#everything is connected
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So fucking real
frankly, the impact the phrase/belief "everything is connected" has had on my life is far larger than it has any right to be, given that it's a quote imprinted on me by a weirdass detective show that got cancelled after 2 seasons in 2017.
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human brain angiogram / young bare-branched oak /
#everything is connected#ngl it makes me emo af#nature#science#photography#landsccape#naturecore#trees#sciencecore#aesthetic#mother nature#human#brain#nervous system#people
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matt damon: dude did u see the succession finale? tragic ending for kendall :(
ben affleck:

#the universe is so aligned rn do you guys know that one kstewy fic that someone wrote inspired solely on ben affleck and jlo pap pictures?#everything is connected#anyway this is the bravest thing jabookie ever said#kenstewy#m
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yes i caved to the schrucy propaganda
#getting out of artblock thanks to another hyperfixation#i have more drawings but i havent finished them#mostly of lucy#i love her#i got really sad during the holidays and watched the specials with my mom and it brought me back#and then tiktok started showing this little guys too#everything is connected#peanuts#schrucy#lucy van pelt#shroeder#shroeder x lucy#i really want to draw some fanart of some fics i've read#if youre still reading please talk to me about peanuts#my art
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Mike and Will’s love will save Hawkins

Everything, and I mean everything has been leading up to this point.
Let me explain how the power of gay love will save the day…
#doorgate or #gategate
🚪🍑❤️ + 🔑🍆⚡️
TW: mentions of sex and brief mention of CSA
If you’d like to read this with a soundtrack:
So it’s been a while since I made posts about Lover’s Lake… and to be honest I thought aspects of my theory were kind of silly (but of course who cares this is just for fun). But now I’m back and more confident than ever that Lover’s Lake will be an incredibly important location for ST5, especially for Mike and Will.
To begin, let’s start with the physics set up within the show. Why physics you say? We are talking about the love of two gay nerds afterall (one of them named after a famous theoretical physicist)… of course physics is involved!

Way back in season 1, Mr. Clarke helpfully taught us how to create a doorway between two worlds. This doorway would require a massive amount of energy… “more than humans are currently capable of creating”. I appreciate the subtle hint of a possibility that one day humans could create that level of energy.

In season 2 we have Steve helpfully explain to us this alternate electricity exists. He also related it to a storm and then distinguished it from a regular electromagnetic field.
Now, interestingly enough within the book titled The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time (the conspiracy which inspired Stranger Things so much that it was originally titled Montauk), there is a mention of this type of energy as well:
“Reich was known in part for his discovery of “orgone” energy, which is orgasmic or life energy. His experiments revealed orgone energy to be distinctly different from ordinary electromagnetic energy.”
So to sum it up so far, we have learned:
1. In order to create a doorway, a massive amount of energy is required.
2. There’s an alternate form of energy known as “orgone” energy “like a sexual electricity”.
Okay. Now unto season 3…
So, season 3 had the Russians attempt to “open the gate”/door once again after it was closed back in season 2.

Back in 1984, the Russians manage to get the door slightly open but it keeps closing. The Russian working on the project begs for “more time”, shortly after (like right after the opening credits) we hear the line “just a little more time could open closing doors” from the song playing while shown a picture of Mike. Later on, we have Will claim he’s “not going to fall in love” and then the song plays “love that is new to you, you open up the door”.
We also get this association for Mike. Mike is the one who could open closing doors, in other words he is "the key".
Okay wait lets go back to the science here!

The Russians have "the key" which is said to "emit a great energy" so much so that it can "open a doorway between worlds". Alexei also mentions how the location of where the key goes matters, it is "half of the equation". They chose Hawkins because, the gate has already opened there. (I talk more about the implications of that here). In case you haven't figured it out yet, Mike is "the key", and Hawkins = Will (remember, Hawkins is not the same without him).

Mr. Clarke is back again with some more science! In this scene, he actually associates an Electromagnetic Field with two people! Implying that two people can create their own Electromagnetic Field. But of course Clarke-Byers' field is stable because there is no sexual electricity between them.
We have Mike referred to as "the key". The key can create a doorway with the right location. Hawkins is the right location and Will is implied to be “Hawkins”.
Two people can create their own Electromagnetic Field.
Okay wow, are you guys still with me here?
These friends are indeed electric…

The very first one was way back in season 2. Mike placed his hand on top of Will’s and right after we cut to Will’s drawing. Look closely… there’s lightning! ⚡️ It’s “sexual electricity”!

In season 3, the electricity only grew between but simultaneously so did the subtlety of it all. They held hands in the movie theatre. Yes yes they did! That’s why we are shown a movie playing with hands popping out! This is what “triggered” Will (manifesting as a reminder of the shadow monster…). But most importantly… this is how the power went back on in Hawkins.

In season 4, it’s arguably even more subtle… but the clues are still present! Mike and Will lock eyes while the electricity flickers. Then we have the final scene which shows us a cloud resembling a heart above them with lightning! Heart with lightning… keep this in mind for later. We also have a very tiny “Live Mike” poster on Mike’s bulletin board… the association with Mike and lightning/electricity is clear…

Even in the marketing, the lightning is very much present. Notice specifically the lightning with the heart in the first picture…
Doors that keep closing…

The show constantly makes references to closing/opening doors. The gates opening are an aspect of this too! I have good reason to believe that this all leads back to Will.
I go over the door symbolism in this post but I’ll give a brief summary:

So far each time the gates have opened within the show, they have opened without Will’s consent. Now, I mean this on multiple levels. I mean this as the closet door- as people keep opening it by insinuating his sexuality. I also mean this in a more deeply tragic way. Child sexual abuse… to be blunt. This is why he’s desperate to keep all the doors and gates shut… even if it kills him. It’s a reality that forever haunts him, worse than any monster imaginable.
Will has such deep trauma that it manifests as monsters within the show. This is why I believe Will has been struggling far more than we are shown explicitly. In case you’re unaware, during the 80s and prior, there was a deeply homophobic belief perpetrated by society that gay people (specifically gay men) were predators. As a victim, Will is terrified of becoming a predator… becoming “the monster”. He’s frightened of himself.
I believe that… Will has been “pushing [Mike] away” far more than we know. He is desperately in love with Mike, yes, but the hatred he has for himself is far greater at this point in the show.
He needs to learn to love and accept himself despite all that he has been through. He needs to know that he is not a monster, and that his love and sexuality can be a beautiful thing. He needs to do this independently of Mike. Mike will be the key to his door when he’s ready.
To sum up everything thus far: doorways/gates require A LOT of energy, sexual electricity is a form of energy, and Will is associated with doors and Mike with keys. Got it?
The Russian Code
You may have already seen my post on this but it’s *very* relevant here so I’ll summarize (read the post for more depth):
The week is long because Mike and Will will be separated. Emotions affect time afterall.
The silver cat feeds the “silver cat” is a gate/doorway. Mike and Will are both associated with being a “snack” because they feed it sexual electricity thus causing it to open!
When blue meets yellow in the west. Mike will be stuck in the “East”/the UD, then return to the “West”/right side up to meet Will.
A trip to China sounds nice, if you tread lightly. “China” is on the other side of the “silver cat” doorway. Mike and Will will reach a new world through this doorway.
Again, if you think I’m reaching, please check out this post as I outline the clues in much more depth.
Opening multiple doors
As mentioned earlier, Mike is the key to opening Will’s door. This has multiple meanings:
Figuratively: Will’s closet door. Mike is struggling with his sexuality as well, but he will likely accept himself first, and inspire Will to follow.
Sexually: Will will open himself up sexually to Mike. They will have an intimate scene. I’m positive of this now.
Supernaturally: A portal door/gate to another world.
He’s truly the key to his heart…
What I theorize will happen…
So based on all the clues I’ve outlined (plus more) I will break down how everything will likely happen (leading up to the climax):
Mike confronts Will about the painting. Now, I truly believe Mike already knows that the painting and speech was all Will. He knows Will well. Will downplays the significance of the painting though making us (the audience) believe that he’s not actually still in love with Mike. (This could be why Noah now views Will’s love for Mike as a spoiler 🤔).
Will continues to push Mike away but more explicitly. Mike is frustrated. Tensions are high! Mike is “banished” to the UD, as well as nearly half of our main cast. They reunite with Max.
Will is devastated that Mike is gone. Will then faces severe homophobia and cruel accusations made his way (likely connected to those who went missing). Without Mike, he falls apart. The insecurities around his sexuality reach a boiling point for him. This will be represented by the US military closing off all the gates, separating half of our main characters from each other.
Will finds a letter from Mike. We (the audience) will realize (if we are paying attention) that Mike loves Will through the reveal of the “Love, Mike” written at the end. Will will not realize/believe it, but he is given the courage to fight on.
Will spends time with his mother and friends who express to him how much they love him unconditionally. As he starts to slowly accept himself, the gates slowly show signs of opening up.
After a long week of separation, on one fateful stormy night, Mike finds a way to escape the UD through watergate and Will is there to retrieve him. Will is likely not alone, he’s with the “right side up” crew on a boat trying to save those in the UD. Only Mike is able to get through the gate… (possibly through radio communication with Will, they create enough electricity for the gate to open).
Mike and Will are soaking wet and Mike is injured, thus he and Will make their way to Reefer Rick’s Lakeside House. They have to remove their shirts, and the sexual tension is through the roof. Will tends to his wounds and sparks fly. Mike reveals just how deeply in love he is with Will and how much it pains him that Will has been so closed off. Will turns away- not wanting to hear it at first, thinking he doesn’t deserve it. He doesn’t deserve Mike’s love.
Tears start pouring down Mike’s face as he continues to tell Will that he’s done with hiding, and he’s done with pretending that he isn’t in love with Will. Will stops, finally starting to believe Mike’s words. Mike, thinking that his words still aren’t getting through to Will, turns and starts walking away. Will calls Mike’s name, Mike swiftly turns his head. He says “I love you too” while in tears, walking towards Mike. He then kisses him ever so passionately! Mike is taken aback with wide eyes for a brief moment then is quick to shut his eyes, grab onto Will for dear life and reciprocates the kiss very enthusiastically. They go horizontal on the bed, Mike on top.
While they are making love enough sexual energy is created for thunder to erupt and lightning. One giant lightning strike hits right in the centre of Lover’s Lake into watergate and opening it up completely! The (heart shaped) lake is literally a broken heart resuscitated by electricity. The water from the lake is parted right in the middle (think Moses parting the sea… or perhaps… like a surfer boy?) making it possible for everyone to walk out easily from the gate. It opens it up SO much that everyone trapped there escapes. They’re all freed!

The sun rises, the storm clears, and of course- there’s a giant rainbow. Will and Mike wake up and smile more brightly than ever as they recall the events of the night prior. They walk out hand in hand and head towards the end of the rainbow. They find a new gate hidden behind watergate and descent into it together. It’s fairyland. They then agree to start their own party, just the two of them.

Credit to @byler-alarmist and their post for bringing my attention to this very likely possibility.
The Feywild was a place of unrestrained and awe-inspiring natural beauty. The plane is always bathed in twilight of the setting (or perhaps rising) sun, with lanterns and fireflies providing additional, haunting lights. Visitors to the plane found that all sensations, both sensory and emotional, were heightened. Smells were stronger, colors were more vivid, and sounds were clearer, but at the same time shadows were darker and impulses were harder to control. x
Feywild is a location in DnD just like Shadowfell (which likely represents the UD).
What better way to represent love and acceptance than a beautiful green realm full of light? I assume that it will resemble the real world, just like the UD. I’m also guessing that Mike and Will will find the remnants of the old Creel house and rebuild it as their own castle/fortress. (Credit to @thestrangestthing89 for this beautiful idea.)
Rewriting History

After WWII, the alliance between the East (USSR) and West (US, England etc) dissolved and then began The Cold War. Leading to Russia and the US essentially becoming enemies. They viewed each other as a major threat to their safety. They also were in major competition with each other, specifically regarding space exploration. Each nation wanting to be the first to reach the Moon.
Germany was a nation that ended up being “split” into the East and West. The Berlin Wall divided the two sections. The song “Heroes” by David Bowie is about lovers separated by the Berlin Wall. In 1989, the wall fell and Germany was no longer divided.
Where am I getting at with this? Well, I believe that Stranger Things is both majorly referencing this conflict, and rewriting history. Let me explain. I think that the scenes with the Russians are representative of Mike’s struggles. He feels as though he has no choice but to conform- not unlike those who live under communism. We see he is slowly escaping this mindset, however, as we watch some of the Russian characters rebel against their government.
Yes that means- the US government represents Will’s struggles. They view El as a monster that needs to be contained/removed. This is exactly how they viewed gay people during the AIDS crisis. We see resistance there as well though… through Owens.
In Stranger Things, the gates are the Berlin Wall. Once they open up again (properly… with Will’s consent), the division between the nations will cease. The war will come to an end.
Instead of one nation “winning” the space race, Stranger Things will end with both “Russia” and “America” reaching a new world together- as Mike and Will.
All you need is love
This is the whole message of the show. So many times we let fear and hatred take over us but we must always remember… we can choose love. In a world full of division, we can choose inclusion. We can choose to extend understanding and patience to others who are different or who may hold differing beliefs. It’s all up to you. You hold the power. It’s your choice. Choose wisely.
#let my love open the door 🚪🔑#it’s looooooooooong#everything is connected#I hope I’m making sense#my god this took a while#byler#stranger things#stranger things theory#stranger things 5#byler theory#Gategate#doorgate#Mike wheeler#Will Byers#Spotify
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#tumblrstuff#aesthetic#tumblrpost#weirdcore aesthetic#90s computers#2000s core#strangecore#corecore#her crusade sheep#source: pintrest#pinterest girl#pinterest#internet#old internet#tumblr girls#false reality#question everything#everything is connected#webcore#gifs#blinkies#y2k#2000s nostalgia#satanic#hail satan
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The summer that was never supposed to end

You’ve probably noticed how in Good Omens 2 Crowley’s eyes are brighter, more saturated, as if glistening with liquid gold. We’ve already covered his hair. And it’s not only the visual aspect of him — even in objectively stressful conditions, Crowley appears mature and put together, way cooler and more protective than before. Even his faults are heavily romanticized in the past and present scenes, reminding of the S1 body swap, when Aziraphale projected his love to him on the way he played the demon in Hell.
It’s not just the demon. The whole season is more vibrant, bolder, filled with sunshine. Just like a summer that was never supposed to end. Like a memory of a loved one seen through the eyes of someone who thinks of them every day until the end of the world.
S2 seems ridiculously saturated, whimsical, and full of red and gold, just like a certain demon. Aziraphale not only painted his bookshop in his image, but literally colored the whole world in Crowley’s colors. It was such lush and saturated and blooming with warmth and hazy light.
It’s either that all the newest events are just another memory seen through a certain angel’s eyes, or said angel actively made it appear this way — as in, his feelings grew so strong that they’ve started to warp the reality around him. And it’s a well-known fact that Aziraphale has a tendency to affect his surroundings, either unconsciously, when his presence in the bookshop literally lightens up the sky seen through its windows, or very much consciously, when he takes over the position of a master puppeteer and manipulates people with or without the help of his miracles.

S1 was more dramatic and apocalyptic, but not particularly gray — at least not as much as the color grading typically used in portrayal of similar apocalyptic narratives. S2, at least as seen through Aziraphale’s own La Vie En Rose lens, is vibrant and saturated. And those colors drastically fade in the heavenly light of the elevator during the credits, suggesting that they won’t be as visible in the course of S3.
But I don’t want to ramble about the apocalypse sandwich and the three-act structure here, so let’s circle back to S2.

Good Omens 2 was really set in a summer that was never supposed to end. But it did, autumn crept in, and there was no chance of hearing the nightingales sing. They all had left by the time an angel and a demon finally kissed.
In the most literal sense: the very last nightingales usually migrate from the UK to their wintering grounds in Sub-Saharan Africa in the first days of September.
Aziraphale was right that nothing lasts forever — and the passage of time on Earth is marked by subtle details invisible to the immortal eyes.
The main thing about autumn migration is how sudden and hard to predict it is. The birds start disappearing gradually, often without notice, until at some point they are no longer here. Much like the angel leaves the bookshop — their shared nest — to spread his wings and fight.

And it was basically announced on the poster.
Can you see the migratory formation of birds up in the sky? It looks like Aziraphale is the last one to get off the ground and fly.

#Yuri is doing her thing#good omens#good omens 2#go2 spoilers#go2 meta#good omens meta#no nightingales#in the most literal sense#ineffable husbands#ineffable divorcés#crowley#aziraphale#your friendly neighborhood eldritch horror might be messing with more than your life#the summer that was never supposed to end#the good omens crew is unhinged#everything is connected
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— R. Arnold
#fluent in silence#r Arnold#beautiful words#poetry#writers on tumblr#distant love#everything is connected
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Everything is connected. 💞
#everything is connected#compassion#empathy#positivelypresent#quotes#inspirational quotes#inspiring words#connection#its all connected#we are all connected
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this is the same guy. tryna fight me😈

#dead boy detectives#good omens#international express man#dead boy detectives mailman#everything is connected
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Laura Aboli
#pay attention#educate yourselves#educate yourself#knowledge is power#reeducate yourselves#reeducate yourself#think about it#think for yourselves#think for yourself#do your homework#do your own research#do your research#do some research#ask yourself questions#question everything#everything is connected#encouragement#laura aboli
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OCKISS 2025 / Valentine...
Fuck it! This is what I got for keeping up to procrastinate 😂😂
All wip, the text and the art!
(Potentially this would be one of the last scene in book one....before.....)
The scarred angel / DRAFT ZERO
Ashley doesn't say a word but swerves the wheel on the right and pulls the Lincoln on the side of the road.
Break pedal all the way down and handbrake up almost at the same time, the car jolts at the improvised stop.
Her eyes lock with Amy's .
For a moment the only sound filling the air is the engine's humming in the background, then the sharp crack of seat belts unfastening and the driver seat pushed all the way back echoes in the cabin.
Amy's already on Ashley's lap straddling her, urgency consuming.
Hearts ignite and mouths collide.
At first Amy's hands grip Ashley's shoulders to stabilize herself, fingertips digging into the fabric eager of the feeling of the skin underneath, then her left hand stroke up cradling Ashley's face, the pad of her thumb brushing gently the scarred skin while her right slides up into that mass of hair, fingers curling in.
It's almost an intoxicating relief to finally sink her fingers in, to give in into the softness and the tickling of golden frizzy curls to the point that Amy has to hold back from squeezing too hard.

Stay hydrated !!!! 🍻☕🍷☕ 🍹🍻 Tag (np), I wanna see your OCKISS 2025 :
@tragedycoded @the-golden-comet @wyked-rebellion
@mk-writes-stuff @legalownerofufoemoji
@bluefiredesire @aalinaaaaaa @illarian-rambling
@lunaeuphternal @malignant-biomass @zackprincebooks
@castiels-favorite-dumbass @abiteofhoney @vesanal
@peach-the-gospel @jacobwren @inadequatecowboy
@orphanheirs @riveriafalll @saturnine-saturneight
@autism-purgatory @jev-urisk @badscientist
@cowboybrunch @words-after-midnight @the-letterbox-archives
@angofwords @topazadine @aintgonnatakethis
@deanwax @thecomfywriter @leahnardo-da-veggie
@lychhiker-writes @avaseofpeonies @alinacapellabooks
@mapplesand @kaeru483 @lullabynorth
@theeccentricraven @willtheweaver @dnschmidt
@ryns-ramblings @aspiring-dreamer @rivenantiqnerd
@pertweefan1970 @agirlandherquill @innerthoughtsmonologue
@noxxytocin @moltenwrites @distortedsense
#ockiss2025#I do procrastinate#I'm also very busy#oh well....#oh yeah HAPPY VALENTINE I guess?......#my wip TSA#wip The scarred angel#OC Ashley Knox#OC Amy Salinas#VIBES EXIST (and do things)#information is everywhere#twisted stories#wtf factor#nothing happens by chance#manipulation of information#misguided information#everything is connected#drug cartels#violent society#smuggling tunnels#along the Us Mexican border#LGBTQIA+#art for my wip#art for The scarred angel#TSA strip#art#art in progress
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I hear your voice
In the whispers
Of the wind
#my writing#poetry#poem#creative writing#poets on tumblr#spilled ink#love#longing#everything is connected#nature#wind#voice#spiritual connection#connection#writers on tumblr#writers and poets#quick write
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🦐 MIXED FRIED / Writing share ( with ART) 🦐
THANK YOU for all the open tags to 🦐@the-golden-comet HERE
and HERE and for all the OPEN KISSES tags HERE HERE 🦐
+ various flavors of writing share to 🦐 @tragedycoded HERE ,
🦐 @peach-the-gospel HERE and 🦐 @aalinaaaaaa HERE
Wip The scarred angel / DRAFT Zero - actual chp 9 "The den"
ART (IbisPaint, yes, I'm playing with it) + Text under the cut / CW body fluids (?)
What they see are metal bars running from the ground to the ceiling same as a prison cell, bare and completely empty but for the deadly stink of urine mingled with the stale of other non specified substances.
Ashley clenches her teeth while she swipes the rye of the torch's light over the rock walls, the unwilling tension clasping at her nape and the pit of her stomach obviously going unnoticed by the two women with her.
Which is exactly how it has to be.
The lingering stink reminding ammonia's does speak loud enough about people that have been held captive inside.
Now the cell's door has been left locked, the key nowhere to be seen.
Since there is nothing more to check they resume the inspection and walk deeper into the gallery.
Eyes open wide in shock when they push open the second door.
"Is this a lab ?" Amy speaks first, almost in aw, while she takes in the surroundings.
A fair work has been achieved to get this part of the gallery almost matching a typical white collar working space, including a ventilation system and rather some equipment, considering what's been left, to re-create a functional setting.
"They lack on the decoration side..."Amy mutters in bitter irony to balance the surprise.
These walls are bare indeed but for a few office magnetic boards that have been swiped clean, and a regular paper print of the Holy Mary stuck crookedly on the wall near the entrance.
Amy follows Ashley's gaze lingering over that one.
"Do they pray?" she asks not holding back the disbelief in her pitch at the sight of the sacred image.
Pretty much out of place, to say the least, borderline surrealistic.
Ashley's eyes narrow for a moment, brow furrowed, then she shrugs as a response and sweeps her attention across the rest of the space.
Drink of the week 🍻☕🍷☕ 🍹🍻 + tag (NP) to :
@cowboybrunch @lavender-gloom @mk-writes-stuff
@deanwax @alinacapellabooks @wyked-ao3
@dismalstation @lunaeuphternal @malignant-biomass
@jacobwren @legalownerofufoemoji
@zackprincebooks @abiteofhoney @vesanal
@inadequatecowboy @bluefiredesire
@oleanderbailey @theeccentricraven @willtheweaver
@mapplesand @dnschmidt
@thecomfywriter @ryns-ramblings
@aspiring-dreamer @illarian-rambling
@cloudyempress8888 @pertweefan1970
@agirlandherquill @leahnardo-da-veggie
@words-after-midnight @the-letterbox-archives @rivenantiqnerd
@noxxytocin @moltenwrites
@innerthoughtsmonologue @jev-urisk
@lychhiker-writes @avaseofpeonies @aintgonnatakethis
@castiels-favorite-hunter @badscientist @saturnine-saturneight @orphanheirs @lullabynorth @riveriafalll
#my wip TSA#wip The scarred angel#OC Ashley Knox#OC Amy Salinas#VIBES EXIST (and do things)#information is everywhere#twisted stories#wtf factor#nothing happens by chance#manipulation of information#misguided information#everything is connected#drug cartels#violent society#smuggling tunnels#along the Us Mexican border#LGBTQIA+#art for my wip#art for The scarred angel#TSA strip#art
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Astorvember Day 24: HOLY
I figured, what better character to contrast with Astor than Zelda for "Holy?"
Zelda, of course, has her own difficulties with Hylia and the divines. But in the end, she was always fated to be on the winning side. Her goddess, though distant, seems to have her best interests at heart. Astor, in contrast, knows that he serves a deity who is indifferent at best. Even in defeat, he feels himself bound by a Fate he can't bring himself to resist--a Fate he doesn't believe he can resist.
This page takes place near the very end of Age of Calamity, when Astor and Ganon's forces are on the brink of destruction. Interestingly (to me at least) I did the initial sketch for this page at the very beginning of the month, even before I knew how his story was going to evolve.
He was always going to end up here.
#astorvember#getting this out five minutes to midnight#im actually so happy to get another page up <3#been a busy past week#but i got some drawing time today and had a solid sketch to work from#astor#astor aoc#princess zelda#legend of zelda#age of calamity#everything is connected
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