#The Universe is amazing
alex99a · 2 months
The Universe is Amazing !!!
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If you go outside on a clear evening and look to the northern sky, this is what you will see.
Polaris, the "North Star" is actually a triple star system composed of the bright supergiant Polaris Aa which is in orbit with the dimmer Polaris Ab and Polaris B. Situated less than 1° away from the north celestial pole, Polaris is currently our "pole star" over the North pole and is useful for navigation.
At this time of year (we're getting on toward fall as I post this) if you look to the approximately 7 o'clock position you will see two stars in a line aimed nearly directly at Polaris. These are the stars Merak and Dubhe which form the front of the "bowl" of the asterism (what we used to call constellation) The Big Dipper. The Dipper rotates slowly around Polaris over the course of the year with those two stars always pointing at it. So, you can tell the time of year (absent other clues of course) by where The Big Dipper lies in relation to Polaris.
The Universe Is Amazing !!!
(editor Alex here. For all the people accusing me of being a Nazi because of the unfortunate resemblance of the above illustration, I suppose if you have evil in your heart you ascribe evil to others. Why not keep it to yourself.)
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crystal-bytes · 11 months
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Spider-Man 3 (2007) / The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) / Donald Glover: Weirdo (2012) / Community 2x01 "Anthropology 101" (2010) / Ultimate Fallout #4 (2011) / "Not Going Back" Live Performance (2011) / Ultimate Spider-Man 3x11 "The Spider-Verse: Part Three" (2015) / Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) / Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) / Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023)
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sm-baby · 11 months
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I wanted to try my own take at a sort of "swap au " :3! though-- it's more a "role swap" than anything else, haha!
I give yall Zooble another time cuz I'm sleepyyy
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kaycartoons · 4 months
I know the animation industry has been going through a serious rough patch in the past 10 years. I just hope the medium and the artists making it can get the respect they deserve someday soon. So I wanna take a moment to spread a reminder of the powerful emotional scenes we've gotten from animation in the past 10 years.
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painted-lemon · 1 year
um can we make this a real thing??????
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please tag any other fandom that could use this meme format
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fellatitledthemf · 1 year
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taikk0 · 8 months
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was supposed to be a valentines day post but i needed a bit more time to finish the coloring. anyways, yes, SU reference :]
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ofswordsandpens · 8 months
it is a little funny, a little ironic, because as much as the Ember Island Players episode wants to be like "see?? you're silly for thinking zuko and katara's dynamic is romantic" it doesn't quite think through the in-world implications of the play because, conceivably, this play is built largely upon rumor, right? biased or purposefully distorted first, second, or third-hand accounts of the gaang and their journey? (and then of course, whatever artistic liberties the play writers want to take)
Because that all begs the question - why do the play writers think zuko and katara are together?? Like literally lmao was it just for the Drama of it all? Or do enough people in the avatar universe perceive Zuko and Katara to be a couple for it to be a far spread rumor?? Is June gossiping in taverns like "oh the fire nation prince? yeah he hired me to find his girlfriend. he had her betrothal necklace and everything"??
And how did the play writers (or anyone for that matter) even know that Zuko and Katara had shared a Moment with one another in the crystal caverns? Were there like, Dai Li Agents spying on them from afar? Watching katara huff and stalk around and yell at zuko then like five seconds later they see her cradling Zuko's face and they're just like "bro" "bro" "no way" "there's no war in ba sing se but we've got to tell people about that."
Then isn't it also implied this play is fairly popular in the fire nation? Like how many years after the war is the average fire nation citizen convinced that Zuko and Katara are an item?
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planetplaytion · 2 months
Petition for poolverine and spideypool lovers to combine and make #spideypoolverine 🤗
Also thank you guys so much for the love on my last post! I super appreciate it :))
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alex99a · 29 days
Here's a map of your neighborhood...
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... the Milky Way galaxy, if we could see it from outside.
The Universe Is Amazing !!!
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karlrincon · 1 year
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Today’s “Ring of Fire” eclipse. from, Bryce Canyon National Park.
Credits: NPS Photo/Peter Densmore.
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lueduar01 · 6 months
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so many pomnis but from different AUs
@hootbon @sm-baby and @burrotello
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vannahrt · 10 months
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I’m not a fan of something until I’m drawing angsty comics of the tall lanky ones. So of course I had to draw the tumblr man.
I have a headcanon that Jax was a teenager when he joined and has been in the circus for years. Also Gooseworx said Jax receiving a ton of praise would ‘concern and frighten him’. So I took that and ran with it.
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discount-supervillain · 11 months
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cobbiecrow · 3 months
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That project I was talking about. The work is going slowly, but otherwise the result would not be satisfactory for me personally.
This is Circus Land Au!
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inbarfink · 1 year
Okay, with the 2010’s era of cartoons now firmly in the rear view, I’m curious…
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If I missed your favorite 2010’s cartoon, feel free to add them in the tags. If I get enough ‘what about X’ comments I’ll probably do a second poll with all of the write-in answers. Please just note that I’m talking about cartoons that started between 2010 and 2019 (and preferably ended before 2020, that's less mandatory but I want to prioritize cartoons that did all or at least the majority of their run during the New Tens), there’s a reason why ‘Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts’ or ‘The Owl House’ are not on the list.
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