#quinni gallagher jones
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toomucharitime · 11 months ago
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The world's never played by my rules. I've spent my entire life playing by your rules.
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h--hannah--h · 1 year ago
quinni fucking went off with that rant about masking!!
constantly hearing from people “you can’t have everyone go by your rules” is so fucking frustrating to hear when you’re autistic bc you’re constantly having to follow everyone else’s already! people simply do not realize that the burden is constantly on autistic people to learn about how allistic work and follow their rules, and never on allistic people
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angeljane18 · 1 year ago
Let’s thank the media gods for heartbreak high having one of the only legit adoptions of a love triangle plot line, where all corners are actually connected
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quinnigallagherjones · 1 year ago
quinni watching them all high af and laughing bc she finally looks like the normal one YEAH
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asexualenjolras · 1 year ago
I can't stop thinking about the friendship between Quinni and Cash in Heartbreak High. I really hope we get more scenes between them in future seasons.
I can't stop thinking about Cash's face when Quinni is having her meltdown because he knows he can relate on some level. He's listening to her every word, and he is feeling so deeply for her.
His face when she says she doesn't want to be a burden made me sob. He looks so sad.
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Quinni's words must have held some resonance with Cash, and I can't stop thinking about it.
Because he doesn't want to be a burden either, and he is trying so hard in his relationship with Darren and it still isn't enough.
Quinni says: "And then I find this thing, this one thing that I can control, that I can share with you all and participate in, one thing that I'm useful for, and I'm told I'm doing that wrong too. It's just not fair."
Cash knows how that feels. He's doing absolutely everything in his relationship with Darren, but he still feels like it's not enough. He's really letting her words sink in.
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Quinni needs someone that can understand what she's feeling, and Cash can (in a different way).
I love that we saw Cash pick up on how upset Quinni was at the zoo. She needs someone that notices her, and Cash did.
Anyway, I love the scenes with Quinni and Cash together. And I hope we get more of their friendship in future. Because I think they understand each other on a very personal level. But maybe that's just my autistic, asexual self hoping they can find some solace in each other.
I resonate with Cash just as much as I resonate with Quinni, and I'm not saying that Cash is also possibly autistic but it's possible with his stimming, his mental health history, his deep empathy for living things and his struggles communicating how he feels. I'm running with this headcanon.
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them-bo-dacious · 11 months ago
this may be controversial but it is my opinion 🫣
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mikewheelerscloset · 1 year ago
if heartbreak high doesn't get a s3 I will riot btw
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intothedysphoria · 11 months ago
Actually, the most realistic part of Quinni’s experience as an autistic person in s2 of Heartbreak High (for me at least) is how quick everyone is to switch up on her.
The fact that she goes from ohhhhh Quinni’s so sweet and she just wants to make everyone happy and sure she’s “a bit weird” but she makes people feel better when they’re around her to her asserting her feelings literally ONE TIME and suddenly she’s too dramatic and the world can’t play by her rules.
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beep-beep-robin · 1 year ago
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quinni gallagher-jones + common autism traits pt. 2
finally made part 2 to this :)
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dailyheartbreakhigh · 11 months ago
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HEARTBREAK HIGH (2022 - ) Season 2, Episode 2
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colorofneurosis · 11 months ago
So Quinni went full Fuck This mode masks off only to :
Have a great time going wild at a party
Accidentally become school captain
Solve a (bird)murder mystery
Run into a burning building; save three (3) lives 
Almost like... embracing neurospiciness can lead to surprisingly positive outcomes? Wooooah dude. 
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pricklypearflowers · 1 year ago
💔more heartbreak high text posts
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honeybee-babe · 1 year ago
Quinn would have died from that snakebite if she wasn’t autistic. She woudn’t have known not to panic, and she wouldn’t have had the mental strength and objective reasoning to be able to look at the situation from outside herself and be able to stop herself from panicking and communicate to the others that that’s what she needed. I love that they had an arc that showed autism as an asset, without the need to loudly and overtly assert it. ♥️
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anderants · 11 months ago
The bit where everyone takes Quinni to the zoo is so well done. Right from the start of that but we see how uncomfortable Quinni is, and see why she’s hurting before she says anything. Ca$h notices when her best friend doesn’t seem to.
But yeah, when they invite her to the zoo, she doesn’t seem to want to be there, at no point do they ask what she wants, they just assume she’ll appreciate it even though we know she hates plan changes. As an autistic person, I imagine she’s similar to me with things being sprung on her, so it would make sense that she’s already stressed out. Having someone else make plans for me and then do a surprise thing for my birthday would honestly freak me out no matter how well intentioned.
The whole way around it becomes obvious that they’re doing this to try and make themselves feel better, not Quinni. They say they’re going for her, but they immediately leave her behind at the entrance, running off and chatting. With every exhibit they visit, she’s always the last one to leave which represents very concisely her fear of being left behind.
She even asks at one point what she’s missed and she’s brushed off by Darren, the one person who has always been understanding. It’s not done maliciously but it’s dismissive at best.
She then later expresses her fear of being left, explaining that she hates change and feels that no one is giving her a chance to keep up, and the whole zoo trip represents that so well. It makes sense that no one sees how stressed she is because they’re all so excited about the next thing they just don’t see her.
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nineteeneightywhore · 11 months ago
not to be dramatic but if netflix pull that cute little trick where they cancel an interesting and diverse show with a cult following on its second season for heartbreak high i will be sending bomb threats to netflix hq
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missmitchieg · 1 year ago
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Don't we all, babe?
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