#The Kassie Show Season Two
narciesuss · 1 year
What is the kassie Show
A collection of my shenanigans 💝
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So I’m Kassie 🤓 the main character! I am 28 years old and my blog is only for 21 and up.
My pronouns are whatever you’d like. I love being a girly girl but I’ve been told I have big dick energy 🤭
I’m polyamorous and bisexual 💖
I’m a triple Gemini 😉
I love to talk but I’m not here to sext with you. So don’t be disrespectful or inappropriate with me or I’ll have to block you.
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My page will have:
Drugs and alcohol and trippy colorful shit 🌈
Sexual content
Witchy shit and the Moon 🌕💖
Beautiful women
Pink and girly things
Farm/cottage core and nature and flowers
And most recently, alien vibes 💚👽
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What I’m currently listening to:
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Have fun! Be kind 💖
Please navigate The Kassie Show through the hashtags below 👇🧿
watch out for the glitches
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thewholecrew · 7 months
@deathvisited said: [ kindness ] sender surprising receiver with random acts of kindness ---- caleb and kassy
it wasn't too often that kassy would visit caleb on her own, nor was it often that she would visit him while sebastian was away but she had gotten a text from him asking if she'd like to come over one evening to hang out with him and rykard and well, she was surprised by it and a little touched that he'd even reach out. she adored caleb, thought he was such a sweetheart, a, good, loyal boy completely in love with sebastian and always fun to be around.
she wasn't completely sure just what he had in store for her so she brought an overnight bag just in case she decided to crash in the guest room. when kassy entered she was greeted by caleb, all bright smiles as he hugged her and she smiled just as bright back, squeezing him tight. "thanks for inviting me over," she told him as she looked around him for rykard. calebs boyfriend was still warming up to her and when she didn't see him, kassy raised a brow. he's working late so it'll be just the two of us for now. "ahhh, gotcha, well fun! it's been a while since the two of us just hung out," she mused, playfully poking at his side as he took her bag for her.
"so what are we doing tonight? have you seen the new season of housewives, miami?" she asked him as she followed him in. they entered the living room and kassy's eyes widened as she saw a bunch of spa like items on the table along with the food she'd smelled the second she walked in. caleb mentioned he had selling sunset on the tv but that they could switch it and kassy laughed, in surprise, "calebbbbb, you didn't have to do this, oh my god," she looked over at him as they moved to sit on the couch and she couldn't help hug him tightly. "tsk, you are such a damn sweetheart, ugh i love you."
pressing a hard kiss to his cheek she then rubbed her hands together, eyeing the take out he ordered them as he went to play the show. "there is nothing better than a bit of tlc with the girls while eating amazing take out and watching trash tv, there's nothing better! sebastian never understood it, always has to be up doing something," she shook her head, glancing over at caleb with a grin. "does rykard not quite get it either?" she laughed as she picked up one of the chicken wings to bite into it with a happy hum. "your boys better be careful now, i might just steal you for myself with all this," she teased as she cuddled up to him, arm wrapping around him as he began to mix together their face mask cream together.
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Of Silver Threads and Golden Fates (Chapter 5: Don't Fear the Reaper)
Summary: Kassie had been running from many things throughout her life. Running from her father. From Love. From Happiness. Falling headfirst to whatever she could just to make herself feel more alive. She became someone she never wanted to be. What happens when one dreary night she meets someone who along the way begins to show her that perhaps she was meant for something greater than what she made for herself and just maybe, Dreams can come true?
Pairing: Morpheus x Original Character
Warnings: Cursing, suspense, hints of horror
“I still get nightmares. In fact, I get them so often I should be used to them by now. I’m not. No one ever really gets used to nightmares.” -Mark Z. Danielewski
Wonderland's Workshop
<< Chapter 4
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She screamed. She screamed until her vocal cords strained; until they fractured and cracked. She screamed until she couldn’t think and screamed until all she could hear was her wail as if the cry of a  banshee of folklore was pouring from her throat instead of her own voice. She screamed until the darkness began to inch within her vision and her head felt lightheaded from lack of oxygen. She did not know where one moment of breath began and when another ended as her head echoed with the ghostly wails that she did not register were of her own making. She could feel the phantom kiss of the cold blade as it tore through her tender flesh like a hot knife cutting through butter; only it was not butter but the delicate skin of her throat that now ached with a rawness that had little to do with the razer edge of the Corinthian’s blade. Her hands were clammy as one gripped the front of her chest where beneath her heart felt like a hot heavy lead inside of her and the other rose to grip the flesh of her throat as if expecting to feel two seems torn open beneath her fingertips. She couldn’t muster the emotion of relief when there were no such findings. Her skin felt cold to the touch and clammy as if in a cold sweat and her limbs trembled from where she sat on the ground. 
It was dark and she could see the pale vapor that escaped her mouth every time her breath escaped her lungs in shaky exhales. She couldn’t see much but she could tell she was in some spooky woods. The sounds of nocturnal animals haunting as their cries echoed within the darkness. There was a large moon; much larger than any normal full moon could be that hung high in the sky that had not a single twinkling of starlight amidst the darkness the only source of light was the oddly large moon that despite its massive size did not cast that much of a glow to her surroundings. The prickle of dry leaves crunched uncomfortably beneath her palms as she placed her hands on the ground to help herself rise; her skin oddly sensitive as if on high alert for danger as she stood to her feet. She did a slow circle as she tried to see where she was, perhaps to see if she could make out a familiar landmark or something to tell her where she was. But there was nothing but dead trees; ghostly in appearance with their decaying leaves barely holding into their branches while most lay forgotten and dead beneath them and beneath her feet. 
She could feel the goosebumps rise on her skin but she couldn’t decipher whether it was from the coldness of the woods during the Autumn season or from the feeling of danger lurking around her, and danger there was. She could hear it faintly within the woods. She could not pinpoint where it came from for the movement was subtle and it seemed to be coming in every direction as if she were surrounded. Whatever lurked out there in the darkness was large; that much was clear, and not knowing scared Kassie more than knowledge of what it could be. She didn’t see it. No eyes staring at her in the darkness, no rustling of brush that she could see, no vocal sounds to give an idea of what the creature was. But she felt it; like a shadow moving in the darkness. But then it was silent. Too silent. Not a single nocturnal animal’s cries filled the air. Not the crickets, not the tiny feet of an animal digging through leaves for food, not a hooting of an owl or cry of a bird. It was as if nature itself turned the off button on its audio; except it didn’t turn off the wavering breaths that left her lungs in shaking exhales, those soft sounds sounding like drums in her ears until she realized that her breathing couldn’t have been that loud.
She felt it more than she saw it. Keeping her eyes straight ahead; she could feel its puffs of fire-branded breath at the top of her head, casting its horrid-smelling oxygen to make the strands of her hair quiver around her face. The shadow that was cast by that thing was large and long. Shaped like something she’d never be able to even conjure up in her own imagination; not consciously at least. It towered over her own on the ground in front of her as she stared with trepidation at their joined molds of darkness on the ground. She did what any person in her position would do. 
Kassie ran.
The ground was uneven beneath her shoes as she bolted; the dead and decaying leaves stuck to the bottom of her feet as she ran making her slip and slide as she skidded down hills in an attempt to flee whatevet the hell was chasing her. Too afraid to actually turn and look in case it was right behind her. She could hear it though even if she couldn’t see it. Knowing she knew it was right behind it. It seemed to revel in making as much noise as possible to frighten her more; the scent of her fear intoxicating as the thing followed her like a bloodtrail through the haunted forest. Somewhere along the way Kassie realized the pale moon had turned blood red; casting it’s red glow across the terrain as she raced. Her heart a fast painful beat against her ribcage as she inhaled lungfuls of air that felt like toxin racing through her body at each inhale. It hurt and she realized her movements were slowing down as if her body no longer wanted to function. She felt the hot tears pillow on her waterline as she pushed herself further and further. This had to be a form of hell. She was dead after all right? A demon was chasing her; perhaps to feast on her flesh. She could feel it’s hunger palpable against her skin the closer that thing got to her and she swore in any moment now she’s feel teeth or claws ripping into her flesh from behind. 
Then like a saving grace she saw an opening through the endless trees. A vast space of nothingness beyond the edge of a cliff. Could someone die twice when in hell? One way to find out. If she was going to be torn apart by some beast from hell she’d take the bastard with her one way or another. Finding a new form of strength within herself Kassie dug her heels into the moist earth and pushed forward. She never was good at track growing up in school but she sure as hell made up for it now. Limbs propelling herself as fast as they could go and then some until her muscles burned with the ache of strain. As she neared the edge she dared to turn her head just seconds to look at whatever the thing was behind her just as her toes shoved off the edge of the cliff’s face to allow herself for the briefest of seconds of airborne sensation at which she closed her eyes expecting the inevitable feeling of being dragged by gravity to whateve lay below her. But instead, she felt something unexpected.
Hands, cold but firm as they grasped her arms pulled her against a lean chest in a strong embrace; the wind rushed through her hair making the dark strands lash around her face like tiny whips and she gripped onto dark fabric; the feel of lean muscles beneath her trembling palms seemed to alert her brain at what was happening. But she’d refused to open her eyes; scared at what she would see if she did so even when she felt the security of arms wrap around her back to keep her close. The sound of the wind howling in her ears suddenly stopped and she felt grounded again as her feet hit something solid beneath them. It was utterly silent besides the beating of her heart pumping blood that rushed into her ears. She let out a breathy exhale that sounded as if it echoed around her; embarrassingly shaky as it did so. She felt the strength beneath her fingertips as she gripped the fabric of the man’s coat. She knew it was a man without having to even open her eyes; something so familiar about the feel of his muscles beneath her palms and the scent of him as it enveloped her senses. She felt him shift above her; effortlessly powerful and tall above her as she kept her face pressed to his shoulder. The tickle of breath against her neck as his head lowered was followed by a deep voice speaking near her ear with a jolt that sent her careening back to herself. 
“Wake up Kassie.” 
She lurched forward with a breathless scream feeling her entire body come alive with flames that licked at her very veins. It hurt. Her lungs hurt, her muscles, her bones, and everything in between as if someone had run her over with a damn truck once and then backed up to roll over her again for good measure. She blindly grappled at the arms that encased her not quite sure if she was trying to pull them closer or away from her as her entire body screamed in agony as if the worst demons of hell were ripping at her flesh and soul. Hands gripped her shoulders firmly despite her struggles; holding the girl in place until she'd stopped her struggles. Her entire body shook terribly as Kassie finally allowed her lids to peel back and look around her through a blurry vision. It was dark and it was cold. Something she wasn't expecting. She was supposed to be dead right?
When her vision was clear enough to see she realized that she was still in that filthy alleyway where she'd been moments before with Corinthian. Her damned roommate ended up being a serial killer. The very same who'd dug his blade into her flesh like the last several months they'd shared meant nothing and ripped through her as if he'd ripped straight through her heart. How long ago had it been since that episode? How long had she been in this alleyway amongst the trash and wetness of the weather like another piece of garbage? Not very long it seemed because no one had reported a dead body. Fuck, she should have known better. She knew she should have known better than to trust a pretty smile let alone let her guard down. She'd paid for it in the end - unfortunately, with her life.
It took her a split second to realize that she was not alone. Despite her throbbing body filled with pain and flame in a nasty alleyway in the middle of the night that she was not alone even in her last moments it seemed. Hands stroked through her long ratty hair and another idly ran soothing strokes up and down her spine so that she could feel the warmth of touch even from beneath her jacket that clung like a wet rag to her back. There was a soft humming coming from her companion that eased in slow beats the damage her body was taking as Kassie finally allowed herself to peel her face from a black-clad shoulder to gaze into the face of someone she was not expecting.
"Dee?" Kassie's brows furrowed as she looked into the familiar face of the dark-skinned woman who gave her a warm smile.
"Hello, Kassie." her voice was a fond croon as the woman reached up to smooth the other woman's hair back from her face and brush away the crease of confusion from her brow with gentle fingertips.
Kassie shook her head with a frown. "I don't understand, what are you doing here?" she asked before looking at her hands that shook with the fading adrenaline "What the hell happened? I thought-"
Dee gave a soft hum of understanding and rested a hand on Kassie's shoulder before turning her head to the side with a look that made the other dread to turn her head and look too. But she did and Kassie gasped in horror, scrambling back a bit when she look at a replica of her body slumped against the rough brick wall. It would have been unnerving to see a doppelganger alone but to see it drenched in blood that soaked through its front; a large slash of crimson across its throat and eyes once a pretty hazel vacant and dull; the shine of life long gone.
"Oh god...oh my GOD!" Kassie fell to her hands and knees; dry heaving onto the ground despite nothing coming from her empty stomach.
"I know. It's a bit shocking at first." Dee stated softly as she reached over to rub Kassie's back
"That's not a fucking shock! That's fucked up!" Kassie struggled to her feet and stumbled backward a few steps until her back hit the cold pole of a light post and slump to the ground with her head heavy in her hands.
Dee stood up and made her way over to the distressed girl and crouched in front of her. Her dark eyes trying to seek out the others. Her voice was still a gentle lilt as she tried to explain what was going on.
"Kassie, listen to me, darling. I know it is hard to wrap your head around the fact that you're-"
"I'm dead Dee! I'm fucking dead! There is no going back for me. N-No excuse or explanation can soften that blow!" Kassie's head lifted sharply to stare at the other breathing shakily before her gaze was studying the other's face. "Dee...Death. Short for Death. I should have fucking known. The fucking death bringer herself coming to take me away. What if I didn't want to go?! W-what if I still had something left to live for?"
Dee - Death's face firmed a little bit as she shook her head. Allowing the woman to rant. There is not a lot that Death had not seen or heard since Creation so she stayed crouched allowing the woman to rant and spit whatever hateful words she wanted at her until her fight was spent; Death did not hold any of it against Kassie. Because frankly, Death understood far better than most Endless what life was about and just how harsh the realization could be to a soul that lost it.
"The thing you must understand, Kassie, is that I don't choose who dies, love. I am merely there to guide them when they do pass." she said softly with a sad smile gracing her face. "If someone is to be their last face on this earth I would be honored to be the one to guide them home."
Kassie stared at her with a long look before her head began to shake side to side. "I'm not ready to die Dee...Sure, I hate my life but...I don't want to die. I feel like there is still something left of this world...all my life I've known nothing but the hatred this world brings...I can't die without feeling some happiness - true happiness, at least once." she felt a hot tear slowly roll down her cheek
"I don't want to die without a purpose for my life. Or at least fulfilling something that's good..." Kassie wiped at the tear but more followed when the realization set in that she was dead; the saddest part was no one would miss her. She didn't have anyone to miss her.
Death studied the girl a long moment before she smiled slightly. "I can't return your soul back to your world Kassie, but I can offer you a second chance in the afterlife." she offered slowly as she reached out to wipe some more of the wetness from the woman's cheeks.
"How?" Kassie asked feeling and looking like the lost soul she truly was.
Death only smiled and rose to her feet before holding her palm out for her. Confused, Kassie reached out and placed her palm in the other's; allowing the Endless to help her to her feet and began guiding her away from the scene of the crime just as someone stumbled across the scene of the crime, their horrifying scream echoing in the night as the pair of women idled away down the street in the cover of night.
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Turned out Kassie did have a purpose after all. Not one that she had thought possible. See, Death may be the one that guides the dead to the gates of the afterlife but it is the Fates who work behind the scenes to pull the strings of people's lives; and those who work for them are the ones who have the unfortunate task of carrying it out. Reapers were often mistaken as hooded figures of black carrying large scythes to cut the ties of the soul from the mortal body and carry them across the river of death to whichever path they were meant to go down. That is not exactly the case. See, Death may work with the Fates but Reapers work for Death and as many lives reside within this plain and the next there are not a lot of Reapers present to help her.
Kassie was one of those. A soul who had not been ready to cross and thus granted a rare opportunity to be of use even after they no longer lived in the Waking World. Death took Kassie under her wing and showed her what was to be expected and although Kassie was not thrilled at first with the task of taking the souls from the Waking world to Death she got comfortable in the routine; even found comfort in knowing that sometimes the job wasn't always bad. Even if she often felt no better than the Corinthian who killed for the fun of it. She was in a sense, giving the killing blow so that they could finally be at peace.
It went on like this for many months; or as months as Kassie could tell. Time had no relevance once you are dead. She became rather close with Death; often working side by side with her. She felt as if she had found a sibling of sorts from the Endless; feeling a sense of peace after a while until that peace got turned upsidedown one day as Kassie lounged in Death's realm with her as they sorted out files of the human souls that had been dumped into Death's hands by those who worked for the Fates. Kassie had been sitting sideways on one of the cushioned chairs looking over a file with thoughtful eyes the color of pale silver like that of the moon's glow; a trait rare but not altogether uncommon amongst the Reapers. Every Reaper had a sort of change to them the longer they lived. There was a sort of thrum of energy oddly familiar but something that was long forgotten that stroked down Kassie's spine as a chime sounded somewhere within the room and a voice spoke lowly through the air around them
"Sister, I request entry, if I may."
The voice sounded familiar. Oddly enough but Kassie could not place where she had heard it before. It reminded her of long nights under starlight, the sense of comfort, and something akin to nostalgia. Kassie tilted her head towards her friend as Death's gaze raised from her files and smiled fondly; her attention focused across the room towards the door as she spoke.
"You may come in, little brother," she replied as she set the file down and rose to her feet in favor of meeting the figure that slowly strode through the bright light of the archway into Death's realm.
Kassie felt like all the air in her lungs was punched out of her body as she saw the figure that stepped through the glowing archway. He was beautiful. Pale with skin like alabaster and shocks of a wild hair the color of fresh ink. His side profile was utterly devastating with a sharp jawline and straight nose but it was his gaze the color of pure starlight that captured her attention. His tall form clad in a long black that fluttered around his ankles was lithe and imposing in a way as he walked with purposeful steps towards where Death stood waiting patiently for the man to approach her. There was something familiar about the man; flashes of dark coat beneath trembling fingertips and the feel of strength beneath her palms as she sought comfort in a stranger's arms after running for so long echoed in her mind. The sound of his voice was clear but soft; carrying over to her ears even at the distance brought a sense of curiosity about her as she carefully slid her feet back to the ground and leaned her elbows on her knees in favor of watching the interaction with keen eyes; utterly fascinated and enthralled by the pale stranger.
"I seek your help sister."
"With what Dream? You never ask for my help on anything, little brother." there was a bit of laughter in her voice as Death leaned herself against her desk to watch him
"I'm searching for someone but... She hasn't dreamt in a very long time...I was hoping my leads did not come to your realm but I must know what became of her."
"I know who you're looking for Dream." Death's smile was kind as she looked over her brother's shoulder toward Kassie. "I can assure you she's well.
As if realizing that he and his sister were not alone Morpheus turned his attention to the figure sitting in silence watching them. He seemed to freeze a moment as if his Endless eyes could not fathom what he was seeing. Something about his face sparked a memory of autumn leaves, cold-tipped noses, and...heartbreak. But there was also something else that felt so nostalgic when Kassie looked at him; she couldn't explain it nor the way her heart seemed to start beating faster as those utterly beautiful blue eyes met her silver ones. He looked at her as if he was looking at something he had long lost...a cherished something he never imagined he'd find again. That was the look that caused Kassie's throat to dry as she cautiously rose to her feet and forced a polite smile on her face. Her stiff unsure posture and tight-lipped smile made the raven-haired man's expression change from wonder to devastating realization as he slowly turned his head towards Death who had approached his side; a hand resting on the curve of his shoulder as she looked at him with sympathetic eyes and a voice soft as she answered his unspoken question.
"She doesn't remember much about her life in the Waking World. Not yet."
Kassie looked between the two and coughed into a fist before lamely pointing down to the files. "Sorry, I probably should get these sorted. Dee, I'm going to go work on them while you err...conduct your business with your brother." the woman scooped up the papers and folders before giving Morpheus a wide birth as she hastened out of the room with arms loaded with unchecked work.
But she didn't run away. She'd stopped just outside the door within the halls she was so familiar with and pressed her spine to the cool wall; head cocked to the side as she listened to the conversation within. The man seemed devastated as he spoke; his words were spoken softly in that soothing timbre but the current of pain was evident as he addressed Death, her own voice joining his within the privacy of her office as they spoke to each other.
"She doesn't remember me."
"No, she does not. Not yet. I've been trying to work with her on that. It takes time to remember; some souls subconsciously block out the memories of the Waking World after passing. I suppose her training as a Reaper helped with that too. She'd not keen to remember her old life." Death's voice replied in a way that spoke of many centuries of patience
"I feel as if It is my fault...I wondered why she no longer dreamt. I never would have foreseen that-" Morpheus's words trailed off and Death gazed at her younger brother with sympathy in her dark eyes.
Morpheus did not understand humanity like Death did. But when he grew attached to a dreamer of the Waking World it hurts him greatly in the end when things such as this happened. Death could not understand it but she analyzed his reaction to finding out Kassie was dead and no memory of him akin to his reaction when he'd lost his one true love many many centuries ago even when she knew that there was no romance between her brother and the reaper. It still hurt, that much was evident and the Endless wished that she could somehow ease her brother's pain; she could not because she could not meddle between her brother and the new reaper, it was something they had to rebuild and reconnect with themselves.
"How? How did it happen?" There was a sense of fear underlining the Dream Lord's voice as he turned slightly as if examining the room but in fact was trying to ease his racing thoughts.
His sister paused before allowing her body to relax against her desk with a soft sigh. "She was killed. By your nightmare. When I came to collect her she told me in so many words she was not ready to leave the Waking World...So I took matters into my own hands; she will eventually find peace along her journey and when she does I will guide her home where she belongs. Until then though, Kassie is working for me as a Reaper."
"Corinthian? My creation did this to her?" there was a tremble in Morpheus's voice as he returned his gaze to his sister.
She cocked her head a bit. "Yes, it seems he had been living with your little friend for several months before she ran into you at the park. I did some digging while she was being trained and found from my resources that he'd killed her in that alleyway because she was there at the wrong place at the wrong time."
There was silence in the room afterward and Kassie couldn't help but feel the breath punch from her chest as she listened to the words. She couldn't remember all of which Death spoke of but her head was hurting; like someone was trying to split it in two from within. Memories wanted to come out and flood her brain but something inside of her blocked them back just barely. Was it true? Was she killed by someone she thought was a friend at one point? What kind of fucked up situation was that?! What kind of person had she been to allow such vile actions to occur? More importantly; who was she if not her reaper persona?
The clutter of files slipping through her fingers and crashing to the floor made her curse under her breath and swiftly kneel to pick them up. There was no way neither of the Endless hadn't heard that and knew she had been listening. That much was evident when she reached for a paper but was halted by a black shoe stepping on it to halt her actions. She feared what she would find when she eventually raised her head.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to eavesdrop." she finally uttered swallowing the lump in her throat.
A pale hand reached out towards her and held out between them as if he was offering her a hand up. His voice was soft as he spoke in the space between them but even with the gentle tone, there was immense power behind it that caused her bones to quake. "I should be offering you an apology. I should have told you who I was sooner...and I should have taken you with me. If I had you would not have-"
"Yeah well, you did. O-or I did. I don't know. But wishing over something doesn't make it happen. Whatever happened...it happened and there is no way to change that." she finally said her voice a little snappier than she would have liked for it to come out but she felt so flustered over everything she heard.
She shoved to her feet still clutching the items to her chest and looked away from the kneeling man who slowly began to rise; towering over her in close proximity. Her knuckles grew white at how intensely she held the files but she refused to look at him in case she caved to him.
"No, just...I don't know you. Maybe I did once upon a time but I don't now. I-I'm not the Kassie you knew in the Waking World; whatever I might have meant to you no longer exists between us because that same girl is long gone. I'm sorry, my lord."
She turned then, stalking down the halls leaving the dark-cloaked figure watching after her. She didn't even look back because if she did she would have crumbled; her strength and her determination for whatever it was she held would have crumbled into dust if she looked even a second into those misty blue eyes that watched her. Death leaned against the door frame after the silence grew too thick in Kassie's absence but the woman was not concerned; just gave her brother an encouraging smile.
"If you truly want her back Dream, don't give up on her; souls like hers don't heal themselves, not even with time. She's still in there. You just have to find the right method of pulling her out." she squeezed his shoulder before she disappeared back into her office.
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Thank you for reading chapter 5 of 'Of Silver Threads and Golden Fates'. Feel free to comment, like, and reblog! I love the interaction! Tags are open if you wish to be added for new chapter updates!
Next chapter >> Coming Soon!
Tags: @lizajane2 @alpallama @kpopgirlbtssvtt @stilledimperfections
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ncisfranchise-source · 5 months
NCIS 21×01 “Algún Día” is about what you’ll do for the people you love, and it’s also about what you should trust the people who love you to do for you. In that respect, it’s a great lesson for everyone on the team, not just for Nick Torres – though there’s no denying he needs it more than everyone else. But the episode hits all the normal beats, with everyone sort of filling the roles they usually fill, and that fits them very well …but also doing more, being more.
In a way, that’s the thing NCIS does well. Sure, Torres is often hard-headed even when he doesn’t need to be, McGee is the “smart one,” Knight is more the “heart on the sleeve” kinda character, and Parker will be the one rallying the team around, while Kassie gets important info and Jimmy Palmer will inevitably figure something out that might end up cracking the case, but these things I mentioned are not all these characters are. It never has been.
That’s why, even when it seemed like Torres had done it, there was no way these characters were believing it, and there was no way we could, either. Even if perhaps, we could have forgiven him for it. Because that’s just not who Nick Torres is, deep down. That’s not what someday means for him.
So let us talk about that, about Torres, his sister, that elusive idea of justice, that “one day at a time from Parker,” and let us also go into that cute moment of role play from our favorite ship as we discuss NCIS 21×02 “Algún Día”:
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If NCIS 21×02 “Algún Día” does one thing well is to set up Nick Torres to move forward, even though we spent the entire episode stuck in the past in a way that almost makes it feel like he can’t, like he never will. And it is kinda frustrating to be here with Torres because the issue with him has been for a while he should know better, at least at this point. But when Parker tells him at the end of the episode to take it one day at a time, it finally feels like it has clicked. Perhaps Torres is ready to move forward and do just that.
This wound that he carried, that his sister carried, wasn’t something easy to heal. And it’s also not something that truly heals from one day to the next because the man that hurt you, that hut your family, is now gone. But the truth is that knowing he was out there, perhaps doing it to someone else, and that he never paid for all the pain he caused his family, was something that was weighing Torres down. Now he can let go of that and start to heal.
But healing is an active process, and he has to put the work in. And for that healing to be truly something that takes, he has to let the people who love him help. That includes his sister, the one he was willing to go to jail for, and his team. Being willing to take a bullet for someone, or take the fall for them when you think they’ve done something wrong is a big sign of love, yes, but being willing to let them see your pain, takes a different kind of strength. That’s where Torres struggles, and that’s what’s needed of him now.
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Jessica and Jimmy still feel like relationship babies in so many ways, so it’s so cute to hear Jimmy joke about their “first crime as a couple,” especially because of their role-playing (again, the banter is on-point, can anyone blame the show for just going for it with this ship?) adventure actually led to the information that got Torres out of jail. But outside of the many firsts and seconds, we hope to see from these two in the new season – and may most of them not be illegal, please and thank you – there’s one thing that stands out: how easy it all is.
I don’t like comparing ships, at least not negatively. I have loved many ships, in this same show, in other NCIS shows, and in plenty of other procedurals. But there’s something special about this ship, something that makes it easy to invest in them. Even in an episode that’s not dedicated to them, a few moments of banter from the two of them in a couple of separate scenes is enough to make me go: I want more. I wish they had more moments together. And that’s never, ever a bad thing.
Things I think I think:
NCIS: Cyber sounds like another spinoff.
I love it when the team is like we’re just going to get to work and they like, coordinate with their eyes.
“Process in any way that you see fit.”
I live off the little bits of backstory on Nick that we get.
Ah, if only someone could pronounce the words “algún día.”
“We should roleplay more often.”
The way Jimmy just figures it out is hilarious.
“It requires you to trust the people in this building with your life.”
And …that’s the Ducky news at the end, right?
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newagesispage · 9 months
                                                                    OCTOBER           2023 
The Wall Street Journal has proclaimed the economy is great!! This country is doing better than expected, at least until the republican shutdown takes us down. Why are we so disapproving when inflation is down and jobs are plentiful?? 
Dream Scenario is the new Nick Cage film with Tim Meadows, Julianne Nicholson and Michael Cera. There is already buzz!! 
Shawn Fain, President of the UAW was treated a bit snarky by Margret Brennan on Face the Nation. 
We need to be looking at more privacy in the new cars coming off the line. They are loading them with privacy invaders. ** About 5% of the price of a car is labor. During the bailout, workers gave up their cost- of- living increases. It is time to make that right now that the auto makers are doing better. 
Chuck Todd left Meet the Press and was replaced with Kristen Welker. * * Hey.. CBS Sunday morning: You have always been pretty diverse, but it seems most of your guests anymore are old white people. What gives? 
Marty Baron has a new book: Collision of Power about Bezos and the Washington Post. 
Michelle Dockery has wed Jasper Waller- Bridge. 
It seems that Usher will take the halftime show at Super Bowl LVIII 
Days alert: Oh, this Victor has another son story is a great idea. We all knew there was another. ** Kassie DePaiva was on the other day. It was great to see her again. She is also bringing Blair (OLTL)to General Hospital! **I love the Donovan family being back. I wish they could stay!! C’mon Patsy Pease!!!! ** Where does Kate keep all her clothes at the pub?? She must have a storage unit nearby. 
Smuckers is buying Hostess. 
Check out the Peoria Fight Club: Guns down Gloves up 
Rudy Giuliani has been sued by his lawyer and he is not paying the legal fees he owes to Ruby Freeman. 
The republicans are debating. The other top 7 candidates poll at about 35% all together, same as Trump by himself. ** Trump has called for the execution of Gen. Mark Milley. Milley made a speech a few days later calling out wanna- be dictators.  
I am shocked but at the last minute we have a stop gap for 45 days to avoid the Government shutdown. There is nothing about Ukraine in there. At least the military and Federal employees will get paid. It was ridic that the reps for about 2% of the country were holding us hostage. Those same people are actively trying to take him down. Word is that Matt Gaetz and Kevin McCarthy can’t stand each other. ** I don’t remember the journalist but they mentioned Mitch McConnell and his senior moments as it looking like his soul was leaving his body or that he was buffering.  
Lachlan Murdoch is the sole chairman of News Corp. 
Aerosmith has postponed their farewell tour until 2024. The Peace Out Tour with openers, The Black Crowes will wait for Steven Tyler to mend. The singer has vocal cord damage and a fractured larynx. 
Chris Bell and Carson Hocevar are really kicking ass in Nascar. I bet one of them will take the whole prize within a season or two. 
Gary Busey, now admitted to hitting a woman’s car in a parking lot. She chased him down as he wasn’t so forth coming on the day but now agrees it was him. 
The Exorcist is back with Believer. ** William Friedkin’s final film is Showtime, about the Caine Mutiny court martial. 
After much backlash, Drew Barrymore put her show on hold. ** The writers have reached a provisional deal so some shows will start coming back. SAG-AFTRA is still on strike. ** Bill Maher was going to come back early but changed his mind. He officially came back Sept. 29 with Ron DeSantis.  
Burning Man turned into a giant, dangerous mud pit. There were 2 months of rain in 2 days. People were trapped in the middle of the desert and it could take 6 hours to drive out. Yikes! Large gatherings seem more and more a bad idea.  
The Strand has published ‘Another day in Paradise’ by Truman Capote. The recently found handwritten short story from the 50’s is about a woman in Sicily. ** Next up is Feud: Capote vs. The Swans from Ryann Murphy! 
Duane Davis has been arrested in connection with the death of Tupac Shakur in 1996. 
Jann Wenner has a new book ,The Masters of Rock. In a NY Time interview, he was asked why he chose all the white guys and that he could have included a black or female musician for the book. He answered, “The people had to meet a couple criteria, but it was just kind of my personal interest and love of them. Inso far as the women, just none of them were as articulate enough on this intellectual level.” The Rock and Roll Hall of fame has announced his removal from their board of directors. Cyndi Lauper commented, “He’s a little senile.” ** Favre? Santana? Chappelle? Maher? Wenner? What happens? 
New Jersey Senator Robert Menedez has been indicted for allegedly accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes. 
A trailer for a show for Tucker Carlson was seen on state run Russiya 24. 
Will Pauly Shore play Richard Simmons in the movie of his life? 
There is a new character in the Pooh universe, a little female pup named Carmen. 
Four months ago, Oscar Mayer renamed the hot dog truck the Frankmobile to celebrate the new recipe for beef franks. People did not like that, so it is the Weinermobile once again. 
Get out and give someone else a chance.- Harry Truman and Igor 
Elon Musk seems to have a burr under his saddle about the Anti- Defamation league. ** And why is the government giving this man so much power and money??**His friend, Bill Maher was also worked up but about the writer’s strike. Maher also seems to be in conflict with Howard Stern. 
Sexual assault news: Danny Masterson was sentenced to 30 years to life in prison for rape. His friends, Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis and about 50 others wrote letters to the judge for leniency. Kutcher has now resigned from Thorn, an anti-child sex abuse organization that he co-founded with Demi Moore.** Rumors have now come to the surface for Russell Brand. He denies the stories of Rape, emotional abuse and sexual assault. 
N’Sync reunited at the VMA’s. They won’t tour but have a new recording for the first time in 10 years. 
The new cast of Dancing with the Stars is: Barry Williams, Mira Sorvino, Adrian Peterson, Jamie Lynn Spears, Tyson Beckford, Alyson Hannagan and Matt Walsh. 
A recent fossil find may be the missing link between birds and dinosaurs. Fujianvenator Prodigious is estimated to be 30 million years older than any confirmed bird fossil. 
Will Tommy Tubberville ever care about the military members and their families that he is cheating out of promotions? There are about 300 military promotions just waiting. Tubberville is endangering the welfare of this country. Don’t use abortion as an excuse. 
Wilbert Boyce, the last shoe shiner in Savannah, Ga. Has retired. 
The re- do of the Wonder Years was cancelled. That was a great show! Dule’ Hill is a dream! 
Joe Hagan has a new article: Robert Kennedy Jr’s mad mad mad mad world. It would appear that Kennedy is pretty hostile to all. Is he all conspiracies and mental illness?? Tucker Carlson and Steve Bannon love him. What else is there to know? 
Matt Gaetz had a bit of a melt- down as he pushed to begin impeachment inquiries into Joe Biden. There is absolutely no evidence of wrongdoing, no financial gain. Will Kevin McCarthy lose his seat or be the puppet of his MAGA co-horts? He has promised so much to so many. The house is wasting everyone’s time. The Senate won’t support their nonsense as we wait for the rebels to do some real business.** Hunter Biden has been indicted for guns. Isn’t it funny that the republicans are pushing this gun thing when they seem to want to give guns to everyone else, just not Hunter Biden? Their own laws are making it hard to charge him. And, why do we want to zero in on the President’s children? They used to be off limits. UGH! 
R.I.P. Richard Davis, Bill Pinkney, Franne Lee, Marrakesh earthquake victims, Gary Wright, Jimmy Buffet, Robert Klane, Bill Richardson, Fernando Botero, Eva Fahidi, Dianne Feinstein, David McCallum, Michael Mcgrath, Billy Miller, Sir Michael Gambon, Terry Kirkman Larry Chance and David Sheckler. 
0 notes
S3 thoughts after complete rewatch
Please give me your thoughts and ideas. I’ll be blunt. Season 3 is bad. Really bad. There is absolutely no continuity between s2 and s3. I was joking that even though it’s meant to be set 6 months later, it could really be anytime after. I even would think I was watching an episode in the middle of a season if I was just shown 3x01 with no info. I feel that there is also a complete disregard to the tone of the show, despite Suzanne stating how it’s important to keep that. I do feel that Suzanne talks the talk more than she walks the walk. 
1.       When asked about the multiple POV Suzanne stated ‘those two women as the lynchpin relationship of the show. Their journeys are always at the spine of the story’. ‘all of them (new characters) have a really exciting energy, and really challenge the main characters’. I would argue completely against Eve and Villanelle and their relationship being the focus of this season. There are times and whole episodes when I feel there is almost a disconnect from each other. These two are absolutely, unhealthily addicted to each other. I think the amount of scenes they have together is perfect and almost the usual, but when they aren’t together, you know they are never normally far from each other’s mind. I would especially say I find it strange after V has finally got the kiss she has been waiting for 3 seasons, which would make her devotion go even more through the roof, she only has one Eve related moment (the cake) before phoning Eve after seeing each other at the train station in ep 7. They could have nearly sunk them!
·       Konstantin and Carolyn even overshadowed Eve and had more character development this season. Besides from Dasha, I would also say the new characters hardly gave anything to the plot such as Aubrey, Paul, and Geraldine. It even took me a while to remember these characters names. Paul you could take out of the season and nothing would change except that Carolyn wouldn’t have had another person to shoot in 3x08. I think Geraldine was a good character to have for Carolyn to show how she personally grieves, but why did they keep having the same scenes again and again? What the heck was that thing with Geraldine and Konstantin? I’m still unclear on how Dasha and Villanelle’s relationship came about and what happened. How old was Villanelle? How long was Dasha her mentor for? It seems like they forgot that they had Konstantin saying to V in 3x02 about Dasha doing something to her and the way Villanelle attacked Dasha upon seeing her again, that they just quickly wrote the hospital scene in 3x08. I was so confused what was happening. Did they mean Dasha shot at Villanelle because ‘she wasn’t ready’ as in emotionally or physically? Did Dasha actually manage to shoot her? Didn’t they allude to Konstantin being the one to recruit her from the prison in s1, so how did she not stay with him? How did she escape Dasha? It seemed random that Dasha just happened to die when Konstantin was there, when he said she was going to die in the hospital. I thought he had done something, but apparently not?
2. When asked what she was most excited about the audience seeing, Suzanne said Villanelle and Eve’s journey. This is her quote about Eve. ‘Similarly with Eve, we really get to see deeper layers of Eve, and her really coming to terms with the person she is now. She’s forever changed because of what happened to her and what she’s been through, and it’s really about seeing her now, this new version of herself, and her acceptance of herself, which is very exciting and really takes her into new places’. I really just have to laugh. Where is it? It is absolutely ridiculous how little Eve was developed and ignored this season. When you guys do a rewatch, I highly recommend to at least watch 2x08 before going into s3 because it really just highlights the difference and how nuts it is that they dropped Eve by so much! I really don’t understand how it’s even possible. Coming into the show there are many ways you could go wrong. However, it’s not like it’s an easy thing to cut out the lead of your show! Especially when that character had the most exciting things happen to them in the finale of s2. The things I was most excited about going into s3 was seeing how Eve was coping with knowing she has the ability to kill someone. I can’t believe they did not bring up that Eve had killed someone once in the whole of s3!!! Like @kassies​ stated, it’s like Suzanne just took one line and things she liked and disregarded everything else. Suzanne practically said in the BBC sounds podcast that she had this idea of mummy issues, which personally I don’t think there is any evidence of except the fact V is attracted to older women, like most wlw are. If anything there is more evidence she would have daddy issues with her history of castrations and the many times she comments that she finds it strange that Konstantin hasn’t tried to have sex with her. After the line ‘most of’ her family were dead she stated she could go down that route! She practically wrote the whole season just based on this. She hasn’t even taken the quote correctly, as like others have pointed out, most of her family were actually alive and it was only her dad who was dead. I loved episode 5 originally but on my rewatch with the whole season it really seemed strange. When I first watched it I thought the next episode was going to be largely devoted to Eve so I wasn’t so bothered that it was a whole V ep. However, considering Eve was hardly given anything in ep6, I really don’t see how a whole V episode was needed. The annoying thing was this season could have been the best yet. With Eve and Villanelle both discovering themselves and meeting at the end. It was that, but with hardly any Eve content and I feel they are so lucky they managed to pull it off in the last 2 eps, and that’s largely down to what s1+2 accomplished. Again, ep5 just seems like a way for Suzanne to explore her mummy issues story, as there is nothing really juicy or pivotal for the plot. Why not really show how the twelve have had their eye on V since she was little. Have the mum saying a man told her V was dead, as Konstantin did with Anna in s1? It would have added so much more to the twelve. Especially when the big thing about V this season is her wanting away from the control the twelve have on her. Why not show just how much?
I actually had no idea what Eve was thinking for most of the season and from what I do know and think is based on what I know of this character from the previous 2 seasons. Maybe this is just me not getting it, but I thought Eve was in the kitchen because she was in denial and I kept waiting for her to get a breakthrough and embrace her true self. It wasn’t until Sandra said Eve was actually showing strength by working in the kitchen, and by saying ‘no’ to working in the front, that I was like ‘oh’ that’s what it’s meant to mean. I actually feel so sad for Sandra because I can’t imagine what she must have been thinking with Eve’s treatment this season. I actually feel there are even moments in the season that delibrately stop Eve’s development. For example that lazy line of ‘lucky those tourists found you’. How? I know irl it’s a tourist attraction, but in the show they had to break into a tunnel to access it. I also don’t like the scene with Jamie. You could say it highlights the line in the finale ‘I think we all have monsters’ but I feel like it invalidates just how different Eve and Villanelle are from other people. Jamie taking his kids to the zoo when high is hardly the same as Eve hacking a man to death with an axe. 
 This is already so long, and I could go on and on, but I’m just going to point out  some issues and plot holes.
. Kenny’s death was meant to be the biggest storyline of the whole season and what got Eve back into the story. However, she only looked into his death in ep3 and never again. Carolyn didn’t even really look into his death and all we got was constant scenes with her and Geraldine. Why couldn’t we have gotten Eve and Carolyn doing real detective work like in s1 as was implied was going to happen in ep3? I don’t even feel like they actually thought through his death as it was ‘solved’ by Bear who despite apparently not thinking Kenny had commited suicide from the beginning and wanting access to his phone, apparently did not think to check a camera he had set up until weeks later?! I don’t think it’s possible Kenny fell off the roof as in ep4 when Eve chucks the cake, the wall comes up near to her chest. You could not fall off that. He also would have screamed when falling. I also don’t even know how the twelve knew Kenny was looking into the accounts. Especially if they knew Kenny was looking into it, and knew money was being taken, how did it take them so long to kill the accountant? Laura could develop this in s4, but I feel as though it was Suzanne’s job to follow through with this storyline. 
. How did Konstantin know what V looked like as a baby? Where did he see the photo? Why did they make a point to highlight that she was with someone in the photo and Konstantin really didn’t seem to want to tell her, yet the next episode he handed over her family right away? As much as I love Villanelle’s journey, on a rewatch, the family story seemed to almost come out of nowhere in ep3 and then the next episode she had the information and went home. Why not introduce the idea in ep 1?
. How would Puyter know that it was his sister? Upon immediately seeing her he knew it was Oksana. I don’t think it says how old they were, but he is younger than V, and we saw how old she was in the pics, I really don’t think he would recognise her, especially when he thinks she is dead. 
. Why is there not pictures of the dad? Even if the mum was saddened by his death as she really seemed to love him, why would she not have any photos? Also with how much she seems to be scared and despise V, why would she keep the photos of her? Did the dad die while Villanelle was still there or is she just taking he’s dead as he’s not there. I thought they were going to reveal that the dad was still alive and part of the twelve but nope.
. Why was Rhian so scared of V at the train station? I know she’s the demon with no face, but Rhian was ready to be moving into Villanelle’s shoes, and you can even see V is struggling to kill her, so why does Rhian act so scared and back herself onto the edge of the platform? That moment feels so disgenuous to me and at one point I though Rhian was acting. 
. How did Carolyn know Helene and that V was working for her? Is it a plot hole or something to be explored in s4?
. Why was Eve acting like she didn’t know Villanelle was responsible for the Catalan murder in ep4 when we know she can tell V’s kills after a sec (as seen in ep6) and even after Carolyn had shown her the photo and said it was V?
. They didn’t even seem to give much attention to Eve’s scar or wound. It was not where it was in 2x08. I know they said that they were going to move around where she had been shot, but when Suzanne was asked why the scar was different she said she wanted it to seem like Villanelle went for the kill shot, despite saying in other interviews that she doesn’t think Villanelle did try or want to kill Eve. The scar’s even so weird. I’m no expert, so that it maybe how they look, but it doesn’t even look like a bullet wound. Would the bullet not have left a round mark? 
. Why did they keep Niko around for so long? I personally loved where Emerald had taken it in 2x07 and was excited to see where Niko was. Maybe he was up for the murder of Gemma. It would have been another good opportunity to see Eve's skewed morals. A part of her being flattered that Villanelle killed Gemma as sort of revenge for stepping on Eve. Instead it got completely swept under the rug in 3x01 too by Niko saying mi6 said she killed herself. What happened? How did they find him? It doesn't even make sense now why V killed her. However, I would say there was also something symbolic about him ending up in a rehabilitation retreat because Eve and her actions has 'broken' him. It was quite powerful for his character to tell Eve he deserved better than her. Because he does. He basically told her to p*ss off there. Why make the little time Eve is being given to another ep where she chases him down, for him to get brutally attacked in a way that is so ridiculous that he would survive it borders on a soap opera. I thought the reason he survived was to give a big Eve moment of her saying her acceptance that she can't have a normal life. Instead they just had the same convo as 3x01 with him telling her to p*ss off. Then a scene with Eve looking at him and leaving. What is going on in her head? Why are you not giving her anything? We didn't even get to see her dealing with the act happening.
. This brings me onto the point of it. It could of had so much impact, yes it was cool because Eve knew it wasn't V, but there could have been so much more given to it. Such as Dasha saying to V in the lift in 3x07 about her having someone waiting for her back home, how Dasha has just destroyed the thread between the only person V cares about. It would have made V hitting her with the golf club so much more delicious.
. Villanelle saying to Konstantin that she didn't want him to die in 3x07 and looking upset. Yet in 3x08 she looks almost excited about the fact he's about to be shot?
. It also annoys me so much that Raymond was just discarded and we still know nothing about the twelve. I thought this season was really going to dive into them, but we don't know anymore about them than we did at the start of the season. After rewatching 2x08 I really wish they had explored the twelve thru Raymond. If you wanted to give Konstantin more why not have him in with the twelve and the consequences of 2x08? Raymond saying 'Some would say I'm a real somebody'. 'They will take you apart for this'. 'After today a lot of people are going to be angry'. How high was Raymond? The implications that V+E were in so much danger after killing Raymond. Then it's 6 months later and Dasha just says they've been watching V for months. Were they watching Eve? Who knows nobody cares about Eve this season😒 Why bring in new members of the twelve like Paul, make brand new stories such as Kenny's death and the money, to just kill Paul and not resolve them.
I really don't understand how the twelve haven't killed V yet. She screws up all the time from s1 onwards. I get she is amazing at her job but they have others such as Rhian. Why do they let her get away with it? It was confusing me so much this season. I thought they were going to make her dad a member of the twelve and that's how she's protected.
. The title cards and intro. By now you might all be thinking she's just tearing everything apart. Trust me, there are moments of s3 I love and that is why it's so frustrating. Laura's 3 eps are some of my fave of the show so fingers crossed that means good things for s4. I felt she grasped the original tone of the show. So speaking of staying true to the show, I don't understand why they were changing the format of the title cards. Sometimes it was funny 'p*ss off forever' and 'this is bullshit'. Yet, it also really threw me off because it's not what usually happens. I'm all for new things being tried, yet I actually find myself questioning what wasn't changed and what was kept original? The names coming up in 3x04...I can't even. This is more of a personal take as I know some people really liked them, but when it was coming up 'Eve' I was just sitting there thinking 'I know that's Eve. I've been watching her for 3 years'.
Why was there only a title sequence in 2 episodes? Suzanne got asked and said that it was only ep2 and ep7 that felt right. I mean...I'm pretty sure it could have worked in all of them. I loved the title sequences so much, and was so excited when that drop fell and they started in ep2. Then I was so confused when none of the next ones had it. Episode 7 is one of my favourite episodes of the whole show, and that title sequence is just *chef's kiss*. My point really is that it came across to me as an experiment as they only did certain things in one episode and never again, and it made me uncomfortable.
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unholyseattle · 3 years
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Georgetown is a neighborhood in Seattle, Washington, United States. It is bounded on the north by the mainlines of the BNSF Railway and Union Pacific Railroad, beyond which is the Industrial District;
Start your day at Macrina Bakery (1943 First Ave S) for baked goods, like buttermilk or gluten-free biscuits and egg sandwiches on brioche buns, made with locally sourced ingredients. Pecos Pit Bar-B-Que’s (2260 First Ave S) rib-sticking, slow-roasted meats evoke the flavors of Texas, while Slice Box Pizza (1727 First Ave S) serves some of Seattle’s most New York-like foldable slices, and Paseo (1760 First Ave S) serves its beloved Caribbean-style pulled pork sandwiches in a casual setting. For an adult beverage, try award-winning gins at 3 Howls Distillery (426 S Massachusetts St) or acclaimed single-malt whiskeys at Westland Distillery (*2931 First Ave S), then sample Two Beers Brewing Co.’s (*4700 Ohio Ave S) IPAs, Seattle Cider Company’s (4700 Ohio Ave S) dry hard ciders, and Sound Craft Seltzer’s (4660 Ohio Ave S) alcoholic seltzer at shared tasting room The Woods (4700 Ohio Ave S).
You won’t find big chains in this eclectic neighborhood, just cool independent businesses like BopBox (5633 Airport Way S), a women-owned Korean bibimbap restaurant, and Brother Joe (5629 Airport Way S), which boasts a strong tea selection and inventive coffee preparations—think “You Know Chata?” cold brew flavored like Mexican horchata. At The Corson Building  (*5609 Corson Ave S), fine dining meets communal tables with seasonal dishes like poached prawns with butter-braised mushrooms. Grab a meal from Stellar Pizza (5513 Airport Way S) or vegetarian dive bar Georgetown Liquor Company (5501B Airport Way S) and take it to Elysian Taproom (5410 Airport Way S), a kid- and dog-friendly space that serves beer made next door, or down to Machine House Brewery (5840 Airport Way S, Ste 121), a British-inspired cask ale specialist that also welcomes kids and dogs.
Shop camping gear and weatherproof leather jackets straight from the source: Filson’s (*1741 First Ave S) flagship store is housed in the same building where the company develops and produces its durable goods. SoDo Vintage (1534 First Ave S ) is full of unique finds thanks to more than a dozen independent vendors.
Georgetown is a picker’s paradise, with several curated vintage consignment shops, including Kirk Albert (5517 Airport Way S) and Kassie Keith (5527 Airport Way S). Nearby, Fogue Studios & Gallery (5519 Airport Way S) offers a spacious gallery for professional fine artists 50 and older. Check out the Georgetown Trailer Park (5805 Airport Way S) for arts, crafts, and other offbeat curiosities.
Ride public transit to SoDo (Link Light Rail or bus routes 150 and 594) to gawk at SODO Track’s two miles of murals, the world’s longest street-art corridor. Explore the history of computing at the Living Computers: Museum + Labs(*2245 First Ave S), or check out aerial classes and shows at Emerald City Trapeze (2702 Sixth Ave S). Sports enthusiasts can’t miss CenturyLink Field (Seattle Seahawks football and Sounders FC soccer) and T-Mobile Park(*1250 First Ave S) (Seattle Mariners baseball), open-air stadiums with great energy.
In a huge, historic brick factory, you’ll get plenty of indulgent samples and a factory tour at Fran’s Chocolates (*5900 Airport Way S), famed for its salted caramels but adept at sweets across the board. Kids will enjoy tumbling and playing around the giant Hat ’n’ Boots roadside landmark at Oxbow Park (6430 Corson Ave S). A little farther afield, folks of all ages enjoy the historic air- and spacecraft at The Museum of Flight (*9404 E Marginal Way S). As for nightlife, practice your pinball skills at 21-plus bar Flip Flip Ding Ding (6012 12th Ave S), or join the thriving gay and drag scene at Palace Theatre & Art Bar (5813 Airport Way S).
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shedidntfitin · 4 years
Augh ya know; my least favorite phrase of election season, “If you chose not to vote, you don’t have a right to complain.” Like, yea; if you didn’t vote and the candidate you wanted didn’t win, yea it’s a bit hypocritical to complain that your candidate lost, but if you don’t like either candidate, then you have full grounds to complain
(to that you say, “what about third party candidates?” but the fact that the campaign is referred to as “either candidate” by most everyone, and the fact that most people can’t name a single third party, much less a candidate, shows the pointlessness of that vote, and sadly that pointlessness is self-feeding; it’s only futile because the majority believe it’s futile... but I digress).
It’s the equivalent of, “I’m going to stab you with one of these knives, but if you want, I’ll let you pick one; if you don’t, I’ll pick.” You’re getting stabbed whether you pick or I do, so yea, you’ve got full grounds to complain. Don’t get me wrong, I voted Biden cause of the two candidates, he’s not trying to strip me of my rights (along with a fuckton of other shit trump is doing, but I’m a tad selfish, so my first concern is the trans community, then the rest of the rainbow squad, then the rest of the minorities, and finally the rest of society), but beyond that, I’m not certain; nowadays (and probably always) campaigning is really just saying, “fuck the other guy,” instead of, “this is what’s good about me.” Fuck politics; I’d say it’s no longer for society, but it never really was, was it?
Anywho, how bout the rest of life that’s me specific and not society (don’t get me wrong, I could rant about COVID-19, but I’m really not in the mood). Hey, I got a job at the Depot; I’m like a real adult now (ew). Luckily I don’t start till 3pm and 6:45pm depending on the day, working till 9 and 12 respectively (Kassie, I’m partially putting this for you in case you’re ever wanting to call and it’s M-F <8). I still feel really awkward cause I’m never sure if I’m doing what I should be doing, or what I should do next, and I keep asking my manager what I should do and I fear I’m annoying him and possibly seeming hella inept. Also it’s my hometown, sew I’m living in the closet (sarcastic yaaaaay). Still I’m getting $10,000 which should help with living expenses next year. Black Friday is coming up soon, sew we should be getting some fun trucks soon enough; we’ll see.
I want cake... I’d go bake some but it’s 3:30 am. And it take a hot minuet. Or maybe cupcakes would be nice.
And I haven’t done shit for music since I’ve graduated. I keep wanting to, but I don’t :( and thus I frustrate myself. My next comp I wanna do is my tarot piece(s), but for that I need to study tarot and to make decisions. Do I want to do a T&V, with a theme that encompasses all of tarot and 22 variations to cover each major card. Or do I want to do 22 separate pieces and then either 1 or 4 for the minors? What type of ensemble? If I do multiple pieces, do I want them to have the same type of ensemble, or maybe shape the type of ensemble to the card? Do I dare compose an accompanied solo, attempting a piano part? Sew many questions. Sew few answers. Whatever shall I do?
Anywho, that’s the sitch. Sweet dreams
Smooches and Snuggles <8
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tagged by @beckaaay​ thanks babes!!
1. Are you staying home from work/school? of course!
2. If you’re staying at home, who’s there with you? I’m spending my time going between my parent’s house and my apartment. I have to have breaks from my family ya know hahah
3. Do you have pets to keep you company? Yes!!! I have my pupper Finn!
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4. What do you miss the most? I miss going to the store and my cousin’s house
5. When was the last time you left your home? I left a few days ago, but that was just to drive back to my apartment for a few days
6. What was the last thing you bought? two notebooks off redbubble cause i have an addiction lol
7. Is quarantine driving you insane or are you finally relaxed? Both honestly 
8. Are you a homebody? yes! so it’s not as hard for me, i just get lonely sometimes 
9. What are movies you have watched recently? I recently watched Jumanji, Thoroughbreds and Ready Player One 
10. An event that you were looking forward to that got cancelled? i was looking forward to hanging out with my best friend when she got back from her honeymoon
11. What’s the worst thing you’ve had to cancel? seeing my best friend 
12. What’s the best thing you’ve had to cancel? going to class haha
13. Do you have any new hobbies? nope haha 
14. What are you out of? Pizza and alcohol and it’s driving me nuts 
15. What music are you listening to? 1. 90 Days - P!nk  2. Cry to Me - Solomon Burke  3. Never Enough - Greatest Showman  4. - Sweet but Psycho - Ava Max  5. Youngblood - 5 Seconds of Summer 
16. What shows are you watching? killing eve (season 3), Crime docs, and Peaky Blinders 
17. What are you reading? none.... thought i have a massive stacks of books i wanna read. Oops 
18. What are you doing for self care? Still talking with my therapist, writing a lot, skin care, and watching shows i’ve been wanting to
19. Are you exercising? ..... No comment
20. How’s your toilet paper supply? It’s fine lol
21. Have you made any changes to your hair during quarantine? not yet haha
tagging @kassies​ @oksanaastankillme​ @barbarabarbrababadook​ @enochsbestie​ @saltistoosalty​ @anenemona​
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purplepandagalore · 4 years
MAMAMOO members solo acts
KEY: ♬ music || ✦ movie || ✧ drama || ❀ tv show || ✭ musical
Solar || Kim Yong Sun ;; 21.02.1991                               YouTube channel
♬ [Eddy Kim’s ‘Dokkun Project Pt.4′] Eddy Kim X Solar “Coffee & Tea” ;; 28.05.2015
♬ [’Twenty Again’ OST Part 6] Kim Min Jae & Solar “Star” ;; 02.10.2015
♬ [1st Digital SIngle ] ‘Solar Gamsung Part.1’ ;; 22.10.2015 ⟹ “Lived Like a Fool” *title track
♬ [Two Yoo Project - Sugar Man] ep 6 Moon Byul & Solar “Like yesterday”  ;; 24.11.2015
♬ [2nd Digital SIngle ] ‘Solar Gamsung Part.2’ ;; 10.12.2015 ⟹ “Only Longing Grows” *title track
♬ [2015 SBS Gayo Daejun] Luna X Ailee X Eunji X Solar “I Will Survive” ;; 27.12.2015
❀ ‘We Got Married’ Season 4 with Eric Nam ep 316-348 ;; 09.04-19.11.2016
♬ [3rd Digital SIngle ] ‘Solar Gamsung Part.3’ ;; 11.07.2016 ⟹ “In My Dreams” *title track
♬ [Hwang Chi Yeul’s ‘Fall, In Girl - Vol. 2′] Hwang Chi Yeul X Solar “Mellow” ;; 30.11.2016
♬ [digital single collab with Mystic producer Park Geun Tae] Luna (f(x)) X Hani (EXID) X Solar “Honey Bee” ;; 19.01.2017
♬ [4th Digital SIngle ] ‘Solar Gamsung Part.4’ ;; 21.02.2017 ⟹ “Happy People” *title track 
♬ [5th Digital SIngle ] ‘Solar Gamsung Part.5’ ;; 17.10.2017 ⟹ “Alone People” ; “Autumn Letter” *title tracks
♬ [1st Compilation Album] ‘Solar Gamsung’ ;; 07.11.2017 ⟹ Solar Gamsung Project physical release
♬ [STATION 2 - n° 36] Heechul X Shindong X Eunhyuk X Solar “Charm of Life” ;; 08.12.2017
♬ [1st Digital Mini Album] ‘Solar Gamsung Part.6’ ;; 24.04.2018 ⟹ “Nada Sou Sou” ; “Where the Wind Rises” ; “It’s Been a Long Time” 
♬ [Digital Single] Cosmic Girl X Solar “Lie Ya” ;; 13.10.2018
♬ [Ravi’s 6th Digital Single] Ravi feat. Solar “Leopard” ;; 22.08.2019
♬ [collaboration single] Solar & Kassy “A Song From The Past” ;; 16.01.2020
Moonbyul || Moon Byul Yi ;; 22.12.1992
✧ ‘Start Love’ as Na Yeong ;; 24.09-08.10.2015
❀ ‘Let’s Only Walk the Flowery Road’ AKA ‘Idol Drama Operation Team’ as Moon Byul Yi ;; 26.06-03.07.2017
♬ [1st Digital Single] ‘Selfish’ ;; 23.05.2018 ⟹ “Selfish” (feat. Seulgi of Red Velvet) *title track
♬ [HA:TFELT’s 3rd Digital Single] HA:TFELT feat. Moon Byul “Happy Now” ;; 01.08.2019
♬ [2nd Digital Single] ‘Weird Day’ ;; 04.02.2020 ⟹ “Weird Day” (feat. Punch) *pre-release
♬ [1st Mini Album] ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ ;; 14.02.2020 ⟹ “Eclipse” *title track
Whee In || Jung Whee In ;; 17.04.1995
♬ [CNBLUE’s 2nd Studio Album ‘2gether’] CNBLUE feat. Whee In “Domino” ;; 14.09.2015
♬ [STATION - n° 10] Kim Jung Mo X Heechul X Whee In “Narcissus” ;; 15.04.2016
♬ [MONSTA X’s 1st digital single] MONSTA X feat. Whee In “Ex Girl” ;; 09.05.2016
♬ [B1A4′s Sandeul’s debut Mini Album ‘Stay As You Are’] Sandeul feat. Whee In “Ya!” ;; 04.10.2016
♬ [1st Digital Single] ‘Magnolia’ ;; 17.04.2018 ⟹ “Easy” (feat. Sik-K) *title track
♬ [Park Bom’s 1st Single Album Repackage ‘re:Blue Rose’] Park Bom feat. Whee In “4:44″ ;; 02.05.2019
♬ [1st Single Album] ‘Soar’ ;; 04.09.2019 ⟹ “Good Bye” (Prod. Jungkey) *title track
Hwa Sa || Ahn Hye Jin ;; 23.07.1995
♬ [HIGH4 20′s Debut Digital Single] HIGH4 20 feat. Hwa Sa “HookGA” ;; 03.10.2016
♬ [San E.’s 3rd Mini Album ‘Season of Suffering’] San E. feat. Hwa Sa “I Am Me” ;; 23.01.2017
♬ [K.Will’s 2nd part of 4th Studio Album ‘Sangsang; Moon Indigo’] K.Will feat. Hwa Sa “Treat Me Bad” ;; 06.11.2018
♬ [Debut Digital Single] ‘Twit’ ;; 13.02.2019 ⟹ “Twit” *title track
♬ [Dua Lipa single] Dua Lipa feat. Hwa Sa “Physical (Remix)” ;; 17.03.202
♬ [ONEWE’s  3rd digital single ‘3/4′] ONEWE feat. Hwa Sa “Q” ;; 02.04.2020
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honeypiehotchner · 5 years
Thank You -- a Chuck/God one shot
Hi there! I know this blog has mainly been about Sherlock and Good Omens lately, but if you didn’t know, I am a huge fan of Supernatural.
I went through an old thumb drive just now and found this old piece of writing. I originally was just reading it to reminisce, but as I found myself reading and unconsciously editing, I realize that this still hits home pretty hard for me, and I want to share it with you guys.
I distinctly remember writing this piece two years ago (it’s dated February 25, 2017) and I remember how much it helped me to write it, so I hope that in posting it and reading it, it might help someone else, too.
Warnings: some sadness, mentions of past abuse/trauma, teenage angst, the lot.
This has no pairing. Kassie is sixteen and Sam and Dean are her legal guardians/“pain in the ass big brothers” (her words).
Chuck is back and is staying with the boys in the Bunker, so I’m assuming this was written circa tail end of season 12? Who knows. Enjoy! xx.
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The sound of the shower running was what lured Kassie out of her bedroom. She made her way out into the hallway, looking both ways before heading to the kitchen. The Bunker’s halls feel different now, not in a good way. Everything feels different lately.
She sighed in relief upon seeing that the kitchen was empty, but her relief didn’t last as long as she had hoped.
           “So, not talking to God at all, huh?”
           Kas grimaced, turning around from her place at the sink. She had been setting her empty coffee cup down when Sam walked in. He had heard her bedroom door open, the exact thing she had hoped he wouldn’t – she thought he was the one showering.
           Sam was the only one she needed to avoid – aside from Chuck. Dean didn’t care less that she didn’t want to talk to God because hell, Dean didn’t want to at first either. And he wasn’t going to push her to if she didn’t want to. In Dean’s eyes – and in Kas’s – she didn’t owe God a damn thing.
She smiled sheepishly, hoping to avoid his question, but Sam wasn’t having any of it.
           “I still want an answer, y’know,” Sam smiled softly, but he wasn’t playing around.
           “Sam, I really don’t—”
           “I know, you didn’t have the brightest upbringing in the sense of faith,” Sam paused, leaning back against the counter. “But Dean didn’t either, and he talked to Chuck.”
           Again, Kassie sighed. This was why she had stayed in her room. She didn’t want to explain herself. God probably knew exactly why she didn’t want any part of him, and that was okay. She didn’t care. She couldn’t wait for him to leave, actually. For this to all be over, so she could have her Bunker back.
           “Where is Dean, anyway?” She asked, picking at her fingernails.
           “Went on a run,” Sam replied simply, not leaving room for any elaboration. “C’mon,” his voice was softer now. He wanted Kas to let him in, just this once. “Maybe talking to him would help.”
           Kassie shook her head, turning back around and grabbing a cup from the cupboard. She walked over to the fridge and poured herself some sweet tea – which she had to make herself because apparently the boys had never heard of it. When she turned back around, it was evident Sam still hadn’t dropped the subject.
           “I don’t know,” she answered truthfully, and then muttered, “something tells me he wouldn’t be bothered to listen.”
           Sam sighed, but he didn’t sound annoyed. It was a sad sigh, one where his face softened, and his shoulders slumped. He cleared his throat but didn’t say anything. Just continued to stare at Kassie with those pleading eyes.
           And truth be told, Kassie hated those eyes. She couldn’t look at him when he looked at her like that. So, she looked down, studying the ice in her sweet tea. It swirled around when she shook the glass slightly, and then settled down.
           Footsteps sounded through the hallway, stopping at the entrance to the kitchen. Sam looked up, straightening his shoulders.
           “Well,” Chuck laughed uncomfortably. “Family troubles?”
           Sam shrugged, glancing at Kassie who continued to stare at her tea. “Something like that.”
           Chuck stepped into the kitchen, staying near the doorway. “I’m sensing not everything is okay.”
           Kassie scoffed, drinking more of her sweet tea. She clenched her jaw as she stared at the floor, shaking her head. “I’m going to my room.”
           “Don’t, Sam,” she growled, not looking behind her as she walked out of the kitchen, pushing past “God” on her way out.
           Sam sighed upon hearing her bedroom door slam shut. He slumped back against the counter, hanging his head. He hadn’t known a sixteen-year-old could have such broken faith, but somehow Kassie’s faith was completely shattered.
           Chuck slowly walked further into the kitchen, settling himself on the bench. “If you don’t mind me asking, what happened?”
           Sam shook his head, clearing his throat. “No, I uh – I don’t mind. I’m sorry about her, she’s kind of—”
           Immediately, Chuck shook his head. “Don’t apologize. I’m aware of her situation with faith. I meant what happened just now.”
           “Oh,” Sam chuckled sheepishly. “I suggested that she talk to you, but she doesn’t…want to.”
           Chuck nodded, but still didn’t seem offended. “That understandable. She’s much like Dean.”
           “Yeah,” Sam nodded, blowing a sigh past his lips. “Yeah, she is.”
           “I can try talk to her myself,” Chuck shrugged, shifting around in his seat. “If you’d like.”
           “I dunno,” Sam said warily, his eyes following the sound of the door opening. He leaned over, seeing Dean come into view with bags on both arms.
           “Alright, I got hot pockets, beer, sweet tea for the child,” Dean called out as he walked in. He set the groceries down on the counter, turning back around with a strange expression. “Where’s the kid?”
           Sam cleared his throat, smiling tightly. “She’s in her room.”
           Dean’s head turned slightly to the side as his eyebrows furrowed. “Is she grounded or something…?”
           “No,” Chuck answered this time with a small laugh. “She just doesn’t want to speak to me.”
           “Ah,” Dean nodded, snapping his fingers, and just like that, he went back to attending to the groceries. He rummaged around in the bags, setting the teabags on the counter before crumpling the bag.
           Next, he grabbed the beer and set it in the fridge, staring weirdly at the pitcher of sweet tea before shutting the door. He would never be used to sweet tea. He turned around, coming face with both Sam and Chuck staring at him with raised eyebrows.
           “So, that’s it?” Sam raised his hands incredulously. “You just don’t care?”
           “Look,” Dean spoke as he continued putting away groceries. “No offense, but I didn’t want to speak to your holiness either. So I’m not worried about her.”
           “Sam, listen. Not everyone is gonna be all excited when big guns walks in, okay?” Dean gestured to Chuck. “Again, no offense.”
           Chuck shrugged, “None taken.”
           “See? No offense here, so we’re fine. Besides, she took a while to warm up to me when we first got her, so I wasn’t expecting her to be her normal self with God walking around.”
           Sam clenched his jaw, sighing. “Fine. If you’re not worried, then I’m not either.”
           “See, problem solved!” Dean grinned. “No harm done.”
           Sam still didn’t look convinced, but Dean had already moved on from the topic.
A couple hours passed, and Sam had decided to make Kassie’s favorite thing for dinner: breakfast. It was also chosen because God happened to really enjoy making pancakes.
           “Hey, dinner’s ready. Someone wanna go find Kassie?”
           Dean spoke up, “Yeah, I’ll go get her.”
He placed the last plate down on the table before heading off down the hall to her bedroom. It was quiet as he walked, which was surprising. She usually blasted music when she was upset, or anything in the realm of angry. She got that from Dean, except she didn’t use her headphones. Ever.
Dean furrowed his eyebrows once he reached her door. It appeared to be silent in her room.
“Kassie?” He called out, knocking on her door softly. “Dinner’s ready. Sam made pancakes and bacon, your favorite,” he chuckled softly, but still no response. He was worried to, if he was being honest. He just never showed it.
Slowly he turned the doorknob, pushing her door open just enough for him to peek inside. To his surprise, she sat at her desk with her headphones in. She was staring at pictures, her head propped up in her hand that wasn’t holding an old Polaroid.
Dean slowly walked in, leaving the door open. As he got closer, he could hear her music playing. He didn’t know what it was, but it was up loud enough that he could hear it, and it didn’t sound cheerful.
“Hey,” he said, resting a hand on her shoulder.
She didn’t even flinch as she turned to look at him. There were tearstains on her cheeks. Slowly, she reached up and pulled her headphones out, yanking the end out of her phone as well.
“Yeah?” She asked, and her voice cracked, even though it was only one syllable.
“Dinner’s ready,” Dean shrugged, but then his eyebrows furrowed. “What’s wrong?”
“Oh,” she shook her head, chuckling lightly. “Just looking at pictures of my dad,” she shrugged, not wanting to make a big deal, but when she looked back at a picture of her dad holding her when she was young, the tears welled up in her eyes once again. “He passed away a little before my seventh birthday,” she said quietly. “I don’t really remember him.”
“He was a good man,” Dean said truthfully. “He really did love you.”
“Yeah,” Kassie smiled softly. “Mom used to say it was my fault he died,” she laughed darkly. “I don’t think it was, but she told me it so much I kinda started believing her.”
“Kassie, you know that’s not—”
She shrugged. “It’s whatever, really. What’s for dinner?”
And there was the subject change. Her and Dean’s famous act for getting out of any kind of too-deep-emotional-talk.
“Uh, pancakes,” Dean nodded, straightening up. “And bacon.”
Kassie narrowed her eyes, standing up from her desk chair. “How much bacon?”
He pursed his lips as he thought. “Hm, you might want to run. Before I eat it all.”
           Her eyes widened, but Dean was already running toward the door. She cursed and ran after him, catching up in the hallway. She tried grabbing his flannel a couple times, but he arched his back out of the way, laughing triumphantly.
           “I win!” Dean cheered with his hands tossed in the air as they reached the kitchen.
           “You got a head start,” Kassie whined, crossing her arms over her chest. She smirked and grabbed a piece of bacon off the plate Sam was carrying over to the table. She ate it with a smile.
           “Really, Sam?” Dean groaned. “You weren’t supposed to let her have that.”
           “Why? You cheated,” Sam smirked, walking back over to grab the syrup.
           Dean pouted as Kassie sauntered over to the table, her face falling upon seeing Chuck sitting there. She sighed as she sat down, chewing on her bacon silently.
           Sam gave Dean a look that Dean completely ignored, leaving Sam to throw Dean a helpless gaze. Dean ignored that, too, taking his place at the table beside Kassie.
           The air around dinner was awkward and tense, mainly because of Kassie refusing to speak to Chuck, or anyone really. Dean got her to say a few words, but it was only because he poked her ribs and basically tickled the words out of her.
           Dinner ended after a painfully long fifteen minutes. Kassie placed her plate in the sink, getting about halfway out of the kitchen when Sam called out to her.
           “Hey, Kassie?” Sam paused to clear his throat. “Can we talk?”
           She nodded. “I’ve gotta pee. I’ll meet you in the library in a couple minutes.” And on that note, she walked back to her room.
           Dean stared at Sam incredulously. “What the hell, man? Now you’re gonna force her to talk?”
           “Yes, because talking helps, contrary to popular belief,” Sam replied pointedly as he placed his plate in the sink. “And we’re all going to talk to her. Not just me, and not just Chuck. We need your help, too.”
           Dean sighed, rolling his eyes and shaking his head. “Fine, but you know already that I’m on her side. Don’t get mad when I don’t agree with what you’re saying.”
           True to her word, Kassie walked into the library a few minutes later, settling herself down in one of the chairs. She propped her feet up on the table, her hand resting comfortably around her glass of sweet tea.
           Dean walked in before anyone else, sitting next to Kassie. He smiled goofily, poking her ribs as he sat down. She squirmed, swatting his hand away.
           “You’re an asshole,” she pouted, crossing her arms over her chest.
           Dean turned his head to reply, but Sam and Chuck walked in at that moment. Dean’s expression turned into a tired and annoyed one, making Kassie stifle a giggle behind her hand.
           “Alright,” Sam paused to pull a chair out and sit down. God did the same. “What’s goin’ on?”
           Kassie raised an eyebrow, glancing at Dean for a brief moment before responding. “Nothing much. How ‘bout you guys?” She looked between both Chuck and Sam with expectant eyes. “Go on any vacations? See anything exotic?”
           Sam’s face softened, but his eyes showed annoyance. He knew what Kassie was getting at, and Dean did, too. Dean just didn’t seem as affected by it.
           But Sam ignored it, clearing his throat instead. “Earlier you said you though God wouldn’t be bothered to listen. Well,” he paused, gesturing to Chuck. “He’s here now, and willing to listen.”
           “Seriously?” Kassie retorted, chuckling out of hysterics. “That’s why you called me in here?”
           “You said you didn’t think he was listening—”
           “I know what I said, Sam,” Kassie snapped. “It was what I felt. And if you’re gonna use it against me, then I’m gonna leave.”
She went to stand from her chair, but stopped when Dean spoke up. “Hear him out, okay?”
Sam raised his eyebrows, but didn’t say anything as Dean’s pleading eyes stared at Kassie. Her eyes were narrowed with anger, but she sat back down.
Kassie crossed her arms over her chest, looking at Chuck with a clenched jaw. “Well?”
“I was listening,” Chuck said, leaning forward and resting his hands on the table. “I heard every word, even when you prayed to your guardian angel. I heard you.”
Kassie chuckled darkly, “But yet you never replied. What’s the point of listening if you aren’t even going to let me know you did?”
“Well, that’s the point of faith, I suppose,” Chuck shrugged. “I can’t always let you know I heard. You just have to believe I did.”
“Yeah, well, I had enough of filling my heart with false hope. Faith wasn’t exactly something that appealed to me, not even now.”
“Not even as I’m sitting in front of you,” Chuck nodded. “I understand.”
Immediately, she scoffed. “No you don’t,” she shook her head. “If you understood the hell I went through – you would’ve done something about it. But you didn’t. And you wonder why my faith is so shaken up.”
Sam stared sadly at Kassie, but Dean stared down at the table. The latter of the brother’s agreed with her more than she would ever know.
“I sent you signs,” Chuck said, sounding genuine. “I sent you a new dog. I sent you visits from your guardian angel. Little things like that were my way of letting you know I was there.”
In that moment Sam felt bad for Chuck. He sounded sincere and genuine, but all Kassie could see was red. Pure red fury and hatred.
“Well, thanks for those, and thanks for sweet tea,” she stood, grabbing her glass. “But no thanks for leaving me with my abusive mother. That was a hell that even a dog and guardian angel – whoever the hell that was – couldn’t fix.” She turned and walked away, grumbling angrily to herself as she went.
“Hey, Kas?” Sam called out.
She stopped and turned around, but still didn’t look happy. “What?”
“Don’t let yourself be blinded by your hatred.”
And for a moment, Kassie’s face softened. Her eyebrows relaxed as she nodded, Sam’s words sinking in, but she didn’t stay. She still continued down the hallway and into her room, but she wasn’t as angry as she was before. She was calming down.
“What was that?” Dean asked with a raised eyebrow. “One moment she’s seething and then you say a sentence and she calms down.”
“It was a quote from the Harry Potter books. Remus Lupin is her favorite character,” Sam smiled softly. “I figured if anyone could make her understand, it would be him.”
Dean nodded, but since he wasn’t totally familiar with the books, he was still a little confused. A small smile did creep through, though, but it was at the memory of a girl named Charlie.
 The next day, things were different. Kassie came out of her room for breakfast, and actually conversed with everyone around the table. Even Chuck. It was surprising to all of them, but no one mentioned it. They figured it would be best if it went unsaid. She had a habit of shying away at things after someone mentioned what she was doing.
           It was a little while after breakfast, when Sam and Dean were washing the dishes, when Kassie started speaking to Chuck, and this time without anger.
           “I’m really sorry…about yesterday,” Kassie sighed. “I’ve been thinking about what Sam said, and he was right. I—I shouldn’t let myself be blinded by hatred. I mean, you put me with Sam and Dean – I guess – so you’re not all that bad, right?” She sighed again, leaning back in her chair. She wrung her hands together nervously, trying to find the right words. “Just – If you were listening like you said you were, why didn’t you get me out of there sooner?”
           Chuck sighed heavily, shrugging. “I had to learn that sometimes constantly saving my children from bad situations wasn’t going to teach them anything.” He paused before clarifying, “I saw that I had to take a step back. So I heard you, but I had already established that I needed to step back in order for things to get better.”
           Kassie’s eyebrows furrowed. Her eyes were welling with tears that were refusing to fall.
           “But…” She paused for a second, swallowing thickly. “Things didn’t get any better. They just…got worse. There was just more chaos and heartbreak.”
           “That chaos and heartbreak came from your mother,” Chuck said softly. “Don’t confuse me with her.”
           “I-I’m not, I just—” She paused. “I don’t know.”
           “Well,” Sam jumped in, clearing his throat. He tossed down the dishtowel and walked over, sitting down in the seat next to Kassie. “The important thing is, things are better now.”
           “And you’ve got us,” Dean reminded her, coming to stand behind her. He rested his hand on her shoulder for comfort. “We’re your family.”
           Kassie looked at them both with tear filled eyes. “Thank you,” She nodded. “You’re my pain in the ass big brothers.”
           “And you’re our pain in the ass little sister,” Dean smirked, patting her shoulder.
           Kassie finally shook her head and stood, pushing the chair in under the table. She lurched forward and wrapped her arms around Dean’s neck, holding tightly. It shocked him at first, but eventually he hugged back, wrapping his arms around her torso.
           Sam stood then, pushing his chair under and wrapping his arms around both of them. “Family group hug,” He chuckled.
           Kassie laughed, pushing away from the hug and wiping under her eyes. “Thanks you guys,” She said again, which both of them shrugged off. She turned to Chuck with a sad smile. “And thank you. I’m sorry I hated you for a while there.”
           Chuck shrugged, “No worries. But hey, try not to hate yourself as much, please? I worked really hard on you and I hate seeing you beat yourself up.”
           Kassie’s eyebrows raised slightly in surprise, but she still nodded. “Yeah. I’ll work on it.”
           Chuck grinned, “Thank you.”
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narciesuss · 1 year
Bombastically side eyes you
Criminal offensively side eyes you
Season Two
Episode Eight: Can’t Relate
I can see you struggling
Boy, don't hurt your brain
Thinking what you're gonna say
'Cause everything's a game
Always trying to calculate
Trying to look smart but not too smart
To threaten anything they say
I stay ready bih we’re not the same 💋
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I’m constantly on that leveling up wya
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Don’t pretend to know what the flow is about iykyk
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End Credit:
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Even Lilith is better than you 🖤
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weerd1 · 5 years
Star Trek DS9 Rewatch Log, Stardate 1909.09: Missions Reviewed, “Waltz,” “Who Mourns for Morn?” and “Far Beyond the Stars.”
Benjamin Sisko is on a ship transporting Gul Dukat from a mental institution to his war crimes trial. The ship is attacked by Cardassians and Sisko and Dukat end up with a wounded Sisko in a cave on a small world. 
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The Defiant is out helping search, but they have to leave the search in just over two days to escort a Federation troop convoy. Sisko is at Dukat’s mercy, but the Cardassian has set up the emergency beacon and has gathered supplies from their shuttle, setting it to an open distress call so whomever catches the signal first will come to get them. Meanwhile, Dukat is seeing visions of Weyoun, Damar, and Kira, all telling him his inner thoughts.  Sisko realizes the beacon was not activated and manages to get it running while Dukat is out. Dukat’s mania becomes stronger though, and he is beginning to actively debate Sisko and the voices in his head all at once.
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 When he discovers that Sisko has activated the distress call, he beats him, and desperately tries to get Sisko to admit that he admires Dukat, and that Dukat had no CHOICE but to be the tyrant he was to the Bajorans. Sisko knocks him out, and makes it back out to the shuttle, but Dukat follows him there, then abandons him on the surface before leaving with his “voices” on the shuttle. Dukat has decided he will have his vengeance on Bajor and will need Sisko in place to do it.  Dukat contacts the Defiant just before they break off their search to rescue Sisko. Sisko indeed vows that he will be there to counter Dukat wherever he turns up.
Pulling Dukat out of his madness (kinda) is no mean feat, and indeed every performance here is great.  Marc Alaimo showing us the public, smarmy Dukat, now tempered by the loss of Ziyal, then swinging into raving Dukat is really worth watching, as of course is Avery Brooks. My issue here is a larger one.  We know they are setting up Dukat to be Sisko’s foil in the last two seasons, in particular with the upcoming Pah-Wraith storyline, but it seems to me this robs Kira of her dynamic with Dukat.  I love the show, but I think it might have been even greater to allow Dukat to believe he was the equal to Sisko, when it turns out to be Kira who takes him down after all.  (Note: The Author may be biased by his complete and utter infatuation with Kira Nerys.) SHUT UP PARENTHETICAL VOICE!
“Who Mourns for Morn” begins when our favorite barfly dies in an ion storm, and bequeaths all of his possessions to Quark.  First Quark finds that there is no money, then that cargo-wise Morn only had several crates of rotting beets.  Then, when inspecting the deceased’s quarters he finds only the black velvet painting Morn got at auction last season (In the Cards) and a tub full of mud. In the mud however is a naked redhead who claims to be Morns ex-wife. She says Morn has 100 bricks of gold-pressed latinum somewhere, and she wants her proper cut as an ex, but would be very…grateful.  Soon, two rather criminal brothers show up to say that they loaned Morn money they want back, in the sum of 100 bricks of gold-pressed latinum. As Quark is now dodging three of Morn’s old friends, he is approached by a fourth, who is a member of Laurian security saying that Morn is the crown prince of the royal family, and that money belongs back in the treasury. Quark finally figures out that ALL of these people are lying, and helped Morn with a huge robbery years before…of 100 bricks of gold-pressed latinum. 
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The statute of limitations has run out and they want their cut. Since Quark has now found it in a Bolian bank, he has it delivered to the station, and it is not long before the four turn on each other, allowing Odo to capture them all. Quark checks the loot to find the latinum has been extracted, and the bricks are now just worthless gold. Despondent, Quark goes back to his bar and finds Morn! Morn had faked his death to draw out his old rivals, and now can access the latinum freely.  He has in fact pulled the mercury like fluid out of the bricks, and has kept it in his second stomach all these years.  He regurgitates enough to be the equivalent of about 100 bricks into a glass for Quark to thank him for his troubles as Quark proposes a business arrangement.
For a joke character whose name was just an anagram of “Norm” to be the barfly back in the pilot, Morn without a single word of dialogue has become a fixture on the show, getting a whole episode devoted to him, and an entertaining one at that.  There’s a very noir feel to this as the various criminals come looking to collect, and Quark is the perfect character to drop in the middle.  Keep an eye out in the memorial service scene. As Quark talks about making sure someone always keeps “Morn’s chair warm,” he guides a Bajoran man to sit there. That man is Mark Allen Shepard, the actor who plays Morn. (Mustard colored shirt sitting on the right in this pic:)
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“Far Beyond the Stars” begins with Sisko getting the news that a dear friend has died in the war while Joseph Sisko visits the station from Earth. Ben’s father tries to comfort him, but the younger Sisko begins to think maybe he can’t fight the good fight anymore and it is time to leave Starfleet. Soon after, he begins seeing people in 1950’s Earth clothes, including a baseball player. He follows the man and finds him self on a street in the 50s where he is hit by a car.  He wakes up in the infirmary and Bashir tells him that it would appear the part of his brain that gave him visions in the episode “Rapture” is active again. Soon Sisko finds himself as Benny Russell, a Black man in the 50s working for a small science fiction magazine.
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 Each person with whom he works seems to be someone form the station, though Benny seems oblivious to this until the magazines artist presents him with a picture of a station, and Benny begins to write the adventures of a Captain Sisko,  a Black officer commanding the station 400 years in the future. The editor, a more human Odo, declines to publish the story, but Benny keeps seeing an old preacher (Joseph Sisko) telling him to “walk with the prophets” and to “write the words that set us free.” He persists and writes more Sisko adventures and his colleagues suggest that the story could be framed as a dream, and the editor moves forward with publishing. Benny is out celebrating with “Kassie” (Kassidy Yates) when his young friend Jimmy (Jake) is shot down by two racist cops (Weyoun and Dukat). When he protests, they beat him nearly to death.  He spends weeks recovering and finally returns to his office the day his story will appear in the publication.  The editor returns however to reveal that the owner has pulped the entire run for not “meeting the usual standards.” 
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Benny is livid, talking about how real and important it is to tell this story, and they can’t wait; a good man must do what he can, and the idea is important. He breaks down however, and again awakens in the infirmary on DS9 surrounded by family.  Bashir reveals that whatever happened has stopped, but Ben has taken Benny’s lesson about standing up to the unjust to heart and will stay on the station in Starfleet. He wonders to Joseph though if their lives might be the dream, and Benny Russell is still out there dreaming, far beyond the stars.
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Let me not prevaricate: holy shit. This episode manages to deal directly with racism, and still frame it within the show with the Prophets providing insight to The Emissary with episodes from his own world’s past. Everyone’s simply amazing in the 1950s versions of their characters, and the world comes off as believable. It is an added joy to hear them talk about “Heinlein” and “Bradbury” in context, and a great way to sneak in some easter eggs as the cover of one of the SF magazines Benny samples is a matte painting from The Original Series, and Nana Vistor’s 50’s character is “K.C. Eaton,” a woman writer who has to use her initials to cover up her gender so people will read her. This harkens to the story editor and arguably the best writer on TOS, Dorothy “D.C.” Fontana, who went on to write and edit for TNG as well. Avery Brooks manages to star in this episode while giving one of his most riveting performances and also direct this tale that is obviously a story close to his heart. This is a tour de force, and belongs right there on the level with “The Visitor” and the upcoming “In the Pale Moonlight” as great DS9, great Star Trek, and great Science Fiction. See the world you want, and tell others. It’s how you bring that world to fruition. Don’t wait until it is safer. Do it now. You are the dreamer, and the dream.
NEXT VOYAGE: A strange anomaly shrinks a Runabout and its crew down to the size of something that would fit on my shelf in “One Little Ship.”
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hadarlaskey · 3 years
A new film season explores what it means to be mixed heritage
There’s a stark contrast between the films that T A P E Collective have selected for their upcoming BFI season ‘But Where Are You Really From?’ and their experience creating it. While films like Black Girl, Binti and Shoot the Messenger tell of people of colour being exploited and abused, the programmers have been given total support and encouragement. “There’s been massive support from the proposal stage onwards,” says Isra Al Kassi, one of T A P E’s founders. “I don’t think there’s ever been a compromise or a moment that [the BFI] have been difficult.”
T A P E, which consists of Kassi, Angie Moneke and Nellie Aston, are steadfast in their unwillingness to dilute themselves to be more palatable to larger institutions or broader audiences. “We had this conversation recently about not wanting to compromise,” Kassi adds. “We’ve established what we want to do and what we want to champion and the way we want to operate.” In the case of this season, that means presenting classic films from Ousmane Sembène and Elia Kazan alongside new works like Aleem Khan’s After Love and Runyararo Mapfumo’s documentary short What’s in a Name?
Kassi and Moneke founded T A P E in 2015 after meeting on the Barbican Young Programmers scheme, with Aston joining soon afterwards (“I basically fan-girled my way in”). They all currently work in different areas of the film industry, with Moneke in production, Aston in distribution and Kassi in exhibition and outreach. T A P E is their “passion project” and they have built a strong identity and devoted following over the years.
“We had no interest in trying to convince someone to let us be there,” Kassi explains. “We wanted to do something that we knew people would attend without having to convince someone of its worth. But actually just do it in comfortable spaces, which is why we started with the community cafe in Peckham.” As it was International Women’s Month (and they were limited to films within the public domain) they showed proto-feminist dramedy The Wild Party by Dorothy Arzner paired with Lois Weber’s split-screen thriller Suspense. “None of the tech was working,” Moneke laughs, “but it was amazing.”
While things have changed “a lot” since T A P E began, Aston believes they have retained their distinct approach to programming. “A huge part of it is that the programming doesn’t speak to everyone,” she says. “The film industry is predominantly older and whiter and it’s relatively natural to programme things that speak to your own experience. That’s what we’re talking about here. This is something that speaks to us.”
Part of T A P E’s remit is to champion films that, for whatever reason, struggle to reach the audiences they deserve – or, as Moneke puts it, “could be cult classics.” Rather than “asking for permission, we just sort of put it out there and hope that whoever is interested finds us. We want to share films that we think are interesting and want to talk about and unpack.” One such film is Eyimofe, an intimate drama from first-time directors Arie Esiri and Chuko Esiri about two people who live in Lagos dreaming of immigration.
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It’s not just screening these films that interests T A P E, then, but the discussion around them that ensues. As Moneke explains, “part of our model allows for things to be discovered and to be talked about in a different way; we always encourage conversation afterwards.” Those discussions are not always easy, as in the case of Elia Kazan’s Pinky which, brazen McCarthyism aside, is about a white-passing Black woman played by a white actress. For Aston, however, this made its inclusion all the more important. “It would have been quite a controversial film at the time, but in a different way to now. We want to talk about what has really changed in the last 70 years.”
Another discussion will include the writer Nikesh Shukla, who edited the 2016 book ‘The Good Immigrant’, which is one of the season’s core themes alongside “mother tongue” and “the significance of names”. Kassi, who is hosting the event, explains, “Though film is our main thing, we’re also trying to look at literature, art and music as part of our digital takeover. We’re curating a playlist of music as well. There’s a lot European rap on there, which I’m personally fascinated by. If you talk about dual heritage and mixed identity, the go-to genre seems to be rap and hip hop.”
While the members of T A P E each have different backgrounds, they all connect with the season’s broader themes. As Kassi explains, “It’s a pattern you see repeated no matter what the country of origin is, no matter the country of the film. Whether it’s people living in a diaspora or immigrants or children of immigrants, it’s relatable. Even though the programme seems quite varied, it’s something we all felt we could relate to.”
T A P E Collective are taking over the BFI’s online channels for one week from 28 June, and their season ‘But Where Are You Really From?’ runs at BFI Southbank throughout July.
The post A new film season explores what it means to be mixed heritage appeared first on Little White Lies.
source https://lwlies.com/articles/tape-collective-bfi-but-where-are-you-really-from/
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gordonwilliamsweb · 3 years
For Spring Season, Young Athletes Get Back in the Game Despite Covid Risk
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This story also ran on USA Today. It can be republished for free.
This spring, high school senior Nathan Kassis will play baseball in the shadow of covid-19 — wearing a neck gaiter under his catcher’s mask, sitting 6 feet from teammates in the dugout and trading elbow bumps for hugs after wins.
“We’re looking forward to having a season,” said the 18-year-old catcher for Dublin Coffman High School, outside Columbus, Ohio. “This game is something we really love.”
Kassis, whose team has started practices, is one of the millions of young people getting back onto ballfields, tennis courts and golf courses amid a decline in covid cases as spring approaches. But pandemic precautions portend a very different season this year, and some school districts still are delaying play — spurring spats among parents, coaches and public health experts across the nation.
Since fall, many parents have rallied for their kids to be allowed to play sports and objected to some safety policies, such as limits on spectators. Doctors, meanwhile, haven’t reached a consensus on whether contact sports are safe enough, especially indoors. While children are less likely than adults to become seriously ill from covid, they can still spread it, and those under 16 can’t be vaccinated yet.
Less was known about the virus early in the pandemic, so high school sports basically stopped last spring, starting up again in fits and spurts over the fall and winter in some places. Some kids turned to recreational leagues when their school teams weren’t an option.
But now, according to the National Federation of State High School Associations, public high school sports are underway in every state, though not every district. Schedules in many places are being changed and condensed to allow as many sports as possible, including those not usually played in the spring, to make up for earlier cancellations.
Coaches and doctors agree that playing sports during a pandemic requires balancing the risk of covid with benefits such as improved cardiovascular fitness, strength and mental health. School sports can lead to college scholarships for the most elite student athletes, but even for those who end competitive athletics with high school, the rewards of playing can be extensive. Decisions about resuming sports, however, involve weighing the importance of academics against athletics, since adding covid risks from sports could jeopardize in-person learning during the pandemic.
Tim Saunders, executive director of the National High School Baseball Coaches Association and coach at Dublin Coffman, said the pandemic has taken a significant mental and social toll on players. In a May survey of more than 3,000 teen athletes in Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin researchers found that about two-thirds reported symptoms of anxiety and the same portion reported symptoms of depression. Other studies have shown similar problems for students generally.
“You have to look at the kids and their depression,” Saunders said. “They need to be outside. They need to be with their friends.”
Before letting kids play sports, though, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said, coaches and school administrators should consider things like students’ underlying health conditions, the physical closeness of players in the specific sport and how widely covid is spreading locally.
Karissa Niehoff, executive director of the high school federation, has argued that spring sports should be available to all students after last year’s cancellations. She said covid spread among student athletes — and the adults who live and work with them — is correlated to transmission rates in the community.
“Sports themselves are not spreaders when proper precautions are in place,” she said.
Still, outbreaks have occurred. A January report by CDC researchers pointed to a high school wrestling tournament in Florida after which 38 of 130 participants were diagnosed with covid. (Fewer than half were tested.) The report’s authors said outbreaks linked to youth sports suggest that close contact during practices, competitions and related social gatherings all raise the risk of the disease and “could jeopardize the safe operation of in-person education.”
Dr. Kevin Kavanagh, an infection control expert in Kentucky who runs the national patient safety group Health Watch USA, said contact sports are “very problematic,” especially those played indoors. He said heavy breathing during exertion could raise the risk of covid even if students wear cloth masks. Ideally, he said, indoor contact sports should not be played until after the pandemic.
“These are not professional athletes,” Kavanagh said. “They’re children.”
A study released in January by University of Wisconsin researchers, who surveyed high school athletic directors representing more than 150,000 athletes nationally, bolsters the idea that indoor contact sports carry greater risks, finding a lower incidence of covid among athletes playing outdoor, non-contact sports such as golf and tennis.
Overall, “there’s not much evidence of transmission between players outdoors,” said Dr. Andrew Watson, lead author of the study, which he is submitting for peer-reviewed publication.
Dr. Jason Newland, a pediatrics professor at Washington University in St. Louis, said all sorts of youth sports, including indoor contact sports such as basketball, can be safe with the right prevention measures. He supported his daughter playing basketball while wearing a mask at her Kirkwood, Missouri, high school.
Doctors also pointed to other safety measures, such as forgoing locker rooms, keeping kids 6 feet apart when they’re not playing and requiring kids to bring their own water to games.
“The reality is, from a safety standpoint, sports can be played,” Newland said. “It’s the team dinner, the sleepover with the team — that’s where the issue shows up. It’s not the actual games.”
In Nevada’s Clark County School District, administrators said they’d restart sports only after students in grades 6-12 trickle back for in-person instruction as part of a hybrid model starting in late March. Cases in the county have dropped precipitously in recent weeks, from a seven-day average of 1,924 cases a day on Jan. 10 to about 64 on March 3.
In early April, practices for spring sports such as track, swimming, golf and volleyball are scheduled to begin, with intramural fall sports held in April and May. No spectators will be allowed.
Parents who wanted sports to start much earlier created Let Them Play Nevada, one of many groups that popped up to protest the suspension of youth athletics. The Nevada group rallied late last month outside the Clark County school district’s offices shortly before the superintendent announced the reopening of schools to in-person learning.
Let Them Play Nevada organizer Dennis Goughnour said his son, Trey, a senior football player who also runs track, was “very, very distraught” this fall and winter about not playing.
With the reopening, he said, Trey will be able to run track, but the intramural football that will soon be allowed is “a joke,” essentially just practice with a scrimmage game.
“Basically, his senior year of football is a done deal. We are fighting for maybe one game, like a bowl game for the varsity squad at least,” he said. “They have done something, but too little, too late.”
Goughnour said Let Them Play is also fighting to have spectators at games. Limits on the numbers of spectators have riled parents across the nation, provoking “a ton of pushback,” said Niehoff, of the high school federation.
Parents have also objected to travel restrictions, quarantine rules and differing mask requirements. In Orange County, Florida, hundreds of parents signed a petition last fall against mandatory covid testing for football players.
Students, for their part, have quickly adjusted to pandemic requirements, including rules about masks, distancing and locker rooms, said Matt Troha, assistant executive director of the Illinois High School Association.
Kassis, the Ohio baseball player, said doing what’s required to stay safe is a small price to pay to get back in the game.
“We didn’t get to play at all last spring. I didn’t touch a baseball this summer,” he said. “It’s my senior year. I want to have a season and I’ll be devastated if we don’t.”
KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.
This story can be republished for free (details).
For Spring Season, Young Athletes Get Back in the Game Despite Covid Risk published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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tramsstudyblr · 4 years
Korean (& Korean-related) Favorites
To boost my own motivation to continue studying Korean. Here’s a couple of lists of some of my favorite things. (under a cut because otherwise this will be too long!)
Favorite youtube channels (language resource related):
All things Korean (Only been making videos for about a year, but has a lot of really informative videos both in regards to language but also culture)
Talk To Me In Korean (They have so many videos + a whole website, of language resources. Everything from grammar to pronounciation, and miscellaneous other topics. Also they have been producing a ridiculous amount of content these past 6 months on their youtube channel, so it can be a bit overwhelming/daunting, but I really recommend this channel)
Learn Korean with GO! Billy Korean (a lot of grammar lessons, as well as general advice and reccomendations for studying, videos about culture. Has a livestream every sunday where he does an indepth lesson on a grammar subject. Splits everything into beginner, intermediate and advanced learners. Has a new series of videos for beginners. Also practice videos for intermediate and advanced learners)
K-waterbottle (not really a language resource as such, but he explains korean memes)
There are a lot more channels out there, Billy Go has two videos recommending other youtube channels. But I haven’t gotten around to checking them out.
Favorite youtube channels (other):
영국남자 Korean Englishman/Jolly (In theory they could I guess be used as a language resource since they have subtitles that are both in English and Korean. But mostly, they are entertainment. English guys introducing Korean food and culture, also Ollie is trying to learn Korean, and that is frequently hilarious. They are super funny and I adore their channels.
Some South Korean vloggers I follow to:
Mejoo and Cats
수린 suzlnne
이욜 eyol
하루한끼 one meal a day
Favorite variety shows:
The Great Escape (Three seasons of a group of Korean celebrities taking on the most ambitious elaborate escape “rooms” you’ll ever see. The budget for this show must be astronomical. Its one of my comfort shows actually, I love this show. Its funny and delightful)
New Journey to the West (My most favorite variety show. I love and adore it! Group of Korean celebrities, dress up, travel to places [though for the most recent seasons been confined to Korea for various reasons] and play games. Its a heartwarming as well as funny show, and the castmembers feel like they are family. Some of them have actually worked together for almost 20 years, including the producer, so they really do have a familiarity with each other, but even the newer kids are welcomed in the family). It also has spin-offs!
Kang’s Kitchen (The cast get to run a restaurant, with all the ups and down. It’s a bit more serious as they really do focus more on doing their best instead of being funny, but they still do manage to be funny, no the least because of the ways they mess up. Its actually even more heartwarming and a comfort show for me)
Various shorter spin-offs, featuring different pairings of the cast on their youtube channel 
(one of the writers on NJTTW is also a writer on the drama Hospital Playlist, so there are also videos related to that show on this youtube channel, but I haven’t watched that drama so idk much about them) 
I Can See Your Voice (Okay, so the synopsis of this is a bit... iffy I know. But the actual show actually manages to be geniunely uplifting at times, despite it. The general idea is that, celebrity guest, along with an expert panel have to guess who in a line-up of complete strangers, are the tone deaf and the talented singers. And everyone in the line-up then gets to perform. And I know it sounds like its just a set-up to laugh at the people who can’t sing. But all of the tone deaf performers just seem so game for it and getting to perform on stage on TV must be a powerful incentive. I started out just watching it for specific guests, but then the last two-three seasons I watched all episodes regardless of guests, because of the interviews with the people participating, its very refreshing after mainly idol/celebrity focused things I’ve watched, to listen to ordinary people and their stories)
Favorite K-drama:
(disclaimer: I have a bad habit of starting to watch a drama and then quitting before I’ve watched all episodes. But I do have a few I finished!)
Memorist (I finished this one recently. Crime drama with a lot of twists [some more expected than others] I appreciated it for its focus on plot and not really having a explicit romance angle since I wanted to watch something for the mystery. Anyway it was really quite good and entertaining)
Because This Is My First Life (I love love love loved this drama! A romance I could really get invested in)
It’s Okay That’s Love (You ever watch a kdrama that deals with mental ilness in a way that isn’t wildly offensive? This one is actually pretty good)
Moonlight Drawn by Clouds (I love this drama. Or do I love the way this drama played out in my head more? Tricky question. It’s a great drama either way [though the one in my head is slightly better].)
Favorite Korean Movies:
Masquerade (2012)
The Good, The Bad, The Weird (2008)
Jeon Woochi The Taoist Wizard (2009)
Parasite (2019)
Spellbound (2011)
The Handmaiden (2016)
The Man From Nowhere (2010)
The War of Arrows (2011)
The Grand Heist (2012)
The Merciless (2017)
Train To Busan (2016)
#Alive (2020)
Assassination (2015)
Secretly Greatly (2013)
The King and The Clown (2005)
Favorite Korean Music:
(I will not link to youtube music videos because then we’ll be here for an eternity and this will never get done. But I will list some songs) I got into kpop/kvariety all of this two years ago, but I was for some reason mostly drawn to groups that had been around for some time.
Block B (Don’t Leave, Yesterday, One Way, A Few Years Later, Toy, Her, Jackpot, Very Good, Movie’s Over, Be the Light, Romantically, Mental Breaker, Walkin’ In The Rain, Like This)
Winner (Millions, Ah Yeah, Remember, Well, Raining, Movie Star, We Were, For, Air, Fool, Love me Love me, Island, Really Really, Immature, Baby Baby, Don’t Flirt, Color Ring)
Sechskies (Road Fighter, pom saeng pom sa, Come to Me Baby, Couple, Yegam, Heartbreak [original and remastered versions], Reckless Love, Round & Round, Something Special, Smile, Backhug, Drinking Problem, Be Well, Vertigo, It's Been A While, Sad Song, Three Words)
Super Junior (Make You Smile, Ahora Te Puedes Marchar [okay so neither of those two is in Korean, but I love them!], Animals, One More Time, I Do, This is Love, Stars Appear, Islands, Evanesce, Bonamana, One More Chance,)
Buzz (Thorn, Tree, Coward, My Love, Don’t know Men, The Love, The First Summer in 8 years, Just One, Travel to Me)
Dreamcatcher (Chase Me, Good Night, Fly High, You and I, What, Deja Vu, Scream, R.o.S.E BLUE, Boca)
Speed [Sadly disbanded before I even found them, but I spent like a week obsessively watching every youtube video of them performing Don’t Tease Me. And after listening to some more of their songs I found I liked them] (Don’t Tease Me, Pain the love of heart, One Day, It's Over, That's My Fault, Luv Ya, Never Say Goodbye, Why I'm Not)
Miss A [sadly also disbanded before I found out about them] (Hush, Bad Girl Good Girl, Only You, Good-bye Baby, I Don't Need a Man, Breathe)
Park Kyung (of Block B. He has like 10 solo songs, I love them all and are by far my most played songs. So I could list all of them, or just leave it at this)
Kassy/케이시 (Listen to This Song[seriously, do listen to it, its so comforting], True Song, Tock Tock, The Day Was Beautiful, Story of Nightfall, When Love Comes By, Let it Rain)
Eun Jiwon (of Sechskies [and many variety shows]) (I'm On Fire, Hooligan, Same, Hate, Worthless, Trauma, 8t Truck, Never Ever, Adios, While Buzzed/Fuddled)
Bonus (random songs I like)
Park Hyoshin - Wild Flower
Park Hyoshin - Snow Flower
Sejeong - Flower Way
Twice - What Is Love?
Crayon Pop - Bing Bing
Vixx - Error
Zico - Human
Zico - The Language of Flowers
Zico - Being Left
Zico - Balloon
Wonder Girls - Why So Lonely
Wonder Girls - Nobody
Seventeen - Clap
BTOB - Way Back Home
g.o.d - The Story of Our Lives
g.o.d - A Funny But Sad Day
Gaho - Start
Lee Hi - Breathe
Urban Zakapa - I don't Love You
IU - Love Poem
Crush - Beautiful
Ailee - I Will Go To You Like The First Snow
J-Walk - Frappuccino
Melomance - Gift
I could probably spend another week or two adding songs to this list, so lets cut it short now.
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