#The Seasons of Heartbreak
f1writingbyme · 7 months
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The Seasons of Heartbreak
Lestappen | 14 075 words | Angst with a Happy Ending | Rated T by @f1writingbyme and @lestappenforever
As promised, here it is!
We strongly urge you to listen to Stick Season by Noah Kahan and Stick Season (Her Version) by Deeps, as those are the two songs that inspired this entire fic.
And if you're in the mood for more ✨vibes✨, you can find our full fic playlist on Spotify here.
You can read the full fic on AO3 here.
As the ‘I can’t do this anymore’ slipped from his lips, Charles missed his exit and continued straight ahead, unable to fully see the exit sign through his tears.
The tears fill his eyes as quickly now as they had done in his car that day, and Charles finds himself realizing that he hasn’t felt happiness since. Not even once.
OR: When two men are hurting from a break-up, they can only use each other to make it right again. But they have to realize that first.
OR: The seasons of heartbreak, seen through the eyes of both Max and Charles.
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dailyheartbreakhigh · 6 months
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HEARTBREAK HIGH (2022 - ) Season 2, Episode 1
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nicolegmattos · 8 months
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I’ll just drop this heartbreaking art by lil.patison I found on TikTok
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asexualenjolras · 6 months
I need to talk about Cash Piggott and how important his character is to the asexual community.
I absolutely adore the fact that Cash calls people out on their acephobia and never, ever apologises for who he is. He doesn't think he's broken.
In season one, we see Darren say "you know what, I think there's something really fucking wrong with you, Cash," and Cash immediately, with no hesitation, screams "well fuck you then".
In season two, we see Dusty say that he's being selfish asking Darren to give up sex and he immediately stands up and says "fuck this" because he knows he doesn't have to listen to people making him feel bad about his sexuality.
And when he's talking to his nan about it, Cash says "it's not fair, I would do anything, why does it have to be the one thing I can't change about myself?"
In every single one of these scenes, we never see Heartbreak High blame Cash for his sexuality. We never see him apologise to anyone for not feeling sexual attraction, and we never see him feel guilty about it, or try to change who he is.
CA$H recognises that his sexuality might be difficult for people to accept and understand, but he never lets other people make him feel like he's broken, or flawed. And that's so powerful to see.
Because asexual people are not broken. And we can't be fixed. And we are not being selfish for putting in boundaries.
I absolutely adore Douglas Piggott. He means the world to me, and this representation is so, so important.
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likelylarks · 4 months
fabian getting a baby sibling is a genuinely funny bit and there’s some self-admitted character bleed from lou, but also… hallariel has become a better and more “present” parent so the idea of fabian having to watch his mother be a better and more attentive parent to this new baby than she ever was to him? truly fucking devastating 
fabian has struggled his whole life with expectation and wanting his parents to see him and love him for who he is, not just the legend he could be, and now there’s gonna be some baby that gets everything fabian ever wanted from his mother? if it was me, that baby would be my fucking nemesis, too 
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salemontrial · 5 months
Say whatever you want but Missy explaining Orpheus and Eurydice to Spider while he listens with genuine awe going "woag. Fr?? No shit?? Thats tragic asf waog.." is indeed peak romance and you can't do a thing to change my mind
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king-wille · 6 months
ca$h defender today
ca$h defender tomorrow
ca$h defender forever
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willowtreehigh · 6 months
No because I never asked for cash name origin story and I would like to go back to 2.5 seconds ago when I didn’t know that
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angeljane18 · 6 months
Let’s thank the media gods for heartbreak high having one of the only legit adoptions of a love triangle plot line, where all corners are actually connected
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quinnigallagherjones · 6 months
quinni watching them all high af and laughing bc she finally looks like the normal one YEAH
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f1writingbyme · 7 months
hi i'm avery, mona's "ollie", and resident lestappen gremlin :) nice to meet you!! i wanted to say how much i love the seasons of heartbreak and how it absolutely broke my heart (in the best way). thank you for giving me a good cry and i adore your writing!!!
live avery reaction while reading:
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all my love to both of you 🫶
Hi Avery, it's so very nice to meet you!
Thank you so much for coming here and letting me know that you have enjoyed (which is a weird word to use with this haha) our fic. It truly means a lot to @lestappenforever and me to hear this!! I do feel kind of sorry that we had your crying, but that was also the purpose of the fic, soooo... 😶‍🌫️🫶🏻
Nice to meet you again, Avery, and thank you again for your compliments! I have to say; you looked amazing reading it haha! 🫶🏻
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sullenange1 · 6 months
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so happy that they gave my himbo hallpass so much screen time this season
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blindbisexualgoose · 6 months
You guys don’t understand…. Amerie never got the letter
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dedenneblogs · 6 months
heartbreak high season 2 felt like this the entire time
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asexualenjolras · 6 months
"It's not fair. I would do anything. Why does it have to be the one thing I can't change about myself?"
Heartbreak High have done it again. Ca$h Piggott is the most beautiful asexual representation. I have never related to anything more. He is trying so hard, but he's staying true to who he is.
And that is so important to see.
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timetodiverge · 7 months
How to break a million hearts in under 10 seconds
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