited hours. It didn't feel fair for me to stay longer.
I am not kidding when I say people waited for hours on end. When he was swept away to a photo op or to a panel he was involved in, people waited. I don't think I ever saw his line short.
We walk away from the booth to an empty corner to wrap up my cloth, I brought like 1/4 of a yard of fabric so I could wrap it up on itself. That's when I notice Batstarion and honestly wasn't even upset.
It so bled....
He meant what he meant...
Batstarion got bled on... lol... accurate.
TBH I'm shocked the cloth survived all of that, the ruffle and shuffle of bumping in to others through that traffic on a Saturday...
I had the idea of going to see what number was, up on the white board it was at 1030. I wouldn't have even been able to line up yet. This felt unreal.
-----The Waiting-----
So! Now it's time to take a photo with Neil on the SAME DAY.
It's almost 1 pm at this point and it was so crowded, we decided to go ahead and make our way to the photo op area. Neil's photo op wasn't until 2:30 pm so we decided to just wait it out.
Around 1:30 my husband noticed a spot had opened up closer to the entrance of the photo op line area. They started calling for last call for Mads Mikkelsen, in booth A. I noticed some people in a hurry to get there, I looked up and I see one of my favorite Youtubers!
FunkyFrogBait! I only got like the side of their face, but the glasses and hair were unmistakable. Here's their channel:
Seriously though, if it wasn't them, it was a damn good cosplay! Really wish I could have said HI and spread the love, but I never saw them again.
I bought my FanExpo tickets on mother's day and added the signature for Friday and the photo op for Saturday. This put me in group A for the photo op. Depending on when you buy your tickets and how many people buy them is what group your are put in.
I don't remember what time they started calling for VIP line up for Neil NewBORN. This made me laugh, no one corrected this poor man the whole time.
I think there were three people total that lined up in VIP. As soon as they called for group A line up for Neil Newborn, we were off and got in line fairly quickly. Only a few moments waiting in line and an older man that was just passing by, stopped and asked us what we were in line for. My husband said "We're in line for a photo with Neil NewBON." He just said ok and waved his hand as he left. The lady behind my husband snickered and said "Newborn" as if mimicking the announcer.
"Pfft! I know right!?" Suddenly, I was approach by someone who had this in their hands and they gifted it to me!

I'm actually still wearing it as I'm typing this.
I squealed "OMG!!! Thank You!!!" Seriously! So cute!
The energy of all the people waiting in line, it was very comfortable, we all knew why we where there. Soooo many amazing cosplays waiting in line, we saw a Heisenberg, and several Lady Dimitrescu's, a couple of Astarion's.
-----The Photo OP-----
The line is FULL. We have maybe six people in front of us including VIP.
This doesn't feel right, it feels like I just cheesed and speed ran my way into meeting Neil in the shortest amount of time possible without being VIP on the busiest day of FanExpo. WHAT?!?
Granted, I bought my ticket way in advance for the photo op and we got there early, I never thought I would ever be so close to the front of the line like this!
It's time to start the photo op so VIP goes first, but we where right behind them. They bring you, along with 4-5 others into a small room with a table, that you can set your bags on. My husband just held onto ours.
The process of this was so amazing to me, I have never taken a photo with a celebrity before and had no idea what was going to happen. There is very little preparation they give you to take the photo.
Back to back, they give you maybe 10 seconds to prepare. SNAP. Go. SNAP. Go. SNAP. Go. SNAP. Go.
I got a glimpse of the first photo, she had a stuffed Astarion, she had Neil hold upside down. All the others just walked up, posed, left. By "pose" they just did a side hug.
I didn't know what to do so I just did the same thing as everyone else. I walked up and immediately, he went "Heh, Druid..."
At first, I thought we were going to take the same picture as the ones before me, but to my surprise, he touched my antler and said "Ooo pointy" When they called for the picture to be taken he literally yelled
I'm sure my face went bright red after that. I said thank you and turned to walk away. He even said "Nice to meet you!" as I left. I was again shocked and didn't say anything! Ugh... Kicking myself a little over that.
As we left, my husband pointed out, Neil really didn't say anything to anyone else. They sent us down a winding pathway to get our prints. We came to a small area and prints started shooting out of the printers so fast, it was actually amazing. (Six Flags take a fuckin note!) Anyways, here is my photo with Neil, my face blocked out because I look like a deer in headlights lmao!

So yeah, if you ever get the opportunity to meet him, you should! 10/10 nicest dude ever. Those bracelets he's wearing are the ones his fans have gifted to him in case you were wondering.
So what's really great about this photo, it looks like Batstarion is leaning on him! <3
I zoomed in and you can really see the red from his signature and his cowboy hat!

This is what he looks like today, it's almost completely gone, dunno if I want it fully gone though tbh.

So yeah. I just wanted all of my memories in a place I could keep them. I don't play with Facebook, Twitter, Insta, Snapchat, or any other social media, so I only post here. I hope you enjoyed my rambling!
The serotoneil was very high this whole weekend! Sunday would be the best day to go if you have kids!
BTW both panels he was in was very entertaining! This clip was from Friday's!
TLDR: I got to skip big lines to see Neil Newbon and maybe saw one of my favorite Youtubers? Batsarion got red ink from Neil's signature.
My Druid cosplay:
My Batstarion build:
#batstarion#astarion ancunin#cosplay#fan expo dallas#baulders gate 3#costume#neil newbon#astarion#bg3 druid#druid#nobigneil#dnd character#fan expo#ascended astarion#serotoneil#twitch#twitch streamer#meet and greet#convention#y'allstarion#space cowboy#dallas#vagabond
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Hi tumblr, I'm new here and when I went to post they (try not to laugh) told me I could upload 30 images at a time (say what???) here's a dump of a bunch of my art of my favorite oc of mine, Dori! goobye
#oc#oc artwork#artists on tumblr#drawin#dnd oc#dnd charcter art#dnd art#oni#martial arts#original character#vagabond#digital art#character design
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Unbound Monsters - North Pole
Once thought to be the embellishments of a liar grasping for fame, the creatures of the North Pole are horribly, horribly real. The brave adventurers who wish to explore this frozen land should bring a competent adventuring team and plenty of ammo.
Graphic design work by Kanehon.
#dnd#dungeons and dragons#dnd 5e#dnd 5edition#5e#dnd community#ttrpg#tabletop games#rpg#homebrew#dnd monster#monster#dnd enemy#enemy#thermopod#moonkin vagabond#corrupted ice#foyleter#ice#arctic#snow#cold#freezing
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okay. ain fanfic that STARTS with an au where mortimer failed the poison needle roll
#shitpost#like. if he failed that roll the whole game wouldve gone to SHIT he would just be DEAD#with the replica and everything like. hello.#also like. okay. it is funny as hell to watch yahtzee play dnd because while i do love him his mindset on character/writing#i ALSO want to see him fail BECAUSE i want revenge for him killing my husband in starstruck vagabond.#is all im saying.
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noone asked for these,but here is my and a friend of mine's dnd characters! we play (chaos) twins(we are not blood related irl,we just thought it would be fun to try)
#one of these two loves to bully enemies while the other steals the silliest things#and while of them is very much a nut case the other is treated by the party as a sorta addict#you guys don't know how often the phrase:“NO STEALING” is being yelled across the table#but also these two almost managed to pull of a prank(in game) on the partys paladin#speaking of the paladin there's a sorta police vs vagabond dynamic going on between on of the twins and the paladin#very fun#dnd#dnd character#rogue#warlock#the twins are both nonbinary#the they/them wood elves#very fun in German#because of us used the genderneutral terms very differently#dungeons and dragons#dnd campaign#oc#original character#original charater art#dnd art#dnd character art#godofart#art
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#wandering vagabond#jade harley#dave strider#dnd#john egbert#homestuck#doodles#twitter request#disregard that jade is telling dave to roll a d12 and not a d20 please
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#twitch streamer#stream#small streamer#haunted the vagabond#streaming#twitch#streamer#dungeons and dragons#dnd#d&d
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What is Inspiration Goat precariously balanced upon?
As heard on the Daydreaming about Dragons podcast, the Inspiration Goat helps me process media and take parts that are useful for the gaming table. This isn’t about the hottest new thing or the crowdfunding with the biggest payday; it is just a few geeky things that are inspiring me. It might be weekly; it might be monthly. It all depends on how fast the inspiration goat chews on media and who…
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#Actual Play TV Guide#Big Bad Con Oline#D&D#Danien M. Ford#dnd#Dolmenwood#Dragon#fantasy#Free League#gaming#Inspiration Goat#Isometric Map#Necrotic Gnome#OSR#Rascal#Rascal News#rpg#Sandbox Play#The Underclock#The Warden#ttrpg#Twilight 2000#Vagabonds of Dyfed
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hey there! so i've seen you posting stuff about revel, especially you describing it as "dnd but good". what does that mean to you? what are you adding to the heartbreaker formula to make it fresh and interesting that pathfinder doesn't do, for example?
It’s a lot of stuff inspired by the way I run my existing 5e game, because I’m one of those DMs who isn’t really playing 5e anymore. When I finish off this 4-year D&D campaign with a 100,000 HP final boss, I’m moving to greener pastures… After truly pushing that dogshit game to its limits I’m going to need a fresh framework to riff upon, and right now that’s looking like it’ll be Revel.
I’m less concerned with treading completely new ground with Revel, and more focused on making a game that doesn’t meet my desired playstyle in the middle. I’m a sucker for long stretches of downtime broken up by tactical combat, intricate superbosses, and really, REALLY big numbers
For character creation stuff:
At the moment there’s 6 Roles (one for each ability score):
Vanguard (front line fighter)
Vagabond (bursty skirmisher)
Tower (dedicated tank)
Tome (maximal spell-slinging)
Adherent (midrangey support caster)
Artist (dedicated support caster)
Roles generally define your combat niche, but can be built to fill those niches in a variety of ways.
Each Role has 3 associated Classes, which each only go up to half the level cap (so multiclassing is eventually mandatory).
Each Class has a pool of 10 Upgrades (new passives or actions or what have you) which each can be further enhanced in unique ways with Mastery Points. In addition to being acquired through leveling, Upgrades and Mastery Perks are good targets for PCs to work towards during downtime
The first three Roles are martials, the other three are casters. Martial levels contribute to your stamina pool, caster levels contribute to spell progression. The goal is for those two progression systems to mesh well enough that playing split martial/casters is just as good as going full martial or full caster.
Most of the spells in the game are modal, and do at least slightly different things when cast as a Quick Action vs when cast as a Full Action. Stamina abilities tend to just snap the action economy over their knee, and Stamina regenerates between encounters, so martials are encouraged to maximize the value they can get out of their stamina each fight, while casters weigh their spell choices to ensure they can go nova on the boss
General gamefeel:
Positioning doesn’t matter that much in D&D when a fireball can hit basically anywhere on a reasonably-sized map. Reducing both ranges and movement speeds is meant to help to make proper use of movement a more important skill, as well as encourage generally smaller maps
Open enemy statblocks, with incredibly dangerous abilities that can be countered with proper play. This game isn’t really meant to be a *product*, so I’m not sure if I’ll be making much in the way of example statblocks. Telegraphed one-hit KO mechanics as a way to shape player decisionmaking are my bread and butter
In general, characters should care about the circumstances of the game around them more. In D&D, the fighter walks towards the enemy and hits them a bunch. In Revel, hopefully players will have the tools to engineer a situation that maximizes the amount of shenanigans they can fit into a turn, and the amount of possible shenanigans that can arise in an optimal scenario will be frankly silly.
In summary, the beating heart of Revel’s design philosophy is that a high level Wizard’s turn should play out like an Armored Core pulling off an MTG combo.
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Hope is in Buns, Life is in Stars, Promises in Vain
Okay so I'm gonna be honest, the Local Executioner!König is the hardest AU to work on. I don't often because it takes immense effort, but I did make another addition. This is a hella long post, and hopefully you all like it.
I admit, of all my fics this is the one I treasure most. It's a somewhat medieval fantasy, but the world is entirely my own. This is not your average fantasy. This is not DnD fantasy. This has been carefully crafted over years to be its own thing. I have so much about this AU its insane.
In truth, this AU will one day be its own story. I am telling you, this is a fic I want to publish under my own name. When it happens, I'll let you all know. Until then, enjoy the fic I work the hardest on.
EDIT: I exceeded the character limit. Y'all lucky bastards get two parts. As punishment for my mistake, part two goes out tomorrow.
TWs: Executions, death, gore, torture (referenced), period-sexism, threatened homelessness (it's an empty threat, your aunt is just mad)
Wordcount: 7.5 of 11.7k (This is my longest fic to date)
Art from This Post
Long Story Blow the Cut
Hope is in Buns, Life is in Stars, Promises in Vain
You watched as Luit(1) rose into the night sky, followed by her faithful servant(2). Luit’s bright light cast long blue shadows over the golden brown wheat fields that surrounded the home. Far into the horizon, the Culling Woods crawled in a serpentine fashion through the hills and valleys. You just hoped that the person you were looking for wasn’t home.
You’d made a promise before and you damn well planned to keep it. You repeated this motto over and over as you carefully crawled across the creaking wood floor and gingerly descended the aged winterwood(3) stairs to go into the shadowy kitchen below. You found The Axe’s provisions tucked away in the back corner of the shop shelves, covered in a loose white linen rag. You fished it out and plopped it all into a wicker basket, brushed down your dress of crumbs, and set out into the night.
You thought the night would’ve been bright enough, but you were glad to have brought the family’s old wormglow(5) to light your way as you walked along the road. Shadows danced among the wheat fields as you passed by. Sometimes, a whisper of wind would crawl through the stalks and up the back of your neck. You shivered, pulling your coat around you tighter and hurrying your step, fearful of what might lurk among the treeline. You couldn’t help but feel that the bobbing light might attract more than moths and gnats as you made your way to the Criahlin’s stone. You hoped and prayed that only The Axe would find you there.
You dimmed your light as you made your way into the edges of the forest. You feared that behind each tree there might be a wicked bandit prowling. Worst yet, there might be a drunkard, maybe even a lost man of the village. You worried about their wandering eyes falling on your virgin form in the night. With a shiver, you hurried your step along the dirt path.
The Criahlin’s stone rose up on a mound in the forest. You passed by the swinging remains of long-decayed bodies to make your way up to find the great stone stage cleared of any fallen leaves. You looked around nervously as you made your way to the center of the blood-splattered shale stage. A part of you wondered if The Axe truly was a monster, that maybe he lured you out into the dark against your will. Maybe he’d decided to take you for himself out here under the shadow of the trees. For all you knew, he wasn’t even here, and had set up some vagabonds to descend upon you in the waning light of Luit.
Just as you were about to turn back, you heard a great shuffling coming from behind you.
You whipped around to face down the newcomer. In the shadows of the forest, you could hardly see the being, only making out a great and massive form. He drug something through the leaves, something long and heavy. In the other hand he carried a full and heavy sack of some strange bulging contents. You trembled as the figure drew closer to you, slow step by slow, dragging step. You stepped back quickly, stumbling over your feet as you tried to make space between you and the figure.
The figure stopped when you gasped. Slowly, it raised a big hand and waved at you.
You squinted, then sighed when you realized who it was.
“By Halax, you gave me a fright!” you called out to the figure.
“I’m sorry about that,” The Axe stepped into Luit’s light and threw the great cloth sack over his back with a grunt.
“What do you think you’re doing there, creeping around in the forest like that?” you huffed, “and what’s that in your hands?”
The Axe looked down and raised up the stick to reveal his great black axe. This one didn’t have the engravings you knew of. It looked smaller, too.
“It was getting late. I figured I might pass the time by chopping some firewood,” The Axe explained and gestured to the full sack on his back, “what about you? What took you so long? I was worried you’d never come.”
You grimaced, “My aunt and uncle didn’t want me to come out and see you,” you explained as you brought the wicker basket to your aproned front, “I brought you a couple of extra rolls as an apology.”
The Axe stepped up onto the stone slab stage and came forth to stand in front of you. He picked out one of the rolls and held it up to see it.
“These are… There’s something different about these ones,” he squinted at the offending bun.
“That one’s a honey nut bun,” you explained, “there’s also a sap bun and that one’s a beetle meat bun. I was probably going to take the beetle meat home with me as a snack for the road.”
The Axe gently lowered the bun down to the basket as he whispered, “You didn’t have to do this. Just getting bread is enough.”
“Well,” you shrugged, “maybe you can tell me how good they are.”
“I don’t know how good of a judge I’d be,” The Axe shook his head, “I’ve never had any special buns like these before.”
You laughed, “What do you mean? Everybody’s had some of these buns! They’re the best in town!”
The Axe looked at you sadly, “Not me. I’ve never had one of these before.”
“Never?” you pushed.
“Never,” he repeated, “I could never justify the price.”
“Are you saying my uncle is unfair in his pricing?” you rose an eyebrow.
The Axe shook his head firmly, “No, not at all,” he put his axe from his shoulder and struck it deep into the soft earth, “I just never had enough coin to buy one.”
“Really?” you blinked in a stupor.
“How could I afford a bun when I can’t afford tinder for my fireplace?” The Axe replied, “I can’t afford such lovely things. I’ve always wanted one of these, but two? I can hardly believe my luck.”
He looked at the basket sadly, “I… I can’t take this. It’s… It’s too much. You’re being too good to me.”
“What?” you frowned and crossed your arms, “of course you can! I’m giving them to you!”
“But I can’t take such nice gifts for free,” The Axe complained, “you’re too kind and generous to waste such precious goods on someone like me.”
“Well, not really,” you admitted meekly, “I mean, I did forget your rations yesterday. Think of this as just something to make up for it.”
“No buts!” you cut him off quickly and held up a finger to point at his chest firmly, “look, I brought you the buns because you deserve them. I mean, it’s fair, right? I forgot your rations yesterday, this is to make up for it. And anyways, they were probably not gonna sell. They’re old. I mean, well, maybe they would’ve sold, but who cares. I think you should have them.”
“Not sold?” The Axe tilted his head to the side, “but aren’t these the best buns in the village? Father Kim and judge Holten always tell me so…”
“Sure are,” you grinned briefly before frowning, “and as I said we probably would have, but we made too many again. If you didn’t take them, I’d probably give them to a farmer to feed their animals or something. That, or add them to Father Kim’s offerings. That’s probably how he knows they’re so good, actually.”
“Well, anything you give me is a treasure,” The Axe said softly as he took up the wicker basket. He looked around himself, but seemed to be at a loss.
“Is something wrong?” you asked.
“I thought I brought a bag, but the only one I have is full of firewood now,” he muttered, “I… Hm… Do you think you can wait a bit?”
You looked up at Luit and down at the horizon. You’d been out for a while already, and the thought of being out at night, alone in the Culling Forest, completely at the whims of nature and her crew… You shook your head.
“I really don’t want to be alone out here,” you said, “what do I need to wait for anyways?”
“I need to go back home and get a good bag for these,” The Axe replied, “it’d be a shame to get wood slivers all over these.”
“Why don’t I just go to your place with you?” you offered.
The Axe straightened up above you. His eyes sharpened in Luit’s light, ghastly blue in the pale hues of Densis’s-watch(4). He heaved his axe back up from the dirt and swung it over his shoulder with a dangerous grunt. You withered under his watch as he glared down at your shivering form, cold in the night and weak under his watch. You’d never felt so small before. Had you offended him? Had you maybe insulted his good nature?
You were about to say something when he held up a hand.
“That’s fine with me,” he replied hoarsely, “I just… I haven’t had visitors before. You’d be my first.”
“Your first? Doesn’t anyone visit you?” you asked.
“Not willingly,” The Axe replied, “nobody comes to me unless they absolutely must. Even Father Kim, good a man as he is, he avoids coming out here,” The Axe took a look around at the hanging bodies in the trees, “I can understand why.”
You watched as The Axe ducked into the shadows of the trees , only briefly checking over his shoulder to see if you were actually following behind him.
You trailed behind him quietly, letting him lead you him deeper into the woods.
The path creeped along the forest floor until it came to a small wooded grove. In the center, The Axe’s small rustic a-frame wood cabin stood tall among the shrubbery, framed on one side by a small vegetable garden and on the other by a lean-to wood shed. A small idol of Criah(7) had been mounted above his door.
“You know, you’re a lot closer to my place than I thought,” you muttered as you followed behind The Axe to his front door.
“My great grandfather fought for many years to build here,” The Axe said as he whacked his axe into a rotten stump.
“You guys had to fight to build here?” you wondered as you took in the glowing candle lanterns way up strung above you.
“Nobody wanted to live close to us,” The Axe explained bitterly.
He walked up to the door and briefly touched the head of the idol and muttered a silent prayer. Once he had given his thanks, he turned back to you and looked at the wicker basket in your hands.
“You can pass me the rations and I’ll bring them back inside,” he said as he opened his door.
You tried to hide the disappointment in your voice when you asked, “You’re not inviting me in?”
The Axe shook his head and nodded up at the idol, “It’s bad luck for anyone else to come in. I… I don’t know how much I believe in all those stories, but I don’t want to test it tonight. Not with you, at least.”
You looked up at the tree giant’s face, eyes painted like brilliant rubies shining wickedly in the dark.
“I don’t really want to test it out either,” you admitted as you opened your wicker basket for him.
It didn’t take long to pass The Axe his rations and get them into his kitchen. You were once again startled by how little he was actually allotted. He only got a single loaf and a handful of plain rolls. It was practically criminal to give the man so little. Half way through passing over the baked goods, an idea flashed through your mind.
“Alright, that’s the last of the regular rations,” The Axe said as he came to the doorway again, “I just need your ‘apologies’ now.”
You looked down at the mostly empty basket longingly. You went to pass over the bun, then paused. You looked up to him hopefully.
“Actually,” you said slowly, “I was wondering if maybe you’d like to eat a bun together.”
The Axe’s eyes shot wide open. His normally sorrowful eyes were wide and bright with boyish glee.
“You want to eat them with me?” he asked, unable to contain his excitement.
“I mean,” you shrugged and stepped out towards an overturned log, “I can stay out for a bit. I don’t have much to do tomorrow. Might as well enjoy Densis’s-watch, right?”
“Aren’t you worried about sharing a plate with Criah’s son?” The Axe slowly drew out of his dark home to stand in the light.
“Halax watches over me,” you smiled and sat down on the mossy seat, “I think I’ll be safe.”
The Axe followed you before sitting on the earth in front of you. You almost wanted to ask him to take off his hood to see the awe on his face when you fished around your basket for the buns. He looked practically euphoric as you passed him the sticky honey bun, wrapped in a parcel of parchment.
His thick fingers struggled to undo the twine, inhibited by his eager trembling. You almost had to laugh at how excited a man born of death and blood became over a simple honey bun. He looked less like a staggering colossus and more like a young boy shaking with unbound glee. He looked like he was unwrapping presents for the first time. You immediately sobered up on the thought that it was entirely possible that this was his first gift from outside his family. What a horrible, horrible thought.
He carefully held up the bun in his hands to Luit’s light. His blue eyes shine with unspoken delight as he slowly examines the treat in his hands. He looked at you, then back at the treat, then put it down sadly in his lap.
“What’s wrong?” you asked as you crossed your legs beside him.
“I…” he gestured vaguely to his face, “I don’t look very… Pretty.”
You snorted, “So? I look at my uncle every day; whatever you look like is bound to be a million times better.”
He shook his head gravely, “No. I assure you that what’s under here is far worse than you can imagine.”
You uncrossed your legs and leaned your elbows on your knees. Carefully, you turned to look at him properly, “You really think it’s that bad?”
“I know it’s that bad.”
You hummed as you drummed your fingers on your chin.
“You’re really not comfortable eating while I’m here?” you asked sadly.
“I just don’t want to upset you,” he wilted under your scrutiny.
You looked around carefully before your eyes lit up.
“I’m so stupid. Why don’t I just turn around?” you offered brightly.
The Axe glared at you, “How do I know you won’t peek at me? You’re not easy to trust.”
You shrugged, “I think you’ll just have to trust me on this one. Also, I’ll be honest, you’re not too easy to trust either.”
The Axe’s stare was unwavering.
“I kept my promise before,” you pointed out, “doesn’t that speak for something?”
“It speaks to the fact you snuck out from under your uncle’s nose,” The Axe raised an eyebrow behind his monstrous dark hood.
You gave him a wry grin, “Well, if I didn’t, I would’ve broken my promise with you.”
The Axe shook his head tiredly, “I don’t think a pact with an executioner is worth a rift in your own home.”
“You’d be surprised,” you chirped.
The Axe observed you carefully. His watery eyes scanned you over once or twice before he chuffed, “You’re full of surprises, aren’t you?”
“It’s more fun that way, isn’t it?”
The Axe nodded from side to side with a disapproving hum. Instead of arguing, he simply sighed and said, “Well, turn around then. If you think a promise to an executioner is worth that much, then so be it.”
“It’s more than worth it,” you said as you gathered your dress to be able to turn around on the log. You picked through the basket to pull out a bun and pulled it out to take a small bite. You hummed. Even though the buns were a few days old, they were still as fresh as ever. You couldn’t help but wonder once more if your uncle had his oven enchanted. With how good everything that came out of it was, you wouldn’t be surprised.
You were brought back to reality by a small whimper behind you. You instinctively went to turn but caught yourself at the last second. The whimper came from behind again.
“Is everything okay?” you asked quietly.
You heard a thick swallow.
“It’s…” The Axe paused briefly, “it’s so sweet. I’ve never had something like this before.”
Your hands dropped to your lap.
“You’ve really never had a honey bun before.”
His hood shuffled softly as he shook his head, “No. I’ve only had honey five times in my life.”
“Five times?” you parroted weakly.
“Five,” he replied, “twice as a boy I had a spoonful of honey, once at my mother’s funeral I drank tea, once at my father’s I had honey mead, and now today I’ve had a honey bun for the first time.”
You could hardly imagine being deprived of such a basic luxury as honey. Not a single lick of the amber to cross your lips for years. How many years? You were about to try and figure it out when you realized a glaring issue in your data.
“Just how old are you, Axe?” you asked.
“I’m coming on twenty-two cycles(8) now,” he told you quietly.
“I’m coming into my twentieth,” you replied, “I can’t remember a time when I didn’t have honey with my herbs(9)”
You heard The Axe shuffle awkwardly beside you before letting out a long sigh through his nose. You could hear his hood shuffle again.
“You haven’t turned to look at me,” he whispered.
You looked up at the treeline encircling you both.
“I don’t really have need to,” you said as you admired the branches waving in the crisp wind, “I have so much to look at here.”
“What trees, boulders and orange blots(10)? You can’t be telling me that you find anything interesting over there,” The Axe teased you lightly.
“Well, I’ve never seen an executioner’s home before,” you explained as you looked at the lanterns wound through the trees before sloping over to the front of The Axe’s slanted roof, glinting like the stars themselves came down to grace you, “I don’t know if I’ll ever get another chance.”
You took another bite of the beetle meat bun. The meat was stringy, gamey, rich with fat that pooled into your mouth. A delectable treat for a simple baker’s niece, but not much for anyone else. It was strange to think that even this simple pleasure was beyond The Axe’s means.
The Axe took another bite of his bun, savoring each and every bit of the sweet treat. You listened to him turn again. He was silent for a moment. You wondered what a man like him could be thinking of, but he was quick to tell you himself.
“It doesn’t have to be the last time you come here,” his voice was nearly lost in the wind whispering through the trees.
The statement sat heavily between you both. The weight of his words hung on your shoulders, dragging them down to the leaf-covered dirt around you. The wind picked up briefly, sending waves of shimmering grass flowing through the clearing before it settled again. The metal lanterns clinked lightly above. In the distance, you could hear a spirit spook(12) chiming delicately in the breeze. It figured a man like him would need one by his home. You could only imagine how many had come to curse his name.
You looked up at the glittering stars above, winking at you from their place in the blackened sky. They seemed to stare down at you, interested in what your next move would be. A follower of Halax, a follower of life and creation, being welcomed in by a follower of Criah, a follower of death and grief. The gods surely must have been entertained by the show put on for them that night. To see two mortals sitting there, struggling against their fates like they had any chance to slow the weaving of the tapestry, as though their little fingers could undo the binding that had been formed long before they breathed life into their lungs; surely, there couldn’t be a more entertaining act under the cover of Densis’s(11) cloak.
“It doesn’t.”
You heard yourself more than you spoke. It was surreal to hear those two simple words pass your lips, and yet they hammered your souls together inseparably.
“It doesn’t,” The Axe repeated with a hint of excitement, “you could come again. We could do things together.”
“What sorts of things would a baker and an executioner do together?” you laughed sorrowfully.
The Axe was quiet for a moment, then said, “We could talk to each other.”
“About what?” you asked.
“About whatever we liked,” he offered, “without the fear of others hearing.”
You watched the stars twinkle overhead approvingly.
“It would be nice to be free,” you replied.
“It would be,” The Axe replied, “we could say whatever we liked. We could honestly be ourselves. Nobody could tell us what we could and couldn’t say to each other. Nobody would stop us from being true to ourselves.”
You took another bite of the bun and let a drop of grease dribble down your chin.
“If nothing else…” The Axe said carefully, “it would be nice to have company.”
You nodded solemnly. The forest around you dimmed its nocturnal din to listen to you two lost souls pontificate together, pondering the possibilities of what could be. What would be, if only you let it.
“When would we meet though?” you asked, “and how could we meet? You know people in the village will start asking questions.”
“The cover of Luit’s light does wonders,” The Axe mused, “but I need to sleep. I can’t stay up late like this often. Neither can you. Your work is more steady than mine. I can… We can… You go to the local church, ja?”
You nodded slowly, “I go. I go often, actually. I need to deliver goods to the church regularly.”
“Then why not meet there?” The Axe offered, “under the watch of Father Kim. Who could possibly stop you from devoting yourself to the church?”
You smiled at the thought of meeting a follower of Criah in Halax’s home.
“Would you be welcome there?” you asked.
“Father Kim is a good friend,” The Axe replied eagerly, “he would be willing to find us a place where we can be apart from others.”
“Are you even allowed on church grounds?” you asked warily.
“I am,” The Axe sniffed, “any follower of any god is welcome in a holy sanctuary. I do not need to be devoted to Halax to be invited into her house.”
You shook your head bitterly.
“You’re barely given a seat at the tavern,” you said sternly, “how can Father Kim possibly allow you on hallowed grounds? Surely you’ve been banned? I know from talking to others that people like you are never wed in the church.”
The Axe sighed heavily.
“I am not allowed to wed there, yes, but there is a pew for me in there,” he said, “you don’t see it because I’m in the room below with the other forgotten people of the village. I am able to listen through the grate beneath Father Kim’s feet.”
“There’s a grate at his feet!?” you nearly turned around again to stare at him.
“Eyes forward,” he warned you before softening his tone, “yes, there’s a grate. There’s only a few pews in the basement, but we’re joined by the Sisters of Halax when we go. Maybe, if we go to church together, I can show you.”
You fiddled with your thumbs in your lap, the last of the bun now gone.
“It sounds interesting,” you admitted thoughtfully, “and you’ve been a good man to me so far. You’ve not done anything to hurt me. Actually, you’ve been nothing but good to me. You even protected me from any curses. You could’ve let me into your home, but you were kind enough to stop me.”
“I would never hurt an innocent person,” The Axe said swiftly.
You frowned at that. The Axe surely couldn’t be so simple, could he? The way he phrased ‘innocent’ had your hackles raised in your seat. Why would he specifically use that term? Was he truly a creature of the court? He couldn’t be so naive as to think that the justice system was completely without fault. No man could be that foolish, particularly not one so close to the action.
“Are you sure about that?” you asked warily, “haven’t you considered that an innocent man has been on your chopping block before?”
You heard the hood shuffle quickly behind you. It almost sounded as though he was shaking his head.
“I only execute the guilty,” The Axe said firmly, “Judge Holten only sends guilty men to stand or kneel before me. He is a good judge, and a better man. He may not like me, but I have faith in him and his abilities. He hasn’t let me down once before. I think you’ll find he has a faultless record. I like to think that he’s been blessed by the gods with insight and honor. So no, I am sure of what I said. Judge Holten would never send an innocent man my way. I have full faith in his convictions.”
You squirmed in your seat slightly, but said nothing to counter him. Something told you to try and contradict him would lead to a full blown argument. No man ever spoke so surely unless he lived and died by those very words. A part of you had the feeling that The Axe needed to live by those words. If he didn’t… You shuddered at the thought of what sort of man he would be.
“I assure you,” The Axe said to you gently, “I would never harm you. Again, I would never harm an innocent citizen. I am not a good man, but I am a just man. I am an honest man at heart. I wouldn’t harm a hair on your head if I could help it.
“Unless, of course, you were to commit some egregious crime of some sort,” his tone softened to a morose whisper, “please… Please tell me you won’t don’t do anything of that sort. I… I don’t know if I could live with putting a rope around the neck of the first person to treat me with kindness willingly. I don’t know what I’d do with myself.”
You reached back behind you and brushed your palm against his back soothingly. You tried to push the cold chill crawling over your skin down, blame it on the cool wind and the black sky, not on the words of a man who believed that justice could do no wrong. You didn’t want to think about his words, but you figured you might as well try and placate him.
“I assure you I have no plans to do so,” your face split into an uncomfortable smile, “but… Even though I’ve been kind to you, you would still execute me? Even though I’m the first to actually try and get to know you? The first to really try and be your friend?”
The Axe sighed, “I promise you that I would ensure your end would be quick and painless. Even if I was ordered to nip you with the tongs or screw your thumbs, I wouldn’t dare do that to you. I would never do that to someone I care about like you. I may not have known you for long, but what you’ve done for me in these past two days is more than anyone else in my entire life.
“I would not draw out your death for the court even if they begged me. I would ensure that you would go quickly, honorably.”
“Then you’d take me out with that big axe of yours?” you asked.
“I’d ensure it,” The Axe promised, “I don’t know if you’re aware, I assume there’s rumours in the village but I might as well settle them here and now. Many generations ago, that axe was enchanted to be sharper, to cut more easily. It’s designed to cut through flesh, not wood. It was made to kill, not to maim like my firewood axe. I use my good axe to give quick deaths. Most people want to go by the sword, but I assure you that the axe is much better.”
“You don’t always give quick deaths?” you asked nervously.
“Sometimes I can’t,” The Axe shuffled awkwardly, “sometimes the court orders me to draw it out. Sometimes by using a duller blade like my firewood axe or the rusted sword, sometimes through a drawn out death, like the wheel or being stretched.
“I… I don’t like to hurt anyone. Guilty or not, I don’t care. I just want to ensure it’s done as quickly and easily as possible. I don’t like drawn out deaths, even if they’re asked for. I assure you I don’t. But if I don’t do it, somebody worse would. You understand that, right? At least if I do it I ensure that they suffer less than they could have by somebody else’s hands.
“In my guild, you know, my career guild, I speak to executioners across the land. I’ve learned what those men are like, both from my own experience and through my own poor father. I witnessed these men and I can tell you that they can be vile. I hate to be among some of them. Many are like me, but some are…” The Axe bristled under your touch, “they are sick. Sick and rotten men. If there is one group of guilty men that walk free, it would eb them. I pray you never are unfortunate enough to meet such men in your life. You’d be blessed not to. Or, maybe, maybe I was cursed to meet them. That seems a bit more sensible.”
You closed your eyes and let out a slow breath. Of course The Axe would be honest. He was the hand of justice, he had to be righteous and true. He was expected to uphold the image of the court, even when being spat upon by the families of the deceased after lopping off their loved one’s heads. You’d seen him be slapped by old widows of hideous criminals, seen men try to strangle him over their wives’ bodies. He took all these beatings calmly, stoically, like the perfect picture of the court. He’d let them hit him and curse him until they went to far, and then he’d throw them back to the earth and let them scurry on their way. You could only imagine how their hatred was burned into the very essence of his being.
And yet, The Axe took it all without a single stumble. He uttered no more than a grunt when a man tried to stab his gut. He only tossed the blade aside and thrown the man down, then lowered his axe above his chest. You’d seen the man falter, look up at those impartial eyes and realize what he’d nearly done. If anything, The Axe could be an entirely merciful face of the court.. He was the perfect executioner. If nothing else, that much was about the only good thing regularly said about him in the village. He was the perfect face of the court’s axe. Impervious to suffering, yet compassionate enough to let them take out their rage on him.
But, at the end of it all, he was the source of their rage. Sometimes, sometimes it was for terrible reasons. Terrible, terrible reasons indeed.
“You torture too,” you whispered as softly as the wind blew through the long dead grass.
“I must,” The Axe replied swiflty.
“Do you…” you shuddered at the question, “you don’t like doing it, do you? You said you don’t, but, what do you think when you do it? How do you feel about it?”
The Axe shivered under your hand ferociously.
“I hate doing it,” he admitted bluntly, “were I born any other man I could bring love and joy into this world the likes of which could change the very soil we are born from. I can try to be this force when I help heal wounds of the injured and maimed, but there’s only so much I can do. I was born of death and I am shackled to it forever,” The Axe sniffled slightly, “but if given a chance, I would throw down this axe in an instant and I’d heal the unfortunate for the rest of my life. I’d devote to my father’s studies, learn the herbs of this land and save the wretched from the hands of the grave. I would be good. I would be pure, of heart and soul and mind alike.”
You frowned, “You heal wounds? You’re joking. You’re an executioner; you’re a killer, not a healer. You can’t really be trying to tell em that you are a healer.”
“When the apothecary and the doctor cannot set broken bones or suture wounds, they call upon me,” The Axe explained, “I have… I have a great deal of experience in mending great wounds.”
“Wounds you inflict?” you asked, unable to hide the sharp cold edge to your words.
The Axe flinched as you drew your hand into your lap.’
“Forgive me,” he whispered, “but it is not my choice to be this man. As I said, were I anything other than this, was I born of any other man, I could sow the earth with good seed and save the damned. I sometimes think that if I had another chance, I would’ve been like Father Kim and given my body to one of the gods. I think that I was always destined to follow Criah, but maybe I could’ve helped those families grieve. I could’ve cured the sick of their afflictions, I could’ve been good.”
You took in a deep breath, holding it in for a count of four before letting it all out slowly. He was an executioner, he was a torturer, and he was a medic? On top of it all, he had dreams of being a holy man, though no church would ever welcome him into their arms. No man like him could ever be forgiven. And so, to reconcile these parts was to find beauty in dung, but you tried to do so regardless. You supposed he was also known as one of the chief morticians of the town as well. You’d heard plenty of stories of how he’d been whipped by widows in the middle of funeral ceremonies. Sometimes, he was supposed to be burned for as many crimes as the victim had committed. You could only imagine how many scars covered his body by this point in his life. Supposedly, to maim the man who’d been ordered to kill your loved ones was to give some sense of grievance to the family. It was meant to help them heal from the loss. You only hoped that Criah approved.
“It’s not your choice to do it,” you admitted, “I don’t think any sane person would choose to live your life.”
“As I said before, some do,” The Axe interjected harshly, “and it’s those men that I despise.”
You shuddered at the thought. A large hand settled to warm your shoulder.
“I am not one of those men,” he assured you, “and I never will be. You have my word on that. Not just as a man, but as the axe of the court. I swear to you I am not, never have been, and never will be that sort of man. I am a monster, but I’m a monster of men’s making. I was not born of corrupted flesh.”
“And I have your word as the axe of the court?” you asked shakily.
“My word and my heart,” he replied gravely.
You sighed, ever so slightly relaxing. It figured this conversation would come eventually between the both of you, but to be able to have his word so gravely was a comfort, at the very least. However…
“I want your soul in your promise too(13),” you said quietly.
The silence that came forth was sharp and twisted your insides with a rusted blade. He seemed to meditate on your words as they whispered around you, echoed back by the trees and the calls of nocturnal songbirds. The forest floor creeped and crawled with detrivores, with his kin. You watched as a centipede crawled out from a decaying leaf, curled around slowly before descending back underneath the leaf litter below. How you wished to join those small creatures. A part of you wished to die there, to not have to live in the silence that followed your ask.
You felt tension rising in the air. Pressure collapsed inwards, you saw the candle-lit lanterns flicker above with some unseen, unfelt force. No wind blustered, no frog croaked. All was still to listen to this deathly child’s answer.
“My soul is yours,” The Axe finally said, “I swear upon my soul that I am not a man who enjoys torturing and maiming like a lowly animal. I am a man of Criah. I swear to honor the dead and dying until I too join their ranks. I will not enjoy taking even the most heinous criminals to their graves. That is not the sort of oath I’ve made to my god. No matter what, no matter who or what they are, I promise that I never take delight in harming another soul.
“I should like to help them, if possible. One day, I would like to put down this axe once and for all. I’d like to spread peace and life. I wish to be a doctor, or maybe a cleric of the church. I know that such a wretch as myself is not welcome, but if given a chance I would like to save others that have been damned from birth like myself. I truly wish to break these bone shackles that chain me to the grave. I wish to rise above and see life prosper. I…” he hiccupped under his breath, “I wish to be good. I want to be a good man. I don’t want to hurt anyone anymore. I hate this life I live, but there’s nothing I can do to escape it. Nobody will train an executioner’s son. I was damned from birth, but if just given a chance…”
You smiled faintly.
“Is your hood in place?” you asked.
“I finished the bun a while back,” The Axe said, “it’s in place. Why?”
Without another word you turned and hugged the giant man with both arms. He stiffened at the touch, but soon his ice melted and he embraced you back.
When you pulled away, you could see a shine of tears in his eyes.
“Nobody has ever listened to me before,” he said quietly.
“I think more people should,” you replied, “you’ve a reputation as an honest man. You’ve been nothing but good to me, and never have you given me a reason to think you’re lying. I may not know you well, but Axe, I want to. I want to see the good man you can be.”
“I want to know you too,” his voice warbled behind his hood.
“Then we’ll know each other,” you promised him, “and we’ll be friends. We will be better together.”
“But how?” The Axe asked sadly, “when will we next meet? How can we next meet?”
You thought carefully. Your fingers drummed a steady pattern on your thigh as you straddled the large log. You kicked your dangling feet before pulling yourself to sit beside him properly.
“I think we can meet at the church,” you replied, “I can say that I’m seeing Father Kim and visit you as well. I still need to see Father Kim, of course, but maybe I could make time for you too.”
“But when?” The Axe asked mournfully, “now that I know another’s touch, I can’t bear to be apart from you for long.”
“We won’t be,” you assured him as you soothingly touched his arm, “I have to bring in the weekly rations on the first of every god-watch. I do so halfway during the eighth watch every wake.”
“Halfway through the eighth watch on Halaxwake?” The Axe asked you desperately, drowning in possibilities.
“Halfway through the eighth watch on Halaxwake,” you confirmed, soothing him with your soft smile.
The Axe scanned through his mental list, you could see his eyes searching side to side as he sat scouring his mind for any possible conflicts, but soon he turned to you with a mirthful crinkle in his eyes, “I think I can manage that.”
“It might not be very long, but I promise you I’ll make it worthwhile,” you assured him.
The Axe shook his head, “Don’t be sorry. Any time with you is a breath of life after drowning alone for so long.”
You frowned and held his hand tightly.
“I don’t want to go back,” you admitted, “I wish I could stay here with you.”
“But you must,” The Axe told you, “if you stayed, it would be a worse fate for both of us.”
“I think my Auntie might drop dead of shock if she knew I was here with you of all people,” you chuckled, then glanced at Luit falling down into the horizon, taking with her Densis’s cloak of stars, “I need to get back soon.”
“How soon?” The Axe asked.
“As soon as I can,” you admitted.
The Axe looked around briefly, then stood and urged for you to follow him. He brought you out back behind his home to a small ramshackle stable.
He clucked his tongue, and a soft chittering noise came from within the singular stall.
“Meet Hunter,” he said gently as he opened the stall door for you, “she’s my riding beetle.”
You looked in the stall to find a massive beetle. She stood on six tall spindly legs and stared down at you from atop an even longer neck. Her sharp mandibles clicked as she slowly woke and stared down at her new visitor.
“You have a riding beetle?” you wondered aloud, “I thought those were a luxury! Or, well, that’s what my uncle says whenever I tell him to get one.”
“When I had to travel to other towns for work I put in a request to the council,” The Axe explained, “I expected a rejection letter, but a pigeon told me I’d be getting a beetle. She’s young, I had to tame her myself and she was quite the handful, but they gave me a surprisingly fine beetle in the end.”
“She looks like a stalking beetle(14),” you looked up at her, her little black head at least ten feet above yours while bent.
“She’s part stalking beetle, yes,” The Axe said, “but she’s also part station beetle(15).”
“How’d they get that mix? Wouldn’t they eat each other!?”
“I wouldn’t know, I’m no beetle breeder, but Hunter’s been a good friend to me through the years,” The Axe said as he saddled her up, “now come on, we don’t have much time before the first collection-vigil(16).”
You hissed at the reminder and grabbed The Axe’s hand to help haul you up onto the beetle’s back. You scrambled and slipped across the smooth carapace but soon managed to sit yourself in front of the large man.
“Not used to riding beetles?” The Axe asked as he set off towards the mill.
“My uncle refuses to get one,” you explained, “I want one to pull a cart to town though. Walking can take so long sometimes.”
“Well, Hunter could do that,” The Axe mused, “but she might be fussy about it. I also think using a court-approved beetle to draw a simple wagon wouldn’t go unnoticed either. I can only imagine the outrage when you show up with my beetle pulling your wagon.”
“Well,” you sighed as you settled your back against The Axe’s chest, “a girl can dream.”
The Axe chuckled, “That she certainly can.”
Luit - The Moon, often called the Older Sister
Lui - a small asteroid orbiting Luit, often referred to as the Younger Sister or Luit’s Servant
Winterwood - A species of deciduous tree that grows in the north. Known to be quite a soft wood, it grows quickly and is often used for furnishings of a home. Its cheapness adds to its versatility. Earned the name ‘winterwood’ for how pale the wood is (almost resembling the snow) and how it begins growing in winter.
Densis’s Watch - The way of saying night/night time. Opposite of Brak-hah’s-watch, which means day/daylight
Wormglow - In older times a brilliant worm(6) was strapped to a stick or put in a glass cage and used to light the night. These days, most people use an enchanted piece of metal on the top of a stick or in a glass lantern to be able to see in the dark. Most people fashion the metal to resemble a brilliant worm, partially to stay true to the origins but mostly to enhance the glow.
Brilliant Worms - A twelve centimeter long caterpillar that grows a brilliant yellowish-green colour when they are feeding or communicating to other brilliant worms. In older times, they were captured and starved during the day to be fed at night. Over time, the practice was considered cruel, and by this time it has been phased out almost completely
Criah - God of death, grief, hope and forgiveness. Also known as the Weeping Father or the the Howling God.
Cycle - A year. One cycle consists of four turning times (seasons). Each turning time is broken up into two moons (months). Every moon has five god-watches (weeks) composed of ten wakes (days) broken into 10 watches (hours).
Herbs - Another way of saying tea in this world
Orange Blots - A large orange and black-speckled squash with a notably soft and delicate white flesh. Used for soups or deserts, much like a pumpkin.
Densis - Goddess of night and dreams, wife of Criah
Spirit Spook - Sounds like a wind chime. Used as a way to ward off evil spirits from the lower realm and keep away bad luck. Has varying results.
Soul - Soul is the reason that things be. The reason rocks atomically are structured as rocks, the reason lightning crosses the sky and lands in one spot on the earth, the reason men laugh and dance and sing. Soul is most powerful in living beings (though everything in existence has soul), but even then some life has more soul than others. Mammalian species like dwarves, gnomes, elves and humans, for example, have much weaker soul than that of plantkin and much weaker mushroom folk. However, they have stronger soul than the chiton clan (insect folk). In this context, to swear a promise upon your soul is to bind your very being to the promise. Some mages will go so far as to enchant their words to keep these promises, but most cannot do so, and thus just say it to convey the most important promises.
Stalking Beetle - A black and red beetle (sometimes white, black and red or white and black) with a long, long neck and a pointed snout. Looks somewhat like a giraffe weevil with a more articulated neck (think like a snake). Excellent hunters. Are very dangerous in combat because of their long necks, sharp mandibles and good eyes. Can fly short distances, but not commonly. Very spritely and difficult to train for their energetic nature. Used by members of the court or light infantry. Known to be expensive to keep. Thankfully, Hunter is more herbivorous than most due to her cross-breeding and is thus cheaper to feed. Naturally carnivorous, trained to be omnivorous in captivity.
Station Beetle - A pretty drab looking beetle, usually brown or black (rarely albino white). They are slow but steady beetles that make up a good portion of riding beetles. There are a few subspecies, but most look like either big dung beetles or flour beetles. Usually very good natured. Has poor eyesight but excellent smell and can be trained to follow scents from town to town. Can fly medium distances when provoked. Often used by countrymen to travel from town to town, almost like small cars. Though called station beetles, typically are only for transporting a family and not for hauling carts or stations. Mostly herbivorous.
Konig Dump
Alternate Universes
Part Two
#konig relationship#konig au#konig#cod konig#konig cod#konig call of duty#konig mw2#konig x reader#konig x you#konig fluff#konig fanart#fan art#digital art#cod mw2#cod#cod mwii#cod x reader#call of duty#modern warfare#konig fanfiction#konig headcanons#cod headcanons#konig hcs#konig fanfic#executioner konig#exectuioner!konig#cod fanfic#cod fantasy#fantasy au#fantasy au!cod
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drawing my dnd wizard AGAIN although honestly i need to Locate these characters into more content outside of dnd. silly little comics and a silly little fantasy world of my own......
basics are. as a kid he escaped his village to find a mysterious artifact and instead found himself a crazy hermit gnome to teach him magic. grows up to be kind of a mad scientist and a vagabond.
#he's kinda grumpy most of the time#has a spider familiar#tests potions on himself yet has zero alcohol tolerance#likes astronomy. plays the flute. dating history includes some weird creatures.#oh also i named him silmeran i guess lol#art#artists on tumblr#digital art#illustration#original art#original character#oc#dnd#dnd art#dnd character
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Just thinking a little about a DnD Scroogeverse (even though I don't know much about it--actually playing it isn't my jam, but listening to the stories is):
Ebenezer is definitely a rogue living a vagabond lifestyle.
You wouldn't think that would be him until you discover he's afflicted with lycanthropy and was thrown out of his town.
Actually, it was probably more like an angry mob came to kill him (he was definitely a tax collector beforehand, so there's extra rage against him pent up) and he had to flee or die.
He probably wanted to die, really, but his inner wolf said otherwise.
His inner wolf probably functions a bit more like the Hulk, but the full moon is still a thing and that's when he's most dangerous.
Bess is a roving ex-priestess of the Moon.
Moon priestesses are definitely warriors.
They're also supposed to remain pure, so circumstances in Bess' past have led her to being disgraced and exiled from her temple, hence the "ex" status.
Because the hierarchy of the Moon is notoriously bitchy and cruel.
Bess is also the vessel for the moon goddess herself, so you bet that came back to bite the temple in the ass at some point.
Bess does have some magical abilities because of her priestess background and also because of her status as a vessel, but she's truly only at her most powerful in that regard when the goddess is currently inhabiting her body.
This rarely happens however, as such a merging drains Bess' life-force and leaves her comatose for days, sometimes weeks on end.
Her presence can actually calm Ebenezer's Wolf, even on nights of the full moon.
Nobody knows if it is because of who or what she is, but if the Wolf is in a rampage, Bess is the calming draught.
She's soothed him out of his wolf state and back into human form many times.
Eb has also talked Bess down from a goddess infused rampage.
He stayed beside her the entire time she recovered.
The pair are definitely bonded and in love surprise-surprise.
It's also speculated, because of Bess' unique situation, the moon goddess herself might also be in love with Ebenezer.
Harry--who is a bard--definitely wrote a song about them.
It's his most requested song.
@rom-e-o We getting into this now, I guess.🤷♀️
#scrooge 2022#netflix scrooge#scrooge a christmas carol#ebenezer scrooge#scrooge#fanfiction#scrooge x oc#ebeness#ebenezer x bess#bess scrooge#dnd#dnd scroogeverse
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A long, lllooong time ago, I got to play DnD for the first times.
I am beyond rubbish at rules and numbers and all the stuff you really need to have at least a shadow of a knack for, to enjoy DnD, also I'm a role-player and the DM was much, MUCH more of a roll-player. ...I never took to it. I preferred all the other available options. Still do.
But I did create a character I grew to like. 16-year old Fuurai, short for 風来人 fuuraijin (wanderer; vagabond; capricious person; hobo) which, the character felt, fitted very well. They weren't human, anyway, they were Air Genasi (simplified: half air-djinni). 16 because we started on level 1, and 16 was the youngest you could be according to the rules, and I found the numbers so damn weird in representing skills... I knew and could do more with chance of success, than my character, at that age. (Role-player, again, fluff over crunch I think they call it). The campaign didn't last long, I absolutely did not fit in, but I did get to ask my partner "did you have to make a new character?" every time he got back home after DnD nights, and sometimes he was cheerful and said "no, we survived!"
Like I said... I always preferred other systems, other worlds. Also, when it comes to D20, it's me and Will Wheaton. (In fact, that went for ALL dice rolls for several years; I refused to roll my own rolls because it was so ridiculous).
But I got to reuse Fuurai! Mmmany years later, another partner wanted me to guest-star, with a guide-type character, to help the other PCs in their Quest. I rolled up Fuurai again and got stupid good rolls. My D20 dice "luck" had become merely "you roll bad kind of often, don't you", and I had bought special sparkly Fuurai-coloured dice. I think we played DnD 5E, and Fuurai was a rogue/guide.
Anyway. They took their job as a guide seriously, and I took seriously the fact that I wasn't a regular PC, but a guest. Which was lucky, because when leaving a certain island... the other players left Fuurai behind. They didn't remember until later, "oh shit no we'd never forget!"
"Too late! You all said you don't do retcons, when I joined," said I, and wrote a postlude for myself, about Fuurai being left behind but figuring out how to deal anyway. As they always did, and do.
But, both they and I enjoyed it while it lasted, and another player who is infinitely better than I at artsing, did some fanart. And I did my bloody best at getting that damn armour to look somewhat functional. The pose is a bit wonky, that was mostly intentional, and it looks OH so much better irl, because it is, drumroll please,
watercolour on 300gsm paper
because that is how I do, and I have a curse concerning scanning art, so a friend had to help. It is what it is. The best I could cobble together.
These days, especially after a certain HUGELY famous DnD campaign got one of them on screen, Air Genasi fanart is common online. When I played Fuurai, it was very much not. Evidence: My "Air Genasi" art folder on the computer. I looked at my own art from all that time ago, and I have to say, I still love Fuu's looks. I'll close this long post with a photo of that first drawing. It's probably around 10-15 years between the two. At that time, none of us had any idea there was anything beyond the binary genders. I always knew I, and many characters of mine, didn't fit them, but... Oh well, we live, we learn! In the redo, Fuu was definitely nonbinary. Feminine in looks, but, not female.

#once upon a bloody long time ago#my art#tindome-art#tindome-artsing#air genasi#fuurai#watercolour#drawing#painting#DnD art#dnd character#dnd oc#dungeons and dragons#airgenasi#fantasy armour#wind#ttrpg character#personal stuff
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